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You are the Creator of your Reality PDF

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You are the Creator of your Reality Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. March 8, 2012  We create our own reality day-by-day.  Some of you may not be so familiar with these concepts.  In that respect this article may serve as a crash course for you.  Everything in the universe is energy.  Energy is consciousness.  Every cell in our body has its own consciousness and all consciousness is interlinked.  We are ‘ONE WITH ALL.’  Isolation or separation is only an ILLUSION.  All have a gift of telepathy. Telepathy is an inherent quality or ability of ALL.  Everyone has the skill of empathetic telepathic communication.  The notion of ‘liking’ or ‘disliking’ someone originates from a consciousness, a ‘sensation’ that is either unfamiliar to us; or alternatively, resonates with us.  When we think to ourselves "I feel that I have known this person for all of my life," we operate under the influence of empathetic telepathic communication.  On the contrary, dislike is an impulse resulting from our consciousness or awareness of a person that resonate fear in us. It strikes an old chord in us, compelling us to feel or say "I just do not like this person!"  We exist in a realm of vast diversity of consciousness, of energy existing exterior to our physicality.  We devote a great deal of our time consciously or subliminally trying to sort out our instinctive reactions in order to comprehend what is occurring outside of us.  As we go about our daily affairs we are resolved and content regarding our creative and affirmative notions.  On the contrary, negative reactions to our intuitive emotions, prompted by conditions external to us, are frustrating and flustering to us.  Unfortunately, most people employ a great amount of efforts and time reacting to the same repetitive sensations, ideologies, and designs that are not gratifying and leave much to be desired.  One issue bewildering the current Earth humans is the subject of ‘money’ and ‘things.’  Unfortunately, this is something that occupies the mind and heart of a countless number of people.  This may be referred to as ‘poverty consciousness’ that triggers such thoughts as “I wish I had a million dollars,’ or “If only I were a rich man.’ The emotional commotion prompted by such sighing desires is draining, wasteful, and futile!  Another concern in the mind of a majority of people, especially the population of the Western World is the dilemma of romantic or carnal ‘love.’  This, of course, is entirely dissimilar to the reality of ‘unconditional love’ or the ‘love’ and genuine reverence one feels for one’s Creator, the benevolent Father of ALL THAT THERE IS.  It is the desire, the lust, the longing one feels for having a different relationship, a new connection, any new association, or an arrangement other than the one the individual currently possesses.  The principal hint is that one should remember who she (or he) is by referring to within and take the decisive action as to bring about an end to this longing, gnawing feel of uncertainty.  One must resort to the heart to unveil the ‘truth’ regarding the bewildering circumstances at hand.  It is only then one is directed to the reality of one’s existence and guided to take the ‘right’ actions as to resolve oneself from the agony of misperception.  More specifically, regarding the example of greed and lust for money, one may be pointed out to the ‘truth’ that simplicity is the conveyor of resolution and comfort and tranquility is not necessarily derived from mammon.  In fact, excessive wealth is often associated with the bothersome chore of maintenance, and anxiety of forfeiture and defeat.  As to the case of yearning for new love, lust or conquest, the wisdom of the heart illuminates the fanciful, eccentric, yet grotesque nature of, again, ‘having’ to be the downside of the bargain.  One has the option of faithfulness, closeness, and authenticity of a genuinely warm relationship right at home.  To acquire the latter, one must commit to compassion, attentiveness, perseverance, and clemency in order to seed a non-judgmental bond with one’s companion. Nowhere is better to search than ‘home’ to ‘find’ such a partner.  Unless impulsively enacted in the first place, without consulting with the ‘heart,’ or for other self-centered yet empty and insincere reasons pertaining to wealth or narcissism, the chances are that you have once resonated in harmony with the same individual.  Therefore, the best and the most optimum solution is to ‘mend’ your relationship with your ‘lover’ in order to restore your ‘connection.’  This may take some efforts, some diligence, some self-abnegation, and love.  The primary factor is to be able to ‘give’ and not constantly ‘demand,’ or ‘anticipate.’ It is what is referred to as ‘unconditional love’ which not only fuels affection, love and romance; but it also serves as the ‘glue’ that bonds all that there is together in ‘Oneness,’ in synchronization to resonate or function in harmony with one another.  So, as you see that you are caught in a web of ‘monotonous foretelling,’ think of ‘change’ or transformation into a new and ‘higher’ being.  However, pre-requisite to transformation is acuity for a model of creation.  Let us explore to see how creation without monotonous foretelling can be achieved as to evade repetitive action.  We are all creatures of habit.  We are conditioned to have certain thoughts, beliefs, and emotion almost from the initial moment we are in utero, when we are in our mother’s womb, to the time we are about 6 or 7 when start to attend school. This begins to set our reality.  Since our parents are our initial educators, and because they are the victims of the same conspiracy prompted by the Dark Cabal as to maintain us within a certain low frequencies, even lower than theirs, we begin life with the same reality.  This is a product of lies, deceits, and misinformation imposed upon us as to suit their self-serving indulgences without any concern for the rest of us.  By the time we take our first lessons within a formal educational establishment we are often conditioned to firmly believe a certain way which is cast in stone and most likely stay with us for the rest of our time on Earth.  This misinformation is confirmed and now highly accentuated in our minds about who we are, why we are here, and how we can prosper and pursue a life of contentment and happiness for the rest of our days on Earth.  It is made deeply embedded in our minds that in all probabilities we are alone in the universe.  All the significant activities and explorations of the NASA and other space agencies are performed in a surreptitious manner and their research findings are carefully censored and imprudently misrepresented to us as to make us strongly believe in the same fabricated information; the same falsehood.  The news of countless abduction by Greys, the mutilations of our Earth brothers and sisters, their exploitations, torturous treatments, and genocide are denied by the government and further details are guardedly kept clandestine and out of reach of public.  The extent of illegitimately and dishonestly obtained tax-payer public money expended on space exploration or exploitation as well as capital ‘used’ and depleted for hopeless weaponry are not disclosed to the public.  The decidedly questionable practice of warmongering and meddling in the affairs of Middle East, Africa, and other countries are grossly in violation of the Universal Laws of ‘Non-interference’ and ‘Free Will,’ and are directly contrary to the ‘will’ of the citizen of United States as well as the ‘Right of Sovereignty’ of the nations involved.  Likewise, the audacity, debauchery, and criminal act of subliminal messaging for private agendas commonly carried out by the Dark throughout the globe via media advertising and carefully graphics embedment in cartoons and live action movies are examples of intrusion and privacy violation strictly verboten under the same laws of universe, namely, interference and free will desecration.  The dogma of religion plagues Earth humans from early childhood.  Many of the principles are in concert with the heart and inner wisdom of the soul. These are readily understood and accepted by the heart. An example is the concept of ‘7 sins;’ although the list is lengthier, and strictly speaking ‘sin’ is that which is objectionable to the conscientious heart as God is everlastingly forgiving and non-judgmental.  The adherence of these intuitively correct concepts to the heart sets a path for accepting certain other devious and irresponsibly planned information included in the religious scripts. These are, however, mostly of historical nature. Exclusion of certain facts deemed harmful in exposing our tyrant oppressors, as well as misinformation regarding certain orchestrated lies as to promote superstitions and low consciousness, has created a confusion or ciaos among the believers of various religions.  It is commonly postulated that since the scripts are supposed to be a presentation of divinity, they must be true, and the religious writings must be accepted in their entireties as a complete account of ‘Truth’ regarding ALL THAT THERE IS.  This, of course, is the most single source of calamity regarding religion which is both most perilous and destructive.  The fundamental problem is that the humans of Earth do not know who they are and where they come from. Generally speaking, they are made to believe that they evolved from a group of apes on Earth not long ago. This is based upon highly revered Darwin’s theory of Evolution which also most dangerously emphasizes the ‘survival of the fittest’ postulation which is taught in schools religiously as a statement of ‘scientific’ fact. Countless research studies, ‘scientific’ symposiums, and teachings are dedicated to Darwin’s Theory, all originating from the same fundamental erroneous ‘assumption.’ The irony of this most widely propagated and accepted hypothesis (although perceived as principle to many) is that ‘the missing link’ has never been found. This is in spite of countless archeological and anthropological digs sponsored by numerous individuals and institutions resulting in incalculable amount of dollars expended. Could it be that the theory is flawed by adoption of an erroneous assumption? Should we not have moved along decades ago?  It is at least encouraging to see that a myriad of programs dedicated to the subject of man’s evolution, which used to run seemingly constantly on educational TV channels such as the Discovery, Science, National Geographic, Smithsonian, History, Nature (now ‘Green’), BBC, etc., about half a decade ago are no longer supported. Instead, the major interest is more appropriately on ‘Ancient Aliens’ and such programs. Although there seem to be less censorship, still these programs leave a lot to be desired.  The most harmful aspect of religious beliefs is the incitement of fear, which is the most fundamental goal of the Dark. These ideologies commonly promote the idea of ‘sin,’ provoke the concept of ‘punishment’ via ‘damnation’ to ‘hell,’ warn humanity about the ‘judgment day,’ and prophesize ‘Armageddon,’ and ‘End of Days.’  These have been particularly terrifying as well as ‘alarming’ to the human inhabitants of Earth during the past two decades, as there has been a tremendous amount of conjecture regarding the ‘Y-2K’ and other apocalyptic deadlines.  These religions speak of ‘rapture’ and ‘chosen race’ that are particularly disturbing as these beliefs create ‘separation’ among people, and drive mankind to wonder about a discriminating God who is discerning regarding her (his) creation. This cannot be further from the ‘truth’ as God is merciful and God is non-judgmental.  This, in turn, promotes anger and despair in Mankind, which is particularly damaging n these days considering the substantial amount of grief she (he) is going through with regard to the collapse of financial system, the stress associated with the talk of various ‘natural’ disasters, wars, chemtrails, starvation, diseases, and not to mention, the upcoming ‘end of days.’  These are some of the examples of ‘untruth’ and reality misrepresentation which every Earth human has been conditioned and accustomed to.  Based upon the same falsehood perceived as reality, people have the tendency to set their priorities and standards in life, namely as ‘acquiring’ which pertains to money and ‘needful’ things.  Similarly, egotism and vanity dictates success, again, as ‘acquiring;’ but this time the focus of carnal desire is FLESH.  There is no love, no romance, no compassion associated with this; it is, again, only about ‘having’ things, ‘needful’ things.  The pursuit of money, position, and carnal desires is accentuated through the misinformation that Mankind is mortal. Being entrapped in a three dimension of reality the notion of time is very strong with Earth humans. We have all been conditioned to work ‘by the clock.’ Wages are paid based upon hours performed. Deadlines set target dates for completion and compensation for the projects involved. We live in a universe of three dimensionality with a linear perception of time. We age, and eventually die; both clear indications for existence of time. We conceive the fabric of universe as a four dimensional continuum consisting of three spatial and one time dimensions.  Time has a pronounced effect on our perception of reality.  The task of discarding a reality comprised of many such years of presumed truth is very involved and complicated. It requires ‘time’ for new exposure, deliberation, and absorption. It requires demolition first and subsequent reconstruction.  Demolition necessitates ‘cleansing’ which is a tedious and time-consuming process.  The energy required for a dual process of cleansing and reconstruction is actually more than twice effort of a single process of simply building from scratch. This is a typical case when ‘the sum of the parts’ does not equate the ‘resultant’ of the individual parts as is for all linear systems.  And there is no ambiguity in this statement as clearly we are no longer concerned with a linear system.  Reconstruction of your reality coupled with cleansing of all that existed within the framework of your preceding reality, transformation, and eventual ascension are all elements belonging to a higher domain of existence.  Even at the transitional stage of reaching the incipient point of such higher reality, the linear domain of three dimensions has already been traversed and is no longer applicable to the equation at hand. Therefore, it is not unexpected that we reach a non-linear phenomenon as the 5th and higher dimensional domains are undoubtedly non-linear. In essence, the argued response is nothing more elaborate than stating that the ‘principle of superposition’ no longer applies in the higher domains.  Again, there is no ambiguity in making such as a statement because in the higher domains things only operate by considering the whole collective through the principle of ‘Oneness.’  In this case, One is all and all is One, which means in order to find the ‘resultant’ of ALL THAT THERE IS you cannot simply add the individual parts and equate this sum to the ‘resultant.’ This only applies to a linear problem. Here, the resultant is equal to any part of the collective. What one knows is equal to the entire knowledge of the collective. Therefore, there is no need for competition. There is no ‘game.’ There are no ‘losers’ as to be distinguished from ‘winners.’ Everyone is a winner. Everyone ‘creates’ for the benefit of the collective. There is no jealousy; there are no set-backs.  Every effort, every waveform, every measure of energy is expended to uplift, to evolve what is to be evolved. This is the ‘principle of Oneness,’ a non-linear system totally void of useless energy dissipation, culminating in a ‘conservative’ process, fully optimized, and without the necessity of adhering to the ‘limited’ domain of ‘linearity.’  What is interesting is that when you create in the higher domains and as you exert effort to your continuum in order to achieve stretch or dilatation of your continuum, all in the interest of evolution, you no longer achieve stretch in proportion of your efforts exerted. In contrast, a rather small amount of effort can climax in achieving remarkable dilatation. Furthermore, the process is totally reversible and recoverable as the system is conservative without any loses or dissipation. Hence, what one inputs into the system another can extract and utilize and vice versa; and this applies to every point in the continuum giving rise to a perfectly holographic system. Everyone, anywhere in the universe, or generally in the related domain, can become a part of the hologram and work to create collectively without any regard to distance or time. In essence, this also leads to instant accessibility, an immediate manifestation. This system is particularly useful in communication as well as teleportation thus totally dissolving the notion of ‘space,’ or ‘distance,’ or time.  The principle of ‘Oneness’ applies equally to human society or civilization as it does to the certain needs of such a society.  Returning to the subject of our distorted 3D reality, it is unfortunately, contiguous with the artificially imposed belief that Mankind is without any significant power.  We are told from early stages in our educational training to believe that only things or phenomenon that we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, touch with our hands, taste with our tong, and smell with our old factory are real, with most significant emphasis being on the first and most former. The cliché is “seeing is believing.”  It is most emphatically stressed to us to think with our brains only and to resort to ‘logic’ that is injected into our minds, and to only believe or trust such rationale.  To that effect, we are even made highly biased to utilize our left-side brain only which functions and resonates with more direct masculine and coarse energies.  Anything that requires use of right-side brain which may be more refined, delicate, and necessitate application of female energies are left out, strongly discouraged, or even ridiculed.  Subjects of parapsychology or even psychology are belittled and labeled as ‘non-exact.’  Almost all arts-related disciplines such as painting, calligraphy, fashion design, etc., are viewed as ‘sentimental,’ and are keened to be specific to females only.  The phenomenon of telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, and such are downgraded as being taboo.  Thus we are vehemently and convincingly steered to believe that only finance, mathematics, law, management, science, and engineering are useful in life, classifying other subjects as ‘fantasy’ or self-indulgingly entertaining.  And of course, nothing can be farther than truth.  First of all, brain is the product of duality. There is never a single truth associated with them. In fact, for every postulate there are two extremely opposite candidates for outcome, giving rise to two contrastingly conflicting solutions. As a twofold set of probabilities, there is always the concern of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ concomitant with these characteristically opposite possibilities.  Under these circumstances, it is highly ‘irrational,’ even by the inconsistent standard of duality-ridden mind, or ‘illogical’ by the contradictory reasoning of the brain to resort to the brain for obtaining an absolute resolution for each query.  On the other hand, it has been recently shown that heart is a much more complex organ than originally envisioned. It does not simply function as a pump driving and circulating blood all over the body. Apart from the most important function of encasing and protecting the soul, it actually is a highly intricate organ for the nervous system and the energetics of the physical body. It has a meticulous electromagnetic field that interacts with the various chakras throughout the body.  This, in turn, has the potential to interconnect with any possible energy grid all over the universe providing a smooth path to telepathy, clairvoyance, teleportation, and such, and to use the energetics of the grid in order to acquire any form of data within the energy network which may be essential and deemed as beneficial.

promote superstitions and low consciousness, has created a confusion or ciaos among the believers of various .. And of course, this was Annunaki's omen bequeathed on us circa 13,000 years ago as to sabotage our natural
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