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Zero $f$-mean curvature surfaces of revolution in the Lorentzian product $\Bbb G^2\times\Bbb R_1$ PDF

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Preview Zero $f$-mean curvature surfaces of revolution in the Lorentzian product $\Bbb G^2\times\Bbb R_1$

Zero f-mean curvature surfaces of revolution in the Lorentzian product G2 × R 1 Doan The Hieua and Tran Le Namb 7 aCollege of Education, Hue University, Hue, Vietnam 1 0 bDong Thap University, Dong Thap, Vietnam 2 n a January 10, 2017 J 8 ] G Abstract D We classify (spacelike or timelike) surfaces of revolution with zero f-mean cur- h. vature in G2 ×R , the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space R3 endowed with the Gaussian- 1 1 at Euclidean density e−f(x,y,z) = 1 e−x2+2y2. It is proved that an f-maximal surface of m 2π revolution is either a horizontal plane or a spacelike f-Catenoid. For the timelike [ case, a timelike f-minimal surface is either a vertical plane containing z-axis, the 1 cylinder x2 +y2 = 1, or a timelike f-Catenoid. Spacelike and timelike f-Catenoids v are new examples of f-minimal surfaces in G2×R . 2 1 7 9 AMS Subject Classification (2000): Primary 53C25; Secondary 53A10; 49Q05 1 Keywords: Lorentzian product spaces, Gauss space, f-maximal surfaces, timelike f-minimal 0 . surfaces, spacelike f-Catenoid, timelike f-Catenoid 1 0 7 1 : 1 Introduction v i X In R3, together with the plane, Catenoid is the only minimal surface of revolution. If not r a counting the plane, it is the first minimal surface discovered by Leonhard Euler in 1744. The counterpart of minimal surfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski space R3, are (spacelike or timelike) 1 surfaces with zero mean curvature. Since the metric in R3 is not positive definite, there are three 1 types of vectors (spacelike, lightlike or timelike). Therefore, more complicated than rotations in Euclidean space, in R3, there are three types of Lorentzian rotations depending on the causal of 1 the rotation axises. Maximal surfaces of revolution in R3 have been classified in [7]. Spacelike 1 and timelike surfaces of revolution with constant mean curvature in R3 have been studied in [8], 1 [9] and [10]. Recently, maximal surfaces in Lorentzian product spaces have been also studied by some authors (see, for example, [1], [2], [3], [11] and [12]). It is natural to study (spacelike or timelike) surfaces of revolution with zero weighted mean curvature, also called f-mean curvature, in R3 endowed with a density, i.e., a positive function 1 defined on R3 used to weight the area (the length) of surfaces (curves). 1 1 In this paper, such a density that we considered is the Gaussian-Euclidean density, i.e., the space is the Lorentzian product G2×R , where G2 is the Gauss plane. The space G2×R is a 1 1 special case of n-dimensional spacetime with a density that does not affect “time”. It should be mentioned that the space we are living can be seen as a 4-dimensional spacetime with density, the gravity, that affect “space” and does not affect “time”. It is showed that the axis of an f-maximal surface of revolution in G2 × R must be the 1 z-axis. Then, solving the f-Maximal Surface Equation for surfaces of revolution we obtain new non-trivial examples, called spacelike f-Catenoids. Beside horizontal planes, they are the only f-maximal surfaces of revolution. This is the first result of the paper. For the timelike case, by a similar proof, it is proved that the axis of a timelike f-minimal surface of revolution must be the x-axis or the z-axis. If the rotation axis is the x-axis, the only timelikef-minimalsurfacesofrevolutionareverticalplanescontainingthez-axis. Iftherotation axis is the z-axis, there are a family of timelike f-minimal surfaces of revolution, called timelike f-Catenoids, that convergences to another timelike f-minimal surface, the cylinder x2+y2 = 1. The second main result of the paper is that a timelike f-minimal surface of revolution is either the cylinder x2+y2 = 1, a vertical plane containing the z-axis or a timelike f-Catenoid. 2 Preliminaries Forsimplicity,allconceptsaswellasresultsinthissectionareintroducedin3-dimensionalspace. For more details about Lorentz-Minkowski spaces, manifolds with density or the Gauss space we refer the reader to [13], [15], [16], [18], [19] and references therein. Let R3 be the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space endowed with the Lorentzian scalar product 1 (cid:104) , (cid:105) = dx2+dy2−dz2. A nonzero vector x ∈ R3 is called spacelike, lightlike or timelike if (cid:104)x,x(cid:105) > 0, (cid:104)x,x(cid:105) = 0, or 1 (cid:104)x,x(cid:105) < 0, respectively. (cid:112) Thenormofthevectorxisthendefinedby(cid:107)x(cid:107) = |(cid:104)x,x(cid:105)|.Twovectorsx = (x ,y ,z ), x = 1 1 1 1 2 (x ,y ,z ) ∈ R3 are said to be orthogonal if (cid:104)x ,x (cid:105) = 0, i.e., x x + y y − z z = 0. The 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Lorentzian vector product of x and x , denoted by x ∧x , is defined by 1 2 1 2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)e1 e2 −e3(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) x1∧x2 = (cid:12)x1 y1 z1 (cid:12), (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)x2 y2 z2 (cid:12) where {e ,e ,e } is the canonical basis of R3. For every x ∈ R3, 1 2 3 1 1 (cid:104)x,x ∧x (cid:105) = det(x,x ,x ). 1 2 1 2 It follows that x ∧x is orthogonal to both x and x . 1 2 1 2 A surface in R3 is called spacelike (timelike) if its induced metric from R3 is Riemannian 1 1 (Lorentzian) or equivalently, every normal vector of the surface is timelike (spacelike). Forexample,letαbeaplanewhosegeneralequationisAx+By+Cz+D = 0, A2+B2−C2 (cid:54)= 0.Itiseasytoseethat,thevectorn = (A,B,−C)isanormalvectorofα.Theplaneαisspacelike or timelike if and only if n is timelike or spacelike, respectively. The following formula for computing the mean curvature of a (spacelike or timelike) surface in R3 is well-known (see [14], for instance) 1 Eg−2Ff +Ge H = (cid:15) , (1) 2(EG−F2) 2 where(cid:15) = −1,ifthesurfaceisspacelike;(cid:15) = 1,ifthesurfaceistimelike;E,F,Garethecoefficients of the first fundamental form and e,f,g are the coefficients of the second fundamental form. A spacelike (timelike) surface is called maximal (timelike minimal) if its mean curvature H is zero everywhere. There are three kinds of rotations in R3: rotations about a spacelike axis, rotations about a 1 timelike axis and rotations about a lightlike axis (see [8], for instance). Below are the matrices of some typical kinds of rotations that will be used in the proof of Lemma 3 and Lemma 7. 1. The matrix corresponding to a rotation about the y-axis is   coshθ 0 sinhθ  0 1 0 . sinhθ 0 coshθ 2. The matrix corresponding to a rotation about the lightlike axis x = z, y = 0 is  v2 v2  1− −v  2 2   v 1 −v .    −v2 v2 −v 1+ 2 2 3. The matrix corresponding to a rotation about the z-axis is   cosθ −sinθ 0 sinθ cosθ 0. 0 0 1 A surface of revolution is a surface in R3 obtained by rotating a curve γ, the generatrix, 1 around an axis of rotation l, assuming that γ and l are in a plane. A density on R3 is a positive function, denoted by e−f, used to weight area (length) of 1 surfaces (curves). The weighted mean curvature or the f-mean curvature of a (spacelike or timelike) surface, denoted by H , is defined by f 1 H = H + (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105). f 2 A spacelike (timelike) surface Σ is called f-maximal (timelike f-minimal) if H = 0 everywhere, f i.e., H = −1(cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105). 2 Gauss space G2, is just R2 with the Gaussian probability density e−f(x,y) = 1 e−x2+2y2, 2π where (x,y) ∈ G2. Therefore, the Lorentzian product G2 ×R can be seen as R3 = R2 ×R endowed with the 1 1 1 Gaussian-Euclidean density e−f(x,y,z) = 1 e−x2+2y2, 2π where (x,y,z) ∈ G2 ×R . It should be noted that the last coordinate is not dependent on the 1 density. Let Σ be an oriented (spacelike or timelike) surface in G2×R , N be a unit normal vector 1 field on Σ and ρ be the projection onto the z-axis. Then at any point p ∈ Σ, we have the following. 3 Lemma 1. (Geometric meaning of the quantity (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105)) (cid:0) (cid:1) |(cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105)(p)| = d ρ(p),T Σ .|N| , E p E where d and | | denote the Euclidean distance the Euclidean length, respectively. E E Proof. Suppose that p = (x ,y ,z ) and N(p) = (a,b,c), a2+b2−c2 = ±1. An equation of T Σ 0 0 0 p is of the form ax+by−cz+d = 0. We have ∇f(p) = (x ,y ,0) and ρ(p) = (0,0,z ). Therefore 0 0 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) |(cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105)(p)| = |ax +by | = |cz −d| = d ρ(p),T Σ .|N| . 0 0 0 E p E By Lemma 1, it is not hard to prove the followings. Corollary 2. In G2×R , 1 1. horizontal planes are f-maximal surfaces; 2. vertical planes have constant f-mean curvature, such a plane containing the z-axis is time- like f-minimal; 3. circular cylinders about the z-axis have constant f-mean curvature, such a cylinder is timelike f-minimal if and only if the radius is 1. 3 Spacelike f-maximal surfaces of revolution in G2 × R 1 3.1 Spacelike f-Catenoids in G2 × R 1 In the xz-plane, consider the curve γ that is the graph of the function (see Figure 1). S (cid:90) u(cid:114) 1 h(u) = dτ, u ∈ R. 1+τ2eτ2+C 0 Rotating γ the about the z-axis, we obtain a surface of revolution (see Figure 2), denoted S by Σ , that can be parametrized as follows. S (cid:32) (cid:90) u(cid:114) 1 (cid:33) X(u,v) = ucosv,usinv, dτ , 1+τ2eτ2+C 0 where C is a constant. It is easy to verify that the curve is spacelike and therefore the surface Σ S is spacelike. The surface Σ has a singular point, that is the origin. By a direct computation, it S follows that the f-mean curvature of Σ is zero, i.e., Σ is f-maximal. We call Σ a spacelike S S S f-Catenoid. 4 1.5 1 0.5 O -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Figure 1. The generatrix γ Figure 2. Spacelike f-Catenoid. 3.2 Classification of f-maximal surfaces of revolution in G2 ×R 1 In the Lorentz-Minkowski space R3, because the mean curvature of a (spacelike or timelike) 1 surfaces is invariant under Lorentzian transformation, when studying surfaces of revolution of constant mean curvature, if the rotation axis is timelike, spacelike or lightlike we can suppose it isthez-axis, thex-axis, orthelightlikeaxisx = z,y = 0,respectively. InthespaceG2×R ,with 1 the appearance of the density, we can not do this because the f-mean curvature is not invariant under some Lorentzian transformations. Since the density is dependent on the distance from points to the z-axis and not dependent on the last coordinate, the f-mean curvature of a surface does not change under rotations about as well as translations along the z-axis (see Lemma (1). This observation is useful for the rest of the paper to simplify some calculations. Lemma 3. A spacelike surface of revolution Σ in G2×R can be parametrized as follows. 1 1. If the rotation axis is spacelike X(u,v) = (ucoshθ+g(u)sinhθcoshv,usinhv+a,usinhθ+g(u)coshθcoshv). (2) 2. If the rotation axis is lightlike (cid:18) v2 v2(cid:19) X(u,v) = u−[u−g(u)] +a,v[u−g(u)],g(u)−[u−g(u)] . (3) 2 2 5 3. If the rotation axis is timelike X(u,v) = (ucosvcoshθ+g(u)sinhθ,usinv+a,ucosvsinhθ+g(u)coshθ). (4) Proof. 1. The case l is spacelike. Under a suitable rotation about the z-axis, we can assume that the plane containing the generatrix γ and the rotation axis l are parallel to or coincident with the xz-plane. If l and the z-axis are not intersect, we assume that the common perpendicular line of l and the z-axis is the y-axis. If l and the z-axis are intersect, we assume that the intersection point is the origin O. Let {H} = (0,a,0) be the intersection point of l and xy-plane and let θ be the angle between l and Ox. There exist a Lorentz transformation that maps Σ to a surface of revolution Σ obtained 1 by rotating a spacelike γ , that lies in the xz-plane, about the x-axis. This transformation 1 is a composition of a translation along y-axis by a vector v = (0,a,0) and a rotation about y-axis of angle θ. Because the curve γ is spacelike, it can be parametrized as 1 γ (u) = (u,0,g(u)), u ∈ I ⊂ R, g (cid:54)= 0, 1 − g(cid:48)2 > 0. Then, a parametrization of Σ is 1 1 X(u,v) = (u,g(u)sinh,g(u)coshv) and therefore a parametrization of Σ is      coshθ 0 sinhθ u 0 X(u,v) =  0 1 0 g(u)sinhv+a sinhθ 0 coshθ g(u)coshv 0 = (ucoshθ+g(u)sinhθcoshv,g(u)sinhv+a,g(u)sinhθ+g(u)coshθcoshv) 2. The case l is lightlike. By a suitable rotation about the z-axis, we can assume that the plane containing the generatrix γ and the rotation axis l is the xz-plane and l is parallel to e +e . Let {H} = 1 3 (a,0,0)betheintersectionpointoflandthexy-planeandsupposethatγ(u) = (u,0,g(u)). Then, a parametrization of Σ is  v2 v2  1− −v     u a  2 2  X(u,v) =  v 1 −v  0 +0  −v2 v2 g(u) 0 −v 1+ 2 2 (cid:18) v2 v2(cid:19) = u−[u−g(u)] +a,v[u−g(u)],g(u)−[u−g(u)] . 2 2 3. The case l is timelike. By the same arguments as in the case l is spacelike, but in this case, θ is the angle between l and the z-axis and Σ is the surface of revolution obtained by rotating γ about the 1 1 z-axis. A parametrization of Σ is (ucosv,usinv,g(u)). Therefore, a parametrization of Σ is 1      coshθ 0 sinhθ ucosv 0 X(u,v) =  0 1 0 usinv+a sinhθ 0 coshθ g(u) 0 = (ucosvcoshθ+g(u)sinhθ,usinv+a,ucosvsinhθ+g(u)coshθ). 6 Theorem 4. An f-maximal surface of revolution Σ in G2 ×R is either a horizontal plane or 1 a spacelike f-Catenoid. Proof. SinceLorentztransformationspreservethemeancurvatureofsurfaces,alongacoordinate curve u = u , the mean curvature H of Σ is constant. Therefore if the f-mean curvature H of 0 f Σ is zero, along any coordinate curve u = u , (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) must be constant. This fact will be used 0 to eliminate the case that the rotation axis l is spacelike or lightlike. The followings are obtained by straightforward computations. • If l is spacelike and (2) is a parametrization of Σ, then 1 (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) = [usinhθcoshθcoshv+g(u)(sinh2θcosh2v+sinh2v (cid:112) 1−[g(cid:48)(u)]2 (cid:112) +g(cid:48)(u)sinhθcoshvcoshθ)+ug(cid:48)(u)cosh2θ+asinhv 1−[g(cid:48)(u)]2]. The condition “(cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) is not constant” is equvalent to that “for any u ∂ (cid:112) Q := 1−[g(cid:48)(u)]2(cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105), ∂v must be zero for every v.” By a straightforward computation, we obtain (cid:18) (cid:19) usinh2θ sinh2θ Q = sinhv+g(u) sinh2θsinh2v+sinh2v+g(cid:48)(u) sinhv +acoshv 2 2 sinh2θ = g(u)sinh2vcosh2θ+[u+g(u)g(cid:48)(u)] sinhv+acoshv. 2 It is not hard to see that if for any u ∈ I, Q vanishes for every v then g(u) = 0. This is impossible because g (cid:54)= 0. • If l is lightlike and (3) is a parametrization of Σ, then (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) = 1 (cid:20)u−[u−g(u)] v2(cid:21)(cid:20)g(cid:48)(u)+ v2 (cid:2)1−g(cid:48)(u)(cid:3)(cid:21)+v2[u−g(u)][g(cid:48)(u)−1] g(cid:48)2(u)−1 2 2 = 1 (cid:2)(g(u)−u)(1−g(cid:48)(u))v4+2(u+g(u)g(cid:48)(u)−2g(u))v2(cid:3)+ug(cid:48)(u). 4(g(cid:48)2(u)−1) We can verify that (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) is not constant. • The case l is timelike and (4) is a parametrization of Σ, A direct computation shows that (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 sinh2θ (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) = ug(cid:48)(u)(1+cos2vsinh2θ)+[u+g(u)g(cid:48)(u)] cosv+g(u)sinh2θ (cid:112) 1−[g(cid:48)(u)]2 2 ag(cid:48)(u)sinv + . (5) (cid:112) 1−[g(cid:48)(u)]2 We can see that, for any u, (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) is constant if and only if θ = a = 0, i.e., l must be the z-axis. The parametrization of Σ is now become X(u,v) = (ucosv,usinv,g(u)). (6) 7 A direct computation shows that −1(1−g(cid:48)2)g(cid:48)+ug(cid:48)(cid:48) H = , 2 u(1−g(cid:48)2)3/2 −g(cid:48)u (cid:104)∇f,N(cid:105) = . (cid:112) 1−g(cid:48)2 Therefore, Σ is f-maximal if and only if g satisfies the following equation (1−g(cid:48)2)g(cid:48)+ug(cid:48)(cid:48)+u2g(cid:48)(1−g(cid:48)2) = 0. (7) We solve equation (7). • It is clear that g(u) = a, where a is constant, is a solution of (7), i.e., Σ is a vertical plane. • Now locally we can suppose that g(cid:48)(u) (cid:54)= 0 for every u ∈ J, where J ⊂ I. Multiply both sides of (7) by g(cid:48) and set h = g(cid:48)2, we get dh u2+1 − = 2 h(1−h). du u Solving this equation, we obtain 1−h ln = u2+lnu2+C, C ∈ R, h or 1 h = . 1+u2eu2+C Therefore, (cid:114) 1 g(cid:48)(u) = ± , 1+u2eu2+C and (cid:90) u(cid:114) 1 g(u) = ± dτ, u ∈ J. 1+τ2eτ2+C 0 u0 The function g is defined over R, therefore we can assume that I = R, u = 0, i.e., γ ≡ γ 0 s or γ ≡ γ , where γ is the graph of the function s s (cid:90) u(cid:114) 1 h(u) = − dτ, u ∈ R. 1+τ2eτ2+C 0 It is clear that γ and γ generate the same surface of revolution Σ . s s S 8 4 Timelike f-minimal surfaces of revolution in G2 × R 1 4.1 Timelike f-Catenoids in G2 × R 1 In the xz-plane consider the curve γ that is the graph of the function T (cid:115) (cid:90) u eτ2 h(u) = dτ, eτ2 −Cτ2 u0 where C is a positive constant and u belongs to the domain D of the function. The domain D 0 is determined by the following lemma. Lemma 5. Consider the function h : R −→ R defined by h(u) = eu2 −Cu2, where C > 0. Then 1. If 0 < C < e, then h(u) > 0, ∀u ∈ R. 2. If C = e, then h(u) > 0, ∀u (cid:54)= −1,1. 3. If C > e, then there exist 0 < u < 1 < u , such that h(u) > 0, ∀u ∈ (−∞,−u ) ∪ 1 2 2 (−u ,u )∪(u ,+∞). 1 1 2 Proof. Because the function h is even, we just consider the case u ≥ 0. Taking the derivative of the function, we obtain (cid:16) (cid:17) h(cid:48)(u) = 2u eu2 −C . 1. If C ≤ 1, then h(cid:48)(u) > 0,∀u > 0. The function h is monotonically increasing and therefore h(u) > 0,∀u ≥ 0. Note that h(0) = 1. √ √ 2. If C > 1, the function has the only minimum point at u = lnC and h( lnC) = C − ClnC. We consider the following subcases. √ • The case 1 < C < e. Because h( lnC) = C −lnC > 0, h(u) > 0,∀u ≥ 0. • The case C = e. We can see that h(u) > 0,∀u (cid:54)= 1 and h(1) = 0. √ • The case C > e. Because h( lnC) = C−ClnC < 0, there exist two values 0 < u < 1 1 < u such that h(u ) = h(u ) = 0, h(u) > 0, ∀u ∈/ [u ,u ] and h(u) ≤ 0, ∀u ∈ 2 1 2 1 2 [u ,u ]. 1 2 √ x 0 u1 lnc u2 +∞ h(cid:48)(x) − − 0 + + h(x) 1 +∞ 0 0 C(1−lnC) By Lemma 5, the domain D and u are chosen as follows. 0 1. If 0 < C < e, then D = R and u = 0. 0 9 2. IfC = e,thenD = (−∞,−1), u = −1orD = (−1,1), u = 0ororD = (1,+∞),u = 1. 0 0 0 3. If C > e, then D = (−∞,−u ), u = −u or D = (−u ,u ), u = 0; or D = 2 0 2 1 1 0 (u ,+∞),u = u . 2 0 2 Rotate the curve about the z-axis, we obtain a surface of revolution, denoted by Σ , that can T be parametrized as follows.  (cid:115)  (cid:90) u eτ2 X(u,v) = ucosv,usinv, dτ. eτ2 −Cτ2 u0 By a direct computation, it follows that the curve is timelike, Σ is timelike. Moreover Σ is T T timelike f-minimal. We call Σ a timelike f-Catenoid. T 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 O -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 Figure 3. Generatrices corresponding to C = 2,1.5,1,0.5 and the line x = z, respectively 10

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