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Ny la g Se: STRANGER By Roy GAEN ‘O one seamed to know ex- actly when Romeo Ron- son arrived in River City— and it was certain that no wel- coming committee greeted when he first set foot in the ‘Tenderloin District of the th ing Mid-Western port. If there had been one, Bi Pete would have heard about because it was Big Pete's bu: ness to know everything about everybody in the Tenderloin. Big Pete was district leader and it meant cold cash for to swing out votes when elec: tion time came along. Frequent other occasions made it worth: While for him to know his neighbors. “There's no better way to get the best out of a man,” said Pete very often, “than to remember all about his past when he works for you!” ‘Then he'd wink his cold-gray right eye and add: "Especially ‘when he ought to be in jail for something he once got away ‘Who are you working for?” some one of his back-slapping listeners in the clubhouse would always ast ‘Me? I don’t worl for any- body!” He'd look around care: fully, catch the eyes of every- fone and wink again, more enn phatically. By that, people were given to understand isig Pete had been {in plenty of questionable busi- esses that were better left out of the conversation, Just how many, nobody knew, oy thers had beon whispers Sere ee a tacular $100,000, rebbery_on Pier 84, during which someone had murdered: the driver and helper of a truck loaded with furs. ‘The two victims had been swiftly driven north into the ext state and then dumped ‘over a bridge into a bay where their battered bodies had been found the next morning. In a way, it had been more than just talk, because Pete's regu- iar cronies in. the Tenderloin hadn't seen him at all during the days when the police fine combed the district to check up on the movements of possible Suspects, Tt seems that a pocket watch with Big Pete's name engraved fon it had been found attached to one of the bodies—and it Tooked as if plenty of explaining was in order, But, as usual, Big Pete had his regular ace in the hole, He Imew a little too much ‘about one of the loeal detectives who grilled him. So, according to the way he told it, the relentless question ing was abruptly stopped and Big Pete left Police Headquar- ere with the usual cherubic Smile, puffing ‘on his long, biackiabrown expensive Har vane cigar. Newspaper men rushed up to hhim and the cameras clicked. “Somebody's shady past help- ed me out of a little present dimeulty,” plained it. that anybody in pall tention sooner or later! ‘And Re laughed his booming, raucous laugh, But three months went by J Romeo Ronson still hac hhim puzzled! Who was he? How fong had he been in River City? How hhad he been overlooked for so long? Where did he gethis ‘money from? “I don’t now, Bossi" came the chorus of in evitable answers from blank faced people whom he asked, “He didn't drift in like a ghost and hee doesn’t fly like an angel!” bellowed Big Pete with flashing eyes, “If you dumb- bells can't find out for me—I'm going to find out for myself! In laborious, breathless fury, he wheezed frequently as his muscular legs carried his patin- chy. body up four fights of Squeaky staire to Romeo Ron- Son's cheap hall bedroom. With hamlike fats, he banged on the thin, wooden door. “Open upt Ia Big Pete! Let me in! He heard a light step on the other side of the door and the knob turned, “tello, Big Pete, gala Romeo Ronson hellowiy. Come int™ For the first time in his lite, Big Pete shivered ‘unashamed iy.'Phe voice of Romeo Ronson was ke the echo. of wind on the tombstones in a cemetery! "it eame, tee you, ecate L hear you're a wrltery? starte ig ‘Pete, He ‘knew’ no such thing, but oped that "Ronson would interrupt and tellin fomething about hie past, tell him what he really fad been doing film not a writer," announe- (Continued on Page 26) 16 RENNANTS OF THE MURDEROUS SPADE GANS THAT TERRIFIED AIG CITY, UNTIL THE COLE DETECTIVE AGENCY TOOK UP THE GAUNTLET AGAINST THEM, ARE IN DESPERATE STRATS.. ‘OWLY TAREE SPADES, THE 38 AN JOKER, THE LEADER, SURVIVE, TOGETHER WITH THEIR DREAD KILLER -THE ACE. THE THREE SPADES ARE CONFERRING IV THEIR HIDEOUT... THis. GANG 18 ABOUT YOUNG KiNG Cole's WASHED Up, Joker, KEPT US BACK OF WEVE BEEN kNocKeD / THE EIGHT BALL EF, ONE BY ONE, AND ME.IM Gert! SCARED! EVER SINCE HE TOOK OVER THE AGENCY. AND He's BLOCKED EVERY MOVE WE MAKE! WAY AND. NEW. NENBERS RE <& CRUITED, WELL GET THE SPADE GANG BACK ON TOP AGAIN ‘BAH! WERE NOT ) YEAH, HE LOOKS UIKE.A. THROUGH YET! WHATS EATIN' YOU,3? AFRAI DRIP’ BUT He's TOO TOUSH FOR US! PROVED IT, AINTT HE? HE'S WORSE MEDICINE THAN His GLO MAN, MNO] 15 OUT OF THE I COUNTRY! YOUNG KING COLE YOU irs Cole WHO's OU. IVE FIGURED OUT AN AIRTIGHT. PLOT! AND OU, 8, TELL NE TWAT YOU LEARNED TWO OF | YOU FOUND OUT YOUNG COLE WiLL COLE'S ASSOCIATES, IRIS NORLAND AND _URSUS RETURN FROM FARR WITH HIS 10 \ \2o GRAHAM, WERE PLANNING A SURPRISE: COUSIN, DIC CORE, AT 7148: i) "ARTY FOR THE COLE KIDS AT IRIS" AUNT'S | HOME, WHEN THE AUNT RETURNS ce pla HRROAP [Se00/ THis NroRyation Gee ee a Mer, SPE & GISGLIse, PHONES UiRSUS f; GRanan | | HOW 00. was HELLO-Na GRAHAME ean, (ele AND Pu ANNED This Is IRis! AUNT. Wats THe | | A PARTY..SURPRISE FOR ABOUT A SURPRI6e PARTY KRING AND 6ick, THEY AT MY HOUSE? ARRIVE AT 745. Is IRIS THERE WITH YOU?" { YOUNG KING COLE ‘SECRET. YES, AND SHE TOLD ME TO Ask YOU TO. MEET THE (BOYS AND BRING THEM RIGHT OUT. BE SURE AND KEEP ITA THE CENTRAL, STATION... 745, WHY, HELLO, URSUS. NICE OF YOU To MEET. Us. YOU REMEMBER /{ DICK COLE, OF pn, COURSE? ela j HELLO, KING. DICK. GLAD TO See YOU. My.CAR'S OUTSIDE THE STATION. CHON, ‘SAY, URSUS, THERE DOESNT SEEM TO 81 ANYONE HOME. [AND AN HOUR LATER. | HEY! THIS 15 MRS, MARSTON HOME? WHAT'S THE IDEA, Tha 7) (“Bau THE books {WaNben )( OPEN, Cone oN 5 IN, BOYS. & noon AY quo! 1 YOUNG KING COLE Why, THE, HOUSE TM KINDA PUZZLED..| {WHAT ARE YOU DOING IBALL DARK. NO4\ BUT SOMETHING NICE OFFICE, IRIS? ‘ONES HERE, Is SUPPOSED TO. TS 7:30. HAPPEN...CMON, 1 FORGOT. SOMETHING. THERE'S) A'NOTE FOR YOU ON, YOUR DESK. FROM URSUS, T THINK. WEREN'T KING AND DICK ‘QUE TO GET IN THIS EVENING, IRIs? wy, Yes, eur THERE'S BEEN No WORD FROM THEM, THEY NUST HAVE MISSED THE S45. HEAVENS, WHIP/ My AUNTS STILL IN He WONT? HMMM.» TWONDER Ie THE IS ONE OF URSUS' PRACTICAL JOKES... OR.. COULD It BE THE JOKER? YOUNG KING COLE WELL, SOAK My SOCKS! WHAT KINDA # WHERE'S: PARTY 18 THIS 2 WHE: YHOW P INT THE_ONING, THE RADE USHERS THAN INTO.THE NING Wien Wie seAnes See? SE ENINE.A. ) [I f MHBOW A PARTY. ERE: cOe UR SURES 1 i “ PART ea 7 st veal z WELD, KNS/QUITE A Siano pack, You Iwo! SORE THAT ooo! Now eRe Ss Neken! PRESENT ER YOu. YOUNG KING COLE AS_8 s7urrs| WHEW! waar PHEE-OO? Fite WAND™ | KIND OF PERFUNE ) 1 DONT KERCHER 15 ON THAT |< KNOW, BUT, WNTO kintc's | HANOKERCHIEF?) I SURE KET A's STRONG! SNIFF YENices NO, COMMENTS, You TWO! NOW StaND GVER IN That CORNER! / RoR You) ene, S80 ee STAND IN FRONT! comin. | a-\ lea WHATS THIS: ‘ALL ABOUT T DONT KNOW, URSUS.IT'S A BUILD UP FOR SOMETHING ! y YEAH? AND WHY THIS REEKING | ABN Tu opening 7 Bale) DOOR! HERE /E GO! "AND FROM UP THE HALL, A SHRILL VOICE THE DINING ROOM DOOR IS FLUNG WIDE TO ANSWERS. ALL READY, BL OPEN THE DOOR! ae oHRNTEET J ae Bi at | A ( : PghAbe~ YOUNG KING COLE Sg GOTO IT, ACE, MY PRETTY! YOU ARE HOST OF THE PARTY. evielateeer eran FURY, KING COLES LOGICAL MIND, WITH LIGHTNING RAPIDITY DEDUCES THAT THE VIOLENT SCENT ON. ‘| THE HANDKERCHIEF 1g A TO FOL. ATTACK THE BEARER. WIS BRAIN SPEEDS TO A PLAN OF ACTIONS HURRY, FINGERS | THis ISNT THE ANSWER. «ATLL BE CURTAINS! KING HURLS THE GLASSES CASE AT THE 8 OF SPADES, STANDING NEAR THE DOOR, TAKE BACK YOUR GIFT, 8 CONFIDENTIALLY. 17 SMELLS! HIS FACE, HE INSTINCTIVELY. | ‘AGE BOUNDS INTO THE ROOM AND PICKS: OP THE SCENT ON THE HANDKERCHIEF IN ‘SPADES HANDS YOUNG KING COLE [Bick BASHES INTO THE HALL. i 8 MAY BBA KILLER DEATH BY. THAT BLACK DEVIL! [eter a cnoreo ci | Bente nto PAE” | SALE aN Up THe 7 7. 7 Jowee! pie OFF! HE TURVED LEFT AT THE HEAD OF BANTC-STRICKENT_@ CLINGS UPON THE THE STAIRS, THAT MEANS TH BALCONY. Fo BALCONY OVER THE Bic 7g A LONG BUT. LIVING ROOM! La ba DICK DASHES INTO THE BiG ROOM AS a's LEAP FALLS! SHORT...AND, THE ACE SPRINGS ‘FROM THE BALCONY?

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