MEXICO: YOUR ALLY FOR INNOVATION MEXICO: YOUR ALLY FOR INNOVATION PROMÉXICO Paulo Carreño King General Director BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE UNIT Marco Erick Espinosa Vincens Head of the Business Intelligence Unit Claudia Esteves Cano Executive Director of Strategy AUTHORS Jair E. Cabrera Padilla Business Intelligence Unit J. Santiago Rodríguez Suárez Business Intelligence Unit Diana Itziar Gómez Jiménez Head of the Communications Department Isabel Vieyra Jiménez Director of Publications and Contents © 2018, ProMéxico Camino a Santa Teresa 1679 Colonia Jardines del Pedregal Delegación Álvaro Obregón Ciudad de México, México, 01900éxico [email protected] First Edition (non-commercial) Mexico City, 2018 The content of this document may be used for academic and dissemination purposes, as well as for the design and imple- mentation of strategies, programs and policies to promote the development of new businesses, provided that the source is duly cited and the corresponding credit given to the authors and to ProMéxico. ProMéxico assumes no liability for imprecisions due to up- dates of the information contained herein after the date of publication. S INTRODUCTION 13 T PART 1 INDUSTRIAL COMPETITIVENESS OUTLOOK N 1.1 MEXICO’S INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE 17 1.1.1 A place of opportunities 1.1.2 Advanced manufacturing: a key industry and E its strategic sectors Aerospace Automotive Metal-mechanic Medical devices T Electronics Information technology 1.2 MEXICAN INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION N COMPETITIVENESS CLUSTERS 49 1.2.1 Cluster identification 1.2.2 Competitiveness clusters mapping Research, development, and technology Digital factories O Automation integration, movement, and control Energy (efficiency and storage) Industrial supply 1.2.3 Key trends among Mexico’s competitiveness C clusters 1.2.4 Thematic networks 1.3 FINAL REMARKS 65 PART 2 A PLATFORM FOR INNOVATION 2.1 GLOBAL TRENDS IN INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION 69 2.1.1 The importance of innovation in the Mexican industry and its business potential 2.1.2 The three big sectors at the cutting-edge of innovation: Aerospace Automotive Electronics 2.1.3 Main findings 2.1.4 Collaboration opportunites in Mexico’s big sectors 2.2 MEXICO’S INNOVATION STRATEGY 93 2.2.1 Productive ecosystems of the future: Industry 4.0 (i4.0) Cyber security Internet of Things (IoT) Information Technology Aerospace Space industry Logistics Optics & photonics 2.2.2 Actions and programs to promote innovation National Development Plan National Digital Strategy PROSOFT Policy for Industrial Promotion 2.3 FINAL REMARKS 109 CONCLUSIONS 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY 114