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Your Best Love: The Couple’s Workbook and Guide to Their Best Relationship Jenev Caddell, Psy.D. Published by Jenev Caddell. Created with Verbii.com (Design, Editing, Formatting and Ebook Conversion) Copyright © Jenev Caddell 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. 9780989795500 (Paperback / Softcover ISBN) 9780989795517 (E-book ISBN) 9780989795524 (Digitised book) Copies are available at special rates for bulk orders. Contact the sales team at www.mybestrelationship.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................ix Part I: The New Science of Love ...............................................................1 Chapter 1 - About the New Science of Love .............................................2 a. What Is the New Science of Love.....................................................2 b. How We’ve Gotten Love All Wrong ..................................................2 Chapter 2 - The New Science of Love and You ........................................4 a. The D-Word and Your Relationship ..................................................4 b. Effective Dependence for Successful Independence .......................5 c. What You Must Do to Achieve Anything You Want, Including Your Best Relationship ..............................................................................7 d. Know Your Blueprint for Love ...........................................................9 e. Fix Your Blueprint for Love .............................................................10 Chapter 3 - The Science Behind the New Science of Love ....................12 a. Experiments....................................................................................12 b. Your Love Allies ..............................................................................14 c. How to Use The New Science of Love to Help When You’re Hurt ...................................................................15 d. The Chemistry Behind the New Science of Love ...........................17 e. Why You Need More “O” in Your Relationship................................17 Part II: P reparation – Setting the Stage for Your Best Relationship ................................................................21 Chapter 4 - T hree Steps to Get Ready to Create Your Best Relationship ............................................................24 a. Know and Understand the New Science of Love ...........................24 b. Get Clear on Your Desires ..............................................................25 c. Know Thyself and Cultivate Presence ............................................26 Chapter 5 - Why Emotions Are Your Best Friends ..................................30 v Jenev Caddell Part III: Seven Steps to Your Best Relationship ....................................37 Chapter 6 - Step 1: Putting It All Together ...............................................41 Chapter 7 - Step 2: Put Your Relationship to the Test .............................43 Chapter 8 - Step 3: Identify Your Pattern ................................................45 Chapter 9 - Step 4: Put Yourself to the Test: Know Your Role ................51 Chapter 10 - Step 5: Know Your Partner’s Role .....................................60 Chapter 11 - Step 6: Team Up and Break the Pattern ............................61 Chapter 12 - Step 7: Connect in a Whole New Way ...............................64 Part IV: Maintaining Your Best Relationship ..........................................71 Chapter 13 - Tell Them, and Tell Them Again .........................................75 Chapter 14 - Time & Presence................................................................77 Chapter 15 - Rituals & Anniversaries ......................................................80 The Grand Conclusion .............................................................................83 The Workbook ...........................................................................................87 Introduction to the Workbook ......................................................................89 Exercise 1: The D-Word and Your Relationship .......................................90 Exercise 2: Know Your Blueprint for Love ................................................93 Exercise 3: Fix Your Blueprint for Love ....................................................96 Exercise 4: Your Relationship and Your Fear, Pain and Distress ............98 Exercise 5: Your Love Allies ...................................................................101 Exercise 6: Getting More “O” In Your Relationship ................................103 Exercise 7: Know and Understand the New Science of Love ................104 Exercise 8: Get Clear on Your Desires ..................................................105 vi Your Best Love Exercise 9: K now Thyself and Cultivate Presence – Mindfulness A – Just Be Still ...............................................107 Exercise 10: K now Thyself and Cultivate Presence – Mindfulness B – Mindful Mealtime ......................................108 Exercise 11: K now Thyself and Cultivate Presence – Mindfulness C – Walking Mindfully......................................110 Exercise 12: Befriending Your Emotions.................................................. 111 Exercise 13: Putting it all Together ..........................................................113 Exercise 14: Putting Your Relationship to the Test ..................................115 Exercise 15: Identify Your Pattern............................................................118 Exercise 16: Your Role in the Pattern ......................................................121 Exercise 17: Know Your Role on all Levels .............................................122 Exercise 18: Know Your Partner’s Role ...................................................126 Exercise 19: Externalize the Pattern........................................................128 Exercise 20: Stopping the Pattern ...........................................................130 Exercise 21: Taking Risks, Getting Closer ...............................................133 Exercise 22: Shame, Shame, Go Away ...................................................135 Exercise 23: Compliment Comfort ...........................................................137 Exercise 24: Get Your Appreciation On ...................................................139 Exercise 25: Setting Aside Time and Being Present................................141 Exercise 26: Create Rituals and Celebrate Anniversaries .......................143 Exercise 26.2: The Final Step - PARTY TIME .........................................146 References ..............................................................................................147 About the Author ....................................................................................149 vii Introduction Welcome to your workbook and guide to your best relationship. Thank you for including me on your journey toward each other. While achieving your best relationship is a very unique and individualized process—which no manual can guarantee—it is my hope that this book and its accompanying workbook help you take practical action steps with your partner to create your best relationship together. I’m so excited that you’ve taken on this most important task to create your best life by achieving your best relationship. “For one human being to love one another; that is perhaps the most diffcult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is preparation.” —Rainer Maria Rilke Why the New Science of Love: My Path Here I became a psychologist because I have been forever interested in human potential and personal growth. Sadly, what I learned in graduate school was mostly about what’s wrong with us and that we’re all a bit more screwed up than we think. My career and life was then transformed in 2008 when I frst met Dr. Susan Johnson, the person who taught my brain about the tremendous importance of love and who helped open my heart to it. Until recently, psychologists and family therapists had no theory of love. Couples therapy was generally practiced sort of like how I play darts, which ix Jenev Caddell Your Best Love ni volves a oc nibm atoi n o f lu kc and a lesst- ah noc- lpm ete understandni g o f teh rules. uS e Jonh son and eh r resear hc ahc neg d all tah t and ab saci ll y revolutoi nezi d how we perceived love and how couples therapy worked. I learned frsthand from her at the frst externship in Emotionally Focused Therapy that she of- ef red ni eN w Yor k Cti y several ey ars ab kc aob ut tsih ne w seic nec o f love and oh w to eh l p oc ulp es leveraeg ti to rc eate teh ri eb st relatoi nsspih . sA a oc ulp es teh rasip t , I aw s suddenl y vig en a am p to eh l p oc ulp es out o f dsi tress . I aw s told tah t teh re si notnih g om re opmi rtant tah n relatoi nsspih ni our lvi es , and I learned oh w teh y ew nt rw on g and oh w to eg t teh m ab kc on tra .kc I learned a teh or y o f love tah t aw s ab ekc d yb teh latest seic nec : teh eN w eicS nec o f Love. sA a sp ohcy losig t , I aw s tah nufk ll y reassured tah t ym ow r k ddi not ah ve to eb all about what’s wrong with people. Sweet relief! I was fnally among people ohw eb lei ved ni our resli ei nec and ohw ew rent’ osb essed tiw h oh w um hc everoy nes’ om teh rs em ssed everty nih g u ;p rateh r , I aw s renim ded oh w no om teh r si ep ref tc and oh w even teh ones ohw do teh ow rst oj sb ever stli l ah ve lihc dren ohw rg avti ate toaw rd rg otw h and ew llness . I also learned tah t love si teh sni lg e om st opmi rtant ni rg edei nt of r suec ss , eh alt ,h and ah nip ess. sA a ow am n ni eh r late tew ntei s ni love , I aw s vig en ep rsim soi n to af ll deelp . y I aw s told tah t I ddi not ah ve to eb staunlhc y ni deep ndent , up rel y ac reerd- rvi en , or fne by myself, even when there was someone right there who had my back no am tter ahw t . I aw s enoc uraeg d to sa y ey“ s ” ehw n eh asek d and I ddi onl y a few months after meeting Sue briefy in the bathroom during that training. I nk o w I ac n sep a k of r a uh eg and rg oniw g oc um nti y o f teh rasip ts and oc u - lp es ehw n I erpx ess ym ltimi less rg atti ude to uS e Jonh son of r eh r rg ound - rb eanik g ow r k on love and relatoi nsspih . nO eh rs and oteh rs ’ soh ulders , I stand to rb ni g oy u tsih rp org a .m rF o m teh slpmi tici y o f hcihT ahN t aH ns’h nim duf lness and teh eg nui s o f aD n eiS eg ls’ ni terep rsonal neurooib lo yg to teh seh er ap ssoi n and rb li lai nec o f aD nei lle LaoP rtes’ ow r k on desri e , aom n g teh siw do m o f am n y oteh r rg eat seic ntsi ts , thinkers, and feelers, my infuences are many. I a m so rg ateuf l to oy u of r ah vni g oc em on ob ard of r teh oj urne. y x

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