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Preview Z2 phase diagram of three-dimensional disordered topological insulator via scattering matrix approach

Z phase diagram of three-dimensional disordered topological insulator via scattering 2 matrix approach Björn Sbierski and Piet W. Brouwer Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and Institut für Theoretische Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, D-14195, Berlin, Germany Theroleofdisorderinthefieldofthree-dimensionaltimereversalinvarianttopologicalinsulators hasbecomeanactivefieldofresearchrecently. However,thecomputationofZ invariantsforlarge, 2 disorderedsystemsstillposesaconsiderablechallenge. Inthispaperweapplyandextendarecently proposedmethodbasedonthescatteringmatrixapproach,whichallowsthestudyoflargesystems 4 at reasonable computational effort with few-channel leads. By computing the Z invariant directly 2 1 forthedisorderedtopologicalAndersoninsulator,weunambiguouslyidentifythetopologicalnature 0 of this phase without resorting to its connection with the clean case. We are able to efficiently 2 compute the Z phase diagram in the mass-disorder plane. The topological phase boundaries are 2 r found to be well described by the self consistent Born approximation, both for vanishing and finite a chemical potential. M PACSnumbers: 72.10.Bg,72.20.Dp,73.22.-f 6 2 I. INTRODUCTION computed directly from the band structure.1,2,13) While ] methods based on exact diagonalization are applicable l al fortwodimensionalsystems,theirperformanceforthree- Time reversal invariant (TRI) topological insulators, h dimensional systems is rather poor14–16. For example, a a class of insulating materials with strong spin orbit - recent study16 was only able to map the Z invariant for s coupling, have attracted a great amount of attention 2 e a few lines in the disorder strength–Fermi energy plane in recent years. While clean systems are fairly well m for a system of 8x8x8 lattice sites, leaving uncertainties understood,1,2 animportantthemeincurrenttopological aboutthepossibilitytoinferqualitativeandquantitative t. insulator research is the study of disorder. Besides being a behavior in the experimentally relevant thermodynamic crucialfortheinterpretationofexperimentaldata,disor- m limit. As an example of an indirect method for calculat- derisoffundamentalinterest: Generically,disorderlocal- ing the Z invariant, the three-dimensional topological - izeselectronwavefunctionsandthusisexpectedtocoun- 2 d Andersoninsulatorwasarguedtobetopologicalnontriv- teract non-trivial topology, which, as a global property, n ial by employing the Witten effect.7 The transfer-matrix o requires the existence of extended wavefunctions in the method can be used to obtain Lyapunov exponents in a c valenceandconductionbands. Oneofthedefiningprop- finite-sizescalinganalysis,17,18whichisthenusedtoinfer [ ertiesofstrongtopologicalinsulator(STI)phasesistheir informationontopologicalphaseboundaries. Drawbacks 2 unusual stability: extended bulk- and gapless edge elec- of this method include difficulties in the determination v tronicstatespersistforweaktomoderatelystrongdisor- of the phase boundary between two insulating phases, 1 der. Withincreasingdisorderstrength,thebulkgapgets since size dependence of the decay length is intrinsically 6 filled with localized electronic states, the mobility gap 4 small on both sides of the transition. In the case of decreasesandfinally, atthetopologicalphasetransition, 7 a transition between an insulating topologically trivial themobilitygapclosesandthesurfacestatesatopposite . and nontrivial phase, application of open boundary con- 1 surfaces gap out via an extended bulk wavefunction.3 ditions allows for a facilitated detection of the resulting 0 4 However, disorder physics in topological insulators is insulator-(surface)metaltransition. However, thiscauses 1 much richer than suggested by the simple scheme above. amuchstrongerfinite-sizeeffectandrenderstheinterpre- : A drastic example is provided by the topological Ander- tationoftheresultsforfinitesystemsizesratherdifficult. v son insulator transition, where increasing disorder drives Forexample, a recenttransfer-matrixstudy19 speculates i X an ordinary insulator (OI) into a topologically nontriv- about a novel “defeated WTI” region in the phase dia- r ial phase.4–7,14 Moreover, the role of different disorder gram,whoseprecisenatureandpropertieshavenotbeen a types8 or spatially correlated disorder9 has been ad- finally resolved. dressed in literature. Further, weak topological insu- As a numerically inexpensive alternative, Fulga et al. lator (WTI) phases known to be protected by trans- proposed to obtain the topological invariants from a lational symmetry were shown to be surprisingly sta- topological classification of the scattering matrix of a ble against almost all disorder types allowed by discrete topological insulator.20 As a Fermi surface quantity, the symmetries.10–12 computational requirements for the calculation of the One of the challenges in the field of disordered topo- scattering matrix scale favorably, so that it is accessible logical insulators is the computation of the Z invari- with modest effort. The method requires the application 2 ants that characterize strong and weak topological insu- of periodic boundary conditions and considers the de- latorphases. (Withoutdisorder,theZ invariantscanbe pendence of the scattering matrix on the corresponding 2 2 (a) (b) (i) (ii) the momentum-representation Hamiltonian reads z ] 0.5   y n X x s [i 0 H0(k)=τzm0+2m2 (1−coski) e s -0.5 i=x,y,z a Ly alue ph -11(iii) W=0 (iv) W=10 +Aτxi=Xx,y,zσisinki+µ, (1) v n Lz Eige 0.50 wdehgerreeesPoafulfiremedaotrmic,erseσspieacntdiveτliy.reFfeorrtdoefispniinte-naensds,owrebisteatl y S -0.5 A = 2m2 and choose energy units such that m2 = 1. Lx The system has time reversal symmetry, TH0(k)T−1 = H (−k), inversion symmetry, IH (k)I−1 = H (−k), 0 0 0 Sy and, if µ = 0, particle-hole symmetry PH (k)P−1 = 0 −H (−k). Here T = iσ K is the time-reversal operator 0 y Figure 1. (Color online) (a) Setup of the scattering problem (K complex conjugation, T2 =−1), I =τz the inversion with leads in y-direction and twisted periodic boundary con- operator, and P = τyσyK the particle-hole conjugation ditionsinx-andz−directions. (b)Typicaleigenphaseevolu- operator (P2 =1). tion of Sy(φx,φz) under continuous variation φx : 0 → π for The full Hamiltonian m =−1 red and µ=0 in the clean case W =0 [panels (i), 0 (iii)] and with potential disorder W = 10 [panels (ii), (iv)]. H =H +V (2) 0 For φ = 0 [panels (i), (ii)] a nontrivial winding is obtained, z while φz =π [panels (iii), (iv)] shows a trivial winding. includes an on-site disorder potential V that respects time reversal symmetry. The most general form of the disorder potential V is 6 Aharonov-Bohm fluxes. In two dimensions, there is only XX V(r)= w (στ) , (3) oneflux,andthemethodeffectivelyclassifiesa“topolog- d,r d ical quantum pump”,21–23 via a mapping similar to that r d=1 devisedbyLaughlintoclassifytheintegerquantizedHall where the summation is over all lattice sites r, and effect.24 {στ}={1,τ ,τ σ ,τ σ ,τ σ ,τ }. The amplitudes w x y x y y y z z d,r are drawn from a uniform distribution in the interval In this article, we report on the application of a −W /2 < w < W /2. The disorder potential breaks scattering matrix-based approach to a disordered three- d d,r d inversion symmetry; the terms w , w , w , and w also dimensional topological insulator model25–27 that fea- 1 3 4 5 break particle-hole symmetry. We consider a lattice of tures both strong and weak topological insulator phases. size L ×L ×L and apply periodic boundary condi- In Sec. II we review the theory and discuss the practi- x y z tions in the x and z directions, but open boundary con- cal implementation of the method, which more closely ditionsatthesurfacesaty =0andy =L −1. Below,we follows the ideas of Ref. 22, and differs from that of y firstdiscussthecaseofpotentialdisorderonly(W ≡W, Ref. 20 at some minor points. The relation to the 1 W =0ford>1),andreturntotheotherdisordertypes band-structure-based approach is discussed in Sec. III. d at the end of our discussion. In section IV we present the phase diagram in the mass– Our main focus will be on the case µ = 0 where, disorder strength plane. In contrast to Ref. 19 we see without disorder, three different topological phases ap- no evidence of a “defeated WTI” phase. We conclude pear inside the parameter range m ∈ [−5,4], which is in section V. Two appendices contain details on analytic 0 the parameter range we consider here. For m < −4 modeling of the scattering matrix for the clean limit and 0 the model is in the WTI phase, with topological indices an assessment of finite-size effects. (ν ,ν ν ν )=(0,111); for −4<m <0 it is in the STI 0 x y z 0 phase with indices (1,000); for m > 0 the system is in 0 the OI phase with indices (0,000). The inversion sym- metry of the clean model with µ = 0 ensures that bulk gap closings exist at the topological phase transitions at m =0 and −4 only.28 II. SCATTERING THEORY OF 0 In order to obtain a scattering matrix, we open up the THREE-DIMENSIONAL TOPOLOGICAL system by attaching two semi-infinite, translation- and INSULATORS time-reversal invariant leads to both surfaces orthogonal to, say, the y-direction, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The leads The tight-binding model we consider is a variant of are described by a tight-binding model, defined on the the widely-used low-energy effective Hamiltonian of the same lattice grid as the bulk insulator. In principle, for Bi Se material family.25–27 In the absence of disorder the scattering matrix method, the leads can be generic 2 3 3 and are to be chosen as simple as possible for fast com- the sign of the velocity v = dE/dk, it connects incom- putation. However, for reasons related to numerical ro- ing and outgoing modes, Tψin = P V ψout. Refer- n k nk k bustness, we choose a lead that is one site wide in the x ence 20 chooses a convention wherein, after redefinition direction,buttwositeswideinthez direction. (Werefer of the incoming scattering states, S V →S0 the scatter- y y to Appendix A for a detailed discussion why in this case ing matrix becomes antisymmetric at the “time-reversal astrictlyone-dimensionalchainislesswellsuitedforthe invariantfluxes”φ =0,π,and,thus,acquiresthesame x,z purpose of topological classification.) The y coordinates symmetry properties as the matrix w(k) used by Fu and of the lead sites r are y <0 and y ≥L . Without loss of Kane to classify time-reversal invariant topological insu- y generality, the x and z coordinates of the lead sites are latorswithoutdisorderintermsoftheirbandstructure.13 fixed at x = 0 and z = 0, 1. Using e and e to denote Here, we follow the formulation of scattering theory as x z unit vectors in the x and z directions, respectively, the it is most commonly used in the theory of quantum Hamiltonianfortheleftleadreads(seealsoAppendixA) transport,30,31 inwhichonemakesthechoiceVV∗ =−1. Atthetime-reversalinvariantfluxesφ =0,πthisgives H =X X (cid:2)t |ri(τ σ +τ σ +µ)hr| the condition that S is “self dual”x,,zST = V−1S V. L 0 y y y z y y y y<0z=0,1 Then Kramers degeneracy ensures that the eigenphases +ity(|riτxσxhr−ey|−|r−eyiτxσxhr|) {eiθj}j=1,...,4 of Sy are twofold degenerate at φx,z =0,π. Thetopologicalclassificationrestsontheeigenvalueevo- (cid:3) +δ t (|rihr+e |+|r+e ihr|) (4) z,0 z z z lution as one of the fluxes φ or φ changes from 0 to π, x z so that the system evolves from one time-reversal invari- with lattice vector r = (0,y,z). In our calculations we antfluxconfigurationintoanotherone:23Inthetopologi- have set t = t = 1 and t = 2/5. For this choice 0 z y callytrivialcase,labeledbyQ[S ]=0,degenerateeigen- of parameters the lead supports four right-propagating y value pairs, which generically split upon departing from modesandtheirleft-propagatingtimereversedpartners. atime-reversalinvariantflux,arereuniteduponreaching The coupling between the leads and the bulk sample is the other time-reversal invariant fluxes. In the nontriv- described by the coupling term ial case, which we label by Q[S ] = 1, the eigenphases y X from a degenerate pair are united with eigenphases from W =iγt (|riτ σ hr−e |−|r−e iτ σ hr|), (5) L y x x y y x x different pairs. (If S is a 2×2 matrix, so that there y z=0,1 is only a single eigenvalue pair, the question of topolog- ical triviality is connected to the winding of the eigen- with r = (0,0,z). Similar expressions apply to the phase pair around the unit circle.23) One easily verifies Hamiltonian H of the right lead and the coupling W R R that this definition is independent of the choice which between the right lead and the sample. In our calcula- eigenphasepairisbeing“tracked”: ifoneeigenphasepair tions we have chosen the value γ = 5, optimized empir- “switches partners”, then all eigenphase pairs must do ically for the numerical detection of the scattering reso- so. Similar considerations have been applied to Kramers nances. degenerate energy level pairs in order to argue for topo- To find the topological invariants for a disordered logical non-triviality of time-reversal invariant topolog- sample, we employ the twisted boundary conditions ical insulators.13,21,32 The strong and weak topological method.16,29 This amounts to inserting additional phase invariants of the sample are then defined as20 factorseiφx andeiφz inthehoppingmatrixelementscon- necting sites at x = 0 and x = Lx −1, and z = 0 and ν0 ={Q[Sy(φz =0,φx :0→π)] z = L −1, respectively. The resulting system can be z +Q[S (φ =π,φ :0→π)]}mod2 y z x thought of as a large unit cell defined on a torus with ={Q[S (φ =0,φ :0→π)] two independent Aharonov-Bohm fluxes threading the y x z two holes around the x and z axes. For the purpose of +Q[Sy(φx =π,φz :0→π)]}mod2, (7) classifying insulating phases it is sufficient to focus on ν =Q[S (φ =π,φ :0→π)], (8) x y x z the reflection matrix S (φ ,φ ) of the left (y < 0) lead, y x z ν =Q[S (φ =π,φ :0→π)]. (9) which is a unitary matrix for an insulating sample. For z y z x ourchoiceofparameters,theleadshavefourpropagating The two expressions for ν are equivalent, because the 0 modes at the Fermi energy (ε=0), so that S is a 4×4 evolution of an eigenphase pair for a contractable loop y matrix. in the φ , φ -plane is always trivial. The relations (7)– x z To obtain topological invariants from the scattering (9) remain valid under circular permutation of spatial matrix,wenotethat,becauseoftime-reversalinvariance, indices, so that, e.g., the weak topological index ν can y S satisfies the condition becalculatedbyattachingaleadinthexorz directions. y Using the Kwant software package,33 we performed S (φ ,φ )V =−VTST(−φ ,−φ ) (6) numerical calculations of ν and ν on a system with y x z y x z 0 z dimensions L ’ 9 and variable L = 9..160. Here x,z y where T denotes the matrix transpose and the unitary the length L was increased until an (almost) unitary y matrix V describes the action of the time reversal oper- reflection matrix S (φ ,φ ) was found, where we used y x z ator T in the space of scattering states.20 Since T flips the condition ||detS |−1| < 10−4 as an empirical cut- y 4 calculatedfromthebandstructure. Theweakindicesone m0 =0.4 obtains from the scattering approach agree with those 10-2 (metal) for the bulk system if and only if the sample dimensions S )||y10-4 Lx, Ly, and Lz are odd. (For even sample dimension, et( (insulator) the scattering method yields trivial weak indices.) The d |1-|10-6 m0 =0.5 advantage of the scattering approach is that the weak W=6 indicescanbecalculatedforadisorderedsystemaswell. 10-8 m0 =0.3 In order to show that the scattering-matrix-based 0 50 Ly 100 150 topological indices of Eqs. (7)–(9) are the same as the band-structure based indices if the sample dimensions Figure2. (Coloronline)Evolutionof|det[S (φ =0)]|asa are odd, we make use of the relation between scattering y x,z functionofL forL =11andaspecificdisorderrealization phasesandbound(surface)states: Asurfacestateexists y x,z withdisorderstrengthW =6andµ=0. Thethreecurvesare at energy ε if and only if S for energy ε has an eigen- y for m0 are 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, corresponding to the STI phase, phase π. This relation follows from the observation that the immediate vicinity of the topological phase transition, capping the lead by a “hard wall”, which has scattering andtheOIphase,respectively. Thedashedlineindicatesthe matrix −1, restores the original surface state spectrum empirical cut-off used in the calculations. without coupling to an external lead. A nontrivial wind- ing requires that an odd number of eigenphases passes the reference phase π upon sweeping the fluxes φ and x off where unitarity is reached. The possibility of large φ as specified in Eq. (7)–(9), whereas an even number z system sizes L is needed to accommodate cases with a y of eigenphases passes the reference phase π if the wind- long localization length, as it occurs close to a topologi- ing is trivial.23 Note, that depending on the definition calphasetransition. Ifthecondition||detS |−1|<10−4 y of the lead modes, the numerical value of the reference could not be met for L ≤ 160 the system is empiri- y phasemightdifferfromπ. (InAppendixA,weshowthat cally labeled as metallic. (Note that a full assessment for the clean and weak coupling limit all phase winding of the metal/insulator transition requires an analysis of signatures can be reproduced quantitatively from an an- thescalingbehaviorofconductivity, whichisbeyondthe alytical calculation of the scattering matrix in terms of scope of this work.) The approach to a unitary scat- the surface states at the y =0 surface.) tering matrix is illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows the In a clean system, translation invariance in the x evolution of |det[S (φ = 0)]| as a function of L at y x,z y and z directions implies that the surface states are la- disorder strength W = 6 across the OI-STI transition beled by a wave-vector q¯ = (q ,q ) in the surface Bril- for three different values of m . During the sweep of the x z 0 louin zone. Possible Dirac cones in the (q ,q ) plane flux φ and φ , the eigenphases have been tracked us- x z x z are centered around the four time-reversal-invariant mo- ing a dynamical step-width control, allowing to resolve menta (q ,q ) = (0,0), (0,π), (π,0), and (π,π), see sharp features in the eigenphase trajectory. Note that x z Fig. 3. For a finite-size sample with twisted bound- the use of twisted boundary conditions in the x and z ary conditions, only discrete values q =(2πn−φ )/L , directions allows us to chose moderate L , since we are x x x x,z q =(2πn−φ )/L are allowed. A resonance (i.e. scat- notrequiredtoseparateanysurfacestates. Wefoundthe z z z tering phase π) is found if one of the allowed q¯ vectors system size L , L = 9 sufficient to suppress finite-size x z crosses one of the surface Dirac cones. issues: BeyondaparityeffectforL (seethediscussion x,z For definiteness, we now consider the weak index ν , in the next section) there is no dependence of the results z which is determined by the phase winding Q along the on increased L , see Appendix B. x,z path φ : 0 → π at fixed φ = π. While sweeping φ , As an example, Fig. 1(b) shows a typical eigenphase x z x the allowed q¯ values build a set of trajectories in the evolutionform =−1andµ=0inthecleanandadisor- 0 (q ,q ) plane, which are shown in Fig. 3 for the cases of dered case (W =0 and W =10). For φ =0 a topologi- x z z L and L even or odd. From inspection of Fig. 3 one cally nontrivial winding is obtained, while φ =π shows x z z immediately concludes, that a Dirac cone gives rise to a trivial winding for both the clean and the disordered an odd number of scattering resonances if and only if its case. WithEqs. (7)and(9)weobtainν =1andν =0, 0 z center is at one of the “allowed” q¯ vectors for φ =0 or respectively. Similarly, we confirmed ν =ν =0 which, x x y for φ =π, which requires odd L for Dirac points with in summary, leads to (ν ,ν ν ν )=(1,000) for the par- x z 0 x y z q =π. Hence, weconcludethatifandonlyifL isodd, ticular points in parameter space. z z theindexν ofEq.(9)measurestheparityofthenumber z of Dirac points with q = π. Similarly, the index ν of z x (8) measures the parity of the number of Dirac points III. COMPARISON WITH with q = π if and only if L is odd, whereas the index x x BAND-STRUCTURE-BASED APPROACH ν of Eq. (7) measures the parity of the total number of 0 Dirac points for both even and odd sample dimensions. In this section, we focus on µ = 0. For a clean bulk In all three cases, the parities of number of Dirac points system, the topological indices ν and ν can also be correspondstotheverysamequantitiesasthosethatare 0 x,y,z 5 for the range of weak and moderate disorder strengths; only for the strong disorder region W > 25, where An- derson localization and a trivial insulator is expected, a minority of data points yields diverging results. Studies of disorder effects of the three-dimensional quantumcriticalpointbetweenSTIandOIatµ=0em- ... ... ploying the self consistent Born approximation3, renor- malization group36 or a numerical approach37 show the odd even existenceofacriticaldisorderstrengthbelowwhichadi- - rect phase transition without extended metallic phase is - - realized. This conclusion however is valid only for sys- tems with chemical potential at the clean band-touching energy (here µ = 0) which also preserve inversion sym- metry (after disorder average). Indeed, our numerical Figure 3. (Coloronline) Brillouinzone for asurface orthogo- nal to the y direction. Black arrows indicate the trajectories resultsforµ=0showthatthewidthofthemetalregion of surface wave-vectors q¯ =(qx,qz) corresponding to Lx and at the m0-induced transition between WTI, STI and OI, L bothodd(left)oreven(right)forfixedφ =πandasweep for weak disorder is considerably smaller than in other z z of φ from 0 to π. Dots indicate time-reversal-invariant mo- studies of the Z invariant for disordered systems,16,20 x 2 mentawhicharepossiblepositionsforsurfaceDiracconesat indicating that finite-size effects are much less severe for µ=0. the large system sizes we can reach. Further indication for the successful suppression of finite-size effects is that the phase diagram in Fig. 4(a) remains unchanged if we computed from the band structure.1,2,34 increase the system volume by 50% to 11×160×11, see There is a simple argument that shows that the Appendix B.) scattering-matrix-basedweakindicesarealwaystrivialif An analytical approach to disordered topological in- the sample dimensions are even, irrespective of the value sulators is the calculation of the disorder averaged self- of the bulk index: Any three-dimensional weak topologi- energy Σ using the self-consistent Born approximation cal insulator is adiabatically connected to a stack of two (SCBA).3,7 Due to symmetry arguments, Σ can be ex- dimensional topological insulators. The stacking direc- pandedasΣ τ +Σ τ ,whereτ isthe2×2unitmatrix, z z 0 0 0 tioncanbetakentobeGν =(νx,νy,νz). A“massterm” and the SCBA equation reads3,7 that couples these layers in pairs connects the system adiabatically to a trivial insulator.10,11,35 If Lx, Ly, Lz X6 W2 X 1 arealleven,suchamasstermcanbeappliedforanyGν. Σ= 12d (στ)diδ−H (k)−Σ(στ)d, (10) 0 Since the indices of Eqs. (8) and (9) are true topological d=1 k∈BZ invariants, they cannot change upon inclusion of such a where the notation (στ) was introduced below Eq. massterm,i.e.,theycanonlyacquireavaluecompatible d (3). Consequently, thedisorderaveragedpropagatorfea- with the topologically trivial phase. tures renormalized mass and chemical potential values Foroddsampledimensionsthisargumentdoesnotap- m¯ = m + ReΣ and µ¯ = µ − ReΣ , respectively. If ply and, as is shown above, for the clean case, the topo- 0 z 0 ImΣ = 0 and µ¯ in the bands above and below energies logical indices derived from the scattering matrix agree ±min(|m¯|,|m¯ +4|)thesystemismetallic; otherwise, ifµ¯ with the indices obtained from the band structure. is in the bandgap, the value of m¯ determines the nature of the resulting insulator: For 0 < m¯ we expect an OI, −4<m¯ yields a WTI and −4<m¯ <0 indicates a STI. IV. PHASE DIAGRAM IN THE PRESENCE OF Nonzero imaginary parts, ImΣ and ImΣ translate into z 0 DISORDER a finite lifetime τ < ∞ and a finite density of states at theFermilevel,indicatingeitheracompressiblediffusive We now discuss the Z phase diagram of the three- metal phase36 or, if these states are localized, an insula- 2 dimensional Hamiltonian H in the (m ,W) parameter tor. SCBAcannotdistinguishbetweenbothpossibilities. 0 plane with potential disorder. We study the cases µ=0 ThecoupledsetofSCBAequations(10)isnumerically and µ = 0.35. Topological indices ν and ν are com- solved self-consistently. For potential disorder (W = 0 0 z d puted as described in Sec. II for a dense grid of parame- for d > 1), the resulting phase boundaries of insulating ter values. The result is shown in Fig. 4. For µ = 0, it phases with ImΣ = 0 are shown in Fig. 4 as solid lines. confirmssimilartopologicalphasediagramscomputedon For µ = 0, we find excellent agreement of the SCBA the basis of conductance and scaling methods as in Refs. phase boundaries with the results from the scattering 17 and 19. Due to the large maximum system size of matrix method. Since SCBA as a disorder-averaged the- 9×160×9 we relied on self averaging and worked with ory is free of finite size effects, this further supports the only a single disorder realization per point in parameter applicability of the scattering matrix results in the ther- space. The results indicate that this is indeed justified modynamiclimit. Thesituationisdifferentforµ=0.35, 6 (a) agreement with SCBA predictions. The latter have been 30 studiedintheliteraturebefore3,17,36(onlyfortheOI/STI caseandforµ=0)buthaveneverbeencomparedquan- 25 Metal titativelytoareal-spacedisorderedthree-dimensionalTI 20 μ=0, Lx=Lz=9 tight-binding model. We conclude that SCBA should havepredictivevaluealsoforsimilarscenarios. Inpartic- W 15 ular,weshowedthatSCBAisquantitativelycorrectalso SCBA forfinitechemicalpotentialandweakdisorder,whereex- 10 tendedmetalregionsoccurevenforweakdisorder,when- 5 WTI STI OI ever the (renormalized) chemical potential lies within a bulk band. This possibility has been overlooked in Ref. 0 18. For the insulator-metal transition at larger disorder (b)20 μ=0.35, Lx=Lz=9 Metal satbrielintgythto, StCakBeAi’nstopraecccisoiuonntsluoffcearliszafrtoiomn ietffseicnths1e8rewnthiicnh- 15 WTI occur at the edges of topological nontrivial bands. W 10 Thescatteringmatrixmethodcanberegardedascom- STI OI plementary to a finite-size scaling analysis. While the 5 latter is ideally suited to detect a phase boundary, the 0 scatteringmatrixmethodcanunambiguouslyidentifythe - 4 - 2 0 2 4 topologicalphaseateachparameterpointwherethesys- m0 temisinsulating. ThisprovesthenontrivialZ2 natureof the TAI phase without referring to adiabatic connection Figure 4. (Color online) Topological phase diagram of model to the clean STI phase or involving other indirect argu- H as calculated with the scattering matrix method with po- ments. For the disordered WTI, we find no evidence for tential disorder in the mass (m0) – disorder strength (W) a “defeated WTI” region in the phase diagram, as sug- planeforµ=0(a)andµ=0.35(b). Thesampledimensions gestedrecentlyinRef.19. Wepointoutthatthescatter- are L = 9 L ≤ 160. Solid lines denote the SCBA phase x,z y ingmatrixmethodshouldbeanidealtooltoidentifythe boundaries of insulating phases with ImΣ=0. topologicalinvariantsfor(sofarhypothetical)disordered topological phases that are not adiabatically connected where for strong disorder (W (cid:38)10) the insulating states to the clean case. The scattering matrix method is able to find weak in- slightly but numerically significantly exceed the regions dices even if the strong index is nonzero, as has been where ImΣ = 0 as obtained from SCBA, indicating lo- checked using a modified Hamiltonian H (as in Ref. 27) calized states at the Fermi energy. A similar observation with anisotropic mass parameters which realizes many was reported in Ref. 16. more topological phases, e.g. (ν ,ν ν ν ) = (1,001). In closing, we comment on the effect of the five re- 0 x y z Moreover, our results explicitly demonstrate the intri- maining disorder types. By inspection of Eq. (10) we cateinterplaybetweensystemsizeandtopologicalphase find that mass-type disorder, (στ) = τ , has the same 6 z intheparameterregionsupportingaWTIphase. Adding effect as pure potential disorder, i.e., bending the phase a single layer to the system can change the topological boundariesbetweeninsulatingphasestoincreasedvalues phase from OI to WTI or vice versa, a behavior not re- of m . All other disorder types have the opposite effect 0 flected in conductance simulations. The case of a disor- onm¯,aswasnoticedforthetwodimensionalcaseinRef. dered WTI phase has been previously discussed in Refs. 8. We have confirmed the agreement between scatter- 38 and 39, where it is argued that average translational ing matrix results and the trends predicted by SCBA in symmetryinstackingdirectionissufficienttoprotectthe these cases (results not shown). We conclude that qual- weak topological insulator phase. This is in agreement itative features of the phase diagram, like, for example, with our findings since an odd number of stacked layers the occurrence of a disorder-induced topological Ander- prohibits any average translational symmetry breaking soninsulatortransition,cruciallyrelyonthemicroscopic whilesuchadimerizationcanbeadiabaticallyappliedto details of the disorder potential. an even number of layers. V. CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We have demonstrated the potential of the scatter- ingmatrixmethodforthecomputationofZ topological Wethank A.Akhmerov, C. Groth, X. Waintaland M. 2 indices for a three-dimensional disordered tight-binding Wimmer for making the Kwant software package avail- model featuring strong and weak topological phases. We able before publication. We thank a thoughtful referee studiedtheZ phasediagraminthemass-disorderplane for pointing out the problem with SCBA in Ref. 18. Fi- 2 for system sizes up to 11×160×11 and found excellent nancial support was granted by the Helmholtz Virtual 7 Institute “New states of matter and their excitations” inthesamebasisasEq. (1)andwithϕ(y)anormalized, and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the decaying function for y →∞.35 In the basis of these two frameworkoftheAlexandervonHumboldtProfessorship, Bloch states, the effective surface Hamiltonian becomes endowed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Re- a 2×2 matrix which reads search. (cid:18) (cid:19) q −q H¯STI(q¯)=A x z . (A4) y −q −q z x Appendix A: Analytic modeling of the phase The constant A was defined in Eq. (1). winding in the clean limit For the WTI (m <−4) there are four surface bands, 0 whichformtwoDiracconescenteredaroundQ¯ =(π,0) Inthecleancase, itispossibletounderstandthescat- 1 and Q¯ = (0,π). The basis states are the same as in tering matrix eigenvalue phase winding signatures (and 2 Eqs. (A2) and (A3), but with surface momenta q¯ = thus the topological classification) from a microscopic j point of view. We employ the Fisher-Lee relation40 to (qj,x,qj,z) defined around Q¯j for j = 1,2, respectively. We find calculate the elements of the scattering matrix from the retarded Green function GR,  −q −q  1,x 1,z 0 √ −q q v √ √ H¯WTI(q¯ ,q¯ )=A 1,z 1,x . Snm =−√vn1nm+i vm vnGRnm (A1) y 1 2  0 q2,x q2,z  m q −q 2,z 2,x (A5) where the right hand side represents the current in out- In a system with finite L and given fluxes φ , a going lead mode n after a normalized local excitation x,z x,z finite subset of surface wave-vectors are compatible with of incoming mode m. The mode velocities v and v n m the twisted boundary conditions, see the discussion in link this quantity to the usual amplitude propagation Sec. III. During the sweep of the “flux” φ or φ , the described by GR and any direct transition into outgoing x z allowed q¯ values form a set of trajectories in the surface modes (∝1 , not contributing to the system’s scatter- nm Brillouin zone, see Fig. 3. For an approximate descrip- ing matrix) is subtracted. The Green function depends tion of the scattering process, it is sufficient to further on the scattering region (i.e. the topological insulator restrict the effective surface Hamiltonian to the few al- surface), the lead and their mutual coupling. We first lowed wave-vectors on trajectories which are closest to discuss the effective description of the topological insu- the Dirac points. As we will show momentarily, the ar- lator surface and specify a simplified lead H0. We then L rangementofthetrajectoriesinthesurfaceBrillouinzone compare the analytical prediction with the full-scale nu- relative to the locations of the gapless points then deter- merical calculation. Finally we motivate the lead choice mines the phase winding structure. in the main text, H . L 2. Lead and its self-energy 1. Surface states and surface Hamiltonian The leads are modeled as semi-infinite, translational- Followingtheconventionofthemaintext,weconsider and time-reversal invariant tight-binding systems. To a clean topological insulator described by Eq. (1), occu- motivate the special choice of lead H described by Eq. L pyingthehalfspacey ≥0. Wemakethesameparameter (4), we first consider a simpler (thinner) lead as in Fig. choice as described in Sec. II. For energies in the bulk 5(a), realized as a tight binding chain of lattice sites at gap, a description in terms of the effective surface the- coordinates |ri=(0,y,0), with y <0 and Hamiltonian oryissufficient. TheBlochwavefunctionsforthesurface statesatsurfacemomentumq¯ =(qx,qz)closetoaDirac H0 =X|riH† hr−e |+|r−e iH hr|, (A6) pointatmomentumQ¯ =(Q ,Q )canbefoundusingthe L hop y y hop x y y<0 method applied in Ref. 35. For the STI (−4 < m < 0) 0 the two surface states around the single Dirac point at where H = t [τ σ −iτ σ ]. The wavefunctions of Q¯ =(0,0) read the fourhsocpatteriyngychxannelxs ayt the four Fermi points  √  q = ±π/4 and q = ±3π/4 are denoted |φin/outi, with 1/ 2 y y n n = 1,2,3,4. They are chosen such that the matrix V, ψ(1)(x,y,z)= √ 1 eiq¯·¯r 0 ϕ(y), (A2) defined below Eq. (6), fulfills the condition V ·V∗ =−1. q¯ LxLz  0√  Finally,theleadH0 iscoupledtothesystemH (i.e. the 1/ 2 L S topological insulator) by H times a real constant γ,   hop 0 √ ψ(2)(x,y,z)= √ 1 eiq¯·¯r−1/√ 2ϕ(y), (A3) WL0 =γ [|riHh†ophr−ey|+|r−eyiHhophr|] (A7) q¯ L L  1/ 2  x z 0 for r=(0,0,0). 8 (a) (b) 3. STI phase As a first specific example we consider the case of a Lz Lz strongtopologicalinsulator,forwhichthesurfaceHamil- tonianhasasingleDiracconecenteredatQ¯ =(0,0). We chose m =−2 since then ϕ(y)=δ , see Ref. 35. Em- 0 y,0 Lx Lx ploying the boundary conditions for, say, φz = 0 and L odd, the resulting trajectories for the surface mo- x,z Figure 5. (Color online) Tight-binding realization of system menta are shown in Fig. 6 (inset). For the effective low withHamiltonianH withattachedleadrealizedasatransla- energy theory (encircled region in the surface Brillouin tion invariant chain. In (a), the height of the lead, described zone) we find from Eq. (A4) by Hamiltonian H0, is a single lattice site while the lead H L L (cid:18) (cid:19) in (b) has a height of two lattice sites. H¯STI(φ )=A φx/Lx 0 . (A9) y x 0 −φ /L x x In order to calculate the Green function GR we assume Numerical weak system-lead coupling γ. Then H can be approxi- S Eq. (A8) mated by the ideal effective surface theory without lead, Eq. (A9), and we find in the basis of Eq. (A9) and Eq. (A6) 0 (cid:0)GR(cid:1)−1 = STI ...  LAxφx 0 √(i2−L1x)Lγz 0 0 √(12−Lxi)Lγz  - -  0 −LAxφx √0 √−(21L+xiL)γz √−(21L+xiL)γz 0   √−(21L+xiL)γz 0 −i 2ty √0 0 0  0.00 0.01 0.02  0 √(i2−L1x)Lγz 0 −i 2ty √0 0   0 √(i2−L1x)Lγz 0 0 −i 2ty √0  Figure 6. Scattering matrix eigenvalue phase windings in √(12+Lxi)Lγz 0 0 0 0 −i 2ty thecasem =−2(STI),φ =0withleadasinEq. (A6)and 0 z Finally, Eq. (A1) yields L =9intheweakcouplingregime(γ =0.1,t =1). The x,y,z y remaining parameters are as in the main text. Dots indicate  1 0 Φ 0  numerical results based on the full-scale three-dimensional i+Φ i+Φ modelwhilesolidlinesdenoteanalyticalresultsbasedonEq. S = 0 i−1Φ 0 −iΦ+Φ  (A10) (A10). The inset shows the surface Brillouin zone with the  Φ 0 − 1 0  i+Φ i+Φ positionoftheDiracconeforaSTIandtrajectoriesofallowed 0 Φ 0 1 −i+Φ −i+Φ surfacemomentafortheboundaryconditionsindicated. The encircledregionofthesurfaceBrillouinzonegivesrisetothe where Φ = ty√ALzφx. The resulting Eigenvalue phase effective model in Eq. (A9). 2|γ|2 winding is compared to the full-scale numerical calcu- lation in Fig. 6, the excellent agreement between both curves quantitatively confirms the model leading to Eq. For a semi-infinite lead, the retarded Green function (A10). For larger coupling strength γ [i.e. γ =5 as used GR is an infinite dimensional matrix. However, employ- in the numerics for Figs. 1(b) and 4], the assumption ing the concept of lead self-energy,41 the degrees of free- H ’ H¯STI becomes invalid as surface states strongly dom corresponding to the lead can be eliminated. The S y hybridizewiththeleadandcannolongerbelabeledwith calculation of the Green function GR in Eq. (A1) is nm surface momenta. Accordingly, Eq. (A10) then deviates most efficient if we retain the lead site y = −1. Thus, from the full numerical solution. the lead self-energy should take into account only lead √ The phase winding shown in Fig. 6 (STI, φ : 0 → π sites y < −1. It reads41 Σ0 = H† G0 H = −it 2 x L hop L hop and φz = 0) is nontrivial. In a similar fashion, all other where G0L is the Green function of the lead without the phasewindingsintheabsenceofdisordercanbemodeled coupling WL0. Finally, at zero energy we have GR = usingtheeffectivelow-energyandagreewiththekwant (−HS−WL0 −Σ0L)−1 and results. In general, a surface momentum trajectory that leaves or enters an odd number of surface Dirac points GR =(cid:10)φout(y =−1)(cid:12)(cid:12)GR(cid:12)(cid:12)φin(y =−1)(cid:11), (A8) correspondstoanon-trivialphasewinding. Inthefollow- nm n m ing, as we discuss the only case where two Dirac points where(cid:12)(cid:12)φin(cid:11)and|φoutiareincomingandoutgoingscatter- arereachedforthesamefluxconfiguration,weshowwhy m m ingstatesfortheleadterminatedaty =−1,i.e. without we prefer using the extended lead H [Eq. (4)] instead L the coupling W0. of the strictly one-dimensional lead H0 [Eq. (A6)]. L L 9 (a) say at ¯r = (0,0), and calculate the Green function 30 GR = (−H¯WTI −W0 −Σ0 )−1. Crucially, the coupling y L L matrix elements (denoted by Γ0 in the following) for the 25 Metal two different surface Dirac cones j = 1,2 are identical 20 μ=0, Lx=Lz=9 in such a situation since they fail to resolve the different W in-planemomentaofthesurfacestates. Representingthe 15 2x2 blocks of Eq. (A11) by ±h we obtain generically SCBA 10 WTI STI OI  −h 0 −Γ0 −1 5 GR = 0 h −Γ0  (A12) 0 −Γ0† −Γ0† −Σ0 (b) L where (after matrix inversion) the relevant on-site part at y =−1 is just −1/Σ , leading to a scattering matrix 30 L independent of φ . This trivial phase winding is consis- x 25 Metal tent with the discussion in Sec. III. However, any small 20 μ=0, Lx=Lz=11 perturbationthatactsdifferentlyonthetwoDiraccones W invalidatestheexactcancellationsandcausesasteepbut 15 still trivial phase winding that is increasingly harder to SCBA track for a decreasing perturbation strength. In numeri- 10 cal practice, finite precision of the arithmetics plays the WTI STI OI 5 role of a tiny perturbation which prevents proper eigen- value phase tracking. Although even a small amount of 0 disorder (W = 0.1) is a sufficiently strong perturbation - 4 - 2 0 2 4 m to overcome the problem, an improved lead and lead- 0 system coupling than can distinguish between the two Figure 7. Comparison of topological phase diagrams for (a) surface Dirac cone basis states are desirable. Lx,z =9 and (b) Lx,z =11 which show excellent agreement. A lead which is extended in, say, z direction [see Fig. For the larger system, the resolution in parameter space is 5(b)] can carry modes that probe the different in-plane reduced. SCBA phase boundaries are included to facilitate momentaofsurfacestates. Suchaleadisrealizedbyour comparison. defaultchoiceH inEq. (4). Themodesareproportional L to ei0z or eiπz and are thus mutually orthogonal to the the surface modes if these belong to Dirac cones with 4. Motivation for an extended lead Q = 0 or π. Thus, the scattering scenario described z in this section becomes an effective double copy of the Consider the situation m < −4 and even system di- 0 scenario in Subsection A3. Now, the steepness of the mensions. For φ = 0 and φ : 0 → π the trajectories z x (double) phase winding is conveniently controlled by γ, of surface momenta simultaneously leave the two Dirac which justifies the increased numerical cost due to the cones at Q¯ =(0,π) and (π,0), respectively. The effec- 1,2 doubling of scattering channels. tive surface Hamiltonian is  −φ 0  x 0 0 φ H¯yWTI(φx)=2 x φ 0  (A11) Appendix B: Finite-size effects 0 x 0 −φ x Figure7provesthesuccessfulsuppressionoffinite-size with basis states in Eqs. (A2) and (A3) for q¯ ’ Q¯ , effects for the system dimensions reached in this work. j j j = 1,2. Now consider a lead which is weakly cou- The phase diagram of Sec. 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