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Yielding Transitions and Grain-Size Effects in Dislocation Theory J.S. Langer Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530 (Dated: January 31, 2017) Thestatistical-thermodynamicdislocation theorydevelopedinpreviouspapersisusedhereinan analysisofyieldingtransitionsandgrain-sizeeffectsinpolycrystallinesolids. Calculationsarebased on the1995 experimentalresults of Meyers et al. for polycrystalline copperunderstrain-hardening conditions. The main assertion is that the well known Hall-Petch effects are caused by enhanced 7 strengths of dislocation sources at the edges of grains instead of the commonly assumed resistance 1 to dislocation flow across grain boundaries. The theory describes rapid transitions between elastic 0 andplasticdeformationatyieldpoints;thusitcanbeusedtopredictgrain-sizedependenceofboth 2 yield stresses and flow stresses. n a J I. INTRODUCTION 2014 review by Armstrong [7], and in the 1995 paper by 9 Meyers et al. [8] on which all of the following analysis 2 Here is another chapter in my recent efforts to de- is based, σ0 is said to be a “frictional” stress. By using velop a theory of polycrystalline plasticity based on the thisterm,theseauthorsimplythatσ0 isageneralization ] i principles of nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics. ofthePeierls-Nabarrodragstressthatresiststhemotion c s There is much that remains to be done to complete this of dislocations when they are moving freely through a - project; but I hope to make it clear that the next steps crystal. In other recent reviews such as those by Arm- l r need to be experimental. strong et al. [9] and Gray [10], σ0 becomes a function of mt Theprecedingpapersinthisseries,[1–4],arebasedon strain rate and temperature that purportedly describes two unconventional ideas. The first of these is that, un- stress-strain relations more generally. I have learned a . t der nonequilibrium conditions, the atomically slow con- great deal from the 2003 review by Kocks and Mecking. a m figurational degrees of freedom of deforming solids are [11]TheseauthorsagreewithCottrell’sfamousassertion characterized by an effective disorder temperature that [12] that a true theory of strain hardening is beyond the - d is substantially different from the ordinary thermal tem- rangeoftheoreticalphysics;buttheyspeakoptimistically n perature. These two temperatures play analogous roles about phenomenological models as the best possible al- o in the sense that both are thermodynamically well de- ternatives. I disagree, and will continue to argue here c fined dynamical variables whose equations of motion de- that a physics-based approach is feasible and absolutely [ termine the irreversible behaviors of these systems. The essential. 1 secondprincipalideaisthatentanglementofdislocations Hall and Petch, and almost everyone else working in v istheoverwhelminglydominantcauseofresistancetode- this field for the last sixty years, have interpreted the 6 formation in polycrystalline materials. These two ideas term proportional to d−1/2 on the right-hand side of 3 haveledtosuccessfullypredictivetheoriesofstrainhard- Eq.(1.1) to mean that dislocation motion is impeded at 3 8 ening, steady-state stresses overexceedingly wide ranges grain boundaries, i.e. that the dislocations “pile up” 0 of strain rates, and adiabatic shear banding. (see [7]) at those places and measureably increase the . Two related subjects that so far have been touched stressrequiredto movedislocations acrossthe system as 1 on only briefly in the preceding papers are the nature a whole. In 1946, Zener [13] may have been the first to 0 7 of yielding transitions and the roles played by the grain point out that stress concentration factors proportional 1 size. I use the term “yield stress” here in the conven- tod−1/2,nearshearcracksorotherobstacleswithlength : tional way. That is, “yield stress” denotes the minimum scalesd, may be relevantto dislocationdynamics. Thus, v i stress required to cause a material to deform plastically, ithaslongseemedreasonabletosupposethattheHPfor- X implyingthatthematerialdeformsonlyelasticallybelow muladescribesacombinationofdragandgrain-boundary r that stress. However, this term is often used more gen- forces opposing dislocation motion. a erally in the literature to denote the flow stress. I will It is unclear to me, however, why these two resistive not do that here because I want to focus on yielding as mechanisms should appear additively in the HP equa- an important dynamical phenomenon that needs to be tion if, indeed, that equation is fundamentally a relation understood by itself. between stress and plastic flow. In general, flows are The Hall-Petch formula [5, 6] describing the effects of governedbywhatCottrellcalled“theweakestlinks”[12] grain size was first published in 1951. It generally is or,equivalently,thenarrowestbottlenecks. Accordingto written: [1–4], by far the narrowest of these bottlenecks are the thermally activated processes by which entangled dislo- k s σ =σ0+ , (1.1) cations are depinned from one another. For example, in √d [1] we showed that the times taken for depinned disloca- where σ is a measured stress, d is the average grain di- tions to move to their next pinning sites are completely ameter, and σ and k are fitting parameters. In the negligible in comparison with the pinning times, so that 0 s 2 the Peierls-Nabarrodrag forces disappear from relations dimensionlessplasticstrainrateq asafunctionofanon- betweenstressandstrainrateinmostexperimentallyin- negative stress σ: teresting situations. 1 What, then, is the physical meaning of the HP for- q(y,ǫ)= ρ˜exp e−σ/σT(ρ˜) . (2.1) mula? I think that the answerto this questioncomesdi- −θ˜ p h i rectly andunambiguouslyfromthe experimentaldataof Here, σ (ρ˜) = µ √ρ˜ is the Taylor stress, and µ = Meyers et al [8]. In the thermodynamic equation of mo- T T T ∼ µ/31,where µ is the elastic shear modulus. The pinning tionforthedislocationdensity,Eq.(2.2)below,thefactor energye islarge,oftheorderofelectronvolts,sothatθ˜ κ isproportionaltothefractionofthe inputpowerthat P 1 is very small. As a result, q(y,ǫ) is an extremely rapidly is converted into the formation energy of new disloca- varying function of σ and θ˜. This strongly nonlinear be- tions. As I will show, these experiments tell us that κ – 1 havioristhekeytounderstandingyieldingtransitionsas andonlyκ to anysubstantialdegree–has the HP form 1 well as many other important features of polycystalline shown in Eq.(1.1). There may be many different kinds plasticity. For example, the extremely slow variation of ofdislocationsourcesinthesesystems;but, toafirstap- the steady-state stress as a function of strain rate dis- proximation, it seems safe to assume that these sources cussed in [1] is the converse of the extremely rapid vari- are independent of eachother and, therefore, appear ad- ation in Eq.(2.1). ditively in the formula for κ . Apparently, a substantial 1 The equationof motionfor the scaleddislocationden- number of these sources occur on grain boundaries. The sityρ˜describesenergyflow. Itsaysthatsomefractionof main theme of this paper is that this term, by itself, ac- the power delivered to the system by external driving is counts for the Hall-Petch-like behaviors. converted into the energy of dislocations, and that that In what follows, I start by briefly restating the equa- energyisdissipatedaccordingtoadetailed-balanceanal- tions of motion for the relevant dynamic state variables ysisinvolvingtheeffectivetemperatureχ˜. Thisequation asgivenin[4]. Ithenrevisitmyearlieranalysis[2]ofthe is: data from [8], largely to exhibit the d dependence of κ . 1 Finally,byusingthistheorytosimulateavarietyofload- ∂ρ˜ σq ρ˜ =κ 1 , (2.2) ing histories,I demonstratehow HP behaviorsappearin ∂ǫ 1 ν2µ Q − ρ˜ (χ˜) 0 T ss measurements of yield stresses and flow stresses. h i where ρ˜ (χ˜) = e−1/χ˜ is the steady-state value of ρ˜ at ss given χ˜. As stated earlier, much of the physics of this II. EQUATIONS OF MOTION equation is contained in the coefficient κ1, which is pro- portional to an energy conversion factor, and is given in terms of the hardening rate at the onset of plastic flow Consider a strip of polycrystalline material, of width by the relation 2W, oriented in the x direction, being driven in sim- ple shear at velocities V and V at its top and bot- x − x 2 ∂σ tom edges. Let y denote the transverse position. per- κ = . (2.3) 1 µ ∂ǫ pendicular to the x axis. The total strain rate is T (cid:18) (cid:19)onset Vx/W Q/τ0, where τ0 = 10−12s is a characteristic The other quantity that appears in the prefactor in ≡ microscopic time scale. The local, elastic plus plastic Eq.(2.2) is strain rate is ǫ˙(y) = dv /dy, where v is the material x x velocity in the x direction. This motion is driven by a 1 √ρ˜ 0 ν ln ln ln , (2.4) time dependent, spatially uniform, shear stress σ. Be- 0 ≡ θ˜ − Q cause this system is undergoing steady-state shear, we (cid:16) (cid:17) h (cid:16) (cid:17)i can replace the time t by the accumulated total strain, whereρ˜0 isthevalueofρ˜atonset. Becausethisquantity say ǫ, so that τ ∂/∂t Q∂/∂ǫ. Then denote the di- appearshereonlyastheargumentofadoublelogarithm, 0 mensionless, possibly y-→dependent, plastic strain rate by it is best approximated for computational purposes just q(y,ǫ) τ ǫ˙pl(y,ǫ). by ρ˜ itself. See [4] for a more detailed derivation of 0 The≡internal state variables that describe this system Eq.(2.2). are the arealdensity of dislocations ρ ρ˜/b2 (where b is Theequationofmotionforthescaledeffectivetemper- the length of the Burgers vector), the≡effective temper- atureχ˜isastatementofthefirstlawofthermodynamics ature χ˜ (in units of a characteristic dislocation energy for the configurationalsubsystem: eD),andtheordinarytemperatureθ˜(inunitsofthepin- ∂χ˜ σq χ˜ ning temperature TP = eP/kB, where eP is the pinning ∂ǫ =κ2 µ Q 1− χ˜ . (2.5) energy defined below). Note that 1/√ρ is the average T (cid:16) 0(cid:17) distance between dislocations. All three of these dimen- Here, χ˜ is the steady-state value of χ˜ for strain rates 0 sionless quantities, ρ˜, χ˜, and θ˜, are functions of ǫ and appreciablysmallerthaninverseatomicrelaxationtimes, y. i.e. much smaller than τ−1. The overall, dimensionless 0 Thecentral,dislocation-specificingredientofthisanal- factor κ is inversely proportional to the effective spe- 2 ysis is the thermally activated depinning formula for the cificheatc . Unlikeκ ,whosevaluecanbe determined eff 1 3 ó ó á ó 300 ó á ç ó á ç 400 ó á 250 óá çá çç ç ç óóá çá çá ó ç ç óóáç çá ç 300 óáçáç á LMPa 200 óóá ç LMPa óóáçáçááá HΣress 150 óóçáççáçç HΣress 200 óóáçáçááá St St áçá çáç ó 100 ó çá ó óçáç 100 óáçáá ó 50 çáç çá ç çá á 0 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 StrainΕ StrainΕ FIG. 1: (Color online) Theoretical stress-strain curves for FIG. 2: (Color online) Theoretical stress-strain curves for polycrystalline copper at the small strain rate ǫ˙ = 10−3s−1, polycrystallinecopperatthelargestrainrateǫ˙=3×103s−1, forgraindiametersd=9.5, 25, 117and315mµ,shownfrom forgraindiametersd=9.5, 25, 117and315mµ,shownfrom top tobottom. The experimental points are taken from [8]. top to bottom. The experimental points are taken from [8]. directly fromexperiment via Eq.(2.3), κ must be deter- One simple strategy for enforcing spatial uniformity of 2 mined on a case by case basis by fitting the data. I have σ is to integrate both sides of this relation over y and omittedatermontheright-handsideofEq.(2.5)thatac- divide by 2W to find counts for storage of energy in the form of dislocations. dσ +W dy q(y,ǫ) In [2], I thought that this term might be significant, but =µ 1 . (2.8) I now think that it is not relevant for present purposes. dǫ " −Z−W 2W Q # The equation of motion for the scaled, ordinary tem- perature θ˜is the usualthermaldiffusion equationwith a An even simpler strategy for numerical purposes is to replace Eq.(2.8) by source term proportional to the input power. I assume that, of the three state variables, only θ˜ may diffuse in ∂σ q(y,ǫ) ∂2σ the spatial dimension y. Thus, =µ 1 +M , (2.9) ∂ǫ − Q ∂y2 (cid:20) (cid:21) ∂θ˜ σq K ∂2θ˜ K and to use a large enough value of the “diffusion con- =K + 1 2 (θ˜ θ˜ ). (2.6) ∂ǫ Q Q ∂y2 − Q − 0 stant” M that σ remains constant as a function of y. I have chosen M = 105, and have checked by direct com- Here, K = β/(T c ρ ), where c is the thermal heat parisonswith the predictions ofEq.(2.8) thatthis proce- P p d p capacity per unit mass, ρ is the mass density, and dureisaccurate. IalsohavesetW =1inordertodefine d 0<β <1isadimensionlessconversionfactor. K ispro- the length scale. 1 portional to the thermal diffusion constant, and K is a 2 thermaltransportcoefficientthatassuresthatthesystem remains close to the ambient temperature θ˜ = T /T III. GRAIN-SIZE DEPENDENCE OF THE 0 0 P under slow deformation, i.e. small Q. HARDENING CURVES It remains to write an equation of motion for the stress σ(ǫ) which, to a very good approximation, should In [2], I showed how the preceding equations of mo- be independent of position y for this model of sim- tion can be used to analyze the data of Meyers et al. ple shear. I start, therefore, with the local relation [8], who report measurements of stress-strain curves for σ˙ =µ[ǫ˙(y) ǫ˙pl(y)], which becomes polycrystalline copper at two very different strain rates, − ǫ˙ = 10−3s−1 and 3 10+3s−1, and for four different × dσ τ0 dvx q(y,ǫ) graindiameters: d=9.5, 25, 117and 315 mµ. Their ex- =µ . (2.7) dǫ Q dy − Q perimentalresultsareshownbythepointsinFigs. 1and (cid:20) (cid:21) 4 25 ç 280 20 Κ1 or La 260 act 15 MP F ç H n Σ 240 ersio 10 ç ress nv ç St 220 o ç C 5 ç ç ç 200 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 d-1(cid:144)2HΜm-1(cid:144)2L StrainΕ FIG. 5: Enlarged graphs of the elastic-to-plastic transitions FIG. 3: (Color online) Hall-Petch plots for the conversion shown in Fig.4. factor κ1 as a function of grain diameter d. The lower solid curveisforthesmallstrainrate,ǫ˙=10−3s−1,andtheupper dashed curve is for ǫ˙ = 3×103s−1. These curves are fit by theformulas shown in Eq.(3.1) . ç LMPa 250 ç ç H ç Σ 200 s ç 400 sse ç ç re 150 ç St w LPa 300 Flo 100 M d H n Σ a ress 200 Yield 50 St 0 100 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 d-1(cid:144)2HΜm-1(cid:144)2L 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 FIG. 6: (Color online) Hall-Petch plots for the yield stresses StrainΕ shown in Figs. 4 and 5 (upper solid curve), and for the flow stresses at ǫ = 0.1 on the hardening curves shown in Fig.1 (lower dashed curve). FIG.4: Stress-strain curvesfor prehardenedisothermal sam- ples. The grain diameters are d = 9.5, 25, 117 and 315 mµ from top to bottom dashed curves are 21 60 2 along with my theoretical fits to this data. As in pre- κs1low ∼=2+ √d; κf1ast ∼=2+ √d (3.1) vious work, the basic system parameters used in these equations are T = 40800 K, T = 298 K, µ = 1600 for the slow and fast cases respectively. Note that the P 0 T MPa, and µ=39.6 GPa. ratedependencedisappearsatlargegrainsizes,inaccord I haveslightly readjustedthe parametersused in plot- with the discussion in the paragraphs following Eq.(2.2) tingthe solidcurvesinFigs. 1and2inordertofocuson in [3]. the fact that the conversion factor κ in the equation of This revised interpretation of the grain-size effects al- 1 motion for ρ˜, Eq.(2.2), exhibits a strong and unambigu- lows some simplification in evaluating other parameters. ous Hall-Petch behavior. Apparently, the stress concen- Inowfindthattheprefactorκ intheequationofmotion 2 trationsattheedgesofthegrains,proportionaltod−1/2, fortheeffectivetemperatureχ˜,Eq.(2.5),isstrain-ratede- amplifythestrengthsofthedislocationsourcesbyfactors pendentbutapproximatelyindependentofthegrainsize, as large as ten for the smallest grain sizes. This effect is so that κ =17 for the slow case and12 for the fast one. 2 strain-rate dependent, so that the sequence of values of The steady-state values of the effective temperature χ˜ 0 κ is different for the high strain rate than it is for the seemtoincreaseslightlywithdecreasinggrainsize,going 1 low one. These two HP-like behaviors are shown in Fig. from 0.240 to 0.254 for the small strain rate, and from 3. The analytic approximations shown by the solid and 0.237 to 0.250 for the large one, consistent with the idea 5 that the system becomes more disordered as the grains become smaller. In all cases, I have chosen the initial 400 valueofρ˜tobe10−5. Finally,Ihavechoseninitialvalues of χ˜ in the range 0.16 0.17 in order to improve agree- ment with the early on−set parts of these curves. These 300 La last adjustments could indicate some variability in sam- P M ple preparation. These, and the other adjustments just H Σ 200 mentioned,arewellwithinmyuncertaintiesintranscrib- s s ing the published experimental data. re St 100 0 IV. SIMULATED LOADING HISTORIES 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 StrainΕ With the parameters determined here, I now can use the equations of motion for the state variables ρ˜, χ˜, θ˜ FIG. 7: Stress-strain curves analogous to those shown in andthestressσtosimulateasetofloadinghistories,and Fig.4, butwith thermalsoftening andan initial perturbation added to induce shear-banding failure. Going from left to therebylookforHall-Petch-likebehaviors. Idothis,asin [4],firstbystrainingthesamplesslowly(atǫ˙=10−3s−1) right,thesefailuresoccurforgraindiametersd=9.5, 25, 117 and 315 mµ. uptoǫ=0.1,unloadingthem,andthenreloadingeachof these prehardened samples rapidly (at ǫ˙ = 3 103s−1). × In doing this theoretically,I use the final values of ρ˜and χ˜ fromthe firstslowdeformationsasthe initialvaluesof 400 those variables in the fast deformations. The first set of these experiments is plausibly real- 300 istic for Cu in the sense that I have turned off all of LPa M the ordinary thermal effects by setting K = K = 0 in 1 H Eq.(2.6), so that the system remains at room tempera- Σ 200 s ture throughout the deformation, and thermal softening es r does not occur. (Equivalently, I could simply have cho- St 100 sen large values for K and K .) The results are shown 1 2 in Fig. 4. Here we see four different yielding transitions corresponding to the four different grain sizes. Enlarged 0 graphsofthese transitionsareshowninFig.5, wherewe 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 see more clearly that these are rapid, but smooth, tran- StrainΕ sitionsfromelastictoplasticbehavior. Theapproximate values of the stress at these transitions are plotted as FIG.8: Stress-straincurvesanalogoustothoseshowninFig.7 functions of d−1/2 in Fig. 6. The Hall-Petch behavior is forgraindiametersd=9.5and315mµ,butwithinitialvalues apparent here; but it is less pronounced than it is for κ of χ˜ slightly reduced to simulate mild annealing between the 1 in Fig. 3. The constant σ part is much bigger than the slow prehardeningand rapid reloading stages. 0 stress-enhancedpart. Asaconsistencycheck,thedashed curve in Fig. 6 shows the flow stresses at ǫ = 0.1 on the sheared strip – by writing slowhardeningcurvesshowninFig.1 asa function ofd. Theresultingvalueofks definedinEq.(1.1)isconsistent χ˜(0,y)=χ˜ δe−y2/2y02, (4.1) with the corresponding point in Fig. 7a of [8]. i− In a second set of theoretical experiments, I return to where the χ˜ are the same initial values of χ˜ used previ- i the“pseudocopper”thatIintroducedin[4],butkeepthe ously and δ = 0.02, y = 0.05. It is this weak, localized 0 grain-size dependent copper data used throughout this perturbation that triggers shear-banding instabilities. paper. That is, I now introduce in Eq.(2.6) a nonzero The results of these experiments are shown in Fig. 7. thermalconversioncoefficientK =10−5 andatransport The initial yielding transitions are the same as those coefficient K = 10−9. For simplicity, I choose the lat- showninFig.4. Here,however,thesestress-straincurves 2 eral diffusion coefficient K =0, which produces a max- showmoderatethermalsofteningatintermediatestrains 1 imally sharp banding instability. K and K are chosen and fail suddenly via shear-banding instabilities at large 2 solelysothatthattheireffectsarenegligibleatthesmall strains. The graphs of local strain rate and temperature strain rate but appreciable at the larger one. Also, as in neartheseshearbandslookessentiallythesameasthose [4], I introduce what I called a “pseudo notch” – more shown in [4]. Note that the failure strains are larger for accurately, a small perturbation along the x-axis of the larger grain sizes and smaller for smaller ones. In other 6 words,thesampleswithlargergrainsaresofterandmore small of the order of nanometers. [14] Why might this ductile; those with smaller grains are harder and more happen? In short, I think that the ideas discussed here brittle. provide a new point of view from which to look at these Finally, as a last theoretical experiment, I show in questions, but only the beginnings of some answers. Fig. 8 what happens if, between the slow preharden- These issues bring me back to some of the fundamen- ing and fast reloading stages, I slightly decrease χ˜ from tal questions that I have been asking since the begin- its prehardened value. That is, I simulate an intermedi- ning of this project. Most importantly – in looking at ate annealing step in which I slightly decrease the effec- the large range of phenomena that seem to be relevant tivedisordertemperature. Theresultingstressanomalies to polycrystalline plasticity, how can we distinguish be- near ǫ = 0 look much like those sometimes seen experi- tweencausesandeffects? Howcanwedeterminewhether mentally. For example, this figure looks very much like an observedstructural change such as the appearance of Figure8inMarchandandDuffy’s1988studyofadiabatic stackingfaultsorDRXgrainsisthecauseofaqualitative shear banding in steel. [16] change in behavior or simply a side effect of something else that is happening? A more theoretically sophisti- cated version of this question is: What are the dynami- V. REMARKS AND QUESTIONS cally relevant state variables? Consider the strong assumption that was implicit in The most important assertion of this paper is that the way I simulated the loading histories that produced Hall-Petch effects arise, not primarily from resistance to the yielding and failure curves in Figs. 4, 7, and 8. I dislocation flow at grain boundaries, but from enhanced assumedthatallofthe memoryofthe pre-hardeningde- creation of new dislocations at those places. The more formations was carried by just two internal state vari- familar HP effects, such as increasing yield stresses, can ables, the density of dislocations ρ˜and the effective dis- be understood as indirect effects of the increased dislo- order temperature χ˜. There are many other dynamical cation densities. quantitiesthatI couldhave–andperhapsshouldhave– There remain many unanswered questions. For exam- included. The densities of stacking faults or DRX grains ple, in [2], I showed that the rate-hardening anomaly are good examples that appear often in the literature. reported in 1988 by Follansbee and Kocks [15] can be Anotherwouldbesomemeasureofthescaleandintensity understood simply by adding a linear strain-rate depen- of cellular dislocation structures. The distributions of dence to the coefficient κ ; and I suggested that this grainsizes might make important dynamical differences, 1 rate dependence might be a grain-size effect. How could especially when these sizes become small and grains be- this conjecture be tested and generalized? How should gin to rearrange during deformation. All of these quan- we write κ as a function of both strain rate and grain tities could be described by their own internal variables 1 size? Similarly, what physical mechanism might explain with their own equations of motion, and those variables whyκ inEq.(2.5)decreasesasafunctionofstrainrate? andequationscouldbeincludedinsimulationsofloading 2 Might the storage factor κ in [4] play some role here? histories. Theonly wayto determinewhether suchextra 3 Thedirectcomparisonswithexperimentsinallofthese ingredients are necessary is by careful experimentation. papers (Refs. [1–4] and this one) are only for polycrys- talline copper with grain sizes in the range of about 10 300 microns. This is far too narrow a basis for Acknowledgments − what I propose to be a general theory of polycrystalline plasticity. Copper seems to be special in the sense that IwouldliketothankProfessorRonaldArmstrongwho, κ canbe measureddirectly, in effect by using Eq. (2.3). despite the fact that my results have contradicted many 1 The important onset rate that appears in that equation of his long-held opinions about dislocation physics, has isdiscussedindetailin[11]. Whyistherenocomparable continuedtoencouragemetocontinuemyinvestigations. information for other metals and alloys? What differ- He has been extremely helpful. This research was sup- ences in interpretation can we expect for polycrystalline ported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office solids with different crystalline symmetries? I have not of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Science and Engi- even mentioned, so far, the fact that the HP coefficient neering Division, DE-AC05-00OR-22725,through a sub- k in Eq.(1.1) may change sign when grain sizes become contract from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. s [1] J.S.Langer,E.BouchbinderandT.Lookman,ActaMat. [6] N.J. Petch,J. Iron Steel Inst. 174, 25 (1953). 58, 3718 (2010). [7] R.W. Armstrong, Materials Transactions 55, 1, pp 2-12 [2] J.S. Langer, Phys.Rev.E 92, 032125 (2015). (2014). [3] J.S. Langer, Phys.Rev.E 94, 063004 (2016). [8] M.Meyers,U.AndradeandA.Chokshi,Metall.andMa- [4] J.S. Langer, Phys.Rev.E. 95, 013004 (2017). terials Trans. 26A, 2881 (1995). [5] E.O. Hall, Proc. Phys. Soc. London H 64, 747 (1951). [9] R.W. Armstrong, W. Arnold, and F.J. Zerilli, J. Appl. 7 Phys.105, 1 (2009) [14] M. Meyers, A.Mishra, and D.Benson, Prog. Matls. Sci. [10] G.T. Gray III, Annu.Rev.Mater. Res. 42, 285 (2012). 51, 427 (2006). [11] U.F. Kocks and H. Mecking, Prog. Matls. Sci. 48, 171 [15] P.S. Follansbee and U.F. Kocks, Acta Metall. 36, 81 (2003). (1988). [12] A.H. Cottrell, in Dislocations in Solids, vol. 11, F.R.N. [16] A.MarchandandJ.Duffy,J.Mech.Phys.Solids36,251 Nabarro, M.S. Duesbery, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, (1988). 2002), p. vii. [13] C. Zener, Phys.Rev. 69, 128 (1946).

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