lanK een Cowr photKou:u kYua-'mue nh untidnugg onigna no utrigcgearn o(e0 F..T homsoMnu,s eum VictoTrPiHa2 873r,epr oducceodur teosfyM rsD .M .T homson Maunsedu mV ictoria!. �� "PMIIGI' "OTillllmi\.JIIT" ABORIGIENCAOLN OA�NYD S OCIITT ltiiN IIII9711�0196I607I669I II�IIIIIUIIIIIIII :::· UTIIII. I'IIICI 1'111'11111I' IUCII 79.95 72.75 OXFORD CustomSeerrvi ce 9ISBN0 195m50766-5 �tLJ [email protected] UNIVERSITYP RESS AUSTRALI&A N Z AborigiEncaoln oym & Society • Austraattl hiTeah resohfoC lodl onisation lanK een OXFORD UNIVERSITPYR ESS OXFORD UNIVERSITYP RESS 253N ormanb yR oadS,o utMhe lbournVei,c tor3i2a0 5A,u stralia Oxford UnivPerressiissta yd epartmeonftt h eU niversoifOt xyf ord. Itfu rthertsh eU niversiotbyj'esc toifve ex celleinncr ee searscchh,o larship, ande ducatiboypn u blishwionrgl dwiidne OxforNde wY ork AucklanCda peT own Dare sS alaaHmo ngK ongK arachi KualLau mpurM adriMde lbourneM exicCoi tyN airobi NewD elhSih anghaTia ipeTio ronto Witho fficesi n ArgentiAnuas trBiraa zil CChzielcehR epublFirca ncGer eece GuatemalHau ngaryI talJya panP olanPdo rtugaSli ngapore South KoSrweiat zerlTahnadi laTunrdk eyU kraineV ietnam OXFORDi sa tradmea rko fO xforUdn iversPirteys s int heUK andi nc ertaoitnh ecro untries Copyrig©h t! anKe en2 004 Firpsutb lished 2004 Reprint2e0d0 62,0 08 Thibso oki sc opyrigAhpta.rfr to m anyf aid.era lifnogrt hep urposes ofp rivastteu dy, researcho,r r cerviiteaiwscp iesrmmi tteudn detrh e CopyrigAhcttn ,o p armta yb er eproducsetdo,r ienda retriesvyaslt em, ortr ansmittienda ,n yf orm orb ya nym eanse,l ectronimce,c hanical, photocopyriencgo,r dionrog t herwisewi thoutp riowrri ttepne rmission. Enquirtioebs e m adet oO xforUdn iversPirteys s. Copyinfgoe rd ucatiopnualrpo ses Wherec opieosfp arotr t hew holoef t heb ooka rem adeu ndePra rVBt oft heC opyrigAhcttt ,h el awr equirtehsap tr escribperdo cedubree s followFeodr.i nformatcioonnt,a tchteC opyrigAhgte nclyi mited. Nationlailb raoryf A ustralia Cataloguing-in-Pubdlaitcaa:t ion KeenJ,a n. Aborigiencaoln omayn ds ocieAtuys:t raaltit ah et hreshoolfcd o lonisation. Bibliography. Includiensd ex. ISBN9 780 195 507696. ISBN0 195 507656. 1.E conomiacn thropology-Aus2t.Ar baolriiag.i Anuaslt raliEacnosn-omicco nditions. 3.H untinagn dg atherisnogc ieties-AusIt.Tr iatlliea.. 306.30994 Typesebty O UPANZS PrintiendH ongK ongt hrougShh ecWka h TongP rintiPnrge sLst d Coveprh otoK:u uku-Ymaa'na h untindgu gonign a no utrigcgaenro (eD F.. T homson, TPH2873, reproducceodu rteosfMy r sD .M .T homsoann dM useumV ictoria). Acknowledgments Spouosfetsae pnp elaaris ntt haec knowledsgofm ierInts thtsa ;Ln ikb bKye efnor hecro mpaniaonnidsn htiepl lseucptpuoarlt . ManYyol ngpue ophlaevi en strmuec taebdto huethi orm elaanndcd u ltIu re; thaenskp lelctyih a!ea tB�a rityhale,a Dtjea :wtah,e Dlhaat:et haannJdgi um,m y Wululfuor shar�jirnk gn owtlheIdl geea.r mnuecdh anbionuett eenth-century Gippselcaonndyo a mnsqo ciwehtiycl oen ductingo nbr eehsaoeflMa fir rcihm biak NatiAobnosr igCionraplo raIa tmig ornau;tl te omf any Gunnai/Kuforr nai people thehiors pyi,et saplleilctSyia andMrual lwehtotg ,u idmeed rounrde gtihoen . Thep ublicoaft itbohonioi skis n n os mamlela setu hrree soufel ntcu oragement angde nptrloem potnit nhge opfaJrHitel rnlyt ,h eonfO xofrUdn ivePrrseiwsthsyo, satwh per optohsraoliu tgishn isttiaaTglhe eps u.b lictaetaimOo xnfaor tdU niversity Prehsasv e beenh epluaplatf,ni edeffi ncti,eI t nhta;Dn ekb rJaa mewsh,os hepherded the btohorko tuhgpehu blicpahtaisoen,W ynCehsfrorsih si asd viTciemC, a mpbell forh imse ticueldoiutsit nhgte e oxaftn ,Rd a chSetailan neKdse rCroy okfeor the exceldleesniatgn ntd y pesetting. TheF aculRteiseesaF rucnhod f tAhuesl tiraNana tioUnnailv er(usfnidtebydy thAeu strRaelsieaa Crocuhn cpirlo)v iedsesde nfutnidastl os upptorratav enld reseawricthh in ASuusetFr raalsoiefatr .h e D epartomefAn rtc hoageyoa lnd Anthropwoalasol gwyag yesn erwoiuthshe tri miena dministtheofrsuniedn sg and ins upportthirene gs eairnc ho wtahye.Tsr h eN atioMnuasle uomf Etohgnyo l (MinpaiknOu s)a kaan d Jtahpea nMeisnteir soyf E ducaptrioovni gdeende rous finasnucpiapalon rhdto stpaildiutryim nytg i maes V ias iPtrieonsfgs ion2r 0 00.- 01 It haSnhku zKooy amaan Mda satKousbhfoior s ponsomry invgai snNidot b, uihro Kishifgoral moio kaitfnemgre . HeatMhceDrno alads'ssi dsueoaufrsorcm ha terpiraolvsit dhbeead c kboofn et he prjoecIt .at lhsaoVn ikr gBirnaine cahnuFdte liCcairftrorar eseaasrscihs atnadn ce, TraceDya lfiortc zh ecktihrneege f rences. Thes taofffa n umboefr musaenuadmr sc hiinAv uesst rhaalvbieea ev ne rgye n erowuistt hh etiirma en edx pertthAieus set:r IanlsitaoinfAt buotrei gainTndora rle s StrIasilta nMduesresuV,mi ctotrhiWeae s,t eAruns traMluisaenut mh,eS outh AustrMaulsieauntm h,Se t aLtieb roafAr uys trtahlleii ab,ro aftr hyUe n iverosfi ty WesteAruns traanltdih Jae., B aSt.t Lyieb rianPr eyr th. Ptahratnaikrcdseuu lteao r LindAyl ieMna,r Myo rrRioss,e mWarreyn cahn,d tchoelilre aatgM uuesse um iii iv Acknowledgments Victoarntidoa S ,a nTdoyu ssafoiran dtv iacbeor uets ouirWnce setse Aruns ltirFaao.r givimnega ccteos s tPhheDit rh esIae msg rautlte ofL aurDeonuts sAnente,t te HamiltoMni,k Pei ckeTroniynR ge,drn onda,nF dr edVriiecs ner. Duringt immiyeJn a pmaann cyo lleaattg huNeea st ioMnuasle um of yE thnolog (Minp,a kaus)a smw eemlble orfts h Aeu stralian Sfotrmuo dtiheuesnr i Gvreoruspi tiaensdo rganispartoivoiindnset,de llsetcitmuuaalln udhs o stpatilyTi.h em useum adminriasttsitvapeffr ovisduepdpw oirttuh na filpionlgi taenncdeh sefsue lrneMsy s. neighbionIu nrosk oMdraa nnid, AMnrnswo e,r eex traorhdeilunplaif rngi uliyd ing ani lliteforreaitgetn herro tuhgJhea panese pboasntakanilrdn,e g ts,ay islt aenmds , wergee neriontu hseh iors pyi,at saw leirteth Kei shifgmaaimlTiyh .a naklsts oot he Yoshigfomasihliiyn N agasfaork miae moarblCeh ristmas. Att hUen iverosfQi uteye nsLleaonnSdna, t teratnhJdwu adiiCtta hm eron par ticipianat nee adrp lhya osfe rtehsee oanrw chhi cthhb ioso ikbs a sAe ndu.m ber of Austrcaollilaenha agvuee s gmievm eonr al saunpdep nocraotgu ermeantt times whemny r esohlavflsea ggIet dh;a enskp ellcRyio asiHtearn yT,i mR owsPee,t er SuttaonnBd,o bTo nkinasnoadnn ,o nymroeuvsi eowfe rptsrh oep foorst ahlbi oso k forO xofrUdn ivePrrseistys . Caottl hlAeeu asgtureNasal tiiaoUnnn ailv emrasdiet y heluplcf onunaennsdtu sg gesatbiootunhtpse r opoasta lv asrtiaoogufeis sti sn cep tioInt :ha Dnokn G ardJnuelrG,io ere rlClh,r Girse g,oF rryancMeesrclaFa rna,n ces anHdo waMrod rpy,ah nNdi coPleatsseo rn. Sevesrcahlo hlaavrrese spontod eds emainndpa arpsew ristc hom mentasn d invaliunaofbrlmea tainodtn o,s pecriefiqcu eIts htasKn:ik m A kermCahnr,i stina BirdJsoanlTelams s,i Dno naldLsaounrD,eo nuts CsoertDa,ol w ,B riDtuteel Bkeet,h GotPta,t rMiccCkov nelPla,uM le nunoMtitkP,ei ckeTroniynR ge,d mond, Alan RumesyE,l izaWbieltlhip aamrst,i ciintp haaenn ttsh rgoyph,oi lsotaonrCdye ntfrore Cross-rcaRlue lsteuarch semAiunsatrrNsaa ltiaiatoU nnn taihlve ey ,cr oslilteagues at the NiInntthe rnaCtoineofrneanloc neH untianngdG athering iSno cieties E�ingbhu( r200a2n)pd,a rticiintp haAenr tcshl aoegaoyn Ldi nguCiosnetfriecni cne Canbe(r2r20a.)0 Fotrh eciorm menotnps a rotfts h mea nuscraimgp rta utlte ofH arrAyl ien, I JereBmecyk eAttth,oC lh asCea,r olBiinrTedam ,s iDno naldLsaounr,De onsuts et, CorDalow ,B etGho tPte,t Heirs coFcrka,n cMeesrclaNa inc,o Pleatse rTsonoyn , RedmonBdr,u cRieg ys,Alb anR umsy,eP etTeonre Bro, bTo nkinsaonFdnr ,e deric ViesTnheetr w.oa noynmourse adfeorOr sxo frUdn iveyPr rseimstasd vee rhye luplf suggesftorii mopnreso mventtots h tee xatsw hao le. Foars siswtiatpnhhc toeo graapnohdts h ielrl usttrhataJinookhn Dnsa llwaint z, I I DunlLoepGa,a raamt StohueAt uhrs atlMiuasne utmh,Ne a tioLniablr,N a ircyolas Petoenrt,sh Peo ewrhoMuussee uJmo,hS nt anMtrosDn. H, .T homsaonnMd,u seum VictoTrhiaana.kl sst ooI aHna ywafrordd rawitnhmega pfsor C hap2t,eCr h ris Clarkfsorao dnv iacbeom uatps ouracneDdsa ,vM ec Gergofrort echnaiscsails tance. Contents Acknowledgments iii LisotfF igures vi LisotfM aps vii LisotfP lates viii LisotfT ables ix A Noteo nO rthographies xi Introduction ParItE cology 19 2 EnvironmaenndtR se sources 21 3 Technology 83 4 TheS easonRaolu ndP:o pulatSieotnt,l emaenndMt o,b ility 103 Par1t1I nstitutions 131 5 Identities 133 6 KinshainpdM arriage 174 7 CosmoloagnydQ uasi-technology 210 8 Governance 243 ParItlE lc onomy 273 9 Controoftl h eM eanosf P roduction 275 10 OrganisaotfPi roond uction 306 11 DistribauntdiC oonn sumption 335 12 ExchanagnedT rade 352 13 Conclusion 380 References 399 Glossary 420 Index 430 V LisotfF igures Fig4u.r1e MovemoefWn ets tDeersnre ertis dengcreo ups 112 Fig4u2.r e Movemoefwn ett -seSaasnodnb reeaiscdhe ngcreou ps 118 Fige4 u.3r Movemoefdn rty -sSeaansdobnre eascihd gernocuep s 119 Fiugr4e. 4 MovemoefYno ltgn uh niterrleiasdnedng creo ups 124 Fig5u.r1e As ectsiyosnt em 138 Fig5u.r2e As ubsescytsitoenm 139 Fig5u.3r e As emi-msoyisetteym 140 Fig5u.r4e Pijtajnattsjeacrtani aomne s 148 Fige5 u.r5 Sectniaomnei stn hDea rngl/iBarrewgoino n 153 Fig5u.r6e Varioefkt iifenos u inenda ch section 153 Fig5u.r7e Yolgnsuu bsescytsit(oesnmh owailtnegr mnaaratrgiievse) 169 Fig1u2r1. e PrvoenanicYneo lsgn ue xcnhgaree lations 367 Fig1u2r.e2 Movemtehnrto euxgchnh garee lations 372 LisotfM aps Map1 .1 Thes even cassuted ies 7 Map2.1 Gippslanvdeg ettaion 26 Map 2.2 Vegettaioonft h eP etremannR angs-elakeA madesur egioonft h e 34 WesternD esetr Map2 .3 Vegeattioonft h eD alrnig/aBrwonR iverreg ion 40 Map2 .4 Vegettaioonft h eso utcho asto fth eso uthwset 46 Map2 .5 VegettaioonfN esbiRtiv erreg io,en asetnr CapeYo rkP enisunla 54 Map2 .6 NorthwsetK imbelreyveg etation 62 Map2 .7 NorthesatA rnhem landv egetation 70 Map5.1 Kunaain dn eigohubrignd ilaecst 142 Map5 2. Kunaireg ionlia denitesi t 143 Map5 .3 Pijatnjattjaarp eolpe atnhder ni eighbrosAu:p proximatel ocation 147 oflan guagied etnitsei Map5 .4 Yuwaalyiaayp eolpe atnhder ni eighbrosAu:p proximatel ocation 150 oflna guagied einittes Map5 .5 Regioindaeln itesii ntt heso uthwsetfo rm Ma inongp erpsecvtei 155 Map5 .6 Regioniadle nitesii ntt heso uthwsetfo rma K.ik karp erpsecvtei 156 Map5 .7 Sandbeaacnhdn eighbriognu lnaguagied eitnetis 161 Map5 .8 WesternK imbelrelyan guagsoe fth Weo rorrran family 163 Map 5.9 Yolnugd ialgeorcutp sa ndt hienr eighoburs 166 LisotfP lates Plea2 t.1 A Pijatnjattjaarb oyd iggign forw atrei nr ockc ervicsei n the 32 MannR angseJ,ul y1 933 Pla2t2.e A womanw innowipnugr lsanseee d( Portuloaelcraa eca)i nth e 35 WarburotnR angseA,u gust1 935 Pla2t.3e TwoW esternD esetrw omenw et-miilgnl garsss eed 56 Pla2t4.e Yolgnuw omend iggign rkaa(yps iekt hruhs)i n tdhyre s eaosn 71 Plea 3t.1 A Sadnbeacwho manw orkign ata lomo 86 Pla3t.e2 Tool-kfiortm a kign Kimbelrepyo isn t 87 Pla3t.e3 Kunaime n inb arkc anoseL,a keT yers 88 Pla3t.e4 A Ngalimaan satlikgn afee dingk angroao 91 Pla3t.5e Minong mcpa aboveK ingG eogreS oun,ds mokef ormb urnnig-fof 92 int hemi ddldeist ance Palte3. 6 Stonfehi -strapso nt hDea rlign/aBrwon Riverat B rewariran 97 Pla3t.7e Kuuku-Ya'um en huntidnuggo nign oaunrt gigerc anoe 99 Palte3. 8 Yolgnug urrk-gaolfsi h-trap 101 Plea 8t1. YolgnuM akarartad isput-eeroslutcieorenm ony Maitl giimnbii n 265 the1 930s Plea1 t0.1 Minongf sihign party retunrign formt hbee acahtK ingG eogreS ound 320 Plea1 t0.2 A gorupo Yfolgnum en andw omeno fD jianngl anguagaen dM iljidgni 321 parti-rogupc ollcetingf sih Plea1 t2.1 Yolgnum an atN gilidiijpw itah f niisheds pearf titewdi tah l ong 365 ngamlbiirrb al ade viii