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Zen and Japanese Militarism: A Critical Inquiry Into the Roots of 'Imperial Way-Zen' PDF

459 Pages·1995·2.729 MB·English
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FORM IV , '.1"', ' . •.. TEMPLUEN IVERSGIRTAYD UATBEO ARD '. ·],:. r, Ifti':iI ,' ..... :. " :.". /' ... ',,." .: .., .",',, . . ' . . �', ,' ., - TilolfDe I SserZtENa AtNID JOAnPA.N ESEM ILITARISMA: CRITICALI NQUIRY INTO THE ROOTSO F "IMPERIAL WAY-ZEN" AuthoBrri anA ndreV ictoria Reada ndA pprovbeyd Datseu bmitttoGe rda duBaotea rd0 1D ecember1 995 Acceptbeydt heG rclduaBtoca r0d1 T emple IveNlIyIp Ia rlJfaull hllm0c1tn hle l eqlllrC1l0I1rl heell l, degreo¢,efD o¥ctoolrlP' h t.l'o!>.o phc/y/ . /� ...... .. . . o Date. . .. . . . (Deaont G'r aduaStcch ool) ZENA NDJ AAPNESEM LIIATRISM: A CRIITCAILQN UIYR ITNOT HER OOTS OF "MIPERIAWLA YZ-EN" A Dissertation Submtitetdo theT emplUen iverGsriatdyu aBtoea rd InP artiFaull fillment oft heR equiremfeontrth seD egree DOCTOORF P HILOSOPHY by BriaAnn drVei ctoria May,1 996 © CoYprgiht by BriAannrd eV ictiOar 1996 AlRli ghRtess veerd i i i ABSRTACT Ttil:e ZENA ND JAAPNESEM ILTIARSIM:A CRTIICAILN UQIRIYN TOT HER OOTOSF IMPERIAWLA YZ-ENII CandidaNtaem'es: BriAa.Vn i ctoria Dergee: DoctoofPr h isloophy TempUlnei vseiyrt,1 996 MajorA dvsio:r DrC.h arles Fu InI mperJiaaplao nf t he1 930s,a looseolgrya nized movemetn aorsew ithtihneS ataan dR mzaZle ns ects which wask nwonv arioauss" lIypm eriWaa-ylZ en",I"pm eirlaS tat­e ZenII,o r "eIrmiMpaill yi-tZnae.rT het hruosftt himsov emetn wast op lcaem editaptoiwoen(r J z.e jOn-rtlkl*¥ �t.J)c,op uled witthh es piitro fs elfs-cidlpiie nand selfs-acriicfed erived frmo Zen trnaiinagt,t heds iposoafJl a p'asan rmefdorc es. "mIperiWaa-ylZ enwlals i stelofn lay s ubsoefta lagrer pa-nBuddihsmto vemeknnto wans" IpmerlWi aay-uBddihsmT.h"i s lattmeovre menwta ss upptoerdb ya lolf t hes ectcso mposing instituBtuidoidnshamlI. tdso cntarfliou ndaotnsi restoendt he iv tWipnli lsa orft otsaubls revietnoct eh es tatient hep esrono f thEem peraonrd t heI dentifoifwc aarta isao nn acBtu dodfh ist compas.s ion Thidssi steartieoxmnai nebso th thoefsm eo vmeentws ith patrciuleamrph asoIns" ImepriaWla yZ-e"na nds eektsoe xaplin howI tw asp ossei tbhlaBtu ddhias rmle,ii gowni tnho nv-iolence aso neo fI tfsu ndeanmtparle cecpotusl,d bheaevinen terepdr et so ass utpopt ot rhwea rp oliocfiI empse rJiapaaln . v TABLOEF C ONTENTS Page ABSTRACT IV PROOLGUE vi ii CHAPTER 1 METHODOOGLY 1 2 THEA TTEMPTED SUPPRESSION OFB UDDIHSM 35 3 EARYL B UDDTH SIOSCIAL FERMTE N 60 4 UCHYA IMAG UOD R-AIDCAL SOTOZ EN PRITE S 113 5 ISNTITOUNTAIBLU DDHISM'S REJCETOIN OPFR ORGESSIVE SOCLIA ACTION 154 6 THEIC NOROPRATIOONF BUDDHIITNSOMT HEJA APNESE WARM ACHINE 106 7 BUDDTH RIESSTIASNCTEO JAAPNEES MIILATR ISM 118 vi 8 THEE MEREGNCOEF " MIPERIAL WAY-BUDDHISM" 207 9 THEE MEREGNCOEF " MIPERIAL STAETZ-E"N 243 10 THEP OST-WJAAARP NESE RESPONSTEOS" IEMRIPAL WAY- BUDSDMH"I 342 1 1 THEP OST-WJAARAP NESE RESPONTSOE" SI EMRIPAL STAT-EEZN" 371 1 2 ISSUEASW AINTGIF UTRHER RESAERCH 416 REFECRESEC NIDT E 428 viI PROLOUGE Chaptse TrwoT horughF oru It icse ntar alo ftt hhidessiss iresti aottnh atth e hitsorcialr ootosf b ot"hmI peiralW ayZ-ena"n d "mIpenWaal-y Budsdm"h cianb ec elalryt arcebda ck toa tl aesJtap anM'esji ipe riaonddt hera ectioofn isntuittiloB nuadhdisml'esea srd tob otthh eS nio­ Japnaesaen dR us-saJopnaeswear s.T hefr isftou r contecnhptat se orft hidsi srstteaioaner desigtnoe d suppta onrdva ldiatet his claim. ChatpeTrw o, lTiheA ttemptSeudp epsrosnio f Buddhmi,s"b eigsn witah b ireiftn orductoint o the genaelrs tea otfB uddhiasstm h irsleg iioenn teedr Japanm'osed rnp eriodt,i nwsgit tathrh eM ejii Resattoiroonf1 8 68.It p orduceevsdi encteos hwo thta,i orniclyal,t hes em-ifofciiaslu pepsrsioofn viii Buddhsimt haatcc ompained MtehJieiR e satitoorwna s rsepobnlsfeio trh efr ist rotiv netsuttoiinaBlu didsht supptf oorrt hene wg ovenrmenatnd itesx apnisoinst anda tni-Cthirapinos leisc.Ti haitst os ayB,u dhsdit leasd heorpetdht a biyd eynnitgit fehmselwviettshh e natiiosntailca taisoopnfis r tnhewe g overmnentth ye woludn oto nleys cacpoen ntuiepde srecutbiuotn benefointc,ae g na,fi roomff ilcf ivaao.rA fetra n umber off lasset tasrt,h ieref fodritidsn f acgta itnh eamt laesat m odicusmu cfohaf v .oT rhec osotft hfias vro, howevewra,si ncpoorrtaiointn oa govenrmen­t santcinoeda,n dS tatSeh itn-oodmianetd,r leiigous hiaecrrhy. ChapteTrh ree",a ElryB uddth SiosicaFlem rent" ouitnlse thaett emtpb yB uddhisltae dse troc omteo girpwsi tthh eI mlcpiatioofnJ sa paenm'esgr ecneo n thweo dr slteag,e spceiya Bluldsdthr iepsonsteost he IX rleiugsia ondsce urlc ahanlgleeosft hWee sta sw elals theo ngoincgrt iicsi somdfo emsitcv ocie.s Ont he oneh andB,u didshlte eards" erdciovseerd"t heir hitsoriccoamlm itmteosn otac lip hainlhtorp.yT heir effowretr,she oweveortf,e onf a t ypdee sigtnoWe idn offiicafla vboyra ssaugisnogm oef t hweo rsstco ial efefcts Jopafa n'rsa pmiddu sitaraltii,zo tnheebyr lesnsmge thed angoefrr beellfirmoo nt hel ower calsses. FrashitgeBdu didshlte asda elors srpeondteotd h e neetdo a dopt "ctshiteei nfaittci tuodfeW "e tsern lerClnnige,v ewni trhge adr tot hest udoyfB udidshm itseHleefr,.t ooh,o wevtehrme,o t itviaowna sa,tl east inp artd,ef nesei ivnn tauer,f otrh Beu didshlte asdheirp rceoginzetdht a wiotuhte mbarcnigW estelrne arning thewyou lbde u nablet oc onutret het eiclntlauelt herat x

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