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Wayne W. Dyer Author of the National Bestseller Wisdom of the Ages Your Sacred Self Making the Decision to Be Free j r i rney \Amere the phs over the eg< —Deepak Chopra "Wayne Dyer takes us on a sacred journey where the spirit tri- umphs over the ego. This book will serve as an extremely valuable guide to all those who seek the exultation ofthe spir- itual experience and who value total freedom as the ultimate goal oflife." — Deepak Chopra "I was mesmerized by the beauty and wisdom in Your Sacred Self. Wayne Dyer has written a book that is as meaningful, spiritually on-target, and engrossing as any I've ever read in my life. This is sure to go on that very small shelfreserved for classic works." —Louise Hay L. "In Wayne Dyer's book he has given us the final 'to do,' and that is to get outside ofourselves and stop selfishness by get- ting into other people and making them worthwhile. The sacred quest to that final freedom is the most important thing we'll ever do in our lives." — Pat Riley "Wayne Dyer's inspiring book is a treasure of love and spiri- tual wisdom." — Barbara de Angelis Also by Wayne W. Dyer Wisdom ofthe Ages Manifest Your Destiny A Promise Is a Promise RealMagic You'llSee It When You Believe It What Do You Really Wantfor Your Children? No More Holiday Blues Giftsfrom Eykis The Sky's the Limit Pulling Your Own Strings Your Erroneous Zones Everyday Wisdom Staying on the Path YOUR SACRED SELF Making the Decision to De "Tree Wayne W. Dyer Quill AnImprintofHirperCAjWinsPublnhers Gratefulacknowledgment ismadetothefollowingforpermission toquotefrom copyrighted material: From TheQuest, byTom Brown,Jr. Copyright © 1991 by Tom Brown, Jr. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission of the Putnam PublishingGroup. FromOrdinaryPeopleasMonksandMystics, byMarshaSinetar. Copyright © 1986 byMarshaSinetar. All rights reserved. Reprinted bypermis- sionofthe Paulist Press. A hardcoveredition ofthis book was published in 1995 by HarperCollins Pub- lishers. YOUR sacred self. Copyright © 1995 by WayneW. Dyer. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States ofAmerica. No part ofthis book may be used or reproduced in any mannerwhatsoeverwithout written permission except in the caseofbriefquotationsembodied incriticalarticlesandreviews. Forinformation address HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. HarperCollins books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information please write: Special Markets Department, HarperCollinsPublishersInc., 10East 53rdStreet,NewYork,NY 10022. FirstQuilleditionpublished 2001. DesignedbyJessicaShatan LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData W Dyer, Wayne — Yoursacredself: making thedecision to befree/WayneW. Dyer. 1sted. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-06-093583-9 1. Self-actualization(Psychology). 2. Spiritual life. I. Title. BF637.S4D94 2001 291.4'4—dc21 00-054116 06 07 08 09 RRD 18 17 16 To my wife, Marcelene As the earth thanks the sun All my wanted to be somebody, life I Now, am Finally somebody. I . . . Dut it isnt me. Contents Dear Reader ix PART I PREPARING FOR THE SACRED JOURNEY 1 Your Life's Greatest Challenge: Making the Decision to Be Free 3 2 Recognizing the Limitations ofYour Past 35 3 Releasing Old Beliefs 51 PART II THE FOUR KEYS TO HIGHER AWARENESS 4 Banish the Doubt 89 5 Cultivate the Witness 121 6 Shut Down the Inner Dialogue 153 " 7 Free the Higher Selffrom the Ego 175 PART III TRANSCENDING OUR EGO IDENTITIES 8 From Turmoil to Peace 203 9 From Deception to Truth 221 1 CONTENTS viii 10 From Fear to Love 241 1 From Outward Appearance to Inner Substance 257 12 From Striving to Arriving 275 13 From Dominance to Tolerance 295 14 From Toxicity to Purity 315 PART IV TOWARD AN EGOLESS WORLD 15 Creating a Collective Spirit ofSacred Selves 345 Index 361

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