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204 Pages·2016·1.21 MB·English
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Contents 1. FOREWORD BY ANTHONY BOURDAIN 2. Chapter 1 3. HOW I FAILED AT BEING A SERIAL KILLER, OR, WHY I AM A COMEDIAN 4. Chapter 2 5. BEING BORN: I’LL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN 6. Chapter 3 7. THE COUNTLESS STAGES OF DEATH 8. Chapter 4 9. ALL THIS VENEREAL DISEASE AND NO ONE TO SHARE IT WITH 10. Chapter 5 11. NAME YOUR OWN CHAPTER 12. Chapter 6 13. IT’S NOT ME, IT’S U.S.A. 14. Chapter 7 15. LITTLE AIRLINE BOTTLES IN THE BIG APPLE 16. Chapter 8 17. FRIENDSHIT 18. Chapter 9 19. SCREWING UP, DOWN, AND ALL OVER TOWN 20. Chapter 10 21. ONCE YOU’VE SEEN ONE SUNRISE, YOU’RE TIRED ALL DAY 22. Chapter 11 23. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, ESPECIALLY IF THEY TAKE GOWER 24. Chapter 12 25. NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP YOURS 26. Chapter 13 27. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE, UNLESS YOU HAVE ACTUAL MEDICINE 28. Chapter 14 29. WORKING 10:00 TO 10:15, WHAT A WAY TO MAKE A LIVING 30. Chapter 15 31. EQUALITY IS FOR UNDERACHIEVERS, AM I RIGHT, LADIES? 32. Chapter 16 33. THE B TEAM 34. Chapter 17 35. MIDSEASON PROGRAMMING IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL 36. Chapter 18 37. F*** CENSORSHIP! 38. APPENDIX A: HOW TO DEAL WITH A HECKLER 39. APPENDIX B: HOW TO GET REPRESENTATION 40. APPENDIX C: HOW TO PROPERLY GIVE A COMPLIMENT TO A WORKING COMEDIAN 41. APPENDIX D: HOW TO PROPERLY RECEIVE A COMPLIMENT IF YOU ARE A WORKING COMEDIAN 42. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 43. ABOUT THE AUTHOR 44. CREDITS 45. COPYRIGHT 46. ABOUT THE PUBLISHER Foreword by Anthony Bourdain The tarmac at Heathrow was socked in with fog, my flight was canceled, and the Percodan hadn’t yet started to kick in. I’d spent the night before (figuratively) jacking off advertisers and sponsors at a network dog and pony, and it’d taken an ill-advised number of negronis at the hotel bar to wash away the memory. It felt like I had a brain tumor. Other than that, everything was fine. Because there was a bright light in this otherwise dark, depressing picture: I finally had in my possession Bonnie McFarlane’s manuscript. Things, I was able to remind myself, could be worse. I could be growing up on a farm in northern Canada, eating homemade ketchup and taking once-a-week baths in the same water as the rest of my family. I could be a working comedian. I didn’t know who Bonnie McFarlane was when I first met her. She was introduced to me simply as “the writer” at a charity roast where I was to be skewered by a panel of friends, professional comics, and people who genuinely hated me. Bonnie had been hired to write jokes and insults for those few of the assembled who, though in possession of sufficient ill will, were incapable of articulating that loathing to comic effect. She apologized in advance though she needn’t have. Not to me, at least. In agreeing to participate, the other chefs and television personalities on the dais that night had apparently forgotten that custom and tradition require everyone to share the pain of a roast. And on that night, no one got out alive. By the time dessert was served, there was blood and hair everywhere. Mario Batali had to endure one fat joke after another after another. Rachael Ray, given one of the best lines of the night, had to tell a joke about giving Mario a blow job and him thoughtfully providing his own scrunchie to help keep the hair out of her face. Guy Fieri (“what you get when Billy Idol fucks a panda”) took it from all sides and limped out of the festivities leaking fluids from every orifice. My friend Eric Ripert dutifully read Bonnie’s lines to uproarious laughter, pausing intermittently to apologize to his targets. The jokes were witheringly funny, merciless, inappropriate. Other comics —famous comics, funny comics—took their turns but I don’t honestly remember them, because when Bonnie McFarlane stepped up to the microphone, she killed. She destroyed. She eradicated all memory of the rest. I turned to my longtime agent, sitting next to me, and said, “Who IS this person, and how do we get her to write a book?” Some people have a unique voice—a special way of looking at the world, seeing it, describing it. Others have a story. Very few people have both. I had no idea when I first reached out to Bonnie that she had a story. Particularly this story. I just knew that she had a fantastic way of looking at the world, talking about it—and that I’d happily spend a few hundred pages hearing her talk about, well, anything. I knew, too, that if I was put on Earth to publish anyone, it was Bonnie McFarlane. Like so few people are able to do (only Richard Pryor comes to mind), she walks that tightrope between comedy and tragedy—brilliantly. I am proud to bask in her reflected glory. On that tarmac at Heathrow—and on the dais of that glorious roast—I was just grateful to be in the presence of a rejuvenating, excoriating genius. Chapter 1 HOW I FAILED AT BEING A SERIAL KILLER, or, WHY I AM A COMEDIAN Ask anyone, I’m weird. But not like weird, weird. It’s harder to categorize than that. My weirdness is more unsettling because it can go under the radar for a long time before it snaps to the surface. You could be talking to me for an hour, maybe longer, and perhaps even enjoyably so, before the realization wafts up on you like a cool draft that suddenly becomes difficult to ignore: you’re talking to a fucking lunatic. I’m not sure how it happened. I can’t for the life of me imagine why I turned out so odd. I mean, I’m Canadian. I come from a nice farming family. My parents are still married to each other. I saw them fight only once and they had the decency to go into the garage to hurl insults at each other so my sisters and I wouldn’t be scarred for life. Eager for any kind of drama, I followed them out to witness the fireworks, which turned out to be a real disappointment. I only remember my father saying to my mother, “You’re just like your sister!” My mother was crushed by the comment. “Take it back!” she whispered. These short outbursts were followed by long pauses where they stared at each other or their feet. I left during one of these endless lulls. Borrrring. My mom didn’t do drugs when she was pregnant. I grew up eating organic vegetables and I have three older sisters who turned out just fine. So why do I have six of the seven characteristics of being a serial killer and, worse, grow up to be a professional stand-up comedian? Here are the seven signs of serial killers found on Wikipedia, the most factual Web site on the information superhighway. Can you guess which one I don’t have? • White Male • Antisocial • Abused: Mentally, Physically, or Sexually • The MacDonald Triad: Fire Fascination, Bed-Wetting, Killing Animals • Above Average Intelligence • Violence • Fetishism 1. WHITE MALE It’s true, I am white, but contrary to some of the rumors floating around, I am also a woman, born and bred. This is, apparently, the only part of the serial killer configuration that keeps me from wanting to see the life drain from the eyes of strangers. However, and I’m not sure this is relevant, when I was three or four years old, I started identifying as a boy and wouldn’t wear a shirt around the house or during swim lessons. We swam in a huge body of water that bore the same name as the closest town, Cold Lake. The lake was not creatively named, by the way, and I suspect it might originally have been named Motherfucking Cold Lake. Still, we swam in it all the time and after the hypothermia set in, it was a pretty fun afternoon. The dude who gave me lessons was just a boy, maybe fifteen, and my topless heroin chic androgyny was not his cup of tea. He unloaded me as fast as he could, telling my parents I was a swimming prodigy of sorts, advanced for my age and could be moved into the older kids’ group, where I very promptly nearly drowned. But this near-death experience didn’t stop the cross-dressing. I wanted to be like my dad. I wanted the attention he got from my mom and my sisters and me. One of us would look out the window and see him walking toward the house from the barn after a long day of baling hay and milking cows. “Places! Places everyone!” We’d buzz around, getting coffee started and popping a few fresh rolls onto a chipped plate. He’d sit down at the kitchen table and they’d pull off his boots and I’d comb his hair. “Oh, Bonnie, you’ve got the touch,” he’d say. He wanted me to be a hairdresser. Those were his big plans for me. I knew I could never do it because I have an intense aversion to small talk. Plus, I knew I could be anything I wanted to be in life if I were a man, so I refused to wear dresses, drank unsweetened iced tea out of a pickle jar, and answered the phone “Y’ello!” just like my dad. My parents didn’t fret over my gender-bending and my mother even cut my hair short, but I think she did that so she had two fewer braids to tie every morning. In those days, you didn’t spend a lot of time stressing about the weird stages your kids went through. I’m glad, because if I grew up in this decade, my parents would’ve changed my name to Benji and started saving for a sex change operation. Personally, I don’t think women should get sex changes until all their good ladies’ years are used up. As Chaz Bono taught us, you can go from being a fat old woman to a well-fed young man in the blink of an inverted vagina. Unfortunately, what Chaz Bono failed to realize was that getting an actual medical procedure is excessive. Many women have late-in-life sex changes using only the cruelty of time and their own natural hormonal shortages. One only needs to take a stroll through the Milwaukee airport to see how popular this method is. I was a tomboy who had graduated to tom-man, though I never really had the party I thought I deserved for such a momentous occasion. 2. ANTISOCIAL This one is true. I am antisocial. I realize, medically and psychologically, it might be more than just sitting by yourself at a party with a couple of celery sticks and a side of lumpy dip but I don’t feel like researching the real meaning. I think I actually have severe social anxiety. I don’t take any drugs for it or have a therapist. No, I get through it the old-fashioned way, overcompensating by being horribly obnoxious. I don’t know why it helps and I’m not even sure that it does, but that’s how I self-medicate, by being an asshole. So fuck you. I’ve heard about rape victims who, after their attack, pack on the pounds for protection so that no one will come near them again. Maybe this is why I act the way I do. I wear my assholeishness as a protective covering so that people steer clear and I can avoid small talk. It might sound insensitive, comparing my sweaty palms with rape victims’ bodies, but perhaps it would help to keep in mind that at least I’m not out there killing innocent people. People think it’s odd to pick a profession where you have to stand up in front of strangers and try to make them laugh when social anxiety is one of your challenges, but that debilitating feeling most people get when they have to do any kind of public speaking is something I’m used to. It’s the same feeling I get if I have to order a pizza or poop in a public bathroom. No more, no less. Since we’ve still got a few minutes left in this session, I’d like to take this time to say that I was not around many people other than my family very often. Sure, I’d go to school when forced, but weekends, holidays, and summers (if you can call them that in northern Canada) I spent talking to no one but my family and the animals on the farm. One of the animals, as I look back on it, was a pretty good friend. The tradition in my house was to get a cow as a gift for our tenth birthdays. I don’t know, perhaps it was an Ethiopian tradition passed down generation after

In the spirit of Mindy Kaling, Kelly Oxford, and Sarah Silverman, a compulsively readable and outrageously funny memoir of growing up as a fish out of water, finding your voice, and embracing your inner crazy-person, from popular actress, writer, and comedian Bonnie McFarlane. It took Bonnie McFarl
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