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Yoga Therapy A Personalized Approach for Your Active Lifestyle PDF

442 Pages·2017·6.65 MB·English
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Preview Yoga Therapy A Personalized Approach for Your Active Lifestyle

Yoga Therapy A Personalized Approach for Your Active Lifestyle Kristen Butera Staffan Elgelid Contents Acknowledgments Introduction How to Best Engage With This Book Part I: Fundamentals of Yoga Therapy Chapter 1: What Is Yoga Therapy? Yoga vs. Yoga Therapy Yoga Therapy as a Lifestyle Practice Growing Evidence Base Healing: Holistic Model vs. Medical Model Yoga Therapy as a Call to Personal Action Movement: A Key to Health and Longevity Why Yoga Therapy in the Modern Age? Individualism and Inquiry Chapter 2: Training Movements Overview of the Movement System Bones, Muscles, and Fascia Nervous System Efficient Movement: What It Is and How It Benefits Us Quality of Movement Learning New Activities and Improving Old Ones Importance of Exploring Movement Improving the Efficiency of Activities Chapter 3: Connecting Brain to Body Yoga Therapy and Somatic Education Identification, Differentiation, and Integration Importance of Renewing and Developing New Patterns Movement Habits and Injuries Chapter 4: Developing Focus Yoga Therapy Beyond the Asanas Power of the Breath Breathing and Stress Reduction Sensory Awareness Visualization Bhava or Mental Attitudes Mindfulness Tying These Concepts Together and Applying Them to Life Part II: Foundations of Practice Chapter 5: Basic Practices and Props Honoring Our Differences Creating a Practice Based on Inquiry and Curiosity Your Practice Space Getting Started With Props Putting It All Together: Identification, Differentiation, and Integration in Mountain Pose Chapter 6: Breathing and Relaxation Breathing and Yoga Relaxation and Meditation Chapter 7: Preventing Injury Take Charge of Your Health and Safety Staying Injury Free in Any Activity Part III: Poses for Lifelong Fitness Chapter 8: Intentions and Connections What Is Intention? Making Connections Putting It Into Practice Overview of the Asana Differentiation Categories Joint Differentiation Chapter 9: Spinal Movement Poses Overview of the Identification Process Overview of the Differentiation Process Overview of the Integration Process Forward Fold Backbend Side Bend Twist Chapter 10: Variations on Traditional Poses Core Poses Standing Poses Balance Poses Hips Chapter 11: Maintaining Fitness and Activity Levels Setting Goals for Your Practice Transitions Agility in Transitions Transferring Agility to Daily Life Asana Practice for the Proprioceptors Staying Active Throughout Life Final Words on Identifying, Differentiating, and Integrating References About the Authors Acknowledgments From Kristen Writing a book is no joke. I first witnessed and participated in the process years ago when I edited my husband’s books, The Pure Heart of Yoga and Meditation for Your Life. In general, writing takes a serious willingness to explore yourself and your ideas. Then it takes time, patience, prayer, revisions, and more time. It also takes a village of support and love, which I had in spades. That means that I have a lot of gratitude to express! My Family and Friends Writing a book can sometimes be an exercise in being alone. For the grace that they gave me in terms of extra time, I have to thank my family and friends for being loving and supportive forces in my life, giving me the space that I needed to work on the project, patiently missing me, and listening to my challenges as I sorted through the process of writing. I especially want thank my husband, Bob Butera, for his ongoing kindness, patience, and encouragement. My Colleagues Thank you to my writing colleague, Staffan Elgelid, for the incredible experiences we had together collaborating on this work over the last 5 years. Our paths intersected at just the right time, and our interactions have changed the way I think about and see the world. I look forward to continued collaborations and explorations in the years to come. Thank you to my colleague and friend Erin Byron, who worked as a content editor. Her enthusiasm and tireless championing of the work has been an ongoing source of inspiration to me. The guidance and insights she brought to the writing process were invaluable, and the final product was very much improved as a result of all of her contributions. The Team at Human Kinetics My thanks to the team at Human Kinetics. Acquisitions editor Michelle Maloney My thanks to the team at Human Kinetics. Acquisitions editor Michelle Maloney asked for a manuscript proposal at just the right time. Her willingness to discuss and explore our interests ignited the potential themes of the book, and her belief in the value of our work made the book possible. Developmental editor Tom Heine’s insightful comments and attention to all of the details shaped the structure of the work. Photographer Neil Bernstein’s keen eye brought it all to life in pictures. I know that there are even more people behind the scenes who came together to help bring our vision into reality, and I thank you all. To My Significant Teachers When you accumulate the amount of yoga education that I have over the years, you owe a debt of gratitude to all who forged that path of expansion of yoga in the West. There have been many teachers over the years to whom I am grateful, but a few stand out as having helped me become who I am today. Darlene DePasquale helped me create the foundations of my practice and inspired me to become a teacher. Trailblazer Paul Grilley introduced me to the concept of structural variety and changed my approach early on in my teaching journey. Gil Hedley helped me to connect the study of anatomy to a sense of sacred inner knowing. Movement maven Jill Miller profoundly inspired my leadership and movement skills at a crucial time in my personal and professional development. Bill Harvey guided my somatic journey and helped me to integrate my experience of self. My extraordinary husband, Bob Butera, continues to be my greatest teacher. His commitment to our marriage and the work that we do together in the world has given me a true partner on the path of enlightenment. The YogaLife Institute Community As the book was being written, we moved our beloved YogaLife Institute studio. So many people helped us clean, pack, move, unpack, and pull the new location together. The contribution of the YogaLife community offered support during a time of tremendous transition for me. The work they do keeps YogaLife a thriving hub of consciousness and transformation, and for that I am eternally grateful. In particular, senior teachers Libby Piper, Erika Tenenbaum, and Jennifer Hilbert were early readers of the manuscript as well as early adopters and contributors to the developing methodology. Collaborating with them is one of the great joys of my life. The YogaLife studio manager, Erica Saellam, helps keep all of the trains running on time, and her hard work and dedication improve keep all of the trains running on time, and her hard work and dedication improve everything that she touches. Asana models Erin Byron, Al Cochrane, Derek Hopkins, and Libby Piper brought a tremendous amount of positive energy into the photo shoot sessions. Working with them was a joy, and the quality of the photos in the book was expanded by their clear intentions and contributions. And finally, a huge offering of gratitude goes out to anyone and everyone who has participated in my classes, trainings, seminars, and asana labs over the years. Your dedication and willingness to learn and explore continually inspires, uplifts, and drives me forward. Seeing you discover your potential, and then share it with others, makes me feel like I am on the side of the angels. Many blessings to you all! From Staffan I doubt that anyone who has written a book can thank all of the people who have helped in various ways. There simply isn’t enough space to thank everyone. The people I will mention are just a fraction of all who have supported me. First, I want to thank my coauthor, Kristen Butera. It was a pleasure seeing our ideas move from the yoga studio to the page, back to the studio for refinement, and then back to the page in refined form. What a joy to muck around with the concepts until we felt that they were ready to be written down. I am looking forward to continued mucking around with you and bringing these concepts to a bigger audience. To the people at Human Kinetics, you have all given us amazing support. Thanks, Michelle Maloney, for contacting Kristen and getting the book off the ground. Thanks to Tom Heine for editing and editing and editing. You did a phenomenal job. Thanks to Neil Bernstein for showing us how a real professional photographer works. It was an eye-opening experience to work with you. A huge thanks to Erin Byron for editing the first drafts. I am sure that Tom also thanks you since it made his job easier. Thank you to Erin Byron, Al Cochrane, Derek Hopkins, and Libby Piper for volunteering your time. It was an absolute treat working with you all. I wish I could make the asana look as easy and elegant as you guys do. elegant as you guys do. I have been fortunate to have many phenomenal teachers throughout the years. I especially want to thank some of my Feldenkrais teachers whose work, insights, and encouragement have inspired me on my journey. Thanks to Larry Goldfarb for giving me a Feldenkrais lesson in Wisconsin a couple of decades ago. It really changed the way I looked at myself. I also want to thank you, Larry, for all the great writing that you freely share with all of us. Thanks to Jeff Haller for creating workshops and then putting the workshops on DVDs for those of us who can’t make it to Seattle. Your insights about movement and strength are second to none. As always, I have to thank my mentor, Yvan Joly. Thanks for always taking time to answer my e-mails and meeting with me when I am in Montreal. Without your guidance, Yvan, I would have been lost a long time ago. All three of you have made an impact on how I look at movement and the development of movement. If you had not freely shared your work with me, I could not have written this book. To Matt and Michael my “On Your Authority” buddies, chatting with you guys and creating the podcast every other week is a true source of inspiration. Hopefully one day we will even get people to listen to our podcast… Oh well, we have so much fun chatting that we would do it even without an audience! As always, thanks to all the students I have worked with; you have taught me much more than I have taught you. To Helena, thanks for putting up with my crazy ideas, traveling with me to Springsteen concerts, putting up with me teaching on weekends way too frequently, and giving me the space to write this book. (I hope I remembered to tell you that I have signed a contract for my next book.) Last, but not least, thank you to everyone I didn’t mention. Thank you for supporting me as I fumble my way through life while creating my own path. As I look back on the path, it looks winding and hilly, and there are dead ends here and there, but it is full of all the many good memories that you all have contributed. Much love to all of you! Introduction A Story of Collaboration, Innovation, and Perspective In the study of yoga, it is common to start in one place, only to end up somewhere completely unexpected. The possibilities for learning through yoga are as endless as the practice itself. Ultimately, this book is a story about one of those unexpected journeys. It is the work of two people with similar interests and completely different backgrounds coming together at exactly the right time to influence each other and create a new perspective on yoga therapy practices. My (Kristen’s) curiosity about yoga started in the year 2000. As a lifelong lover of the arts, my first yoga classes fed my natural impulse to explore the varied aspects of consciousness and the human experience. I dove wholeheartedly into the study of yoga, and it changed my life for the better. In 2006, I took a leap of faith and quit my corporate job to participate in an intensive yoga teacher training program. That same year I met and married my husband Bob, who holds a PhD in yoga therapy. My personal immersion into the yoga lifestyle was complete. I began managing certain aspects of the YogaLife Institute, the yoga studio and education center in Pennsylvania that Bob started in 1996, along with editing Yoga Living magazine and teaching yoga classes full time. My yoga journey toward becoming a teacher of teachers evolved at a rapid-fire pace over the next five years. I accumulated thousands of hours of in-class teaching experience and significantly expanded my yoga education, accumulating some 2,500 hours of yoga and anatomy training. Around my fifth year of teaching full time, I experienced a life-changing spinal injury, which took me to physical therapy. The initial work with my physical therapist required that I better understand my movement habits and compensation patterns, and I spent the year completely focused on uncovering old habits and exploring new movement patterns. During that time, I took a break from practicing yoga poses and in doing so began to question some of what I had learned during my intensive training period. As I healed and began to reapproach my yoga practice,

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