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NATIONAL BESTSELLER ^ MONEY YOUR YOUR LIFE or Tran SFORMING YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY AND ACHIEVING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE lOE DOMINGUEZ and VICKI ROBIN Digitized by the Internet Archive 2010 in http://www.archive.org/details/youremybabyOOabbo Praise for YourMoney or YourLife "This—is a wonderful book. It really can change your life." Oprah Winfrey "One of the ten best business books of the year The seminal . . . guid—e to the new morality of personal money management." LosAngeles Times "Shows us an astonishingly simple method to measure our personal economic values. We learn that spending less doesn't have to be limiting, but can actually be liberating." — Amy Dacyczyn, TheTightwadGazette "Ifyou want to know how—to make the maximum contr—ibution you possibly can to the world and to your own happiness follow the steps in this book." — DoncUa H. Meadows, authorof TheLimitstoGrowth and Beyondthe Limits, adjunctprofessorofenvironmental studies, Dartmouth College — "A cornucopia of insight financial, practical, emotional and spiri- — tual that is delivered with a generous measure ofgood humor. En- ergized with the personal stories of real people, their book brings alive an inspiring path for living with integrity and compassion." — Duane Elgin, authorof VoluntarySimplicityandAwakeningEarth "We live on such a beautiful planet, naturally rich in possibilities for enjoyment and love, that it is a shame so many people are wasting their lives and the life of the planet on consuming more than they need. Follow the steps in this book for your own sake and for the Earth." — Robert Muller, chancellor. UniversityforPeace, and retired assistant secretary-general ofthe United Nations "An extraordinary antidote to the fog that permeates our society." — MichaelToms, Co-founderand host, "New Dimensions" National Public Radio interviewseries — — "Their program is practical and efficient it has been tried and found successful by many people; and it is spiritual and ecological it is grounded in ancient wisdom concerning the meaning of life, and is drawn by a vision of the future as a time of peace and true prosperity for humanity." — Brian Swimme, authorof The UniverseIsa GreenDragon "The investment oflife energy (time) you make in reading thisbook will return to you a thousand-fold before you even hit the final page." — Andy and Kate Lipkis, authors of TheSimpleActofPlantinga Tree "This book, at once wise and practical, shines a light into the inner recesses of our discontent and points us step by step toward a more fulfilling and sustainable alternative." — Paul L. Wachtel, authorof ThePovertyofAffluenceand Distinguished ProfessorofPsychologyatthe City UniversityofNewYork "Dominguez and Robin's call ... is more than hand wringing. They draw on their considerable experience to show us how we can step off the more-is-better treadmill." — Lester Brown, DirectorofWorldWatch Institute "Required reading for everyone seeking a new attitude toward money and its role in one's life. Full of uncommon good sense and warmth." — Jacob Needleman, authorofMoneyandtheMeaningofLife "This unique book will grow and grow on you. Madison Avenue . . . will not like what authors Dominguez and Robin show can be the road toward achieving the enjoyable freedoms of frugality." — Ralph Nader "This is one of those rare books that can really change your life! The auth—ors live their own advice, and it works." Ernest Callenbach, authorof Ecotopia and EcotopiaEmerging PENGUIN BOOKS YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE Joe Dominguez was a successful financial analyst on Wall Street before retiring at the age of thirty-one. He and Vicki Robin are founders of the New Road Map Foundation, an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that promotes a humane, sustainable future for our world. They live in Seattle. DOMINGUEZ JOE VIGKI ROBIN AND YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence PENGUIN BOOKS PENGUIN BOOKS PublishedbythePenguinGroup PenguinBooksUSAInc., 375HudsonStreet, NewYork, NewYork 10014, U.S.A. PenguinBooksLtd, 27WrightsLane, LondonW8 5TZ, England PenguinBooksAustraliaLtd,Ringwood,Victoria,Australia PenguinBooksCanadaLtd, 10AlcornAvenue, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM4V 3B2 PenguinBooks (N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190WairauRoad, Auckland 10, NewZealand PenguinBooksLtd,RegisteredOffices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex,England FirstpublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyVikingPenguin, adivisionofPenguinBooksUSAInc., 1992 PublishedinPenguinBooks 1993 10 Copyright©VickiRobinandJoeDominguez, 1992 Allrightsreserved PUBLISHER'S NOTE Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritativeinformation inregardto.thesubjeamattercovered.Itissoldwiththeunderstandingthat thepublisherisnotengagedinrenderingaccountingorotherprofessional service.Ifexpertassistanceisrequired,theserviceofacompetent professionalpersonshouldbesought. PortionsofthisworkfirstappearedinMr. Dominguez'saudiotapecourseand workbookentitled TransformingYourRelationshipwithMoneyand AchievingFinancialIndependence. 'PurposeinLife"testreprintedbypermissionofPsychometricAffiliates, Box807, Murfreesboro,TN 37133. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HAS CATALOGUED THE HARDCOVER AS FOLLOWS: Dominguez,JosephR. Yourmoneyoryourlife:transformingyourrelationshipwithmoneyandachieving financialindependence/JosephR.DominguezandVickiRobin. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN0-670-84331-8 (he.) ISBNO 1401.6715 3 (pbk.) 1.Finance, Personal. I.Robin, Vicki. II.Title. HG179.D624 1992 332.02401—dc20 92-3027 Thisbookisprintedonacid-free40% post-consumer-wasterecycledpaper, usingasoy-basedink. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica SetinMeridien DesignedbyVictoriaHartman ExceptintheUnitedStatesofAmerica, thisbookissoldsubjeatothecondition thatitshallnot,bywayoftradeorotherwise,belent, re-sold, hiredout,or otherwisecirculatedwithoutthepublisherspriorconsentinanyform ofbindingorcoverotherthanthatinwhichitispublishedand withoutasimilarconditionincludingthisconditionbeing imposedonthesubsequentpurchaser.

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