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Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology PDF

274 Pages·1960·7.214 MB·English
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ANAXIMANDER AND THE ORIGINS OF GREEK COSMOLOGY By CHARLES H. KAHN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS, NEW YORK 1960 ANAXIMANDER Small portrait relict, probably early Roman Empire after Hellenistic original (Museo Nazionale Romano) ANAXIMANDER AND THE ORIGINS OF GREEK COSMOLOGY THE STANWOOD COCKEY LODGE FOUNDATION HAS GENEROUSLY PROVIDED FUNDS TO ASSIST IN THE PUBLICATION OF THIS VOLUME Published 1960, Columbia University Press, New York Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-11677 Published in Great Britain, India, and Pakistan by the Oxford University Press London, Bombay, and Karachi Printed in Great Britain To Kurt von Fritz CONTENTS PREFACE ABBREVIATIONS AND SHORT TITLES USED IN CITATION BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE INTRODUCTION The Documentary Evidence for Anaximander’s Views INTRODUCTION TO THE DOXOGRAPHY II Theophrastus and His Excerptors, 12. Theophrastus as an Historian of Early Greek Philosophy, 17. Supplementary Note: On the Relative Accuracy of Aristotle and Theophrastus in the Use of Documentary Material, 22. ARRANGEMENT OF THE DOXOGRAPHY 25 Topics of the Doxography for Anaximander, 26. Abbreviations of Authors in the Doxography, 27. Correspondence with the Arrangement in Diels-Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 27. THE DOXOGRAPHY: TEXTS AND COMMENTARY 28 The Cosmology of Anaximander I. THE MILESIAN THEORY OF THE NATURAL WORLD 75 Position of the Earth, 76. Form of the Earth, 81. Antipodes, 84. Formation of the Heavens; Stars and Sun; The Moon; Size, Position, and Distance of the Rings, 85. Meteorology, 98. Wind; Rain; Lightning and Thunder, 100. Origin of the Sea, 102. Origin of Animal Life; Descent of Man, 109. The ψυχή, 114. Supplementary Note: The Earliest Doctrine of a Spherical Earth, 115. II. ELEMENTS AND OPPOSITES: THE MEMBERS OF THE WORLD The Classic Doctrine, 121. The Origins, 133. Supplementary Note: On the Chronological Relationship Between Anaxagoras and Empedocles, 163. vill CONTENTS III. ANAXIMANDER'S FRAGMENT: THE UNIVERSE GOVERNED BY LAW 166 The Language of the Fragment, 168. A Literal Interpretation, 178. The Philosophic Sense of the Fragment, 183. Supplemen- tary Note: The Earlier Interpretations of the Fragment, 193. Conclusion MILESIAN SPECULATION AND THE GREEK PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 199 Appendices I. THE USAGE OF THE TERM KOZMOZ IN EARLY GREEK PHILOSOPHY 219 II. THE AITEIPON OF ANAXIMANDER 231 NOTE: THE FIRST GREEK PROSE TREATISE 240 Indices SUBJECTS 243 NAMES AND CITATIONS 245 250 GREEK TERMS

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