III. Zoning Regulations 1. Zoning Districts. U. Attached House. A. Establishment of Districts. V. Multifamily Building. B. Zoning Map. C. Areas Not Included within City Boundary. 4. Open Space Type Standards. D. District Descriptions. A. General Requirements. B. Districts and Uses. 2. Uses. C. Close. D. Pocket Park. A. General Requirements. E. Green. B. Residential Uses. F. Square. C. Lodging and Housing Uses. G. Plaza. D. Civic & Institutional Uses. H. Park. E. Retail Uses. I. Linear Park F. Service Uses. G. Office Uses. 5. Landscape Standards. H. Production Uses. I. Infrastructure. A. General Requirements. J. Open Space and Recreation Uses. B. Installation and Maintenance. K. Agricultural Uses. C. Maintenance of Public Property & Utility L. Use Table. Easements. M. Development Standards for Uses. D. Hazardous and/or Noxious Vegetation. N. Accessory Uses and Structures. E. Natural Landscape Areas. O. Accessory Uses and Structures Table. F. Residential Tree Canopy Requirements. P. Accessory Uses Development Standards. G. Commercial and Multifamily Tree Canopy and Q. Accessory Structure Development Standards. Landscape Requirements. H. Manufacturing District Tree Canopy 3. Building Type Standards. Requirements. I. Open Space Types Tree Canopy Requirements. A. General Requirements. J. Frontage Buffer. B. Building Type Descriptions. K. Side and Rear Buffer. C. Base Types. L. Interior Parking Lot Landscaping. D. Cap Types. M. Screening of Open Storage, Refuse Areas, and E. Measuring Height. Utility Appurtenances. F. Measuring Transparency. N. Landscape Requirements for Scenic Corridor G. Measuring Coverage. Buffer. H. Mixed Use Building. O. Fences and Walls. I. Commercial Building. J. Cottage Commercial Building. 6. Parking, Loading, and Access K. Corridor Building. Standards. L. Warehouse Building. M. Civic Building. A. General Requirements. N. Agriculture. B. Parking Requirements. O. Exurban. C. Parking Design Standards. P. Suburban Estate. D. Loading Requirements. Q. Suburban Manor. E. Loading Facilities Design Requirements. R. Suburban Cottage. F. Vehicular Stacking Requirements. S. Urban Estate. G. Site Access. T. Urban Manor. This Page Left Blank Intentionally III. Zoning Regulations: 1. Zoning Districts A. Establishment of Districts. B. Zoning Map. C. Areas Not Included within City Boundaries. D. District Descriptions. III. Zoning Regulations Section 1 - Zoning Districts A. Establishment of Districts. to the Zoning designation of Parcels throughout the City. In order to regulate the location and Use of land and the permitted Building Types, the City is hereby divided into 3. Amending the Map. All amendments to these Land the following Zoning Districts. Development Regulations (refer to I.4.L. Rezoning) which involve a change to the district designation of 1. Mixed Use and Commercial Districts. a Lot shall be recorded on the official map in City a. NC: Neighborhood Commercial District. Hall. b. C1: Community Commercial District. c. C2: Regional Commercial District. C. District Descriptions. 2. Office Districts. a. NO: Neighborhood Office District. The regulations outlining the permitted Uses and Building b. O: Office District. Types within each district and the standards associated with these Building Types are set forth in III.2 Uses and III.3 3. Institutional District. Building Type Standards. The following describes each a. P: Institutional District. Zoning District. 1. Mixed Use and Commercial Districts. 4. Residential Districts. a. NC: Neighborhood Commercial District. The a. RE: ExUrban District. Neighborhood Commercial District is a small b. R1: Suburban Estate District. Scale mixed Use district. Permitting pedestrian- c. R2: Suburban Manor District. friendly retail Uses in the Mixed Use and Cottage d. R3: Suburban Cottage District. Commercial Building Types, this district is e. R4: Urban Estate District. suited for small Nodes of commercial serving f. R5: Urban Manor District. adjacent neighborhoods and for larger traditional g. R6: Attached District. neighborhood commercial Nodes. The Civic h. R7: Multifamily District. Building Type is also permitted. This district shall be served by all municipal services (public water 5. Open Space and Recreation Districts. and sewer). a. OS1: Neighborhood Civic Space District. b. C1: Community Commercial District. The b. OS2: Neighborhood Open Space District. Community Commercial District is a medium c. OS3: General Open Space District. Scale commercial district designed to serve not d. OS4: Outdoor Recreation District. only adjacent neighborhoods, but also the greater e. OS5: Conservation District. community. Therefore, a wider range of commercial Uses are permitted in C1 than in NC. Besides the 6. Agriculture District. Mixed Use, Cottage Commercial, and Civic Building a. AG: Agriculture District. Types, the Commercial Building is also permitted. This district shall be served by all municipal services 7. Manufacturing Districts. (public water and sewer). a. M1: Light Manufacturing District. c. C2: Regional Commercial District. The Regional b. M2: Manufacturing District. Commercial District is a large Scale commercial c. M3: Infrastructure District. district designed to serve the greater community and adjacent communities. Of the three (3) B. Zoning Map. commercial districts, it allows the widest range of Uses. The Mixed Use, Cottage Commercial, The areas and boundaries of the districts listed in III.1.A Commercial, and Civic Building Types may be above are hereby established to scale as shown on the map developed in this district. This district shall be entitled Zoning Map of the City of Lakeland and referred served by all municipal services (public water and to herein as “Zoning Map.” sewer). 1. Zoning Map. The Zoning Map is adopted by 2. Office Districts. reference and declared to be part of these Land a. NO: Neighborhood Office District. The Development Regulations. Neighborhood Office District is a small Scale office district. The Cottage Commercial, Corridor, and Civic 2. Location of Map. The official Zoning Map shall be Building Types are permitted in the NO District. This located at City Hall and shall be the final authority as 164 III. Zoning Regulations Section 1 - Zoning Districts district shall be served by all municipal services are permitted. These areas should be served by all (public water and sewer). municipal services (public water and sewer). b. O: Office District. The Office District allows for h. R7: Multifamily District. This district allows for the same types of Uses as Neighborhood Office multiple family residential development. The District, but on a larger Scale. The Cottage Multifamily Building and the Civic Building Types Commercial, Corridor, and Civic Building Types are permitted. These areas should be served by all are permitted in the O district. This district shall municipal services (public water and sewer). be served by all municipal services (public water and sewer). 5. Open Space and Recreation Districts. a. OS1: Neighborhood Civic Space District. This 3. Institutional District. small Scale open space district allows for the a. P: Institutional District. The Institutional District development of the Square and Plaza Open Space allows for the development of multiple Civic/ Types. This district is typically located adjacent to Institutional Uses. The Corridor and Civic Building a Mixed Use, Commercial, or Office Districts and Types are permitted within this district. This district is utilized for passive recreation and civic functions. shall be served by all municipal services (public b. OS2: Neighborhood Open Space District. This water and sewer), unless exempted by the MPC. small Scale open space district allows for the development of the Close, Pocket Park, and 4. Residential Districts. Green Open Space Types. It is typically developed a. RE: ExUrban District. RE allows for the large Lot adjacent to Residential Districts and may be residential development. It permits the construction utilized for passive or active recreation. of the Exurban and Civic Building Types. These areas c. OS3: General Open Space District. The open may be served by a rural level of municipal services space in this district serves not only the adjacent (public water and sewer are not required if certain development, but also the community as a whole. conditions are met). The Green, Linear Park, and Park are the b. R1: Suburban Estate District. R1 allows for permitted Open Space Types. The Civic Building large Lot residential through the development of Type is permitted in this district. The City shall the Suburban Estate Building Type. The Civic also use this district for city-wide public parks and Building Type is also permitted in this District. greenways. These areas should be served by all municipal d. OS4: Outdoor Recreation District. Similar to services (public water and sewer). OS3, this district allows for the Green, Linear c. R2: Suburban Manor District. This district allows Park, and Park. It also allows for large Scale for the development of the Suburban Manor, a outdoor recreation, such as golf courses. The Civic single family residential Building Type, and the Building Type is permitted. Civic Building Type. These areas should be served e. OS5: Conservation District. Unlike the other by all municipal services (public water and sewer). Open Space Districts, this district’s goal is to d. R3: Suburban Cottage District. R3 is a single conserve the existing unique and natural features family residential district that permits the within the City. This district shall be utilized development of the Suburban Cottage Building for required Conservation Areas (refer to II.11), Type. The Civic Building Type is also permitted. Streamside Management Buffers (refer to III.12), These areas should be served by all municipal and Scenic Corridor Buffers (refer to II.8.C(9), services (public water and sewer). when zoned. e. R4: Urban Estate. R4 is a single family residential district that permits the development of the Urban 6. Agriculture District. Estate and Civic Building Types. These areas a. AG: Agriculture District. The Agriculture district should be served by all municipal services (public allows for both Agriculture, large lot residential, water and sewer). and commercial Uses. The Agriculture and Civic f. R5: Urban Manor. R5 is a single family residential Building Types are permitted in this district. See also district that allows for the development of the III.2 for accessory building standards. These areas Urban Manor and Civic Building Types. These may be served by a rural level of municipal services areas should be served by all municipal services (public water and sewer are not required if certain (public water and sewer). conditions are met). g. R6: Attached District. This district allows for the construction of single family attached homes. Both the Civic and the Attached House Building Types Land Development Regulations 165 FINAL DRAFT January 2013 III. Zoning Regulations Section 1 - Zoning Districts 7. Manufacturing Districts. a. M1: Light Manufacturing District. The M1 Light Manufacturing District allows for small Scale industrial manufacturing and assembly. The Uses permitted in this district are restricted based upon potential by-products of traffic, noise, and pollution. The Corridor, Warehouse, and Civic Building Types are permitted in this district. These areas shall be served by all municipal services (public water and sewer). b. M2: Manufacturing District. M2 Manufacturing District is an industrial district that allows for more intense activities such as warehousing and distribution of goods and the manufacture of goods that may produce negative by-products such as traffic, noise, and pollution, in addition to the Uses in M1. The Corridor, Warehouse, and Civic Building Types are permitted in this district. These areas shall be served by all municipal services (public water and sewer). c. M3: Infrastructure District. This district is applied to Parcels of land that contain the City’s infrastructure, including utilities. The Civic and Warehouse Buildings are permitted, but not required with the exception that all M3 designated Parcels shall meet the maximum impervious coverage requirements of the Warehouse Building Type (refer to III.3.L). 166 III. Zoning Regulations: 2. Uses A. General Requirements. B. Residential Uses. C. Lodging and Housing Uses. D. Civic and Institutional Uses. E. Retail Uses. F. Service Uses. G. Office Uses. H. Production Uses. I. Infrastructure. J. Open Space and Recreation Uses. K. Agricultural Uses. L. Use Table. M. Development Standards for Uses. N. Accessory Uses and Structures. O. Accessory Uses and Structures Table. P. Accessory Uses Development Standards. Q. Accessory Structure Development Standards. III. Zoning Regulations Section 2 - Uses A. General Requirements. C. Lodging and Housing Uses. A service Use that provides furnished rooms for temporary 1. Intent. This Section outlines the Uses of land or permanent accommodations. regulated in these Land Development Regulations. 1. Bed and Breakfast. A business that provides 2. General Provisions. The following general temporary lodging consisting of sleeping rooms in provisions apply to the Uses outlined in these Land an Owner-occupied structure or Accessory Structure. Development Regulations. Meals may or may not be included. Rooming houses a. A Parcel of land may contain more than one (1) are considered permanent and are not included. Use. b. Uses are either permitted by-right in a district, 2. Hospice. A residential facility providing palliative permitted by-right with specific development or and supportive medical and health services to meet design parameters, or are Conditional Uses, which the needs of the terminally ill and their families in a require a Conditional Use Permit (refer to I.4.N) residential setting. in order to be developed. c. Table 2.L-1 Use Table outlines the permitted Uses. 3. Hotel/Motel. A facility offering temporary lodging d. Each Use shall be located within a permitted consisting of sleeping rooms with or without Building Type (refer to III.3) or an Open Space in-room kitchen facilities to the general public. Type (refer to III.4), unless otherwise specified. Secondary service Uses may also be provided, such as restaurants, meeting rooms, entertainment, and 3. Organization. The Uses are grouped into general recreational facilities. categories, which may contain lists or clusters of additional Uses. 4. Independent, Assisted Living, and Nursing Home. a. If a Use is not listed, but meets the criteria A residential facility providing temporary and detailed in the category description, the permanent accommodations for persons recovering Code Administrator may interpret the Use as from a medical procedure, suffering from an illness, appropriate. those who need assistance with daily activities, b. If a Use is not listed and does not meet the including dressing, household chores, or cooking, criteria in the category description, the Code and nursing care for the aged. Rooms may or may Administrator shall interpret the Use as not include individual cooking facilities, but the inappropriate; this Use shall only be permitted facility commonly includes a central kitchen and through amendment of these Land Development common or dining room. Regulations. A Variance of Use is not permitted. D. Civic and Institutional Uses. B. Residential Uses. A category that includes Uses which focus on improving the A category of Uses that include several residence types. quality of day-to-day community life by providing a location Refer to I.2.B Definitions for additional information on for assembly, discourse, worship, education, healing, Family. governmental, recreation, and entertainment. 1. Single Family. One (1) Dwelling Unit located 1. Assembly. A facility that has organized services, within the Principal Structure of a Lot. A Modular meetings, or programs to benefit, educate, entertain, Home is considered a Single Family home for the or promote discourse amongst the residents of the purposes of these Land Development Regulations; community in a public or private setting. Assembly a Manufactured Home is not. Refer to I.2.B includes such Uses as a community center, house of Definitions. worship, and private clubs and lodges. a. Neighborhood Assembly. An Assembly Use that 2. Single Family Attached. A Single Family Dwelling occupies a structure less than 10,000 square feet in Unit located horizontally adjacent to another Single size. Family Dwelling Unit that share common wall(s). b. General Assembly. An Assembly Use that occupies one (1) or more structures on a Lot with a total 3. Multiple Family. Two (2) or more Dwelling Units square footage between 10,000 and 20,000 square located in the Principal Structure of a Lot in which feet. the units may or may not share a common wall with c. Large Scale Assembly. An Assembly Use that the adjacent (horizontally or vertically) unit(s) or have occupies one (1) or more structures on a Lot with individual entrances from the outside. a total square footage greater than 20,000 square 168 III. Zoning Regulations Section 2 - Uses feet. Neighborhood Retail include such Uses as: a. Antique Shop. 2. Cemetery. Land dedicated for the internment of b. Apparel and Accessory Store. human or Animal remains or cremated remains. c. Art and Education Supplies. Chapels, mausoleums, caretaker facilities, and other d. Bakery, Retail. Accessory Structures may be developed with a e Bicycle Sales and Repair. Cemetery, if operated in connection with and within f. Book, Magazine, and Newspaper Store. the boundaries of the Cemetery. g. Camera and Photo Supply Store. h. Collectable Items. 3. Hospital. A licensed institution providing medical i. China and Glassware Shop. care and health services to the community. These j. Convenience Store. services may be located in one (1) building or k. Drug Store/Pharmacy. clustered in several buildings and typically include l. Fabric and Craft Store. laboratories, in- and out-patient facilities, training m. Flower or Garden Shop. facilities, medical offices, staff residences, food n. Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Shop. service, and gift shop. o. Grocery Store. p. Hardware Store. 4. Library/Museum. A publicly accessed structure q. Hobby Shop. housing educational, cultural, scientific, artistic, or r. Jewelry Sales and Repair. historic information, resources, and exhibits. s. Luggage and Leather Goods. t. Specialty Food Market (Butcher, Candy/ 5. Police and Fire. A facility providing public safety and Confections, Fish Market, Produce, etc.). emergency services; training facilities, locker rooms, u. Music Store. and limited overnight accommodations may also be v. Office Supply. included. w. Optical Goods Shop. x. Party Supply Shop. 6. Post Office. A publicly accessed facility for the y. Pet Shop. collection and distribution of mail and packages and z. Smoke Shop. the selling of supplies and mail related products. aa. Sporting Goods Sales and Rental. bb. Stationary and Paper Store. 7. School: Pre-Kindergarten to Junior High. An cc. Toy Shop. education facility for pre-kindergarten through eighth (8) grade, including associated facilities such as 2. General Retail. A retail Use involving the sale of ball fields, ball courts, gymnasium, and auditorium. goods or merchandise to residents living in the community. A Use in this category occupies an area 8. School: High School. An education facility for grades between 5,000 and 30,000 square feet. General Retail nine (9) through twelve (12), including associated include such Uses as: facilities such as ball fields, ball courts, gymnasium, a. Neighborhood Retail (refer to III.2.E(1)). and auditorium. b. Appliance and Electronic Sales and Service. c. Computer Software Sales and Leasing. 9. School: Higher Education. An education facility d. Department Store. offering post-secondary school educational activities e. Home Furnishings and Accessories Sales and and programs, which may or may not be tied to a Rentals. degree program; may also include associated facilities f. Medical Supply Store and Rental. such as ball fields, ball courts, gymnasium, and g. Musical Instrument Repair and Sales. auditorium. h. Pawn Shop. i. Vehicle Supply Shop (no service). E. Retail Uses. j. Automobile, Truck, and Trailer Sales and Rental (if in the C2 District, and only at certain locations, per A Use that involves the selling of goods or merchandise to Outdoor Sales Lot standards). the general public for personal or household consumption. 3. Large Scale Retail. A retail Use involving the 1. Neighborhood Retail. A retail Use involving the large Scale sale of goods to residents living within small Scale sale of goods or merchandise to residents the region. It is almost exclusively accessed by in adjacent neighborhoods. A Use in this category automobile and therefore additional consideration occupies an area of less than 5,000 square feet. Land Development Regulations 169 FINAL DRAFT January 2013 III. Zoning Regulations Section 2 - Uses shall be given to parking and traffic issues when a. Arcade. developing this Use. The goods or merchandise b. Bank. sold may be of the same type or a variety of types c. Barber Shop, Beauty Salon, and Spa. as General Retail (refer to III.2.E(2)) and occupy a d. Billiard Hall. space greater than 30,000 and less than 75,000 square e. Dry Cleaning and Laundry. feet. f. Eating and Drinking Establishments. g. Fitness, Dance Studio, and Gym. 4. Warehouse Retail. Warehouse Retail is the same as h. Framing. Large Scale Retail (refer to III.2.E(3)), except that it i. Home Furniture and Equipment Repair. occupies a space greater than 75,000 square feet. j. Laundromat. k. Locksmith. 5. Outdoor Sales Lot. A permanent retail Use where l. Mailing Services. a significant portion of the goods are stored or m. Pet Grooming (no boarding). displayed outdoors. Outdoor Sales Lots include such n. Photocopying and Printing. Uses as: o. Photography Studio and Supplies (on-site a. Automobile and Truck Sales. processing permitted). a. Automobile, Truck, and Trailer Rental. p. Shoe Repair. b. Boat and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Rental. q. Tailor or Seamstress. c. Garden Center or Nursery. r. Tanning Salon. s. Live Theater. 6. Liquor Stores. A retail Use that sells alcoholic t. Training Center. beverages solely for off-premise consumption and u. Travel Agency and Tour Operator. regulated pursuant to Title 57 of the Tennessee v. Video Rental. Code Annotated (TCA). For the purposes of this definition, alcoholic beverage means any beverage 2. General Services. A service Use offering daily that contains more than five (5) percent alcohol conveniences to residents living in the community. content by weight as defined in TCA. A Use in this category typically occupies an area between 5,000 and 30,000 square feet and includes 7. Commercial Equipment and Supply. A retail Use such Uses as: involving the large Scale sale of goods marketed a. Neighborhood Personal Services. primarily to commercial or industrial businesses, but b. Bowling Alley. available to the general public. This Use may include c. Catering. bulk sales, outdoor storage, and frequent commercial d. Currency Exchange. vehicle and consumer traffic. Commercial Equipment e. Funeral Home. and Supply include such Uses as: f. Repair of Small Goods & Electronics. a. Building Materials, Hardware, and Garden Supply. g. Tattoo/Piercing Parlor. b. Heating and Plumbing Sales and Service. c. Cabinet Supply (display only). 3. Regional Services. A service Use offering d. Machine Sales and Rental. conveniences to residents living within the community and the region. 8. Firearms Dealer. A retail Use involving the sale of a. General Services. Firearms or Ammunition and occupying a space no b. Concert Hall/Live Theatre. greater than 10,000 square feet. c. Events Facility. A facility regularly available for . rental by an individual, group, or business for meetings, conferences, seminars, and lectures. F. Service Uses. d. Movie Theatre. A category of Uses that provide patrons services and 4. Child Care. A licensed facility that provides for the limited retail products related to those services. Visibility care of children under seventeen (17) years of age for and accessibility are important to these Uses, as most twelve (12) hours or less per day without a transfer of customers do not utilize scheduled appointments. custody. 5. Outdoor Entertainment. Uses that offer commercial, 1. Neighborhood Personal Services. A service Use that primarily outdoor entertainment and recreation offers daily conveniences to residents in adjacent opportunities. Outdoor Entertainment include such neighborhoods. A Use in this category occupies less Uses as: than 5,000 square feet and includes such Uses as: a. Batting Cage. 170