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You are still being lied to: the remixed disinformation guide to media distortion, historical whitewashes and cultural myths PDF

1184 Pages·2009·8.51 MB·English
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Preview You are still being lied to: the remixed disinformation guide to media distortion, historical whitewashes and cultural myths

Table of Contents Title Page Introduction A NOTE TO READERS Acknowledgements KEYNOTE ADDRESS Reality Is a Shared Hallucination Endnotes THE NEWS MEDIA AND OTHER MANIPULATORS What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream We Were Silenced by the Drums of War The Puppets of Pandemomium - Sleaze and Sloth in the Media Elite Endnotes The New Rules for the New Millennium Digital Seductions The Media and Their Atrocities Targeting the Serbs The Ethnic Cleansing Hype The Disappearing “Mass Graves” The Martin Luther King You Don’t See on TV Treacherous Words 1.1.1 To Denote/To Connote 1.1.2 On the Virtues of Imprecision Nostradamus’ Predictions 1.1.3 Sexism and Political Correctness 1.1.4 The Art of Ambiguity: Equivocation and Amphibology A Dangerous, Invisible Killer 1.1.5 Accentuation 1.1.6 Weasel Words 1.1.7 Jargon and Pseudo-Expertise 1.1.8 Defining School Textbooks - Unpopular History vs. Cherished Mythology? History Literature Science The Information Arms Race Communication Only Occurs Between Equals Information Wants To Be Preserved Anthropology and Religion Advertising as Info-War The Co-option of Cyberspace Promoting the Fixed Reality ONE NATION, UNDER THE CORPORATION The Truth About Corporations - Where They Came From, How They Took Over and ... Endnotes: Recommended Reading: Chemicals Are Killing You Breast Cancer and Corporate Secrets Plastic Poison Scotchgard and Diacetyl—Yum Your Daily Dose of Chemicals—Take it and Shut Up The American Dream is Plastic Say Bye-Bye to the Petroleum People Cheap, Crappy Food = A Fat Population - How Corporations and the us Government ... Fast, Cheap, and Irresistible Pyramid Scheme Exporting American Obesity Continued Censorship Healthy Population vs. Healthy Economy Fields of Fuel - Change Your Fuel, Change The World Why Did the Iraqi Government Want Blackwater Banned? The War on Bugs: Pesticide Spray Devices, Household Poisons, and Dr. Seuss Endnotes Pharmaceutical Crimes and Misdemeanors An Unusual Memo More Discoveries Bonus Formulas That Didn’t Make Sense Criminal Liability The Internal Investigation Breaking the News to Pfizer Pens on Fire A Promise Pharmacia’s CEO Receives a Warning POLITRICKS John McCain and the POW Cover-up - The “War Hero” Politician Buried Information ... Mass of Evidence McCain’s Role My Pursuit of the Story How the Senate Committee Perpetuated the Debunking McCain’s Catch-22 Mission Rejected: Clifton Hicks - “I’ll Be Home Soon” Endnote Dear Deluded Mass Media, North American Union Agenda Exists Endnotes Colony Kosovo - Not So Pretty Humanitarian Imperialism Violence Still Privatization Balkan Belfast Moral Imperialism and the Iron Logic of War Endnotes BEDOUIN BLUES OFFICIAL VERSIONS How the People Seldom Catch Intelligence (Or, How to Be a Successful Drug Dealer) “I See Nothing!” Said the Man An Eyewitness Strongly Disagrees, Says: “It Is a Flat-Out Lie” The CIA Practice of Recruiting Drug-Financed Armies CIA/DoJ Memorandum of Understanding Juan Matta Ballesteros and SETCO The CIA Admits to Shipping a Ton of Cocaine to US Streets Death Threats Against the Head of the DEA in Haiti Most-Favored Traffickers Receive Overt Support Sea Crest Trading and More Dominican Connections The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Has Its Doubts About US Government Drug-Ties Denials Older Reports, Irrefutable Evidence Are We About to Commit Another Vietnam, or Has It Already Begun? Which Brings Us to the New Millennium, the Post-9/11 Age Who Are the Real “Bad Guys?” To Be Continued, and Continued, and Continued... Reassessing OKC - The Truck-bomb Hoax Overview Was It ANFO? Bomb(s)? “Others Unknown” Those Who Knew Aftermath Postscript: The Past as Precedent—From OKC to DHS The Rabin Murder Cover-up Enter: The First Informer An Assassination Film Emerges The Trial Shutting Me Up Further Vindication What’s Missing from This Picture? Lincoln Nixon Johnson JFK RFK Vietnam Military Scandals MK-ULTRA Pan Am 103 TWA 800 Space Photos Waco Oklahoma City Danny Casolaro Vince Foster Ron Brown White House Email The Final Missing Piece THE SOCIAL FABRICATION Don’t Blame Your Parents - An Interview References The Unkindest Cut - Circumcision: Health-conscious Procedure or Unnecessary ... Art and the Eroticism of Puberty Designated Innocents Designated Perverts The Search for a New Designated Pervert Photographic Content “A World That Hates, Gays” - Is There Really a Gay Teen Suicide Epidemic? Teen Suicide: Formulating a Crisis Suicide and Homosexuality The Federal Task Force “One in Ten” Counting Gay Suicides “Death By Denial”: The Rhetoric of Gay Teen Suicide Homosexuality and the Young Building the Problem Media Violence Studies on a Rack The Man in the Bushes - Mytnkiller Philip Jenkins Deconstructs Serial Killers, ... How Many Serial Killers? Not Just White Males Changing Concepts of Child Molestation Going in Cycles Current Problems Questioning Assumptions The Crystal Ball Panic Inoculation From Untochables to Conscientious Objectors - Lessons From Students at ... Endnotes CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT The Constitution, War, and the Draft - from The Revolution: A Manifesto Amnesia in America - Or, the Sociology of Forgetting Columbus and Western Civilization Saving Private Power - The Hidden History of “The Good War” Myth #1: WWII Was “Good” Myth #2: WWII Was Inevitable Myth #3: The Allies Fought to Liberate the Death Camps Myth #4: The Attack on Pearl Harbor Was a Surprise Myth #5: Only the Axis Nations Committed War Crimes Myth #6: The Atomic ombs Dropped on Japan Were Necessary Myth #7: WWII Was Fought to End Fascism Myth #8: The Legacy of WWII Is “Good” What I Didn’t Know About the Communist Conspiracy New Books on Soviet Espionage Dreaming Up America Reel One - The Earliest Signs of an American Sensibility Forging America’s Idea of Itself TRIPPING Drug War Mythology Myth: Law enforcement rarely arrest or jail drug offenders. Myth: Relaxing anti-drug laws will significantly increase drug use and crime. Myth: Marijuana is a “gateway” to the use of hard drugs. Myth: Cannabis has no medical or therapeutic value. Myth: We can attain a drug-free America by 2003. Postscript Crushing Butterflies With Iron Boots - The 10 Longest Prison Sentences Being ... 1) Douglas Lamar Gray 2) Vernon C. McElroy 3) George Martorano 4) Shirley Womble 5) Irma Estella Calderon Alred 6) Calvin John Treiber 7) Clyde Edward Young 8) Olen Maffett Pound 9) Charles Fred Cundiff 10) Steven Roger Treleaven Toad-Licking Blues Bufo Toad Smoking Bufo Toad Licking The War on Consciousness Graham Hancock The Failed War Inventory of Harm Winners and Losers Learning from Tobacco Freedom of Consciousness AA Lies AA’s Effectiveness AA as an Independent Organization The Origin of the 12 Steps AA as a Religious, Not Spiritual, Organization AA as a “Voluntary” Organization AA and “Outside Enterprises” AA and “Matters of Public Controversy” Summary The Unconscious Roots of the Drug War - Excerpts from Shamanism and the Drug ... Endnotes HOLY ROLLING The Eurabian Revolution Europe and the Religion of Peace Islam and the Euro-Mediterranean Dream Yugoslavia: Nation of the Future Why Eurabia? The Bible Code - Scientific, Statistical Proof of God? Or Just Another Lie? In the Beginning Hidden Names in KJV Genesis and Edwards v. Aguillard How Unusual Are Paired Messages? What Are the Odds, Really? Further Developments The End of the Bible Code, Part I The End of the Bible Code, Part II Drosnin Publishes a Second Book New Bible Code Promoters Evolve Conclusion Fear and Lying in 2012-Land The Maya Calendar in a Nutshell Two Big Lies Maya (That Is, Illusion) and the Mass Media Scholarly Coincidentalists and 2012 The Maya on Their 2012 Date The Rhapsodic Bloviations of New Age Fantasts False Framings and the Expected Anti-Truth Mystics and Messiahs - Mythkiller Philip Jenkins Unravels the Gospel about “Cults” New Religious Groups Aren’t Very New The Anti-Cult Attitudes, Then and Now Reality Check Religious Laboratories Next Up: The “Hidden Gospels” Who’s Who in Hell - His Secular Holiness Reveals the Hidden legacy of Non- Belief BLINDED BY SCIENCE Confession of an “AIDS Denialist” - How I Became a Crank Because We’re Being ... Endnotes NutraFear & NutraLoathing in Augusta, Georgia NutraDeath Comes for Santiago Forbidden Archaeology There Is So Much That We Don’t Know - Selections from the Science Frontiers ... From the Preface to Science Frontiers: Some Anomalies and Curiosities of Nature The Incorruptibility of the Ganges Underwater Thumps The Earth Is Expanding and We Don’t Know Why About as Anomalous as Mounds Can Get Mysterious Swirl Patterns on the Moon Ten Strikes Against the Big Bang Einstein’s Nemesis: DI Herculis Where Have All the Black Holes Gone? More Quantum Weirdness The First Digit Phenomenon All Roads Lead to 123 Poets at Sea: Or Why Do Whales Rhyme? Eight Leatherback Mysteries The Ubiquity of Sea Serpents Facing up to the Gaps Polar-Bear Bones Confound Ice-Age Proponents Artificial Panspermia on the Moon Blebs and Ruffles Subversive Cancer Cells Tobacco and Cocaine in Ancient Egypt American Pygmies When Humans Were an Endangered Species Our Genes Aren’t Us! You May Become What You Eat Organ Music Monogrammic Determinism The Birthday: Lifeline or Deadline?

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