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Yoga Journal USA - JanuaryFebruary 2021 PDF

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Preview Yoga Journal USA - JanuaryFebruary 2021

POSES TO CULTIVATE ASEQUENCE FOR A ANATOMY KNOW-HOW. RENGTH AND STABILITY | CALM MIND AND OPEN HEART | PROTECT YOUR KNEES ~ CALLIN YOUR HIGHEST SELF Tips fi Spiritual Coach ml LALAH DELIA Fea, om Author and. EATTHESEFOODS to Ease Anxious Thoughts 10-MINUTE MENTAL RESETS: ‘A Deep Meditat on Secrets ‘of Meditation | Mantras Empower Yourself with Clear, Calm, Dynamic Energy — in 10-20 Minutes Is Your Mantra Organic? And what exactly is a mantra, anyway? Here are 18 Things You Need to Know: ‘L. The word mantra means, “tcl of thought” Loughe ges, snr ae the tool oat ccremel dep isi medtation 2. Mantras a Sanskrit word ‘om nd, ut ates hemes are vot Hugs. of ay ald gge fo thar meter cas 3. Mantras are the organic sounds of Nature A mantis seis of snl, het sounds. whispered by Mother Note bel ons Fnguage of ot, Net ine yu walking che iat ten early Mer Naures humming avund you wih the out ingot oa 4. Mantras were discovered ined gen vets hy ncn ages asthe sa. mers inthe argu serait An example wl ce beard she iar “OM nar 5. Mantras work through their power of resonance. ‘Why nly nia we sound ofa authenieaent, your consciousness gets eaned and elevated Injusa ew mites, Pee, ene and ‘numeral bevels come Fo af sch a "May ny sn he a xs Atmations have cei au. bur they loci your mind oto the sorace inking levels aa donot take oo theses il, bls depts of your ier Sel. Fortis, you needa te mans, 7. Mantras have flavors! ch anata vets a pode its oma unique positive eet in your mind, sur eat, anal aur ene syste 8 wetesplyoubserts Tresor sonme of mana aloes ot les jd body Wick pvoper wc sea arta gen ron a actos vad adep resing Gein te cn ocean aru eng Thisurquchtiy saul nd effortessiy guide you srwenis is a key ‘eo iy ants red one preset eg i di maton Q. Mantras penetrate deep. 14. Mantrasarethe fast track 1.6. Hey, are you amonk? Whenyuknow hese of roper to ech happiness and higher ates ist people dot eine hat mancas tseapotentimar asgreatsoverto ofsansiownes, Ualke generic bieah ave coterie as"mank narra and reson dsp hin yt eanee our rts ns ince a dad “house mann” Iivbfue medals TH Gepeagemin oP Householder mates re people 410. Mantas remove negative “hse cer Sioa le hee opatcerd eneigies and brain fog ‘whymediaron masters tigate enegzing mantis spooet ce goals ul Silent mindfulness ofa powerfal manta 2f@shave declared mantra meditation ss fies, the ets and sciences, business soles thefeeazyin jou bran and et sipene inne technology — andthe pop and those who vert ee acd reales x southing curior! Lroughou, #1 fast rac-tw ealth and bappeness share happines: with athers. yr ene ody nd being Your ‘Monk mantras godly ork bn becomes ea and cl YOU ARE DEEP twemete adic and vesive Dice aoa Stal mind al beste ‘11. Mantras are restful. people with clestered objevtives. Dantas coax you nardsc9 a sigs le ancient yes projoundotasofdeeprstcalsd The soothing resonance ofthe O4AYA | cusify"OM" asa ma mara samas—thaislardkeperthan. Mantra puis you gently INWARDS ta | (hth is wh it nnstoten your sleep st lg, ‘his excise the blissful depths of your inner Self | sugested by monks), Rowe evel et rejuveztes you wth houscholder martes are avised Sami engin 10-2 mines, , Mantra : tr poplewin bal dina = acikeliegples Especially 12. anti-anxiety mantras * Mantr " J — tothe rescue! ie tra 17. ‘Armor Mantras ‘you feel anxions, there is a reason lantra the ¢1 most potent Larned fort The cic eatin ses Mantra mans vet Keech Menta Mantra =e enor or Tess” mann {2y your ner herman hes sae Rave “Aime” Manleas work distros, Taey have a simple an Bae ace ee develop the estemted qualities of nolasuiog 4 ueSCT easy remedy: mattis. Mantra z ‘valu, inner strength, calm ei ‘Tae ancien AYA technigue Yow J 8) | onal balance and heas elcome wera powell anime mining. : possna Thee ot agesie Abatprobssthecets four eng «Your Cal. Blissful Depths} nmrtas tot stress cata ‘thts calm, penetrating reammance, — “aera” serene energy thal hes bean sounds work quickly shila precast the fumarase O*Manasavalenyou on oe ‘heady dsaolesandeenportes, ith diy dips ito thee, teongu ° apts ofyon imerSet omedingnes 18, Mantra Meditation is “Te ae ses say thal alanis tho fastest ey ta ga ese sul empower you with seeene ence. pens ethin ou. che than ust closing your ees Teder les our evans a thinking mana, Without oper tego tep Tales yu dd ver techniqe the mente wot esnitefor 13, Mantra benefts add up! iacweyoulad emt youravaenes, you. bsupereags bthee nat! ‘Ine longer yon meditate with a mantis, New ceelive energies emerge widhevee Tourn meses of dap, sf Uhe bol eserges san sucurmulate aad deeper revelalions al nsghls higher mediation i she rane OJAYA Armor serengton, deep side ys stat of realization dees within you, Mantra, taker sas one Course! We invite you to learn the OJAYA Deep Meditation technique online at: — OJAYA.COM — hse: po Schuslof OAs Meio inthe Euthbom Paves. STALE e909 Levsvewy/ February 2021 Features THE ANTI-ANXIETY DIET ‘rmer C7 foun fram for de ang gadhercit~and ten of foec her Ife wore G8 SOME ON GET HIGHER este ing auctor andes eet sony iene ligrestout 2 rnssunuawer.cam CBD FOR PAIN ) } 4 BY JENNIFER LOVE k Lite really dows ty by. Bafore knew -y Be 0s had nized, anc with them came some ves gts fom dear of Mote Nature — frequent knee pa, tes, lw energy and ‘tooplassnas, Nowy, ma real! abou! eso things, | eke Tnasit going ta be young 2nd springy forever Bt fl ith “minle-age” ney an my dorsten | eauler elp but eel Ito chestod Thats nil ure my oan secre: wean, ‘ober yl a Moth Natur IRbagen afew monthe back un sas complaining out iy pris 0 my mevathornuni“g rece, Jan. Srecas.aly rentonec how the uses CBD oi to help with he discon on. 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JANUARY FEBRUARY 2021 CONTENTS Lessons 12 MINDFUL MOMENTS 4 Siemans “eetstiom eesrebulers 14 ADHYAPANA | deepen your practice Practice ™ error ale 46 MEDITATION suol yen ‘eat Sani sol 20 YOOATOOLKIT c 7 Seg scale GoDeeper 4 poses weadaches casa es 28 YTREDT 22 SEA Ieee 0” eet 50 ANATOMY Festeringinclsty Bisa. auth Tre tlogyot cg yeaa zrotectng 3.1 ‘32 AYURVEDA Belence-rese nind-oosy 62 HOME PRACTICE nurg estouelueing A esquenoutoraving you shadow side ‘37 DISPATCHES 54 SEOUENCING ith natant sg oa eankoal for hana Hoyer ANCIENT WisDOH, MODERN PRACTICE Tresignicancs ct sara spaces A Dublr yo0s tis posteander eels fracas 4 reenunaness com riner with Aly Raisman to empe 1 more information about the variety of NOW prod! daily wellness routine, visit nowfoods.com/aly. Lu Live Happy, Live Healthy, Live NOW, A journal from yoga luminary and artist Elena Brower to open you to selFediscovery, joy, and healing, “A stunning follow-up 10 Practicasto 1OKO-EA TURSLR “An antidote for these times.” ARIANNA HUFFINGTON “Amtivory asa way to cultivate liberative dlisrinetion and healing,” ROTH KING “Let her designs inspire you to turn inward.” GABRIELLE BERNSTEIN sounds true yoga journal (yacket You Ate Tt, So Own nga rah and acca ones msasbursopeacsbequecs ead be Sten ane ek er an ef os ecole Lie eat atl ye Le rakes aya Fe ca bas Fe tate a a ssl rove Pay rio xd drat ee a Pet i enn a uaN¢ CHER fap every Rane, ost dey all A Tale nae nas etic Unt, ti en ata lo oa tire Tina iar tot nergmvharcrm birt nen athe hake sage ted ‘ecb ge Heantcd atts at de afd pal aed Teas eke Tie ag? re ded neue bs i “yl he lb rs hotties he seene Sh seers 7 ose ina betty dose expan ‘daa wart He lake be ec Tanith flied enon atl ‘hm ore ad “vat cap pce e karte cose 2 ero tl aces ds. tenes, Fae peer Roane J hie Loveseat ‘ta cnet tity of las Tee vals Te isiiy Sonne a i man pela orl one "hinges ret 8 cas ele ew aig renee ans Kr MoS ee pegs rc tne se ‘sca ove Lrg Gee eed me we a al dy s,s ae fans e Ying voe nanee ad 9 ed scence ibe Jag ts eee yu ty sega ans race, ate ns award egy ate Td! cen haan om Laplestor arranger INGA Tee phase ae ai cr an tat gh RVG eects The moles af NMG sewed ake tw in 16 natal on HO govted whey tay fees sone ie Bpotl totha gent er found 1 es. It... But Now It’s Time to Lose It! Nutrition expert's advise on how to lose that extra weight By Amber Riw saukes metabolism boosting ra cocont ol tomo fe clan to Fm ine se, nga 5,6, de cls and assess peo ge he ale spina Tell nd bl el lee ‘lenient rie prove sma tin, Trarer me Sp fester fy ergs Reon nf eat prions for option digest ben uptake nega ad get eyes soy bcs sortie hih-nber ution yg om ‘sat fachamt ti ha ig fe hae ahs bec veer ny Bo pots tase wes aetrsuteaiicumpat hey wae se on any eg a wg SYIGOEH i ir tae Tete Si varge trol eit atl hg ay ae Ceri sre Fe me Tem ney a ha the ee expec ean NCO ing intel mg Se eanpey spleaeon shed eta nlertr ts rade yates one alleg 028630 7 ‘Available on amazon.com ‘or your local bookseller. 8 sosanunvsi an LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Rise Up feed as werner pata ta BocatseaN 299 6F oles patsuesliaz0c4¥ vet enste serie ard sy Suh v<rarvetvecsy Joeaorsyued‘aurd sles} te raarothercarscvor your tater Tint anc staae re est raed 9 Wm AM ie tse atn Valea 1 apa, shcstvtedevonineitet nee to Fle gssp ssevthakarsesths a3 ase cesrouteedeghesouln "2089 orci ce emer Trstet ata 1620 ria sabia. a pevearitsugcte's ox trettar ie racalhecscaabeareseszvereabeevans we cinserveolzaae 6 ‘theater, on: na-atnereprclent ssaicarsing nse aca sicwttal acest ee 91+ ors ada tha bane esterase Eonehirane:esrasecrwowr sne-areer teas feunerne"3e ving Thea es. 1 22 ieee) eae ae lea ae Corarresacyiecos “afse ret bey ‘Teaey Middleton

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