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- 79 FP6S ,,IIs*" cr. 1997 jilla munasabukoorTutiirpulu (Judjementsof DistrictMunsifCourt)Hon.Editor Sri DeeviSubbaRao, Translators: Dr.GummaSankaraRao,SriS.S.MohanRao, Editor: SriPotukuchiSiuyanarayanaMurthi. First Edition: 1997; pp.vi*112+4. TELUGU AKADEMI Hyderabad. First Edition, 1997 500 Copies : All rights reserved. No part of this publication may "be reproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitteditiany formorbyanymeans,ele<Jtr6nic,mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise without the priorpermission of the copyrightowners. Price Rs. 25=00 : Printedin India Lasertypesetat21stCenturyBusinessCommunications, Hyderabad, PrintedatModem Printer^, Hyderabad, AndhraPradesh. 1980 1096 <5* [*S<S?T 1990 J5o$oo ^36^0, (1986 (injunction orders) <xr<$35 tSoco 1-5 2. <6d;s;& aqz a^sSssw *&>, Oefa-&> 6-9 r*> jjj * 3. uS$r& ascr8 6xSSao *&>, w3i5)rtr3o 10-13 4. "3x><S<s3 9<SS^ 28CP &x>SS3 *d>f ioiDI)id>^o 14-17 5. ascr ia>S^8W S6^, rt^S6o 18-21 6. aSer* SaSSa^ *do 3ocrffO 22 - 26 r^ (jjf w 7. aScjf*^ iSi^^^.aw *&(J,J rfcyWco ' 27-32 8. 13wdd sxSJ6^) 28c*r** ^jo^^aw *&wf 6cro 33-37 9. LS<?"* ^^ iwS^aw *&, 8-0^00 38-44 10. ^scr ^x>SSax) S8^, Sy(Soft)o 45- 53 11. ascr 2oDS^ax>- g*&, a5*)^<D 54-60 12. aser &D&;Sa3d *&>, &cxrdo 61 - 63 - ,_ ' ^ . ' jjp A J"y* n_ ** tt* 14. ascp ^x>^>^)z^> *&, Ibcrgortycr 67 - 73 * * -* -* '""fjl /"*T?/**f 16. aSCT8 i^SSaw tf<b,- a>i5oM)O M' ... 78 - 80 i*^ . 'CO)' ^0*16 ZSCT 20^c6iO2^ Sj^OO, SQ& ' fO\l"4 - rOf^Of*\ 18. aStJV&w&Saw ^Cbf 63Dcn9^ 89 - 101 &&&> 19. 28OH" ^x)S^aw *&>. 102 - 106 20. jj^g*^ 2Scr SjoS^aw *&, ^tiortco 107 - 111 1. GO eo o S& sso^Soa ssoeso ^S-TJo. 416/1975. e-S 1. t. cr>esea^o 2. o_j>. ^"^^So^O^xSooS^ MOMHik*OeoCk,. 25-4-76, 30-11-76, 13-12-76, 14-12-76, 18-12-76, 53*^0' 20-12-76 sseso'. a-cpecaao. .opdse 06 /' -,., ' ' ' ' * 18-8-72 5P&>ex> 5P6 ")0 dCP.2,000/- n 18 455/-ex> c& SD^O\OO ^OT^Cp ^(\xrOO c)oDo^$O "SoOc5 CP5T Q^> CO 2. 18-8-72 SS ^5 spaSjo-S iSS^spajoo ?ood53o^o7P &P.2,000/ o . oJ 18 sOeoxp O o o t) 3. GO 2 3 &r>.2000/-ex> 18 *9o / - 03 "BS6 . 1938^ ^o.d^) ^oo IV ego ^ 1976SS C500 24 So.OSJ) 4. (2) (3) (4) s (5) 1976 Son. 24 (6) 0-1 -3 6. 30 a 1 if; 30 SPCfc. 30 eo 2) 3e\g co xJ eo co 7. "So.2 S3 Q CO, CP . 2000/-ex>

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