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PalgraveStudiesinPrisonsandPenology Editedby:BenCrewe,UniversityofCambridge,YvonneJewkes,Universityof LeicesterandThomasUgelvik,UniversityofOslo. This is a unique and innovative series, the first of its kind dedicated entirely toprisonscholarship.Atahistoricalpointinwhichtheprisonpopulationhas reached an all-time high, the series seeks to analyse the form, nature and con- sequencesofincarcerationandrelatedformsofpunishment.PalgraveStudiesin PrisonsandPenologyprovidesanimportantforumforburgeoningprisonresearch acrosstheworld. Serieseditors: BENCREWEisDeputyDirectorofthePrisonsResearchCentreattheInstituteof Criminology,UniversityofCambridge,UKandco-authorofThePrisoner. YVONNE JEWKES is Professor of Criminology, University of Leicester, UK. She has authored numerous books and articles on the subject and is editor of the HandbookonPrisons. THOMASUGELVIKisPostdoctoralFellowintheDepartmentofCriminologyat theUniversityofOslo,NorwayandeditorofPenalExceptionalism?NordicPrison PolicyandPractise. AdvisoryBoard: AnnaEriksson,MonashUniversity,Australia Andrew M. Jefferson, Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims, Denmark ShaddMaruna,Queen’sUniversityBelfast,NorthernIreland JonathonSimon,BerkeleyLaw,UniversityofCalifornia,USA MichaelWelch,RutgersUniversity,NewJersey,USA Titlesinclude: VincenzoRuggiero,MickRyan PUNISHMENTINEUROPE ACriticalAnatomyofPenalSystems PhilScratonandLindaMoore THEINCARCERATIONOFWOMEN PunishingBodies,BreakingSpirits PeterScharffSmith WHENTHEINNOCENTAREPUNISHED TheChildrenofImprisonedParents ThomasUgelvik POWERANDRESISTANCEINPRISON DoingTime,DoingFreedom MargueriteSchinkel BEINGIMPRISONED Punishment,AdaptationandDesistance MarkHalseyandSimoneDeegan YOUNGOFFENDERS Crime,PrisonandStrugglesforDesistance PalgraveStudiesinPrisonsandPenology SeriesStandingOrderISBN978–1–137–27090–0(hardback) (outsideNorthAmericaonly) You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by placing a standing order. Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to usattheaddressbelowwithyournameandaddress,thetitleoftheseriesand theISBNsquotedabove. Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke,HampshireRG216XS,England Young Offenders Crime, Prison and Struggles for Desistance Mark Halsey ProfessorofCriminology,CentreforCrimePolicyandResearch, FlindersUniversity,Australia Simone Deegan ProjectOfficer,FlindersUniversity,Australia ©MarkHalseyandSimoneDeegan2015 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2015 978-1-137-41121-1 Allrightsreserved.Noreproduction,copyortransmissionofthis publicationmaybemadewithoutwrittenpermission. Noportionofthispublicationmaybereproduced,copiedortransmitted savewithwrittenpermissionorinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthe Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,orunderthetermsofanylicence permittinglimitedcopyingissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgency, SaffronHouse,6–10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS. Anypersonwhodoesanyunauthorizedactinrelationtothispublication maybeliabletocriminalprosecutionandcivilclaimsfordamages. Theauthorshaveassertedtheirrightstobeidentifiedastheauthorsofthis workinaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Firstpublished2015by PALGRAVEMACMILLAN PalgraveMacmillanintheUKisanimprintofMacmillanPublishersLimited, registeredinEngland,companynumber785998,ofHoundmills,Basingstoke, HampshireRG216XS. PalgraveMacmillanintheUSisadivisionofStMartin’sPressLLC, 175FifthAvenue,NewYork,NY10010. PalgraveMacmillanistheglobalacademicimprintoftheabovecompanies andhascompaniesandrepresentativesthroughouttheworld. Palgrave®andMacmillan®areregisteredtrademarksintheUnitedStates, theUnitedKingdom,Europeandothercountries. ISBN 978-1-349-48921-3 ISBN 978-1-137-41122-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9781137411228 Thisbookisprintedonpapersuitableforrecyclingandmadefromfully managedandsustainedforestsources.Logging,pulpingandmanufacturing processesareexpectedtoconformtotheenvironmentalregulationsofthe countryoforigin. AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Halsey,Mark,author. Youngoffenders:crime,prison,andstrugglesfordesistance/MarkHalsey, ProfessorofCriminalJustice,FlindersUniversity,Australia;Simone Deegan,ProjectOfficer,FlindersUniversity,Australia. pages cm—(Palgravestudiesinprisonsandpenology) Includesbibliographicalreferences. 1. Juveniledelinquents—Legalstatus,laws,etc. 2. Juvenilejustice, Administrationof. I. Deegan,Simone,author. II. Title. K5575.H352015 364.36—dc23 2014028135 For Jason (1988–2009) and For Stewart (1963–2009) This page intentionally left blank Contents Acknowledgments viii Introduction 1 1 SettingtheScene 11 2 ApproachtotheField–Data 26 3 OnTrack 35 4 RecurringBreakdown 62 5 MajorDerailment 104 6 CatastrophicTurn 127 7 PointsofUnrest 177 8 PointsofLight 210 ConcludingRemarks 227 Custodial-Grams 233 Notes 245 References 247 Index 258 vii Acknowledgments MarkHalsey This book would not have been possible without initial funding from Flinders University and successive grants awarded by the Australian Research Council (DP0556471 ‘Understanding recidivism and repeat incarceration among young male offenders: A biographical and lon- gitudinal approach’, and DP094562 ‘Generativity in young male (ex)prisoners: Caring for self, other, and future within prison and beyond’).ForsuchfundingI’mextremelythankful. The book would also not have happened without the cooperation of the South Australian Department for Correctional Services and the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (formerly Depart- mentforFamiliesandCommunities).ParticularthanksisduetoNerida Saunders, Karen Barry, Wendy Dale, Howard Pfeffer, James Armitage, Sam Armitage, Phil Miller, Peter Severin, David Brown, Anne-Marie Martin,JackieBrayandKevinHarkin.I’mindebtedtoJoeDecicco,Fran Hawkins and Trevor Richardson who have assisted with updating the whereabouts of participants over many years. To all who assisted with access to juvenile training centre residents and prisoners within the grounds of various facilities I offer my sincere thanks. The content of this book, however, is not necessarily reflective of the views held by currentorformeremployeesofanygovernmentdepartment. Colleagues near and far have offered insight and support either directly in conversation or through their writings. I’m particularly indebted to Shadd Maruna, Stephen Farrall, Fergus McNeill, Alison Liebling, Ben Crewe and Jonathan Simon. Closer to home, Andrew Goldsmith has been a genuinely great colleague and friend and has helped shape my thinking in countless ways. David Bamford and Kathy Mack offered consistent encouragement. Sharon Pickering pro- vided sage advice over the years. Ken Polk, Chris Cunneen and Eileen Baldryallinspiredandsupportedtheworkinwaysprobablyunknown tothem. KimClarkedidafantasticjobasresearchassistant.VandraHarriscon- ducted some of the interviews. Andrew Groves designed the custodial- grams. viii Acknowledgments ix ToBenandAdam,you’vebothbeenalongfortheentirejourneyand thensome.Ican’tthankyouenoughforyourfriendship. To Alby, Chris, Greg, Marc and Hamish, thanks for being such great matesandfortakinganinterestintheresearch. To Simone, thank you for developing such a respectful rapport with certainoftheparticipantsinthelatterstagesoftheproject. To Kate, I know this work has taken a toll in so many ways – ten years is a long time to stick at anything. I literally couldn’t have done itwithoutyou.‘Thankyou’doesn’treallysayit.ButIoffermyheartfelt appreciationtoyou. Tomywiderfamily.Thankyou. Finally, to each and every interviewee, I offer my deepest gratitude. It is a remarkable thing to open one’s life up to another – let alone a researcheror‘stranger’.Itaketheweightofwhatyouhaveallsaidover many years extremely seriously. Simone and I have tried to write this book in a way which pulls no punches but also in a manner which, we hope, does justice to you and/or who you might wish to ‘become’. In the end, this book only exists because each of you agreed to speak on record about your lives. This, therefore, is your book as much as it isours. SimoneDeegan I would like to dedicate my work on the ‘Generativity in young male (ex)prisoners: Caring for self, other, and future within prison and beyond’ project to the young men and their families who invited me into their homes and into their lives, no questions asked. Also to the young people around the world who find themselves living on the marginsoftheircommunities. IamsoverythankfulforallofthehelpandsupportIreceivedwhile writing this book. First and foremost: to Mark, for your unflagging support and bottomless stores of patience across the project. I bene- fited enormously from the opportunity to tackle serious analysis and interpretationofdataandforthatIamindebtedtoyou. IappreciateverymuchtheassistanceofKimClarke.Thankyouforall yourhardworkandfinesenseofhumour. To Brian O’Reilly, thank you for your tireless representation of every clientIsentyourway.Keepfightingthegoodfight. ToTerryDeegan,thankyoufor(literally)takingthejourneywithme. You’rethebest,Dad.

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