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Young adults' experiences of their transition from residential care to independent living M Oelofsen 23347627 Thesis submitted for the degree Doctor Philosophiae in Psychology at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University Promoter: Dr AE Kitching Co-Promoter: Prof R Ferreira November 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  To the young adult care leavers in my study, thank you for allowing me into your worlds. You have taught me about determination, resilience and courage.  To the secondary participants and the role-players at the Eastern Cape Child and Youth Care Centre, thank you for providing me with valuable insight. Your enthusiasm and passion for care residents were a great inspiration and will always be.  Professor Ronél Ferreira, thank you for being my mentor throughout this endeavour and for invigorating my intellectual being. Thank you for the valuable lessons learnt and for nurturing me on my journey.  Doctor Ansie Kitching, thank you for believing in me and providing scholarly guidance. Without your wisdom, support and encouragement, this study would not have been possible.  Roxanne Nagel, thank you for being an amazing friend and for all the rewarding hours of reflection about life. Thank you for your understanding, assistance, honesty and kindness.  Nestus Venter and Professor Adrian van Breda thank you both for providing me with scholarly articles throughout this endeavour. You made a valuable contribution to the study.  Bianke Van Rooyen, thank you for your insight and participation in the task of data analysis.  Oppel and Esther Greeff, thank you for believing in me every step of this long journey. Your unconditional love and prayers provided me with freedom and courage to fly. If I had not met you my life would have been completely different.  Douw Greeff, I will always love and remember you.  To all my friends and family, Dr. Rishan Chetty, Anemi Viljoen, Ivan Nel, Gillian Corken, May Schneider, De Wet Kruger, Melanene Valentine, Kevin Oelofsen, Kristy-Leigh King and Cassidy Oelofsen. Thank you for your continuous support and words of encouragement. You enriched my life with good company, champagne and food.  Above all, I want to thank the Lord, for this opportunity and for granting me the ability and insight to succeed on this journey. i | P a g e SUMMARY Against the background of various challenges faced by young adult care leavers and ongoing debates on care leaving interventions in contemporary South Africa, the researcher aimed to explore five selected participants’ experiences and related narratives of their transition from residential care to independent living. The working assumption was that the lived experiences of young adult care leavers who made the journey to independent living could be useful in developing guidelines for professionals in their facilitation of support for young care leavers who reside in residential care. Methodologically, the study followed a qualitative instrumental case study research design, anchored in an interpretivist paradigm. The data for this study was collected in three phases. In the first phase of the study, the researcher conducted semi-structured telephonic interviews with eight prospective participants. Based on the data collected from these semi-structured telephonic interviews, the researcher purposively selected five primary participants to participate in the research study. During the second phase of the study, the researcher used multiple data collection methods with the five selected primary participants, such as semi-structured interviews, narrative case inquiries, post-modern data collection methods, and analysis of existing material and documents (archival research). During the third phase of the research process, the researcher conducted reflective and dyad interviews with secondary participants. In addition, the researcher used observation (Terre Blanche & Durrheim, 1999) throughout the sessions with primary and secondary participants. She documented her observations in a reflective diary and in the form of field notes. Furthermore, with regard to data documentation, she made audio-recordings of interviews and narrative case inquiries, and kept visual data of activities and media for the duration of the study (Mayan, 2001). Following an inductive thematic analysis, three main themes emerged: pre-transition phase, transition phase and post-transition phase. The findings of the current study showed that young adult care leavers displayed distinctive and significant features during their transition to independent living. One of the findings was that care leavers experienced various challenges during the pre-transition, transition and post-transition phases to independent living. Care leavers identified their pre-transition needs for stable relationships, education, life skills, therapeutic support and self-determination. Related findings showed that care leavers were not prepared for the transition process during placement in care, and subsequently experienced feelings of uncertainty and anxiety upon departure from care. In the transition phase, participants experienced feelings of loneliness and isolation due to a lack of emotional support from places of care. Care leavers displayed difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships, and they felt vulnerable due to being stigmatized. They furthermore participated in harmful behaviour. During the post-transition phase, young adult care leavers demonstrated resilient processes as they mobilised ii | P a g e relationships, street-smarts, reflective learning, goals, life lessons and religion to ameliorate the impact of the transition process. Most importantly, young adults’ experiences of their transition from residential care to independent living provided insight into potential ways that places of care could apply address transition challenges on an interpersonal and intrapersonal level, to facilitate care leavers’ adjustment into independent living. The study provides empirical evidence to broaden the current knowledge base on young adult care leavers’ transition from residential care to independent living. The study contributes to the existing knowledge base by firstly highlighting young adult care leavers’ experiences in the pre-transition, transition and post-transition phases. Secondly, the study introduces findings regarding young adult care leavers’ mental health, educational attainment, employment, life skills and relationships. Thirdly, the study contributes to new insight into possible challenges that care leavers could encounter on a daily basis, as well as the various kinds of services that could be provided to address transition barriers. Finally the study conjectures the interconnectedness between the transition experiences of young adult care leavers and transition guidelines, in the sense that implementation of interventions could be based on the lived experiences of young adult care leavers who have transitioned to adulthood. Within the context of the existing knowledge base on transition interventions, the findings suggest that care leavers could be prepared for the transition process by care-driven support initiatives. Firstly, the study brings greater insight into integrated transition initiatives that could be mobilised in the pre- transition, transition and post-transition phases. Secondly, the findings provide insight into potential ways in which places of care can address in-care and after-care services in support of young adult care leavers, possibly within diverse contexts. Thirdly, the study contributes to new insight into the development and expansion of independent living programmes that could be mobilised for transition support and the promotion of positive adult outcomes for care leavers. Finally the study provides insight into potential ways in which professionals, such as social workers, educators, counsellors, weekend carers and psychologists, who are involved at children’s homes, could provide support, while youth are still in care, or in the form of aftercare services, which could facilitate the transition into independent living. Key concepts  Young adults  Independent living  Care leaving  Psychosocial support  Residential care  Resilience  Transition experiences  Qualitative research iii | P a g e OPSOMMING Teen die agtergrond van verskeie uitdagings wat jong volwasse sorg verlaters in die gesig staar, en deurlopende diskoers oor intervensies by sorg-verlating in eietydse Suid-Afrika, het die navorser daarop gemik om vyf geselekteerde deelnemers se ervarings en verwante narratiewe van hul oorgang vanaf kinderhuise tot ’n selfstandige lewe, te verken. Die uitgangspunt was dat die praktiese ervarings van jong volwasse sorg verlaters wat die paadjie geloop het na ’n selfstandige lewe, nuttig kan wees by die ontwikkeling van riglyne vir professionele persone in hul fasilitering van ondersteuning vir jong sorg- verlaters wat in kinderhuise woon. Metodologies het die studie ’n kwalitatiewe, instrumentele gevallestudie navorsingsontwerp, geanker in ’n interpretivistiese paradigma, gevolg. Die data vir hierdie studie is in drie fases ingesamel. In die eerste fase van die studie het die navorser semi-gestruktureerde telefoniese onderhoude met agt voornemende deelnemers gevoer. Gegrond op die data wat uit hierdie semi-gestruktureerde telefoniese onderhoude bekom is, het die navorser doelgerig vyf primêre deelnemers geselekteer om in die navorsingstudie deel te neem. Gedurende die tweede fase van die studie het die navorser veelvuldige data-insamelingsmetodes met die vyf geselekteerde primêre deelnemers aangewend, soos semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, narratiewe gevalle-ondersoeke, post-moderne data- insamelingsmetodes, en analise van bestaande materiaal en dokumente (argief navorsing). Gedurende die derde fase van die navorsings proses het die navorser reflektiewe en tweeledige onderhoude met sekondêre deelnemers gevoer. Verder het die navorser regdeur die sessies met primêre en sekondêre deelnemers van waarneming gebruik gemaak (Terre Blanche & Durrheim, 1999). Sy het haar waarnemings in ’n reflektiewe joernaal asook in die vorm van veld notas gedokumenteer. Wat betref die dokumentering van data, het sy oudio-opnames gemaak van die onderhoude en narratiewe gevalle-ondersoeke, en visuele data van aktiwiteite en media vir die duur van die studie bewaar (Mayan, 2001). Ná ’n induktiewe tematiese analise het drie hooftemas na vore getree, naamlik ’n pre-oorgangsfase, ’n oorgangsfase en ’n post-oorgangsfase. Die bevindinge van die huidige studie bevestig dat jong volwasse sorg verlaters duidelike en belangrike kenmerke getoon het gedurende hul oorgang tot ’n selfstandige lewe. Een van die bevindinge was dat sorg-verlaters verskeie uitdagings ervaar het gedurende die pre-oorgangs-, oorgangs- en post- oorgangsfases tot ’n selfstandig lewe. Sorg-verlaters het hul pre-oorgangs behoeftes geïdentifiseer as stabiele verhoudings, opvoeding/onderwys, lewensvaardighede, terapeutiese ondersteuning en self- beskikking. Verwante bevindinge het getoon dat sorg-verlaters nie voorbereid was vir die oorgangs proses gedurende hul plasing in sorg nie, en by die verlating van daardie sorg gevoelens van onsekerheid en angstigheid ervaar het. In die oorgangsfase het deelnemers gevoelens van iv | P a g e eensaamheid en isolasie ervaar weens ’n gebrek aan emosionele ondersteuning vanaf plekke van sorg. Dit was klaarblyklik vir sorg-verlaters moeilik om verhoudings te vorm en in stand te hou, en hulle het weerloos gevoel omdat hulle gestigmatiseer is. Verder het hulle deelgeneem aan skadelike gedrag. Gedurende die post-oorgangsfase het jong volwasse sorg-verlaters veerkragtige prosesse gedemonstreer namate hulle verhoudings ontwikkel het, en sogenaamde “street-smarts”, reflektiewe leer, doelstellings, lewenslesse en godsdiens ingespan om die impak van die oorgangsproses te versag. Die heel belangrikste is dat jong volwassenes se ervarings in hul oorgang vanaf residensiële sorg tot ’n selfstandige lewe insig gebied het in potensiële maniere waarop kinderhuise te werk kan gaan om oorgangs-uitdagings op interpersoonlike en intrapersoonlike vlak aan te spreek, ten einde sorg-verlaters se aanpassing by ’n selfstandige lewe te fasiliteer. Die studie bied empiriese bewyse om die bestaande kennisbasis oor jong volwasse sorg-verlaters se oorgang vanaf residensiële sorg tot ’n selfstandige lewe te verbreed. Die studie dra by tot die bestaande kennisbasis deur eerstens die lig te laat val op jong volwasse sorg-verlaters se ervarings in die pre-oorgangs-, oorgangs- en post-oorgangsfases. Tweedens bring die studie bevindinge ten opsigte van jong volwassesorg-verlaters se geestesgesondheid, opvoedkundige prestasie, asook hul werk, lewensvaardighede en verhoudings. Derdens lewer die studie ’n bydrae tot nuwe insig in moontlike uitdagings wat sorg-verlaters op ’n daaglikse basis mag teëkom, asook die verskillende soorte dienste wat gebied kan word om oorgangs hindernisse of -versperrings aan te spreek. Laastens laat die studie die vermoede ontstaan dat daar onderlinge verbande is tussen die oorgangservarings van jong volwasse sorg-verlaters en oorgangsriglyne, in die sin dat die implementering van intervensies gebaseer kan word op die praktiese ervarings van jong volwasse sorg-verlaters wat die oorgang tot volwassenheid bemeester het. Binne die konteks van die bestaande kennisbasis oor oorgangsintervensies dui die bevindinge daarop dat sorg-verlaters voorberei kan word vir die oorgangsproses deur sorg-gedrewe ondersteunings- inisiatiewe. Eerstens bring die studie groter insig in geïntegreerde oorgangsinisiatiewe wat in die pre- oorgangs-, oorgangs- en post-oorgangsfases gemobiliseer kan word. Tweedens bied die bevindinge insig in potensiële maniere waarop plekke van sorg dienste ter ondersteuning van jong volwasse sorg- verlaters, beide in-sorg en na-sorg, moontlik binne uiteenlopende kontekste kan aanbied. Derdens lewer die studie ’n bydrae tot nuwe insig in die ontwikkeling en uitbreiding van selfstandige leef- programme wat gemobiliseer kan word vir oorgangsondersteuning en die bevordering van positiewe volwasse uitkomste vir sorg-verlaters. Laastens bied die studie insig in potensiële maniere waarop professionele persone soos maatskaplike werkers, opvoeders, beraders, naweek-versorgers en sielkundiges, wat by kindertehuise betrokke is, ondersteuning kan bied terwyl jong mense onder sorg is, of in die vorm van nasorg-dienste, wat die oorgang tot ’n selfstandige lewe sou kon fasiliteer. v | P a g e Sleutelbegrippe  Jong volwassenes  Selfstandige lewe  Sorg-verlating  Sielkundige ondersteuning  Kinderhuise  Veerkragtigheid  Oorgangservarings  Kwalitatiewe navorsing ---oOo--- vi | P a g e DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP I, Melanie Oelofsen, declare that the thesis titled: Young adults’ experiences of their transition from residential care to independent living is my own work and that all sources and citations from literature have been acknowledged in-text and referenced in full. …………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………… Date ---oOo--- vii | P a g e “Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward” (Oscar Wild) “Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we were meant to be” (pinterest.com) “What I went through happened. Who I was existed. I needed my past and I needed my mistakes to get me where I am now” (Author unknown) “No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section. There are no maps of the change. You just come out on the other side” (Stephen King) “Like a wild flower; she spent her days allowing herself to grow. Not many knew of her struggle but eventually all knew of her light” (Niki Rowe) viii | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCING THE STUDY 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.2 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 4 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 1.4 THE AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 5 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS 5 1.6 CONCEPT CLARIFICATION 6 1.6.1 YOUNG ADULTS 6 1.6.2 RESIDENTIAL CARE 6 1.6.3 CARE LEAVERS 7 1.6.4 TRANSITION EXPERIENCES 8 1.6.5 INDEPENDENT LIVING 8 1.7 INTRODUCTION TO CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 9 1.8 PARADIGMATIC PERSPECTIVES 9 1.9 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 10 1.10 ROLE OF THE RESEARCHER 12 1.11 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 12 1.12 RIGOUR OF THE STUDY 13 1.13 LAYOUT OF THE THESIS 13 1.14 CONCLUSION 15 ---oOo--- ix | P a g e

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