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LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 1 organizacional OOuuttlliinnee TTrraaiitt aanndd BBeehhaavviioorraall TThheeoorriieess ooff LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp •Trait Theory •Behavioral Styles Theory SSiittuuaattiioonnaall TThheeoorriieess •Fiedler’s Contingency Model •Path-Goal Theory •Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 2 organizacional OOuuttlliinnee ((ccoonnttiinnuueedd)) FFrroomm TTrraannssaaccttiioonnaall ttoo CChhaarriissmmaattiicc LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp •How Does Charismatic Leadership Transform Followers? •Research and Managerial Implications AAddddiittiioonnaall PPeerrssppeeccttiivveess oonn LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp •The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Model of Leadership •Substitutes for Leadership •Servant-Leadership •Superleadership Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 3 organizacional Leadership LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp influencing (cid:146)(cid:146) employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals Management use of (cid:146) authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members. Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 4 organizacional TTrraaiitt TThheeoorryy LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp TTrraaiittss: represent the personal characteristics that differentiate leaders from followers. HHiissttoorriicc ffiinnddiinnggss rreevveeaall tthhaatt lleeaaddeerrss aanndd ffoolllloowweerrss •• vvaarryy bbyy - intelligence - dominance - self-confidence - level of energy and activity - task-relevant knowledge CCoonntteemmppoorraarryy ffiinnddiinnggss sshhooww tthhaatt •• - people tend to perceive that someone is a leader when he or she exhibits traits associated with intelligence, masculinity, and dominance - people want their leaders to be credible - credible leaders are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competent Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 5 organizacional TTrraaiitt TThheeoorryy ((ccoonnttiinnuueedd)) GGeennddeerr aanndd lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp •• - men and women were seen as displaying more task and social leadership, respectively - women used a more democratic or participative style than men, and men used a more autocratic and directive style than women - men and women were equally assertive - women executives, when rated by their peers, managers and direct reports, scored higher than their male counterparts on a variety of effectiveness criteria Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 6 organizacional Trait Theories LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp TTrraaiittss:: Leadership Traits: Traits Theories of •• AAmmbbiittiioonn aanndd eenneerrggyy Leadership • Ambition and energy •• TThhee ddeessiirree ttoo lleeaadd • The desire to lead Theories that consider personality, social, •• HHoonneesstt aanndd iinntteeggrriittyy • Honest and integrity physical, or intellectual •• SSeellff--ccoonnffiiddeennccee • Self-confidence traits to differentiate •• IInntteelllliiggeennccee leaders from nonleaders. • Intelligence •• HHiigghh sseellff--mmoonniittoorriinngg • High self-monitoring •• JJoobb--rreelleevvaanntt • Job-relevant kknnoowwlleeddggee knowledge Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 7 organizacional Trait Theories LLLiimimmiitittaaatttiioioonnnsss:: : •• NNoo uunniivveerrssaall ttrraaiittss ffoouunndd tthhaatt pprreeddiicctt • No universal traits found that predict lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp iinn aallll ssiittuuaattiioonnss.. leadership in all situations. •• TTrraaiittss pprreeddiicctt bbeehhaavviioorr bbeetttteerr iinn ““wweeaakk”” • Traits predict behavior better in “weak” tthhaann ““ssttrroonngg”” ssiittuuaattiioonnss.. than “strong” situations. •• UUnncclleeaarr eevviiddeennccee ooff tthhee ccaauussee aanndd eeffffeecctt • Unclear evidence of the cause and effect ooff rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp ooff lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp aanndd ttrraaiittss.. of relationship of leadership and traits. •• BBeetttteerr pprreeddiiccttoorr ooff tthhee aappppeeaarraannccee ooff • Better predictor of the appearance of lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp tthhaann ddiissttiinngguuiisshhiinngg eeffffeeccttiivvee leadership than distinguishing effective aanndd iinneeffffeeccttiivvee lleeaaddeerrss.. and ineffective leaders. Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 8 organizacional Behavioral Theories Behavioral Theories of Leadership Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders. •• TTrraaiitt tthheeoorryy:: • Trait theory: LLeeaaddeerrss aarree bboorrnn,, nnoott mmaaddee.. Leaders are born, not made. •• BBeehhaavviioorraall tthheeoorryy:: • Behavioral theory: LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp ttrraaiittss ccaann bbee ttaauugghhtt.. Leadership traits can be taught. Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 9 organizacional BBeehhaavviioorraall SSttyylleess TThheeoorryy OOhhiioo SSttaattee SSttuuddiieess identified two critical dimensions of leader •• behavior. 11.. CCoonnssiiddeerraattiioonn::creating mutual respect and trust with followers 22.. IInniittiiaattiinngg SSttrruuccttuurree::organizing and defining what group members should be doing UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMiicchhiiggaann SSttuuddiieess identified two leadership •• styles that were similar to the Ohio State studies - one style was employee centered and the other was job centered BBllaakkee aanndd MMoouuttoonn’’ss MMaannaaggeerriiaall GGrriidd represents four •• leadership styles found by crossing concern for production and concern for people • Research shows that there is not one best style of leadership. The effectiveness of a particular leadership style depends on the situation at hand. Comportamiento M. En C. Eduardo Bustos Farías 10 organizacional

she exhibits traits associated with intelligence, Examine Think through problems from all perspectives. Do Situational Leadership Theory Leader Behavior
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