In 1996, at the age of thirty-one, Sanjay Singhal had just driven his second company into the ground, declared bankruptcy, and gotten a divorce. In his memoir Zero to Tesla, Sanjay pays it forward to the next generation of innovators and trendsetters through his retelling of success and failure. By sharing his experiences, his mission lies with mobilizing the next generation of entrepreneurs and supporting them by offering advice on minimizing loss and commonly made mistakes. By providing support through real life experience, he helps pave the way for a shorter path to success and help empower their ability to be their own entrepreneurs.
As one of Canada's most sought after and successful startup investors, Sanjay's story will inspire you to take risks that no rational person would consider reasonable and to achieve success that no ordinary person would consider probable.
All profits from this book will go to supporting League of Innovators. This Canadian...