BBrriiddggee PPaaiinnttwwoorrkk ✃ BBrriiddggee GGaarraaggee ccaallll 0011770022 229911 330000 ✃ EEXXPPEERRTTCCAARRRREEPPAAIIRREERRSS&&SSPPRRAAYYEERRSS PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall ffiinniisshh iinn aa sspprraayy bbooootthh wwiitthh aa lliiffeettiimmee gguuaarraanntteeee Week ending Friday January 20, 2017 NessRoad,Shoeburyness,EssexSS39PG ‘FILTH’ Assault plea ATTACKERSbrokea man’sneckinabrutal assaultinSouthendlast month. The58-year-oldvictim waswalkinghomein Southendatabout9pm onFriday,December16, whenhewasassaulted byuptothreemennear thejunctionofThe GroveandNorthAvenue. ● Grooming drug peddlers jailed for sexual exploitation Hewasfoundbymem- bersofthepublic,who contactedemergency services,thenreceived treatmentforabroken TWOmenhavebeenjailed for the drugs herself. He verdictonacountofrape. prevention order and neckandreconstructive foratotalof33yearsafter then manipulated her into HewasjailedonJanuary restraining order will run surgerytooneofhiseye sexually exploiting a vul- havingsexwithothermen 12foratotalof15years.In indefinitely. sockets. nerable child and plying in return for drugs or alinkedtriallastyear,Ros- Amin Kaveh, 35, unem- DetectiveConstable herwithdrugs. money. tami was jailed for six ployed, formerly of The PaulGutteridge,of SouthendCID,saidthe A third man has also She was then exploited yearsforconspiracytosup- Renown, Shoeburyness, victimwasunableto beenconvictedforsupply- byMehdiZare,32,former- ply mephedrone, so his admitted two counts of giveadescriptionofhis ingdrugstoteenagers. lyofLupinDrive,Chelms- overalljailtermis21years. supplying mephedrone to attackers,but“someone EssexPolicelaunchedan ford,whoalsoarrangedfor Asexualharmprevention two other teenage girls, willknowwhatwhowas investigation after receiv- hertohavesexwithother orderandrestrainingorder one aged under 18 and involved”. ingintelligenceinChelms- meninexchangefordrugs willrunindefinitely. anotherwhowas18. Witnessesoranyone withinformationcan fordinDecember2013. ormoney. Zare,adeliveryman,was He was jailed for 10 contactDCGutteridge A young woman came The exploitation took years. on101orCrimestoppers forwardinApril2014and placebetweenaround2006 ‘Theywere DetectiveSuperintendent anonymouslyon0800 revealed how Mohammad to 2009 and ended when MarkHall,oftheKentand 555111orcrimestop- Rostami had groomed her she left the Chelmsford causeof Essex Serious Crime intobelievingshewashis area. Directorate, said: “These Teen attack girlfriend when she was InthetrialatChelmsford untoldmisery’ sentences represent the agedjust13or14. CrownCourtfromOctober conclusion of a complex Rostami, now 37, for- 10toDecember16,2016, investigation and I pay POLICEareappealing merly of The Renown, the two men denied the foundguiltyoffacilitating tribute to the courage of forwitnessesaftertwo schoolchildrenwere Shoeburyness,metthegirl charges. sexual exploitation of a the victims and witnesses assaultedastheywalked whenheworkedforatake- Rostami, a hairdresser, child,sexualactivitywitha and all those who worked homeinMaplinWay, away in Duke Street, was found guilty of caus- child and supplying tirelesslyonthiscase. ThorpeBay. Chelmsford. He groomed ingsexualexploitationofa cocaineandmephedrone. “Rostami and Kaveh Theteenageboys herwithalcoholanddrugs childagedunder18,sexu- Hewasfoundnotguilty were motivated by greed. escapedseriousinjury and they started a sexual al activity with a child of sexual activity with a They supplied drugs to afterbeingpursuedbya groupoffivemenat relationship. agedunder16andsupply- child. children and in peddling around3.45pmonFri- When she became ing cocaine, cannabis and Zare was also jailed on this filth onto our streets day,January6. addicted to drugs, he told mephedrone. January 12, for a total of they damaged lives and Theteenagershadjust hershehadtostartpaying Thejuryfailedtoreacha 12 years. A sexual harm causeduntoldmisery.” crossedoverthebridge atThorpeBaytrainsta- tionwhentheywere approachedandthen kickedandpunched. Theymanagedtobreak freeandran.Thesus- pectsheadedtowards DelawareRoad.” Thesuspectsarewhite andblackmen,aged between18and22,skin- ny,between5ft8insand 5ft11install,andwear- ingblacktracksuitswith hoodsandbandanas– brandsincludedTrue Religion,NikeandDuffer. Oneofthesuspects woreagoldnecklace. CallSouthendCIDon 101orCrimestopperson 0800555111. DEPRAVED(L–R)MohammadRostami,MehdiZareandAminKavehprofitedfromforcedprostitutionofyoungster 22 Friday,January20,2017 Friday,January20,2017 33 COUNCIL BUDGET SPECIAL Council tax looks Tenants get rent cut but set to rise by 4.99 % there is less to spend on Authority outlines strategy to bridge £13m funding gap new homes and plans to tap £2.8m of reserves over next three years APLANNEDrentreductionof ReportsbyMichaelCox Draft proposals indicate that £6.9m overthenextthreeyears. onepercentforcounciltenants ofdepartmentalsavingswillhavetobe Chief executive Rob Tinlin said: will go ahead in line with [email protected] made – these will be made through “The upside of this year’s budget is Governmentlegislation. SOUTHEND Council has announced contract renegotiations, service trans- thatalargepartofthesavingsweare The rent cut is part of the aproposedcounciltaxriseof4.99per formationprojects,increasingincome making are being driven by either council’sdraft2017/18budget. cent and savings to bridge a gap of andprojectssuchasenergyefficiency. renegotiating contracts or savings Tenantrentsarerequiredtobe nearly £13million as it released its CllrAnn Holland, deputy leader of coming from decisions taken by the reducedonepercenteachyear draft2017/18budget. the council, said: “We do have prob- counciloverthelast12to18months.” through to 2019/20 as part of Thecounciltaxhikeismadeupofa lems every year with financial cuts Headdedthattheimpactofthebud- the Government’s Welfare 1.99percentcouncilriseandthreeper thatwehavetomake. get on council staffing this year was ReformandWorkAct2016. centaspartoftheGovernment’ssocial “I’ve been on the council for 20 “relatively low”, with the removal of Thecouncilalsoannounceda careprecepttogotowardsadultsocial yearsandwe’vehadtomakesavings around 10 full-time posts, but added further £6.2m investment into careprovisionintheborough. every year so obviously it does get that a small number of redesign pro- the Decent Homes capital pro- The overall rise equates to £1.14 a moredifficult.” jects over the next year may have gramme,for2020/21,managed weekoranannualincreaseof£59.66 It was also confirmed last staffingimplications. bySouthEssexHomes. foraBandDhousehold. Wednesdaythatthecouncilisplanning Thedraftbudgetwillbeconsidered Cllr Mark Flewitt, executive Thecouncil’smaincentralGovernment touse£2.8mofitsreservestooffset by cabinet on January 19, with the councillorforhousing,saidthat SAVINGS:RobTinlin grantfallsby£6.7m,adropofalmost the reduction in business rates and finalbudgetdiscussedandapprovedat the rent reduction would mean PhotobyMartinDalton athirdcomparedtolastyear. “smooth” the council’s budget gap fullcouncilonFebruary23. that the council would have around £3.8m less in housing revenue account (HRA) Cash boost for secondary schools, pier and care homes resourceseachyearforthenext threeyears. Headded:“Iamverypleased thatweareabletopresentabal- THE council revealed a further Therewillalsobean£11.5minvest- Thecreationofadditionalcarpark- ancedHRAbudgetfor2017/18, £59.1million investment in the bor- mentinSouthendPier,ofwhich£8m ingcapacitysouthofcentralSouthend and have identified a further oughaspartofthedraftbudgetplans willbetoreconstructthetimberouter will also be looked into with a £5m £6.2m to ensure that we can fornextyear. pierhead. investmentandafurther£500,000to continue to deliver decent The figure comes in addition to MrTinlin said that people will not improveparkingsigns. homes for our tenants in the morethan£125minthecapitalbudget noticeanydifferencetothepierafter The plans come despite a £6.7m future. alreadypledgedforprojects. themoneyhasbeenspent,butstressed reduction in the grant the council “Whilst rent reduction looks The authority will be spending thatthecouncilspendsan“awfullot” receivesfromcentralGovernment. likegoodnewsfortenants,for £20mona“major”secondaryschool ofmoneyonthestructurejusttokeep CllrJohnLamb,leaderofthecoun- the75percentthatareonhous- expansionprogramme. itinplace. cil,said:“Despitethecontinuedcen- ingbenefititwillmakenodif- Chief executive Rob Tinlin said: Cllr Ann Holland, deputy council tral funding cuts, we must be bold, ferenceatall. “We are rapidly moving to the point leader,added:“Thepieristhejewelin ambitiousandinvestinourboroughto “Fromourperspective,unfor- where we need additional secondary ourcrownandthetownissoproudof ensurethatweadvanceandprosperin tunately,itseverelyreducesthe schoolplacessowe’veput£20minto it and we need to keep it up to thefuture.” fundswehaveavailabletobuild thecouncilbudgettomakethatprovi- scratch.” He added that the council had lis- newcouncilhousing.” sion.” Therewillalsobe£9.5minvestedin tened to traders with the planned Council cabinet will consider Simon Leftley, deputy chief execu- the redevelopment of Priory and investmentinextracarparkingspaces. the proposals at a meeting on tiveforpeople,addedthatthecouncil Delaware residential care homes and Theplanswillbeconsideredbythe January19,withafullcouncil wasindiscussionswithschoolsover theVikingDayCentreontopof£2m council’scabinetonJanuary19,with meeting to set the budget next tphleanpnleadnsi,nwdiuthefcuoruthrseer.announcements pcarepvitiaolubsluydgiedte.ntified in the current PRIDE:CllrAnnHolland taofsuelltcthoeunficnilalmbeuedtignegt.onFebruary23 month. PhotobyMartinDalton 44 Friday,January20,2017 COMPETITION Chemists FollowusonTwitter-@SouthendYA Tickets and VIP goody bag for THE National Wedding The National Wedding ShowisreturningtoLondon CATWALK:Amodelin Show be at London EverySun:(10am-4pm), Olympia with a spectacular anAlfredAngelodress Olympia? Sainsbury’sPharmacy, line-up. A:February Sainsbury’sSuperstore,51 Packed with the nation’s B:March WilliamHunterWay, finestweddingsuppliersand C:April Brentwood;(9am-11pm), the hottest names on the To enter the competition DaynitePharmacy,261 high street, plus entertain- telephone your answer –A, LondonRd,Hadleigh. mentandtastingsforallthe BorC–to09013070206 bridal party to enjoy, the with your name, address, Tides showfromFridaytoSunday, telephonenumberandemail. February17to19,isnotto Alternatively text YAVIP bemissed. (space)followedbyA,Bor The National Wedding C, and your name, full Showistouringthecountry addressandemailto63333. to bring brides-to-be the Callscost50ppercallplus very latest in stationery, your phone company’s fashion,honeymoons,beau- access charge. Calls from typlusmuchmore. mobiles will cost consider- TheLondonevent–featur- ably more. Texts cost 50p ing the renowned Revlon plus your standard network HightideatTilbury:(GMT) Runwayshowcasingthelat- rates.Ifyoudonotwishto Thur: 0517 5.90 1751 5.80 est trends from the Bridal receivedetailsonanyother Fri: 0559 5.60 1835 5.50 andDesignerBoutiques,the products or services, text Sat: 0653 5.40 1927 5.30 marvellous Makeover EXIT at the end of your Sun: 0759 5.20 2030 5.20 Theatre and Gentlemen’s message. Mon: 0911 5.30 2142 5.30 Lounge – all promise to Lines close on Thursday, Tues: 1020 5.50 2249 5.60 leave you feeling relaxed January26.Entriesreceived Wed: 1118 5.80 2342 5.90 and fully prepped for your after the closing date will bigday. notbecountedbutmaystill For more information and becharged. HightideatSouthendPier: tickets to the show visit Service Provider: JMedia Thur: 0445 5.20 1719 5.10 www.nationalwedding- UK Limited, RH16 3EG. Fri: 0529 5.00 1805 4.80 Tel:02077207130. Sat: 0624 4.80 1900 4.70 9400. T&Cs: Tickets are valid Sun: 0732 4.60 2007 4.60 TheYellowAdvertiserhas pairofticketstotheshowto To enter the competition any day of the show, from Mon: 0845 4.70 2118 4.70 teamedupwithTheNational oneluckyreader,alongwith just answer the following FridaytoSunday,February Tue: 0951 4.80 2220 5.00 WeddingShowtogiveaway nine runner-up prizes of question. 17-19,andarelimitedtoone Wed: 1047 5.10 2311 5.20 aVIPgoodybagaswellasa pairsofticketstotheevent. Q: In which month will pairperwinner. Friday,January20,2017 55 NEWS CHOCSAWAY:DavidBurch,centre, with membersCastlepointwardstaff Generous patient’s sweet surprise for caring hospital staff STAFFatSouthendHospitalweresurprisedby “Ireallythinktheydoagreatjobandareall apatientwhotreatedthemtochocolateandgift stars.When you think how much pressure the voucherstothankthemfortheircare. NHSandthehospitalisunderyetallthestaffare David Burch, 73, from Southend, arrived on stillsmiling.” Castlepointwardinaverypoorlystatebutisset CastlepointwardmanagerJulieEdwardssaid: tobesenthomewherehisrecuperationwillcon- “As with all other departments we have had a tinue. verybusyChristmasandNewYear. We’venever As a thank you gesture, the staff received a hadsomanychocolatesfromjustonepatient. deliveryof50tubsofchocolateand£200ofgift “All staff on the ward feel uplifted and it’s vouchers. amazing that a patient could be so generous, Davidsaid:“ItwastheleastIcoulddobecause thoughtfulandmindfulofhowhardweallwork they’vebeengreathere.Allthestaffaresokind to ensure our patients receive the best care in andcaringandIcan’tfaulttheminanyway. thesechallengingtimes.” 66 Friday,January20,2017 NEWS FollowusonTwitter-@SouthendYA High f liers Photos:MartinDalton GOODTOGO BelfairsAcademy headGregRodulfo BETTERTOGETHER withLegraTrust Belfairsstudentstackle CEOBevWilliams teacher’slatestteaser A SECONDARY school in maintained it’s impressive The school report also Reacting to the inspector’s Leigh continues to be rated qualityofeducationsincethe stated that teaching across findings, Legra Academy as‘good’followingitslatest lastinspectioninMay2013. the school was strong and Trust CEO Beverley Ofstedinspection. They also found the pupils’behaviourexcellent. Williamssaid:“Iamproudof BelfairsAcademyinHigh- school’s sixth was now as Onamoredownbeatnote, the students and staff at landsBoulevardwassubject effective as the rest of the theinspectorssaidthatdisa- Belfairsandthesupportthat to a short-term review in school. The previous dvantaged pupils had made our community gives to November. Inspectors conc- inspection had marked it less progress than other ensure that it remains the luded that the school had downslightly. pupilsinmaths. schoolofchoice.” Friday,January20,2017 77 NEWS To order photos online go to and click on the ‘Buy Photos’ link 88 Friday,January20,2017 Friday,January20,2017 99 NEWS Garon for gold A SOUTHEND golf club has nominated homeless charity HARPasitscharityof theyear. Garon Park Golf Complex will hold a numberoffundraisers throughouttheyear. Garon Park mem- bers Debbie Wood, Eddie Hicks, Terry Whiteman and Gra- hamPurserspenttime at HARP’s day centre in York Road with CEOGillGarwoodto learn more about the DRIVEFORCHANGEL–R:DebbieWood,EddieHicks,Terry charityandsee some Whiteman,GillGarwoodandGrahamPurser ofitsworkfirst-hand. HARP aims to services, emergency ple rebuild their lives ●Youcancontactthe reduce homelessness housingandlongterm andliveindependently HARP charity or by providing essential solutions to help peo- inthecommunity. 01702615834. DIRTY TRICKS TWOofthestarsofDirtyDancing On Stage posed outside the Cliffs Pavilion this week to mark the show’sarrivalinSouthend. The story of teenager Frances ‘Baby’Housemananddanceinstruc- torJohnnyCastleisonaUKtour,and runsattheCliffsuntilJanuary21. LewisGriffiths,whoplaysJohnny, and Carlie Milner, who stars as Johnys’stroubledfirstpartnerPenny Johnson,playedoutsometheshow’s iconicmovesoutsidethetheatre. For tickets, visit southendthe- boxofficeon01702351135. 1100 Friday,January20,2017