Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.romano050406d February5,2008 (DOI:willbeinsertedbyhandlater) X-ray flare in XRF 050406: evidence for prolonged engine activity P.Romano1,A.Moretti1,P.L.Banat1,D.N.Burrows2,S.Campana1,G.Chincarini1,S.Covino1,D.Malesani3, G.Tagliaferri1,S.Kobayashi2,4,B.Zhang5,A.D.Falcone2,L.Angelini6,7,S.Barthelmy6,A.P.Beardmore8, M.Capalbi9,G.Cusumano10,P.Giommi11,M.R.Goad8,O.Godet8,D.Grupe2,J.E.Hill6,12,J.A.Kennea2, V.LaParola10,V.Mangano10,P.Me´sza´ros2,D.C.Morris2,J.A.Nousek2,P.T.O’Brien8,J.P.Osborne8, A.Parsons6,M.Perri9,C.Pagani2,1,K.L.Page8,A.A.Wells8,N.Gehrels6 6 0 0 1 INAF–Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via E. Bianchi 46, I-23807 Merate (LC), Italy e-mail: 2 [email protected] 2 DepartmentofAstronomy&Astrophysics,PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,525DaveyLab,UniversityPark,PA16802,USA n a 3 InternationalSchoolforAdvancedStudies(SISSA-ISAS),ViaBeirut2-4,I-34014Trieste,Italy J 4 CenterforGravitationalWavePhysics,PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,104DaveyLab,UniversityPark,PA16802,USA 1 5 DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofNevada,LasVegas,NV89154-4002,USA 1 6 NASA/GoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,MD20771,USA 7 Department of Physicsand Astronomy, TheJohns Hopkins University,3400 NorthCharlesStreet,BaltimoreMD 21218 2 USA v 8 X-RayandObservationalAstronomyGroup,DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,UniversityofLeicester,LE17RH,UK 3 9 ASIScienceDataCenter,viaG.Galilei,I-00044Frascati(Roma),Italy 7 10 INAF–IstitutodiAstrofisicaSpazialeeFisicaCosmicaSezionediPalermo,ViaU.LaMalfa153,I-90146Palermo,Italy 1 11 AgenziaSpazialeItaliana,Unita`Osservazionedell’Universo,VialeLiegi26,I-00198Roma,Italy 1 12 UniversitiesSpaceResearchAssociation,10211WincopinCircle,Suite500,Columbia,MD,21044-3432,USA 0 6 0 Received:2005September7;accepted2006January3 / h Abstract. WepresentobservationsofXRF050406,thefirstburstdetectedbySwiftshowingaflareinitsX-raylightcurve. p - Duringthisflare,whichpeaksattpeak ∼210saftertheBATtrigger,afluxvariationofδF/F ∼6inaveryshorttimeδt/tpeak ≪1 o wasobserved.Itsmeasuredfluenceinthe0.2–10keVbandwas∼ 1.4×10−8 ergcm−2,whichcorrespondsto1–15%ofthe r promptfluence.Wepresentindicationsofspectralvariationsduringtheflare.Wearguethattheproducingmechanismislate t s internalshocks,whichimpliesthatthecentralengineisstillactiveat210s,thoughwithareducedpowerwithrespecttothe a promptemission.TheX-raylightcurveflattenstoaveryshallowslopewithdecayindexof∼ 0.5after∼ 4400s,whichalso : v supportscontinuedcentralengineactivityatlatetimes.ThisburstisclassifiedasanX-rayflash,witharelativelylowfluence i (∼10−7ergcm−2inthe15–350keVband,E ∼1051erg),asoftspectrum(photonindex2.65),nosignificantfluxabove∼50 X iso keVandapeakenergyE < 15keV.XRF050406isoneofthefirstexamplesofawell-studiedX-raylightcurveofanXRF. p r WeshowthatthemainafterglowcharacteristicsarequalitativelysimilartothoseofnormalGRBs.Inparticular,X-rayflares a superimposedonapower-lawlightcurvehavenowbeenseeninbothXRFsandGRBs.Thisindicatesthatasimilarmechanism maybeatworkforbothkindsofevents. Keywords.Gammarays:bursts;X-rays:bursts;X-rays:individuals(XRF050406) 1. Introduction fieldinstruments.TheXRT,whichoperatesinthe0.2–10keV energy range, can provide ∼ 5′′ positions, while the UVOT, The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Explorer (Gehrelsetal. 2004) whichoperatesinthe1700–6000Åwavelengthrange,canfur- was successfully launched on 2004 Nov 20. Its payload in- therrefinetheafterglowlocalizationto∼ 0′.′5.Withitsunique cludes one wide-field instrument, the gamma-ray (15–350 fastre-pointingcapabilitiesSwiftsetouttoinvestigatethevery keV) Burst Alert Telescope (BAT; Barthelmyetal. 2005a), earlyphasesofgamma-rayburst(GRB)afterglows,beginning andtwonarrow-fieldinstruments,theX-RayTelescope(XRT; asearlyasoneminuteaftertheBATtrigger.Duringtheinitial Burrowsetal. 2005a) and the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope activationandcalibrationphases,whichendedon2005Apr5, (UVOT; Romingetal. 2005). BAT detects the bursts, calcu- Swiftdiscovered25GRBs.Thenarrow-fieldinstrumentswere lates their position to ∼ 1–4′ accuracy and triggers an au- re-pointed towards seven of them within a few hundred sec- tonomous slew of the observatory to point the two narrow- onds,andsuchisthecaseforGRB050406. Sendoffprintrequeststo:P.Romano 2 P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 On2005Apr6at15:58:48.40UT,BATtriggeredonGRB rameter (i.e., ∆χ2 = 2.71) unless otherwise stated. Times are 050406(trigger113872;Parsonsetal.2005),andlocateditat referred to the BAT trigger T , t = T − T . The decay and 0 0 RA(J2000) = 02h17m53s,Dec(J2000) = −50◦10′52′′,withan spectralindicesareparameterizedasfollows,F(ν,t) ∝ t−αν−β, uncertaintyof3arcmin(95%containment;Krimmetal.2005). where F (ergcm−2 s−1 Hz−1)is themonochromaticfluxasa ν Thederivedvalueforthetime duringwhich90%oftheburst functionoftimetandfrequencyν;wealsouseΓ=β+1asthe fluenceisobservedwasT =5±1sinthe15–350keVband.In photonindex,N(E)∝ E−Γ(phkeV−1cm−2s−1). 90 the15–25keVbandthelightcurvepeakhadafast-rise,expo- nentialdecay(FRED)profile,whileinthe25–50keVband,the 2. Observationsanddatareduction shapewasmoresymmetric,withthepeakstarting∼2searlier (Krimmetal.2005).Boththepeakandtime-averagedspectra 2.1.BATobservations werewellfitbyasimplepower-lawwithatime-averagedspec- trumphotonindexof2.38±0.34(90%confidence;Krimmetal. Table 1 reports the log of the observationsthat were used for 2005).Thefluenceinthe15–350keVbandwas9.0×10−8erg thiswork.TheBATdatawereanalyzedusingthestandardBAT cm−2.Thegamma-raycharacteristicsofthisburst,i.e.thesoft- analysissoftwaredistributedwithinFTOOLSv6.0.Theburstis ness of the observed spectrum and the absence of significant detectedinthefirsttwostandardbands(15–25and25–50keV) emission above ∼ 50 keV, classify GRB 050406 as an X-ray whilevirtuallynofluxisobservedabove50keV.WefindT90 = flash (XRF; Heiseetal. 2001). From now on, we shall there- 6.1±1.0sinthe15–150keVband. forerefertothiseventasXRF050406. TheBATspectrawereextractedoverthefulltimeinterval Swift executed a prompt slew. The XRT imaged the BAT overwhichtheburstwasdetected(Ttot),intheintervalcovering field only 84s after the trigger but no bright X-ray source the1-speakTpeak,andfortheT90 andT50 intervals.Response couldbe detectedwithinthefield ofview.However,a refined matrices were generated with the task batdrmgen using the on-groundanalysis revealed a previously uncataloguedX-ray latest spectral redistribution matrices. For our spectral fitting source(Cusumanoetal.2005a;Capalbietal.2005).Fromthe (XSPECv11.3.2)weconsideredthe15–150keVenergyrange. veryfirstexaminationofthedown-linkeddataitwasclearthat Allspectraarewellfitwithasimplepowerlawwithphotonin- theafterglowofthisburstwaspeculiar.Indeed,afteraninitial dexΓγ ∼2.65(seedetailsinTable2).Thereisnoevidenceofa decay, the X-ray count rate began rising, peaking at ≈ 220s, spectralbreakwithintheBATenergyrange,thusconstraining andsubsequentlydecayingagain(Capalbietal.2005). the peakenergy Ep < 15keV.The indicesare steeper (softer) Ground-basedobservationsstartedassoonastheburstdis- although consistent with the ones reported by Krimmetal. coverywasreportedviatheGCNnetwork.TheMagellan/Clay (2005), due to the different energy ranges used for the spec- telescope imaged the XRT error circle with LDSS-3 in the tralfitting.Nosignificantimprovementsarefoundusingeither R and i bands and found a single faint source (R = 22.0 ± acutoffpower-laworaBandmodel(Bandetal.1993).The1-s 0.09 mag, 7.8 hr after the burst) located at RA(J2000) = peakphotonfluxwas(2.3+2.8)×10−8ergcm−2s−1(15–350keV −0.4 02h17m52s.3, Dec(J2000) = −50◦11′15′′ with an uncertainty band), while the fluence was F = (1.0+1.13)×10−7 erg cm−2 −0.36 of ∼ 0′.′5 in each coordinate(Bergeretal. 2005a,b). Similarly (15–350keV band).Thisfluence correspondsto an isotropic- to XRT, UVOT also imaged the field at the end of the slew equivalentenergyEiso = (1.4+−10..66)×1051 erg(intherestframe (starting from∼ 88 s after the trigger)and thoughit failed to 52–1204keV)assumingz=2.44±0.36(Schadyetal.2006). detect the afterglow on-board (Landsmanetal. 2005), subse- quenton-groundanalysisrevealedasourcewithintheXRTer- 2.2.XRTobservations rorcircleatthe4.3-(19.0mag),3.0-and2.5-σdetectionlev- elsintheU, BandV bands,respectively.TheUVOTposition In order to cover the dynamic range and rapid variability ex- was RA(J2000) = 02h17m52s.2, Dec(J2000) = −50◦11′15′.′8, pectedfromGRBafterglowsandtoproviderapid-response,au- consistent with the Magellan one. By the time the second tomated observations, XRT was designed to support different UVOT observation (1.3 hr later) was performed, the source readout modes that optimize the collected information as the wasnotdetectedintheU band,confirmingitastheafterglow fluxoftheburstdiminishes.TheXRTsupportsfourmajorread- of XRF 050406.Schadyetal. (2006) obtained an estimate of out modes, one imaging (IM), two timing, Piled-up/Low-rate z = 2.44± 0.36 from fitting the broad band spectrum (com- Photodiode (PuPD and LrPD) and Windowed Timing (WT), binedUVOTandXRTdata). andonePhoton-Counting(PC).AdetaileddescriptionofXRT InthispaperwepresentobservationsofthefirstSwiftburst modescanbefoundinHilletal.(2004).Inthenominaloper- whereaflareisclearlydetectedinitsX-raylightcurve,during atingstatethemodeswitchingisbasedonthesourcefluxand whichthesourcecountrateincreasedbyafactorof>∼ 6.This isfullyautomated(autostate)tominimizepile-upinthedata. featurehadneverbeenobservedbeforeinSwiftdata,andhad TheXRTobservationsofXRF050406startedon2005Apr rarelybeenobservedbeforeinanyX-rayafterglow(Piroetal. 6at16:00:12UT,only84safterthetrigger,andendedon2005 2005). This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we de- Apr22,thussummingupatotalnetexposure(inPCmode)of scribe our observations and data reduction; in Sect. 3 we de- ∼ 163 ks spread over a ∼16d baseline. The monitoringis or- scribe our spatial, timing and spectral data analysis; in Sect. ganizedin 9 observations(000,001,002,005,006,008,009, 4 we discuss our findings. Finally, in Sect. 5 we summarize 010, 011)and 183 snapshots(continuouspointingsat the tar- our conclusions. Throughoutthis paper the quoted uncertain- get). This was the first burst to occur after the formal end of ties are given at 90% confidence level for one interesting pa- the calibration phase (2005 Apr 5), and the first (000) obser- P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 3 sources of background are the main reason for the switching betweenPCandWTmodeevenwhenthesourcecountrateis below1countss−1. Throughout the monitoring campaign the CCD tempera- turewas< −50◦C,withtheexceptionofpartofobservations 002 and 005, where it became as high as −43.5 and −45 ◦C, respectively; those data were therefore screened out. For our analysiswefurtherselectedXRTgrades0–12and0–2forPC and WT data, respectively (according to Swift nomenclature; Burrowsetal.2005a). 3. Dataanalysis 3.1.Spatialanalysis Figure1showsthe163ksXRTimageaccumulatedinPCmode in the 0.2–10 keV energy band. We detected two previously uncataloguedsourceswithin 1 arcmin of the opticalburst co- ordinates.The brightestuncataloguedsource, which we iden- tified as the fading X-ray counterpart of the burst, is present Fig.1. XRT image of XRF 050406, obtained from the to- inthefirstfourXRT snapshots.Thesourceispiled-upduring tal ∼163ks PC mode data. The field is centred on the 3′ the initial 500s of PC data. Therefore, to obtain an unbiased radius BAT error circle. Also shown is the XRT 4′.′2 er- position, we rely on the remainder of the PC data in the first ror circle, as well as the Magellan (Bergeretal. 2005a) and observation,whichhasanetexposureof49.8ks.We usedthe UVOT (Roletal. 2005) optical counterpartpositions; the op- xrtcentroidtask(v0.2.7)andfoundthattheafterglowposi- tical points are so close they cannot be distinguished on this tion isRA(J2000) = 2h17m52s.4,Dec(J2000) = −50◦11′13′.′6. scale. S2 is a serendipitous source located at RA(J2000) = We estimate its uncertaintyto be 4′.′2 (90%confidencelevel). 02h17m52.s9,Dec(J2000)=−50◦10′36′.′1. This position takes into account the correction for the mis- alignment between the telescope and the satellite optical axis (Morettietal. 2005). Figure 1 shows the XRT error circle, as vation was performed as an automated target (AT) with XRT well as the 3′ BAT error circle (Krimmetal. 2005; 95%con- inautostate.Therefore,duringobservation000theautomated tainment) and the optical counterpart coordinates determined mode switching made XRT take an initial 2.5s image (IM at by Magellan (Bergeretal. 2005a) and by UVOT (Roletal. t = 84s), immediately followed by one PuPD (t = 90s) and 2005). TheXRT coordinatesare23′′ fromthe BAT ones,and oneLrPD(t = 91s) frame.Thenatt = 92saseriesof5 WT 1′.′6and2′.′8fromtheMagellanandUVOTones,respectively. frameswas taken until the on-boardmeasured countrate was XRF050406wasdetected(XIMAGEv4.3)inthefirstfoursnap- low enough for XRT to switch to PC mode (t = 99s). After shotsindividually,butnotfromthe5thon.Thesecondsource, this,XRTrepeatedlyswitchedbetweenWTandPCmodesbe- S2, is located at RA(J2000) = 02h17m52s.9, Dec(J2000) = causeofanincreasedbackgroundlevel(seebelow).Sincethe −50◦10′36′.′1andhasaconstantrate(3.8±0.7)×10−4counts signal-to-noise (S/N) in these late WT frames is low, we did s−1throughouttheobservationcampaign. notincludetheminouranalysis(Table1). TheXRTdatawerefirstprocessedbytheSwiftDataCenter 3.2.Temporalanalysis atNASA/GSFCintoLevel1products(calibratedandquality- flaggedeventlists).Thentheywerefurtherprocessedwiththe During the first 500s of the XRT observation the intensity of XRTDAS (v1.4.0) software package written by the Agenzia theafterglowwashighenoughtocausepile-upinthePCmode Spaziale Italiana (ASI) Science Data Center and distributed data.To accountforthiseffectweextractedthe sourceevents within FTOOLS v6.0 to produce the final cleaned eventlists. withinanannuluswitha30-pixelouterradius(∼71′′)anda2- We ran the task xrtpipeline(v0.8.8)applying standard fil- pixelinnerradius.Thesevalueswerederivedbycomparingthe teringandscreeningcriteria,i.e.,wecutouttemporalintervals observedandnominalPSF.ForthePCdatacollectedafterthe during which the CCD temperature was higher than −47 ◦C, first500s,theentirecircularregion(30-pixelradius)wasused, and we removed hot and flickering pixels. These are present instead.Inbothcaseswefurtherdisregardeddatawithinacir- becausetheCCDisoperatingatatemperaturehigherthanthe cularregioncentredontheserendipitoussourceS2(whichlies design temperature of −100 ◦C due to a failure in the active within the 30-pixel PC source extraction region) with a 7.17 coolingsystem.Anon-boardeventthresholdof∼0.2keV(un- pixel(17′′)radius.TheWTdatawereextractedinarectangu- reconstructedpulse-heightPHAS[1]> 80)wasalsoappliedto lar region31 pixels longalong the image strip (and 20 pixels thecentralpixel,whichhasbeenproventoreducemostofthe wide), which excludes the data from the source S2. The se- backgroundduetoeitherthebrightEarthlimbortheCCDdark lectedextractionregionscorrespondto∼ 69%(piled-upPC), current(which depends on the CCD temperature).These two ∼ 95%(nonpiled-upPC),and∼ 94%(WT)oftheXRTPSF. 4 P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 Fig.2.X-raylightcurveoftheXRF050406afterglowinthe0.2–10keVenergyband.Thecurveisbackground-subtractedand the time is referredto the BAT trigger,2005Apr 06 at15:58:48.4UT (Parsonsetal. 2005). Thelast pointafter 106s is a 3-σ upper limit. Inset: details of the first ∼ 1000s, which include data in all XRT modes. The (yellow) diamondsrepresentLrPD modedatatakenduringthelatterportionoftheslewingphase;the(cyan)triangleistheinitialIMpoint(84safterthetrigger, see Table 1), the downward-pointingarrow is a LrPD limit (pointing, 91s after the trigger), the (blue) circles are WT mode data(startingfrom92safterthetrigger),andthe(red)squaresarePCmodedata(startingfrom99safterthetrigger).Thedata havebeencorrectedforpile-up(whereappropriate)andPSFlosses.Thesolid(red)linerepresentsthebest-fitbrokenpower-law modeltothelightcurve(excludingtheflare). Toaccountforthebackground,datawerealsoextractedinPC PC mode data were corrected for the effects of pile-up. We modewithinacircularregion(radius130′′ = 54.8pixels)and note that, by keeping to the minimum number of counts per inWTmodewithinarectangularbox(40×20pixels),inloca- timebincriterion,wecreatedseveralbinsduringthefirstsnap- tionsfar frombackgroundsources.ThemeanPC background shot,butsubsequentlyneededtomergedatabelongingtosnap- in the 0.2–10 keV band was found to be constant throughout shots 1 and 2 (point at ∼ 4ks), then from snapshots 3 and 4 the observations and, normalized to the PC source extraction (point at ∼ 20ks), and later on from snapshots 5 through 8 region,ithadavalueof∼2.6×10−3countss−1.ThemeanWT (point at ∼ 35ks). Afterwards, we used XIMAGE with the op- backgroundinthesameenergybandandnormalizedtotheWT tion SOSTA, which calculates vignetting- and PSF-corrected sourceregionwas∼4.6×10−2countss−1. count rates within a specified box, and the background in a user-specifiedregion.Toensureuniformitywiththeearlylight Figure 2 shows the background-subtractedlight curve ex- curve,thebackgroundwasestimatedinthesameregionasthe tracted in the 0.2–10 keV energy band, with the BAT trigger oneusedfortheinitialpartofthelightcurve.Wethusobtained as origin of time. We considered WT data for the first snap- a signal-to-noise ratio S/N >∼ 3 (the only exception being the shot of the first observation, and PC data for all 9 available point at ∼ 33 ks which has S/N >∼ 2). The last point is a 3-σ observations(seeTable1).Duringtheinitialphasesoftheaf- upperlimit.Thislattermethodispreferredfortheconstruction terglowevolution(t < 4×104s) webinnedthesourcecounts of the late part of the light curve since it better accounts for with a minimum of 30 counts per time bin, and dynamically thebackgroundinalow-countsregime.Wenote,however,that subtractedthenormalizedbackgroundcountsineachbin.The P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 5 extracting the light curve in the same 30-pixel source region up to the end of the last observation, we obtained fully con- sistent results, albeit with a noisier light curve. We also note that the residual contribution of the serendipitous source S2 withinthesourceextractionregionis<∼ 19%oftheS2counts, whichcorrespondsto <∼ (7±1)×10−5 countss−1. Therefore, S2 only makes a marginal contribution to the afterglow light curve,whichamountsto<20%ofthelastpoint. The light curve clearly shows a complex behaviour, with apowerlawdecayunderlyingaremarkableflarewhichpeaks at ≈ 210 s after the BAT trigger (see Fig. 2, inset). To fit the lightcurvewe usedthe BAT triggerasreferencetime andwe onlyconsideredspectroscopic-modedataobtainedwhileXRT was pointing,thus excludingthe early LrPD, the LrPD upper limitandtheIMpoint.Furtherexcludingthedatatakenduring the flare (180s < t < 300s), a fit with a simple power law yields χ2 = 4.32 (12 degrees of freedom, d.o.f.), which is red unacceptable.Afitwith abrokenpowerlaw F(t) = Kt−α1 for t<tbandF(t)= Ktb−α1(t/tb)−α2 fort>tb,wheretbisthetime ofthebreak,yieldsα =1.58+0.18andα =0.50±0.14,anda 1 −0.16 2 breakat∼4200saftertheBATtrigger.Thislattermodelyields a good fit (χ2 = 1.20, 10 d.o.f.), a significant improvement red Fig.3.WTbackground-subtractedlightcurves.(a):Totalband overthesimplepowerlaw(nullhypothesisprobability=1.7× (T,0.2–10keV).(b):Softband(S,0.2–1keV).(c):Hardband 10−3,equivalentto3.2σ), butsomeoftheparametersarenot (H,1–10keV).(d):Ratioofhardtosoftcountrates. wellconstrained.Alternatively,afitwithtwosmoothlyjoined powerlaws F(t) = K′[(t/tb)−α1 +(t/tb)−α2] yieldsχ2red = 1.29 (10 d.o.f.) with similar values for the inferred parameters. A (hard, H), as well as the total band, 0.2–10keV. We used the summaryofthefitstothelightcurvecanbefoundinTable3. sameregionsastheonesdescribedabove,aconstanttimebin- As a reference, the 0.2–10 keV unabsorbed flux at t is (4± ningof30sanddynamicallysubtractedtheirrespectiveback- b 1)×10−13ergcm−2s−1(weadoptedacountratetounabsorbed grounds.Figure3showsthethreebackground-subtractedlight fluxconversionfactorof6.5×10−11ergcm−2count−1,obtained curves,aswellastheratioH/S.Indeed,duringtherisingpor- fromthebestfitmodelsderivedinSect.3.3)andtheluminosity tionoftheflarethehardbandfluxincreasesbyafactorof>∼ 6 inthe0.7–34.4keVbandis(1.9±0.9)×1046ergs−1. whilethesoftbandfluxonlyincreasesslightly,sothatthespec- During the flare a rebrightening of the source by a factor trumoftheflarestartsoffharderthantheunderlyingafterglow, of >∼ 6 in flux was observed between t ∼ 154s and the peak and then evolves into a softer state as its flux decreases; this at∼ 210s.Boththerisingandthefallingpartoftheflarehad canbeseeninthefollowingtimebin,whenthesoftbandflux verysteepslopesthat,whenfitwithasimplepowerlaw,yield peaks with a flare to pre-flare flux ratio of ∼ 3.5. This yields α = −5.8+1.6 and α = 6.7±1.0. When the underly- an indicationofspectralevolutionduringtheflare asa ∼ 3-σ 1,flare −2.1 2,flare ing power-law afterglow is subtracted, the fit yields α = excess over a constant fit to H/S. It should be noted that this 1,flare −6.8+2.4andα = 6.8+3.6 andthepeakisat213±7sfrom behaviourisreminiscentofthatobservedinthe promptemis- −2.1 2,flare −2.0 theBATtrigger.Inallcasestheerrorsaredominatedbytheun- sion(Fordetal.1995),withtheharderbandpeakprecedingthe certaintyintheplacementoftheflareboundaries.Theflarecan softerbandpeak. also be characterised,as a simple parametricdescription,as a At t ∼ 1.7 × 105s a second faint bump is observed. Its Gaussian line. A combined broken power law and Gaussian significanceisnothigh,sinceitisdetectedasa2-σexcessover model fit yields a peak at 211.1+5.4s (61.4+1.6s in the rest the underlying afterglow. Similar late-time bumps have been −4.4 −1.3 frame) and a width 17.9+12.3s (χ2 = 1.58, 17 d.o.f.).In this observed in other Swift-detected GRBs (e.g. GRB 050502B; −4.6 red casetheratioofthecharacteristictime-scaleandthepeaktime Falconeetal.2006). isδt/t ∼0.08or0.20,whenusingtheGaussianwidthorits peak FWHM(42.2+29.0s),respectively.Ineithercase,δt/t ≪ 1, −10.8 peak 3.3.Spectralanalysis whichputssevereconstraintsontheemissionmechanismsthat canproducetheflare.Weshalladdressthisissueinthediscus- The afterglow of XRF 050406 was very faint, hence it is not sion section. Integration of the Gaussian best-fitting function possible to performtime-resolvedspectroscopyto distinguish yieldsanestimateofthefluenceoftheflare,(1.4±1.0)×10−8 the spectral properties of the afterglow proper from the ones ergcm−2,correspondingtoanenergyof(2.0±1.4)×1050erg. of the flare observed in the light curve. Therefore, we pro- Thelargeerrorreflectstheuncertaintyontheactualmodelused ceededasfollows.Spectraofthesourceandbackgroundwere fortheintegrationoftheflare. extractedintheregionsdescribedin§3.2fromthefirstobser- We also extracted events from the first snapshot WT data vation(000)eventfiles.PCandWTspectrawereextracteddur- in two more energybands, 0.2–1keV (soft, S) and 1–10keV ingthefirst∼500softhePCobservation(seeTable2fortimes 6 P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 referredtoT ),whenPCdataare piled-upandwhentheflare 2001),orasan“X-rayrichGRB” (XRR).Thesoftnessofthe 0 is observed in the light curve. We also extracted PC spectra observed spectrum, which is well fit in the 15–150keV band after the first 500s during the first 4 snapshots. For the latter withasimplepowerlawwithphotonindexΓ =2.65,andwith γ we used a circular region with a 10 pixel radius (correspond- nosignificantemissionobservedabove∼ 50keV,impliesthat ing to ∼ 80% of the XRT PSF) to minimize the background thepeakenergyisbelowtheBATbandpass(E <15keV).The p andtobeabletousetheCashstatistics(Cash1979).Ancillary operationaldefinitionofXRFs/XRRs(e.g.Lambetal.2004)is response files (ARF) were generated with the task xrtmkarf ofafasttransientX-raysourcecharacterizedbyasoftnessra- withinFTOOLSv6.0usingthelatestARFdistribution(v003). tio SR= log[F(2–30keV)/F(30–400keV)] > 0 for an XRF These ARFs accountfor different extraction regions and PSF and−0.5<SR<0foranXRR.ExtrapolationoftheBATspec- corrections.We usedthelatestspectralredistributionmatrices trum,withtheassumptionof E < 2keV,yieldsSR= 0.8+0.5, p −0.4 (v007).Theenergyrangesadoptedforspectralfittingwere0.5– whichclassifiesthisburstasanXRF. However,abreakinthe 10keVand0.2–10keVforWTandPC,respectively. spectrum may well be present in the 2–15 keV band. In the Wefirstperformedafitwithanabsorbed(wabsinXSPEC) most conservative case, i.e. assuming no flux below 15 keV, powerlaw tothe WT data(166counts),whichwererebinned thiseventwouldbeanXRRGRB,withSR=−0.2+0.2. −0.3 with a minimum of 20 counts per energy bin to allow χ2 fit- The isotropic-equivalent gamma-ray energy of this event ting within XSPEC. The Hydrogen column was initially kept is E = (1.4+1.6) × 1051 erg (Sect. 2.1), and this effec- iso −0.6 as a free parameter, and then frozen to the Galactic value tively puts XRF 050406 in the low-energy tail of GRB ener- (NG = 2.8×1020 cm−2, Dickey&Lockman 1990) when the gies (Bloometal. 2003b). Assuming that the Amati relation H fit yielded a value lower than (although consistent with) the (Amatietal. 2002) holds, we can infer a rest-frame Erest ∼ p Galactic one. The fit was good, χ2 = 1.0 for 6 d.o.f., and 55keV,whichcorrespondstoanobserver-frameE ∼ 15keV. red p yielded Γ = 2.11+0.31. We then performeda fit with the same ThisvalueisconsistentwiththenondetectionofE intheBAT −0.28 p model to the remainder of the PC data during snapshots 1 energyrange. through4usingCashstatisticswhichismoreappropriategiven To date, X-ray afterglows of XRFs have been detected thelownumberofcounts(21un-binnedcounts)andcalculated in just a few cases (XRF 011030, XRF 020427: Bloometal. thegoodnessofthefitvia104 Montecarlosimulations.Thefit 2003a; Levanetal. 2005; XRF 030723: Butleretal. 2004; wasgoodandyieldedconsistentresults.Wealsoperformedsi- XRF 040701: Fox 2004; XRF 050315: Vaughanetal. 2006). multaneousfitstotheWTandPC(60counts)spectraextracted Thisis one of the firstexamplesof a well-studiedX-ray light duringthefirst∼ 500s(usingχ2 statistics)andofthePCdata curveofan XRF. Its maincharacteristicsare notqualitatively alone(usingCash statistics), also obtainingconsistentresults. different from those of normal GRBs (Chincarinietal. 2005; Table2summarizestheresultsofthefits.We notethat,given Nouseketal.2006).Asobservationsaccumulate,itisbecom- the current goodness of the XRT calibration (5% systematic ing clear that these two classes of phenomena share many uncertaintyforallobservingmodesandgradeselectionsinthe properties, and both have afterglowswith similar characteris- 0.5–10keVrange;e.g.,Romanoetal.2005),anexcessof N H tics (Sakamotoetal. 2005). This is a clue that both types of cannot be excluded and we find a 3-σ upper limit to the to- events may have a common origin and is supported by re- tal(Galacticplusintrinsic)Hydrogencolumnalongthelineof centevidencethatsomeXRFsareassociatedwithsupernovae sightofN <9×1020cm−2. H (Soderbergetal.2004;Bersieretal.2005;Fynboetal.2004). We canthereforeconcludethat,duringthefirst600safter the burst, which include the X-ray flare observed in the light curve,themeanphotonindexisΓ=2.1±0.3,andthatthepho- 4.2.X-rayflares:evidenceforprolongedengine tonindexdoesnotvaryaftertheendoftheflare.However,we activity dohavecluesregardingthepresenceofspectralevolutiondur- ingtheflarecomingfromthehardnessratioanalysis(Sect.3.2), The general behaviour of the afterglow of XRF 050406 is a even though the statistics are not high enough to show it in typical one. The observed X-ray photon index (ΓX = 2.1) thespectralanalysis.Aswewilldiscusslater(Sect.4.2),other is common among X-ray afterglows (Chincarinietal. 2005; afterglows with larger amplitude X-ray flares demonstrate a DePasqualeetal. 2005). The light curve shows a break from strongspectralevolutionoftheflares. arelativelysteepdecay(α1 =1.58)toaflatterone(α2 =0.50). Itsoverallshapeissimilartotheonetypicallyobservedbythe XRT(Chincarinietal.2005;Nouseketal.2006),eventhough 4. Discussion theinitialslopeislesssteepthanaverage. The most striking characteristic of this burst is the strong 4.1.Gamma-rayproperties:similarityofXRFsand flare in its X-ray light curve, a feature which had never been GRBs detectedbySwiftbeforeandhadbeenpreviouslyobservedin The duration of this burst (T = 5± 1s in the 15–350 keV very few GRBs (GRB 970508,Piroetal. 1999; GRB 011121 90 band) places this burst in the short tail of the long GRB pop- andGRB011211,Piroetal.2005).Thefluenceoftheflareis ulation (Kouveliotouetal. 1993). Its fluence is relatively low ∼1.4×10−8ergcm−2inthe0.2–10keVband,whichamounts (1.0 × 10−7 erg cm−2 in the 15–350 keV band) but not un- to∼ 14%oftheobserved(15–350keVband)promptfluence. usually faint. The gamma-ray characteristics of this burst are Abetterestimateoftheflare-to-promptenergyratiowouldre- consistent with a classification as an X-ray flash (Heiseetal. quire the knowledge of the prompt spectral energy distribu- P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 7 tion (SED). Since the actual peak energy of the prompt SED lution throughout the flare further support this interpretation. is unknown (E < 15keV), the extrapolationof the BAT flu- The flare appears to be harder than the underlying afterglow, p ence to the XRT band is highly uncertain. For plausible val- whichsuggestsadistinctoriginforthisemission.Furthermore, ues of E , the flare to prompt fluence ratio is in the 1–10% thereareindicationsofspectralevolution,whichshowsthetyp- p range. The observed rebrighteningis by a factor of 6 in flux, ical hard-to-soft pattern. Such a behaviour is commonly ob- presentsa peak at t = 213±7s andtakes place on a very servedinthepromptemissionspikesofGRBs(e.g.Fordetal. peak shorttimescale,witharatioofthecharacteristictime-scaleand 1995),whichareproducedininternalshocks.Furtherevidence the peak time δt/t ≪ 1. Both the rising and the falling oflateengineactivitycomesfromboththeflatpartofthelight peak parts of the afterglow-subtracted flare had very steep slopes, curve(α ≈0.5,seeSect.4.3)andpossiblybythepresenceof 2 α ≈ −7andα ≈ 7,assumingthebursttriggerasthe thelate-timebumpobservedatt∼1.7×105s. 1,flare 2,flare timeorigin. FollowingthediscoveryofaflareintheafterglowofXRF According to the standard relativistic fireball model, the 050406, initially reported by Burrowsetal. (2005b), many prompt emission is caused by internal shocks within the ex- others were identified: GRB 050502B (Falconeetal. 2006), pandingfireball,whiletheafterglowisproducedbythefireball GRB 050724 (Barthelmyetal. 2005b) and GRB 050904 shocking the external medium (external shocks, Piran 1999; (Cusumanoetal. 2005c), just to mention a few. At the time Zhang&Me´sza´ros 2004). Available models to explain flares of writing (2005Oct), ∼ 50% of the bursts detected by XRT include refreshed shocks (ReesandMe´sza´ros 1998), external which were immediately re-pointed towards showed flares, shocks with a clumpy medium (Lazzatietal. 2002) and an- makingflaringquiteacommonbehaviour.Furthermore,allthe gular inhomogeneities in the outflow (Fenimoreetal. 1999; characteristics of the XRF 050406 flares have now been ob- Nakaretal. 2003). However, it can be argued (Burrowsetal. served in most flaring GRBs (see Burrowsetal. 2005c for a 2005b,Zhangetal.2005,Nouseketal.2006)thatsuchmodels recentreview).Forexample,highlysignificantspectralevolu- cannotproducetheobservedlargefluxvariationsδF/Fpeak ≫ tion throughoutthe flare has been reported in GRB 050502B 1 in such short timescales δt/tpeak ≪ 1 (Iokaetal. 2005). (whichwasthebrightestobservedsofar)andGRB050724.In Similarly, none of the above mechanisms would explain the severalcases the flares presentlargeamplitudesand occur on steepslopesobservedintheflare.Externalreverseshocks,cre- shorttimescales.Furthermore,severalflaresareoftenobserved ated when the fireball slows down because of the interaction in thesame event,attimesrangingfrom∼ 100sto 104–105s with the external medium, are expected to emerge at optical after the burst. Finally, in most cases the afterglow is clearly andradiowavelengths,hencesynchrotronself-Compton(SSC) presentbefore the onsetof the flare, and hasconsistentdecay mustbe invokedto produceemission in the X-ray band.This slopeandfluxlevelswithaftertheflare.Thepresentcaseshows would require carefully balanced conditions (Kobayashietal. thatflaresarepresentbothinXRFsandinGRBs.Sinceflares 2005). arelikelytiedtothecentralengineactivity,thisfindingfurther Piroetal. (2005) suggested that the X-ray flares observed supportstheideathatasimilarmechanismisatworkforboth inGRB011121andGRB011211wereduetotheonsetofthe kindofevents(Fan&Wei2005). afterglow. The steep slopes and the short timescale variabil- ity can only be accounted for within the thick shell scenario (Sari&Piran1999).Galli&Piro(2005)successfullymodeled 4.3.TheX-rayafterglowlightcurve XRF 011030 using this model. In this scenario, the emission beforeandaftertheflareisduetodifferentprocesses(prompt ThepromptreactionofSwifthasallowedustoobservetheX- tail and afterglow, respectively), hence a discontinuity in the ray light curves of GRB afterglows starting from a few tens light curve is generally expected underlying the flare. This is of seconds after the burst explosion. In most cases the X-ray notthe caseforXRF 050406,wherethesame componentde- light curvesare characterized by an initial steep decay (up to scribestheX-rayemissionbothbeforeandaftertheflare.Even ∼ 500s) followed by a shallow decay, and then by a steeper if a fine-tuning may explain this particular event, the lack of decay with a second break normally occurringat a few thou- a lightcurvebreakis commonto a largefractionofthe flares sandsecondslater(Chincarinietal.2005;Nouseketal.2006). observedbySwift(Burrowsetal.2005c).Therefore,whilethe The early steep decay seen in the X-ray light curve can be explanationof flares in terms of the afterglow onset is attrac- explained as the tail of the prompt emission (however, see tive, it is unlikely to be applicable to the vast majority of the Panaitescuetal. 2005). The few cases where the XRT light X-rayflaresseenbyXRT. curvelieswellabovetheextrapolationofthepromptemission Apromisingmechanismtoproducetheflareislateinternal into the X-rayband can be explainedeither by a strong spec- shocks(Fan&Wei 2005; Zhangetal. 2005; Kingetal. 2005; tral evolutionor by an X-rayflare with the maximumlocated Pernaetal.2006),whichimpliesthatthecentralengineisstill beforetheXRTobservation(Tagliaferrietal.2005).Thereare active at t = 213s, even though the prompt emission ended otherinstanceswherethefirststeepdecayisnotobservedatall after t ∼ 6s. The late-time activity in this case must have (e.g.Campanaetal.2005). a reduced power with respect to the prompt emission, as the In the case of XRF 050406, however, the initial slope is relative fluences indicate. Such a mechanism would naturally shallower than the steep values 3 <∼ α <∼ 5 observed in other explainthesteepriseanddecayslopes.Second,theenergyre- earlyafterglows(Tagliaferrietal.2005).Moreover,thecurva- quiredtopowertheflarewouldbemuchlowerthanintheother ture relation α = β + 2 (Kumar&Panaitescu 2000; Dermer scenarios(Zhangetal.2005).Theindicationsofspectralevo- 2004) is not satisfied, even after taking into account the ef- 8 P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 fects pointedout by Zhangetal. (2005) that would alter such thefirstXRTphasewereduetolateengineactivity,thentheen- relation.Therefore,we also investigatewhetherthe initialde- ergyinjectioncouldhavebegunmuchearlieranditsemission cline seen in XRF 050406 is consistent with afterglow emis- wouldhavebeenmasked. sion.Comparisonofspectralindicesandtemporaldecayslopes Integrationofthelightcurvefromtheonsetoftheflatslope with theoretical relativistic fireball models (e.g. Table 2 in phaseyieldsF ≈3×10−8(t /7.6×105s)0.5ergcm−2,where end Zhangetal. 2005) indicates that the first decay index α = t isthetimeatwhichtheshallowphaseends,forwhichwe 1 end 1.58±0.17andenergyindexβ=1.1±0.3ruleoutfastcooling can only set a lower limit. We note that this depends weakly models(forwhichtheinjectionfrequencyν exceedsthecool- ontheonsettimeoftheshallowphase,thereforethecalculated m ingfrequencyν )forν<ν .Forν>ν ,theα(β)=(3β−1)/2 fluenceiscorrectinbothpresentedscenarios.Forcomparison, c m m closure relation is satisfied within the errors and an electron the amount of energy released during the steep phase of the power-lawdistributionindexp≈2.5isobtained.Thesamere- lightcurve(excludingtheflare)isF ≈2×10−8(t /100s)−0.6 start lation holds for the slow cooling regime (where ν > ν ) for ergcm−2. We note thatthe shallowphase lasts a considerable c m ν > ν (bothwindandISM).Inthiscaseaconsistentsolution time. c isalsofoundforν <ν<ν ,althoughwithalarge p≈3.The Zhangetal. (2005) propose three explanations for m c ISM environmentis favouredon thebasisofa better satisfied the energy injection mechanism. In the impulsive case closure relation. In conclusion, the spectral indices and tem- (Sari&Me´sza´ros2000),thecentralengineejectsmaterialwith poral decay slopes of the first part of the X-ray curve can be awidedistributionofLorentzfactors.Inthiscase,slowermov- interpretedintermsofrelativisticfireballmodels,eventhough ingshellswillcatchthefireballatalatertime.Wecanestimate thelargeuncertaintiesassociatedwiththeslopesdonotallow theminimumLorentzfactorasΓmin <∼2(Eiso,50/n0)1/8(1+z)3/8, ustochooseamongtheavailablemodels. where E = E ×1050 erg is the isotropic-equivalenten- iso iso,50 An alternative explanationfor the initial XRT emission is ergy, and n is the external medium particle density in units 0 thepresenceofanadditionalflarewhichstartedbeforethebe- of cm−3. This implies that the acceleration process works ginningoftheXRTobservation,andofwhichweonlyseethe fromultra-tomildly-relativisticvelocities.Withintheputative decaying part. The superposition of two (and possibly more, Poyintingfluxscenario(Zhang&Kobayashi2005),theenergy fainter)flareswouldthenmimictheinitialsteeppowerlawde- supply is provided by the transfer of magnetic energy to the cay.However,thisinterpretationseemslesslikelysincerecent fireball, and the time at which the injection stops is related SwiftobservationsofX-rayflareswithinthefirstseveralhun- to the ratio σ of the electromagnetic to baryonic kinetic dred seconds of the prompt emission all had temporal decay energy.Ifthisscenarioiscorrect,wecaninferalowerlimitof indicesmuchsteeperthantheobservedXRF050406pre-flare σ = (t /t )1−q > 10–100,forq = 0.5–0,wheret < t is end start start b index. thestarttimeofinjection.Therefore,aftertheendoftheenergy At t ∼ 4400 s the XRT light curve breaks to α ≈ 0.5. transferphase,theenergyoftheblast-wavewouldbeincreased 2 Suchaflatdecaycannotbeexplainedintermsofthestandard by a comparable factor. In the third scenario (the prolonged afterglowmodel.Theonlypossibilitywouldbetoobserve,in energyoutputbythecentralengine,Zhang&Me´sza´ros2001), thefastcoolingregime,thesegmentwithν < ν < ν (where the end of the injection phase is simply the end of the engine c m α = 0.25isexpected,marginallyconsistentwiththeobserved activity. In this case, this activity produces a large amount value). However, the fast cooling regime is expected to end of energy, particularly so since the radiative efficiency may much earlier. To maintain the observeddecay unbrokenup to be lower during the late afterglow than during the prompt ∼ 106s,largevaluesoftheequipartitionparametersε andε emission,asisgenerallythecase.Thiswaspreviouslynoticed e B orofthe Comptonparameterwouldberequired.We consider byNouseketal.(2006)inasampleofseveralSwiftGRBs. this possibility quite unlikely. Another possibility is that the ThemonitoringofXRF050406wasdiscontinued22days angularenergyprofileofthefireballisnottrivial(astructured afterthetrigger.By then,the sourcewasnolongerdetectable jet), so thatemission comingfromthe (brighter)wingsofthe and only a 3-σ upper limit could be drawn at ≈ 3.6 × 10−4 jetmayincreasetheobservedfluxasthefireballLorentzfactor counts s−1. In order for the afterglow energy not to diverge, decreases(Panaitescuetal.2005). a further, late break is necessary. One interesting possibil- An interesting explanation for the shallow-decay phase is ity is that this may be due to seeing the edge of the jet. A injection of new energy into the fireball through refreshed steepening in the light curve is expected when the fireball shocks(Sari&Me´sza´ros2000;Zhang&Me´sza´ros2001).For Lorentz factor becomes comparable to the inverse of the jet thistohappen,theenergyreleaseinsiderefreshedshocksmust half-opening angle. Such a late break is not unexpected for be sizeable,since the wholefireballdynamicshasto bemod- an XRF. The few XRFs with knownredshift(Soderbergetal. ified.Assuminganenergyinjectionrate E˙ ∝ t−q,wefindqin 2004; Bersieretal. 2005; Fynboetal. 2004) have a very low therange0to0.5dependingonthemodeldetails(Zhangetal. isotropic-energy release, and this may be at least in part ac- 2005).Inthismodel,theinitialpartoftheXRTafterglowlight commodated if they have very wide jets. This picture is con- curvecanbeduetostandardafterglowemissiononlyifthefire- sistent with the result found by Frail et al. (2001; see also ballevolutionisnotinfluencedatthesestages.Indeed,theen- Ghirlandaetal.2004),whofoundthatlow-energyGRBstend ergysupplyprovidedbyrefreshedshocksissteadilygrowing, to have wider opening angles. Using the standard formalism andatthebeginningitcannotalterthefireballdynamics.Inthis (Rhoads 1999; Sarietal. 1999), the jet half-opening angle is case,thebreakwouldidentifythetimewhenthenew,injected ϑ =16t3/8n1/8(η/0.2)1/8E−1/8 deg,wheret =t ×106sisthe j j,6 0 iso,50 j j,6 energyiscomparabletothefireballenergy.Onthecontrary,if jetbreaktimeandηistheburstradiativeefficiency.Therefore, P.Romano:X-rayflareinXRF050406 9 using our lower limit on the jet breaktime tj >∼ 106s, we can Bloom, J. S., Fox, D., van Dokkum, P. G., et al. 2003a, ApJ, infer a lower limit on the jet half-opening angle of 16 deg. 599,957 This value is at the high end of the distribution of jet angles Bloom,J.S.,Frail,D.A.,&Kulkarni,S.R.2003b,ApJ,594, (Bloometal.2003b). 674 Burrows, D. N., Hill, J. E, Nousek, J. A., et al. 2005a, Space Sci.Rev.,120,165 5. Summaryandconclusions Burrows,D.N.,Romano,P.,Falcone,A.,etal.2005b,Science, XRF 050406 is classified as an X-ray flash, with fluence ∼ 309,1833 1×10−7ergcm−2 (15–350keV),asoftspectrum(Γγ = 2.65), Burrows,D. N., Romano,P., Godet,O., etal. 2005c,Proc. of nosignificantfluxabove∼ 50keVandapeakenergyEp < 15 X-RayUniverse2005,astro-ph/0511039 keV.Itsmaincharacteristicsarehowevernotqualitativelydif- Butler,N.R.,Sakamoto,T.,Suzuki,M.,etal.2005,ApJ,621, ferent from those of normal GRBs. As observations accumu- 884 late,itbecomesclearthatthesetwoclassesofphenomenashare Campana,S.,Antonelli,L.A.,Chincarini,G.,etal.2005,ApJ, manyproperties,andbothhaveafterglowswithsimilarcharac- 625,L23 teristics. This is a clue that both events may have a common Capalbi, M., Perri, M., Romano, P., et al. 2005, GRB origin. CoordinatesNetwork,3184 XRF050406isthefirstSwift-detectedburstthatshoweda Cash,W.1979,ApJ,228,939 flare in its X-ray light curve, a feature now found in ∼ 50% Chincarini,G.,Moretti,A.,Romano,P.,etal.2005,ApJ,sub- of the XRT afterglows. The flare peaked at ∼ 210 s after the mitted,astro-ph/0506453 BAT trigger (∼ 61 s in the rest frame). The best fit of the af- Cusumano,G.,Kennea,J.,Burrows,D.N.,etal.2005a,GRB terglowdecayisobtainedwithabrokenpowerlawwithα1 = CoordinatesNetwork,3181 1.58±0.17,α2 = 0.50+−00..1143, anda breakat∼ 4400s afterthe Cusumano,G.,Mangano,V.,Angelini,L.,etal.2005b,ApJ,in BATtrigger.ThemeanphotonindexisΓX =2.1±0.3.During press(astro-ph/0509737) theX-rayflareafluxvariationofδF/Fpeak ∼ 6inatimescale Cusumano, G., Mangano, V., Chincarini, G., et al. 2005c, δt/tpeak ≪1isobserved,anditsmeasuredfluenceinthe0.2–10 Nature,inpress keVbandis∼1.4×10−8ergcm−2[(2.0±1.4)×1050erg],which DePasquale,M.,Piro,L.,Gendre,B.,etal.2005,A&A,sub- correspondsto 1–15% of the prompt fluence. 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