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, 00049GREENLYMONkT O0 MON GREENLY 3740 MARF4 Y EL M SM 14011 LONG BEoACH aC' 3 I r0 NEWSPAPER z CA 90f907 UCY Ì t A Billboard Publication The International Newsweekly Of Music & Home Entertainment Jan. 14, 1984 $3 (U.S.) FACING TOP 40 CHALLENGE CHAINS ARE CHEERED AOR Programmers Yule Sales Boom Continues Plan More Variety By EARL PAIGE sons, says chairman Barrie Bergman. and throughout the Midwest. And LOS ANGELES -Record/ tape Comparable location increase was we're picking it all up this week," By PAUL GREIN chains continued their bright year- 20% up. Bergman says. The chain had "sever- This is the second article in a five- They are looking to play more com- end sales picture between Christmas "There was an ongoing debate here al $1 million gross days" and totalled part series surveying program direc- patible contemporary hit material, and New Year's Day. early on about our having too much over $18 million for December, he tors on the direction key formats are along with a continued heavy dose of In confirming what stacks up as personal stereo. We finally ran out," says. says Bergman of the almost coast -to- "The comparative locations figure likely to take in 1984. heavy metal. the best holiday season for the music LOS ANGELES -AOR program- But the programmers polled ex- industry since 1978 (Billboard, Jan. coast chain's entry in the product. tells us how we're doing," explains mers plan to play a wider variety of pect to expose somewhat less modern 7), many chains said last week that Once rolling, Christmas sales vol- Lou Fogelman of 26 -unit Music Plus music in '84, in an attempt to counter music, and a lot less of the '60s stal- they had not yet been able to fully ume never trailed off. "The only dip here. This contrasts stores in exis- gains made in the past year by top 40. warts who for so long comprised the tabulate sales gains or break down we got was the weather right after tence in both 1982 and 1983. For core of the AOR format: the Beatles, volume on types of product sold. Christmas that hurt us in Tennessee (Continued on page 65) WCl/PolyGram the Stones, the Who, the Doors and Stan Goman, division manager of Musicland To Buy Harmony Hut Led Zeppelin. Tower Records, based in Sacramen- Sentiment for heavy metal and to, estimates a chainwide increase of Gets Canada OK against modern music runs strongest 15% for record /tapes, but doubles By LEO SACKS in the middle of the country. On the that percentage with home video fig- NEW YORK -The Musicland Group is mapping organizational changes for By KIRK LaPOINTE coasts, modern music is still expected ured in (separate story, page 22). Lat- the 24 -store Harmony Hut chain following its proposed purchase of the web last OTTAWA -The proposed merger to be an important factor, along with ter surge was led by booming busi- week from Schwartz Bros. Inc. for $8 million in cash. Target takeover date is of the Canadian recording interests metal, contemporary hits, and possi- ness for "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" Feb. 27, pending approval by Schwartz Bros. stockholders. of Warner Communications Inc. and bly even some black music. and "Making Michael Jackson's The chain, whose stores are based in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania N.V. Philips /Siemens has received a There will also be more one -hit Thriller." and Virginia, topped the $25 million sales mark last year. Its units average be- green light from the government's acts and single -track albums, as op- Personal stereo, both boom boxes tween 5,000 and 5,500 square feet. Purchase price represents "the book value" Foreign Investment Review Agency. posed to the days when AOR would and portable Walkman -type record- of the web's inventory, leases and fixtures, according to Schwartz Bros. presi- The two companies, as part of a go five or six songs deep on a key al- ers /radios from Sanyo, helped drive dent Jim Schwartz, who says that the company's distribution arm will now con- desired worldwide joint venture, will bum. As a result, AOR and top 40 ra- volume at 150 -unit Record Bar 22% centrate on video and computer software merchandise but still maintain an ac- (Continued on page 68) (Continued on page 66) beyond 1982 for chainwide compari- tive interest in recorded product. (Continued on page 68) - - Inside Billboard THE BLANK VIDEOTAPE MARKET, already highly competitive in terms of both prices and brands, gets more crowded at this week's Consumer Electronics Show, with Kodak and Polaroid unveiling their new VHS and Beta tape lines. Page 3. THE DOUBLEDAY CHAIN has a new vice president of programming: Dave Martin, who was most recently VP /programming for Bonneville's WCLR Chicago. Although Martin's background is in adult contemporary radio, both he and Doubleday president Gary Stevens say his appointment is not necessarily an indication of new programming directions for the chain. Radio, page 10. CHRISTMAS SALES IN EUROPE, especially Britain, offered encourag- ing signs that the music industry there may be emerging from the economic dol- drums. Holiday business was generally stronger than it had been in several years, and hopes now center on sustaining the upturn through 1984. Page 70. APPLE COMPUTER is exhibiting at this year's Consumer Electronics Show after a four -year hiatus. The firm's return finds its network of business and home computer dealers divided over its apparent commitment to the home market. Page 3. NARM PLANS CHANGES in its annual convention, set for March 23 -27 Excitement Makes It in 1984 and there is nothing more exciting than at Miami Beach's Diplomat. Most significantly, video product will share the "NO SELL OUT" by MALCOLM X with music by KEITH LE DWIGHT TWILLEY'S new EMI America album JUNGLE (ST 17107) spotlight at the gathering, the theme of which is "The First Music & Video Car- BLANC. You've read about it, you've talked about it. BUT, have you and the campaign behind it. JUNGLE features the new single and pro- nival Of Entertainment." Page 4. heard it? "Le Blanc has done an amazing job of capturing the essence of vocative new video "GIRLS" (B 8196) (Advertisement) GOLD AND PLATINUM ALBUM TOTALS declined in 1983 for the Malcolm X's intellectual street raps, bringing this messenger's message to a third straight year, supporting the contention that the trade's recovery last year new generation of listeners." Nelson George, Billboard. (T(ommAy Boy 1)2" was due more to the runaway success of a few titles than to an across -the -board TB 840) (Advertisement) jump in sales. Page 4. WITH A HOP A RIBBIT AND SOME MUSKLE, PARKER BROTHERS 15 SHOWING ITS & STRENGTH IN HOME COMPUTER VIDEO GAMES. (After all, who else could create another Monopoly. ) ` O °Mß4RKER BROTHERS Look for Q*bert,TM Frogger,'M Popeye° and more at WCES booth #629 FROGGER ,S a traaemaq p1 Sega Enterpnees Inc 1.01- - rs SvnCcale mc Q. BE a rtaaemwr V.,te, inc c 1984 Parke, BrCthers Beverly MA 01915 www.americanradiohistory.com 1 A `, . , , >>>,11 1)0 100 0 E S .>:.t.,..`.......a..a,: ; "New S"n. 7 -69766 The new single from the forthcoming album "Human's Lib" from Howard Jones. °n MINI. Also available on l 2" video Song' Ne vv 0 -66977 for Look the Produced by Rupert Hine Management by David Stopps of Friars Management, Ltd. Available on Elektra Music Records & Cassettes. www.americanradiohistory.com 3 News Videotape Competition Heating Up Camera Firms Introducing Blank Tape Lines At CES By LAURA FOTI substantial changes in retail pricing "You have to keep prices low to re- NEW YORK- The camera com- opof ibnlta noku tt,a hpoe wine vtehre, ntehaart fiut tius rpe.o sTshibelye mwea'irne cfoaimrlpye taitgigvree,"s sivhee aabdodust, g"oainngd panies entering the blank videotape for retailers to make a profit on blank after deals." Those deals, say retail- market at this week's Consumer tape, especially through special ers, vary from supplier to supplier, Electronics Show (CES) will be add- promotions. and even from week to week. ing their names to one of the most "I don't think that retailers today "You could have 50 different dis- price- and brand -competitive product are using videotape as a loss leader as tributors and get a different deal categories. There are currently more they have in the past," says John Ber- from each one," says Ben Karol, than 30 different brands of videotape mingham, vice president of sales and head of King Karol in New York. on the market. merchandising for Sony Tape. He "No two people get the same price. Kodak entered the blank tape mar- adds that, although there are "hot- It's very complicated, and involves ket last week, with the introduction beds of competitive activity," such as givebacks, 30-day terms, buy a cer- of 17 different lengths and grades of New York and Los Angeles, "in most tain amount, get a certain amount Beta and VHS tape, as well as 8mm areas you can make money. Partly free. FABULOUS FANS -Barry Manilow attracts a gathering of stars backstage csaiossneatlt esm aanrkde at. fulPl olilnaero fiodr twheil lp rooffefes-r tghoios diss hbaesc aduescel intheed .i"n fluence of gray tor"sT -dheo nl'atr gken owus efrros m-t hoene pduisrctrhibasue- following the opening of his seven -night engagement at the Universal Am- tapes in VHS and Beta formats. He continues, "There's still some to the next what the price will be. phitheater in Los Angeles. Pictured from left are Kenny Rogers' wife Mari- Because of this proliferation, deal- margins left. Manufacturers are try- This is a business like liquor, tobacco anne, Dionne Warwick, Kenny Rogers, Manilow, Shirley MacLaine and Les- ers and suppliers do not forsee any ing to develop stronger consumer and small appliances. No profits are lie Uggams. promotions- premiums, special re- made except by the manufacturers -to FCC TO GET FORMAL RECOMMENDATION bates and so on help stop the de- and, in some cases, the distributors. clines. I expect to see a lot more of The retailers make no profit." Stereo TV System Gets E/A Nod them at CES, because if there's con- Wholesale prices for major brand tinual support of a specific promo- T- 120 tapes fall just under $7. Aver- tion, the price will be affected." age pricing across the country is Retailers surveyed say that they're $7.99. By BILL HOLLAND ceiver and transmitter manufactur- companies Dec. 19 -21. Formal indus- making a profit -but the margins are Retailers stress that, even though ers, the National Assn. of Broadcast- try recommendation will be filed low, ranging from 2% to 20 %. "We they don't make much money on WASHINGTON -In a move that ers (NAB), the three commercial with the FCC on Jan. 30. find we move enormous volume at a tape, they consider it an essential part could hasten the emergence of the networks and the National Cable However, industry filings with the small margin," says Dave McCul- of the product mix. "We couldn't get most important change in television Television Assn. recommended the FCC have already begun in the hopes loch, manager of the video depart- away without selling it," says viewing in the U.S. since color was Zenith Radio Co. transmission sys- of convincing it that quick adoption ment at Tower Records in New McCulloch. "It's probably 15 %- introduced in the early '50s, the Elec- tem and the dbx noise reduction sys- of the recommended single system York. 20% of our dollar volume." Karol tronic Industries Assn. (EIA) multi- tem for use in tv stereo, which they would be better for the public and in- adds, "We sell a lot of Agfa tape at channel television sound committee call "multichannel sound." dustry than passing on a decision and Billboard Confab $8.99 and make a fair profit on it." D has unanimously recommended a The committee completed testing leaving the future of tv stereo to the Doug Chatburn, national sales c single stereo sound system for Amer- of three transmission systems and marketplace. manager for TDK, suggests the entry > ican tv. four noise reduction systems last fall The new system will permit tv ste- Places Focus On of Kodak will have a stabilizing effect - Industry members including re- and heard presentations from the reo sound, and, simultaneously, a on the marketplace. "Pricing has got separate audio channel which could Computer Trends to stabilize this year," he says. "I FOR FEWER RETURNS be used for a second language or oth- don't see how prices can continue to 7 er educational use. System testing, coming after five years of study and LOS ANGELES -Computer drop the way they did in 1983. This is Á CBS Offers Midline Discount ssehaitrac hIinndgu, swtraias l cCono.d uinc teCdh iacta gMo,a ttshue- hanadrd ewmaererg ianngd m saorfktwetainreg psaaltetes rntsre wndilsl a big growth b(Cuosinnteinsus ewd iothn paa gleo t 6o8f) rr- NEW YORK- CBS Records has made the unusual move of providing CBS Technology Center in Stamford, underscore three days of panel dis- W accounts the option of trading off return allowances for discounts on and NAB's Washington head- cussions sponsored by Billboard O midline product. quarters. March 7 -9 at the Westin St. Francis mv The move within $5.98 list -equivalent product from the non -list label Also tested were transmission sys- Hotel in San Francisco. In This Issue also involves an increase in return allowances in this category for "hy- tems developed by the Electronics In- The second Billboard Computer brid" (retail/wholesaler) accounts and for racks /one- stops. Hybrid ac- dustries Assn. of Japan (EIAJ) and Software/Video Game conference BLACK 53 counts' returns have been lifted from 20.5% to 24 %, while racks /one- Telesonics Systems Inc. Other noise will also feature a software awards CANADA 55 stops now have an exchange of 30% compared to a previous 23 %. Pure reduction systems tested were devel- ceremony, manufacturer hospitality CLASSIFIED MART 33, 35 retailers continue to earn an 18% return allowance. oped by Dolby and CBS Labora- suites and a formal luncheon where COMMENTARY 8 As for the trade -off feature, it provides for 6% discounts in exchange tories. attendees and panelists will discuss COUNTRY 29 ft1ho8er% af o6rre%mtu urrelnad,, u nbcota isdoeinsd c ioonu nnr eta;t un r1n12 8%a%l lro ewrteuatrnuncr,en 6s,. % wW odirtikhssc poiuunrn ett ;hr ee6 t%afoi llreleortswu, rifnnog,r i1mn2s%atan nndceiesr-,: evde Tlobhpye m trheenec tosR rbdIAuintA gh ,a isnis d nuaowstt rabyree,e nroe fap srtkheesede n dteto-- kheayOrd niwn dtahurees tfraiyrns dits sdsuaoeyfs t.wo fa rthe e mcoankfeerrse nwceil,l JIPRNARATODlEl I ORE NQAUTIPIOMNEANLT & SERVICES 7, 53210586 count; no return, 18% discount. participate in the subcommittee's rec- confer over new technology schemes RETAILING 22 According to Paul Smith, CBS senior vice president and general man- ommendation. Says RIAA president and software trends on a panel, TALENT & VENUES 40 ager, the trade -off plan provides a stimulus to the midline catalog, which Stan Gortikov: "The emergence of "Keying In The Future: Hardware VIDEO 44 he admits has been producing "flat" or "slightly off" sales patterns since stereo system television would truly And Software Trends." "Categori- istusm inetrr opdriuccetsi,o fnr ofimve uynedaersr a$g4o .a tH teh ea tstrtiabrtu tteos ntheiasr tlois st tecaudrrileyn tcllyim. bing con- bbeu t oI fh gavreea tn obtheninegfi tt ot oo ffoeurr i ni nthdeu swtrayy, cela lltyo Sfpoecauks inogn" ims athrkee ntianmg e eonft ear tpaainn- - FBEoAxsTcUoRreE S 40 of technical recommendations." (Continued on page 68) Executive Turntable 6 Apple Back At CES; Dealer Reaction Mixed IInnsdiudset rTyr aEcvke nts 5790 Lifelines 59 Most Added Records 16 Nashville Scene 31 By FAYE ZUCKERMAN Ron Cruickshank, president of the Both Carmain and Dick Walker, ple is perceived as a microcomputer Now Playing 24 Record Bar chain, has been watching owner of three Apple dealerships in company." Stock Market Quotations 59 LOS ANGELES -Apple Com- the computer market closely. He has Florida, note a marked increase in Heitmann, Walker and Carmain The Rhythm & The Blues 53 puter's return to the Consumer Elec- seen very little use for computers in Apple IIe sales to the home market. observe that nearly 40% of their Ap- Video Music Programming 24 tronics Show (CES) following a four - the home thus far, and believes that They both caution that with Apple ple IIe sales are to the home market. Vox lox 10 year hiatus finds its network of Apple's entry might bring viable spearheading sales to the home mar- Atlantic Business Computers' Walk- Yesterhits 19 business and home computer retail- home applications. ket, its image as a business computer er places his sales at "half and half." ecrosm mdiivtimdeedn t otvo ert heA phpolme'es caopmppauretenrt Record Bar stores sell video maker must be reinforced. plaAin s stphoakt etshwe ocmomanp anfoyr haAs prpetlue rneexd- CHHotA R10T0S 64 market. games, but have yet to enter the com- John Heitmann, general manager to CES because of the changing na- Top LPs & Tapes 67, 69 Many Apple dealers already con- puter software arena. "We are very of New Jersey's Johnathan Comput- ture of the show. "It has come to at- Black Singles, LPs 54, 53 tend that businesses are choosing interested in computers, and will be ers, recommends the IIe for home tract many computer companies and Computer Software 25 pursuing information on software at use. He says the massive educational Country Singles, LPs 30, 31 IBM computers over Apples because personal computer dealers," she says. the show," Cruickshank says. and entertainment software offering Midline 23 omdefa aIcBlheMrisn e'sr esactdoroimlnypg aeanrd yimm. iatM,g eha onawsy ae vobefur s,t ihntheessaset CaOrmnea inC, otlhoer adpore sAidpepnlte o fd etharleere, -uJnoint faonr aAppprpolep ricaotem hpoumteers commakpeust erth. e IIe awnilyTl hnfeee awAt upprperl oedm ubocostot ltyihn tswrooifldtlw uncaotrieto ncasos, n wtaaneidlnl RRAaoddcukilot ACSlobinnugtmleemss/ pTAoocrptai orTynr aScinksg les 17, 122180 this holiday selling season revealed Idex Microsystems, evinces fear that But, he adds, he has observed IBM as the company's Apple IIe and III Bubbling Under 59 record sales levels for Apple's IIe the Apple IIe computer could be- PC sales outdistancing Apple sales to computers. Most of the software fea- Hits of The World 56 computer, primarily to the home come an off -the-s helf, mass -marketed businesses. Many corporations he has tured will be from third party Videocassette Rentals, Sales 49, 50 market. item. "It would be a shame to see Ap- sold Apple computers to are selling vendors. Dance /Disco 43 Meanwhile, computer and soft- ple handled in that manner," he says. off their "used Apples" and outfit- At the show, Apple officials will JVaidzez oLdPissk 3448 ware dealers who traditionally attend Cannain expresses little surpnse ting their offices with IBMs. not be taking any orders for products CES are elated over Apple's reap- over Apple's appearance at CES. The "I truly believe that if Apple intro- from retailers, she says. Retailers pearance there. They perceive it as added exposure and visibility, he duced the right product it would will, however, be able to pick up in- REVIEWS bringing a stabilizing force to an ex- says, will ultimately bring new busi- sell," Heitmann says. "The corporate formation on how to become an Ap- Album Reviews 57 Singles Reviews 63 tremely volatile industry. ness to his store. world just believes in 'big blue.' Ap- ple dealer. www.americanradiohistory.com 4 News NARM Confab To Get Facelift; Theme Stresses Parity For Video By EARL PAIGE tion derives from the efforts of Roy there." Rosenbaum heads 10 -store Imber of Elroy Enterprises, Port Flip Side in Chicago. LOS ANGELES -The National Washington, N.Y., as convention A new registration discount will Assn. of Recording Merchandisers head, according to Fogelman. At offer firms half- price on all" delegates (NARM) board sees the trade group NARM's retail advisory meeting last beyond five from the same firm. Stan- entering a new era as, for the first fall, Imber led a frank discussion on dard registration is $400. Fogelman time, video product will share the recent NARM conventions. "All we says NARM's early funding of spotlight at an annual NARM con- do now is go down there and wait for VSDA represents how the trade vention, March 23 -27 at Miami it to be over," was Imber's comment group can become beneficial to small, Beach's Diplomat. (Billboard, Oct. 8). single -store proprietors and small A number of sweeping changes, in- Most dramatic will be the new for- chains. cluding group discount registration mat for manufacturer /member inter- "That we are just large chains, and and a new format for record /tape face. Though details still need to be that small retailers have no influence, manufacturer sessions, are also out- firmed up, Fogelman says there will is a mental attitude," he says, adding lined by Lou Fogelman, NARM be sessions for retailers, one -stops that NARM welcomes participation president and head of Show Indus- and rackjobbers. "It may work out by small record/ tape chains and indi- tries. along lines of WEA meeting with re- vidual stores. BMI BOON -Jazz vibraharpist Lionel Hampton, left, visits with BMI presi- The trade group's board, which tail at 3:30 p.m., while CBS meets Of the new era in which more and dent Edward Cramer after preseting the company's Archive Collection met in Chicago Dec. 29 to select a with one -stops at the same time, and more large chain members of NARM with the original big band arrangements by Quincy Jones and Ernie Wilkins new executive vice president follow- then another label with racks; then it are increasing their video involve- of two of his compositions, "Flying Home" and "Midnight Sun." ing the resignation of Dan Davis rotates." ment, Fogelman indicates there is no (Billboard, Dec. 24), sees video and Harsh criticism came in October paradox represented by VSDA's Executive Turnlable prerecorded music coalescing rapid- from board member Russ Solomon of membership, basically comprised of ly. Thus, the convention's theme is Tower Records and others, who said single -unit stores. "We saw video go- "The First Music & Video Carnival NARM delegates tend to disappear ing beyond the mom and pop as the Record Companies Of Entertainment." Moreover, the up to manufacturer suites. VCR penetration expands," he says. Don Ellis joins MCA as international senior vice president, based in London. board of NARM's sister group, the Retail advisory panelist Carl Ro- But he adds that NARM board He was RCA's vice president for the U.S. and Canada. In addition, MCA's Video Software Dealers Assn. senbaum spoke for small chains: "As members are bringing in VSDA's Nashville division ups Bob Schnieders to West Coast vice president of market- (VSDA), will join NARM leaders someone not being a 400 -store chain planners as part of an overall broad- ing and administration, based in Los Angeles. He was the division's West Coast Feb. in Chicago to nail down a re- and never getting invited up to the ened responsibility for NARM. 1 placement for Davis. manufacturer suites, I get down to The new video emphasis in Florida Restructuring of NARM's conven- Florida and ask myself why I'm may provide more of the excitement NARM lacked, but, also significant- Zamoiski To Get Out Of ly, offers the video suppliers a second exhibit venue in addition to VSDA's Indie Record Distribution convention, Aug. 26 -30 at Las Vegas' MGM Grand. NARM, while interviewing candi- By BILL HOLLAND dates for the executive vice president WASINGTON -The Zamoiski bution arm had suffered from the loss post, isn't losing its grip on its many Co., the Baltimore -based multi -mil- of several key labels. activities, Fogelman asserts. The Ellis Petrone Schnieders Gilreath lion- dollar consumer electronics/ However, staffer Joyce Heider "Gift Of Music" local advertising promotion and marketing manager ... Polyuram ups Emiel Petrone to senior home appliance /record distribution says, "We were making money, we campaign is now being analyzed by vice president, Compact Disc in Los Angeles. He was vice president of Compact firm, is getting out of the indepen- were surviving on (non -hit) product. various NARM chains involved, he ... Disc marketing In Los Angeles, Elektra/ Asylum/Nonesuch names Eddie dent record distribution business. It wasn't that we were losing indicates. Also ongoing are a number Gilreath sales vice president. He was executive vice president of sales for Island. An announcement from Zamoiski money." of meetings Imber has set with manu- Al Gurewitz is the new general manager of New York- based Arial Records. Co. vice president Iry Gomprecht Zamoiski has always been pitted facturers as plans for NARM's con- ... He was promotion vice president for Epic/Portrait/ Associated Labels Allen follows an in- company financial anal- against Washington competitor vention are firmed up. "We're look- Harford is appointed corporate vice president of human resources and adminis- ysis that the 86 -year -old company Schwartz Bros. (separate story, page ing for a couple of strong acts as tration for Capitol Industries- EMI Inc. in Hollywood. He was EMI Music's hu- could fmd a greater return on its in- one), and, recently, another indie, headliners," says Fogelman, refer- man resources and organization director, Europe and International. Also at vestment by taking the revenue gen- Malvern, has also entered the highly ring to the effort NARM is making Capitol, Sandy Richman is named manager of studio production and XDR cas- erated by its indie business and in- competitive Maryland -Virginia -D.C. to have more representative talent at sette administrator. She was production coordinator. vesting it in the company's other market. Says Heider: "There just the annual convention. In a restructuring of Atlantic and Elektra's accounts payable department in divisions. isn't enough business for three dis- At the NARM board meeting in Los Angeles, four promotions have been made. George Gotsulias moves up to While Zamoiski has been in the in- tributors out there. To be frank, there Chicago were, in addition to Fogel- director of accounts payable from manager. Julie Bearden, Norma Moreno and die distribution business since 1958, isn't enough for two." man, Imber and Solomon: Jack Eug- Geri Aulkoski are all upped from staff spots to supervisors ... Majorie Lo- the greater part of its revenue has Zamoiski has made offers to em- ster, Musicland, Noel Gimble, menzo is promoted to controller from assistant controller for A &M in been generated from its wholesale ployees in the distribution arm to Sound/Video Unlimited; Leonard Hollywood. business ranging from microwave ov- take jobs within the company's other Silver, Transcontinent Record Sales, Ben Middleton is appointed vice president and head of a&r for the newly - ens to home washers and dryers. In divisions. "They're taking good care and Paul David, Camelot formed label Dee Vee Records in East Orange, N.J. He was president of Ben the last few years, the record distri- of us," Heider says. Enterprises. Middleton's public relations and management firm ... In Canoga Park, Calif., '83 RIAA Tally: Fewer Biggies Sparrow Records promotes two vice presidents to senior vice presidents, Bill Hearn for marketing and Rick Horne for administration. Video/ Pro Equipment Gold, Platinum Totals Down For Third Straight Year Lisa Harman is upped to planning manager for RCA /Columbia Pictures Home Video in Burbank, Calif. She was marketing manager ... In New York, By PAUL GREIN Epic and Columbia tied for the lead four gold hits, two of them duets with Windsor Total Video appoints Robert Marmiroli marketing vice president. He in platinum albums, with eight each. Paul McCartney. was director of Interactive Video Services. LOS ANGELES- The industry's Five disparate artists led the indus- But overall, single sales in '83 re- The Sony Corp. appoints Kevin Finn vice president and general manager of total haul of gold and platinum al- try with two platinum albums: Air mained depressed. Epic and RCA its newly formed Component Products division in Park Ridge, N.J. He was vice bums declined in 1983 for the third Supply, Pat Benatar, Culture Club, were the only combined labels to president and general manager of TRW's Semiconductor division. In addition, straight year. This supports the con- Def Leppard and Kenny Rogers. score more than two gold singles dur- Myles Tintle Jr. is appointed vice president of marketing and sales for the new tention that the trade's recovery in Rogers was also one of only two art- ing the year. And four of the year's division. He was general manager of Sony Data Products. '83 was due more to the runaway suc- ists to collect three gold albums in No. 1 pop hits have yet to go gold: cess of a handful of smash hits than '83. The other was Willie Nelson, Toto's "Africa," Dexys Midnight Related Fields to an across- the -board pickup in al- who was cited for collaborations with Runners' "Come On Eileen," Mi- bum sales. Waylon Jennings, Ray Price and chael Sembello's "Maniac" and Billy Sherrie Levy joins the public relations firm of Solters /Roskin/Friedman in The Recording Industry Assn. of Merle Haggard. Joel's "Tell Her About It." New York. She was a private consultant for public relations companies ... Paul America (RIAA) certified 49 plati- Rogers' duet with Dolly Parton, Rock in its various permutations, Bryant and Steve Lassiter join Nashville's Top Billing International as agents. num albums last year (signifying "Islands In The Stream," was also as ever, dominated the certifications. Bryant was with United Talent and Lassiter was an agent for Variety Artists sales of one million copies), down one of only two singles to be certified Of the year's 49 platinum albums, 20 ... Andy Dunkley is named promotion person and press liaison for the Irving from 55 the year before, 60 in 1981 platinum last year (for sales of two were by traditional pop /rock acts, Plaza club in New York. He was the club's stage DJ ... Steve Jensen is promot- and 66 in '80. The association also million), along with Toni Basil's nine by heavy metal or hard rock acts ed to vice president of International Creative Management in Los Angeles to certified 1 I 1 gold albums (for sales of "Mickey." This platinum count ties and six by modern music bands. head its West Coast concert department. He was head of its concert department 500,000), down from 130 the year be- the 1981 tally, but represents a drop Black music accounted for five in New York. fore, 153 in '81 and 162 in '80. from last year, when there were four platinum albums (Michael Jackson, Epic was the big winner among platinum singles. Lionel Richie, Prince, Luther Van - Billboard (ISSN 0006 -2510) Vol. 96 No. 2 is published weekly (except for the last week in combined labels. Epic and its associ- Discounting oldies and kiddie dross and, unexpectedly, Midnight December) by Billboard Publications, Inc., One Astor Plaza, 1515 Broadway, New York, ated labels accounted for 13 gold al- disks, the RIAA certified 23 gold sin- Star). Country also contributed five N.Y. 10036. Subscription rate: annual rate, Continental U.S. $135.00. Second class postage bums, putting it ahead of Columbia, gles last year (for sales of one mil- (two by Kenny Rogers and one each paid at New York, N.Y. and at additional mailing office. Current and back copies of Bill- RCA and Warner Bros., each of lion). This represents a slight gain by Alabama, George Jones and Elvis board are available on microfilm from KTO Microform, Rte 100, Millwood, N.Y. 10546 or which notched 12. Epic also led in over last year, when there were 21 Presley). Adult contemporary had Xerox University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. Postmaster, gold singles, with seven, compared to non -oldie gold singles. Michael Jack- three (two by Air Supply and one by please send changes of address to Billboard, P.O. Box 1413, Riverton, NJ. 08077, (609) 786 -1669. four for second -place RCA. And son was the year's big winner with (Continued on page 62) www.americanradiohistory.com FOR THE FIRST TIME: - THE YEAR'S HOTTEST MUSIC VIDEOS \T AN UNPRECEDENTED HOME VIDEO COLLECTION! 'Pr $ 95 \e\\4I Sug$ge3st 9Re9tail Price (Canada) PICTURE MUSIC features these top music videos: Bette Davis Eyes Talk Talk TALK TALK KIM CARNES She Controls Me Freeze Frame STRANGE ADVANCE J. GEILS BAND Always Something She Blinded Me There To Remind Me With Science NAKED EYES THOMAS DOLBY The Border Bad To The Bone AMERICA GEORGE THOROGOOD Light In The Tunnel, Turn It Over EDDIE JOBSON Human Race RED RIDER Belly Of The Whale BURNING SENSATIONS Everybody Wants You BILLY SQUIER Kids In America KIM WILDE Abracadabra STEVE MILLER RECORD RETAILERS: DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CASH IN ON THE MUSIC VIDEO REVOLUTION! PICTURE MUSIC -THE FIRST HOME VIDEO COLLECTION OF - HIT MUSIC VIDEOS PLUS COMPLETE LINER NOTES IN EVERY COPY! 1984 NATIONAL RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 1, For more information, contact your Vestron Video distributor. Beta VESTRON MUSICVIDEa' Vestron Musi :video. P.O. Box 4000, Stamford. CT 06907. (203) 968 -0000 ,it C 1983 P cture Music International. Inc. Printed in U.S.A. fi www.americanradiohistory.com 6 News ACTS INCLUDE ENGLISH ROCK, R &B Comp/ eat Strives For Full Line By EDWARD MORRIS issue a double -album by the Kinks Steinberg places Vern Gosdin in NASHVILLE --C ompleat Rec- (priced at $11.98) the same month. the same sales range as Kennedy. Henning Jorgensen, Compleat's vice Within the upcoming four months, ords had its earliest success with president and treasurer, confirms Compleat will also have out new country and specialty product, but that the label is negotiating to reissue product on Martin, Jacks, Wier, the company isn't putting all its spec- albums by David Bowie and Eric Lehr, Autumn and Clayton. Except ulative eggs into just one or two bas- Clapton, but adds that the material for Autumn, the releases will be kets. Now in its second year of opera- has yet to be licensed. singles. tion, the Nashville- based, Poly - Compleat's roster now includes Compleat owns three publishing Gram- distributed label has built a Vern Gosdin and Jayne Kennedy, its companies: Flagship and Radio Cow- roster of 12 acts that embraces coun- biggest sellers, as well as Mike Mar- boy (BMI) and Starship (ASCAP). try, pop, r &b, beach music and tin, Susan Jacks, Rusty Wier, Kelly Glenn Sutton is the only staff writer. exercise. Foxton, Zella Lehr, Autumn, Jesse Compleat was founded in late 1982 Additionally, Compleat is licens- Boyce, Bohannon, the Tams and by Fach, Steinberg and the late Bill ing recordings by several English Willie Clayton. Hall, who was then head of Welk - rock acts for release in this country. A John Verity album is scheduled for Autumn is a four -man r &b group Music's Nashville office. It was fi- THREE TO GET READY Jeffrey Osborne, left, joins former Mother's Fin- February release, and Compleat will that originated at Nashville's Fisk nanced through the Nashville invest- est vocalist Joyce Kennedy for a duet on her forthcoming album, which he Univ. Jacks, in addition to her solo ment firm Jacques -Miller. is producing for A &M, while the label's owner, Herb Alpert, offers some work, was lead vocalist for the Cana- advice. Vanguard On dian act the Poppy Family. Martin, Compact Disc Wier, Foxton and Lehr are all famil- iar names in the country field, while ChorEbeoE Bandwagon Boyce, Bohannon and Clayton have established their reputations as r &b NEW YORK -Vanguard Re- artists. The Tams are beach music `Joanna' Not Too Hot For Black Chart standard -bearers. cords ships its first Compact Disc Charlie Fach, president and chief this week, a Joan Baez "Greatest operations officer of Compleat, has By PAUL GREIN zer; "Could It Be Magic" and "Day- "Slow Burn" was co- written by Hwiitthsi"n tphaec kmaognet, h tboy abne adfodliltoiowneadl mlabaneli'fse srt e&db a apcatrivtiictyu.l arA isn ttehree stf oinrm theer Kool & the Gang moves up to No. bArnedaker,"s onb;o tahn dw r"iCtteonp acwaibtha nAa,d"r iewnrnite- CRhoaryrl iBe oBurlakcek. , T"hLoosoek t wSoo wGroitoedrs", bays five titles. vice president and general manager 1 on this week's black chart with "Jo- ten with Bruce Sussman and Jack it happens, also collaborated on The Baez compilation, consist- of Mercury Records, Fach worked anna," probably the group's most Feldman. Chappell /Intersong's last No. icnags eosf t1o6 t hceu ts'6 0dsa,t iwngil lb naockt ihna vsoe mane with such r &b bands as Kool & the pGoapn -go'rsi enfitresdt sNinog. le tob ladcakte .h iItt 'ss inthcee This steady singles success is hav- country hit, Anne Murray's "A Lit-1 Gang, the Bar -Kays, Con Funk Shun 1 ing the desired effect on Manilow's tle Good News." LP or cassette counterpart in the and the Gap Band. "Take My Heart" in late 1981. On albums. His "Greatest Hits, Vol. 2" * * * dSwbooerohclmClo'hoso e empCmsstoteDirigncnas ,slg mtawshtVh aeio$rt ahkw1lniie9gsnpt.tu, 5i eta0pwcrs.re daoisc y ewsC peDoSrefe ke sftsyeih dmaeiest o unlauartn-,-r fSmsuatlaeyl"ni s-Wnl ibtanheene er dhg r ela,a ccvbhoCeeir eloda fm lw cwepioxlallmeey casbput ea'pst ni lrvayeebn,p" onro aeesfrsadfdeiy c nsteo tcreI .hrd bwae Hi iarnea-t tgcDholoii"mdswJ eeonsw a t htOneoeenn kianr '" sIuf tim"rip ssbi otn eptK ro e opac1or 3hll1y, a 0 r& l't8ho, 2 iot.tk htsiheinne g cG est aom"n Gagbsee'sht- wwboaeCase rkodc ue'csnrl titaimrflyibbe udsAm gi*cn otc tiloohd na* tr:lh ta.eTs t*. tGwo p.e eS3kh,0 eaopnnpd a Brtdhil'ilss- odthieifmt rWs Pe soei ps rtnatoGlc' atk enlaitfd tgthL eetn.ew ottootDee nrdohsly n:i tt nshKa aaf retrt SvoisSiumnttm e viamCn i eage mrrre eWpacabteoleesnnsoltt-l ing the Baltimore Symphony con- Midem this year in its continuing ninth top 40 pop hit so far in the '80s, "Slow Burn" (Warner /Curb) jumps culled two top five hits from her "On dstl"ehaOuaemcsr teegee,n a dctn roibin"ney csd l SuusSdeclayrtignotmeigrud p w hCftioohlolnre m yb Fe iSse dsabiaiirornnuentdac -a rSt.yo aT retr hhneoees-f nssthieecedaS ryatmces'sh ia np retbokoxese ersftrgipmcb lilrdsaeee c p "etaoha.l"bsra t utsm m mutshic gahahtr etfJ oamarymeaniokgenen gK i mtet hnuine-- wogfnauerhcortits,uc, - phiuit, sp' s h maaacsssoo mmrseocab onniternhye ead dKan s. i o ntoaI hnnlte - hy pin ssheeo ixcltdeohte netcwdrpa oodbpi enrll.aau teccIndnke- dLtIthnoioset oeNp rklNosa o.cSa inso1n hg ogGv n ico laltoGehnd i'est d Io nwibrv geeiLe seto ikoov'onseS "ctdo or(iafusM ianCtpC'tsrhpA yoa )ipc"n.hp YtBaeeordlutlu,,t/ TTttohhe iLanewr gasi ssR"thi nab a dauntiltdhol e n"ot ohfnt ec ey olwoetliaul tesl ycett,et hitaCorera n.h cb -akMe"r.st Nbta yeooa fyt oewMuvae onrayrtles-- Ttimchoariek,o avnskdy tFheo uFrrthan wck_i t hD t hMe iBnaolr- lB1a0ob0de,ly0's"0 0b eacslotb pusiemelsl ,e rsah. naHds ehr se"orL ldof ovlelao lYmwououpstr, a4thr0ee htCihtoesm Psmionoicnedt oe1rre9 s8S,0 i,ws tiientrh st ,hf owirudirt h.p lfaicvee taorpe sLincea it rcogntroels bsotht s oCngs. reditowayrs haOve a bfuflleet orn tshe chart of life! Symphony, as well as a Debussy program with his present orches- "Love Your Body More," has racked Kool & the Gang first hit the pop tra, the Houston. up sales of between 50,000 and chart in 1969 with the instrumental $50,000 Loan To P &S 60,000 according to Steinberg. "Kool And The Gang." They first New York NARAS Wing cracked the top 40 with "Funky Stuff" in 1973 and first reached the LOS ANGELES -A petition for several record labels and a publishing To Hold Monthly Seminars Ttohpe 1b0a nwdi'tsh p"eJaukn gtole dBaoteo gciea"m ein w'7i4th. aisd. dmitiinoin -caol nfgulnodms etroa treu na nthde a nS taonff eLre wby - cwohmicpha nyv, oLluenwtiasr itloyl d Bpeiltlibtiooanredd: P &foSr, the No. 1 pop, black and dance the firm's largest creditor to open Chapter XI in September, has re- NEW YORK -The New York ogist Russ Sanjek, the New York smash "Celebration" in 1981. such a tranfusion with a $50,000 loan mained an active business since that chapter of NARAS launches a series chapter president. * * * will be considered by the U.S. Bank- filing. of monthly seminars this month on In April, May and June, respec- ruptcy Court in Shreveport, La., next Industry unsecured creditors over "The Recording Industry Structure tively, the series will offer "To CD Nine Years On: Barry Manilow's Monday (16). $10,000 include such label entities as And Its Uncertain Future." Or Not To CD: A Digital Debate," "Read 'Em And Weep" (Arista) The positive offer by Pioneer Bank Beverly Glen, $12,298; Capitol, Open to the public as well as "The Classical Repertoire Straitjack- holds at No. 1 on this week's adult & Trust, a secured creditor owed $30,100; CBS, $252,243; Malaco, NARAS members, the seminars' et" and a seminar on music and re- contemporary chart, and also retains $965,000 (Billboard, Jan. 7) will en- $101,693; PolyGram, $36,059; Pre- opening session, "What Lies Ahead cord criticism. its bullet in its second week at 18 on able P &S Enterprises, Lewis' parent lude, $17,616; Profile, $10,045; For The Songwriter In The Hi -Tech Admission to each session is $5 for the pop chart. It's Manilow's 26th company, to engage more aggressive- RCA, $128,937; Streetwise, $49,071; World ?" will take place Wednesday, the public, $4 for students and $3 for consecutive single to crack the top ly in its combination of five retail Sunnyview, $10,241; Tommy Boy, Jan. 19 in the main building of New NARAS members. Further informa- half of the Hot 100, which is his en- stores, a one- stop distributorship and $21,685; Word, $12,082; Arista, York Univ. here at 100 Washington tion is available through the New tire output since "Mandy" nine years $382,909; CFI, $12,291; Gold Coast Square East, Room 703. York chapter's offices at 157 W. 57th ago. Harris AM Stereo Sound, $11,381; High Rise Enter- The panel will be composed of Ed St. Phone: (212) 245 -5440. "Read 'Em," which was written tainment, $17,728; Savoy, $44,084; Cramer, president of BMI; Jerrold Total Experience and produced by Jim Steinman, first Gets FCC Approval Fantasy /Galaxy/Prestige, $76,725; Gold, an attorney in the Bee Gees' appeared on Meat Loafs "Dead and WEA, $95,009. plagiarism case; songwriters Ralph Pacts With RCA Ringer" album in 1981. This isn't the WASHINGTON -The FCC Others are: Bennet's Dist., Jack- MacDonald, James Mtume and Alan first time Manilow has charted with a formally approved the Harris son, Miss., $26,817; Lexicon Music, Merrill; Mike Millius, director of cre- For Distribution cover version of a previously released Corporation's Model STX- 1A Newbury Park, $16,145; Nottingham ative service at MCA Music and Ir- rock piece. He reached the top 10 in AM stereo exciter on Tuesday (3), Industries, Hollywood, $57,207; win Schuster, vice president, creative, NEW YORK -RCA Records has 1979 with Ian Hunter's "Ships" and following a study in which the One -Stop Record House, Atlanta, at Chappell Music. Attorney (and cracked the top 40 in '82 with Sha- Commisssion found "no evi- $13,208; National Distribution Net- signed a worldwide distribution deal chapter legal counsel) Jeff Graubert kin' Stevens' "Oh, Julie." dence" that the Harris system work, $10,365, and Quality of Cana- with Total Experience Records. The will moderate. label's artist roster includes Goodie, One of the curious aspects of Man- would cause co- channel or adja- da, $21,780. All succeeding seminars will be Pennye Ford, Switch, Yarborough & ilow's singles output in recent years is cent channel interference. Among assets of $3,411,695, P&S held at the Center For Media Arts Peoples and the Gap Band, which how few of the singles he's written, In late August, the Harris sys- lists bank, credit union and savings here, starting in February when, on a will issue a new album in the spring. especially compared to his '70s peak tem was found to meet all require- and loan deposits totalling $102,280. date yet to be determined, a panel, Total Experience, which is under- period. Manilow co -wrote six of his ments for type acceptance except Inventory accounts for $1,341,303, "The Electronic Threat," will feature stood to have completed its distribu- singles from 1975 -78, but has had a the one measuring harmonic while machinery, fixtures, equipment Herbie Hancock demonstrating com- tion pact with PolyGram, explored hand in only two since '78: "I Made distortion. and supplies are estimated at puterized instruments, together with the possibilities of independent distri- It Through The Rain" and "Some The FCC says it received "no $188,323. Among the assets are 254 studio musicians and John Glasel, bution and the establishment of for- Kind Of Friend." complaints from the public" con- album masters valued at $150 each, president of New York Local 802 of mal contractual ties at one point last It's odd because both of those cerning problems with mono ca- or $50,625. the Musicians' Union. summer (Billboard, July 23). songs were substantial top 30 hits, as pability or stereo quality, and A court- appointed creditors' com- granted the stereo transmitting On March 23, the history of the re- Neither Lonnie Simmons, presi- were all six of the singles he com- mittee includes representatives of cording industry from 1877 to the dent of Total Experience, nor vice posed in the '70s: "It's A Miracle," equipment the waiver in a 4-0 WEA, CBS, Malaco, PolyGram, vote, with new FCC Commission- present, "How It Got From There president Forrest Hamilton could be "This One's For You" and "Even Motown and the Pioneer bank. er Patrick not participating. To Here," will be offered by musicol- reached for comment at presstime. Now," all written with Marty Pan- JOHN SIPPEL www.americanradiohistory.com 7 /International News EMI Electrola's Jung Speaks Out Economic, Natural Woes Rock Yugoslavian Trade Blasts German Labels For Depending On U.S Parents By WOLFGANG SPAHR uation now, says Jung, is that, corn - the industry's problems: "If the mu- LJUBLJANA -To add to the Yugoslav currency. That's in line HAMBURG -The major Ger- pared with the massive sic business really needs a savior, overall economic depression ailing with an industrywide record business man record companies, virtually all multinationals, small independent then I don't believe CD is a longterm production groups have easier and bet for the role. the Yugoslavian record industry, the agreement signed in early 1983, offshoots of multinational media gi- music business generally has suffered though some companies have not ful- ants, should be taking a firm stand faster access to young talent. "A problem is that the creators of this winter from the effects of the filled the obligation. against their parent organizations in Jung is also outspoken about the the CD concept and the manufactur- long, and summer, which emptied Neskovic adds: "We're happy, order to strengthen the profile of the classical market. "For every record- ers of hardware aren't musicians and, the reservoir lakes of the hydro -elec- though, with our deals with A &M, German music industry, the second ing that doesn't fulfill optimal artistic to a large extent, haven't taken the tric power stations, resulting in a dis- Chess and Storyville, with their spe- largest in the world, according to standards, and so public acceptance, importance of music into account. astrous reduction in the nationwide cialist catalogs. And while licensed Wilfried Jung, EMI Electrola's head the investment of 500,000 DM For them, it was vitally important to electricity supply. album sales of 70,000 are rare in Yu- of European operations. (around $185,000) is that many create a new sound carrier. Initially, This in turn has meant a serious goslavia, we've hit that mark with the "In many cases, business and trad- Marks too much," he says. music as such played no role at all. "Faced with this dilemma, record cutback in action in concert halls, Police, Elkie Brooks and Rita Coo- ing policies of the German subsidiar- companies reduced already drastical- "When I think that right now in diussa, uniacnlee, vviaetnandbu leyst, h aeinn dss ihdtuoisarcttoieosrn . s Luwpivpoeln ym' tt uhgsaienct lwriodipgtheea . cnl aWtseserir'cviateol rmiaealssto.e"r iadlo nfreo ms pEleansdt iEdluy- ioneuisn tsgapr eoo rkd eimcnt iasJtjueunddg gb.m y" eSAnomt si nepareiccrcpau,er"ta rstaeat yepsd l atbhnye- lTyh' ereli'sm inteod conrescuomrdeirn ga cceapctatinvcitei esi.f Jpinal apcyaaensr sse tthitsee b rseeeicncogor ndddien vgge elenoqpeureaidpt imwoneit nhto ,b f tuhCileDtn - back to normal until the spring Veljko Despot, license deal chief of the U.S. music business find their jcuosrtd a ncyo cmlapslseitcea l oapretirsatt iics swigonrekds .t oT roe-- I really get scared. I feel at the mercy brings rainfall. Jugoton in Belgrade, says 1983 was a way to us." of the technical experts. I earnestly That natural solution is likely to better sales year than 1982. "We ex- Jung, who has received widespread day, it's a fact that classical artists hope our international music chiefs come faster than any solution to this ported large quantities of cassettes of publicity here in recent months, sell their services to the highest bid- talk and reach sensible agreements country's economic crisis. Wages Yugoslavian folk songs for partners adds: "The West German record pro- der. For many of them, travel plans with the Japanese manufacturers; here can't match the higher prices in Western Europe and North Amer- ducers have put out around 25 re- and bank account statements have otherwise our future development is caused by an inflation rate of some ica. With foreign currency earned in cords of late for charitable causes. long been more important than the dismal." 50% in the past year. The exchange this way, we've at least part -paid roy- Now we should start thinking about music itself. A few jet -set artists scru- Of EMI's corporate hesitancy rate against the U.S. dollar has alties due for license productions of ourselves and launch some kind of pulously take the cream." about CD, Jung says: "Herbert von rmeaocnhtheldy 1w30a ged inianr s. YuAgno slaavviear agies wthhisi cpha swt ey seoalrd, "a rhoeu snady sa. million units cGhearrmitya n omr ubseinc ebfiut sicnaemssp aaisg an wfohro leth."e CoJmunpgac pt erDsiisstcs wis itnho h irse avli ewan sthwaetr thtoe (Continued on page 55) around 17,000 dinars. Despot says the biggest Jugoton li- The mass -circulation Der Spiegel Athens Police Shut Down Records have, in recent years, been censed imports, topping the 100,000 here took up Jung's viewpoint in a relatively cheap in Yugoslavia. But in mark, were "Let's Dance" by David major interview in which the EMI 1983 they rose in price by some 25 %, Bowie, "20 Greatest Hits" by the chief deplored the failure of German Free Private Radio Station with another 30 % -40% increase an- Beatles, Pink Floyd's "The Final a &r departments to come up with ticipated early this year. That means Cut," "Living My Life" by Grace new talent and expressed again his By JOHN CARR a retail price rise so steep that record Jones, Kajagoogoo's 'White Feath- doubts about the ability of the Com- buyers will inevitably be very ers" and "Sweet Dreams Are Made pact Disc to "rescue" the industry ATHENS -The first open blow eluding socialist ones, have found a ÿ selCecutirvree.n cy problems are at the root OfJ Tughoist"o nb ye xEeucruyttivhemsi casr.e concerned froDme ri tsS pprieogbelle mpso.i nted out that the sGtrrueeccke cfoamr e frtoee anp ruivnadtieg nirfaieddio halint loepgearl aatinodn toefc shhnoicrta l- rawnagye stota tailolonws, "t hhee Z of most Yugoslav music business that most of its foreign affiliates don't German record industry, accustomed here in mid- December, a mere half - says. "I'm deeply sad that an attempt D aPnGxPie /tRieTs.B BNeilkgoralad e saNyse,s k"oIvt ich asno'tf wcoaunnt tetor bteh apta ipdr oinb lelomca, l tchuer rceonmcyp.a Tnyo ttoer a ycehaier,v iwnags nnoeww sseavleesr eplye apklsa gyueeadr abfy- hauotuhro arifzteerd tshtea tfiiornst nwoetnets oonf at hnee wai ru. n- abte ftrreeea terda ditohi sc owmaym."u nication should .- been a bad year in terms of license contacted some artists who toured the recession. "James Last here, The station, set up by the left -wing The government here has also re- production, but we've released only Yugoslavia in 1983. The artists, Leonard Bernstein there, but behind political magazine Anti, featured newed its warning to pirate radio op- mwSearTtee rOipalr eCpfoaKrr ewdP hItiocLh Etafko ere VigronAy apLlatiUretsn EeirnsD AT $1 M(ICLo ntinued on page 55) tnmhaaemg saeazsli,e nste h feisg auisdrite.u abtoioanst inisg doifs ma afel,w" ttohpe lsaitrgarhre ts Dtmeidou nsiaycls oibsny gS laowvcvaitylh o rpetophueelr otmosi,ar weg haszoui npweea'rss- etchareauAytgo nhrftstia csihenca adhat cataetrdisroevhnde .r ptaiersnoeaudln tiidets s A riatfhd teihone sey f tfhaorarett AcCt-oo- Jung urges the multinationals to publisher when police technicians g Videocassette Raid In Belgium achdaanpgt inmgo raen dr apdiidvleyr steo mtoudsaicy 'ss cfeanset -, terra'sc eAd ththeen st raanpsamrtmitteenrt .t o the publish- aint ow wepoeoukll idtbi ecsfaiolm repm lgyoo tiibnvega toaio nnf r teheoe r v aoimri,c eess asywaigintehg. tp' adding: "They should see to it that The broadcasting equipment, how- But government officials from the lnf4rtptyoare,er op0 coaBmt0eodrhp 0Rlru eyld aaLc U enanepidSlde naul g eS tebhegdEslyo oiee cLeantdu .an Sl csrytdaa- oh nmA iaBpdgspgifshreraot ua r-ei,vsot qgesrefune Bca lavasole sii tpl dtshgmyieeamei iaotesz nac teUi safdcsot s- uetpmrsasrl oeoorssaltt muaitetceilstdeeeeos- srdswLrleuetiioiesgsieeTtscetelhgr lknhde ier tb e) eipp,p unos criotgufrtiai lhva loimtmtceaineen tpa e ngatls tare tithahgetiaiinednrendon ve en e.sttra alths ialiptenn rie kgotIseaAFfea drfdtPuirco c egIolriusa asuutsp gl slt drtioo.Jonn nfauBv' ntpo iauuvn nlttivaq rh detreueaheypdinloe--,-. vwpg"tatfhhouroieoerearHtnmt r itudlr ettbdr aooeh e rvl onaileclse tyveol slrlae lyitiyraenrtr d tenv" pl isan ee nas ar tcipeyhotdoatsou aar msrslgtmoeeiu aputn,ltubin aethot ss insianizitnsiicdto aneof aitot lsnoalie otr. xmh"osmyini neep bsuun a le lscerprGteo.haai a.nu st er"etanmreW.T mt ,dii ohnPo eandet'rnnvheboreayeeeyy--l epttblsteihhtvornvaeeoeTlget iraicl ch,lo d aaeoentwcws n epaa sanso Gbctsttikpu aiertneinsuenratseg eto nbmidk tooet . iha n ,ni naAtn wgot t snooletset hvdaan"rkee itntadeSe rot ne pqea mphaludvae faiv.eactex"neonlet cldlrp t ey sowrp..ta u hthdiileAnoeoi ovnn sA o ,sta oktsnnhipetttdoe-si - ssrndTtfuaretoahoadrnktPeremiedit oduds ,bip mhnGlra meiaonactarshgd loev yereevywea k e nmpeb imttlocai lmwrel occeitkmaecila nesreilnp ea sg ip gorm rf e o sSwiaeccttta nhhartkvgr ysea uvo M t tm otoit npo natu Gehno dnweoouehrdyefpslsaeo e pverHmskwane p dwauoafeedfsuoaernnjiylslaicdtkd-..- , 2"toteea3nrnt,esV t iilaoeasevl lfau epsterhtmu eto$ua f1brnb kieytghem agtert ei htlhssselttiae ooldahcen uaks"i.utpn hl iisnloTEe r,ohuit tfeiris forevo mpsiumd esne. had ooek rfeDme sp ea oacsis.--t btsmwhpeeao irs tni rateiaernycrd e k csetutaodesw dtoada dmynoy wa.tn ahnc e,o c rwocemaepsdops erlaitt cetleedas lr ygww ehb hsoeiuc lmeah u ahsodeef dtteshhaxueeiccId nht di ahortneahnrg ie enred ce sDeoeg.pi"frev aerlirt anttStegmepd ei aenntghtedesan l ta dh ir anEevt Meenr oovgI wfioe En woleen, cdtlaJtyorlu weononlnngat csgminplogaoevIi ennmepco rrhsnpro. em ogabl rHeyuanc temotto a nmaflh ls, lteitehnirtgteehgue e tshiat ooaipr sntuwdh abaeaalblt tvie userrthsisihgeo eedhrrb a ty stio toetsfa,oc l iAsltaothflanrwuietstesei-t af"nthioWererwsSe eap a icudnhhtb hdaalaev innj ceca zeseanz tndaoa. ditt ti osaor tranan d'neosidw fo a. Abr"cd ronisBnet.i utf a tWa co itne wp b eevwereitaekawtwn ieotb e neona-:f The raid was the culmination of The haul was eventually found in a had its own problems in discovering giving others an implicit right to re- the government's prompt response, Jong-time "shadowing "by police and garage near the township of Enghien. new talent and foreseeing new trends. store quality. that contact seems unlikely to be investigators employed by SIBESA And the raid has triggered industry "Quite simply," he said, "it was easi- "Other European governments, in- made in Greece. (Syndicat Belge d'Industrie & de l'E- confidence that other major pirate er to buy what was on offer." The sit- dition Phonographiques & Audiovi- gangs will now be rounded up. SONGWRITERS! Gallup Bows U.K. Label Register HOW DO YOU FIND A PUBLISHER? Seeks To End Duplication Of Names, Catalog Numbers Simple ... just subscribe to Tunesmith, the monthly newsletter for songwriters like you. Each month we By PETER JONES 1,500 labels, using at least 10,000 founded three years ago, acting as interview and list a dozen or more legitimate publishers variations of catalog numbers," the clearing house and information cen- who've agreed to listen to our subscribers' songs (and if LONDON -Market research firm says. "But the real size of the ter for the independents. An annual they're good, publish them). company Gallup, which compiles the problem is probably four times great- registration fee, as yet unspecified, British national record charts, has er. It's estimated there are maybe will be paid by BPI on behalf of its Are you missing out? To start your subscription to launched an official register of record 4,000 labels in the independent sector members. All independents will be Tunesmith, just mail us the coupon below. labels and data here, with the back- alone, ranging from established firms charged a fee of roughly $45 for each ing of the British Phonographic In- to one -man front -room operations." label enlisted, to include catalog YES! enter my subscription to Tunesmith dustry (BPI) and the Independent Gallup publicist Yvonne Thomp- number/ prefix information. 6 months (6 issues) at only $20 Payment enclosed ReMcoaridn Laaimbe liss Atos snh.a l(tI LwAh)a.t Gallup sboenls suasyes :u "pT nheew r actaet aalot gw hniucmh btheress ec rlae-- to Gclaelalru pla baedld dse: ta"ilCs otmhrpoaungiehs thfea ilriengg- 1 year (12 issues) at only S35 Bill me later calls "the ever- increasing confusion ates serious problems. Major ister run a big risk of missing out on My name created through the duplication of la- companies add to the chaos by the chart action. Our computer recog- Address bel names and catalog numbers." fashionable practice of using person- nizes only one record for each cata- lip The register will check the use of la- alized numbers, such as BOW for log number,. so if there are dupli- City State 1 bel names, prefixes and numbers of David Bowie, for major artists." cates, sales points will automatically all companies already trading, or As of Jan. 1, Gallup is controlling awarded to the first record listed. Send to TUNESMITH, P.O. BOX 3839 planning to trade, in Britain. registration for the approximately We'll inform all parties where dupli- BBA HOLLYWOOD, CA 90078 "There are known to be at least 100 members of BPI with the ILA, cates are already known to exist." www.americanradiohistory.com Billboard® Commentary 1:0] Founded 1894 Gainsaying False Prophecies The International Newsweekly Of Music & Home Entertainment ®Copyright 1983 by Billboard Publications, Inc. Offices: New York- 1515 Broadway, N.Y. 10036 (telephone 212 764 -7300; telex 710 581 -6279; cable Billboy NY); Los Angeles- 9107 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210 (telephone 213 273 -7040; telex 66 -4969; cable Billboy LA); Nash- By JACK WAYMAN ville-14 Music Circle E., Tenn. 37203 (telephone 615 748- 8100); Washington, D.C. -733 15th St. N.W., D.C. 20005 (telephone 202 783- 3282); London -7 Car - Shortly after the 1981 decision in the "Betamax" case, the mo- promising breakthroughs in technology and marketing, the re- naby St., W1V 1PG (telephone 01 439-9411); Tokyo -Utsunomiya Bldg., 19 -16 Jin- tion picture companies, followed closely by the recording indus- cording industry's requests for a legislative bailout are unjusti- gumae 6- Chome, Shibuya -ku, Tokyo 150 (telephone 03 498 -4641). try, scurried to Capitol Hill. Arguing that consumers' use of vid- fied and unseemly. Group Publisher: Jerry Hobbs (N.Y.) eo and audio recorders was hurting their sales, they asked Like their recording industry colleagues, the movie moguls Editor: Adam White (N.Y.) Congress to tax video and audio record- have been arguing that videocassette -or ers and tape, and to eliminate at rentals and home taping would drive Deputy Editor: Iry Lichtman (N.Y.) least restrict- rentals of prerecorded them all to the poorhouse. They also Executive Editor: Is Horowitz (N.Y.) material. claim that if there's not enough profit in Executive Editorial Director: Lee Zhito (LA) Now that these proposals have been the pipeline there will be less money Associate Publisher/ Director of Research: Marty Feely (N.Y.) around for a while, it's time to review the available to stimulate creativity. Director of Charts /Associate Publisher: Thomas Noonan (LA.) dire predictions. Have these industries The fact is that money is pouring in over really been injured by home taping? and that VCRs are adding to Holly- Bureau Chiefs: Sam Sutherland (LA.) Kip Kirby (Nashville); The answer is a firm, clear no. To the wood's wealth, not subtracting from it. Bill Holland (Washington) contrary, video and audio recorders are For example, Paramount stated last No- Senior Editor /Production: Howard Levitt (N.Y.) major reasons for one of the most suc- vember that sales of its "Flashdance" cessful and lucrative periods in movie videocassette had helped generate addi- Editors: Music Research /Paul Grein (L.A.) Black Music /Nelson George (N.Y.) Music Publishing/ Iry Lichtman (N.Y.) and recording history. Sales are way up, tional boxoffice receipts. Classical /Is Horowitz (N.Y.) Retailing/ Earl Paige (LA.) profits are way up, and the future looks Movie attendance is the best it has Country/Kip Kirby (Nashville) Radio /Rollye Bornstein (LA.) even brighter. been in almost a quarter century. All Commentary /Is Horowitz (N.Y.) Associate /Leo Sacks (N.Y.) Why, then, should consumers, whose boxoffice records were broken in 1982, ComFapyuet eZru cSkoefrtmwaanre (L&A .V) ideo Games/ RecSoinrdg leRse /Nvieawnsc:y Erlich (N.Y.) money is already pouring into movie and and 1983 figures set an even hotter pace. Gospel /Edward Morris (Nashville) Albums/ Sam Sutherland (LA.) recording industry coffers, be taxed and And movie companies are enjoying re- Jazz /Sam Sutherland (L.A.) Video /Laura Foti (N.Y.) face a cutoff of rentals? cord profits from other sources as well, Latin/ Enrique Fernandez (N.Y.) Associate /Faye Zuckerman The recording industry came to Con- such as pay television and the sales of Marketing /John Sippel (LA.) Editorial Assistant /Kim Freeman (N.Y.) gress with sad faces, claiming that busi- foreign film rights. Sales to tv networks, Copy Editor: Peter Keepnews (N.Y.) ness was bad and that home taping and stations and cable operators are strong, Contributing Editors: Moira McCormick (Chicago) Brian Chin (N.Y.) record rentals were crippling sales. Two no doubt because time -shifting has years later, business is much better. In- helped increase the available audience. Special Issues: Ed Ochs, Editor (L.A.); Robyn Wells, Assistant Editor (N.Y.); Leslie Wayman: "Requests for a legislative bail- Shaver, Directory Services Manager (Nashville). deed, far from being destroyed, the re- out are unjustified and unseemly." As for VCRs, "part of Hollywood's cord business is flourishing. The Audio euphoria over the future stem(s) from International Editorial Director: Mike Hennessey (London) International Editor: Peter Jones (London) Recording Rights Coalition had it right from the very beginning. the boom in videocassette sales" (Associated Press, Dec. 15), and As I pointed out in a Billboard Commentary and in Congres- they are growing at a tremendous pace. Paramount's initial ship- Intl Correspondents: Austria -Manfred Schreiber, 1180 Wien, XVII, Kreuzgasse 27. 0222 48- sional hearings in the summer of 1982, the primary reason for ment of "Raiders Of The Lost Ark," for instance, totaled 2gK8iiur-km8 2 -L; JaAPuuousinlt rtaeAl,ni 4at2h -0oG nGliselsoneu nc,Be 2sat7keAerr S,O tu.P,d .OAe. p GtB.o od1xs0 t7r2,a 6aO1t,t, t a3Bw1a0au0, l kOHhnaetmaisr ti oHo pKil lIdsRe, n27 T1B57e.3r g 6.1 N30e 1w253 -8S2 4-o41u19t4h52 3;W ; CCazlaeesnc;h aodBsa-elol--- mthye rreecboorudnindge di,n tdhues trreyc omrdailnagis ei nwdauss ttrhye prreocsepsseiroend.; Ait se tnhjeo yeecdo nreo-- 50W0,0it0h0 aulln itthsi,s fmoro na erye tfaliolw girnogs si nv atolu He oolfl y$w20o omdi,l loionne . has to spec- vakia-Dr. Lubomir Dourzka, 14 Zeleny Pruh, 147 00 Praha 4 Branik. 26- 16 -08; Denmark cord profits in 1983. ulate that the threadbare coat Hollywood wears when it beseech- Knud Orsted, 22 Tjoernevej, DK- 3070 Snekkersten. 02-2 2- 26 -72; Finland -Kari Helopaltio, SF- 01860 Perttula. 27- 18 -36; France -Phillip Hill, 24 rue de Roi de Sidle, 75004 Paris, Tel: 887- 0417; Greece -John Carr, Kaisarias 26-28, Athens 610; Holland -Willem Hoos, Bilderdijhlaan `Neither the recording industry nor Hollywood can show 28, Hilversum. 035 -43137; Hong Kong -Hans Ebert, TNS, 17 /F, Wah Kwong Bldg., 48 -62 H16e7n n-4e5s6s;e Iyr eRladn.,d T -eKl:e (n5) S2t7e6w0a2r1t,; H5u6 nRgaatrhyg-aPr aRuola dG, yoDnugbyl,i nO 6r,l ouIrteclaa n3d /.b ,9 71-0 1246 - 7B2;u dIsarpaeesl t- B11e. nTneyl: that home taping or rentals have caused any harm' Dudkevitch, P.O. Box 7750, 92 428 Jerusalem; Italy- Vittorio Castelli, Via Ramazzotti 20, 21047 Saronna (Milan). 02-960 1274; Japan -Shig Fujita, Utsunomiya Bldg., 19 -16 Jingumae 6- Chome, Shibuya -ku Tokyo 150. 03 4984641; Kenya -Ron Andrews, P.O. Box 41152, Nairobi. 24725; New Zealand -AnnLouise Martin, 239 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, Auckland 9. 496-062; A second reason for lost sales was a series of blunders by the es Congress must have an ermine lining. Philippines -Ces Rodriguez, II Tomas Benitez, Quezon City 3008. Poland -Roman Waschko, recording industry itself. The industry failed to respond to the In the face of continued prosperity, the movie companies con- Magiera 9m 37, 01 -873 Warszawa. 34- 36- 04; Portugal- Fernando Tenente, R Sta Helena 122 consumer's preference for music portability. It raised its prices at tinue to argue that home taping and video rentals are depriving R /c, Oporto; Romania- Octavian Ursulescu, Str. Radu de la La Afumati nr, 57 -B Sector 2, Bucharest O.P. 9. 13- 46 -10. 16- 20 -80; Singapore -Anita Evans, 164 Mount Pleasant Rd., 1129. the same time it put out music on inferior tape and warped disks. them of much -needed "creativity," i.e., production money. It is 2560551; South Africa -John Miller, c/o The Rand Daily Mail, 171 Main St., Johannesburg. It cut back on concerts and other promotional vehicles. difficult to give this argument much credence when the Wall 781201 9-9; 1S1p1.a iSn -oEuthd KOowreena, -PBlaynutan g6- -H3oDo, ESsuphr,o nJcoeodnag -3A2n, gM aWderiedl y3, .4584- 29 -9S4o4s6o.m Suwne -dDeonn -gL, eSiefo uSl.c h2u8l-- What has happened since to account for the resurgence? The Street Journal (Sept. 1) reports "an unprecedented flood of out- man, Brantingsgatan 49, 4 tr. 115 35 Stockholm. 08- 629 -873; Switzerland- Pierre Haesler, industry has finally realized that consumers want portability, so side production money," and quotes Columbia Pictures chair- Hasenweld 8, CH -4600 Olten, 062 -215909; U.S.S.R. -Vadim D. Yurchenkov, 6 Aprelskaya Str., sales of prerecorded tape are booming. Companies are starting to man Frank Price as saying that "there's more money out there BCloorcrke s2p,o Andpte. nt1)6, , 213965 B26a8d LSeenginegbreardg,, AKn- 2d6e8r. T2r2a5v-e3 56-78 8b;, WPoessttf aGche rm11a5n0y. -0W45o5l1fg -8a1n4g2 8S. pJaimhr S(Camhiepf- advertise prerecorded tapes with maste.r. .q uality sound, and we now than can be properly handled." son (News Editor), Liebherrstr. 19, 8000 Munchen 22. 089- 227746. Yugoslavia -Mitja Volcic, are seeing "significant breakthroughs that have greatly en- Despite these facts, if there were to be a royalty tax and a mod- Dragomer, Rozna 6, 61 351, Brezovica, Ljubljana 23- 522. hanced the sound quality of prerecorded tapes" (Billboard, Dec. ification of the rules allowing rental, consumers, retailers and Director of Marketing & Sales: Miles T. Killoch (N.Y.). 10). manufacturers, as well as Hollywood, would lose out. Higher Director of Marketing Communications: Charles R. Buckwalter, Jr. (N.Y.). Finally, the concert business is picking up again, and the re- VCR prices and software rental fees would stifle the momentum cording industry is benefitting from a dynamic marriage of audio of VCR sales. Reducing the number and importance of neigh- Director of Sales, Video /Sound Business: Ron Willman (N.Y.); Director of Sales, and video with the success of MTV. borhood video retailers would also adversely affect the desirabil- International Buyer's Guide: Ron Carpenter (N.Y.); Home Entertainment Manager: A third reason why the recording industry was singing the ity of owning a VCR. Diane Daou (L.A.); Production Manager: John Wallace (N.Y.); Promotion Coordina- blues was increased competition for the discretionary dollar. A royalty tax, whether on video or audio, would not only be tor. Nanette Varian (N.Y.); Production /Sales Coordinators: Lucy Bellamy (L.A.), Pac -Man was gobbling up quarters that otherwise would have impossible to administer equitably, but would hit hardest at Debra Millburn (Nashville). gone to buying prerecorded music. Well, the arcade business has those who should not pay: the schools, libraries, businesses and Account Executives: New York -Norm Berkowitz, Don Frost (212- 764 -7356); Los Angeles -Christine Matuchek (213-8 59- 5316); Nashville -John McCartney, tapered off, and sales of prerecorded music are up again. consumers who use recorders to tape their own programming. Southern Manager (615- 748- 8145); Classified Advertising Manager -Jeff Serrette Another problem to which I referred in 1982 was the dearth of Neither the recording industry nor Hollywood can show that (N.Y.) (212- 764 -7388). new artists to capture the fancy of music buyers. This too has home taping or rentals have caused any harm. Given this utter International Sales: Australia -Geoff Waller & Assoc., 64 Victoria St., North Syd- changed. Fourteen of 1983's top 100 singles were by artists who failure to prove injury, there is certainly no need for Congress to ney 2060, Sydney 4362033, Telex 790 -70794; Canada: Frank Daller, 632 Adelaide debuted that year, and half the top 100 pop hits, as well as half force consumers to pay a tax for the privilege of making the mov- SAntrceeellte W, 9e2st5, 2T5o Nroenutoill yM /S6Je1inAe9,, C4e1d6e -x3 615- - 703782 -44;3 2F1ra; nIctae:ly A: nGne -rMmaarnieo HRouusncsitftioe,l dP, i6z zraulee the top 10, came from acts that first appeared after 1980. ie /record complex richer still. Lgourmeatoe , 9,6 -M Chilaomn,e ,2 8 S-2h9ib -1u5y8a; -kJua,p aTno: kyHou g1h5 0N i0s3h-i k4a9w8- a4,6 4U1 tsTuenleoxm: iy7a8 1B -l2d5g7.,3 51;9 -1M6e xJiicno - "prNoobrle nme"e dt htahte nienvdeurs twrya s feaanrd tnheev eprh awniltlo mbe .o f record rentals, a ciaIfl -Cnoon ghraersms ,j unsot kfoeuepl -s iitn mwiilnl dr etahceh ctohdee roigf htht ed ebcaisskioentbsa olln o tfhfie- and Latin America: call New York office, (212) 764-7356; New Zealand: Mike Bai- At the risk of patting ourselves too hard on the back, it is clear home recording and rental issues. ley, F.J. Associates, P.O. Box 1367, Wellington, 723745; Spain: Rafael Revert, Gen- that almost two years ago we precisely identified the problems eral Manager, c/o Radio Madrid 232 -8000, 231 -8319; United Kingdom: Patrick afflicting the recording industry. As the industry came up with Campbell, European Advertising Sales Manager, 7 Carnaby St., London W1V1PG solutions, many of them long overdue, it has profited. And as the Jack Wayman is senior vice president of the Consumer Elec- 439 -9411 Telex: 851 -262100; West Germany: Hans -Moritz v. Frankenberg, Muller & tronics Group of the Electronic Industries Assn., as well as chair- Von Frankenberg, Uberseering 25, 2000 Hamburg 60, 040/631 4299 -631 37 71; industry continues to exploit its new marketing opportunities, man of both the Audio Recording Rights Coalition and the Home Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Holland, Luxemborg, Norway, Portugal, So. that success will continue. Africa, Sweden: contact, Patrick Campbell, London office; Austria, Switzerland: Given the resurgence of music sales and profits, and a raft of Recording Rights Coalition. contact West German office. Divisional Controller. Don O'Dell (N.Y.); Circulation Manager. Donna De Witt (N.Y.); Conference Coordinator: Kris Sofley (L.A.); Managing Director /Internation- Letters ToThe Editor al Operations: Mike Hennessey (London); License & Permissions Manager. Geor- gina Ellen Challis (N.Y.). BILLBOARD PUBLICATIONS, INC. We Do Listen, Randy and again warned us of the possible consequences, Moreover, no amount of college, song -polishing Chairman And President: W.D. Littleford. Executive Vice Presidents: Gerald S. especially since the Bee Gees case. Again, we stub- or abstinence from chemicals will ever give you Hobbs, Jules Perel, Patrick Keleher. Vice Presidents: William H. Evans Jr., Treasur- I send along a reply to a letter from one Randy bornly remain open to unsolicited material. one iota more of a chance than anyone else. It sim- er; Lee Zhito, Billboard Opera- Starkey that appeared in Letters To The Editor So, in the course of growing up and, like the ply takes talent (a commodity one can't buy in col- tions; John B. Babcock, Prod- (Dec.10) asking, "Why can't a serious but un- rest of us, paying some dues, you somehow ac- lege), patience, perseverance, respect for the feel- uMcct GoDlderviceklo, pmPeenrst;o nnMeal;r y AnCn. SUBSCRIBER SERVICE known songwriter get his song heard .-..t o" quire the necessary patience and maturity, and ings of others, more patience, more talent, and a Haire, Circulation; Michael Billboard, P.O. Box 1413 Excuse me, Randy, but we do listen every- common courtesy to "secretaries and rude and lotta luck. Feirstein, Legal. Secretary: Er- Riverton, N.J. 08077 thing that comes in. In fact, we are one of the few jaded middlemen," you might find yourself direct- Send us your songs, Randy. We'll listen. And nest Lorch. Corporate Manag- (609) 786 -1669 organizations of any size that to date has not ed to the division (a &r /publishing) in our rather welcome to the real world. ers: Marie R. Gombert, Corpo- closed its doors to the unsigned, independent large and diverse company that can best serve you. Kin Vassy, A &R /Publishing rate Production. songwriter. We take particular pride in this as- According to our carefully kept log, you began to Kenny Rogers Productions MPA .ABP RTAEDG sumed duty, though our legal advisors have time pout before you got this far. Los Angeles +s POMMIONS NS Articles and letters appearing on this page serve as a forum for the expression of views of general interest. Contributions Vol. 96 No. 2 should be submitted to Is Horowitz, Commentary Editor, Billboard, 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036. www.americanradiohistory.com 8 At Gîve the gift of music. ORDERFORM All material is free, freight collect "Gift of Music" MERCHANDISING DISPLAY AIDS quantity A. 9" X 35" Paper Banner B. 3" X 36" Border Strip A BANNER C. 1' X 1' Cardboard Flat Red and Pink Hearts iTkTkkkKK - D. 1' X 1' Cardboard Flat Rea Heart Design E. 1' X 1' Red Cardboard Flat BORDER STRIP B F. Camera Ready Art Sheet for Print Ads WIMP WW 11,1111111011.11.11114 C FLAT D FLAT If freight cannot be paid at retail store, call Stan Silverman at 609/424 -7404 for alternate arrangements. Company Contact Person Street City State Give the gift Phone ( ) Zip of music. E FLAT F ART SHEET Return to: NARM, 1008 -F ASTORIA BOULEVARD, CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY 08003 www.americanradiohistory.com 10 Radio Dave Martin Joins Doubleday As Chain's New VP Of Programming By ROLLYE BORNSTEIN "Doubleday as a group has and the guy who works hand in hand NEW YORK -"Dave's coming will continue to consider all of its op- with the sales manager. This is a for - tions in every market. That doesn't profit business, not the Red Cross." with us is a clear statement of our in- suggest format changes, but it doesn't The structuring of the organiza- tention of running this chain as a prevent evolution or perhaps making tion -which includes contemporary business, making format decisions on a change down the road. hit stations KPKE Denver, KDWB- the individual marketplace as op- "Let's face it, I don't think there's AM-FM Minneapolis and WAVA posed to convenience," says Double- any group that can say with total Washington as well as AOR- format- day president Gary Stevens regard- confidence, `We're going to be doing ted WLLZ Detroit, WMET Chicago ing Dave Martin's recent this in five years.' You just don't and WAPP New York and is in the appointment as vice president of pro- know. But," emphasizes Martin, process of selling KWK -AM -FM St. gramming for the Doubleday chain. "that's not to say that any imminent Louis- will remain largely the same. While the move raised some ques- format changes will be made. I hon- "The PDs will continue to report to tions among the industry regarding estly don't see that happening at all." their GMs," says Martin, who will be BUBBLING WITH ENTHUSIASM- ABC FM Network and Bristol Meyers ex- Doubleday's future format plans, as Regarding Doubleday consultant located at the company's Manhattan ecutives get ready for the conclusion of their jointly sponsored "Soap Martin is coming from a strong adult Bobby Hattrik, who once held the headquarters. "I'll be a resource for Talk" contest, which will send five listeners to Hollywood for parties with contemporary background, both ex- position Martin is assuming, Stevens the stations, spending time at all of various soap opera stars. Pictured from left are ABC station relations man- epcrougtirveesss iosene - ahins da rrnivoat l naesc eas snaraitluyr aal sbauyt sw hilel' lrle preomrt ation Mwaitrhti nth. e" Ic mometp wanityh, the"mE.a ch market is an individual situ- atugreer's J uhloies tE, iJsaecnkbleynrg ; ZNemetawno;r kB raisctcool uMnte yeexresc' umtivaen aSgheirr leoyf Cspaortte ra; ntdh ec afebale- signal for new programming Bobby here during the week of ation. Every PD has his different syndication, Peter Fredas; and Corinne Baldassano, director of program- directions. Christmas," says Martin, "and I've (Continued on page 66) ming for the ABC FM and Contemporary networks. "If a programmer is a good pro- got to say I find his insights very grammer, he or she can program any valuable, since he's been operating format," says Martin, who most re- the Doubleday markets and is con- cently was VP /programming for versant with the dynamics of them. Vox Jox Bonneville's WCLR in Chicago. "A "He'll continue to be involved PorD 'sse gbmuseinnte sos fi st htoe dmelairvkeer tpthlaec esh adree- awnhde raer eh ims otaslte nntese dcaend .b Ie'svte bae lsuot ilbizeeedn Brink Back On The Air In Nashville sired by management. The format be- impressed with the calibre of the lo- ceS3Wnocm0eue.L s%Ad tAlhle bt hCderIe vnib i-ncaeAts ikectosM raaSrteter -ateschFte lt tMlsh saaImtn ea.u di- cowhggaoouahlviosM on edPg c aD ihtprsoot arsi noio.nn s.gn - Wisr twB albhiumahnaetre moocn Dku ,aiy nnoto adgutunp bh tdrtlealhie oioledwreor an koscyt tn o'aaotsdoutt uie ngotrto thn jrttoeswhy , ies nhvorayiaaemnnotr.g'"idues- fetawoolnionrStvm r,e(c kBK WoeiynrtaH tgLnyRh JSdwe O BaLiCvtLrwohyihLsn ewi SlckYAleoa iEnugghigto nhahBe -st l C yOeNPsreoRe,Dan susNtWu hr aarSvfnRnlia TaldKcClmE eeoO.adIe mNi! r iBH m tT)toae husil'-ess-- aOnplnigorak'oBawte. igi roAn Brinsaen t-amtn 9dhl 4 ao Wd&twpv i rreiTelorGJlc AgitmbaaroEater rm r/ dSyWJQmrh .oCeNuicprn.iopi TngdFnin Xnalto'rngs ayr' scedi otsto sW pvt naoeld kAarni wessMspsistb tuuaohOitfinleetf-, Decfaodtoa r b(Flm3ilsnao1'a sr3t'm,h" ) G eKye6aoorL2r uoi6BVn d -cog7U an 1n Tmn5 .ie8r.mov.e. ria eelIc l fehR a ybBohoocirumuok'tr a eid'nF nci r'naD estdReet r tSoerJoyslaltsi"--t- WCLR, programmed Chicago's nications, which owns WZEZ, Nash- ities for the chain. tems president John Patton is ru- casNtiAngS HhVasI LsLolEd - Sa u3d0b%ri nikn terBersot adin- WtbornoC'asFd LcWa saBtnerdZ. -WisH FiaYs Rsfe acatohsn edwr,- e glel tnhaeesr aBtliaootsne- vwihlleer'se tSopco -rtatyte'sd meaeslylo wlis tteonniensg coaunt lebte, Brian Whi*te h*as l*ef t his WDRQ magorreeedm teon th awviet hs etvhearte dfi rhmis ctoo ntaskuelt inong mmWoaLnreAa,g Ce r-v AicMe o -fFp Mres Nidhaesenhretv illateon d Vsigtcae tniRoernuas-l Jsoonhanlnityy iMn tahreti nS,o uat hweaesllt ,- kwnaosw rnes ppoenr-- shmeevoaerrnrdai lna gmin oddneripgvesetn. dtehHneet 'msp reoalljlosewoc t smp, uuirnsscitcili undign- Diwnietdeterroi miint iPCs DlMe vpiekolesat n.S dFt riahlltaifnso grt dwi no. d..pu rrNoingagtria otmhn-e- Hnmeaawrrtk pe&rtio njegPc attsra,i gctkrhe, ee mwfieirtnshtt oawnf iwtahnh nicoHhh hibicse er-a, WKDA and WKDF. No purchase sible for the huge shares KRMG Tul- ing a voice -over career, so if you're ming openings to fill. First it was ment of more clients expected shortly. price was disclosed. sa enjoyed during his 17 year- tenure looking to use one of the best voices John Lanigan leaving WGAR to do Five million bought KSON San there. SuRdburminokr'es scaoyns ctehren s athlea td eimtso nstsattriaotness "I grew up in the business," he pinr omthoe s c-oourn tjruys t own anyto utor snaeyx th eslleot toof mit'so rMninikges Socno Ttta, mwphao' sh aWs MreGsigGn.e dN ohwis Dpairetgnoe'rss GSaSnM BeDrenxa rdAinlloe'ns KanMdE Nhis/ operate under local control. A Ft. says. "Had a radio station in my bed- one of our favorite people -you can PD post at country- formatted KGGI ... Buying Wheeling's Lauderdale -based chain, Sudbrink room, learned to read C.E. Hooper reach him at (615) 356 -2942. WKSW, with no interim replacement WOMP -AM -FM and Portsmouth, bought WLAC and its FM affiliate ratings at the dinner table." A piece Former WZEZ morning fixture named. Ohio's WNXT -AM -FM are Drake from Billboard in 1980. of advice passed along at one of those Jack Gallo is also back on the air. He * * * Chenault vice president of sales Bob WLAC -AM is Nashville's only sessions formed the cornerstone of can be heard across town at WSIX- Alan Goodman's come home. the Ardrey and his wife Sherrie news /talk station. The FM side pro- Martin's radio philosophy. "My Dad AM on the 7 to midnight shift, re- former director of sales for Double- ... Looking to hear Transtar's adult grams adult contemporary music. said, `Son, you might not always have placing Jack Stevens, who took off day, who also served as GM for the contemporary format? Check out Under the new setup, Rumore will numbers, but you'll always have for Tucson with no forwarding call chain's KRIZ Phoenix and KXKX Madison's WMAD. They've function as executive vice president spots to sell.' A program director has letters. Joining the Foster /Sky sta- Denver and GSM at KDWB Minne- droppéd a decade of AOR in favor of and chief operating officer, positions got to develop an empathy with sales tion as promotion director is former apolis, has just been named regional the satellite- delivered fare. which will give him full control of the without compromise in product. If he WDLW Boston PD Duncan Stewart, vice president and general manager Kathy Worthington and David stations. He says he will remain at does, he'll be successful." while former WJDQ Meridian, Miss. of Washington's WAVA, replacing Stewart move up to news reporters at WcanK bDe Ahi/rWedK aDndF t ruanitniel da. rNepol adceecmisieonnt sumIne sh isJ anne. w 30p,o siMtioanrt,i nw hhicohp ehse "atso- PafDte rCnohouncsk. MInctCearirmtn eya fties rnnoowon dolaindgy Dbeaevne VBP a/GrreMtt . atG Eonotdermcoanm, 'sw WhoA YhaLd- CBohsictoang on'se wWs GdiNre c..to. rF Doramvee r CoWkBelZy has been made on the fate of Lee bring Doubleday what I'm known for Fran Morley can now be heard on FM in Minneapolis, will also oversee becomes operations manager at Dorman, currently general manager in terms of research, programming overnights. The Apple (W*A P*P) in* New York. S..e.a ttle's news/ talk outlet KING of WLAC- AM -FM. and especially sales. I view the PD as Over at WSM -AM, they've made a Taking on that post at similarly - few changes, which have Hairl Hens- KCMO -AM -FM Kansas City formatted WSJS Winston -Salem is Chase, Third PD In Year, ley turning up where he was exactly a VP /GM Steve Shannon will vacate Robert Owen. The former director of decade ago. The longtime Grand Ole that post to return to the Meredith operations for WCNN Atlanta re- Joins Pittsburgh's WHTX Opopsriyti oann nionusindcee rt,h ew hsota htiaosn hferlodm e vPerDy Cerotireps. ,t ow Fhiacihrb arenckesn tBlyr osaodlcda sthtien gp.r oNpo- plaDcaevs eK iEmd mJounnedss. is upped to PD at to mornings, has vacated the latter word yet on where he'll be located, Birmingham's WRKK (K- 99 FM). bchhCoeeohrenlPaedntsI, e eTtma,hbT paepppSctoor BoporimanoUgrtsriyeRinatd mgiG o h nHptih drt- i oeinTr g esrlotcetahastdmiotsrid r odt hn doCa pifnreh eWr aKscaso teHaoyn nreT hs aaotXaros.sf hwchooeafa admWstv h paemoHel v tToToeedoX vrtipewaf r ikhe Tiettadhrhns a e clW bapWkesasBet sH nZftJ o TaZytrnXhem uea(.a ar B.str -E cyT9telh 4hinam)tee,ot i fnowhobaefreh t mtuiidtcopeaehn-rt- sCpswrlehrhoepeoateclw raketlco.ied ee nRe srdse eD eDptCorul aaurhMrncgari alre*natlrloigsl ke tHlDMhaD*ateoe oia ur unblgn *girligiyalgn ha,s h st,mwt 's swoo.h hrivhloneeowi rn Hnj gotiagshii nharislstt jbvCm(loawiuiasconthtsev ipe enayre gseper tar oherfht )oseha ir ethds ah aenKadnpFdt atea bnriwcmresobieaiftalans yln n oaekCafptnsrb ieot Wtslrymyoao,Lr t r bigAoFm NanaCtnaashid ir sezbbeh aeaD vGtfniitoilokMhclrneskee HciCCwpsoa olie utaal'hsurnBs km Ttarbs aylhbtetaf aiuetstms,nsit oa olrtneedirGf loeotom n'Siscnt aM ahg.nte.i Wan .sg agEtLPefa dtrtOote,o i oroC ankSWn ,oi na noD.neg.nwadA .ssfel yoErW ra Lc TtaTsr a taeVPatrmahyrDNtyes-- City's KBEQ, replaces Cary Pall, signed led to the resignation of opera- duties. ed post at the Primetime outlet. who leaves the Hearst -owned station tions manager Bobby Christian in Pittsburgh's "Music Of Your Life" * * after 11 months. February. He was replaced by Pall, outlet, B.E.N.I.'s WJAS, is looking Thomas Farley moves up from sta- (Continued on page 19) "Both of us thought things had then production director and swing for a new morning man, as former tion manager of Duffy's KCNR- worked out a little less than satisfac- announcer at AM sister WTAE. drive time personality Bill Brant AM-FM Portland to VP /GM .. . tory," says VP /GM Ted Atkins, who The call letters were also changed with over 30 years on the air, v.a.c.a tes Moving up in The Research Group adds that the program change was the studio for the GM position A- are VP /GM Larry Campbell, who from WXKX, and the "96 KX" made without any advance knowl- cross town at KDKA, they've got the becomes senior vice president, and identity was dropped in favor of Hit edge of the forthcoming fall Arbitron "K- Team" doing mornings; now at Dick Springfield, who gets the nod as results. Radio 96. In addition, the station has EZ's B- 94, they've got the "B- VP ... Recognizing Gerry De- been through four different morning Atkins says no changes are antici- Team." Joining incumbent WBZZ Francesco's role in the continual rise personalities in the past year. RADIO pated in either staff or format under morning personality Banana Don of KIIS -FM Los Angeles, president/ Chase. "Todd will be working with The current morning team of Jefferson is WTAE midday host Jim GM Wally Clark has signed a new PROGRAMMING the jocks to improve our on -air sound Larry O'Brien and John Garry is un- Quinn, a former KQV screamer and longterm agreement with the VP/ and he'll be doing some things pro- der contract through 1985. Atkins 13 Q morning man, and joining him programming ... Across town at CONVENTION motionally. We want to improve the says he's hoping for more stability is tv sportscaster, Notre Dame foot- KFI, C.K. Cooper vacates the after- July 5 -8, 1984 station from top to bottom." Chase, a with WHTX under Chase. "I've ball star, Pittsburgh Steeler and war noon slot in hopes of leaving town, L' Enfant Plaza former KQV personality here in the known Todd for 20 years, and I hope hero Rocky Bleier. Using the old while former KFI PD Tom Bigby re- Washington, D.C. late '60s, will not be on the air. he'll be here a long time," he says. "eye for an eye" legal code, it looks turns to the air doing mornings on www.americanradiohistory.com

single stereo sound system for Amer- ager, the trade -off plan provides a stimulus to the midline catalog, which With foreign currency earned in ARNIE'S LOVE -I'm Out 01 Your Life 2F THE RACK FACTORY mec. Shore, D. Wills, B. Mevis, B. Gallimore; G. I.D.:'Dejamos, ASCAP'Roya.
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