��� ����� An alphabet that’s hungrier than most. ������� ������� by Janine Lazur ©2004 Lazur Graphics Coco ���� ���� ��� �A�l�i�c�e ������� B�e�r�n�a�rd�� These are some of the lowercase Zoophas. Come meet the rest of them and fi nd out what they like to eat. aa ��� ����� TThhiiss iiss AAlliiccee.. AAfftteerr AAlliiccee eeaattss aann aanntt sshhee ppaattss hheerr ssttoommaacchh aanndd ssaayyss,, ““AAaaaaaaaa!! AAbbssoolluutteellyy aammaazziinngg!!”” AAlliiccee aaddmmiirreess ((aanndd tthheenn eeaattss)) AAffrriiccaann aannttss.. bb ������� ������� This is Bernard. “Boy, oh boy! Banana bread is the best! BURP!!! Now smell my banana breath!” beams Bernard. Bernard goes bonkers for banana bread. c ���� ���� This is Coco. “It’s a cushiony, cuddly, candy confection,” coos Coco. Coco is crazy about cotton candy. dd ������ ����� This is Daisy.