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ZIEGLER CLOSURES OF SOME UNSTABLE TUBES 7 LORNAGREGORY 1 0 2 n a Abstract. We describe the modules in the Ziegler closure of ray and J coray tubes in module categories over finite-dimensional algebras. We 1 improveslightlyonKrause’sresultforstabletubesbyshowingthatthe 1 inverse limit along acoray in a ray or coray tubeis indecomposable, so inparticular,theinverselimitalongacorayinastabletubeisindecom- ] posable. In order to do all this we first describe the finitely presented T modulesoverandtheZieglerspectraofiteratedone-pointextensionsof R valuation domains. Finally we give a sufficient condition for the k-dual . of a Σ-pure-injectivemodule over a k-algebra to be indecomposable. h t Ray and coray tubes frequently occur in Auslander-Reiten quivers of a m finite-dimensional algebras. After stable tubes (also referred to as smooth [ tubes) they are the simplest form of Ringel and D’Este’s coherent tubes. Generalising Krause’s definition, [Kra98b, pg 20], of a generalised tube 1 we introduce the notions of a generalised coray tube and a generalised ray v 4 tube. Our aim here is to use these notions to describe the Ziegler closures 8 of unstable tubes containing no projective modules (dually, unstable tubes 1 containing no injective modules). 3 0 As in the case of stable tubes, we show that every ray tube has finitely . many non-finitely presented indecomposable pure-injectives in its Ziegler 1 0 closure each of which is either a direct limit along a ray, an inverse limit 7 along a coray or a generic module. Improving slightly on Krause’s results 1 we show that in any ray or coray tube (thus also in any stable tube) the : v inverse limit along a coray is indecomposable. This result was claimed in i X [Pre09, 15.1.10] but no proof is given and the proof indicated there does not r work. a In section 2, we describe the finitely presented modules over iterated one- point extensions of discrete valuation domains. This allows us, see section 3, to describe the indecomposable pure-injectives over iterated one-point extensions of discrete valuation domains. Using these results, we describe a functor from the module category of the iterated one-point extension of k[[x]] to a module category over a finite- dimensional k-algebra containing a generalised ray tube such that every Date: January 13, 2017. The author acknowledges the support of EPSRC through Grant EP/K022490/1 and thanksIvoHerzog and Mike Prest for useful discussions. This work was completed while theauthor was at theUniversity of Manchester. 1 2 LORNAGREGORY module in the closure of the generalised ray tube is a direct summand of some module in the image of this functor. In section 5 we introduce short embeddings. These are embeddings f : M → L between finite-length modules over an artin algebra such that for all a ∈ M, if ϕ generates the pp-type of a in M and ψ generates the pp- type of f(a) in L then the interval [ψ,ϕ] in the pp-1-lattice is finite-length. Equivalently, an embedding is short if the cokernel of (f,−) : (L,−) → (M,−) in (mod−R,Ab)fp is finite-length. Shortembeddingsallowustoinvestigatetheendomorphismringsofdirect limits along rays in ray and coray tubes. Using results in 5, we are able to showthatdirectlimitsalongraysinrayandcoray tubesareindecomposable and moreover that the canonical embedding of k into their endomorphism rings factored out by the radical is an isomorphism. In section 7 we will show that this implies that their k-duals are indecomposable. Inthefinalsection weputall thistogether todescribetheZiegler closures of ray and coray tubes for finite-dimensional algebras. We end by discussing some open questions. Throughout this paper we switch freely between the more concrete pp- formula formalism and the more abstract functor category formalism. Throughoutthispaper,ifRisaringthenMod−R(respectivelyR−Mod) denotes the category of right R-modules (respectively left R-modules) and mod−R (respectively R−mod) denotes that category of finitely presented right R-modules (respectively left R-modules). 1. Preliminaries Let R be a ring. A pp-n-formula is a formula in the language LR = (0,+,(·r)r∈R) of (right) R-modules of the form ∃y(x,y)H = 0 wherexisan-tupleofvariables andH isanappropriately sizedmatrix with entries in R. If ϕ is a pp-formula and M is a right R-module then ϕ(M) denotes the set of all elements m ∈ Mn such that ϕ(m) holds. Note that for any module M, ϕ(M) is a subgroup of Mn equipped with the addition induced by addition in M. A pair of pp-n-formulas ϕ/ψ is called a pp-pair if for all R-modules M, ϕ(M) ⊇ ψ(M). If we weaken our definition of a pp-formulato include all formulas (in one variable) in the language of (right) R-modules, L , which are equivalent R over the theory of R-modules, T , to a pp-formula then the T -equivalence R R classes of pp-n-formulas become a lattice under implication with the join of two formulas ϕ,ψ given by (ϕ+ψ)(x) := ∃y,z(x = y+z∧ϕ(y)∧ψ(z)) andthemeetgiven byϕ∧ψ. Givena(right)R-moduleM,wewritepp1(M) R for the lattice of pp-definable subgroups of M. ZIEGLER CLOSURES OF SOME UNSTABLE TUBES 3 Let M be an R-modules and m ∈ Mn. The pp-type of m in M, denoted ppM(m), is the set all pp-n-formulas ϕ such that m ∈ ϕ(M). R If M is finitely presented module and m ∈ Mn then there is a pp-n- formula ϕ which generates the pp-type of m in M, that is, for all pp- formulas ψ, ψ ≥ ϕ if and only if m ∈ ψ(M). Conversely, if ϕ is a pp- n-formula, then there exists a finitely presented module M and m ∈ Mn such that ϕ generates the pp-type of m in M. See [Pre09, Section 1.2.2] for proofs. Any pp-pair ϕ/ψ, gives rise to a finitely presented functor F : mod− ϕ/ψ R → Ab which sends a right R-module M to ϕ(M)/ψ(M) and conversely, any finitely presented functor is isomorphic to one of the form F , [Pre09, ϕ/ψ 10.2.30]. Given a lattice L, let ∼ be the congruence relation generated by the simple intervals in L. We define what it means for a lattice to have finite m-dimension. For the more general ordinal valued dimension, see [Pre09, section 7.2]. We say that L has m-dimension 0 if L/ ∼ is the one point lattice. We say that L has m-dimension n+1 if L/∼ has m-dimension L. We say that a module has m-dimension n if its lattice of pp-definable subgroups has m-dimension n. AnembeddingofR-modulesf :M → N ispureifforevery pp-1-formula ϕ, f(ϕ(M)) = ϕ(N)∩f(M). A right R-module M is pure-injective if it is injective over all pure-embeddings. In section 7, we will use that a module is pure-injective if and only if it is algebraically compact [Pre09, 4.3.11]. An R-module M is said to be algebraically compact if every system of equations over R in arbitrary manyvariables withparameters inM suchthat every finitesubsystemhasa solution in M, has a solution in M. Equivalently, a module is algebraically compact if every collection of cosets of pp-definable subgroups which has the finite intersection property has non-empty intersection. We say that a module is Σ-pure-injective if it has no descending chain of pp-definable subgroups. Every Σ-pure-injective module is pure-injective. The (right) Ziegler spectrum of a ring R is a topological space with set of points, pinj , the isomorphism classes of indecomposable pure-injectives R and basis of open sets given by (ϕ/ψ) := {N ∈ pinj | ϕ(N) 6= ψ(N)} R where ϕ/ψ is a pp-pair. Our descriptions of Ziegler closures and Ziegler spectras in this paper are all based on the Ziegler spectrum of a discrete valuation domain V. Theindecomposablepure-injectives over V aretheindecomposablefinite- length modules V/ml for l ∈ N, the Pru¨fer module E(V/m) (that is, the injective hullof V/m), thecompletion V of V andQ(V)thefield of fractions of V. See for instance [Zie84, 5.1]. b A subset X of Zg is closed if the following two properties hold: V 4 LORNAGREGORY (1) If X contains infinitely many finite-length modules then X contains E(V/m), V and Q(V). (2) If X contains V or E(V/m) then X contains Q(V). b This description of the topology can be extracted from [Pre09, section b 5.2.1]. A definable subcategory of Mod −R is a full subcategory closed under directlimits, productsandpure-submodules. IfD isadefinablesubcategory then there exists pp-pairs ϕ /ψ , λ ∈ I such that M ∈ D if and only if λ λ ϕ (M) = ψ (M) for all λ ∈ I and conversely, all subcategories of this form λ λ are definable subcategories. Adefinablesubcategory of Mod−R is determined by theindecomposable pure-injective it contains [Pre09, 5.1.4]. Thus there is a bijective correspon- dencebetween closed subsetof Zg and definablesubcategories of Mod−R. R Definition 1.1. Let ϕ be a pp-n-formula in the language of right R-modules of the form ∃y¯(x¯,y¯)H = 0 where x¯ is a tuple of n variables, y¯ is a tuple of l variables, H = (H′ H′′)T and H′ (respectively H′′) is a n×m (respectively l×m)matrixwithentriesinR. ThenDϕisthe pp-n-formulainthe language I H′ x¯ of left R-modules ∃z¯ = 0. (cid:18) 0 H′′ (cid:19)(cid:18) z¯ (cid:19) Similarly, let ϕ be a pp-n-formula in the language of left R-modules of x¯ the form ∃y¯H = 0 where x¯ is a tuple of n variables, y¯ is a tuple of (cid:18) y¯ (cid:19) l variables, H = (H′ H′′) and H′ (respectively H′′) is a m×n (respectively m×l)matrixwithentriesinR. ThenDϕisthe pp-n-formulainthe language I 0 of right R-modules ∃z¯(x¯,z¯) = 0. (cid:18) H′ H′′ (cid:19) Note that the pp-formula a|x for a ∈ R is mapped by D to a formula equivalent with respect to T to xa = 0 and the pp-formula xa = 0 for R a ∈ R is mapped by D to a formula equivalent with respect to T to a|x. R Theorem 1.2. [Pre88, Chapter 8][Pre09, 1.3.1] The map ϕ → Dϕ induces an anti-isomorphism between the lattice of right pp-n-formulae and the lat- tice of left pp-n-formulae. In particular, if ϕ,ψ are pp-n-formulae then D(ϕ+ψ) is equivalent to Dϕ∧Dψ and D(ϕ∧ψ) is equivalent to Dϕ+Dψ. Let R be a k-algebra. We denote that standard dual Hom(−,k) of an R-module M, respectively a morphism f, by M∗, respectively f∗. Lemma 1.3. Let R be a k-algebra and M an R-module. If ϕ(M) ≤ ψ(M) then Dψ(M∗)≤ Dϕ(M∗). Thus if M is an R-module with dcc (respectively acc) on pp-definable subgroups then M∗ has acc (respectively dcc) on pp-definable subgroups. So, in particular, if the pp-1-lattice of M is finite-length then so is the pp- 1-lattice of M∗. ZIEGLER CLOSURES OF SOME UNSTABLE TUBES 5 Another key tool in this paper is the use of additive functors F : Mod− R → Mod −S which commute with direct limits and arbitrary products. Such functors are called interpretation functors. These are exactly the functorswhicharefinitelypresentedwhencomposedwiththeforgetfulfunc- tor to Ab and thus given by pp-pairs. This is where there name comes from [Pre97]. See [Kra98a, 7.2] and [Pre11, 12.9] for the equivalence. We will need the following facts about interpretation functors F : Mod− R → Mod−S. (1) There exists an n ∈ N, such that for all M ∈ Mod−R, there is a lattice embedding pp1(FM) ֒→ ppn(M). S R (2) If M is pure-injective then FM is pure-injective. See [Pre97, 3.16] or [Kra98a, 6.1]. (3) If M is Σ-pure-injective (respectively has the acc on pp-definable subgroups)then FM is Σ-pure-injective (respectively has the acc on pp-definable subgroups). Follows from (1). (4) If pp1(M) has m-dimension α then pp1(FM) has m-dimension less R S than or equal to α. Follows from (1) plus the fact that the m- dimension of pp1(M) is equal to the m-dimension of ppn(M). R R (5) If D is a definable subcategory of Mod−R then after closing under direct summands and isomorphism, FD is a definable subcategory. See [Pre12, 3.8]. (6) If the m-dimension of pp1 is α then the m-dimension of the smallest R definable subcategory containing the image of F is less that or equal to α. 2. Iterated one-point extensions of discrete valuation domains LetRbearing,kafieldandLak−R-bimodule. Theone-pointextension of R by L is the ring R 0 R[L]:= . (cid:18) L k (cid:19) RightmodulesoverR[L]maybeviewedastriples(M ,M ,Γ )whereM 0 1 M 0 is a k-vector space, M is a right R-module and Γ : M → Hom (L,M ) 1 M 0 R 1 is a k-homomorphism. A morphism between two triples (N ,N ,Γ ) and 0 1 N (M ,M ,Γ ) is given by a pair (f ,f ) where f : N → M is a k-vector 0 1 M 0 1 0 0 0 space homomorphism, f : N → M is an R-module homomorphism and 1 1 1 the following diagram commutes N ΓN // Hom (L,N ) . 0 R 1 f0 Hom(L,f1) M(cid:15)(cid:15) ΓM // Hom ((cid:15)(cid:15)L,M ) 0 R 1 There are two full and faithful embeddings of Mod−R into Mod−R[L]: F :Mod−R → Mod−R[L] M 7→ (0,M,0) 0 6 LORNAGREGORY and F :Mod−R → Mod−R[L] M 7→ (Hom(L,M),M,Id ). 1 Hom(L,M) The forgetful functor r : Mod−R[L]→ R (M ,M ,Γ) 7→ M 0 1 1 is right adjoint to F and left adjoint to F . 0 1 Each of these additive functors commute with direct limits and arbitrary products and thus are interpretation functors. Throughout the rest of this section, let V be a discrete valuation domain with maximal ideal m and let R := V, L = V/m =:k, 0 0 R 0 R := n n+1 (cid:18) Ln k (cid:19) and L = F L . n+1 1 n Finally, for each n ∈ N, let T := (k,0,0) ∈Mod−R . n n The category of finitely presented modules over a discrete valuation do- mainV is Krull-Schmidtandtheindecomposablefinitely presentedmodules are V and V/mn where n ∈ N. Our goal for the rest of this section is to prove the following theorem and thus classify the finitely presented right R -modules. n Theorem 2.1. The category of finitely presented right modules over R is n Krull-Schmidt. The indecomposable finitely presented modules over R are n of the form T , FmFn−mN where 0 ≤ m ≤ n and N is an indecomposable n 0 1 finitely presented module over V and Fn−k−lFlT where k + l ≤ n and 0 1 k 0≤ k,l. Lemma 2.2. If M = (M ,M ,Γ) is finitely presented then M is finitely 0 1 1 presented and M is finite-dimensional. 0 Proof. SupposeRl −→f Rm → M → 0 is a presentation for M. Applying n+1 n+1 the exact functor r we get that rRl −r→f rRm → M → 0 is a presenta- n+1 n+1 1 tion for M . Since rR is finitely presented, M is finitely presented. 1 n+1 1 AsamoduleoveritselfR is(k,R ⊕L ,Γ)whereΓ : k → Hom(L ,R ⊕ n+1 n n n n L )take 1 ∈ k tothehomomorphismwhichsendsl ∈ L to (0,l) ∈R ⊕L . n n n n Thus kl −f→0 km → M → 0 is exact and M is finite-dimensional. 0 0 (cid:3) In order to prove 2.1, we prove the following two conditions by induction. Note that 2.1 follows from B by induction on n. n A : If M ∈ mod−R , M a finite-dimensional k-vector space and Γ : n n 0 M → Hom(L ,M) is aninjective k-vector spacehomomorphismthenthere 0 n is a basis v ,...,v for M and orthogonal idempotent endomorphisms e of 1 n 0 i M such that e Γ(v ) = Γ(v ) and e M is indecomposable. i i i i ZIEGLER CLOSURES OF SOME UNSTABLE TUBES 7 B : All finitely presented modules over R are direct sums of modules of n n the form F M,F M and T where M is a finitely presented indecomposable 1 0 n module over Rn−1 and dimHom(Ln,N) ≤ 1 for all indecomposable finitely presented modules N over R . n Lemma2.3. IfK ∈ Mod−R thenHom(F L ,F K)= 0. HenceF F K ∼= n 1 n 0 1 0 F F K. 0 0 Proof. Suppose(f ,f )isahomomorphismfromF L toF K. Thenf = 0 0 1 1 n 0 0 and hence f ◦1 = 0. So f = 0. (cid:3) 1 Ln 1 Remark 2.4. Suppose M ∈ mod − R , M a finite-dimensional k-vector n 0 space, Γ :M → Hom(L ,M) is an injective k-vector space homomorphism 0 n and α is an automorphism of M. There is a basis v ,...,v for M and 1 n 0 orthogonal idempotent endomorphisms e of M suchthat e Γ(v ) = Γ(v )and i i i i e M is indecomposable if and only if there is a basis v ,...,v for M and i 1 n 0 orthogonal idempotent endomorphisms e of M such that e αΓ(v )= αΓ(v ) i i i i and e M is indecomposable. i Lemma 2.5. If A holds then all finitely presented right R -modules are n n+1 direct sumsof modules of the form T := (k,0,0), (0,M ,0)and (k,M ,Γ) n+1 1 1 where M is a finitely presented indecomposable right R -module and Γ is 1 n an injective k-vector space homomorphism. Proof. Let (M ,M ,Γ) be an R -module. If (M ,M ,Γ) is finitely pre- 0 1 n+1 0 1 sented then M is finitely presented and M is finite-dimensional by 2.2. If 1 0 Γ is not injective then ∼ (M ,M ,Γ) =(kerΓ,0,0)⊕(M /kerΓ,M ,Γ). 0 1 0 1 So, without loss of generality, we may assume Γ is injective. By A there n exists a basis v ,...,v for M and orthogonal idempotent endomorphisms 1 n 0 e ,...,e of M such that e Γ(v ) = Γ(v ). For each 1 ≤ i≤ n, let t : M → 1 n i i i i 0 M be a k-linear map such that t (v ) = v and t (v ) = 0 if i 6= j. So 0 i i i i j (t ,e ),...,(t ,e ) are orthogonal idempotents for (M ,M ,Γ). Thus 1 1 n n 0 1 n n (M ,M ,Γ) = (0,(1− e )M ,0)⊕ (v k,e M ,Γ| ) 0 1 i 1 i i 1 vik Xi=1 Mi=1 as required. (cid:3) Lemma 2.6. For all n ∈ N, dimHom(L ,L ) = 1. n n Proof. SincedimHom(L ,L ) = 1andF isfullandfaithful,dimHom(L ,L ) = 0 0 1 n n 1 for all n ∈N. (cid:3) Lemma 2.7. Let M be a k-vector space, v ,...,v a basis for M and 0 1 m 0 Γ : M → Hom(L ,Tl) be an injective k-vector space homomorphism. 0 n n There exist e ,...e orthogonal idempotent endomorphism of Tl such that 1 m n e Γ(v )= Γ(v ) and e Tl is indecomposable. i i i i n 8 LORNAGREGORY Proof. Let (α ,0) = Γ(v ),...,(α ,0) = Γ(v ) where each α is a k-linear 1 1 m m i mapfromHom(Ln−1,Ln−1)tokl. SinceΓisinjectiveanddimHom(Ln−1,Ln−1)= 1, it follows that l ≥ m and α (Id ),...,α (Id ) ∈ kl are linearly 1 Ln−1 m Ln−1 independent. Let ǫ ,...,ǫ be the idempotent endomorphisms of kl such 1 m that ǫ α (Id )= α (Id )and dimimǫ = 1. Let e = (ǫ ,0),...,e = i i Ln−1 i Ln−1 i 1 1 m (ǫ ,0). By definition, e ,...,e have the required properties. (cid:3) m 1 m Proposition 2.8. For all n ≥ 1, An−1 and Bn imply An. Proof. Let M be a finitely presented module over R , M a k-vector space 1 n 0 andΓ :M → Hom(L ,M ) injective. By B , M = F N⊕F K⊕Tl where 0 n 1 n 1 1 0 n K,N ∈ mod−Rn−1 and l ∈ N0. By 2.3, Hom(F1Ln−1,F0K)= 0, so we may as well assume K = 0. Let v ,...,v be a basis for M such that 1 n 0 Γ(v ) = (f ,w ),...,Γ(v ) = (f ,w ) 1 1 1 m m m and Γ(v )= (0,w ),...,Γ(v ) = (0,w ) m+1 m+1 n n where f ,...,f ∈ Hom(L ,F N) are linearly independent over k and 1 m n 1 w ,...,w ∈ Hom(L ,Tl). 1 n n n Since F1 is full, there exist f1∗,...,fm∗ ∈ Hom(Ln−1,N) such that F1f1∗ = f ,...,F f∗ = f . 1 1 m m Let w∗,...,w∗ be such that w = (t ,0) and w∗ = t (Id ). Note that 1 n i i i i Ln−1 since Hom(Ln−1,Ln−1) is 1-dimensional, ti and hence wi is determined by w∗ = t (Id ). i i Ln−1 Here is a diagram for Γ(v ): i Hom(Ln−1,Ln−1) Id // Hom(Ln−1,Ln−1) g g 7− 7− → → (fi∗◦g,ti(g)) fi∗◦g (cid:15)(cid:15) (Id,0) (cid:15)(cid:15) Hom(Ln−1,N)⊕kl // Hom(Ln−1,N) Let α = (α ,α ) : F N ⊕ Tl → F N ⊕ Tl be such that α ◦ (f∗,0) = 0 1 1 n 1 n 0 i (f∗,−w∗) for i = 1,...,m, α ◦(0,w∗) = (0,w∗) for i = m+1...,n and i i 0 i i α = Id . 1 N Soα◦Γ(v ) = (f ,0),...α◦Γ(v ) = (f ,0)andα◦Γ(v ) = (0,w ),...,α◦ 1 1 m m m+1 m+1 Γ(v )= (0,w ). By 2.4, we may replace Γ by α◦Γ. n n Let M′ be the span of v ,...,v . By definition of M′, if u ∈ M′ then 0 1 m 0 0 Γ(u) = (Γ (u),0) ∈ Hom(L ,F N)⊕Hom(L ,Tl) = Hom(L ,F N ⊕Tl). 0 n 1 n n n 1 n Let ∆ : M0′ → Hom(Ln−1,N) be defined by setting F1∆(u) = Γ0(u). By An−1, there exists e1,...,em orthogonal idempotent endomorphisms of N such that e ∆(v ) = ∆(v ) and e N is indecomposable for 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Thus i i i i F (e )Γ(v ) = Γ(v ) and F (e )F (N)= F (e N) which is indecomposable. 1 i i i 1 i 1 1 i ZIEGLER CLOSURES OF SOME UNSTABLE TUBES 9 Let M′′ be the span of v ,...,v . By 2.7, there exist e ,...e 0 m+1 n m+1 n orthogonal idempotent endomorphism of Tl such that e Γ(v ) = Γ(v ) and n i i i e Tl is indecomposable. i n So σ = (e ,0),...,σ = (e ,0) and σ = (0,e ),...,σ = (0,e ) 1 1 m m m+1 m+1 n n are orthogonal idempotent endomorphismsof F N⊕Tl such that σ Γ(v ) = 1 n i i Γ(v ) and σ (F N ⊕Tl) is indecomposable. (cid:3) i i 1 n Proposition 2.9. For all n ∈N, B and A imply B . n n n+1 Proof. By 2.5, A implies that each finitely presented module over R is n n+1 a direct sum of modules of the form T ,(k,M ,Γ) and F M = (0,M ,0) n+1 1 1 1 1 where Γ is injective and M is an indecomposable R -module. So in order 1 n to show that the first clause of B is true, we need now consider modules n+1 of the form (k,M ,Γ). By B , M is either F N, F K or T where N,K 1 n 1 1 0 n are indecomposable Rn−1-modules. Since Hom(L ,F K) = 0, if M = F K then Γ is not injective. n 0 1 0 IfM = T then(k,T ,Γ)isisomorphictoF T sincedim Hom(L ,T )= 1 n n 1 n k n n 1 i.e. (Γ,Id ): (k,T ,Γ) → F T is an isomorphism. Tn n 1 n Now suppose that M1 = F1N for N an indecomposable Rn−1-module. Since Γ : k → Hom(L ,F N) is injective, dimHom(L ,F N) 6= 0. By n 1 n 1 Bn−1, dimHom(Ln−1,N) ≤ 1. So dimHom(Ln,F1N) = 1. Thus (Γ,IdN) : (k,N,Γ) → F N is an isomorphism. 1 It now remains to show that dimHom(L ,M) ≤ 1 for all indecom- n+1 posable M ∈ mod − R . If M = F K then dimHom(L ,M) = 0. n+1 0 n+1 If M = F N then dimHom(L ,M) = dimHom(L ,N) ≤ 1 by B . If 1 n+1 n n M = T then dimHom(L ,M) ≤ 1 follows from 2.6 and the definition n+1 n+1 of T . n+1 (cid:3) We now consider the base cases, A and B . 0 1 Lemma 2.10. Let V be a discrete valuation domain with maximal ideal m, M a finitely presented V-module and M ⊆ Hom(V/m,M) a V/m-vector 0 subspace. There exists v ,...,v a basis for M as a V/m-vector space and 1 n 0 orthogonal idempotent endomorphisms of M such that e M is indecompos- i able and e v = v for 1 ≤ i≤ n. i i i Proof. Since V is a principal ideal domain, M = M′ ⊕Vm where M′ is a torsion module. Since Hom(V/m,V) = 0, we may replace M by M′. Let W = {f(a) ∈ M |a ∈ V/m and f ∈M }. NotethatW isasubmoduleofM. 0 Let p ∈ V generate m and let L = {m ∈ M | 0 6= mpl ∈ W for some l ∈ N}. Since V is an RD-ring (see [Pre09, section 2.4.2]), L is pure in M. Since M and hence L is finite-length, L is pure-injective. Therefore L is a direct summand of M. The lemma now follows from the structure theorem for finitely generated module over principle ideal domains. (cid:3) 10 LORNAGREGORY Lemma 2.11. B holds. 1 Proof. We need to show that all finitely presented modules over R are 1 direct sums of modules of the form F M := (0,M,0), F M and T := 0 1 1 (k,0,0) whereM is a finitely presented indecomposable moduleover V. Let (M ,M,Γ) be an arbitrary finitely presented module over R . As usual, we 0 1 may assume Γ is injective. Letting e ,...,e be as in 2.10, we have that 1 n n n (M ,M,Γ) ∼= (0,(1− e )M,0)⊕ (v k,e M,Γ| ). 0 i i i vik Xi=1 Mi=1 Themodule(0,(1− n e )M,0) is equaltoF (1− n e )M andforeach i=1 i 0 i=1 i 1≤ i ≤ n, (vik,eiMP,Γ|vik) is isomorphic to F1eiM.P That Hom(L ,N) is 1-dimensional is proved exactly as in the proof of 1 2.9. (cid:3) Corollary 2.12. For all n ≥ 0 and m ≥ 1, A and B hold. n m Corollary 2.13. All indecomposable finitely presented modules over R n have local endomorphism rings. 3. Indecomposable pure-injectives and the Ziegler spectrum Throughout this section, let V be a valuation domain with maximal idea m. Lemma 3.1. All finitely presented indecomposable right R -modules are n+1 pure-injective except for Fn+1V. The module Fn+1V is pure-injective if and 0 0 only if V is pure-injective as a right module over itself. Proof. This follows directly from 2.1, the fact that the functors F and F 0 1 preserve pure-injectivity and that (k,0,0) is finite-length and hence pure- injective. (cid:3) Proposition 3.2. Every indecomposable pure-injective module over R n+1 is of the form F N, F N or T := (k,0,0) for some indecomposable pure- 0 1 n injective R -module N. n Proof. Since all finitely presented indecomposable modules over R are n+1 pure-injective except Fn+1V, the set of finitely presented pure-injective 0 modulestogether with Fn+1V isdensein Zg . SinceF andF commute 0 Rn+1 0 1 with direct limits and products, the images of F and F are definable sub- 0 1 b categories of Zg after closing under direct summands (see [Pre12, 3.8]). Rn+1 Thus Add(imF )∩Zg =: C and Add(imF )∩Zg =: C are closed 0 Rn+1 0 1 Rn+1 1 subsets of Zg . The point (k,0,0) is a closed point of Zg . Since Rn+1 Rn+1 C ∪ C ∪ {(k,0,0)} is a dense closed subset of Zg it is all of Zg . 1 2 Rn+1 Rn+1 Thus all indecomposable pure-injecitve R -modules are of the required n+1 form. (cid:3) Theorem 3.3. The indecomposable pure-injective modules over R are n

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