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bs_bs_banner Xenomic networks variability and adaptation traits in wood decaying fungi MélanieMorel,1,2*EdgarMeux,1,2YannMathieu,1,2 Introduction AnneThuillier,1,2KamelChibani,1,2LucHarvengt,3 Understanding the evolution of organisms and their Jean-PierreJacquot1,2andEricGelhaye1,2 adaptation to environmental constraints remains a major 1UniversitédeLorraine,IAM,UMR1136,IFR110 challenge for biologists. The recent development of EFABA,Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy,F-54506,France. sequencingtechnologieshasledtoanewscience‘Com- 2INRA,IAM,UMR1136,Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, parative genomics’. Gene copy number variation (CNV) F-54506,France. has been observed from yeast (Carreto etal., 2008) to 3Laboratoiredebiotechnologie,PôleBiotechnologieet human (Redon etal., 2006). These CNVs result from SylvicultureAvancée,FCBA,CampusForet-Boisde duplication/deletion events. Duplication events can also Pierroton,33610Cestas,France. be followed by functional diversification, this process being one of the most important mechanisms leading to Summary new functions (Ohta, 1991; Force etal., 1999). The cor- relationbetweenthesegeneticvariationsandphenotypic Fungal degradation of wood is mainly restricted to consequencesremainsoftenunclear.Themostambitious basidiomycetes, these organisms having developed studiesassociatinggeneticandphenotypicvariationsare complex oxidative and hydrolytic enzymatic sys- currently conducted in mammals in connection with the tems. Besides these systems, wood-decaying fungi important implications in human health (Zhang etal., possessintracellularnetworksallowingthemtodeal 2009; Yalcin etal., 2011). In contrast few studies have with the myriad of potential toxic compounds result- been devoted to fungal CNVs (Tirosh and Barkai, 2007; ing at least in part from wood degradation but also Liti etal., 2009; Ellison etal., 2011;Taylor, 2011). During more generally from recalcitrant organic matter deg- the last years, several programmes have been launched radation. The members of the detoxification path- to describe the functional genomic diversity of fungi, the ways constitute the xenome. Generally, they belong relativelysmallsizeoftheirgenomebeingcompatiblewith to multigenic families such as the cytochrome P450 the development of environmental genomic approaches monooxygenases and the glutathione transferases. (Sharptonetal.,2009;Martin,2010;Neafseyetal.,2010; Taking advantage of the recent release of numerous Ohm etal., 2010; Duplessis etal., 2011; Murat etal., genomes of basidiomycetes, we show here that 2011). these multigenic families are extended and function- Fungi are major actors in global geochemical cycles, allyrelatedinwood-decayingfungi.Furthermore,we particularly in the carbon and nitrogen cycles, because postulate that these rapidly evolving multigenic of their involvement in organic matter recycling. Fungi families could reflect the adaptation of these fungi play also major roles in different ecosystems through to the diversity of their substrate and provide keys their symbiotic or pathogenic interactions with other to understand their ecology. This is of particular organisms. importance for white biotechnology, this xenome During the last few years, many sequencing projects being a putative target for improving degradation have been devoted to wood-decaying fungi (Martinez properties of these fungi in biomass valorization etal., 2004; 2009; Eastwood etal., 2011), due to their purposes. potential applications in white biotechnology in general, and in bioenergy production from biomass in particular. Comparative genomic has confirmed the extraordinary Received17September,2012;revised5November,2012;accepted diversity of enzymatic mechanisms developed by these 8 November, 2012. *For correspondence. E-mail mmorel@ fungi to degrade recalcitrant organic matter and in par- scbiol.uhp-nancy.fr;Tel.(+33)383684228;Fax(+33)3684292. MicrobialBiotechnology(2013)6(3),248–263 ticular lignocellulose. Recent research has mainly doi:10.1111/1751-7915.12015 focused on the oxidative systems secreted by white-rot Funding Information This work was supported by the Agence and brown-rot fungi, and also on the myriad of fungal Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) research grant (ANR-09-BLAN- 0012). enzymes involved in the polysaccharide-degrading ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd.Thisisanopenaccessarticleunder thetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsuse,distributionandreproductioninanymedium,providedthe originalworkisproperlycited. Fungalxenomicnetworks 249 enzymes (Cazymes). Besides these extracellular probably important (Cornwell etal., 2009). For instance, systems, it appears that gene families involved in the the decomposition of softwood is slower than hardwood detoxification pathways are particularly extended in in a given environment, suggesting that the chemical wood-decaying fungi. These genes constitute the composition, which is highly variable between these xenome, being defined as the biosystem responsible for wood types, could be an important factor governing the detection, transport and metabolism of xenobiotics wood decay (Weedon etal., 2009; Freschet etal., (Edwards etal., 2005). Fungi as other organisms have 2012). Wood is a complex structure, its composition to deal with potential toxic compounds resulting from depending both on the species considered and on envi- organic matter degradation, secondary metabolism of ronmentalfactors,whichhaveinfluencedthetreegrowth antagonist organisms, and human activities. It is parti- (Chave etal., 2009). Wood susceptibility to fungal cularly true for wood-interacting fungi, which are able degradation is indeed governed at least in part, by its to degrade recalcitrant lignin and to cope with the high content in lignin and other phenolic derivatives myriad of complex compounds synthesized by plant compounds. species. The efficient fungal degradation of lignin is mainly This article presents the fungal xenomic network with restricted to specialized basidiomycetes. These latter a comparative genomic analysis of two xenomic multi- are able to modify/decompose lignin through oxidative genic families found in wood decaying fungi. We have processes (see below), which could lead to aromatic focused on the cytochrome P450 (CytP450) family, radicalscatalysingsubsequentdegradationandalsofor- which is involved in the first step of compound modifi- mation of potential toxic molecules. Besides the well- cation mainly through oxidation reactions (phase I) and known effect linked to lignin, secondary metabolites the glutathione transferase (GST) family, which belongs involved in plant defence could also play a major role in to the phase II conjugating enzymes and for which func- the durability of the various wood species (Chave etal., tional data are becoming available (Meux etal., 2011; 2009; Freschet etal., 2012). The tree primary defence Thuillier etal., 2011; Mathieu etal., 2012). In the litera- involves usually bark that provides a physical and ture, studying GST is usually justified because of the chemical barrier against abiotic and biotic stresses. considerable interest of these enzymes in medicine, Besides these constitutive defences, induced systems agriculture and analytical biotechnology. For example, in are activated after injury or infection (Franceschi etal., medicine, GSTs could be molecular targets for the 2005). For instance in conifers, induced defence con- designofnewanticancerdrugs.Inagriculture,GSTsare cerns cell wall re-enforcements and production of exploited in the development of transgenic plants with secondary metabolites as terpenes, phenols, stilbenes, increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, or flavonoids and lignans (Ralph etal., 2006; Danielsson they could be used as biosensors for monitoring envi- etal., 2011). These changes in chemical composi- ronmental pollutants, such as herbicides and insecti- tion and their heterogeneity have potentially important cides (Chronopoulou and Labrou, 2009). In this review, ‘afterlife’ effects on the fungal efficiency in wood we focus the analysis on fungal GSTs, which have been degradation. far less studied than their plant and mammals counter- parts, postulating that these enzymes and more globally the xenome could be new targets of investigations in Fungalxenome:thephaseInetwork white biotechnology. Facing this large diversity of nutriments and potential toxic component sources, fungi, which mainly control Woodcompositionanddegradation wood decomposition in forest ecosystems, have also Wood is mainly constituted of cellulose, a variety of concomitantly evolved modified detoxification pathways, hemicelluloses, lignin and to a lesser extent of second- defining the xenome (Edwards etal., 2005). As in other ary chemicals (wood extractives). Wood decomposition eukaryotic organisms, the detoxification pathways is a complex process, which, like litter degradation, dealing with recalcitrant/toxic compounds can be divided involves biotic and abiotic factors (Cornwell etal., 2009; into three different steps in fungi, the first one corre- Weedon etal., 2009; Freschet etal., 2010). Numerous sponding to an activation of the molecule often through studies suggest that plant traits have predictable long- an oxidation stage, the second one to a conjugation termeffectsonlitterdecomposition(Hobbie,1996;Corn- stage, and the third one either to transport or to storage well etal., 2008) and wood degradation (Cornwell etal., (Fig.1). In this article, we will focus mainly on the oxi- 2009; Weedon etal., 2009; Cornelissen etal., 2012). dation and conjugation steps found in wood-decaying Among the factors, which lead to ‘afterlife effects’ on its fungi through the determination of their xenomic gene degradation, wood chemical and anatomical traits are content in relation to their environment. ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 250 M.Moreletal. ppllaanntt mmaatteerriiaallss hhuummaannaaccttiivviittiieess RReeccaallcciittrraanntt//TTooxxiicc ccoommppoouunnddss EExxttrraacceelllluullaarrooxxiiddaattiioonn HHOO pphhaassee II:: iinnttrraacceelllluullaarraattttaacckk 22 22 EExx:: CCyyttoocchhrroommee PP445500 :: PPeerrooxxiiddaasseess,, llaaccccaasseess,, FFee22++ OOxxiiddaattiioonn,, rreedduuccttiioonn,, ooxxiiddaasseess hhyyddrroollyyssiiss,,ddeehhaallooggeennaattiioonn FFee22++//HH OO :: FFeennttoonn rreeaaccttiioonn 22 22 AAccttiivvaatteeddrreeccaallcciittrraanntt ccoommppoouunnddss FFuurrtthheerr phase II: conjugation ccaattaabboolliissmm Ex: GST GGlluuttaatthhiioonnyyllaattiioonn,, aacceettyyllaattiioonn,, MMeetthhyyllaattiioonn,, gglluuccoorroonniiddaattiioonn IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee mmeettaabboolliitteess vacuole pphhaassee IIIIII:: eexxccrreettiioonn,, ssttoorraaggee FFuunnggaallcceellll EExxccrreettoorryyddeerriivvaattiivveess Fig.1. Thefungaldetoxificationsystemdefinedas‘xenome’. Theextracellularnetwork via the Fenton reaction (Goodell etal., 1997; Eastwood etal., 2011).These radicals are involved in lignin modifi- Inthecaseofwooddecayingfungi,thefirstphasecould cation and in polysaccharide degradation. In contrast, be mediated by the extracellular oxidative network white-rotfungiareabletomineralizelignin,theoxidative involvedinlignin/woodmodification.Wood-decayingfungi degradation of the polymer being mainly mediated could be mainly divided into two main functional groups, through the production of various oxidases and peroxi- brownandwhiterot,dependingontheirabilitytodegrade/ dases(Hofrichteretal.,2010;Harmsetal.,2011).Glyco- mineralize lignin. The brown-rot fungi are able to modify syl hydrolases are mainly involved in polysaccharide lignin to gain access to cellulose and hemicellulose.The degradationthroughhydrolyticprocesses(Martinezetal., recent release of the genomes of Postia placenta and 2004; 2009). Whatever the functional group considered, Serpula lacrymans has confirmed previous biochemical the oxidative stage exhibits low substrate specificity, worksdemonstratingthatthisstepismainlymediatedby explaining the well-studied potential of these fungi for non-enzymatic reactions in these fungi (Martinez etal., bioremediation purposes (Harms etal., 2011). In particu- 2009; Eastwood etal., 2011). Brown-rot fungi use small lar,white-rotbasidiomycetesareabletodegradealarge phenolic compounds to reduce iron and produce hydro- panel of environmental pollutants (Asgher etal., 2008). genperoxide,prerequisitestepstoformhydroxylradicals Further information concerning the extracellular enzy- ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 Fungalxenomicnetworks 251 matic networks involved in lignin breakdown can be In P.chrysosporium, it is assumed that these versatile obtained in recent reviews dealing with this topic CytP450s have emerged from different ancestral genes (Sanchez, 2009; Wong, 2009; Hofrichter etal., 2010; due to extensive gene duplication events and intragen- Buggetal.,2011;Hernandez-Ortegaetal.,2012). omic recombinations suggesting an evolution driven by the adaptation of the fungus to wood degradation (Dod- dapaneniandYadav,2005;Hirosueetal.,2011).Froma ThecytochromeP450monooxygenases generalpointofviewmainlyresultingfromgenomicdata, The oxidative degradation of wood components leads to itisnowbecomingobviousthatthenumberandrangeof the formation of a variety of compounds with potential CytP450s within an individual organism reflect, to some toxic effects depending on the initial substrate composi- extent, its lifestyle (Schuler, 2011).Transcriptional analy- tion and also on the oxidative attack. To deal with these ses confirm the role of various CytP450s in wood compounds, fungi possess a large number of CytP450. degradation/mineralization for both white-rot and brown- These enzymes, found in all life forms, are able to rotfungi.Forinstance,inthebrown-rotP.placenta,where catalysevariousreactionsashydroxylation,dealkylation, 230genesarerelatedtoCytP450,differentialinductionof sulfoxidation etc. and could be involved in primary, sec- 15encodingCytP450geneswasobserveddependingof ondary and detoxification metabolisms. These haem- thewoodspeciesincubatedwiththefungalculture(aspen thiolate proteins have first been discovered in liver versus pine) (Vanden Wymelenberg etal., 2010). In a microsomes (Omura and Sato, 1962) through their similar way, in the white-rot Phanerochaete carnosa, 21 involvement in complex insertions of molecular oxygen genes encoding CytP450s are found strongly regulated into different substrates. General reviews on CytP450s according to wood species (coniferous or deciduous have been published (Paine, 1995; Mizutani and Ohta, wood) (MacDonald etal., 2011). All these data are in 2010;NelsonandWerck-Reichhart,2011;Schuler,2011; agreementwiththefollowingstatementmadebyHirosue Ichinose,2012). andco-workers:‘molecularevolutionofbasidiomycetous In fungi as well as in other organisms, CytP450s have CytP450 has been, at least in part, vigorously driven by been shown to be involved in primary metabolism as survivalstrategiestoprovideasuperiormetabolicsystem CYP61andCYP51inergosterolbiosynthesis(Lepesheva to degrade exogenous chemicals, presumably involving andWaterman,2007)andalsoinsecondarymetabolism plant-relatedcompoundsincludingligninand/oritsderiva- asforinstanceinaflatoxinsynthesisinaspergilli(Yuetal., tives’(Hirosueetal.,2011). 2004). Fungal CytP450s are also involved in detoxifica- tion pathways as shown in the basidiomycete Phanero- Fungalxenome:thephaseIInetwork chaetechrysosporiumwherevariousisoformshavebeen shown to be involved in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon Tocopewiththecompoundsresultingfromtheactivityof oxidation (Syed etal., 2010; Hirosue etal., 2011). In phaseIenzymes,fungipossesslargenetworksofphase basidiomycetes, the CytP450ome ranges from four (the II conjugative enzymes. It is widely admitted that conju- pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans) to over 250 gation enhances compound solubility and usually sequences(thebrown-rotP.placenta),thenumberofiso- decreasestheirreactivity.Theresultingconjugatescould forms apparently increasing with the ability to form myc- be excreted, further degraded or stored. These phase II orrhizae and to degrade plant litter (Cresnar and Petric, enzymescatalysetheformationofsugar(glucoside,xylo- 2011). It is assumed that the high number of CytP450 sideorglucuronide),sulfate,glutathione,acetylormethyl isoforms found in wood decaying fungi could reflect the conjugates.Thedifferentconjugates(and/orthedifferent ability of these fungi to metabolize and mineralize aro- activities) have been detected during the degradation of maticcompoundsresultingfromwoodextracellularoxida- variouscompoundsinvariousfungalspecies(Sutherland tion. The functional diversity of CytP450s has been etal., 1991; Bezalel etal., 1997; Hundt etal., 2000; investigated in particular in P.chrysosporium, where 154 Reddy and Gold, 2000; Myung etal., 2008; Campoy CytP450-encoding genes have been identified in this etal.,2009;Ningetal.,2010).Furthermore,asproposed white-rot basidiomycete (Martinez etal., 2004; Doddap- fortheirplantcounterparts,thedifferentconjugatescould aneniandYadav,2005;Chiguetal.,2010;Hirosueetal., be rapidly processed preventing their detection (Dixon 2011).FourteenPcCytP450sisoformsareabletooxidize etal., 2010). Conjugation enzymes exhibit a broad spe- anthracenetoanthroquinoneandnumerousisoformsare cificityacceptingvarioussubstrates,whicharestructurally versatileenzymesacceptingabroadrangeofsubstrates different.Despitethislowspecificity,transferasesbelong with varying three-dimensional structures (Hirosue etal., to multigenic families suggesting a specialization of the 2011). In contrast to CytP450 essential to primary various isoforms. For instance, more than 100 putative metabolism, the isoforms involved in detoxification path- glycosyltransferase-encoding genes are found in the waysareusuallylessspecific(CresnarandPetric,2011). brown-rot P.placenta (Eastwood etal., 2011). Neverthe- ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 252 M.Moreletal. Fig.2. Phylogenetictreeofglutathione GGGTTTTTT222 transferasesfromBasidiomycetes.Various PPPHHHIII subclassescouldbedistinguished:Ure2p, GSTFuA,Omega(GSTO),GlutathionylHyd- roquinoneReductase(GHR),Phi,GTT1and GTT2.Thesequenceswereretrievedfrom genomesavailableontheJointGenome Institute(http://www.jgi.doe.gov/).Sequence GGGTTTTTT111 alignmentsweredonebyCLUSTALWandthe treewasconstructedwiththeneighbour- joiningmethodinMEGA5.0software (Tamuraetal.,2011).Therobustnessofthe brancheswasassessedbythebootstrap methodwith500replications.Thescale markerrepresents0.2substitutionsper residue. UUUrrreee222ppp GGGSSSTTTFFFuuuAAA GGGHHHRRR GGGSSSTTTOOO 0.2 less, such a high number of glycosyltransferases is not domain, which is more or less conserved, is involved in specific to wood-decaying basidiomycetes since similar glutathione binding (G-site). The C-terminal domain is contentsarefoundinpathogenic/symbioticascomycetes morevariableandisinvolvedinthebindingofsubstrates (Klosterman etal., 2011), with nevertheless differential (H-site).ThenomenclatureofcytosolicGSTsisbasedon distributionwithinspecificclassesaccordingtothewayof amino acid sequence identity and at least eight classes life (Sprockett etal., 2011). Similarly, GSTs form a large have been described to date in fungi and named GTT1, ubiquitous multigenic family. The number of isoforms GTT2, URE2p, MAK16, EFb1, Etherase-like recently found in fungi range from six in Saccharomyces cerevi- renamedGSTFuA(Mathieuetal.,2012),GSTOandGHR siaetomorethan50,thehighestnumberbeingfoundin (McGoldricketal.,2005,Moreletal.,2009)(Fig.2).Tra- the wood/litter decaying fungi (Morel etal., 2009). ditionally, two proteins belong to the same class if they Besides these large families, the number of fungal sharemorethan40%identityandisoenzymesbelonging arylamineN-acetyltransferases(NAT)rangedfromoneto to different classes share less than 20% (Hayes etal., five paralogues in fungi, NAT genes being lost in many 2005). Nevertheless, based on these primary sequence species of the higher Agaricomycotina (Martins etal., criteria only, many ‘non-canonical’ GST groups have 2010). Concerning sulfotransferases, few studies have emerged especially in bacteria and fungi, increasing the been devoted to the diversity of these enzymes in fungi, complexityoftheGSTsclassification.Afewproteinfamilies butneverthelessthisdetoxificationpathwayseemstobe areusuallyclassifiedasGSTs(EF1Bg,MAK16),butthisis restrictedtoascomycetes. ratherbasedonstructuralsimilarities,notontheexistence of a glutathione-dependent activity. In addition, further immunologic,genetic,structuralandfunctionalinvestiga- Fungalglutathionetransferases tions could reveal unexpected similarities between Soluble GSTs are usually dimeric enzymes, each mono- enzymesfirstlistedindifferentgroups(Meuxetal.,2012). mer being composed of two domains. The N-terminal ThisemphasizesthechallengeofGSTclassification. ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 Fungalxenomicnetworks 253 otot PP.. pplalacceennttaa n rn r ww oo BrBr CC.. ppuutteeaannaa PP.. ccaarrnnoossaa otot e re r FF. .mmeeddiitteerrrraanneeaa hithit WW PP.. cchhrryyssoossppoorriiuumm ss erer CC.. cciinneerreeaa ss oo pp mm oo ecec AA.. bbisisppoorruuss DD cc HH.. ccyylliinnddrroossppoorruumm otioti bibi mm yy SS LL.. bbiiccoolloorr nn MM.. llaarriicciiss--ppooppuulliinnaa ee gg oo hh atat PP CC.. nneeooffoorrmmaannss 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Gene Copy number GSTFuA Ure2p GTT1 GTT2 PHI GHR GSTO Fig.3. OrganizationoftheGSTomeinselectedfungi.GSTisoformnumbersforeachsubclassarereported.Therepartitionhasbeendone basedonthesequencesretrievedfromtheJGIcoupledtophylogeneticanalyses. It is largely admitted than the main activity of these Fig.3. We have investigated the diversity of GSTs in enzymes is the catalysis of a glutathione adduct onto saprophytic, symbiotic and pathogenic fungi (number of electrophilic molecules, the specificity of these enzymes genesaregiveninsupplementarydata)andhighlighteda remaining usually very weak. However, two classes of huge diversity in term of GST number and repartition GSTs called omega (GSTO) and glutathionyl hydroqui- within the different classes. While the number of GST is none reductase (GHR) possess in their catalytic site a higherinsaprophyticfungi,nocorrelationcouldbeestab- cysteinylresidueconferringtotheseproteinstheabilityto lished between the trophic mode of the fungi and their removeglutathionefromvariousstructurallydifferentmol- GSTcontent. ecules(Garceraetal.,2006;Xunetal.,2010;Meuxetal., 2011). These enzymes are highly versatile being able to GTTsandphiclasses switchactivitywhenchangingonlyoneorfewaminoacids in the protein sequence (Mannervik etal., 2009). This The GTTclass has been defined for GlutaThione Trans- propertyresultsinalargediversityofactivitiesevenwithin ferase, since they correspond to the first characterized asingleclass,theenzymesbeingabletoexhibitglutath- GST in S.cerevisiae (Choi etal., 1998). In yeast, it is ionylation, deglutathionylation or peroxidase activity with composedofGTT1andGTT2.Bothproteinsexhibitactiv- variousstructurallydifferentsubstrates. ity against classical GST substrates as 1-chloro-2,4- Taking advantage of the recent release of several dinitrobenzene (CDNB). ScGTT2 also catalyses the basidiomycete genome sequences provided by the Joint formation of glutathione-Cd conjugates (Adamis etal., GenomeInstitute(http://www.jgi.doe.gov),wedescribein 2004),whileScGTT1catalysesthereductionofhydroper- this review the occurrence of the main fungal cytosolic oxides, in particular cumene hydroperoxide probably in GSTsclasseswithinfungiwithvariouswaysoflife.Some the endoplasmic reticulum (Choi etal., 1998; Herrero selectedspeciesandtheirGSTdistributionareshownin etal., 2006). ScGTT1 and ScGTT2 have overlapping ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 254 M.Moreletal. functions with glutaredoxins (ScGrx1 and ScGrx2) being Ure2p4 and Ure2p6 of P.chrysosporium have been bio- involvedintheresponsetooxidativestress(Marianietal., chemically characterized (Thuillier etal., 2011). The cor- 2008). Phylogenetic analyses concerning ascomycetes, responding genes are recent duplicates, the sequences zygomycetesandbasidiomyceteshaveshownthatGTT1 beingtandemlyorganizedinthegenomewith83%amino and GTT2 homologues cluster separately (Fig.2) (Choi acid sequence identity. However the proteins do not etal., 1998; McGoldrick etal., 2005; Morel etal., 2009). exhibit the same activity pattern, Ure2p6 being much ThenumberofGTT1andGTT2isoformsrangesfrom0to more active than Ure2p4 in both GST and thiol disulfide 4forGTT1and0to5forGTT2(supplementalTableS1). oxidoreductaseactivities. A separate cluster has been identified in the present Ure2pB is less expanded and more ubiquitous than phylogenetic analysis (Fig.2). Since the amino acid Ure2pA (from one in most of the organisms to four sequences show similarity to the plant-related phi class, sequences in Agaricus bisporus, Coniophora puteana, wenamedthisnewgroupGSTFforphi.Inparticular,the PhlebiabrevisporaandBotryobasidiumbotryosom)andis N-terminalpartofsomebasidiomycetesequencesexhibit also present in bacterial genomes. Two isoforms (YfcG around 75% of similarity with Poplar and Arabidopsis and YchU) have been characterized in Escherichia coli GSTFs. In fungi, the number of GSTF-encoding genes (Kanaietal.,2006).Bothhavethioldisulfideoxidoreduct- differs considerably depending on the genome consid- aseactivityandcontrarytotheyeastisoform,weakGST ered, ranging from 0 to 10. The higher number (10 and peroxidase activities (Wadington etal., 2009; Stour- isoforms) is found in Botryobasidium botryosum, Hydno- manetal.,2011). meruliuspinastri,ConiophoraputeanaandSerpulalacry- TheexpansionanddiversificationofUre2pinAgarico- mans (supplemental Table S1). A proteomic study mycotina could be linked to environmental conditions. revealed upregulation of P.chrysosporium phi isoform Transcriptomicanalysesrevealedspecificupregulationof uponadditionofexogenousapplicationofvanillin,oneof someUre2p-encodinggenesinresponsetovariouswood the key intermediates found during lignin degradation species or aromatic compounds.As examples, P.chrys- (Shimizuetal.,2005).However,sincenoisoformofGTT osporiumUre2p9andUre2p6geneexpressionisinduced and phi has been characterized to date in basidiomyc- in presence of aspen and pine respectively (Vanden etes,theirphysiologicalroleremainsunclear. Wymelenberg etal., 2011). In the same species Ure2p4 andUre2p6showspecificexpressionafterpolycyclicaro- matic compound treatments (Thuillier etal., 2011). Simi- Ure2pclass larly, 8 Ure2p genes are upregulated by fir in P.carnosa GSTs belonging to this class have been found only in (MacDonaldetal.,2011). fungiandbacteria(exceptinStramenopilesandDictyos- teliida).InS.cerevisiae,Ure2pactsbothasaregulatorof GSTFuAclass nitrogencatabolicrepression,andasastress-responsive protein(CoschiganoandMagasanik,1991;Blinderetal., This class is only found in microbes (bacteria and fungi) 1996;Cooper,2002).Theproteinhasbeenwellstudiedin (Morel etal., 2009). The proteins are related to Lig pro- yeast for its particularity to form prions (Wickner, 1994). teinsofSphingobiumsp.SYK-6(Masaietal.,1989).The The additional amino acids in the N-terminal part of the Lig coding genes are organized in operons, which protein responsible for this property have been exclu- containsLigE,LigFandLigG.Thecorrespondingproteins sivelyfoundinsomeyeastspecies,suggestingfunctional are involved in the cleavage of b-aryl ether linkages, specializationofUre2pintheseorganisms. whichisthemostabundantbondfoundinlignin.SpLigE By analysing ascomycete and basidiomycete and SpLigF are enantioselective GSTs involved in sequences, it has been shown that this class could be cleavageofb-arylethercompounds,likeguaiacylglycerol split into two subclasses called Ure2pA and Ure2pB. In b-O-4-methylumbelliferone (GOU) to produce b- each subclass, the sequences cluster according to the hydroxypropiovanilloneand4-methylumbelliferoneinvitro taxonomy suggesting a recent diversification of Ure2p (Otsukaetal.,2003).SpLigGisaglutathionelyasecata- sequences (Thuillier etal., 2011). The analysis of the lysingglutathioneremovalfromtheglutathioneconjugate fungal genomes reveals that only Schizophyllum producedbySpLigF(Masaietal.,2003). commune does not possess any Ure2 sequence, sug- The number of isoforms is highly variable within and gestinganimportantroleofthisclassamongbasidiomyc- amongfungalphylaanditsdistributionisnotcorrelatedto etes (supplemental Table S1). Ure2pA is fungal specific fungal taxonomy but rather to the trophic state of fungi. and the number of isoforms is highly variable among Thisclassisindeedhighlyrepresented(between4and19 species ranging from 0 in many species to 20 in P.car- isoforms) in wood interacting fungi (saprotrophic, litter- nosa. It is also interesting to note that species with the decomposingandnecrotrophicfungi)whereasitisabsent highernumberofUre2pAisoformsaresaprophyticfungi. intheanalysedbiotrophicpathogens(supplementalTable ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 Fungalxenomicnetworks 255 S1).Interestinglyectomycorrhizalfungialsoexhibitahigh ScGTO2 is active towards several hydroquinone deri- numberofisoforms(from3to10)inaccordancewiththe vates (Lam etal., 2012) and its expression is strongly observationthatsomeofthesefungimayliveasfaculta- induced after exposure with stress agents, such as tive saprobes (Talbot etal., 2008). Unlike other fungal cadmium,hydroperoxideordiamide(Barretoetal.,2006), GSTs depicted here, the sequences cluster according to suggesting an involvement in oxidative stress response. theorganismandnospecificsubclasscouldbeidentified Based on sequence similarity and functional data (Fig.2). obtained with quinone derivatives, the yeast GSTOs iso- forms could in fact be part of the glutathionyl hydroqui- nonereductases. Cysteine-containingGSTs Cysteine-containingGSTsarerelativelyancientmembers AdirectlinkbetweenGSTomeandP450ome of the cytosolic GST superfamily widespread in several kingdoms and phyla [Omega (O) in mammals, fungi and Comparative analysis of genome sequence data is an insect; S-glutathionyl hydroquinone reductase (GHR) in important tool to reveal adaptation of organisms to spe- fungiandprokaryotes;Lambda(L)andDHARinplants]. cificenvironments.Networksinvolvedindrugmetabolism Although they exhibit the canonical thioredoxin fold, all and by extension in recalcitrant compound degradation/ these subclasses have a cysteine residue in their active detoxificationareparticularlyconcernedbyCNVs. site,whereotherGSTsexhibitaserineoratyrosine.This Considering fungi from various phyla, a significant cysteine changes dramatically the reactivity profiles of expansion of the total number of GST has been high- these enzymes compared with the classical GSTs. They lighted in Agaricomycotina (Fig.4A and supplemental do not catalyse conventional conjugation reactions and TableS2).ThisCNVisindependentoftheglobalnumber instead use GSH as a cofactor rather than co-substrate. of gene models. This result can be correlated with a Cysteine-containing GSTs have been described to previousstudyperformedontheCytP450family(Cresnar catalyse glutathione-dependent reductions and thiol and Petric, 2011). These authors showed that predomi- transferase reactions. They have been identified in all nantly yeast-form fungi such as Saccharomycotina have basidiomycete genomes studied here, whatever their a small P450ome, while mycorrhizal relationships and trophicproperties. complexnutrientdegradationmainlyperformedbyAgari- GSTOs are subdivided into two subclasses (II and III) comycotina seem to enhance the P450ome size. Based andsequencesarefoundinallsymbioticandsaprophytic onthisobservationandthedataobtainedfromtheFungal basidiomycete genomes with variability in their isoform Cytochrome P450 database (http://p450.riceblast.snu. number, while they were not detected in biotrophic fungi ac.kr/species.php),adirectcorrelationbetweenP450ome like Melampsora larici populina, Puccinia graminis or and GSTome contents can be observed suggesting a Malassezia globosa suggesting an evolution of the GST close link between phase I and phase II detoxification drivenbytheadaptationofthefungustoitshabitat(sup- processes (Fig.4B). However, this correlation with plemental Table S1). GHR sequences cluster separately CytP450 does not exist when considering the GST and have been recently described as a new subclass of classes individually. This suggests that compensatory enzymescatalysingtheremovalofglutathionefromhyd- effects between GST gene copy numbers could exist to roquinoneconjugates(Xunetal.,2010;BelchikandXun, relaythefirstdetoxificationstep.Bothproteinfamiliesare 2011;Meuxetal.,2011).OnetofourGHRisoformshave largelyexpandedinwood-interactingfungi.Forinstance, beendetectedinthestudiedfungalgenomes,exceptfor the symbiotic Laccaria bicolor exhibits a weak ability to M.globosaandP.graminis,forwhichnoGHRsequence degrade recalcitrant organic matter in correlation with hasbeenfound(supplementalTableS1). relativelyrestrictedxenomiccontent.Incontrast,Paxillus In contrast to higher eukaryotes, fungal cysteine- involutus, another symbiotic basidiomycete, possesses containing GSTs have been poorly studied, and most of an extracellular oxidative system (Rineau etal., 2012) the investigations have focused on yeast. The S.cerevi- and also an expanded xenome. The most expanded siaegenomeencodesthreeproteinscalledGTO1,GTO2 xenomes are found in fungi interacting with wood as the and GTO3 that display similarities with human GSTO necrotrophic Heterobasidion annosum and of course the class(Garceraetal.,2006).Theseenzymesareactiveas whiteandbrown-rotfungi. thiol transferases, dehydroascorbate reductases and as As proposed for CytP450s, the diversification of GSTs dimethylarsinic reductases trough a monothiol mecha- isalsorecentandcouldbedrivenbytheadaptationofthe nism(Garceraetal.,2006).Otherexperimentssuggesta fungitotheirenvironment.Ananalysisoftherapiddiver- roleofScGTO1insulfurmetabolismintheperoxisomes, gent genes associated in particular with duplication/ whichcouldberelatedtotheredoxregulationoftheStr3 deletion events has been conducted in various isolated cystathionine b-lyase protein (Barreto etal., 2006). strains of the symbiotic fungus P.involutus (Le Quere ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 256 M.Moreletal. A 0.0035 MSP P U A 0.003 ucoromycotinaaccharomycotinaezizomycotina uccinomlycotina stilaginomycotina garicomycotina 0.0025 s el d o 0.002 m e n e g 0.0015 / T S G 0.001 0.0005 0 B 300 RR22==00..7799 250 r e b m 200 u n 0 ss 5 150 eerr dd 4 aa P ggrr ee yt dd dd C 100 oooo WW 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 GST number Fig.4. GSTomeexpansioninAgaricomycotina.A.RelativeGSTomesizeoffungalspeciesbelongingtovariousphyla.Theratiobetween numberofGSTandnumberofgenemodelsisreported.B.RelationshipbetweenGSTandCytP450copynumbersintheJGIavailablefungal genomes.WooddegradersexhibitthehighestnumbersofGSTandCytP450isoforms.Speciesnamesanddataaregiveninsupplemental TableS2. ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263 Fungalxenomicnetworks 257 AA BB Fig.5. HeatmapsforselectedP.carnosa transcriptscodingforCytP450(A)andGSTs (B),duringgrowthonYMPG(Y)ormedium containingwoodfromfir(F),pine(P), spruce(S)ormaple(M),asdeterminedby mRNA-Seq.Thecolourscalerepresentsthe readsperkilobaseofgenemodelpermillion mappedreads.Thefigurehasbeen adaptedfromMacDonaldandcolleagues (2011). 0 50000 etal., 2006). Among the identified CNVs, the authors induces strongly three CytP450 and a Ure2p-encoding reported at least three CytP450 and one GST-encoding genes (Subramanian and Yadav, 2009). In the context genes demonstrating that the variation in gene copy of wood degradation, induction of different CytP450s- number occurring in this fungus at the isolate level con- encoding genes has been observed in P.chrysosporium cerns these gene families (Hedh etal., 2009). In other and P.placenta in a wood species-dependent manner organisms, CytP450s and GSTs are also concerned by (VandenWymelenbergetal.,2011)andP.carnosa(Mac- CNVs as shown for instance for the human cytochrome Donald etal., 2011). In P.carnosa, heat maps revealed P4502D6,thispolymorphismbeingassociatedwithdrug variable expression of CytP450 and GST genes during metabolizing systems (He etal., 2011). In a similar way, growthonfir,pine,spruceormaple(Fig.5adaptedfrom the human genome encodes 17 soluble GSTs, two of MacDonald etal., 2011). Some transcripts have been them missing in some individuals (Mannervik, 2012).All found to be abundant in all wood degrading conditions, these data agree with a rapid evolution of the xenomic while others seem to accumulate in specific ones.As an network driven by the molecular environment of the example CytP450 (Gene ID 516) and GST (Gene ID organisms. 1262)exhibitthesametranscriptprofile,i.e.aninduction byallwoodsubstrates.Similarly,CytP450(GeneID3626) andGST(GeneID2315)arebothinducedspecificallyby CoexpressionofP450omeandGSTome fir (Fig.5). Concomitant analysis of CytP450 and GST The direct correlation between the P450ome and expression could be a starting point to establish a func- GSTomewasalsoinvestigatedusingthegrowingnumber tionallinkbetweenisoforms. oftranscriptionalstudies.Forexample,specificCytP450- encodinggenesfoundinP.chrysosporiumareinducedin FunctionallinksbetweenGSTomeandP450ome presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Syed etal.,2010)anditisalsothecasefortwoUre2pisoforms ThedirectcorrelationobservedbetweentheCytP450and (Thuillier etal., 2011). In the same fungus, nonylphenol GST contents raises the question of the functions of the ©2013TheAuthors.PublishedbySocietyforAppliedMicrobiologyandBlackwellPublishingLtd,MicrobialBiotechnology,6,248–263

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