Yet Another Introductory Number Theory Textbook (Cryptology Emphasis Version) Jonathan A. Poritz after Wissam Raji Department ofMathematics andPhysics ColoradoState University,Pueblo 2200 BonforteBlvd. Pueblo, CO 81001,USA E-mail: [email protected] Web: 07MAY201411:04MDT Preface Thisisafirstdraftofafree(asinspeech,notasinbeer,[Sta02])(althoughitisfreeasin beeraswell)undergraduatenumbertheorytextbook. ItwasusedforMath319atColorado State University–Pueblo in the spring semester of 2014. Thanks are hereby offered to the students in that class – Megan Bissell, Tennille Candelaria, Ariana Carlyle, Michael De- graw,Daniel Fisher, Aaron Griffin,LindsayHarder, Graham Harper, Helen Huang,Daniel Nichols, and Arika Waldrep – who offered many useful suggestions and found numerous typos. IamalsogratefultothestudentsinmyMath242IntroductiontoMathematicalPro- grammingclassinthatsamespringsemesterof2014–StephenCiruli,JamenCox,Graham Harper, Joel Kienitz, Matthew Klamm, Christopher Martin, Corey Sullinger, James Todd, and Shelby Whalen – whose various programming projects produced code that I adapted tomakesomeofthefigures and examplesin thetext. TheauthorgratefullyacknowledgestheworkAnIntroductoryCourseinElementary Number Theory by Wissam Raji [see] from which this was initially adapted. Raji’s text was released under the Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 license,see Thiswork isinsteadreleased underaCC BY-SA 4.0license, see . (The difference is that if you build future works off of this one, you must also release your derivativeworkswithalicensethatallowsfurtherremixesoverwhichyouhavenocontrol.) This version: 07 May 2014 11:04MDT. Note this text will be frequently updated and improved as the author has time, particularly during and immediately after semesters in which it is being used in a class. Therefore please check back often to the website, which This work is dedicated to my insanely hardworking colleagues at Colorado State Uni- versity – Pueblo whose dedication to their students, their scholarship, and their communi- tiesisaninspiration. WhileIwasworkingonthefirstversionofthisbook,thosecolleagues stood up to some of the most benighted, ignorant administrative nonsense I have seen in the more than thirty years I have been involved in higher education. As MLK said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” – It is selfless, intelligent, hard work likeyoursthat isdoingthebending. JonathanA. Poritz, 7May 2014,Pueblo, CO, USA iii Release Notes This version of YAINTT has a particular emphasis on connections to cryptology. The cryptologic material appears in Chapter 4 and 5.5 and 5.6, arising naturally (I hope) §§ out of the ambient number theory. The main cryptologic applications – being the RSA cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and the ElGamal cryptosystem – come out so naturally from considerations of Euler’s Theorem, primitive roots, and indices that it rendersquiteironicG.H.Hardy’sassertion[Har05]ofthepurityandeternalinapplicability ofnumbertheory. Note, however, that once we broach the subject of these cryptologic algorithms, we take the time to make careful definitions for many cryptological concepts and to develop some related ideas of cryptology which have much more tenuous connections to the topic of number theory. This material therefore has something of a different flavor from the rest of the text – as is true of all scholarly work in cryptology (indeed, perhaps in all of computerscience),whichisclearlyadisciplinewithadifferentculturefromthatof“pure” mathematics. Obviously, these sections could be skipped by an uninterested reader, or remixedaway byan instructorforherownparticularclassapproach. Caution: In good Bourbaki1 style, where this symbol appears in the text below, itindicatesaplacewherethereasoningisintricateand difficulttofollow,orcalls attentiontoacommonmisinterpretationofsomepoint. Thisversion,in PDFform, can befoundat whileall thefiles to create customversionscan befoundat – havefun withit,that’sthepointoftheCreativeCommons! 1Afictionalmathematicianandauthorofmany(non-fictional–theyreallyexist)finemathematicstexts, suchas[Bou04] v Contents Preface iii Release Notes v Chapter1. Well-Orderingand Division 1 1.1. TheWell-OrderingPrincipleandMathematicalInduction 1 1.2. AlgebraicOperationswith Integers 5 1.3. Divisibilityand theDivisionAlgorithm 6 1.4. RepresentationsofIntegersin DifferentBases 9 1.5. TheGreatestCommonDivisor 13 1.6. TheEuclideanAlgorithm 17 Chapter2. Congruences 21 2.1. Introductionto Congruences 21 2.2. LinearCongruences 27 2.3. TheChineseRemainderTheorem 30 2.4. AnotherWay to WorkwithCongruences: EquivalenceClasses 33 2.5. Euler’sφFunction 37 Chapter3. PrimeNumbers 41 3.1. Basics andtheFTA 41 3.2. Wilson’sTheorem 45 3.3. MultiplicativeOrderand Applications 47 3.4. AnotherApproach toFermat’s LittleandEuler’s Theorems 51 Chapter4. Cryptology 55 4.1. SomeSpeculativeHistory 55 4.2. TheCaesar CipherandIts Variants 60 4.3. FirstSteps intoCryptanalysis: FrequencyAnalysis 64 4.4. Public-KeyCrypto: theRSA Cryptosystem 73 4.5. DigitalSignatures 81 4.6. Man-in-the-MiddleAttacks,Certificates, andTrust 86 Chapter5. Indices=DiscreteLogarithms 89 5.1. MoreProperties ofMultiplicativeOrder 91 vii viii CONTENTS 5.2. A Necessary Digression: Gauss’sTheoremon SumsofEuler’sFunction 94 5.3. PrimitiveRoots 97 5.4. Indices 103 5.5. Diffie-HellmanKeyExchange 107 5.6. TheElGamalCryptosystem 111 Bibliography 115 Index 117 CHAPTER 1 Well-Ordering and Division 1.1. The Well-Ordering Principleand Mathematical Induction Inthischapter,wepresentthreebasictoolsthatwilloftenbeusedinprovingproperties oftheintegers. Westartwithaveryimportantpropertyofintegerscalledthewell-ordering principle. Wethenstatewhatisknownasthepigeonholeprinciple,andthenweproceedto present an importantmethodcalled mathematicalinduction. 1.1.1. The Well-Ordering Principle. DEFINITION 1.1.1. GivenasetS ofnumbers(ofanykind),wesaythatℓ S isaleast ∈ element ofS if x S,eitherx = ℓ orℓ < x. ∀ ∈ THE WELL-ORDERING PRINCIPLE. Every non-empty set of natural numbers has a least element. Thisprincipleisoften takenas an axiom. 1.1.2. The PigeonholePrinciple. THEOREM 1.1.2. The Pigeonhole Principle: Let s,k N satisfy s > k. If s objects ∈ areplaced ink boxes, thenatleast oneboxcontainsmorethanoneobject. PROOF. Supposethat noneof theboxescontainsmorethan oneobject. Then thereare at most k objects. This leads to a contradiction with the fact that there are s objects for s > k. (cid:3) 1.1.3. ThePrincipleofMathematicalInduction. Wenowpresentavaluabletoolfor provingresultsabout integers. Thistoolis theprincipleofmathematicalinduction. THEOREM 1.1.3. TheFirstPrincipleofMathematicalInduction: Let S Nbeaset ⊂ satisfyingthefollowingtwo properties: (1) 1 S;and ∈ (2) k N, k S k +1 S. ∀ ∈ ∈ ⇒ ∈ Then S = N. Moregenerally,if (n)isapropertyofnaturalnumberswhichmayormaynotbetruefor P anyparticularn N, satisfying ∈ (1) (1) istrue;and P 1 2 1.WELL-ORDERINGANDDIVISION (2) k N, (k) (k +1) ∀ ∈ P ⇒ P then n N, (n) istrue. ∀ ∈ P PROOF. Weusethewell-orderingprincipletoprovethisfirstprincipleofmathematical induction. LetS bethesetfromthefirstpartofthetheoremandletT bethesetofnaturalnumbers notin S. Wewilluseaproofbycontradiction,soassumeT is non-empty. Then, by thewell-orderingprinciple,T containsaleast elementℓ. Notethat1 S,so 1 / T andthusℓ > 1. Thereforeℓ 1 isanaturalnumber. Sinceℓ ∈ ∈ − istheleast elementofT,ℓ 1 isnotin T,itis thereforein S. − But by the defining properties of S, since ℓ 1 S, ℓ = ℓ 1 + 1 S, which − ∈ − ∈ contradictsthefact thatℓ isa leastelementofT, soin T,so notinS. This contradictionimpliesthat theassumptionthat T is non-emptyis false, hence S = N. For the second part of the theorem, let S = n N (n) istrue and apply the first { ∈ | P } part. (cid:3) EXAMPLE 1.1.4. Weusemathematicalinductiontoshowthat n N ∀ ∈ n n(n+1) (1.1.1) j = . 2 Xj=1 First notethat 1 1 2 j = 1 = · 2 Xj=1 and thusthethestatementistrueforn = 1. Fortheremaininginductivestep, supposethat theformulaholdsforsomeparticularn N,that is n j = n(n+1). Weshowthat ∈ j=1 2 P n+1 (n+1)(n+2) j = . 2 Xj=1 tocompletetheproofbyinduction. Indeed n+1 n n(n+1) (n+1)(n+2) j = j +(n+1) = +(n+1) = , 2 2 Xj=1 Xj=1 and theresult follows. EXAMPLE 1.1.5. Nowweusemathematicalinductiontoprovethatn! nn n N. ≤ ∀ ∈ Notethat1! = 1 11 = 1. Wenowpresent theinductivestep. Supposethat ≤ n! nn ≤ forsomen N, weprovethat(n+1)! (n+1)n+1. Notethat ∈ ≤ (n+1)! = (n+1)n! (n+1).nn < (n+1)(n+1)n = (n+1)n+1. ≤