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IX Introduction This volume contains experimental information about the properties of excited states of atomic nuclei with Z ranging from 37 to 62. Chapter 4 includes spectroscopic data for nuclides of Rb, 37 Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd,and InandChapter5includes 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 spectroscopic data for nuclides of Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Pm, and Sm. 61 62 This is the region of the so-called middle-heavy nuclei. At the lower boundary it contains nuclides with the magic number of neutrons N = 50 and/or ”quasi-magic” number of protons Z =40. At the center one can find a long chain of stable or long-living isotopes of Sn with magic proton number Z = 50. At the higher boundary properties of the nuclei are strongly influenced by the vicinity of the next neutron magic number N =82. That is why this regioncontains many stableorlong-livingnuclides. Manyofthemwhicharenearthebeta-stabilitylinehaveaspherically symmetrical shape in their ground state and low-energy excited states. This is especially true for the nuclides with a magic number of protons or neutrons. At higher excitation energies the shape of a nucleus can differ from that at lower energies. The shape coexistence effect is established in many nuclei in the region. Moreover, a new generation of γ-ray detectors produces a wealth of dataaboutsuperdeformedbands athighexcitationenergies. The superdeformedbands havebeen foundinnucleifromthreedistinctregionsnearA=80,130and150. Attheveryendoftheregion one can find nuclei with obvious fingerprints of a rotational motion in the low-lying part of their spectra. They are of ellipsoidal shape in their ground states. Ashortreviewofthemoderntheoreticalapproachesinnuclearstructurephysicsisgiveninthe Chapter 1. We only mention here as the most fundamental methods at the moment the Hartree- Fock and the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov methods, which are applied to analyze the properties of groundstatesaswellasexcitedstates. Sometimestheshellmodelisalsousedtothisaim. Lessfun- damental but more widely applied are microscopic nuclear structure models like the quasiparticle - phonon nuclear model and a theory of finite Fermi-systems. They are successful in the expla- nation of the properties of semi-magic and neighboring nuclei. The interacting boson model and its numerous modifications that belong to a class of so-called”algebraic”approachesare the most effective in describing the properties of low-lying collective states in transitional (or soft) nuclei. To treat odd-mass or odd-odd nuclei models considering them as systems of one or two nucleons coupled with an even-even core are applied. To understand the spectroscopy of deformed nuclei the cranked Hartree - Fock - Bogoliubov method or the ”deformed” version of the quasiparticle - phonon model combined with a phenomenological description of nuclear rotation is used. General characteristics of the selected data The objective of this review is to present well-established spectroscopic information about the nucleiinquestion(37≤Z ≤62). The availableexperimentaldataonthe levelpropertiesarevast. Here we present data only about those excited levels for which the major characteristics - energy, Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B X Introduction spin and parity - are determined unambiguously. The data have basically been derived from the “Nuclear Data Sheets” journal and “Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data Files”. The number of unambiguously determined levels in a nucleus varies from one or two to several dozens and sometimes more than one hundred. Due to limitation in size of this review we have been forced to include data only about nuclei with a half-life T1/2 ≥ 10 h in the ground, or isomeric, state for nuclei of the region 37 ≤ Z ≤ 49, and T1/2 ≥ 2 d for nuclei of the region 50≤Z ≤62. Moreover,informationaboutnucleiwhereonlyoneexcitedlevelhasbeendetermined unambiguously is omitted. Foreachnucleusalevel-andgamma-transitionscheme,andatablearepresented. Theschemes and tables are ordered by atomic number (Z) and subordered by mass number (A). The table contains the most important quantitative information on the level properties. The level scheme gives mainly a general impression about the character of the nuclear spectrum and the electro- magnetic transitions between the levels. As a rule only those levels are depicted in the scheme of which decays by electromagnetic transitions have been experimentally observed. In this sense information in the table is more complete than in the figure. In a few exceptional cases (e.g., in 112Cd or 143Nd) in which the number of well-established levels exceeds ≈ 70 and it is not possible to presentallofthem in a figurefor technicalreasons,the higher-lyingpartofthe spectrumis not depicted in the level scheme. Both in the figures and tables each nuclear level is specified by the total angular momentum J, parity π, and order index n = 1, 2, ..., which indicates whether a state with quantum numbers Jπ is the first, second, etc., in the presented level scheme. In deformed nuclei the total angular momentumisdesignatedasI inaccordancewiththeprescriptionsinthefollowingchaptersmainly dealing with deformed nuclei. Description of the level schemes Energylevels are depicted by horizontallines, bold-typed lines correspondingto the groundstate. On the right-hand side of the lines the level energies are marked, while the quantum numbers Jπ n (Iπ in deformed nuclei) are shown on the left-hand side. Vertical lines depict γ-transitions from n aninitial(upper)leveltoafinal(lower)level. Atthe finallevelthe lineoftransitionhasanarrow. Thetransitionfromagivenlevelwiththelargestintensityisplottedbyathickline. Itispertinent tonotethattransitionsofE0typearealsodepictedintheschemesbetweenlevelswithJπ =0+,in whichnoelectromagneticradiationisemitted, buttheleveldischargeisaccomplishedbymeansof conversionelectron release. Only those transitions are shown in the schemes for which conversion electrons have been experimentally observed. In deformed nuclei in addition to the ”complete” level scheme we present a figure with well- establishedrotationalbandsandintra-bandγ-transitions. HereeachlevelischaracterizedexceptI andπ by a quantum number K which is the projectionof the totalmomentum I onto the nuclear symmetry axis. The sub-index n again discriminates states with the same Kπ in accordance with increasing excitation energies. The ground state band of an even-even nucleus is denoted by IπK =0+0 , 2+0 , 4+0 , etc. Excited states of a rotational band built on a lowest intrinsic gsb gsb gsb state with given Kπ are denoted by IπK , on the next state with the same Kπ – IπK , etc. 1 2 Atthebottomofthefigurevaluesofneutron,S ,andproton,S ,separationenergiesandmass n p excess ∆ for the ground state of the nucleus are provided in keV. Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B Introduction XI Description of the tables As a rule here we follow the notation of the “Nuclear Data Sheets” and “Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data Files”. The levels are listed in the order of increasing energy. The rows contain experimental data on properties of the ground state and excited states. The data include: • Total angular momentum J (I in deformed nuclei) in units of h¯ and parity π of the state. • Level energy E, in units of keV, is expressed in rounded numbers. Tenths of keV are given only if necessary, e.g., to distinguish between two levels of the same energy if expressed in round numbers of keV. • Level half-life T1/2 in conventional units: y = year, ky = 103y, My = 106y, Gy = 109y, Ty=1012y,Py=1015y,Ey=1018y,Zy=1021y,Yy=1024y,d=day,h=hour,m=minute, s = second, ms = 10−3s, µs = 10−6s, ns = 10−9s, ps = 10−12s, fs = 10−15s. • Reducedγ-transitionsprobabilitiesB(Eλ→Jπ)orB(Mλ→Jπ)fromthe givenlevelto the f f Jπ level, in Weiskopf‘s units: f (cid:1) (cid:2) 1 3 2 B(Eλ)W.u. = 4π λ+3 (1.2·A1/3)2λ e2 fm2λ , (cid:1) (cid:2) 10 3 2 B(Mλ)W.u. = π λ+3 (1.2·A1/3)2λ−2 µ2n fm2λ−2 . For γ-transitions of mixed multipolarities (M1+E2), (E1+M2), etc., the designation, e.g., B(M1/E2→ Jπ) = a/b, δ = c, means that for the experimentally determined mixing ratio, f δ = c, the reduced probability of the M1-transition equals a, and that of the E2-transition equals b; if for a given transition of mixed multipolarities only δ is measured the following notation is used: M1/E2→Jπ :δ =c. f • Probabilities of β∓-, electron capture (EC)-transitions to the level, e.g., logft=a(β− fromJπ),whereJπ denotesspinandparityofthemothernucleuslevelsuffer- ingβ-decay. Thefirst-forbiddenuniquetransitionsaredenotedaslogft = a1u(β− fromJπ) and the second-forbidden unique transitions as logft = a2u (β− from Jπ). • α-transition hindrance factor, HF = a (α from Jπ). • Magnetic moment of the state, µ, in units of the nucleon magnetic moment µn. • Quadrupole moment of the state, Q, in units of barn. • A list of nuclear reactions in which the level was observed. Conventional designations of these reactions are used: (γ,γ(cid:3)), (n,n’γ), (d,p), (α, xnγ), (HI, xnγ), etc. Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B Chapter 4 Energy and structure of levels of the isotopes with Z = 37 to Z = 49 V.V. Voronov Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia 83 4–2 Rb [Ref. p. 4–165 37 46 5/2+1 424 9/2+1 ? 42 3/2− 5 1 ? 5/2−1 ? ? ? 0 Jnπ Sn = 10913 keV, Sp = 5741 keV, ∆ = −79072.696keV E [keV] Jnπ E T1/2 B(E(M)λ) and logft values, moments and main reactions [keV] Refs. [92B3, 97A, 99B] 5/2−1 0 86.2 d logft=6.7 (β+ from 7/2+), µ=1.4249 µn, Q=0.196 barn, (6Li,3nγ), (α,p), (p,γ) 3/2− 5 71.5 ns B(M1→5/2−)=0.200 W.u., (6Li,3nγ), (3He,d), (p,γ) 1 1 9/2+ 42 ≥0.3 ms logft=6.7 (β+ from 7/2+), (6Li,3nγ), (3He,d), (α,p), (p,γ) 1 5/2+ 424 74 ps B(E1→3/2−)=1.4×10−5 W.u., B(E1→5/2−)=5.0×10−6 W.u., 1 1 1 B(E2→9/2+)=31 W.u., logft=6.4822 (β+ rom 7/2+), 1 (6Li,3nγ), (3He,d), (p,γ) 1/2+ 2691 (3He,d) 1 1/2+ 3059 (3He,d) 2 Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B 84 Ref. p. 4–165] Rb 4–3 37 47 6− 464 1 3− 1 ? 248 2− 0 1 ? ? Jnπ Sn = 8749 keV, Sp = 7057 keV, ∆ = −79750.149keV E [keV] Jnπ E T1/2 B(E(M)λ) and logft values, moments and main reactions [keV] Refs. [97T, 97A, 99B] 2−1 0 32.77 d µ=−1.324116µn, Q=−0.015 barn, (p,d), (d,α), (α,nγ) 3− 248 0.31 ns B(E2/M1→2−)=86/<0.0005 W.u., (δ >3), 1 1 (p,d), (d,α), (α,nγ) 6− 464 20.26 m B(M3/E4→3−)=0.00075/73W.u., (δ =1.3), 1 1 B(E4→2−)=0.146 W.u., 1 µ=0.2129331µn, Q=0.57 barn, (p,d), (d,α), (α,nγ) Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B 85 4–4 Rb [Ref. p. 4–165 37 48 1/2−3 1792 3/2−3 1296 5/2+1 951 1/2−2 886 7/2−1 869 3/2−2 ? 732 9/2+1 ? ? 514 1/2−1 ? ? 281 3/2−1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 151 5/2−1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 Jnπ Sn = 10490 keV, Sp = 7022 keV, ∆ = −82167.687keV E [keV] Jnπ E T1/2 B(E(M)λ) and logft values, moments and main reactions [keV] Refs. [91S1, 97A, 99B] 5/2−1 0 stable logft=9.45 (β− from 9/2+), µ=1.357 µn, Q=−0.23 barn, (7Li,4nγ),(12C,p2nγ),Coul. ex.,(p,γ),(3He,d),(n,n(cid:2)γ),(n,n(cid:2)),(t,α), (d,3He) 3/2− 151 0.71 ns B(M1/E2→5/2−)=0.0085/2.33W.u., (δ =0.072), 1 1 logft=5.252 (β− from 1/2−), logft=4.53 (EC from (1/2)−), (7Li,4nγ),(12C,p2nγ),Coul. ex.,(p,γ),(3He,d),(n,n(cid:2)γ),(n,n(cid:2)),(t,α), (d,3He) 1/2− 281 40 ps B(M1→3/2−)=0.237 W.u., B(E2→5/2−)=2.14 W.u., 1 1 1 logft=7.404 (β− from 1/2−), logft=6.41 (EC from (1/2)−), (7Li,4nγ),(12C,p2nγ),Coul. ex.,(p,γ),(3He,d),(n,n(cid:2)γ),(n,n(cid:2)),(t,α), (d,3He) 9/2+1 514 1.015 µs logft=9.51 (β− from 9/2+), µ=6.046 µn, B(E3→3/2−)=0.0045W.u.,(7Li,4nγ),(12C,p2nγ),(3He,d),(n,n(cid:2)γ), 1 (n,n(cid:2)), (t,α), (d,3He) 3/2− 732 4.4 ps B(M1/E2→1/2−)=0.016/33W.u., (δ =−0.60), 2 1 B(M1/E2→3/2−)=0.00016/4.5W.u., (δ =0.62), 1 logft = 7.11 (β− from 1/2−), Coul. ex., (p,γ), (3He,d), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (n,n(cid:2)), (t,α), (d,3He) 7/2− 869 2.5 ps B(E1→9/2+)=5.7×10−5 W.u., B(E2→1/2−)=0.47 W.u., 1 1 1 B(M1/E2→5/2−)=0.0042/11.8W.u., (δ =1.10), 1 Coul. ex., (p,γ), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (n,n(cid:2)) 1/2− 886 0.78 ps B(E2→ 5/2−) = 2.1 W.u., (p,γ), (3He,d), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (n,n(cid:2)), (t,α), 2 1 (d,3He) 5/2+ 951 2.8 ps B(E2→9/2+)=19 W.u., B(E1→3/2−)=2.3×10−5 W.u., 1 1 1 B(E1→5/2−)=1.3×10−5W.u.,(7Li,4nγ),(12C,p2nγ),(p,γ),(p,p(cid:2)), 1 (3He,d), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (n,n(cid:2)) 3/2− 1296 0.17 ps (p,γ), (3He,d), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (n,n(cid:2)), (t,α), (d,3He) 3 1/2− 1792 ≤ 0.12 ps (p,γ), (3He,d), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (n,n(cid:2)), (t,α), (d,3He) 3 1/2+ 2801 (3He,d) 1 1/2+ 2948 (3He,d) 2 1/2+ 3656 (3He,d) 3 Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B 86 Ref. p. 4–165] Rb 4–5 37 49 1+ 2598 3 1+ 2093 2 3+ 1305 1 7− 780 1 6− 556 1 ? 1+ 488 1 ? 2− 0 1 ? ? ? ? Jnπ Sn = 8651.0 keV, Sp = 8555.7 keV, ∆=−82747.319keV E [keV] Jnπ E T1/2 B(E(M)λ) and logft values, moments and main reactions [keV] Refs. [88M1, 97A, 99B] 2−1 0 18.631 d µ=−1.6920 µn, Q=0.193 barn, (3He,p), (d,p), (n,γ), (d,t), (d,3He), (d,α), (p,nγ), (7Li,3nγ) 1+ 488 2.4 ps B(E1→2−)=0.0012 W.u., 1 1 (3He,p), (d,p), (n,γ), (d,t), (3He,α), (d,α), (p,nγ) 6− 556 1.017 m B(E4→2−)=1.455 W.u., 1 1 µ=1.8150 µn, Q=0.369 barn, (d,p), (n,γ), (d,t), (3He,α), (d,3He), (d,α), (7Li,3nγ) 7− 780 (d,p), (n,γ), (d,3He), (d,α), (7Li,3nγ) 1 3+ 1305 (n,γ), (d,t), (d,α) 1 1+ 2093 (3He,p) (d,p) 2 1+ 2598 (3He,p), (n,γ), (d,α) 3 1+ 2951 (d,α) 4 1+ 3113 (3He,p) 5 1+ 3205 (3He,p) 6 1+ 3319 (3He,p) (d,α) 7 1+ 4221 (3He,p) 8 Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B 87 4–6 Rb [Ref. p. 4–165 37 50 1/2+ 17193 15 7/2+1 16512 1/2+ 16040 14 1/2+13 14490 5/2+1 13968 1/2+12 6989 1/2+11 6838 1/2+10 6548 1/2+9 6468 1/2+8 6176 1/2+7 6018 1/2+6 5750 1/2+5 5634 1/2+4 5196 1/2+3 4941 1/2+ 3834 2 1/2+1 3060 5/2− 403 1 3/2−1 ? 0 Jnπ Sn = 9920.3 keV, Sp = 8620 keV, ∆ = −82606.221keV E [keV] Jnπ E T1/2 B(E(M)λ) and logft values, moments and main reactions [keV] Refs. [91S2, 97A, 99B] 3/2− 0 47.5 Gy logft=7.81 (β− from 5/2+), logft=4.4013 (EC from 1/2−), 1 µ=0.127µn,Q=2.751818barn,Coul. ex.,(3He,d),(n,n(cid:2)γ),(d,3He) 5/2− 403 0.08 ns B(M1/E2→3/2−)=0.004/1.63W.u., (δ =−0.24), 1 1 logft=7.47 (β− from 5/2+), Coul. ex., (3He,d), (n,n(cid:2)γ), (p,p(cid:2)), (d,3He) 1/2+ 3060 (3He,d), (p,p(cid:2)) 1 1/2+ 3834 (3He,d) 2 1/2+ 4941 (3He,d) 3 1/2+ 5196 (3He,d) 4 1/2+ 5634 (3He,d) 5 1/2+ 5750 (3He,d) 6 1/2+ 6018 (3He,d) 7 1/2+ 6176 (3He,d) 8 1/2+ 6468 (3He,d) 9 1/2+ 6548 (3He,d) 10 1/2+ 6838 (3He,d) 11 1/2+ 6989 (3He,d) 12 5/2+ 13968 (p,p(cid:2)) 1 1/2+ 14490 (p,p(cid:2)) 13 1/2+ 16040 (p,p(cid:2)) 14 7/2+ 16512 (p,p(cid:2)) 1 1/2+ 17193 (p,p(cid:2)) 15 Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B 82 Ref. p. 4–165] Sr 4–7 38 44 18+ 9238 1 17− 8842 1 16− 8378 1 16+ 7812 1 ? 15− 7546 1 ? 14− 7067 1 ? 14+ 6544 1 ? 13− 6367 1 ? 12− 5914 1 ? 12+ 5569 2 12+ 5427 1 ? 11− 5308 1 ? 10− 5237 2 10− 4909 1 ? 9+ 4493 1 9− 4473 2 9− 4367 1 ? 10+ 4350 1 ? 8− 4143 2 ? 8− 4033 1 ? 8+ 3623 2 7− 3608 3 ? ? 7− 3566 2 ?? ? 7− 3526 1 ?? ? ? 7+ 3477 1 ? 6− 3340 2 ? 8+ 3243 1 ? ? ? 6− 3086 1 ? ? ? ? 4− 3007 2 ? 6+ 2836 2 ? ? 4− 2824 1 ? 5− 2817 1 ? ? ? ? ? 0+ 2665 3 5+ 2526 1 ?? ? 3− 2402 1 ? ?? 6+ 2229 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2+ 2195 4 4+ 1996 2 ?? ? ? 2+ 1865 3 3+ 1689 1 ? ? ? ? 4+ 1329 1 ? ? ?? ? ? ? 0+ 1311 2 2+ 1176 2 ? ? 2+ 574 1 ? ? ? ??? 0+ 0 1 ?? Jnπ Sn = 12554 keV, Sp = 7840 keV, ∆=−76008.727keV E [keV] Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series I/18B

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