Wilson Bull., 112(1), 2000, pp. 162-163 XXIII International Ornithological Congress Beijing, China, August 2002 Scientific Program addition to the President, the Secretary-Gen- eral and the Secretary. The XXIII Internationa] Ornithological General information on the congress can be Congress will be held in Beijing, China, on obtained via e-mail <[email protected]. 11-17 August 2002. The following officers cn>, or via the internet at <http://www.ioc. were elected: Honorary President, Professor org.cn>. Information about the IOC can also Ernst Sutter (Switzerland), President, Profes- be obtained from our new home page at <http: sor Walter Bock (U.S.A., e-mail <wb4@ //www.nmnh.si.edu/BIRDNET/IOC/>. Columbia.edu>). Vice President, Professor All inquiries about the scientific program of Jacques Blondel (France, e-mail <blondel@ the 23rd congress, as well as comments and cefe.cnrs-mop.fr>), Secretary-General, Pro- suggestions for the general program, plenary fessor Xu Weishu (China, e-mail <s-g@ioc. lectures, and symposia should be sent to Dr. org.cn>). Assistant Secretary-General, The Fernando Spina. The SPC will decide on the Honorable Liu Feng (China, e-mail <liufeng@ format and contents of the scientific program public.bta.net.cn>). Secretary of the Interna- of the congress, which is expected to include tional Ornithological Committee, Dr. Domi- Plenary Lectures, Symposia, Contributed pa- nique G. Homberger (U.S.A., e-mail <zod- pers (in the form of Oral presentations and [email protected]>). Poster papers) and Round Table Discussions. The Scientific Program Committee for the In previous congresses, the plenary speak- XXIII International Ornithological Congress ers were internationally known ornithologists has been appointed under the chairmanship of and chosen to cover a diversity of topics to Dr. Fernando Spina (Istituto Nazionale per la ornithologists. Symposia contributions are in- Fauna Selvatica, Via Ca' Fornacetta 9, I- tended for the general ornithologist rather than 40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO), Italy. Phone: the specialist and should offer updated review +39-051-65-12-111; Fax: +39-051-79-66-28; papers on recent developments in a research e-mail <[email protected]>) and field. Contributed papers provide a means for includes the following members: Dr. Alexan- individual ornithologists to present their most der V. Andreev (Russia, e-mail <ted@actor. recent findings and ideas to the congress. ru>). Professor Ding Changqing (China, e- Round table discussions are workshops, dis- mail <[email protected]>), Professor cussion groups, etc. designed for exchange of Patricia Gowaty (U.S.A., e-mail <gowa- ideas among specialists in a field. Round table [email protected]>), Professor Zheng discussions should not be used to present a Guangmei (China, e-mail <zhenggm@bnu. longer lecture by the organizer of the discus- edu.cn>). Dr. Hiroyoshi Higuchi (Japan, e- sion group or a series of symposium-type pa- mail <[email protected]>). Dr. Lu- pers. kas Jenni (Switzerland, e-mail <jennil@ All interested ornithologists are invited and orninst.ch>). Professor Marek Konarzewski urged strongly to submit proposals for sym- (Poland, e-mail <[email protected]. posia and for plenary speakers. Proposals of pl>). Dr. Theunis Piersma (The Netherlands, plenary speakers should include the name and e-mail <[email protected]>). Professor Pilai address (including e-mail address) of the pro- Poonswad (Thailand, e-mail <scpps@mucc. posed speaker, and a statement of the possible mahidol.ac.th>). Dr. Richard Schodde (Aus- topic and why the person was proposed. Sym- tralia, e-mail <[email protected]. posia proposals should include a title, a state- au>). Dr. Lucia Liu Severinghaus (China, e- ment on the expected content of the sympo- mail <[email protected]>), Professor sium (not exceeding 1,800 characters), sug- Hans Winkler (Austria, e-mail <H.Winkler@ gested symposia speakers (maximum 5, in- klivv.oeaw.ac.at>). Professor Zhang Zheng- cluding postal and e-mail addresses), the wang (China, e-mail <[email protected]>), in suggested conveners (a primary convener and 162 163 a co-convener, including their full postal and reach the Chair of the committee within the e-mail addresses). We strongly encourage use end of April 2000 at latest. Proposals can also of the internet to submit proposals. The state- be sent to individual members of the commit- ments on symposia contents should preferably tee, but in this case submission should be ear- be sent as *.rtf format files. It is urged that lier so that the proposal can be forwarded to We contributors in each symposium be as inter- the chair. thank all interested ornitholo- national as possible. Round table discussions gists for their proposals and contribution to can also be proposed at this time although the scientific program of the Congress, and we there will be a subsequent call for proposals look forward to a fruitful meeting in Beijing for RTDs and for contributed papers. in the year 2002. Because BirdLife International has termi- Walter J. Bock Phone (o): 1-212-854-4487 nated its world-wide meetings just prior to the Professor of Fax (o): 1-212-865-8246 Evolutionary Biology International Ornithological Congresses, and Department of Fax (h): 1-201-568-7026 being the XXIII Congress the first ever held Biological Sciences in Asia, the SPC is especially interested to so- Columbia University e-mail: [email protected] licit high standard proposals concerned with 1200 Amsterdam Avenue the contribution of Ornithology to biological Mail Box 5521 conservation and wildlife management. New York. NY 10027 USA The SPC will meet in Beijing, China in http://www.columbia.edu/cu/biology/faculty/bock/ mid-June 2000; hence all proposals should index.html