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Your Primal Body: The Paleo Way to Living Lean, Fit, and Healthy at Any Age PDF

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Preview Your Primal Body: The Paleo Way to Living Lean, Fit, and Healthy at Any Age

7 × 9.25 SPINE: 0.625 FLAPS: 0 discover the lean, ft, healthy body that you were born to have. Tired of feeling sluggish and bloated? Want to achieve a lean body and boundless energy, and to prevent chronic illnesses, from diabetes to heart disease? look no further than your Paleolithic your hunter-gatherer ancestors. in Your Primal Body, ftness trainer Mikki Reilly shares her revolutionary 5-Step Primal Body Program, Paleo-based nutrition and workout plans that have helped men and women of all ages and sizes become healthier, stronger, and more energetic. Your Primal Body not only shows you the science—and good sense—behind the Paleo-based program, it gives you all the tools you need to make the Paleo lifestyle work for you, including: >>> The anti-infammation primal diet—with easy recipes and meal plans primal >>> An interval-based ftness program that can take less than 15 minutes a day >>> exercises for strength-building and pain-free movement >>> easy ways to turn your body into a highly efcient fat-burning machine >>> Tips for keeping yourself looking and feeling younger “Mikki Reilly is a world-class trainer. She gets “Mikki Reilly hits the nail on the head! body some of the most dramatic results i’ve ever She not only talks the talk and walks the walk, seen with the approach she uses. Her book her plan will show you how to become shows how you, too, can achieve your goals a leaner, ftter you.” in this inspiring way.” —PeTeR PaRk, Derek Fisher’s trainer and author of —DRS. MicHael anD MaRy Dan eaDeS, Foundation: Redefne Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and authors of Protein Power and The 6-Week Cure for the Move with Confdence Middle-Aged Middle Mikki Reilly, MFS, CSCS, is a certifed ftness trainer and former competitive body-builder. She has served on the Balance Health Science Advisory Board and as a member of Metrx’s “World’s Best Personal Trainer” advisory staf. She lives in Santa Barbara. The Paleo Way to Living Lean, Fit, www.FitnessTransform.com and Healthy at Any Age ISBN: 978-0-7382-1637-9 $17.99 US / £11.99 / $21.00 CAN HEALTH | FITNESS 51799 DA CAPO PrES Mikki Reilly Lifelong Books A Lifelong Original A Member of the Perseus Books Group Cover design: Laura Shaw Design 9 780738 216379 www.dacapopress.com Cover photograph: Linda Allen Blue Photography Reilly_97807382163795_cvr_R1.indd 1 10/17/12 3:48 PM The Paleo Way to Living Lean, Mikki your primal body Fit, and Healthy at Any Age Reilly 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page i YOUR PRIMAL BODY 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page ii 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page iii YOUR PRIMAL BODY The Paleo Way to Living Lean, Fit, and Healthy at Any Age Mikki Reilly, MFS, CSCS A Member of the Perseus Books Group 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page iv Copyright ©  by Mikki Reilly Photographs by Linda Allen Blue All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address Da Capo Press,  Farnsworth Street, rd Floor, Boston, MA . Designed by Pauline Brown Set in . point Warnock Pro Light by the Perseus Books Group Cataloging-in-Publication data for this book is available from the Library of Congress. First Da Capo Press edition  ISBN: ---- Published by Da Capo Press A Member of the Perseus Books Group www.dacapopress.com Note: Te information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. Tis book is intended only as an informative guide for those wishing to know more about health issues. In no way is this book intended to replace, countermand, or conflict with the advice given to you by your own physician. Te ultimate decision concerning care should be made between you and your doctor. We strongly recommend you follow his or her advice. Information in this book is general and is offered with no guarantees on the part of the authors or Da Capo Press. Te authors and publisher disclaim all liability in connection with the use of this book. Te names and identifying details of people associated with events described in this book have been changed. Any similarity to actual persons is coincidental. Da Capo Press books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the U.S. by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group,  Chestnut Street, Suite , Philadelphia, PA, , or call () -, ext. , or e-mail 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/29/12 9:47 AM Page v Contents Foreword by Dr. Art De Vany vii Introduction ix PART I: THE PRIMAL BODY: OUR GENETIC INHERITANCE Chapter 1: Why Our Ancestors Were Right 3 Chapter 2: Losing Weight the Primal Way 17 Chapter 3: Live to Be 100 and Die Disease Free 35 PART II: THE 5-STEP PRIMAL BODY PROGRAM Chapter 4: Step One—Eat the Anti-Inflammation Primal Diet 51 Chapter 5: Step Two—Supplement with the Super Six 69 Chapter 6: Step Three—Restore Your Muscles to Pain-Free Movement 87 Chapter 7: Step Four—Build Muscle with Primal Movement 105 Chapter 8: Step Five—Kick Up Your Metabolism to Burn Fat Faster 137 PART III: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: YOUR PRIMAL BODY PLAN FOR LIFELONG HEALTH AND FITNESS Chapter 9: Your Primal Body Eating Plan 153 Chapter 10: Your Primal Body Fitness Plan 185 Chapter 11: Your Primal Body for Life 197 Appendix A. Primal Resources 203 Appendix B. Bibliography and Recommended Books 205 Endnotes 207 Acknowledgments 211 Conversion Chart 213 About the Author 215 Index 217 v 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page vi 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page vii Foreword Mikki Reilly has done something unique with what I and others have been calling the evolutionary or Paleo approach to diet and fitness. She, in essence, has written the “user’s manual” that takes the theory and applies it practically to exercise and lifestyle—it’s the “how-to” for Paleo followers. She’s been able to do this because of her excellent background and professional credentials—she earned the highly esteemed certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) credential from the National Strength and Conditioning Asso- ciation (NSCA) and the master of fitness sciences (MFS) from the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). But even more because she is a fitness trainer who has been in the trenches, so to speak, working with clients daily to see how an evolutionary approach is altering lives. Her clients of all ages got stronger and leaner by changing their diet and performing functional, high-intensity exercise, and in this book you will read their stories. I’ve long asserted from personal expe- rience that “chronic cardio” was not the way to go, and now we have a blueprint for the kind of exercise that takes the best advantage of our natural gene expression— laid out and made simple for everyday use. When I first began writing about the Paleo approach back in , few people were interested. But that has changed. Following the diet and lifestyle of our earliest ancestors, who were around for over  million years and lived fitter, healthier lives in many ways than we do today, is appealing to more and more people. Mikki has made it all the more accessible to do, and just in time, as now women are showing interest, and she is a unique model for how a woman can embrace the Paleo way. In fact, I might go so far as to call her the “female face of Paleo,” inspiring other women, as well as everyone, to adopt a more natural, healthy way of life that puts an end to fads and fashion in fitness. A simple fact today’s scientists have discovered is that we humans evolved as hunter-gathers, moving and eating in specific ways that shaped us genetically and had us survive. Not only survive, but thrive! Te latest evidence shows that our ancestors lived out their days relatively disease free and with bodies that equaled vii 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page viii FOREWORD those of our modern-day Olympic athletes. Your Primal Body shows us how you can do what they did, and combined with our modern environment, thrive even better. Arthur De Vany, PhD Author, Te New Evolution Diet: What Our Paleolithic Ancestors Can Teach Us About Weight Loss, Fitness, and Aging viii 9780738216379_text_Layout 1 10/16/12 9:47 AM Page ix Introduction The book you hold in your hands, Your Primal Body: Te Paleo Way to Living Lean, Fit, and Healthy at Any Age, is a doorway to the total transformation of your body, your health, and your life. It’s about fitness, but unlike most fitness books today, this book offers more than directions and a routine for changing your body. It gives you a revolutionary new context for weight loss, pain-free movement, building muscle, heart health, and longevity—all based on scientific information about humans that are . million years old. Te program you will read about in this book is unique in one main way: It’s based on your DNA. Because the human genome has not changed in the last forty thousand years, you want to mimic what the earliest humans did that worked. Teir DNA was shaped over . million years since they came down from the trees to begin a lifestyle of hunting and gathering. Te environment they encountered was one that built strong muscles and lean bodies, so they could survive the harsh con- ditions that prevailed for eons. When you exercise and eat according to the lifestyles of the earliest humans, you gain a host of advantages that were honed over mil- lennia to keep you in top condition. My plan also includes a fitness program based on doing what your DNA has programmed your body to do. Te old model, still used in most gyms and programs today, requires endless hours of cardio, boring low-fat diets, and machine-dependent strength training. Te low-fat, aerobic approach has been around for decades, ever since Kenneth Cooper wrote Aerobics in the late ’s and Jane Fonda put millions of women on the aerobic dance floor in the ’s. But now, there’s a new trend in town. My -Step Primal Body Program, the backbone of this book, will turn your world upside down and change forever how you think about fitness. Dr. Cooper; move over; Jane Fonda, move over; and yes, Jillian Michaels, move over, too. Te biggest losers are about to become the biggest winners, and working out just got a whole lot more fun. The -Step Primal Body Program shows you how to be congruent with your DNA and gives you a step-by-step program to get you in alignment with the way your genes were designed to be expressed. It is based on my twenty years ix

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