XIII Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (XIII MAEB) OSCAR CORDÓN RAFAEL MARTÍ SecretaríaTécnica: DANIEL MOLINA Y MARÍA ISABEL GARCÍA XIII Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (XIII MAEB) MAEB 1: A PLICACIONES DE M LAS ETAHEURÍSTICAS XIII Congreso Espan˜ol en Metaheur´ısticas y Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados Evolving Geographically-embedded Complex Networks using the CRO-SL Algorithm 1st Sancho Salcedo-Sanz 2nd Lucas Cuadra Dept. of Signal Processing and Communications Dept. of Signal Processing and Communications Universidad de Alcala´ Universidad de Alcala´ Alcala´ de Henares, Spain Alcala´ de Henares, Spain [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—This paper deals with the problem of evolving CNconceptswithaprofusevarietyofexamplesinbothnatural geographically-embeddedrandomlygeneratedcomplexnetworks (metabolic networks, gene interactions, food webs, etc.) and aiming at fulfilling the scale-free property: the fraction of nodes artificial systems (the Internet, transport networks, or power in the network having degree k (k = number of links in node n ) follows a power law probabilitiy distribution P(k) ∼ k−γ. grids). In particular, the feasibility of using CN concepts in i Intuitively, this means that most nodes have only a few connec- power grids have been recently discussed in [2] and [3] in tionsandonlyafewnodes(“hubs”)haveahighnumberoflinks combinationwithevolutionaryalgorithmsinsmartgrids.More (or connections). The scale-free property is well-known in very profound technical details about CN can be found in [4], [5], largecomplexnetworks(withahugenumberofnodesandlinks) [6], [7] and the references there in. but it has received much less attention for small geographically- embedded networks, in which the study of networks’ properties Most recent studies reveal that many CNs –such as some is much more difficult. Regarding this, we explore the feasibility power grids or the Internet– have a heterogeneous topology of generating geographically-embedded complex networks even [1] as the one represented in Fig. 1 (a). Note that most nodes inthecaseofsmallnetworks(thosewithonlyhundredofnodes) have only a few connections and only a few nodes (“hubs”) by means of considering a simple model for network generation have a high number of links. This is why the network is said based on distances among nodes. We state the problem as an optimization task, in which each node of the network has a link to have “no scale”, so it is called “scale-free” [1]. As shown radiusassignedtoconformitslinkstoothernodesinthenetwork. in Fig. 1 (b), the fraction of nodes having degree k (k = i The idea is to evolve these link radius for all the nodes in the number of links in node i) exhibits a power law distribution network,aimingatfinallyfulfillingthescale-freeproperty,when P(k)∼k−γ. possible. Our machine learning approach for network evolution is based on the recently proposed meta-heuristic called Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm with Substrate Layer (CRO-SL). Ourexperimentalworkshowsthattheproposedmodelisableto generate geographically (or spatially) embedded networks with the scale-free property. Specifically, we test the performance of the CRO-SL approach in two different, randomly generated, 3"$ geographically-embedded networks with 200 and 400 nodes, respectively. Index Terms—Geographically-embedded complex networks; Scale-free networks; Meta-heuristics; CRO-SL. I. INTRODUCTION Whatdosystemsasdifferentaspowergridsandecosystems 012 have in common? Both can be described in terms of graphs: a node represents an entity (generator/load in a power grid, or a species in an ecosystem) that is linked with others (by ) k electrical cables in the power grid or trophic relationships in ( P an ecosystem). These and other dissimilar systems are called complex systems because it is extremely difficult to deduce their emerging collective behavior from only the components !"#$%&’()’*+,-./k ofthesystem[1].Theirtopologicalanddynamicalfeaturescan 0$2 bestudiedusingtheComplexNetwork(CN)Science[1].The interested reader is referred to [1], which clearly explains of Fig.1. (a)Exampleofascale-freecomplexnetworkwith400nodes.(b)Node degree probability density function of a network similar to that represented This work has been partially supported by the project TIN2017-85887- in(a). C2-2-P of the Spanish Ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (MICYT). 497 XVIII Conferencia de la Asociacio´n Espan˜ola para la Inteligencia Artificial In many of these CNs (for instance, citation networks) the search space and objective function of the problem. Section position of nodes in the physical space plays no role at all IV shows the main characteristics of the CRO-SL considered [8]. However there are other CNs (such as transportation, in this paper. Section V describes the experimental part of the infrastructureandwirelesscommunicationnetworks)inwhich paper,withcomputationalresultsovertworandomlygenerated nodes and links are embedded in space. In this particular networkswith200and400nodes.SectionVIgivessomefinal kind of CNs, called “spatial networks” (spatially-embedded conclusions and remarks to close the paper. or geographically-embedded networks), nodes are located in a space associated to a metric, usually the Euclidean distance II. GROWINGGEOGRAPHICALLY-EMBEDDEDCOMPLEX [8],[9],[10].Theinterestedreaderisreferredto[8]forfurther NETWORKSOVERRANDOM-DISTRIBUTEDNODES detailsaboutspatialnetworks,whichcanbeclassifiedintotwo Let us consider a model for growing geographically- categories [8]. The first one, called planar networks, are those embedded complex networks using randomly-distributed that can be drawn in the plane in such a way that their links nodes. The idea is to grow the network as the random do not intersect. The second one involves spatial non-planar nodes are being generated. Note that since we consider a networks (for instance airline networks, cargo ship networks, random location for the new generated nodes, the network is or power grids) where links (which can intersect in the plane) completely constructed from scratch. We can consider many have a cost related to their length. Although the scale-free differentrandomwaysofgeneratingthenetworknodes,butin property is well-known in very large, non-spatial complex anycase,aconstraintofmaximumdistancefromaneighborto networks (with a huge number of nodes), however it is not others node must be fulfilled. In order to do this, we consider the case in small geographically-embedded networks. This is anextremelysimplemodelfornodesgeneration,inwhichthe because, in spatial networks, when geometric constraints are new appearing node must be located at a minimum distance very strong or when the cost associated to the addition of from another neighbor node, R (attachment radius), to be newlinksislarge(waterandgasdistributionnetworks,power a attached to the network. Otherwise it will be discarded. Note grids, or communication networks), the appearance of hubs that this radius may be characteristic of the node i currently and the scale-free feature become more difficult [8]. being generated so that, in this case, we will denote it as Ri. Inthispaperweshowthatanyrandomlygeneratednetwork a However, in the general case, all the nodes in the network can be constructed to very approximately follow a scale-free willbegeneratedwiththesameR ,thissimulationparameter distribution. This result has only been previously proven for a being thus equal for all nodes. As previously mentioned, the geographically-embedded network in a regular lattice [10]. network will be grown while random nodes are being gener- To show this result, we first propose a very simple model ated.Aimingatdoingthis,weproposeasimplemechanismfor forrandomlyconstructinggeographically-embeddednetworks, links generation for a new node i: let Ri be the link radius which consists in assigning a link radius to each new node of l associated with the recently generated node i, and let L be thenetwork.Theproposedmodelfornetworkconstructiones- the link matrix, in which L stands for a binary variable tablishes that each link radius may be different for each node, ij describing whether or not there is a link between node i and anditisfullyrelatedtothenetworkconstruction:whenanode an alternative node j. Then, each time a node i is generated, israndomlygenerated,itislinkedwithallotherexistingnodes it establishes links to other nodes already attached, in the in the network which are at a distance smaller than its link following way: radius. In order to show that the network follows a scale-free distribution, we evolve it, i.e. we use an evolutionary-based 1, if d(i,j)<Ri algorithm in order to assign link radius to all the nodes in the L = l (1) ij { 0, otherwise network.Theobjectiveisthat,eventually,thenetworkfollows (approximately)ascale-freedistribution.Westatethisproblem asanoptimizationtask,withdiscrete-basedencoding,inwhich where d(i,j) stands for the Euclidean distance (not the a meta-heuristic search must be applied (since brute-force geodesic one used in non-spatial networks [8]) between node schemes are discarded due to excessive computational cost). i and any other existing node (j). It is important to note that Specifically, we evaluate the performance of the Coral Reefs the number of links established when the node i is finally OptimizationalgorithmwithSubstrateLayer(CRO-SL)inthis generated attached, not discarded) will only depend on Ri. l problemofcomplexnetworksevolution.Wewillshowthatthe Moreover,ifwewanttoensurethatallthenodesareconnected CRO-SLisabletoleadtorandomlygeneratedgeographically- with at least one other node in the network, then Ri ≥R . l a embedded complex networks fulfilling the scale-free property, To illustrate this, let us consider the examples shown in andweshowitintwocaseswithrandomlygeneratednetwork Fig. 2. The first one, in Fig. 2 (a), shows a random network of 200 and 400 nodes. generated with parameters R = 10 and Ri = 10 (in this a l The remainder of the paper has been structured in the case the same value of Ri for all the nodes generated in l following way: next section presents the model we consider the network). Note that, since Ri = R , each node will be l a toconstruct geographically-embeddedcomplexnetworkswith attached to a very reduced number of other existing nodes in randomly-distributednodes.SectionIIIdescribestheevolution the network. If we keep R = 10 in the node generation, a of the network as an optimization task, defining the encoding, but Ri takes values in [10,15,20,30], depending on the node l 498 XIII Congreso Espan˜ol en Metaheur´ısticas y Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados generated, then we obtain the network represented in Fig. 2 here is whether or not the proposed model for complex (b). network construction over geographically embedded random nodes can generate scale-free networks. Note that in this case the random situation of nodes makes impossible to obtain an 150 250 exact solution such as the one shown for square lattices in 100 200 [10]. The approach, therefore, should be stochastic due to the 50 150 nature of the considered networks, and approximate solutions 0 100 could arise. y y -50 50 -100 0 IV. OPTIMIZATIONMETHOD:THECRO-SLALGORITHM -150 -50 -20-0200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -10-0100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 TheCoralReefOptimizationalgorithm(CRO)[12](further x x described in [13]), is an evolutionary-type algorithm based on (a) (b) the behavior of the processes occurring in a coral reef. For an illustrative description of the CRO algorithm, the interested Fig. 2. Example of geographically embedded complex networks generated with the proposed simple model considering Ra and Rli; (a) Example of reader is referred to [12], [13]. Additionally, in [14], a new complex network with Ra = 10 and Rli = 10; (b) Example of complex version of the CRO algorithm with Substrate Layer, CRO-SL, networkwithRa=10andRli∈[10,15,20,30]. hasbeenpresented.IntheCRO-SLapproach,severalsubstrate layers (specific parts of the population) have been introduced. In this algorithm, each substrate layer may represent different processes(differentmodels,operators,parameters,constraints, III. QUASI-SCALEFREEGEOGRAPHICALLY-EMBEDDED repairing functions, etc.). Specifically, in [15] a version of NETWORKSWITHRANDOMNODES the CRO-SL algorithm has been recently proposed, in which Let us consider a random-based geographically-embedded each substrate layer represents a different search procedure, network with N nodes (“network order” = N). This means leading to a co-evolution competitive algorithm. This version that, after the node generation process, there will be N nodes of the CRO-SL has been successfully tested in different in the network. Recall that the network is being constructed applications and problems such as micro-grid design [16], dynamically, so each time a node i is generated and fulfils vibration cancellation in buildings, both with passive models the R condition, then matrix L is modified to include the [17], and active models [18], or in the evaluation of novel a new node links. Let us consider a given R for the complete non-linear search procedures [19]. This is also the CRO-SL a networkconstructionandspecificRi radiusforeachnode,and algorithm used in this paper for complex network evolution. l R ≥ Ri. Let r = [R1,...,RN] the link radius associated Regarding the algorithm’s encoding for the optimization a l l l with the N nodes finally forming the network. The idea is to problem at hand, we consider integer vectors as solutions, obtain a vector r∗ which makes the network have a scale-free x ∈ N. Note that using this encoding the length of each behavior, i.e., such that it minimizes the following objective individual is equal to N. This encoding provides a compact (fitness) function: version of the algorithm, and allows using some different searching procedures such as Harmony Search or Differential N Evolution. The main problem with a direct encoding of N f(r)= (pk(r)−k−γ) (2) integer values in the CRO-SL algorithm is that, as N grows, k∑=2 the searching capabilities of the algorithm can be affected, where p stands for the degree distribution of the random sincethesearchspaceishuge.Itispossibletomanageshorter k networkobtainedwithavectorr.Notethatweaimtofindout encodings by using a compressed version of the encoding, whetherornotthereisar∗ leadingtoapowerlawdistribution in such a way that each element of the encoding represents with a given γ. β actual values, such as we proposed in [20]. Fig. 3 shows This problem is therefore stated as an integer optimization an example of this compressed encoding, which reduces the problem, in which the final network degree distribution will current encoding length l to l′ = l. Of course, the resolution β completely depend on r. The problem is discrete, highly non- of the search space is smaller than in the original encoding linear, and the search space size is huge when the network when the compressed encoding is applied, but on the other order N grows, which discards exact solutions via brute hand, it is expected that the CRO-SL algorithm searches for force algorithms. In these kind of problems meta-heuristics better solutions in this smaller search space. approaches such as Evolutionary Computation-based algo- Theconsideredsubstratesforsolvingthestatedproblemare rithms are able to obtain very good solutions with a moderate detailed below. Note that there are general purpose substrates, computational complexity. We therefore propose to apply a such as Differential Evolution or Harmony Search-based, and kind of Evolutionary Algorithm, the aforementioned CRO- otherspecificsubstrateswithcrossoversandmutationsadapted SL approach, to solve this optimization problem associated to the chosen encoding. Five different substrates will be with scale-free random-based networks. The question arising described and evaluated later in the experimental section. 499 XVIII Conferencia de la Asociacio´n Espan˜ola para la Inteligencia Artificial consists of mutating an element of a coral with another b b valid value (different from the previous one). Note that the SM operator links a given coral (possible solution) 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 to a neighborhood of solutions which can be reached by means of a single change is an element of the coral. 20 15 V. EXPERIMENTSANDRESULTS In this section we show different computational results 1 1 obtained with the CRO-SL in the evolution of two different random networks with 200 and 400 nodes, respectively. The Fig. 3. Compressed encoding example (β = 5), useful in the evolution of resulting randomly generated nodes have been represented in complexnetworks. Fig. 4 without the corresponding links which form the net- work,forthesakeofclarity.Inbothcases,acommonR =10 a value has been considered, whereas the link radius to be • Differential Evolution-based operator (DE): This op- assignedbytheCRO-SLhasbeenforcedtofulfilltheproperty erator is based on the evolutionary algorithm with that 10 ≤ Ri ≤ 100. Table I shows the corresponding values for l name [22], a method with powerful global search ca- theCRO-SLparametersconsideredintheexperimentscarried pabilities. DE introduces a differential mechanism for out. exploring the search space. Hence, new larvae are gener- ated by perturbing the population members using vector differencesofindividuals.Perturbationsareintroducedby 150 200 applyingtherulex′ =x1+F(x2−x3)foreachencoded 100 150 i i i i 100 parameter on a random basis, where x′ corresponds to 50 50 the output larva, xt are the considered parents (chosen y 0 y 0 uniformly among the population), and F determines the -50 -50 -100 evolution factor weighting the perturbation amplitude. -150 -100 • Harmony Search-based operator (HS): Harmony -200 Search [23] is a population based MH that mimics the -15-0200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -25-0200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 x x improvisationofamusicorchestrawhileitscomposinga (a) (b) melody.Thismethodintegratesconceptssuchasharmony aestheticsornotepitchasananalogyfortheoptimization Fig.4. Randomly-generatednodesfortheN =200andN =400networks process, resulting in a good exploratory algorithm. HS (representedwithoutlinks,andwithRa=10);(a)N =200;(b)N =400. controls how new larvae are generated in one of the following ways: i) with a probability HMCR ∈ [0,1] (Harmony Memory Considering Rate), the value of a component of the new larva is drawn uniformly from TABLEI the same values of the component in the other corals. ii) PARAMETERSOFTHECRO-SLUSEDINTHEEVOLUTIONOFTHE with a probability PAR ∈ [0,1] (Pitch Adjusting Rate), NETWORKSCONSIDERED.SEE[12],[13]FORFURTHERDETAILSABOUT subtleadjustmentsareappliedtothevaluesofthecurrent THEPARAMETERS. larva, replaced with any of its neighboring values (upper CRO-SL Parameters or lower, with equal probability). Initialization Reefsize=50×40,ρ0=0.9 • Two points crossover(2Px):2PX[21]isconsideredone Externalsexualreproduction Fb=0.80 Substrates T =5substrates:HS,DE,2Px,MPx,SM of the standard recombination operators in evolutionary Internalsexualreproduction 1−Fb=0.20 algorithms. In the standard version of the operator, two Larvaesetting κ=3 parentsfromthereefpopulationareprovidedasinput.A Asexualreproduction Fa=0.05 recombinationoperationfromtwolarvaeiscarriedoutby Depredation Fd=0.15,Pd=0.05 Stopcriterion kmax=500iterations randomly choosing two crossover points, interchanging then each part of the corals between those points. • Multi-pointscrossover(MPx):Similartothe2PX,butin thiscasetherecombinationbetweentheparentsiscarried First, we have tackled the evolution of the N = 200 out considering a high number of crossover points (M), network, from scratch by using the CRO-SL algorithm. A and a binary template which indicates whether each part compressed encoding with β = 5 has been considered so of one parent is interchanged with the corresponding of that the corals length is in this case l′ = 200 = 40. Fig. 5 5 the other parent. shows the results obtained by the CRO-SL in the evolution • StandardintegerMutation(SM):Thisoperatorconsists of this network. Fig. 5 (a) shows the network obtained after of a standard mutation in integer-based encodings. It the optimization process, which has obtained an excellent 500 XIII Congreso Espan˜ol en Metaheur´ısticas y Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados agreement of the network distribution node degree with a takeintoaccountthatthespatialnetworkconstructiondepends power law distribution k−1.55 (Fig. 5 (b)). Note that, in this on the position of the randomly generated nodes (we have case, we have explored 12 values of the node degree k in consideredgeographically-embeddednetworks),controlledby the network, ranging from 2 to 12, while the rest bring in R and also in the values of Ri, which are evolved by the a l upper values of k. The best solution r∗ found by the CRO-SL CRO-SL algorithm. algorithm has been represented in Fig. 5 (c), note the runs of β = 5 equal values in the solution. Fig. 5 (d) shows the fitness evolution of the best coral in the reef. As can be seen, 200 100 the CRO-SL is able to converge almost up to optimality in 150 just 500 generations, showing a fast and robust behaviour in 100 50 10-1 this problem. y 0 P(k) -50 -100 10-2 150 100 -150 -200 100 -25-0200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 10-3100 101 102 x k 50 (a) (b) y 0 P(k)10-1 50 1 45 0.9 -50 40 0.8 -100 35 0.7 30 0.6 -15-0200 -150 -100 -50 x 0 50 100 150 10-2100 1k01 102 Rl2205 fitness00..45 (a) (b) 15 0.3 40 1 10 0.2 35 0.9 5 0.1 0.8 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 00 100 200 300 400 500 30 Node generations 0.7 25 0.6 (c) (d) Rl20 fitness0.5 15 0.4 Fig. 6. Example of geographically-embedded complex network with N = 0.3 10 400nodes,evolvedwiththeCRO-SLalgorithm;(a)Resultinggeographically- 0.2 5 0.1 einm(bae):ddbeludenceitrwcloersks;ta(nbd)fNoordtheedpeogwreeerdliaswtridbiusttiroibnuftoiornthke−n1e.t5w9o,rakndrerperdespeonitnetds 00 50 N1o0d0e 150 200 00 100 200generations300 400 500 for the actual degree distribution of the obtained network; (c) Best solution (c) (d) obtainedwiththeCRO-SL;(d)CRO-SLfitnessevolution. Fig. 5. Example of geographically-embedded complex network with N = 200nodes,evolvedwiththeCRO-SLalgorithm;(a)Resultingspatialnetwork Ascanbeseenintheresultsobtained,itispossibletoobtain obtained;(b)Nodedegreedistributionforthenetworkrepresentedin(a):blue circles stand for the power law distribution k−1.55, and red points for the quasi-scale-free geographically-embedded random networks, actualdegreedistributionoftheobtainednetwork;(c)Bestsolutionobtained considering a very simple model of distances between nodes. withtheCRO-SL;(d)CRO-SLfitnessevolution. It is necessary to solve an optimization problem, which is hard,sinceitmustoptimizethelinkradiusofalltherandomly generatednodeswhichformthenetwork.Wehaveshownhow Fig. 6 shows the results obtained by the CRO-SL in the the CRO-SL algorithm is able to successfully solve this task, evolution of the second network considered, with a network finding near optimal solutions to the optimization problem. order of N = 400 nodes. In this case, we have considered a compressed encoding with β = 10, which leads to a VI. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS l′ = 400 = 40, similar to the N = 200 case. We have found In this paper we have shown that random geographically- 10 that this compressed encoding provides the best results. Fig. embedded networks can be constructed, in such a way that 6 (a) shows the resulting network generated by the CRO-SL they fulfil the scale-free property, i.e. the fraction of nodes in algorithm, which is constructed to very approximately follow thenetworkhavingdegreek(k =numberoflinksinnoden ) i i apowerlawdistributionk−1.59.Inthiscasewehaveexplored follows a power law probability distribution P(k)∼k−γ. Up 15valuesofthedegreek,from2to15andarestinupperval- until now, the scale-free property in geographically-embedded uesofk.Thebestsolutionr∗ foundbytheCRO-SLalgorithm network has only been studied for regular networks in a hasbeendisplayedinFig.6(c).Notetherunsofβ =10equal mesh. 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