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X-RAYS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS X-RAYS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS J.G. BROWN Royal College of Advanced Technology, Salford A PLENUM/ROSETTA EDITION Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Brown, James Graham. X-rays and their applications. "A Plenum/Rosetta edition." Includes bibliographies and index. 1. X-rays. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Radiation QC481 B878x) QC481.B881975 539.7'222 75-34146 ISBN-13: 978-1-4613-4400-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4613-4398-1 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-4398-1 First paperback printing 1975 © J. G. BROWN, 1966 A Plenum/Rosetta Edition Published by Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011 United Kingdom edition published by Plenum Press, London A Division of Plenum Publishing Company, Ltd. Davis House (4th Floor), 8 Scrubs Lane, Harlesden, London, NW10 6SE, England All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfllming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher CONTENTS Preface 7 Chapter 1 Introduction 9 2 Generation of X-rays 13 3 Measurement and Detection of X-rays 40 4 Absorption and Scattering of X-rays 53 5 Elementary Crystallography 79 6 Diffraction of X-rays 95 7 X-ray Spectroscopy 122 8 Refraction and Reflection of X-rays 147 9 Health Hazards and Safety Precautions 157 10 Radiography 165 11 X-ray Crystallography I: The Methods of Ob serving the X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Crystals 182 12 X-ray Crystallography II: Applications of X-ray Diffraction by Crystals 203 13 Spectroscopic and Other Applications of X-rays 237 Appendix 1 Selected Problems 245 2 Answers to Problems 250 Index 251 PREFACE This book is intended to provide a treatment of the production, properties and applications of X-rays suitable for undergraduate courses in physics. It is hoped that parts of it, at least, will be useful to students on other courses in physics, materials science, metallurgy, chemistry, engineering, etc. at various levels. It is also hoped that parts of it will serve as an introduction to the subject of X-ray crystallography, and to this end the treatment of X-ray diffraction has been designed to show the relation between the simple approach and the more sophisticated treatments. During many years of teaching this subject to Degree, Diploma in Technology and Higher National Certificate students, I have been unable to find a single book which attempts to cover the whole of this field. This lack of a treatment of X-rays and their applications in one volume has prompted me to attempt to fill the gap and this present volume is the result. Obviously in writing such a book I have referred to many existing books and I acknowledge my indebtedness to the authors of all the books which I have used. I believe that all these books are included in the re ferences at the ends of the chapters but if I have omitted any, then my apologies are offered to the authors concerned. My thanks are also due to Dr. B. Brown for his help and guidance throughout the preparation of the manuscript and to my colleagues at the Royal College of Advanced Technology, Salford (the proposed Univer sity of Salford) for many helpful discussions on the subject matter of the book and its presentation. The photographs reproduced as Plates 11.1 to 11.6 were taken at the Royal College of Advanced Technology, Salford, and are reproduced by permission of the Principal. Salford, 1966 J.G.B. 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. THE DISCOVERY OF X-RAYS X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Rontgen 1 during the course of an examination of the fluorescence produced in the walls of a discharge tube when an electrical discharge occurred in the residual gas in the tube. It was known at that time that the fluorescence occurred when the pressure in the tube was low, so that no visible discharge took place and that it was under these conditions that cathode rays were most easily observed.2 In order to observe the fluorescence more easily, Rontgen fitted the tube with a closely fitting sheath of thin black cardboard and the room was darkened. He also had a paper screen coated with barium platino-cyanide. He observed that when the potential difference produced by an induction coil was applied to the discharge tube the barium platino-cyanide fluoresced brilliantly whether the treated or untreated surfaces of the screen faced the tube. Furthermore, the screen lit up at appreciable distances from the tube-up to 2 m. Rontgen was able to convince himself that the agency which caused the fluorescence had its origin in that part of the discharge tube at which the walls were struck by the cathode rays. He also realised the importance of his discovery and began to study the properties of these new rays which he named 'X-rays'. In the original paper in which the discovery was announced, he recorded his observations of some of the properties of X-rays, as follows: 1. All substances are penetrated by X-rays to an appreciable extent. Thus wood is very transparent even several centimetres thick. A IS-mm thickness of aluminium weakens the fluorescence considerably. Lead glass appears to be quite opaque but other types of glass are much more transparent. (Rontgen also observed that the bones of the hand absorb X-rays more readily than the surrounding flesh. As a result of this observation, X-rays were used in a hospital in Vienna as an aid to surgery within three months of their discovery.) 9 10 X.rays and their Applieations 2. Many substances fluoresce under irradiation with X-rays, e.g. calcium compounds, uranium glass, rock salt, etc. 3. Photographic plates and films are sensitive to X-rays. 4. X-rays are not deflected by magnetic fields. 5. X-rays discharge electrified bodies-of either sign. 6. X-rays travel in straight lines. 7. X-rays are generated whenever cathode rays strike a solid body. Heavy elements are more effective as producers of X-rays than light ones. . Although, at the time, Rontgen was unable to reflect or to refract X-rays, it is now known that both reflection and refraction of X-rays can be observed under special conditions. (See Chapter 8). It is remarkable that the paper in which the original discovery of X-rays was recorded should also contain evidence for most of the basic properties of the radiation. 1.2. THE NATURE OF X-RAYS It is natural that many of the early experiments on X-rays should have been designed to find out something about the nature of this new radiation. The first evidence was provided by Rontgen himself who showed that X-rays are not deflected by magnetic fields. It must therefore be concluded that X-rays are not charged particles as are cathode rays and the a-and fJ-rays emitted by radioactive substances. Since at this time uncharged particle radiation was not known, it was natural to assume that X-rays were some kind of wave motion. Attempts were made to observe, therefore, the well-known wave phenomena of interference and diffraction. The early attempts were unsuccessful3 but in 1899 Haga and Wind4 obtained some more positive evidence. They passed a beam of X-rays through a narrow V-shaped slit a few thousandths of a millimetre wide, and allowed the transmitted beam to fall on to a photographic plate. The image of the slit was found to be slightly broadened. Haga and Wind attributed this effect to diffraction and estimated the wavelength to be of the order of 10-8 cm. Some later work by Walter and Pohl5 suggested that diffraction did not perhaps occur. However, Sommerfeld6 reconsidered Walter and Pohl's results and showed that they con firmed the work of Haga and Wind. In the meantime a new approach had been tried. It was assumed that Haga and Wind's evidence was sound, and that X-rays were, therefore, waves, and that they were, in fact, electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic theory was, of course, well developed by this Introduction 11 time, so that its application to the case of X-rays was a logical step. The application of this theory to the production of X-rays visualises the X-rays as being produced as electromagnetic waves by the decelerating cathode-ray particle. It follows that the X-rays may be expected to be plane polarised with the electric vector parallel to the direction of the cathode-ray beam. The application of the electro magnetic theory to the scattering of X-rays provides a method of testing this experimentally. According to this theory the scattered X-rays are produced by the oscillations of the electrons in the scatter ing material and these oscillations are produced by the periodic electric intensity variation in the incident electromagnetic wave. Since this electric intensity is necessarily perpendicular to the direc tion of propagation of the (transverse) electromagnetic waves and since the electric intensity of the scattered X-rays must be perpendi cular to the direction of propagation of these scattered X-rays as well as being parallel to the line of oscillation of the electrons, it follows that X-rays scattered through exactly one right angle must be plane polarised. This is because the line of oscillation of the electrons responsible for the scattered X-rays must be perpendicular to the directions of both the incident and scattered beams and, if these are mutually perpendicular, the line of oscillation can lie in only one possible direction. Thus the scattered X-rays are plane polarised with the electric intensity perpendicular to the plane containing the incident and scattered beams. It also follows from this theory that if the incident X-rays are plane polarised there should be zero scat tered intensity in a direction parallel to the electric intensity of the incident plane polarised beam. These predictions were tested experimentally by Barkla 7 who found that the X-rays scattered through 90° were about 70 %p lane polarised. He pointed out, however, that certain errors existed in the experi ment which would lead to incomplete polarisation. Subsequently Compton and Hagenow8 carried out experiments in which these errors were eliminated or allowed for, and these showed that the polarisation of the scattered X-rays was complete to within I or 2%. The scattering of X-rays is discussed more fully in Chapter 4. Since the predictions of the electromagnetic theory on the scatter ing of X-rays were found to be correct, this led to the conclusion that X-rays must be electromagnetic waves. If this is so then interference and diffraction effects should be observable. The experiments of Haga and Wind and of Walter and Pohl indicated that the wave lenl!th ofX-ravs is of the order of 10-8 em which is too small for the 12 X-rays and their AppHeatieDi use of slits to demonstrate these effects, and, therefore, some other technique is required. It was realised by von Laue that the average distance between the atoms in a solid, which he calculated from the known number of molecules per unit volume, is of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of X-rays as indicated by Raga and Wind and by Walter and Pohl. Furthermore, if crystals are built up by the regular repetition in three dimensions of some unit, which is presumably of atomic or molecular size, then a crystal may form a kind of three dimensional diffraction grating whose spacing should be of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of X-rays. An experiment to test this idea was carried out by Friedrich and Knipping who passed a beam of X-rays through a crystal of zinc blende.9 This experiment showed that diffraction by the crystal did in fact occur. It also indi cated the range of wavelengths present in the X-ray beam and of course provided confirmation of von Laue's assumptions with regard to crystals and X-rays. This experiment, therefore, can be regarded as providing conclu sive evidence that X-rays are waves and in view of Barkla's experi ments they must be electromagnetic waves. The experiment of Friedrich, Knipping and von Laue also marks the beginning of the science of X-ray crystallography which is treated more fully in Chapters 11 and 12. REFERENCES 1. RONTGEN, Sitzber, Wurzburger Physick. Med. Ges. (1895). Translated-The Electrician, 36, 415 and 850 (1896); Nature, 53,274 (1896). Reprinted-Ann. Physik., 64, 1 (1898). 2. YARWOOD, Atomic Physics, University Tutorial Press (1958). 3. GoUY, Compt. Rend., 122, 1197 (1896). 4. HAGA & WIND, Ann. Physik., 68, 884 (1899). 5. WALTER & POHL, Ann. Physik., 29, 331 (1909). 6. SOMMEFELD, Ann. Physik., 38, 473 (1912). 7. BARKLA, Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 77, 247 (1906). 8. CoMPTON & HAGENOW, Rev. Sci. Instr., 8, 487 (1924). 9. FRIEDRICH, KNIPPING & VON LAUE, Bayer. A cad. Wiss., 303 (1912). 2 GENERATION OF X-RAYS 2.1. INTRODUCTION In Rontgen's investigations of the properties of X-rays he found that X-rays are generated whenever cathode rays strike a solid body and are stopped by it. Thus, in order to generate X-rays, three main components are required, namely, a source of cathode rays or elec trons, a means of accelerating them and a solid target to stop them. In most modern X-ray tubes the source of electrons is a heated fila ment and the necessary acceleration is produced by a large potential difference applied between the target and the electron gun. Thus an X-ray generator consists of an X-ray tube together with equipment to provide the necessary electrical supplies. It is the purpose of this chapter to consider these matters. The X-ray tubes and the electrical supplies will be considered separately first and then typical complete installations will be described. 2.2. X-RAY TUBES It is possible to classify X-ray tubes in a number of ways: (a) in terms of the type of electron source: (i) the cold cathode tube-also known as the ion tube or the gas tube (ii) the hot filament tube-also known as the electron tube or the hard tube. In the first of these tubes the electrons are provided by a bombard ment of the plate cathode by positive ions which are produced in the gas which is deliberately left in the tube. On the other hand in the second type of tube the electrons are produced by thermionic emis sion in a heated filament. (b) in terms of the method of maintaining the necessary vacuum: (i) the continuously evacuated tube or the demountable tube (ii) the sealed-off tube. In the first of these two types the tube is continuously evacuated by 13

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