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Your Future; the Zodiac's Guide to Success in Life PDF

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Preview Your Future; the Zodiac's Guide to Success in Life

This compilation © Phoenix E-Books UK 1 I I PIIlliAD])I,PHIA 'l'lIF,P})"NN PllB~t$IiIN& COMPANY ~08 CorTlUOUT 1904 I.l'l 'rUE PKNN PUBLI$lIINO Co.11PANY )'<ItlrFut"~ CONTENTS , Introduction. • • • • • • c..Astral Colors . _ . . • 10 The Signs 'If the Zodiac. n The Sign 'If c..Aquarius,(Januar"...) 12 The Cusp 11 c..Aquarius-Pisces . " The Sign'lf Pisces, (FebruarY") 16 The Cusp 'Jf Pisces--u'lries . " The Sign 'If ~ies, (c7YIarch) " The Cusp 'if ulrica_Taurus . 22 The Sign 'IfTaurus, k.April) . " The Cusp 'If Taurus-Gemini 26 The Sign 'JfGemini, (6\1ay) " The Cusp'If Gemini_Cancer 3D The Sign 'if Cancer, (June) 32 The Cusp 'if Cancer_Leo 34 The Sign'if Leo, (JulY"). • 36 The Cusp vi' uo·Virgo . . 38 The Sign 'If Virgo, (c..August) .<.0 The Cusp 'if Virgo-Libra 42 The Sign 'if Libra, (September) The Cusp'if Libra_Scorpio. " The Sign 'if Scorpio, (October) 48 The Cusp'if S<:orpio-Sagittarius " The Sign 'if Sagittadus, (November) " The Cusp 'if S,,!>ittarlus-Caprieorn " The Sign 'Jf Capricorn, (December) " The Cusp 'if Capricorn-<..Aquari,us " YOUR FUTURE D HE signs 'if the Zodiac: are more or less known to every- one, but how few among the millions who are familiar with the outward signs 'Jf the Bull,the R.,am. etc., realize the potent forces these symbols represent and the enormous influence they- haveon ourmentaland phy!Sicalconditions. SurelY'" the time is not far distantwhen men and women will awaketothe fact, thatin thatgreat Solar System 'if whichwearo butaninfinitesimal part, we shallfind the keY" 10allknowledge a knowledge whichwlll enableus to reply- toquestionsaskedfor ages,as toourpresentexistenceand ourfuture destiny-. c.?\1anis notan independentunit, he is but a speck in the greatscheme'l! theuniverse,andthereisnOsun orstarintheheavenswhichdocs> notindirectlY'",,,erdsesomeinfluence upon him. In this practical,go-ahead agewe are apt to be scepticalofall thatliesbeyond the test'lf ourseven senses. Welaughat Fate. but600nerorlaterwearebroughtface toface with that problem inexist.,ncewhich,for want'Ifa bettername,we lenn Luck. Two men,equalinbrains, position,andmaner,startoul inLife. Botb struggle hard to attain fortune. One m:m turns everything he touches into gold. EverY" enterprise succeeds; while the other, try-as he mar, meets with reverseafter;everse,till hope leaves him and he becomesa crushed and broken man. There areseme s men apparently-marked out ror miSlortune. Ifa brick fallsorra house topit will select their head out 'if a crowd. Ifthere is • piece 'iforangepeel onthesidewalk, theirfoot, by-someunknown attraction,will be the one to step on it. Wesay-,"Whatanun iucky- fellow so and so is,"butwe should be puzzled to explain whatwereally-mean by-unlucky-. "Nor no ill luck stirringbut what lights upon my- shoulders." "What! shall we curse the planets 'if mishap?" says Shakespeare. We move blindly-,for we do not seek our knowledge at the right source. ~ ancient philosophers were wiser. In the dim ages'if the past,in China, India,Assyria, ehaldea,and Egypt, the most learned men wereset apart for the study- tf the heavenlY" bodies and the laws which governtheuniverse. ~ evidence tf their labors remains to us in the symbols en_ graved on the columns tf their sacred temples. ~cent dis_ coveries, brought to light by- the efforts tf explorers, are fresh proofs'If the immense importance formerly- attached to the study' 'if astrology', When we reflect that the same planets nOw influencing the presentgenerationwere known to man over 4,000years ago,and their powersrecognized, we realize that at any- rate the Zodiac and its influences have had the test 'if time to prove their accuracY". How much farther back in the history 'if mankind the studyt' the planets was practiced it is impossible to tell, but we maY" safelY" p"esume thattheearliestrace'ifman worshipedthe sunand starsandrecognized theirpowerovertheearth. c.7I1anY"eminent authoritiesassertthatthepyramidsthemselves,themostwonderful erections ever achieved bY' man, were built speciallY" for astro logicalpurposes,and that thewritings engraven onthe innerwalls contain thecomplete historY" 'If the planet Earthfromits origin to .1.$ final annihilation. Ptolemy- in his "Tetrabiblios," the earliest work extant on 6 , astronomY',wnttenc..A..D. 13.1,ceferefrequently'" toancientwrtt~ and rules in works far earlierthan hisown,which unfortunall:ly'" uvenotbeenpreserved, Itisbothcuriousand interesting tocompare astrological datain various countries. We find thatthe philosophers tf every- race andinevery-quarter rfthe globe werein •..,;orda. to thenature andinfluenceffthevariousplanets. Underdifferentdesignations. JupiterandSatum reps-esentlng alwaystheguateat influences for good.andill. UC twelve gTeat gods 'if' Egypt were the representlltions'lf' the ...on in thediffmenthouses,andtheantiquity'"ff tbe IndianZ<:>dia<; isknown,thetwelveaignsbeingfrequentlY'mentionedintheVedas. Therestillremain. in the templeatThebesa sculptured Zodiac'if unknown origin. '@i!l different symbols are almost identical with those we rccogt'lU:c at the present time, with the exception 'if "Ubra." Instead 'if balancing scales a woman's fonn is repre sented. In thedays'If thepatriarehathese signswererepresented bY"the twelvetrihes'ifIsrael,andtheblessing'IfJacobisfigurative initsallusiontotbeattributes'ifthetwelvesigns. ~ninteresting comparison maY" bemade. Gen.47:3-27; Deut.33:20. Througb_ outtheBible,botb in theOldand NewTestamenta,constant allu_ aionsaremadetotheplanetary"system,witbngardtoits effecton the human race. In Gen. 1: 14we find it is recorded that"God said,Let there be light in the finnament'lf the beavenstodivide the daY" from the night, and let them be for signa and for seasons." Deborah, one 'If tbe motbers ':f Israel, in her beautiful song, Judges5:20,make.specialmentionthu"thestarsin theircourses fO\lght against Sisera,"onaccountsfJehovah'sindignationagainst him. In Job38, ..Ui! Lord answered ]0'0 out'if thewhirlwind," andinone,," tbefinest passagesintheBiblepointsoutto himthe littleness'If manand the marvellous wonders'If nature." "Canst tbou, says tbe ~1migbtY", bring fonh <7"uzarotb (the twelve 7 Slp8ff the Zodiac) inhisseason. or o;aIlst thou guideuUetlU'VS (theGreatBearwnsteUation)withhilllIOnsl" In Pul,"8:3; 136:7; Is. 13: 10; jer.31 :36; E~32:7; Dan. 12:3; joe12:10.weentertherealm'If prophec)"'. t,Alsoin Luke 21;25. In R."ev. 12: 1 mention is again made 'if the %odiacal signs. "l'lejewish feasts were huedon the phases'If the moon; andthedays "theweek.so continuouslY'on ourlips.havebeen bequeathed to us bY' our forefathers, .nd libould constantlr remind u.s<Fthegreatplanets,those mysteriou.swntrollersffour destinY'. Sund.)"', sun; Monda)"', moon; Tuescl.)"'. Tuisc:o or t7'1anl; Wednesda)"'. Woden or V\1ercur)"'; Thurtlday, Thoror Jupiter; Frida)"'.Venus; Saturdar,Saturn. Durin~thec7Middleu'gesscience,whichla)'"strangledinthegrip 'if religious bigotry'" and astrology, became a medium by which charlatllll$ and fonune tellers might impose oncredulousclients. Unfonunately",evento-da)'"ignorantfakirs debasethillglorioussei_ encetotheirsordid ends. In the mind'If thegreatest part ff the e,.Americ.npublicto-<1a)'"thetennsfonune-tellingandastrolog)'"are synonymous. Thiscannotandmustnotlast. 'Iii'writerwouldask thosewhotakeup thisbriefsketch-necessaril)'"amereoutline-to putawa)'"from theirmindsallidea'Ifsuperlltitionandjuggling,and to studrcanfullr the different natures" the planets. c..A.little practicewillsoonenablethemton~cogni%ethenativesffthediffer entdomains. Letthemcompare the characteristic effectsff each triplicitron theirfriends andcompanions. Wefeel confidencein stating that the)'" will be surprised at the result. Their interest once aroused, it will be sustained and increased by" further research. Donotcondemn a stud)'" of themost vitalconsequencetoyour selfand othersunheard. Fift)'" years ago there were few people who would not have laughed at the idea 'if wireless telegraphy-,and yet this art was, itis said,practicedbrtheEgyptians3,000years ago. S ue world is entering on a new epoch, and it awaits fresh dis co...erieswith eagerness. No new thought which appeals to our inte.lligenceis too marvelloustogaina hearing. Wearestanding onthethresholdofNature'sstorehouse'if'surprises,andwemarvel atthewonden'if'whic;:hwegaina glimpse. Weknowtheenormouspowerff thesuninproducing,atdiffer entseasons,fenile crops,anddiversity-inthevariousrac;:es'lfman. andwespeak'1f' the influence ff the moon on the tides and our· selves. Whatfftheotherheavenly-bodieswhoeachpassingmo mentareexercisingtheirinfiuenc;:eonthiseanh? U\1anY' have been the great men and philosophersff all ages whostudiedtheindicationsff the Zodiac andmadeittheirguide. Confucius, PtolemY', c..A.ristotle, u'\.ratus, Eschylus, Homer, Virgil,Galen,Ca:slI,r,Hannibal,Guido,Dante,Charlemagne,Charles D'Orieans, Columbus.Louis XI, Tycho Brabe, V'VIonlaigne.Bcc_ cacio, Shakespeare, Bacon,<7\1esmer, Peter the Great,~azzini, Frederick I.Bunon,LaFayette.Napoleon, D.Kepler, LillY', Pitt, ue WilliamI, ShelleY'.Byron. listis practicallY'endless and in_ cludes men '1f' every"' nation and every"' type and age, Surely"' these namesspeakfor thel11llelves, Let us follow IheirexampleandcommencebY'a study"''If our possibilities and failings, bothmenialand physical. e,.Anned with a betterknowledgeff ourselves,let usentertheraced'lifeanew. taking fresh courage. With calm judgment. letus obey-nature's laws and select those times for our enterprises when the stars smileon ux! "Iffort....e U ..atour.to-d..,..Itl1Jbecaa..... webraveher." -Aut. tlnd Cleo., oj,oj. $. "GoUtnaforth! MarfortruJCplayupo..UtrprospernD.shelm." -All'. lYell. 3,3, 7. ,

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