O b a m a ’ s I m p e r i a l W a r The expansion of the US attack on Afghanistan and Pakistan is not due to the personal qualities of Obama but to the social system he serves: the national state and the (cid:77) (cid:77) capitalist economy. The nature of the situation guarantees An Anarchist Response that the system will act irrationally. Anarchists should participate in building a broad movement against the war, (cid:77) while raising our political program l a za a B b o a o Z k s (cid:77) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:77) “K e!“ n e o r wl F edgeisthe Key to be W a y n e P r i c e 8 Obama’s Imperial War O b a m a ’ s I m p e r i a l W a r (cid:77) (cid:77) An Anarchist Response W a y n e P r i c e Debate on this article can be found at: www.anarkismo.net /article/15197 (cid:77) (cid:77) Zabalaza Books “Knowledge is the Key to be Free!“ Post: Postnet Suite 47, Private Bag X1, Fordsburg, South Africa, 2033 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.zabalaza.net An Anarchist Response 7 of Afghanistan. But this does not require any support or endorsement for any particular organisation or leadership. We are certainly not “for” the Taliban, which is viciously misogynist, anti-labour, and statist. We do not want them to get their state again. However, that is a matter for the Afghan people to decide, not for the US state nor for Western anarchists. We should be willing to work with anyone who will oppose the wars, while openly expressing our own program: the end of the state, of inter- national capitalism (imperialism), and of all forms of oppression. 6 Obama’s Imperial War gap between nuclear and conventional weapons. I do not know where this stands at the moment.) Liberals have called on the US to lead a world- wide crusade to abolish all nuclear weapons. Obama has given lip serv- ice to this idea, but nothing will come of it because the US state cannot give up any of its power to threaten the rest of the world. We revolutionary anarchists must oppose these wars with all our might. The expansion of the US attack on Afghanistan and Pakistan is While the system cannot stop making wars, it can be forced to end par- not due to the personal qualities of Obama but to the social ticular wars. This can be done by raising the price that the state must pay system he serves: the national state and the capitalist economy. The for that war. If the capitalist politicians feel that young people are becom- nature of the situation guarantees that the system will act irrationally. ing radicalised and militant, that labour is becoming restless, that soldiers Anarchists should participate in building a broad movement against the are potentially mutinous, and that the local peoples will not stop resisting war, while raising our political program. - then they will finally decide to end the war (as in Vietnam). In discussing President Obama’s expansion of the US attack on We should participate in the broader “peace” movement, joining it in its Afghanistan and Pakistan, it is important not to focus on Obama as a per- mass marches and demonstrations. Often we radicals get tired of demon- sonality but on the social system to which he is committed, specifically to strations, seeing how little they accomplish; but we should not forget how the war-waging capitalist national state. “War is the health of the state,” exciting they can be for newer layers of anti-war activists. However this as Randolph Bourne declared during World War I. It is what the national does not mean that we cover up our program. In particular we must state is for, what it does, and why it still exists, despite the real trends oppose the leaders of this movement (liberals, social democrats, and toward international unity and worldwide co-ordination. In an age of Marxist-Leninists) for their capitulation to the Democratic Party. For years nuclear bombs, the human race will not be safe until we abolish these now, they have held back the movement by focusing on electing and sup- states (especially the big, imperial, ones such as those of North America, porting liberal Democrats. Western Europe, and Japan) and replace them with a federation of self- managing associations of working people. We need to point to those who have the real power to end the war: the soldiers and other military forces and the working class. There has been After 3 months of consultations and deliberation, President Obama has increasing discontent among rank-and-file military and their families announced that he is going to do what he had promised to do during his about the war. We should have a positive attitude toward this, as opposed campaign for president - namely to expand the US attack on Afghanistan to a moralistic superiority toward ordinary soldiers, who are usually vic- and Pakistan. This may not have been inevitable (since he broke many of tims of the poverty draft. Similarly, there has been much discontent with his campaign promises already, such as ending overseas prisons, open- the wars among working people and their families. We can at least sup- ness in government, ending “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a health care plan port the idea of strikes against the war, war production, and the trans- which covers everyone, an economic plan for working people, etc.). But portation of war material. We should oppose any use of the war as an it was probable. excuse for union-busting or wage-lowering. As has been pointed out, his stated reasons for the war do not make The force most directly opposing US imperialism in these regions is the much sense: in order to get out of Afghanistan, the US will send more people. We should make clear our solidarity with the nationally oppressed troops into Afghanistan. The US needs to fight Al Queda, even though people (who are mostly workers, peasants, and small businesspeople). there are now only about 100 Queda militants left in Afghanistan; the We should defend their right to resist US aggression. We should not be Queda base is mostly in Pakistan (which Obama slurred over by speaking “neutral” between the mightiest imperial power and the oppressed people of “the border”) but the US will not be sending troops there (just secret 4 Obama’s Imperial War An Anarchist Response 5 attacks by drone missiles and CIA operatives). More generally, the US and sell on the US’ terms (“neo-colonialism”). But whenever “necessary,” supposedly has to strengthen the resolve of the government of Pakistan… this has been backed up by military force, as shown in two imperialist by sending more troops to Afghanistan. The US hopes to win over the world wars and a large number of invasions of smaller, weaker, nations. people of Afghanistan and Pakistan by sending more non-Muslim, only- English-speaking, troops, which is sure to antagonize the people of the Therefore it cannot accept being kicked in the teeth by small groups of region. In 18 months, the US forces are supposed to transform the Karzai terrorists living in caves, nor let petty dictatorships thumb their noses at regime from one of the most corrupt, incompetent, and illegitimate states the US. Nor can they afford to let regions which dominate the world petro- on earth, to a stable government (never mind a democracy). The effects leum supply fall into chaos, or at least outside of US rule, given the cen- of the mistaken US policies of 8 years can be reversed in 18 months (on trality of oil for the capitalist industrial economy. This includes both the the assumption that US forces will really “start” to withdraw in 18 months; Middle East and Northwest Asia (which may have important oil pipelines promises are cheap; the US is still in Iraq). All of this is simply unbeliev- go through it). able and it is hard to think that an intelligent man such as Obama believes any of it. Irrational behaviour will result from being in situations that cannot be rationally dealt with. The US ruling class must try to dominate the world, Why then, really, is the US sending more troops into the region? Closer economically and therefore politically and militarily, due to world compe- to Obama’s thinking are the expressions in his December 1, West Point, tition. But it cannot dominate the world and is losing out in international address, when he announced his program, where he spoke about the US competition. It must try to control the oppressed nations of Iraq, as a global power with an economy that competes on the world market. Afghanistan, and Pakistan, but it cannot control them. The result is a con- Thus he remarked that “competition within the global economy has grown tradictory and irrational foreign policy. This was apparent under the stu- more fierce… Our prosperity… will allow us to compete in this century as pid George W. Bush, with his ideologically fanatic advisors. It is still obvi- successfully as we did in the past.” Implicit in these statements is an ous under the intelligent and reasonable Barack Obama. awareness that the US is no longer the economic power it was “in the past.” While still having the largest national economy, the US is now a de- The result is likely to be disastrous (as it was in the Vietnam war, also industrializing debtor nation, losing out in world competition to Europe waged by moderate Democrats - in fact most US wars have been waged and Asia. This has been made worse by the global Great Recession, which by Democrats, starting with World War I). In Iraq, Afghanistan, and has exposed the decay of the whole international capitalist system. The Pakistan, many people have been killed or wounded or their lives disrupt- US ruling class, its layer of rich people, is not happy about this. ed - mostly the nationally-oppressed people but also many US soldiers. Now very many more will be killed. Not to speak of the wealth that will be So they turn to the one asset they still have, which is the mighty mili- destroyed, both in the attacked countries and in the US (Obama says the tary force of the US state - more powerful than any potential combination war will cost $1 trillion). of opponent states. By throwing its weight around, the US hopes to re- achieve world dominance, or at least to slow its decline in world power. And in the background is the threat of nuclear war - not only does the Obama reminded his listeners that the US has long been the dominant US have nuclear weapons but so does Pakistan and its long-time opponent world power. “Our country has borne a special burden in global affairs… and neighbour India. Also, in the same region, the US is threatening to More than any other nation, the United States of America has underwrit- attack Iran, for supposedly working toward nuclear weapons, and there ten global security for six decades…” This is modified by the hypocritical are similar threats by the US ally Israel, which does have nuclear weapons. words, ”But unlike the great powers of old, we have not sough world dom- Will nuclear bombs be used in the near future? I doubt it; but time march- ination.” He can say this because the US has not ruled through open es on and sooner or later they will be used. (The Bush administration “ownership” of colonies (leaving aside Puerto Rico and a few other places) made an effort to make smaller “bunker-blasting” nuclear bombs, which but by economically dominating the world market, so that all must buy could be used in small wars such as in Iraq. These would have erased the