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Preview Yearbook 2006: Vol 55 Index & Table of Contents

CONTENTS Foreword Yearbook Planning Committee Officers of the Council i nce ineesitisnsbia eee cede beings ana vil nn PERRI PON csi ssiesiveseviilinnsnsasssiiecsinioikodaciansatiebsilal Vili NN iscciianccnscsnnscitinikinnniouintnnnibeliamensininunniannetuneniindatenmaaaan Chapter 1: Technology Teacher Education in Australia P. John Williams Edith Cowan University, Australia Chapter 2: Technology Teacher Education in Chile Juan. L. Iglesias Universidad de Atacama, Chile Chapter 3: Technology Teacher Education in France Jacques Ginestié Professeur Des Universités, France Chapter 4: Technology Teacher Education in Germany Gerd Hépken Flensburg University, Germany Chapter 5: Technology Teacher Education in Hong Kong Kenneth S. Volk The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Chapter 6: Technology Teacher Education in Israel Moshe Barak Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Arley Tamir Science & Technology Education Systems Consultant, Israel Chapter 7: Technology Teacher Education in Japan Hidetoshi Miyakawa Aichi University of Education, Japan Chapter 8: Technology Teacher Education in New Zealand Alister Jones University of Waikato, New Zealand Chapter 9: Technology Teacher Education in Russia Margarita Pavlova Griffith University, Australia Chapter 10: Technology Teacher Education in South Africa Chris Mothupi PROTEC, South Africa Andrew Stevens Rhodes University, South Africa Chapter 11: Technology Teacher Education in the United Kingdom Frank Banks Open University, UK Chapter 12: Technology Teacher Education in the United States Mark Sanders Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA Chapter 13: Technology Teacher Education: Summary P. John Williams Edith Cowan University, Australia INDEX 1917 revolution, 167 ATP see Assistant Teacher Program A ATSE ACE (TE) see Australian Academy of Technological see Advanced Certificate in Education Sciences and Engineering (Teacher Education) attainment targets, 220-221 ACSFA Australia, 265, 266, 267, 269 see Advisory Committee on Pupil certification of teachers in, 18-19 Financial Assistance degree programs in, 8-10, 12, 13-18 Adler, J., 211 technology teacher education in, 1-22 Advanced Certificate in Education (Teacher vocational education in, 1, 5,6 Education) (ACE [TE]), 202, 203, 204 Australian Academy of Technological Advanced Engineering, 253 Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), 9 Advisory Committee on Pupil Financial Australian Council for Computers in Assistance (ACSFA), 114, 126 Education, 10 AEC Australian Council for Education see Australian Education Council through Technology, 10 African National Congress (ANC), 193, 194 Australian Education Council (AEC), 1, 6, Aichi University of Education, 136, 139, 7,21 140-143, 146 Australian Science and Technology Alternative Licensure Models, 250-251 Education Council (ASTEC), 3, 21 Amalberti, R., 59, 67 Avalos, B., 30, 42 American Industrial Arts Association, 245 B American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 254 Babcock, R., 244, 261 A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the Backing Australia’s Ability, 16 21st Century, 257 Bame, E. A., 245, 261 ANC Banks, F., 118, 126, 215, 265, 271 see African National Congress Barak, M., 111, 114, 122, 126 Anderson, S., 261 Barlex, D., 118, 126 apartheid, 189, 193 Barlow, J., 8-9, 11, 21 applied science, 267 Barrow, H. S., 37, 42 Armon, U., 114, 126 Barzilai, A., 121, 122, 127 ASEE basics, emphasis on, 269 see American Society for Engineering Battle, E. D., 244, 261 Education Ben-Gurion University of the Negev aspirantura, 180 (BGU), 120, 126 Assessment, Competence Model of, 230-231 Bensen, M. J., 253, 261 assessment standards for technology, Bensen, T., 253, 261 illus., 191 Bessot A., 59, 67 Assistant Teacher Program (ATP), 18 BGU Association of German Engineers, 72 see Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ASTEC Black, P., 265, 266, 271 see Australian Science and Technology Blais, R., 261 Education Council Bologna Process, 72-73, 77, 80 Zi2 Index Bonser, F. G., 244, 261 in Chile, 31, 36, 37-39 Boyd, G., 244, 263 in France, 63-65 Bridges for Engineering/Education project, in Germany, 86 254 in Hong Kong, 106-107 British Design and Technology model, 193 in Israel, 123-124 Brown, H., 94, 108 in Japan, 143-144 Brunner, J. J., 27, 42 in New Zealand, 162-163 Bundesministerium fiir Bildung und in Russia, 186 Forschung, 87 in South Africa, 208-209 Bundesregierung, 87 in the United Kingdom, 235-237 Burns, J., 147, 165 in the United States, 257-258 Bushbuckridge Master Programme for Challenge 2000, 62, 65 Technology Teachers, 206 Charlot, B., 47, 67 Business Educators of Australia, 11 Chester, I., 12, 21 Children Designing and Engineering, 255 C Chile C&D certification of teachers in, 31, 36, 37-39 see Craft and Design degree programs in, 31-33 CAD/CAM software, 222, 223, 227 Ministry of Education in, 24, 26, 29, 33, California University of Pennsylvania, 246 34, 39, 40, 43 Career and Technical Education (CTE), 242 technology education in, problems and Carnegie Forum on Education and the progress, 24-26 Economy, 257 technology teacher education in, 23-43 Carr, M., 152, 156, 165 vocational education in, 23, 24, 29, 31 CATTS Chile Califica (Chile Qualifies), 26, 36 see Center to Advance the Teaching of Chilean Educational Reform, 39 Technology and Science Chinese University, 94 Cazenaud, M., 59, 67 Chisholm, L., 211 CCEA Christie, P., 211 see Common Curriculum Examination CNP Authority see Conseil National des Programmes CDT Coles, A. S., 114, 126 see Craft, Design and Technology College of Education, 94 Center for Design and Technology College of New Jersey, The, 254-255 Education, 232 Committee on Higher Education, 208 Center for Science and Technology Common Curriculum Examination Education Research, 152 Authority (CCEA), 222, 238 Center to Advance the Teaching of Compton,V. , 152, 165 Technology and Science (CATTS), 242 Conceptual Framework for Technology Centre d’Etude et de Recherche sur l’Emploi Education, 245 et les Qualifications (CEREQ), 46 concurrent model, 226 CEREQ Conference of the Ministers of Education see Centre d’Etude et de Recherche sur and Culture, 79 lEmploi et les Qualifications consecutive model, 226 certification of teachers Conseil National des Programmes in Australia, 18-19 (CNP), 46 273 Index Constitutional Teaching Law Darling-Hammond, L., 257, 261 (LOCE), 27, 39 DATA core competences for trainees, 224-225 see Design and Technology Association Council of Australasian Media Education DEC Organizations, 10 see South Africa Department of Council on Technology Teacher Education Education and Culture (CT25T3, E254), 25,8, 259 degree programs Cowie, B., 165 in Australia, 8-10, 12, 13-18 Cox 19),35;42 in Chile, 31-33 Craft and Design (C&D), 220, 223 in France, 52-58 Craft, Design and Technology (CDT), 220 in Germany, 77-80 craft skills, 267 in Hong Kong, 94, 95, 97-98 CREQ in Israel, 117-124 see Criteria for the Recognition and in Japan, 136-140 Evaluation of Qualifications for in New Zealand, 153, 157-160 Employment in Education in Russia, 172, 175, 177-188, 180-181 Criteria for the Recognition and in South Africa, 196 Evaluation of Qualifications for in the United Kingdom, 226-229, 232 Employment in Education, 198 in the United States, 247-248 CS DENI see Curriculum Studies see Department of Education Northern CTE Ireland see Career and Technical Education Denmark, 267 CTTE DEP see Council on Technology Teacher see Direction des Etudes et de la Education Prospective Culture of the House and Craft-applied Department for Education/Welsh Office, 239 Art Creativity, 183 Department of Education Northern curriculum, 268 Ireland (DENI), 216, 217, 238, 239 Curriculum 2005, 193-194, 195, 199 design, 267 Curriculum Cymreig, 215 Design and Make Assignments (DMAs), 221 Curriculum Development Committee, Design and Problem Solving in Technology, 255 90, 108 Design and Technology (D&T), 89-106, Curriculum Development Council, 89, 108 217-218, 221, 222, 225, 226, 234 Curriculum Development Institute, 95 Bachelor of Education in, 98-103 Curriculum Review Committee, 194 Post Graduate Degree in, 103-106 Curriculum Studies (CS), 207-208 as a school subject, 92-93 Curriculum to Reflect Technology, A, 245 design and technology approach, 253 Custer, R. L., 246, 248, 261, 263 Design and Technology Association Czechoslovakia, 266 (DATA), 218, 221, 222, 223, 225, 231, 238 Design and Technology, Center for, 255 D Design and Technology: Systems and D&T Control in England and Wales, 220 see Design and Technology Design in Education Council Australia, 10 Dakers, J. R., 223, 238 Develay, M., 47, 67 Index De Vries, J. M., 125, 127 ESIB De Vries, M., 266, 271 see National Unions of Students in Dewey, John, 244 Europe Direction des Etudes et de la Prospective Essential Skills, 266 (DEP), 46n EUA diversity, 252-253, 265 see European University Association Diversity in Technology Education, 253 European Commission (EC), 73 Dixon, J. D., 245, 261 European Higher Education Area DMAs EHEA), 73-74 see Design and Make Assignments European University Association (EUA), 73 DNE Exams, Praxis I and II, 251 see South Africa Department of National Education F Doherty, R., 223, 238 Faculty of Technology and Enterprise, 174 Domestic Science, 217-218 Favier, J., 59, 67 Doppelt,Y. , 114, 126 Federal Component of the State Standards Drucker, P. F., 111, 127 for General Education, 170, 187 Dual Education, definition of, 26 Duffy, T., 37 FET see Further Education and Training Band Dugger, W. E., 245, 261 Fifth Year Model, 250 E First Degree, 52-53 East Germany Five-Year Continuous Program, 177-179 see German Democratic Republic Flensburg University, 80-86 Eberhard, Kurt, 87 non-teacher training course of study, EC 85-86 see European Commission structure of studies, illus., 80 Edith Cowen University, 1, 15-18 teacher training course of study at, 81-85 Education and Manpower Branch, 108 Forsyth, A. J., 114, 127 Education and Manpower Bureau, 95, 106 France Education Commission, 91, 92, 108 certification of teachers in, 63-65 Education Labour Relations Council, 209 degree programs in, 52-58 Education Orientation Law, 50, 53 Ministry of Education in, 46, 47, 51, 56, Education Renewal Strategy (ERS), 192 57, 64 Educational Personnel Certification Law, 135 organization of curriculum in, 46-51 EHEA school system of, 45-46 see European Higher Education Area technology education in, 46-51 Elton, F, 24, 25, 34, 42 technology teacher education in, 45-67 Engineering Council, The, 221 vocational education in, 45-50 engineering education, 253-254 Frank, M., 121, 122, 127 Engineering, School of, 255 Fullan, M., 127 England, 266 Fundamental Law of Education, 132 Environmental Studies, 219-220 Furlong, A., 114, 127 Erekson, T. L., 253, 261 Further Education and Training Band ERS (FET), 189, 193, 194, 195, 196, 203, 209 see Education Renewal Strategy Index G Herzen State Pedagogical University, 173, Gary, J. E., 245, 264 174, 181-186 HET GC see Higher Education and Training Band see Graphic Communication Hidetoshi Miyakawa, 129 General Education and Training Band Higher Education and Training Band (GET), 189, 193, 194, 195, 203, 207, 209 (HET), 189, 195, 199, illus., 200 General Teaching Councils (GTC), 235-236 Higher Education Funding Council Wales General Technology Department, 174 (HEFCW), 229 Gerbracht, C., 244, 261 Higher Education Quality Committee Gerbracht, C. J., 245, 264 (HEQF), 208 German Democratic Republic, 75, 266 Hill, A-M., 48, 67 Germany HKCAA certification of teachers in, 86 see Hong Kong Council for Academic degree programs in, 77-80 Accreditation school system in, 69-70 HKIEd technology teacher education in, 69-87 see Hong Kong Institute of Education GET HKSAR Chief Executive, 93, 94, 95, 109 see General Education and Training Band Hochschul-Rektoren-Konferenz, 87 Gibson, J., 8-9, 11, 21 Hoepfl, M. C., 252, 262 Gijselaers, W., 37 Hoepken, G., 69, 72n, 87 Gilbert, H. G., 245, 264 Home Economics Institute of Australia, 10 Giles, M. B., 245, 261 Hong Kong, 269 Ginestié, J., 45, 48, 67 certification of teachers in, 106-107 Giroux, H., 118, 127 degree programs in, 94, 95, 97-98 Graduate Teacher Training Registry Education Department in, 92, 94, 95, (England and Wales) (GTTR), 229 Graphic Communication (GC), 220, 223 96, 97, 109 schools, background of, 92 GTC technical schools in, 89-90 see General Teaching Councils Technical Teachers College, 95-96 GTTR technology teacher education in, 89-109 see Graduate Teacher Training Registry Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination, 94 (England and Wales) Hong Kong Council for Academic guidelines, subject area, 223-224 Accreditation (HKCAA), 98 Gurevich, M., 187 Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd), Gysling, J., 35 94, 95, 96, 97, 107, 109 Hong Kong University, 94 Harber, C., 211 Householder, D. L., 248, 252, 262 Harlow, A., 165 HSRC Hartshorne, K., 211 see Human Sciences Research Council HEFCW Human Sciences Research Council see Higher Education Funding Council (HSRC), 192 Wales Hungary, 266 HEQF Hutchinson, J., 262 see Higher Education Quality Committee Hutchinson, P., 255, 262 Index [UFM [A see university teacher training institute see Industrial Arts IUFM Unimeéca, Aix-Marseille, 52, 59, 59-63 ICT, 235 general background of, 59-60 Iglesias, J., 23, 37, 42, 43 course organization at, 60-63 imaginaries, 173 J Industrial Arts (IA), 244, 245, 248, 251, 25: 2) wv Jansen, J., 211 Industrial Arts and Homemaking Japan, 266, 269 Education, 129, 132-135 certification of teachers in, 143-144 Industrial Arts Teacher Education at degree programs in, 136-140 Oswego to 1941, 246 education in, and gender divisions, industrialisation, 174 129, 132, 133-134 industrial project method, 48, 57, 61,6 2 Ministry of Education, Science, Sports Industrial Teacher Education Directory and Culture, 131, 142, 143, 145, 146 (ITE), 246, 247 technology teacher education in, 129-146 Industrial Technology, 248, 249 vocational education in, 132-133 Industry-Pedagogy faculty, 174 Japanese Society of Technology Education, Information Technology, 2, 3, 267 135 INTASC Jerusalem International Science and see Interstate Teacher Assessment and Technology Education Conference Support Consortium (JISTEC), 125 International Technology Education JISTEC Association (ITEA), 23-24, 43, 72, 109, see Jerusalem International Science and 242, 244, 245, 251, 254, 258, 259 Technology Education Conference Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Jones, A., 147, 151, 152, 155, 165 Consortium (INTASC), 257 Jouineau, C., 67 Introduction to Engineering, 253 justifications for technology education, Israel, 267 265-266 certification of teachers in, 123-124 masters courses in, 155 degree programs in, 117-124 Russian, aims of, 168 graduate studies in, 120-121 in secondary schools, 4-5 in-service training in, 119-120 structure in United States, 243-244 pre-service training in, 118-119 teacher shortage in, 11 technology teacher education in, transition from industrial arts, 245 111-127 vocational education in, 114 K Israel Institute of Technology, 121-123 Kahn, M. J., 211 see Science-Technology-Society Kandidat Nauk, 172 IT Karsnitz, J. R., 255, 262 see Information Technology (IT) Kelson, A. C., 42 ITE Key Competencies, 266 see Industrial Teacher Education Key Learning Areas (KLA), 89 Directory, 254 key stages, 216-217 ITEA King, K., 211 see International Technology Education KLA Association see Key Learning Areas Index Kleintjes, P. L., 245, 264 Mendelson, N., 126 KMK Metropolitan Technological University, 28 see Ministers for Education Conference Mewe, Fritz, 87 Know How 2, 157 Miller, C. D., 245, 261 Koeshunoy, T. Y., 185, 186, 187 Miller, W. R., 244, 263 Korshunova, N. N., 185, 186, 187 Millersville University of Pennsylvania, 246 Kraak, A., 192, 193, 211 Ministerial Committee on Teacher Education (MCTE), 197, 201 L Ministerial Council on Education, LaPorte, J., 262 Employment, Training and Youth LAT Affairs, 1, 11, 21 see Limited Authority to Teach Ministerial Task Group Reviewing Science Layton, D., 266, 271 and Technology Education, 148 Lazutova, M. N., 187 Ministers for Education Conference Learning-Teacher Methodology Union (KMK), 72 (UMO), 179 Ministers of the Crown, 148 Ledney, V. S., 187 Ministry of Education and Culture, 112, Lend a Hand, 47 114, 127 Lewin, K., 211 Ministry of Education of the Russian Lewis, T., 245, 262 Federation, 176, 179, 180, 187 Li, Professor Arthur K.C., 95 Mississippi Valley and Southeast Liedtke, J., 253, 262 Technology Education Conferences, 254 Limited Authority to Teach (LAT), 19 Modernisation, Strategy of, 169 Lisack, J. P., 245, 264 Modular Curricular Approach, 26 Litowitz, L. S., 250, 252, 262, 263 Moreland, J., 151, 165 LOCE Morris, E., 227, 239 see Constitutional Teaching Law Morrow, M., 211 Luthuli, D., 211 Mossman, L. C., 244, 261 Lux, D., 59, 67 Mothupi, C., 189 Mouton, J., 211 M Mozambique, 266 Maori, 148, 148n MST Markert, L. R., 253, 263 see Maths, Science and Technology Massey University, 156 Munoz, J., 28, 43 Masters/Licensure Model, 250 Murray-Smith, S.,5, 21 MatherV,. , 152, 165 Maths, Science and Technology (MST), 206 N McCaslin, N. L., 124, 127 National Academy of Engineering, 254 McCormick, R., 217, 239, 265, 271 National Association of Agricultural MCEETYA Educators, 11 see Ministerial Council on Education, National Center for Engineering and Employment, Training and Youth Affairs Technology Education, 254 McKenzie, D., 147, 165 National Certificate in Educational McKibbin, M., 124, 127 Achievement (NCEA), 159 MCTE National Council for Accreditation of see Ministerial Committee on Teacher Teacher Education (NCATE), 257-258, Education 29

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