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Toappear in the Astrophysical Journal PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.04/20/08 X-RAY EVIDENCE FOR A POLE-DOMINATED CORONA ON AB DOR Jeremy J. Drake1, Sun Mi Chung1,2, Vinay L. Kashyap1 and David Garcia-Alvarez1,3,4 1SmithsonianAstrophysicalObservatory,MS-3, 60GardenStreet, Cambridge,MA02138 2 DepartmentofAstronomy,TheOhioStateUniversity,4055McPhersonLaboratory,140West18thAvenue,Columbus,OH43210-1173 3 Instituto deAstrofsicadeCanarias,E-38205LaLaguna, Tenerife,Spainand 4 Dpto. deAstrofsica,UniversidaddeLaLaguna,E-38206LaLaguna,Tenerife,Spain 5 To appear in the Astrophysical Journal 1 0 ABSTRACT 2 A fine analysis of spectral line widths and Doppler shifts employing Fourier transform and cross- n correlation techniques has been applied to Chandra HETG spectra obtained in 1999 October of the a rapidly rotating young star AB Doradus in order to investigateits coronaltopology. The observation J lasted 52.3 ks, covering 1.2 rotation periods. The X-ray light curve obtained from integrating the 3 dispersed signal revealed a moderate intensity flare midway through the exposure in which the count 2 rate increased sharply by about 50% and subsequently decayed over the next 10 ks. We find no significant Doppler shifts in the spectra or modulation of the light curve that could be attributed to ] R rotationofdominantcoronalstructures atthis epoch. Individualspectralline widths arestatistically consistentwith thermal broadeningand formally require no rotationalbroadening,while the 1σ limit S to rotational broadening corresponds to a compact corona restricted to latitudes > 57deg. Fourier . h analysissuggestsasmallamountofrotationalbroadeningispresentconsistentwithacoronarestricted p largelyto the poles,andexcludes models with surfacerotationalbroadeningorgreater. Theseresults - present direct spectroscopic evidence that the dominant coronal activity on rapidly-rotating active o stars is associated with the dark polar spots commonly seen in photospheric Doppler images, and r t support models in which these spots are of mixed magnetic polarity that forms closed loops. s Subject headings: stars: activity — stars: coronae — X-rays: stars — stars: winds, outflows — stars: a [ magnetic field — stars: late-type — stars: rotation 1 v 1. INTRODUCTION velocities and rotationally modulated Doppler shifts in 6 magnetically active stellar systems, both binaries (e.g. The Sun is the only star for which we can presently 4 Brickhouse et al. 2001; Ayres et al. 2001; Chung et al. image coronal X-ray emission directly. In order to un- 8 2004; Huenemoerder et al. 2006; Ishibashi et al. 2006; derstandhowcoronaeonotherstarsmightbestructured 5 Hussain et al. 2012) and single stars (e.g. Hussain et al. wemustresorttoindirectmeans,suchaseclipseorrota- 0 2005;Drake et al. 2008). . tionalmodulation,andspectroscopicdensitydiagnostics. 1 Theadventofthe“highresolution”(λ/∆λ∼1000)capa- Inaddition to detecting Doppler shifts in the Chandra 0 HETG spectrum of Algol caused by the orbital motion bilityoftheX-raytransmissiongratingspectrometerson 5 of Algol B, Chung et al. (2004) also found spectral line the Chandra X-ray Observatory opened up further pos- 1 widths to have excess line broadening amounting to ap- sible means of probing coronal structure. One of these : proximately 150 km s−1 above that expected from ther- v is through the Doppler shifts of spectral lines in the X- malmotionandsurfacerotation. The excessbroadening i ray emitting plasma that arise as a result of orbital or X implied that a significant component of the corona at rotational motion. r Forlate-typestars,thevelocitiesinvolvedaretypically temperatures less than 107 K has a scale height of order a oforder10-100kms−1—easilysufficientforopticalstud- the stellar radius. A similar line width analysis applied to the rapidly rotating giant FK Com by Drake et al. ies of rotationally-drivenchanges inspectralline profiles (2008) revealed Doppler shifts consistent with localized thatarenowroutinely“inverted”tomakequitedetailed emissionon one hemisphere with a scale height of about Doppler images of surface features of varying brightness a stellar radius. (see,e.g.,Strassmeier2002),andZeemanDopplerimages The young K-type dwarf AB Doradus, with a pro- of surface magnetic features (e.g. Donati & Landstreet jected rotational velocity of 90-100 km s−1 (Rucinski 2009). However, for instruments with a resolving power 1985;Vilhuetal.1987;Donati&CollierCameron1997), of∼1000,suchvelocitiesonlyamounttoafractionofthe presentsaplausible,thoughchallenging,caseforDoppler instrumentalwidth,andDopplerstudiesarechallenging. inference of coronal structure based on Chandra spec- Nevertheless,severalstudies havenowdemonstratedthe tra. Hussain et al. (2005) found evidence for rota- utility of Chandra Low- and High-Energy Transmission tional Doppler shifts in Chandra Low Energy Transmis- Grating(LETG,HETG)spectraforprobingbothorbital sionGrating(LETG)spectra,whileHussainetal.(2007) Electronicaddress: [email protected] combined Chandra data with Zeeman Doppler imaging Electronicaddress: [email protected] (ZDI)ofthestellarsurfacetoinfercoronalstructureand Electronicaddress: [email protected] scaleheight. Cohenetal.(2010)havealsoemployedZDI Electronicaddress: [email protected] mapsinordertoinfercoronalstructurebasedondetailed 2 J.J. Drake et al. magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)coronaandwindmodels. scopic observational clues as to the structure of the Here, we bring further, potentially more sensitive, coronaof AB Dor. Rotational modulation studies based analysistechniques to bearonthe Chandra HighEnergy on EUV-X-ray observations of coronal emission can, in Transmission Grating (HETG) spectra of AB Dor. The principle, render some limited spatial information. Evi- analysis partly follows methods developed in the study dence for such modulation has been only very marginal ofAlgolHETGspectraby Chung et al.(2004),to which in GINGA and EXOSAT observations (Collier Cameron the reader is referred for a more detailed technical dis- et al. 1988; Vilhu et al. 1993), and essentially absent in cussion. We usecross-correlationandFouriertechniques EUVE and ASCA data (White et al. 1996). A lack of to to determine where the bulk of the observed X-ray strong rotational modulation implies either one or more emission originates in this system at this epoch. AB of the following: emission is distributed fairly uniformly Dor is introducedin the lightofexisting workin §2,and in azimuth; emission is extended with a scale height of the Chandra observations and analysis are described in order the stellar radius or larger; emission is concen- §3. The results of the analysis are discussed in §4 before trated at the stellar poles. Later extensive monitoring drawing the main conclusions from the study in §5. with ROSAT revealed modest ∼5−13% modulation in pointedobservationsand19%modulationinall-skysur- 2. ABDORANDITSCORONALACTIVITY vey data (Kuerster et al. 1997), indicating the presence ABDoradus(HD36705)isarelativelybright(V=6.9), of some lower latitude structure non-uniform in stellar rapidly rotating K0 star at a distance of about 15 pc, longitude. Maggio et al. (2000) reported an observation with a period P = 0.514d (Pakull 1981). Its mass is es- ofacompactflare(height.0.3R )whichtookarotation ⋆ timated to be 0.86M⊙ and it is in orbit with a distant periodtodecayandshowednoevidenceofself-eclipse,in- companion of mass 0.09M⊙ (Guirado et al. 1997, 2010). dicatingahighlatitudelocation. Atlowerchromospheric Based on the similarity of its space velocity with that of and transition region temperatures (∼104-105 K), rota- the Pleiades moving group (Innis et al. 1985), and short tional modulation was seen in the fluxes of FUV lines period and high Li abundance (Rucinski 1985; Vilhu (Schmitt et al. 1997; Ake et al. 2000). More recently, etal.1987),AB Dor wascommonlyacceptedasayoung Lalitha & Schmitt (2013) did not find evidence for per- star coeval with the stars of the Pleiades (∼ 100 Myr) sistentrotationalmodulationbasedonXMM-Newtonob- and that is just evolving onto the main-sequence. How- servationsobtainedoverthe pastdecade,andattributed ever,theexactageofABDorhasbeenatopicofcontin- observedvariabilitytostochasticprocessessuchasflares. uing controversy, with estimates ranging from as young Perhapsmoreinterestingarespectroscopicconstraints. as 30 Myr to as old as 125 Myr (e.g. Collier Cameron & Garc´ıa-Alvarezet al. (2005) found the coronalspectrum Foing 1997; Zuckerman et al. 2004; Luhman et al. 2005; essentially identical to that of the Hyades tidally-locked Jansonetal.2007;Torresetal.2008;daSilvaetal.2009; close K1 V+DA binary V471 Tau that has been spun Guirado et al. 2011; Barenfeld et al. 2013; McCarthy & up to a very similar rotation period. Both spectra ex- Wilhelm 2014; Wolter et al. 2014). The preponderance hibit a fairly broad range of coronal temperatures up of these studies favor an age of at least 100 Myr or so. to 107 K or so, and coronal abundances that deviate The radius of AB Dor was recently measured to be from the solar mixture in according to an “inverse First 0.96 ± 0.06R⊙ based on near infrared interferometry Ionization Potential” effect pattern that is typical of ac- (Guirado et al. 2011). Commensurate with youth, ro- tive stars (see, e.g., Brinkman et al. 2001; Drake et al. tational modulation of the photometric light curve of 2001;Drake 2003). Sanz-Forcada et al. (2003b) deduced AB Dor, as well as extensive optical Doppler imaging acoronalscaleheightoflessthanthestellarradiusbased studies, suggest that its surface is covered with large, onelectrondensitiesestimatedfromXMM-Newtonspec- cool starspots or “maculae”, switching between active tra, similar to density and optical depth constraints on longitudes on a 5.5 yr cycle and probably modulated scale height for other active stars (Sanz-Forcada et al. with a cyclic period of about 20 years (e.g. Rucinski 2003a;Ness et al. 2004; Testa et al. 2004a,b, 2007). 1985;Vilhuetal.1993;Donatietal.1999;J¨arvinenetal. Hussain et al. (2005) found evidence for rotational 2005;Budding etal.2009;Arzoumanianet al.2011,and Doppler shifts in lines of O VIII observed using the references therein). The detailed distribution of these Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectro- spots has been studied in surface brightness maps ob- graph (LETGS) in 2000 December, suggesting the pres- tained over many years. They show a persistent polar ence of low-latitude compact emitting regions. Analysis cap, together with variable mid- to low-latitude spots of HETGS Fe XVII λ15.01 and FUSE Fe XVIII λ974 (e.g.,Donati&CollierCameron1997;Jeffersetal.2007). line profiles indicated a coronalscale heightof .0.5 R . ⋆ The related technique of ZDI has been extensively em- Hussainetal.(2007)combinedtheChandraobservations ployed on AB Dor to study its surface magnetic field with ZDI reconstructions of the surface magnetic field distribution and evolution. The magnetic field maps re- anditsextrapolationintothecorona,andconcludedthat veal strong, complex field distributions. Donati et al. coronalstructuresareno morethan0.3–0.4R inheight. ⋆ (1999) reported at least 12 different radial field regions Cohen et al. (2010) used a ZDI surface magnetic map of opposite polarities located all around the star from based on spectropolarimetric observations obtained in observations obtained in 1996 December. They found a 2007DecembertodriveaglobalMHDmodelofthewind degree of five or greater for a spherical harmonics ex- and corona of AB Dor. They found the global structure pansion of the underlying large-scale poloidal structure. ofthestellarcoronaatlowerlatitudeswasdominatedby Thereisalsoastrongandoftenunidirectionalazimuthal strong azimuthal wrapping of the magnetic field due to field encircling the boundary of the polar cap found in the rapid rotation. Lalitha et al. (2013) obtained simul- the spot maps. taneous radio, optical, and X-ray observations covering There are several existing photometric and spectro- a multi-component flare and found flaring filling factors A Pole-Dominated Corona on AB Dor 3 of 1–3% of the stellar surface. nored here. Flares and rotational modulation caused by At cooler temperatures, rotational broadening has dominant active regions are of particular interest since been detected in lines of both C III (λ977, λ1175) and the location of their X-ray source might be betrayed by O VI (λ1032, λ1037) in ORFEUS and FUSE spectra rotationally-inducedDoppler shifts, providing direct ob- (Schmitt et al. 1997; Ake et al. 2000). Schmitt et al. servational clues as to the locations of coronal activity. (1997) note that this does not exceed the photospheric The X-ray light curve obtained from both HEG and vsini value, suggesting that the observed C III and MEG dispersed events binned at 100s intervals is illus- O VI emission is produced close to the stellar surface. trated in Figure 2. We also show in this figure the ro- Based on later FUSE spectra obtained in 2003 Decem- tational “phase” computed according to the ephemeris ber, Dupree et al. (2006) infer activity at mid-latitudes of Innis et al. (1988), HJD = 2444296.575+0.51479E. withascaleheightof∼1.3–1.4R . Opticalspectroscopy There are several very small flare-like brightenings visi- ⋆ has also revealed the presence of prominences, initially ble,butthe lightcurveis dominatedbyamoderateflare through discrete absorption features in Hα (Robinson occurring midway through the observation. There is no & Collier Cameron 1986; Collier Cameron & Robinson obviousimpulsive phase and the apparentflare risetime 1989), and subsequently also in the light of Mg II and is of order 2000s, which might be considered long for a Ca II (Collier Cameron et al. 1990). These prominences flareofthissizewhosedecaytimescaleisoforder10000s. comprisecool(8-10,000K)cloudsofneutral,ornearneu- It is possible that an impulsive phase was occulted by tral, hydrogen at, and also perhaps beyond, the Keple- the stellar disk just prior to rotating into view, though rianco-rotationradius. CollierCameronetal.(1990)es- Dopplershiftmeasurementsdiscussedbelowsuggestthis timatedthatbetween5and20prominenceswerepresent might not be the case. in 1988December, eachwith a mass ofa few 1017 g. Ul- While the light curve does not appear to show any travioletspectroscopywiththe HST GoddardHighRes- structure that might be commensurate with rotational olutionSpectrographrevealednarrowchromosphericline modulation, the relatively short duration of the obser- cores superimposed on very broad line wings, the latter vation covering only slightly more than a single phase, beingconsistentwithalocationcommensurateofthatof combined with the flare, does hinder our ability to de- the optically-detected prominences (Brandt et al. 2001). tect such modulation if it were present. The flatness of Analogous structures have also been detected in the K light curve outside of the large and smaller flares indi- dwarf component of V471 Tau based on C II and C IV cates that the amplitude of any rotational modulation absorptionin FUSE spectra by Walter (2004). Young G can only be of the order of 10% or less. andKdwarfsoftheαPerseiclusteralsoshowevidenceof the samebehavior,indicatingthat suchprominencesare 3.2. Phase-Related Doppler Shifts likelyacommonfeatureofrapidly-rotatingstars(Collier As noted above, Doppler shifts of spectral lines as a Cameron & Woods 1992). function of time might betray the presence of particu- All these observations provide a rather complex, and larly dominantcoronalstructures. The equatorialveloc- sometimesinconsistent,pictureofthecoronaofABDor. ity of AB Dor is about 95 km s−1, which amounts to In the following sections we examine the only existing approximately 25% of the width of the O VIII 18.97 ˚A Chandra HETG spectrum of AB Dor, and the highest Ly doublet as seen by the MEG; such a shift should resolution X-ray spectrum of the star obtained to date α be easily detectable in the brighter spectral lines of the that presents lines bright enough for detailed study, for AB Dor soft X-ray spectrum. further clues as to its outer atmospheric structure. 3. OBSERVATIONSANDANALYSIS 3.2.1. Analysis of Individual Spectral Lines AB Dor was observed using the Chandra High En- InthefirstpartofouranalysiswesearchedforDoppler ergyTransmissionGrating(HETG)andACIS-Sdetector shifts of individual spectral lines as a function of time. on 1999 October 9 UT11:21 for a total net exposure of Lines used in this analysis are listed in Table 1. These 52.3ks,orapproximately1.2stellarrotationperiods. The represent the strongest lines in the HETG spectrum of dataanalyzedherewereobtainedfromtheChandrapub- AB Dor longward of 8 ˚A. While H-like and He-like lines lic archive1. The final extracted spectrum showing the of Si are also reasonably bright, the resolving power of spectral lines used in this analysis is illustrated in Fig- the Chandra gratingsis generally too low at these wave- ure 1. Our analysis methods described below, involving lengths to be of significant additional value in this line- light curves, cross-correlationtechniques and line profile by-line part of the study. modeling, are similar to those described by Chung et al. Dispersed events within wavelength ranges of interest (2004)andDrakeetal.(2008),towhichthereaderseek- for our chosen lines were binned over different time in- ing more detail is referred. tervals, depending on the number of counts in each line, so as to achieve approximately the same signal-to-noise 3.1. Light Curve ratio in each bin. Positive and negative orders were co- added, then analyzed. Line wavelengths were measured Priorto performing detailedspectralanalysis,the dis- by fitting modified Lorentzian functions (“β-profiles”) persedphotoneventswerefirstexaminedtoascertainthe described by the relation level at which AB Dor varied in X-rays during the ob- servation. Owing to the ACIS-S 3.2s frame time, 0th λ−λ order events are significantly affected by photon pile- F(λ)=a/[1+( 0)2]β (1) Γ up and do not yield accurate photometry and are ig- where a is the amplitude and Γ is a characteristic line 1 http://asc.harvard.edu/cda width. Foravalueofthedenominatorexponentβ =2.5, 4 J.J. Drake et al. Fig.1.— The Chandra HETG spectrum of AB Dor, for both HEG and MEG binned at 0.0025 and 0.005 ˚A intervals, respectively. Emissionlinesthatwereusedinouranalysesarelabeledinalargerfontsizethanlinesthatwerenotused. A Pole-Dominated Corona on AB Dor 5 for a secular trend with a single point near φ ∼ 0.8 ex- hibitinga2σ variationfromthezerolevel,butthistrend is opposite that which one might be tempted to see in O VIII λ16.01; the latter is actually perfectly consistent with a zero net velocity shift. 3.2.2. Cross-correlation Analysis In addition to measuring individual emission lines, we also utilized a cross-correlation technique to obtain Doppler shifts as a function of rotational phase. The method involves comparisonof the spectra extractedfor the different time bins with a reference spectrum in or- der to determine whether or not there is a net Doppler shift between the two. This technique was first devel- oped during earlier analyses of Chandra HETGS obser- vationsofAlgol(Chungetal.2004)andFKCom(Drake et al. 2008), and we refer the reader to those works for Fig. 2.—TheobservedX-raylightcurveofABDorderivedfrom a more detailed description. The advantage of this type dispersedHEGandMEGevents,plottedasafunctionofrotational of cross-correlation technique over the analysis of indi- phase. Thetopaxisshowstherotationalphasecomputedwiththe vidual spectral lines is that it utilizes the signal from ephemeris of Innis et al. (1988), and the bottom axis shows the elapsedtimeindayssincethestartoftheobservation. the whole spectrum—strong and weaker lines, isolated andblended—andistherefore,atleastinprinciple,much moresensitive. Thereareabout12stronglineslongward TABLE 1 of10˚Ainthe MEGthathavethe highestvelocitysensi- Alist of emission linesused in our analyses,includingthe tivityandwillprovidethe greaterpartofthesignal,and rest wavelength,elementandion,and grating. asimilarnumberintheHEGspectrum,although,again, Wvl [˚A] Ion Grating Analysis† all features in the spectrum contribute. The disadvan- 8.42 Mg XII MEG,HEG DopplerShifts tageofthetechniqueisthatitpotentiallyconfusesstruc- 12.13 NeX MEG,HEG Both tures with different characteristic temperatures since it 14.20 Fe XVIII MEG Both uses lines formed over a fairly large temperature inter- 15.01 FeXVII MEG,HEG Both val.We return to this in §4.1. Eventswerebinnedintofivetimeintervalscorrespond- 16.01 O VIII MEG Both ing to different rotational phases, and spectra were ex- 16.78 FeXVII MEG Both tracted for each phase bin. These spectra were then 18.97 O VIII MEG Both cross-correlated with the reference spectrum, which in 24.78 N VII MEG Both this case was the spectrum extractedfrom the entire ex- †IndicationofwhetherthelineswereusedinDopplershiftorline posure, in order to determine the velocity shift at which broadeninganalyses. ourcorrelationsignal(representedby a χ2 statistic) was minimized. As inthe analysisof Algol,the uncertainties this function has been found to be a good match to ob- in this procedure were estimated using a Monte Carlo served HETGS line profiles, which are not well-matched technique in which the analysis was repeated a number by Gaussian profiles (Drake 2004). Fitting was per- of times for different Poisson realizations of the spectra. formedusingthePackageforINTerativeAnalysisofLine TheanalysiswasundertakenforboththeHEGandMEG Emission (PINTofALE)2 (Kashyap&Drake2000)IDL3 spectra separately. The full rangeof eachspectrum that software routine fitlines. Uncertainties at the 1σ level containedsignificantsignalwasused. These rangeswere weredeterminedfromathoroughsearchofthegoodness- 2–26 ˚A and 2–18 ˚A for MEG and HEG, respectively. of-fit surface. Figure4illustratestheline-of-sightvelocityofABDor Since the HETG observation covered slightly more asafunctionofrotationalphaseobtainedfromthecross- than one full rotation period, we determined line posi- correlation method, for the MEG (upper) and HEG tions in the individual time-filtered bins relative to the (lower)data. Thereareclearlynolargevelocityshiftsde- wavelengths measuredfor the same lines from the entire tected, with the more sensitive, by virtue of the number observation. In this way, we avoid complications from ofphotoncounts,MEGdataplacingquitestringentlim- smallwavelengthcalibrationerrorsoranylong-termdrift its on average net velocity excursions of less than about inthedispersionrelation. Themeasuredrelativelinepo- 20km s−1. In the contextofthe projectedsurface equa- sitions as a function of time are illustrated in Figure 3. torial rotational velocity of 95 km s−1, this lack of obvi- The resulting line positions are fairly stable with little oussystematicDopplershiftsindicatesthatthecoronaof change as a function of orbital phase. There is a sug- AB Dor is not dominated by one or two low-latitude ac- gestion of a redshift at phase φ∼0.9 in Fe XVII λ16.78 tiveregions;theX-rayemissionmustbemoreevenlydis- andMgXIIλ8.42,butthissignatureisnotseeninother tributed over the surface, or else resides predominantly lines. The O VIII λ18.96 line also shows some evidence toward polar regions for which projected rotation veloc- ities are small. 2 PINTofALE is publicly available at http://http://hea- www.harvard.edu/PINTofALE/ 3.3. Spectral Line Widths 3 Interactive DataLanguage, ExelisInc. 6 J.J. Drake et al. Fig. 3.—Theobservedline-of-sightorbitalvelocityand1σerrorbarsasafunctionofrotationalphaseforlineslistedinTable1,expressed relativetothemeasuredwavelengthfortheentireobservation. A Pole-Dominated Corona on AB Dor 7 uncertaintiesfortheseexcesslinewidthsrelativetoµVel correspond to the quadrature propagation of the uncer- tainties of the individual AB Dor and µ Vel line widths. Alsoshownarethetheoreticalline widthscorresponding to the case of no rotation, rotation at the stellar sur- face, and rotation at one stellar radius above the stellar surface, all relative to µ Vel. Here, we define the scale heightasthe heightabovethe stellarsurface. Note that, under this definition, negative scale heights are possible and correspond to the case where rotational broadening is less than that induced by rotation of uniform surface emission. Fig. 4.— The line of sight velocity as a function of rotational phase for MEG and HEG spectra, obtained by cross-correlating spectra from different time intervals with the spectrum from the entireobservation. Thetwoscenariosmentionedabovecaninprinciplebe diagnosed by examining spectral line widths to search for excess rotation-related broadening. In our analysis, we compared line widths of observed data to those of modelprofiles,whichincludetheeffectsofthermal,rota- tional,andinstrumentalbroadening. Theprocedurewas again developed from that originally discussed in detail by Chung et al. (2004) and Drake et al. (2008). Inordertominimizeuncertaintiesinthe calibrationof Fig.5.— Illustration of the observed line widths and 1σ un- theinstrumentlineresponsefunction,wecarriedoutthe certainties of emission lines measured from the MEG and HEG AB Dor line width analysis relative to an evolved star spectrum of AB Dor, with the corresponding µ Vel line widths µ Vel, which is known to have a very small projected subtracted. The horizontal lines represent the model line widths rotation velocity of vsini = 6 km s−1 (de Medeiros & of AB Dor, relative to µ Vel. The solid black horizontal line in- dicates predicted line widths based on a realistic optically-thin Mayor 1995). Synthetic line profiles were calculated for model, without rotational broadening. The solid gray and dot- µ Vel based on the DEM obtained from the Chandra ted gray horizontal lines represent the predicted line widths for HETG spectrum by Garc´ıa-Alvarez et al. (2006). surfacerotationalbroadeningandrotationalbroadeningatascale Lines used in this analysis are listed in Table 1. The heightof1R⋆ abovethestellarsurface,respectively. MgXIIλ8.42linewasexcludedinthelinewidthanalysis because the dispersion at this wavelength is insufficient In most cases the observed line widths in Figure 5 are to clearly discriminate between line widths of theoreti- consistent with the theoretical profiles corresponding to cal profiles with no rotational broadening versus those zero rotation, within observational errors. Most of the broadened by surface rotation. Theoretical line profiles lines are also consistent, within errors, with theoretical were synthesized by convolving the thermal, rotational, profiles that include rotational broadening at the stellar andinstrumentallinebroadeningcomponents. Detailsof surface. In order to determine to what extent the obser- theoretical line synthesis may be found in Chung et al. vations of individual lines can constrain the scale height (2004). Thermal broadening was computed using the of the emission of AB Dor, we combined the individual differential emission measure as a function of temper- resultsinthe followingway. ForeachAB Dorline width ature, Φ(T), derived from the same HETG spectra by we subtracted the appropriate µ Vel line width, then Garc´ıa-Alvarez et al. (2005). For rotational broadening generated 100 Monte Carlo realizations within a normal weassumedsolidbodyrotationofthestellarsurface(e.g. distribution corresponding to the observed AB Dor line Gray1992),correspondingtotheprojectedrotationalve- width(relativeto µ Vel) and1σ uncertainty. Line width locity vsini = 95 km s−1. The stellar radius, R , was realizations were interpolated onto a model curve that ⋆ taken to be 1R⊙, which is consistent with the interfer- describes the line width as a function of scale height, ometric result 0.96±0.06R⊙ of Guirado et al. (2011). to obtain a distribution of scale heights for each line. Wealsosynthesizedprofilesfordifferenteffectiveradiito Finally, we computed the error weighted mean of these simulate the effects of rotation of a corona with a scale distributions, which is shown in Figure 6. The median height significantly above the stellar surface. scale height of this distribution occurs at -0.75R , with ⋆ Observed line widths were measured as described in a 1σ lower limit of -0.98R , and 1σ and 3σ upper limits ⋆ §3.2.1. Table 2 lists the line widths of AB Dor and of-0.46R and0.07R , respectively. Physically,this cor- ⋆ ⋆ µ Vel for observed and model profiles, together with the responds to the case in which emission is concentrated AB Dor excess widths relative to µ Vel. We also illus- toward the stellar poles. The median scale height maps trate the AB Dor excess line widths in Figure 5. The to a stellar surface latitude of 75deg for very compact 8 J.J. Drake et al. TABLE 2 Observed andmodelline widths forAB Dor andµ Vel. Full-WidthatHalf-Maximum(˚A) Rest Observation Modela ABDorexcess Grating Wvl(˚A) ABDor µVel ABDor µVel relativetoµVelb MEG 12.13 0.021±0.001 0.020±0.001 0.023 0.020 -0.001 MEG 14.20 0.021±0.002 0.019±0.002 0.023 0.020 -0.001 MEG 15.01 0.021±0.001 0.018±0.001 0.022 0.019 -0.000 MEG 16.01 0.022±0.002 0.017±0.003 0.024 0.021 0.002 MEG 16.78 0.022±0.002 0.015±0.001 0.023 0.020 0.005 MEG 18.97 0.024±0.001 0.019±0.003 0.026 0.024 0.002 MEG 24.78 0.027±0.007 0.012±0.006 0.029 0.026 0.011 HEG 12.13 0.014±0.001 0.015±0.002 0.015 0.013 -0.003 HEG 15.01 0.011±0.002 0.012±0.003 0.013 0.011 -0.003 aModel line widths include instrumental, thermal, and surface rotationalbroadening. bExcess line widths refer to (wobs − wmod)ABDor − (wobs − wmod)µVel, where wobs and wmod refer to observed and model linewidths,respectively. emission with respect to the stellar radius, while the 1σ other lines somewhat weaker than our sample the blend limit corresponds to 57deg (the 3σ upper limit allows contributions become more significantand resulting sys- very compact emission over the whole of the stellar sur- tematic uncertainties in measured line widths commen- face). surately larger. In a Fourier approach, it is the distribution of power that matters and the exact placement of the myriad of weaker lines is less important. Similar Fourier tech- niqueshavebeenappliedtohighresolutionopticalspec- tra of stars, as pioneered by D. Gray and co-workers (e.g. Smith&Gray1976)arealsoinprinciplecapableof separating rotational broadening from other broadening mechanisms such as turbulence with Gaussian velocity distributions. However, Chandra grating spectra cover a decade in resolving power from short to longer wave- lengths and the broadening signatures we seek amount to, at maximum, only a fraction of the instrumental width and such fine differentiation will not be possible. Our method is to compare the power spectra of the observedAB Dor HETG spectra with those of synthetic spectra that have been broadened by different rotation velocities. Syntheticspectrawerecomputedusingasim- ilarapproachtothatdescribedaboveforindividualspec- tral lines, using the emission measure distribution with Fig.6.— The error weighted mean distribution of scale heights temperature, Φ(T), in addition to element abundances, based on a Monte Carlo analysis of observed and predicted line widths of the MEG and HEG data, as described in text. Scale of Garc´ıa-Alvarez et al. (2005). Owing to the mass de- heightsarerelativetothestellarsurfaceandassumesphericalsym- pendency of thermal broadening, this needs to be ac- metry,suchthataheightofzerocorrespondstoauniformcorona countedfor separately for the different elements prior to on the stellar surface with negligible vertical extension. Negative convolutionwith the rotationalbroadeningfunction and scaleheights implythecorona isrestrictedtohighlatitudes. The 1σlowerlimit,alongwiththe1σand3σupperlimitsareindicated instrumental profile. byverticallines. Since a given rotational broadening contributes more to an observed line width at longer wavelengths where the instrumental resolving power is highest, power spec- 3.4. Fast Fourier Transform Analysis tra generated from synthetic spectra are fairly sensitive ThegeneralideabehindusingFastFourierTransforms totherelativeintensitiesofthestrongestlinesacrossthe (FFTs) to probe line broadening is to use the combined wavelength range. While our simulated AB Dor spec- signal in the whole of the spectrum, rather than just a tra matched the observations very well in general (see, small handful of bright, well-measured lines. Also cru- e.g. Garc´ıa-Alvarez et al. 2005), some of the intensities cial to the analysis of individual line widths is accurate of stronger Fe lines, in particular, differed by ∼ 30% or knowledgeofthestrengthandlocationblendsthatmight so from those observed. These problems are largely at- significantlyaffecttheobservedlinewidths. Theanalysis tributable to difficulties and complexities in theoretical above was based on single well-exposed lines for which predictions of the relative line strengths themselves—a blend contributions can be estimated reasonably well, problem discussed at length in the case of Fe XVII in provided the temperature structure and chemical com- recent work of Doron & Behar (2002) and Gu (2003). positionofthe coronaarewell-understood. However,for We therefore adjusted the simulated intensities of the A Pole-Dominated Corona on AB Dor 9 strongest lines to match the observed intensities. titativeconstraintsonthecoronalscaleheightandstruc- Uncertainties resulting from Poisson counting statis- ture of the rapidly rotating corona on AB Dor. This in- tics wereestimated for the FFT ofthe observedAB Dor formation is encoded in the observed spectrum through spectrum using a Monte Carlo method. We constructed Dopplershiftsofthesourceplasma. TheseDopplershifts 100 realizations of the observed spectrum by randomiz- amount to only a fraction of the instrumental broad- ing the counts in eachspectralbin within their observed ening and are not easily or reliably detected in single Poisson errors. An FFT was then computed for each of line profiles or centroids. However, the emphasis of the the 100 realizations, and the 1 σ confidence limits on study presented here is that the cross-correlation and themeanFFTofthe observedcountsspectrumwereob- FFT techniques we have exploited use the signal in the tained from the resulting FFT distributions. In order whole of the observed spectrum and can be more sensi- to facilitate comparisonbetween FFTs ofmodel and ob- tive than analyses based on single lines. served spectra, the FFTs were summed over intervals of Measuredwavelengthsofindividualspectrallinesillus- 10 bins, where the bin size was 0.005 ˚A. tratedinFigure3shownoobviousorsignificantDoppler shifts relative to the mean frame of rest, although there is a hint of a redshift at phase φ = 0.9 in lines of Mg XII λ8.42 and Fe XVII λ16.78 that is also perhaps present in O VIII λ18.97. The phase φ = 0.9 corre- sponds exactly to the peak of the flare evident in the light curve in Figure 2 and it is tempting to ascribe the weak velocity shift signature to it. If so, it would im- plythe flareweresituatedonthe recedinghemisphereof AB Dor. We noted in §3 that it is possible that the im- pulsivephaseoftheflarewasobscuredbythestellardisk. Werethisthecasethoughwemighthaveexpectedtosee a blueshift rather than redshift, as the flare approached along the line-of-sight around the limb, and the lack of any net blueshift at this phase tends to argue against such an explanation. One might also expect to see blue- shifted plasma as a result of chromospheric evaporation within flaring loops on the visible hemisphere in which loops are likely to be at least partly aligned along the line-of-sight (although to our knowledge no convincing Fig.7.—Comparisonbetween fastFourier transformsof model blue-shifts due to chromospheric evaporation have been and observed spectra in the spectral scale size region of interest. Model spectra were computed as described in the text, and were detected by Chandra to date). That the redshift is not convolvedwitharotationalbroadeningfunctionwithdifferentscale seen in the brighter Fe XVII λ15.01 line, however, sug- heights. Here,thescaleheightsrefertotheradiusassumedinthe geststheredshifthintmostprominentinFeXVIIλ16.78 rotationalbroadeningfunction,ratherthantotheadditionalheight is spurious with an origin in some degree of systematic above surface rotation as in the preceding figure and in the text (e.g. Thermal+0.1R⋆ implies a rotational broadening component uncertainty not accounted for in the analysis. corresponding to a scale height of −0.9R⋆). The shaded regions The cross-correlation of phase-resolved spectra pro- indicatethe±1σand±3σuncertaintyboundsofthedataobtained vides a much more sensitive measure of Doppler shifts throughMonteCarlosimulations. than any of the individual lines (Figure 4). Figure 4 shows that Doppler shifts are almost exclusively within The observed power spectrum and uncertainties are 1σ of 0 km s−1 and are perfectly consistent with no comparedwiththoseofthesyntheticspectrainFigure7. significant net velocity shift. The lack of net Doppler Thisanalysisindicatesthatspectrawithonlyinstrumen- shifts larger than ∼ 20 km s−1 implies that either coro- talbroadeningarenotagoodmatchtotheobservations, nal plasma at low latitudes was relatively uniformly dis- andsomeadditionalbroadeningisrequired. TheFFTof tributedinlongitude,orthatplasmawasconcentratedat the model spectrum with thermal broadening and very the poles during the 1999 October epoch analyzed here. small additional rotational broadening corresponding to Wenotedin§3.2.2thatthecross-correlationtechnique a very small scale height of 0.1R (essentially equivalent ⋆ does not distinguish between lines formed at different to the case of no rotational broadening) provides the characteristic temperatures. In this sense, our measure- best match to the observations, although models with ments are essentially a signal-weighted average Doppler slightly larger scale heights—up to ≤ 1R or so cannot ⋆ shift. Since the longer wavelengths are also more sensi- be excluded. The model corresponding to surface ro- tive to velocity, the weighting for the MEG spectrum is tation scale height 1R exceeds the 3σ error bounds at ⋆ going to be more toward the H-like Ne X Lyα line and scales corresponding approximately to the line FWHM. FeXVIIandOVIIIfeatureslongwardofthis. Theseions This indicates that the model line core is broader than aregenerallyformedinthetemperaturerange2–6×106, observations indicate. Models with scale heights > 1R ⋆ although the increasing emission measure toward higher are strongly excluded. temperatures (e.g. Garc´ıa-Alvarez et al. 2005) means thatweightingwillbe towardthe highendofthis range. 4. DISCUSSION TheHEGspectrumwillbemoresensitivetohighertem- 4.1. Summary and Interpretation of Results perature features, including H- and He-like Si, Mg and A careful analysis of Chandra HETG spectra using Ne. These are generally formed at temperatures of 5– cross-correlationandFFTtechniqueshasprovidedquan- 15×106 K. While the cross-correlationtechnique might 10 J.J. Drake et al. masksomesubtledifferencesinradialvelocitywithtem- unfortunately,however,theveryweakforbiddenFe lines perature, the agreement of HEG and MEG results, and are compromised by the presence of neighboring strong thefactthattheindividuallinesformedatdifferenttem- lines and line blends. peraturesdo notshow anysigns ofsignificantly different A salient point that the long FUSE observation, and behavior, indicates that there is no temperature schism theChandraLETGandHETGobservations,wereallob- in the structure of the AB Dor corona. tained at significantly different epochs, should be borne The degeneracy between a corona uniformly dis- in mind: while particular active longitudes apparently tributed in longitude or one concentrated at the poles do exist on AB Dor (J¨arvinen et al. 2005), details of indicated by the lack of significant Doppler shifts can the coronal topology would be expected to change on be removedby examining spectral line widths, which we shorter timescales and there is no reasonthat particular would expect to exhibit palpable broadening were the features hinted at by one observation should be present corona to be uniformly distributed about the star, or in another. Our observations indicate that the bulk of concentrated at low latitudes. The line widths, how- the coronal emission persists at high latitudes. Both ever, show no evidence for strong additional rotational the Doppler shifts and photometric rotational modula- broadening, in contrast to the HETG spectra of Algol tion found by Hussain et al. (2005) suggest that some presentedbyChungetal.(2004). BothFFTandindivid- detectable emission can also occur at lower latitudes. ual line width analyses favor only very small additional This picture is supported by the pattern of ambigu- broadeningabovethatinducedbythermalvelocitiesand ousEUV-X-rayrotationalmodulationevidencediscussed theinstrumentalprofile. Themediancoronalscaleheight in §2: while some observations found significant rota- from the Monte Carlo simulations of all the lines com- tional modulation, others, including the extensive study bined (Figure 6) is h=−0.75R ; ie less than the stellar of Lalitha & Schmitt (2013), did not. ⋆ radiusasmeasuredfromthestellarcentre. The1σupper Further clues as to the temporal variationof the coro- limitis−0.46R —alsolessthanthestellarradius. Physi- nal emission of AB Dor can be gleaned from Doppler ⋆ cally,these“negative”scaleheightscanbeinterpretedin and ZDI maps obtained in different years. Donati et al. termsofthecoronabeingrestrictedtowardhighlatitude (2003)presentedboth spot (Doppler imaging) and mag- whererotationalbroadeningissmaller. Formally,the 1σ netic field (ZDI) maps for AB Dor for epochs spanning upper limit corresponds to a corona limited to latitudes 1998-2002. All epochs exhibited an extensive dark polar > 57deg. Similarly, the FFT analyses also suggest the spot covering latitudes above 70deg or so (see also Jef- corona lies at restricted higher latitudes. fersetal.2007),consistentwithourinferenceoftheloca- These results provide direct spectroscopic evidence tion of the bulk of the coronal emission, and all showed thatthedominantcoronalemissioninarapidly-rotating some degree of structure at lower latitudes. However, active star such as AB Dor is largely associated with qualitatively, there is quite a striking difference between the dark polar spots commonly found in Doppler imag- mapspresentedforepoch1999.97,whichisfairlycloseto ing and ZDI analyses of photospheric spectra (e.g. Vogt the epoch of our 1999 October observations, and those et al. 1999; Strassmeier 2002; Jeffers et al. 2005). The presented for 2001.99 in the sense that the latter con- results are not, however, definitive: the 3σ upper limit tainmuchmoreextensive features andstructure atmid- to the scale height based on individual lines is h < 0R andlow-latitudes. Suchstructureisalmostabsentinthe ⋆ (surfacerotationorless). Arigorousformallimitismore 1999.97 maps, even considering the more limited phase difficulttodefinefortheFFTanalysis,butthedatasug- coverage of those observations. This matches expecta- gest strongly that h < 0R . It is also not possible to tions from the 1999 and 2002 Chandra Doppler shift ⋆ rule out some small fraction of the emission as emanat- results reported here and by Hussain et al. (2005), re- ing from lower latitudes. Such emission would give rise spectively. The late 1990’s also corresponds to the peak to broadened line wings, of which we see no evidence in in brightness—and presumably the minimum in spot the spectra. It is, however, possible that of the order coverage—of AB Dor based on the photometric moni- of 10% of the emission could be in a somewhat broader toring of J¨arvinen et al. (2005). spectral component. 4.3. Implications for Coronal Magnetic Field 4.2. Comparison with Other Epochs Extrapolation and Models Thelackofphase-relatedDopplershiftsinthe1999Oc- As noted in §1, the type of spectroscopic constraints tober spectra of AB Dor contrasts with the modulation on the topography of coronal plasma reported here rep- seenbyHussainetal.(2005,seealsoHussainetal.2007) resent potentially important observational tests of coro- in the light of O VIII λ18.97 in the LETG observation nal structure extrapolated from ZDI maps of the photo- of 2002 December, which exhibited a to peak-to-peak spheric magnetic field. Our deduction of predominately velocity change of 60 km s−1 and betrayed low-latitude polar coronalactivity on AB Dor is in qualitative agree- structure during that epoch. Hussain et al. (2005) also ment with the ubiquitous presence of extensive polar investigatedconstraintson the coronalscale height from spots on AB Dor, and with such coronalfield extrapola- both Chandra LETG and FUSE spectra. They found tionbyJardineetal.(2002a,b),andHussainetal.(2002). h<0.75R (1σ)basedontheFeXVII15.01˚Alineinthe These authors inferred that, although the corona might ⋆ 2002 December epoch LETG spectra. Based on FUSE be quite extended, much of the model emission comes observationsfrom1999Decemberand2003Decemberof from high-latitude regions close to the stellar surface. the forbidden lines Fe XVIII λ974 and Fe XIX λ1118, It has been especially noted by McIvor et al. (2003), they obtained h = 0.45±0.3R . In principle, the much however, that ZDI cannot reveal the nature of the mag- ⋆ higher FUSE resolution (λ/∆λ ∼ 20000) should render netic field in polar regions and whether field structures tighterconstraintsonlineprofilesthanChandra spectra; are predominantly closed or open. These authors have

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