Book 2 of 3 in a thrilling new series.
The people that tried to kill the world almost succeeded. They were fiendishly clever but they didn’t take into account the vets, the truckers and the two-fisted fighters who didn’t know how to give up.
Gunny and his band of survivors continue their journey along the Zombie Road, saving as many as they can along the way. They power through the undead hordes with their modified semi-trucks to beat the ticking clock of nuclear meltdowns.
Lacy fights her way out of the high-rise office building and the kids who had managed to escape the high school and make it home face a new enemy. Boredom.
New evil raises its ugly head and new heroes are born as they all battle to make it to a place of safety.
Get ready for a Bloodbath on the Blacktop.
ReviewHighlights of what readers had to say, complete text in the reviews section.
"One of the best zombie series ever."
"Plenty of run and gun action but a nice balance with a deep backstory"
"An amazing zombie book. Well written and edited."
"a good old zombie killing ride. "
"Not too overly gruesome. I recommend this series to anyone looking for a good zombie read!"
"It was well written, great character development, interesting plot. "
About the AuthorSimpson has been a burger flipper, a log cabin builder, a soldier, a repo man, did a short stint as a bounty hunter and was a starving artist. He got tired of being hungry so started driving a truck. It suits his wanderlust and he's pretty good at it. He hasn't actually encountered any real zombies but he thinks he'd be pretty good at killing them, too.