Youget motivated by DOING things, NOT THINKING about them. To succeed at anything, you don't need to be a genius. But you DO need a good plan) (Andrew Matthews) Interno gradivo - Ljudska Univerza Radovljica -. -.:: -,,'•..-•.....:.. Prese nt Simple'& Present Continuous ::::.l.~ 1 1 think she (have) coffee with Jane in the cafe at the \ :.) :. moment. ,. . . .-2' He':: : . (not under-stnnd) anything. 3 Mitch's a baseball coach. He (work) at the city stadium .. 4 About 170 planes (Iand) or . (take off) from Atlanta airport every hour. 5 Be carefu!' Why on earth (you, use) a knife for that? 6 What ; (she. do)? 1 mean, what (be) her job? , 7 That girl always .: ~ (ask) stupid questions. 8 1 (need) your advice. 1 (plan) mysummer holiday, you know. . 9 .Who : (sit) there? 1 can't see whcs there. 10 It (pour) down with rain. What shall we do now? 11 Jurnbo jets (corr-y) 5000 passengers and ...................................................(fly) 400 k.p.h. 12 Hurry up!The bus ~ (come). 13 People ., (live) in houses above the ground. Now people ....................................................(build) the houses underground os well, 14 People. (like) to watch TV and ..................~ (not go) to the cinema. 15· Today is 29th February and 1 ;(celebrate) my birthday. 1 only : (celebrate) it every four years . .' :i.. ii 1 It ~... here in winter. a is,f.nowing b snow c snows 2. We cold weathe,r. '1, are hating b are hcte c hate 3 What :? a doesthis word mecn b is tneaningthis word c isthis word meaning 4 He ; the same newspaper every morning. a isreading b reading is c reads .. 5 at the moment? a Snowsit .b Does it snow c Is it snowing :, English Course Book (3rd Year) 2 l.-:r;:"t-Ot:n. Past Simple Tense 1 watch .......:....chess 2 visit ............ parents 3 help ............ Engfish '. 4 cook .uru .-.._-.....- friends .' 5 start ...........T.V r') ; '6' listen .:..........c'cucumber 7 earn _.......-.. lunch 8 study .,......__... money ~ 9 slice ro plen ...........t.o music 1 2 3 o·.__ •0__ ". oo'_oo ._•••••_•••• o'_.' ,_._•••oo"_' oo. • •.oo.oo. •••• •oo'._._oo' _"••_••0 Oo••__••oo__• ••__••__._. __.•••_••oo. ••_o-_o_._.••.• o" oO,. 4 5 ._••-_••-._••••• _.oo._. ••_,., __•••• ••••• _ooOo,'.__••••• •••••• ••_•••• __._._. _o'-o_•••• _. ._••_••_._.' _•••• _.oo__., ••_•••• _.__• •oooO••-._. -"- 6 -r-:.__••.•..•:.•• ._•.•••._••••_••...•..•.••..••••••• '..••••.. -_.•_.•• ••••••••• :•••••• 0•••••••••••••• _••:••• ••• :•••••••• :_.: ••• _. __••••••••••••• .: __••••• •• _•••••••••• 7 ....-: _ ..: -.- _ __ _- -- __ -. -.~..-.-----.- --- -..- -.-..--.:-- -._..-.-_ . 8 -...•-_ --_ _--- __ - -.._ _--.._-..__..- _..-._.._-_ -.-..__ _..__ _.- _ - _.-._ __ _ __._ - -_ . 9 •.••_._•••• _•••• _••.•_.__•••.•• _l_••••••••••••••••••• __ •••_••_._••••••••••••• __._••.••• ._•••_._••_••• •••••••• _••_•••••• __ •••• _•••_••••••• ~._ ••_.__•••• __•••• _.--.-- ••• 10 _ _.: _ . love hote fill bury plan 'help walk use arrrve want stop puli up carry" drop smile .. try 'j water look hurry shop tidy": ;1. -,; dance dry clap cry f~~i';ilif,~~~~"ti,'i'4;iž:f#l1r$!L§ij;~€ifj"J;fJ:>J2r.%'gt~ilifC;f$if~~~tf;:'Ii"(jilIT~4ii'!~,~tJig@hl,,;:::cciiis;i'ii~.i'~;(1 I I I-~~;i;-~:~;~-:; I1";-:~;:~"~-;;= I"i· . I i ;i=-::;;-;-~ I;;i~_--~;--:~; I I ~-.................. , -........ I I . i - -.. -.---- ------.- - I! .---.._ - - .. I •.••...•.•...._.._..•...-.-._..--...••.-...---.... ......••.•..•..•.•.....-._...•.........••...•..•... I .............................................../._ .-.................................. -................ ............................................/.. _................ I _ . ......................_...................... .. ,......................................I. . J -:- _.••••••••• o' -.;'"::--•. EnglishCourse Book (3rd Yecr) 4 Past S!mple & Past Continuous We met / were meetino when we lived / wer!::livino in Italy 2 Susan worked / We!.;" workinq quiet!y at her desk when suddenly the door oDenec1/ WQS ooening and her daughter r~shzd I Wa5 rushin~ in. 3 Timothy stood I WCiS standinc UP, walked / we" woikino QCrC5Sthe room. oho doseo ) c10sinq the window.: WC!S 4 Astrange man walked I wa/kino in+o the/ rootn. He wcre / Wo.s wearino red WGS +r-ouser-s and a pink shir+, - 5 Didn'~ you meeT /Weren't you meetinQ your wife while you workeo I were workinqin Chile? / .... :'~ ;1. .: • 6 1 saw / were seeinq you in the park yes+er-dcy. You sat I were sirnnq on a bench with your arm round your boyfriend. :'J: ... i _" . .' . . 7 'Imet Iwcis meetino a frieno while 1did I wbs dcii1g the shopping. _ • • f .' ~l 1Daidl VJGS payina for ~y tnings when 1heGra I was hearinq sorneone cn]] my name. 9 1 turneal turnino round end saw I wC!sseeina PauiC!. wt:!S 10 Sne wore / was wearino o bright re.d coot . ._1_1 \yAvred" eCJ.aIe.alJII wer.e aeCJ.~O. InqT•O nr-ave o cup OTr:corr:rree. 12 While we had / ';ere novinCio drink, •.wei+er drooped / WGS drotJPi<lqc pile of pic+es. 13 We nil qot I were oettino +err+ble shock. Q 14 While the wei+er picked I WQS Dickinc:; UDthe br-oken plates, he cut / w(!s .cuttino his finger. 1.5 We le.ft / were leavino the .cafe and s~ir! !wer'e savina goodbye_ English Course Book (3rd Year) 6 ~------------------- What did he do? What was he doino? -' G What was Jnck doino~ ~he;' he saw an accident? . :,./ b What did Jack do when he scw anaccident? j,'~(;JJ,:.l:~:~:\:;/'f~,F.W~.l'}./.}t'i~KP'R'1 I ·:1 UNE(~CLOYE.DJ0AN: _. r~iffWi~~:t&j;'t't~c W1hat wcs Jahn doing when he heard the good news? pteasarrt :st..irpri~d·)~·snt.i9ht~,' d What did John do when he hecr-d the good news? e What W05 hcppeninq in the bank when the r-obber-s burstin? f What hoppencd to Martin Webb wh~n the robbers burst in? .~••p_~ ••••••••••••••• "_.'_."~" "__ "••• ._ ••••••• • • •••• •__ ••__ •__ ._ •• ~ •• 0·- English Course Book (3rd Year) 7 Rowena: 1 hear the lights : :.................... (go) out in your flots lcst night. r ,...................... Emrnc: Yes, (watch) o documentary on TV when .:,.suddenly we (Iose) all the power. But it :~:~: ".. (corne.) on ogai·tinf+er about ten minutes. Roche.l.. ~: 2••..••....•••. (come) dawn the stoirs when thelights ..................................................... (go) out. Sne almost ..................................................... (fall) over. Doniel: Matthew and 1 . (plcy) tob le :rennis at the time. Andrew: r (work) on the computer. 1 ..................................................... (lase) o whole hour' s wor-k.But +his morning 1 ..................................................... (get) up early and (do) it ogain. N\Onica (hove) o beou+iful dream when sne (touch) the electric wire. When Andrew (see) the question, when 1(find) o $10 note in it. The tr-cin (wci+) when the alarm clock (rirl9) 1 (read) o librory bo?k the crowd (rush) in. Sarah (have) an electric shack he (know) the answer immediateiy. When the doors (open), they (see) that the sun (shine). When the campers (wake), when we (orr-ive) at the stoti on. EXAN\PLE: .j. V.ic!-ywas having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang. . ~.:>: . ; ••~••.•.P._ •••• •••• o•••_.__.• • ••_.•__o. •.•.••__•. oO••__ ••_. ;••.••• __ o.•.• o.0.__ ._ •••••• __ •• o •._•. •.•. •. •._•..•.•._0 •• .••• ------ •••••• ! EnglishCaurse Baok (3rd Year) 8 Disaster inthe air - the Hindenburg explodes Tnere ._: : ._._._..._.._._..... (be) pcnic ln New York last night as disaster ._.._._ "...-.-._:..-...--...-.~.:.-..-: ..: (hit) the Hindenburg, .the +rcnsc+lcntic airship. It ..._.._ _...._._,..._.._._.._.:_'!.::~._ (fly) from ..Germany to the United States'when aterrible accident ;.) .:..,.._:,:.,.,-;:~..:.:--.~.-- ~ -... (hcppcn). In the airfhip, the passengers -..- --.-- -- . (look) out of the window. On the ground, people __ (wci+) for the airship to arrive. Suddenly, there wcs an enormous explosion end the' airship ...._.._ _.__..__.__.__._ _ (crash) to the. ground in flomes. Thirty-six people ..._ __ _ (die) in the accident. Some experts think +hc+ while the aircraft .__ _.._ _. __ (travel) from Germeny, stotic electricity probobly .._ _.._ _. (form) around the airship. When it _ _._. _.._ (cornc) near the airship station, the hydrogen _.__.._ ..__ _._._ ..,.. (explode). , It was a fine day _ _._ .:.. I started out on the last port of my walk around the coast of Britain. The sun was __ _ __.._ _ , and o light wind __ _.......... blowing from the sourh-wes+, I was pleosed that it __ _.__._.._ , ;.. raining. I knew by now +hc+1 '; __ rain. In fect I ......_ _..~_ _ ~.._it. 1 , oIong the cliff top and then dawn into the love!y f;shing village of Wellburn, 'pes+ a c.ofe wher-e people : __ :~..'having morning coffee. Thre~ miles past Wellbur.l';II ,.: _ dawn for five minutes and _ _ . I .. o drink. Now it .._::_.~.:.I•.•• ::.!i._._••••...••. __.. getting war-mer, so I _.____ _off one of my sweo+er-s. I .: : stop for long because 1 _ __ _~_ : to reach .Seabury by lunch-time ~ I finaii), gat there, it ; . just after half past +welve. h --,...... English Course Baak (3rd Year) 9 Present Per+ec+ SimpleTense FORM USE The Present Perfect shows ~relationship be+wecn past time end present time. It can be used: . To describe on oction tha"t happened at on indefinit~ time before the present t To rder to things thot people hove done and experiences the)' have had. He.s taught English infive different countries . •:. When there is very specific evidence inthe present of +he event +ho++ook place in the past· v 1see they' ve knocked dawn the old cinema inthe cenTre of town. ~ . .'. ' ") With cdverbiols ::1. . i; • Used with adverbia/s thot show a connection between the past and the preserit, eg. so far,'up to now, lately, o/ready, yet, just, ... She 'S already dane her homework. ,-. . t \.Vith since, for and how long to describe the dur-c+ion of an cc+iviry or si+uc+ion that stcr+ed inthe past and corrrinues upto the pr-eserrr and possibly into the future. Hes lived there since he was child. Q English Cour5e Book (3ro Year) 10 --~----~-------------- . :' PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE TEi'~SE - Exercises 1 I _ (farget) that girl's name. Doyou remember it? 2 I'm sorry, lfIonico isn't her-e. She _ (go) to Spoin. 3 We (have) two +cs+s so forthis yeor. I think we'll have :.~i:rC-.•..~~....•.....•.....•........... another one s~on. . ~. . ouf' ~•J 4 "It's hard to imagine, they :: :............................(live) in the some apartment 011their lives. 5 Doyou have o plaster? 1 (cut) myself and I'm bleeding. 6 Tom and Nathalie ~ (know) ecch other for five years. 7 1 (be) to the dentist. 1won't be oble to ec+ for cm hour. "o. ~ 8 I~eiI (telI) me the same jake about five times so far. If he tells it to me again I'II screnm. 1 9 Of course I : , (read) Hamlet. I know it well. In fcc+. I know some of it by heart. 10 At lastl 1..,.~. , , : ,..:..:,. (finish) this exercise. 1 Harry " (do) the housework. 2 Michael and Catherine (find) o new flat. 3 Nick (wr-i+e) oboak. 4 We (decide) to start jogging. 5 Dave and Sam ; (ea+) all the sandwiches. 6 Charlie (buy) o dog. 7 Helen : (start) et o new school. 8 Frances ; · (br-eck) her cup. . 9 1 (lase) my umbrello. 10 Martin : (take) a dog for c wolk. oo • ;~ My dog : 'my so~dwichl 2 Stephonie ; her bog. 3 r)n.sorr-y. r _ : your pen. 4 Where 's my d'I"CTlonary'.) o~orne one "IT1. 5 We're too late. The progromme . 6 Tina isn't here. She : _. . 7 There is water onthe floor! Wha'T _.............................................. ? 8 1 : your book! Here it is! 9 Jake five letters. 10 r some new shoes. Doyou like them? English Course Book (3ro Yeor-) 11 --~------------~----~------------------------------------------------ .1 Oh no!That's the last bus, and we _ it. 2 ....._ :•..........~. (you) any James Bond books? Thelre really good. - h ,. . I . . II ',. .. 3 1 aven TgOT.~nymore money. . ~ : ; '.0 OTIT. 4 1 :~., on id~! Ler'sgo to Big Burger's! 5: . We'know what we wcnt. We'~ _.._ :: to have pizzo. ::J 6 Your hair looks terrible! ~ (you) it? 7 Hurry up, Caroline. Your taxi It's waiting outside. 8 I'm sorry I ~ , (not) the travel agent. I've been very busy. 9 ...............................:..•.......................(you)\ -I"rrcmc. ~- I'TIsL·m...y IQYOUrJIeT"i'1m. l'O Reo.d "J'h'IS ogam. . Yau rru'.srokes. 1 Have you eve" / yet visited the USA? 2 Tim has for / just come back from Australia. 3 I'm not hungry. I've aJreody Isince eaten. 4 Jane lived inGreece since I for fif+ecn years. 5 1can't come out. 1haven't done myhomework alreody / vet. 6 Mark hos worked inItaly GOo! since 1998. 7 She hcsn'r undersTood anything for / since the film stcirted! 8 1 hovcn'r been to the cinema for / since +hrce mon+hs. 6 C~mpl~t~each se~t~~~~,.wl+h atime ~·o:~d.Usea. ~~~'fdrpm .th~bo><~·Some\J;~d;·:can: 6~:'us~·dm'o~~·+hai-i·6~;c~~:;.>"\...:..~; :":;~?:.:'~.·::~·:FP~r~t~~:;·;.}':,"~~>:~~.:·:;~i}-~);·"~:"~!;:'·i'E·-:i;:~7. ,','7. ·b:;;\:·:;~~.:~.,.~::;(·/a·\h~·~~d'y:-.·e.ver -:<for>fJurt.-}Yt:?hever<;·.Csi nce.:::;:;\,~t·.-<.~~~;~L:_·);::~)/~':~:j ) . .: . 1 Neil has been onthe beach __ _ an hour-, but he hcsn'r hodo swim yet. 2./ I do~) see this film. I've _._ _ seen it. 3;. Have you ..: ; : been to the Greek'islands? 4J, wci.t.'a momerrr'.')-1h aven"T'.n,e ci ., . 5 Ouch! An insecr hos _ _. bitten me! o, or:eorge haS ....:.._,_...._................ e,-J.Jen C,h!'nese "TrOOd,so +Ihi!ss!si The T,..irst T.'!meTror hirrru1 7 1 knowwhat we ~C!!dio!I've ~...............................had ogreat ide.c.! 8 Rick hcs lived injapan 1998. 9 This is myfirst pet rabbit. T've had one before. 10 Jake and Lnda have known each othe.r. thr-ee y~rs . "