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1 Biomaterials 0 0 w g 4.f s.or105 ac0- bs.01 u2 3, 2012 | http://pdoi: 10.1021/bk- e 20 | n1 u0 J2 4.136 on mber 18, 163.3Nove by 89.Web): oaded Date ( nln wo Doati c bli u P In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. 1 0 0 w g 4.f s.or105 ac0- bs.01 u2 3, 2012 | http://pdoi: 10.1021/bk- e 20 | n1 u0 J2 4.136 on mber 18, 163.3Nove by 89.Web): oaded Date ( nln wo Doati c bli u P In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. 1054 ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES Biomaterials Ankur S. Kulshrestha, Editor BD 01 Anil Mahapatro, Editor 0 w g 4.f Department of Chemistry s.or105 Norfolk State University ac0- bs.01 3, 2012 | http://pudoi: 10.1021/bk-2 National InstiLtuoteNroaiftAioBn.ioaHml IeendnsitcidatueltreImssoaogfniH,ngeEaadltnhidtoBrioengineering e 20 | n1 u0 J2 4.136 on mber 18, 163.3Nove by 89.Web): oaded Date ( nln wo Doati c bli u P Sponsored by the ACSDivisionofPolymericMaterials: ScienceandEngineering AmericanChemicalSociety,Washington,DC In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. 1 0 0 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData w g 4.f s.or105 Biomaterials/[editedby]AnkurS.Kulshrestha,AnilMahapatro,LoriA.Henderson. ac0- p.cm.-- (ACSsymposiumseries;1054) bs.01 Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. u2 e 23, 2012 | http://p0 | doi: 10.1021/bk- H1IR6e.S1n8BB0d5.Nei72or.8Msm9-o7-e3nd8dB,c-iL20c42-ao78lr64im61Aa22.t-0e21r5i0a6l7s--1-C(oanlkg.rpesaspees2r.)0I1.0K04u5ls0h3r1estha,AnkurS.II.Mahapatro,Anil.III. n1 u0 J2 4.136 on mber 18, ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsofAmericanNational 163.3Nove SAtNanSdIaZrd39fo.4r8Inn1f9o8rm4.ation Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, by 89.Web): Copyright©2010AmericanChemicalSociety oaded Date ( DistributedbyOxfordUniversityPress nln Dowatio AllRightsReserved. ReprographiccopyingbeyondthatpermittedbySections107or108 c oftheU.S.CopyrightActisallowedforinternaluseonly,providedthataper-chapterfeeof ubli $40.25plus$0.75perpageispaidtotheCopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222Rosewood P Drive,Danvers,MA01923,USA.Republicationorreproductionforsaleofpagesinthis bookispermittedonlyunderlicensefromACS.Directtheseandotherpermissionrequests toACSCopyrightOffice,PublicationsDivision,115516thStreet,N.W.,Washington,DC 20036. Thecitationoftradenamesand/ornamesofmanufacturersinthispublicationisnottobe construedasanendorsementorasapprovalbyACSofthecommercialproductsorservices referenced herein; nor should the mere reference herein to any drawing, specification, chemicalprocess, orotherdataberegardedasalicenseorasaconveyanceofanyright or permission to the holder, reader, or any other person or corporation, to manufacture, reproduce,use,orsellanypatentedinventionorcopyrightedworkthatmayinanywaybe relatedthereto. Registerednames,trademarks,etc.,usedinthispublication,evenwithout specificindicationthereof,arenottobeconsideredunprotectedbylaw. PRINTEDINTHEUNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. Foreword The ACS Symposium Series was first published in 1974 to provide a mechanism for publishing symposia quickly in book form. The purpose of the series is to publish timely, comprehensive books developed from the ACS sponsoredsymposiabasedoncurrentscientificresearch. Occasionally,booksare 1 00 developed from symposia sponsored by other organizations when the topic is of w g 4.f keeninteresttothechemistryaudience. s.or105 ac0- Beforeagreeingtopublishabook,theproposedtableofcontentsisreviewed bs.01 forappropriateandcomprehensivecoverageandforinteresttotheaudience. Some u2 3, 2012 | http://pdoi: 10.1021/bk- capaodnamdpdeempdrsr.aemnDhuearsnaycsfrtibsivepeotensfxecacshrsleua.pdpterWeedrpshtaoearnrebedeaptpiteneperrcrof-aoprmecrviueairsteaetw-,hreeeodavbdpeoyrrovifkoio;errwomtothaofietr.nrsainlmtaracoycdebupecttaaondrcydeecdohrtaorpetpjeerrcostvioiadrnee, ne 210 | As a rule, only original research papers and original review papers are u0 4.136 on Jmber 18, 2 ianreclundoetdacicnepthteedv.olumes. Verbatim reproductions of previous published papers 163.3Nove by 89.Web): ACSBooksDepartment oaded Date ( nln wo Doati c bli u P In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. Preface The field of biomaterials has seen an exponential growth over the last few yearsleadingtonewstrategiesandfrontiersinthebiomedicalarena. Thisgrowth has been catalyzed by the need to accelerate the discovery and translation of emergingtechnologiesinanumberofareassuchastissueengineeringwherethe 1 0 deliveryofbioactiveagentscanhelptotreat,repairorrestorefunctionofdamaged 0 g 4.pr tissues. Theemergenceofthesenewbiomaterialbasedtechnologieshasresulted s.or105 from the convergence of principles from various disciplines such as materials p://pubs.ac1/bk-2010- cscoinesnMucmeo,etbirvsioataeinnodgnisninetseourirniemgrs,pmrhoaovsleecfuuhelealaerldtbhicooalonngtdiyn,ulbooiwuoscehrienlmnoonisvgtar-ytteioramnndtotnrwaenaaotrmdtesecnhdtneovcleoolsogtpys.intgo htt02 novelpolymericcompositionswhichcanbeusedtomanufacturemedicaldevices 12 | 10.1 with markedly lower risk of failure and adverse immune reactions. Polymers ne 23, 2010 | doi: rinepbreiosemnetdtihcaelmapopslticvaetirosnatsilreancglainssg ofrfombiosmuragtiecraiallsa,ndbeoicnuglaerxdteenvsiicveesl,yimappplalinetds Ju20 and supporting materials, drug delivery systems and drug device combinations, 136 on ber 18, cboionssetrnuscotrss.aTndhiosthveerrsdaitailgitnyosrteiscualtsssafyros,mtothtiessfuaectatdhhaetspivoelsymanedrsticsasnuebeenpgrinepeearreedd 4.m 3e in different compositions with a wide variety of structures and appropriate 163.Nov physicochemical, interfacial and biomimetic properties to meet specific end 89.b): applications. ed by e (We The purpose of this book is to publish, in one volume, the latest findings oadDat of the leading researchers in the field of polymeric biomaterials. It consists of nln 13 chapters which provide examples and reviews of recent developments in the wo Docati synthesis,characterization,andapplicationsofpolymericbiomaterials bli This book is based on a successful international symposium “Biomaterials u P andBioengineering”heldatthe239thNationalMeetingoftheAmericanChemical Society(ACS)inWashingtonDCfromAugust16-20,2009. Thepurposeofthe symposiumwastocreateaforumtofosterdialogueandexchangeofinformation between researchers, educators and developers of medical devices who are seekingtocreatenewknowledgeandtechnologybyusingpolymericbiomaterials forvariousbiomedicalapplications. Leadersinthisfieldgatheredtopresenttheir interestingandnoteworthyfindings. Theparticipantsrepresentedmanycountries and included scientists from academics, industry, and government laboratories. Hopefully this book serves to transmit the latest information to the readers and alsocapturessomeoftheexcitementofthesymposiumintheprocess. We thank the authors for their contributions and wish them success in their ongoingpursuitfornovelbiomaterialsandadvancedtechnologiesthatcontribute to improvement in healthcare and quality of life. A special thanks to the ACS ix In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering for sponsoring the symposium and to the ACS books department for being patient through the compilationofthissymposiumseriesbook. AnkurS.Kulshrestha BD 1BectonDrive FranklinLakes, NJ07417 1 0 0 pr s.org 1054. AnilMahapatro ac0- p://pubs.1/bk-201 CenterforBiotechnologyandBiomedicalSciences htt02 DepartmentofChemistry 2 | 0.1 NorfolkStateUniversity 11 ne 23, 2010 | doi: 7N0o0rfPoalkrk, VAAve2n3u5e04 u0 J2 36 on er 18, 1b 4.m LoriA.Henderson 3e 163.Nov 89.b): by We NationalInstitutesofHealth ed e ( NationalInstituteofBiomedicalImagingandBioengineering oadDat DivisionofDiscoveryScienceandTechnology nln Dowblicatio B67e0th7eDsdeam, MocDrac2y08B9lv2d. Suite200 u P x In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. Chapter 1 Review: Polymeric Scaffold Materials for Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional in Vitro Culture of Hepatocytes 1 0 0 h g 4.c Amol V. Janorkar* s.or105 p://pubs.ac1/bk-2010- DoefpMaristmsisesniptpoifMBieodmiceadli*cCaajelanMntoearrt,[email protected],taSetcedh.Soetdorlueoeft,DJeanctkissotrny,,MUnSiv3e9r2s1i6ty htt02 2 | 0.1 11 3, 20doi: ne 210 | In vitro culture of hepatocytes (liver cells) is a challenging Ju20 culture system. Despite a volume of research, the effective 136 on ber 18, bbiioomloagtiecrailaflsunfoctriohnepoavteorcyatneecxutletnudreedthcautltsuursetapineriaohdiganhdleinvdelucoef 4.m 3e 3-dimensional (3-D) liver-like tissue structure remain elusive. 163.Nov In this article, a summary of the currently available polymeric 89.b): biomaterials for long term hepatocyte culture is presented. oaded by Date (We bTihoimsarteevriieawls pparortpicouseladrldyufroincgustehseolanstthdeecsaydneth(e2ti0c00a-n2d00n9a)tufroarl nln in vitro liver cell culture in static condition. Specifically, the wo Docati 2-D culture, 3-D encapsulation in hydrogels, culture on 3-D bli sponges, and culture on polymeric substrates that induce 3-D u P hepatocytespheroidformationarediscussed. Introduction Liver plays a central role in both endocrine and exocrine physiological functionsincludingformationandsecretionofbile,albumin,andurea,metabolism of cholesterol and fat, and detoxification. According to the annual report of the American Liver Foundation in 2000, hepatitis and other liver diseases affect 25 million Americans. Liver failure is the 8th most frequent cause of death in the United States, accounting for roughly 43,000 deaths each year. Liver transplantation is currently the only effective treatment for medically refractory liver failure. Liver transplantation has some shortfalls, however, including a shortage of donor organs, restrictions on potential recipients, and side effects of ©2010AmericanChemicalSociety In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. drugs used to prevent rejection after transplantation (1). The problem of organ scarcityisshownbythefactthatnearly2000candidatesforlivertransplantation died on the waiting list in 2003. Over 500 of these patients were listed with a diagnosisoffulminanthepaticfailure. Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, contributing factors of obesity, are responsibleformorethan300,000deathsperyear, makingitthesecondleading cause of preventable death after smoking (2). Obesity is now considered an epidemicasmorethan65%ofAmericanadultpopulationisclassifiedasobeseor overweight(3,4). Obesitypredisposesindividualstoanincreasedriskformany diseases (5–14) including cardiovascular disease (5), hypertension (6), type-2 diabetes(7)andnonalcoholicfattyliverdisease(NAFLD)(9–14). Inparticular, theprevalenceofNAFLDrangesfrom10%to39%invariouspopulationsaround 1 the world, and is likely to increase due to the ever increasing number of obese 0 0 h individuals (13, 14). The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends c acs.org 0-1054. tchlianticiniavnoslvteosslcorwee-nfaptadtiieetntasndfoerxoebrecsisiteytoancdonotfrfoerl tahecopmatmieonnt’smbooddeyowf etriegahttmaenndt http://pubs.021/bk-201 ibnltoeordIvnesnvutigitoraonrcaleutvlttheulesrec(e1ol5flu,hl1aerp6a)l.etovTceylh,teebsuotrpeetmixmaaacinltsatrpteopartbomeaecanhtefesfrostritlierllaaprreiedmaacoiunfreruenmsceulaesratcrh.inacsluwdee 2 | 0.1 look for hepatocytes that can be cultured at high cell densities and demonstrate 11 ne 23, 2010 | doi: nbheeigchuesslseiadvreyirn-ssupapnepcoiefixrtctrtafoucoanrcpptiaootrineesanlt(1bw7ioi)t.ahrtaSinfiuccaihdalvhalinigvchee-rdpedlriefvvoeirrcmed,iinswgeahhsiecehpuanmtotiaclyyhteepsrroecvcaiendivetehtsehnae u0 J2 36 on er 18, duosendatetodliinvvere.stTighaete2-dniemwentsreioantmale(n2t-Dap)pprloaancahrecsulitnureviotrfoh.epaUtoncfyotretsunisatceulyrr,enthtliys 1b 4.m over-simplifiedculturemodeldoesnotrepresentthecomplexinvivolivertissue. 3e 163.Nov Creationof3-Dinvitromodelsofthelivertissue,therefore,willhelpunderstand 89.b): the pathophysiology of liver diseases and discover new therapeutics. Polymer by We scaffoldsthatcansupportlivercellgrowthoveralong-termcultureperiodhave oaded Date ( greatpotentialinfindingthesolutionstotheseproblems. nln wo Docati TargetinVitroLiverStructures bli Pu Liver is organized into several hexagonal lobules (Fig. 1a) and within each lobule,hepatocytesarearrangedintocordsseparatedbyadjacentsinusoids(Fig. 1b). Anendotheliumliesadjacenttothehepaticcordwithaseparationdistance ofabout500nmcalledthespaceofDisse. Withinthehepaticcords,hepatocytes appeartobecloselypackedcells(Fig. 1c)(18). In vitro culture of hepatocytes (liver cells) is a challenging culture system. Over the last couple of decades, great strides have been made to determine the effectivebiomaterialsforhepatocyteculturethatsustainahighlevelofbiological functionoveranextendedcultureperiodandinducea3-dimensional(3-D)liver- liketissuestructure. Inthisarticle,asummaryofthecurrentlyavailablepolymeric biomaterialsforlongtermhepatocytecultureispresented. Thisreviewparticularly focusesonthesyntheticandnaturalbiomaterialsproposedduringthelastdecade (2000-2009)forinvitrolivercellcultureinstaticcondition. Readersarereferredto anexcellentreviewofthedesignprinciplesinbiomaterialsfortissueengineering 2 In Biomaterials; Kulshrestha, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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