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X-ray emission from the M9 dwarf 1RXS J115928.5-524717 - Quasi-quiescent coronal activity at the end of the main sequence PDF

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Preview X-ray emission from the M9 dwarf 1RXS J115928.5-524717 - Quasi-quiescent coronal activity at the end of the main sequence

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.11224 (cid:13)c ESO2009 January20,2009 X-ray emission from the M9 dwarf 1RXS J115928.5-524717 Quasi-quiescent coronal activity at the end of the main sequence J.RobradeandJ.H.M.M.Schmitt 9 0 Universita¨tHamburg,HamburgerSternwarte,Gojenbergsweg112,D-21029Hamburg,Germany 0 e-mail:[email protected] 2 Received27October2008;Accepted19December2008 n a ABSTRACT J 0 Aims.X-rayemissionisanimportantdiagnostictostudymagneticactivityinpresumablyfullyconvective,verylow-massstarswith 2 aneffectivelyneutralphotosphere. Methods.We analyse an XMM-Newton observation of 1RXS J115928.5-524717, an ultracool dwarf with spectral type M9 and ] compareitsX-raypropertiestothoseofothersimilarverylate-typestars. R Results.Weclearlydetected1RXSJ115928.5-524717atsoftX-rayenergiesinallEPICdetectors.Onlyminorvariabilitywaspresent S duringtheobservationandweattributetheX-rayemissiontoquasi-quiescentactivity.Thecoronalplasmaisdescribedwellbyatwo- . temperaturemodelatsolarmetallicitywithtemperaturesof2MKand6MKandanX-rayluminosityofaboutLX =1.0×1026erg/s h inthe0.2–2.0keVband.ThecorrespondingactivityleveloflogL /L ≈−4.1pointstoamoderatelyactivestar.Altogether,X-ray X bol p activityfromverylow-massstarsshowssimilartrendstomoremassivestars,despitetheirdifferentinteriorstructure. - Conclusions.1RXSJ115928.5-524717 is,afterLHS2065,thesecondultracoolM9dwarfthatemitsX-raysatdetectablelevelsin o quasi-quiescence.Whilefaintinabsolutenumbers,bothstarsareratherX-rayactive,implyingtheexistenceofanefficientdynamo r t mechanismsthatiscapableofcreatingmagneticactivityandcoronalX-rayemission. s a Keywords.Stars:activity–Stars:coronae–Stars:individual1RXSJ115928.5-524717–Stars:low-mass,browndwarfs–X-rays: [ stars 1 v 7 1. Introduction straints on the possible activity generating mechanisms. Very 2 low-mass stars are generally assumed to be fully convective 0 The ultracool dwarf 1RXS J115928.5-524717 with a spec- and hence a solar-type dynamo is not expected to operate. In 3 tral type of M9V is a sparsely studied, very low-mass star moremassive,solar-typestarsmagneticactivityisgeneratedat . 1 in the solar vicinity. The variable RASS (ROSAT All Sky theinterfacelayerbetweentheradiativecoreandouterconvec- 0 Survey) source 1RXS J115928.5-524717 was first investi- tion zone (αΩ dynamo). However, around spectral type mid- 9 gated by Greineretal. (2000) in a search for GRB X-ray M, the stellar interior becomes fully convective and the pres- 0 afterglow candidates. Later, Hambaryanetal. (2004) associ- ence of magnetic activity in these objects requires another dy- v: ated 1RXS J115928.5-524717 with the nearby late-type star namo mechanisms, e.g. an α2 or turbulentdynamo,to operate. i 2MASSJ11592743-5247188.Duringastrongflareobservedin Furthermore,thecoolphotosphereswithtemperaturesofTeff . X 1991 with ROSAT, its X-ray activity level reached a value of 2500K should be effectively neutral, leading to a high electric r log L /L = −1, one of the highest levels observed so far in resistivity, inhibiting the transport of magnetic energy through a X bol anystar.Hambaryanetal.(2004)initiatedopticalfollow-upob- the photosphere and consequently inhibiting magnetic activity servations,investigatedarchivaldataintheoptical/IRband,and intheouterlayersofthestar.Acomprehensiveoverviewofthe concludedthat1RXSJ115928.5-524717isahighproper-motion theoryofverylow-massstarsisgivene.g.inChabrier&Baraffe star with spectraltype M9±0.5at a distance of only 11±2 pc (2000). and a total luminosity of Lbol = 1.2×1030 erg/s.Observations Evidence for magnetic activity in the X-ray regime comes withVLT/UVESdidnotshowthepresenceofLiandindicated fromlargeflaresdetectedfromseveralverylow-massstars,but a relatively fast rotation of Vsini ≈ 25 km/s (Hambaryanetal. alsofromquiescentemissionthatpointstotheexistenceofsta- 2005).Recently,Phan-Baoetal.(2008)describedthesamestar ble coronae as observed in solar-like stars. Other indicators of as DENIS-P J115927.4-524718 with a spectral type again of magnetic activity are most prominently their often strong and M9 and derived a distance of 10.2±1.7 pc. Obviously in the variableHαemission(Gizisetal.2000;Mohanty&Basri2003; solar vicinitythepopulationsof older,verylow-massstarsand Schmidtetal. 2007), suggesting the ubiquitous existence of a youngbrowndwarfsoverlapintheregimeoflateMdwarfs(see chromosphereandofradiogyrosynchrotronemission,whichre- e.g.Gizisetal.2000).Thereforeadefiniteassignmenttoaspe- quiresthepresenceoffastelectronsandmagneticfields(Berger cific populationfor an individualobject like 1RXS J115928.5- 2002).Recently,strongmagneticfieldswithBf-valuesofuptoa 524717,basedonIR-magnitudesalone,isdifficult. fewkGhavebeendetectedonseveralultracooldwarfs,utilizing theprofilesoftheirFeHlines(Reiners&Basri2007). The presence of magnetic activity phenomena in the outer atmospheric layers of these ultracool stars is remarkable, and The X-ray source 1RXS J115928.5-524717 has not been amongotherdiagnostics,X-rayemissioncanputimportantcon- studied in detail up to now. Only the ROSAT X-ray detection 2 J.RobradeandJ.H.M.M.Schmitt:X-rayemissionfromtheM9dwarf1RXSJ115928.5-524717 is mentioned in the literature, and the X-ray signal was rather We applied standard selection criteria, but due to the over- weak during the observation, despite the observed large flare. allhighbackgroundlevels,weusednotimefilteringforsource Intotal52(source+background)photonsweredetectedin356s detection purposes. Instead, we suppressed the background by observationtimedividedinto17exposures,whereasroughly24 restrictingtheenergyrangeoftheconsideredphotonssincewe background photons were expected. Nearly all source photons expectapossiblesourcesignaltobepredominantlyatsoftener- weredetectedintwosubsequentexposuresseparatedby1.6hin gies;specificallyweusedthe0.2–1.0keVbandwhereanade- a total observation time of less than a minute. The X-ray flare quateS/Nispresentinalldetectors.Fromthesephotonswecre- decayedratherfastwithadecaytime(e-folding)ofabout1.5h. atedimagesforeachdetectorandthenranthesourcedetection Fromthespectralmodellingofthisquitelimitedsignaltheyde- algorithm’edetect chain’,requiringamaximumlikelihoodofat ducedaplasmatemperatureofabout2.5MK,albeitwithalarge least 10. The source is clearly detected in all EPIC detectors. error. A peak X-ray luminosity of L ≈ 1.3 × 1029 erg/s and Figure1 shows a partial image obtained in the MOS1 detector X an upper limit of the quiescent flux of L . 1.8 × 1027 erg/s thatprovidesthehighestspatialresolution,coveringthedetected X were derived. Little is known about the magnetic activity on X-ray source and the expected position of 1RXS J115928.5- 1RXSJ115928.5-524717;however,togetherwiththeM9dwarf 524717. LHS 2065, whose quiescent X-ray emission was recently con- To optimize the SNR we constrained our further analysis firmedbyXMM-Newton(Robrade&Schmitt2008),itisamong to the core of the PSF. For the generation of light curves we thelateststarsdetectedinX-rays. merged all EPIC data and extracted the source photons from The X-ray observations of ultracool dwarfs are quite rare, a 10′′circular region around the position of 1RXS J115928.5- and we examined a previously unpublished XMM-Newton ob- 524717. The backgroundwas taken from a nearby region. For servation of the M9 dwarf 1RXS J115928.5-524717.Here we a spectral analysis the spectra from the individual instruments report its X-ray detection in the quasi-quiescent state with the wereconsidered,butsincethesignalisratherweakintheMOS EPICdetectorsatsoftX-rayenergiesdespiteratherunfavourable detectors, we only used the data from the PN detector. The background conditions. In Sect.2 we describe the observation PN detector has by far the highest sensitivity and the energy range with sufficient S/N is widest. To obtain a source spec- anddataanalysis,inSect.3 wepresentourresults,putthemin trum, we again used only photons from a 10′′circular region thecontextofsimilarobjectsinSect.4,andsummariseourfind- aroundthesourcepositionanddeterminedthebackgroundfrom ingsinSect.5. a nearby region on the same CCD. Spectral analysis was per- formedwithXSPECV12.3(Arnaud1996),andweusedmulti- temperature APEC models with solar abundances as given by Grevesse&Sauval(1998). We notethattheappliedmetallicity 2. Observationsanddataanalysis isinterdependentwiththeemissionmeasureanddifferentcom- binationsofbothparametersleadtoverysimilarresults.Dueto 1RXS J115928.5-524717 was observed by XMM-Newton in the proximity of the target, interstellar absorption is negligible January 2006 for approximately 38ks (Obs.-ID 0301430101). andnotrequiredinthemodellingoftheX-raydata. We only consider data taken with the EPIC (European Photon Tostudyapossibleremainingbackgroundcontaminationof Imaging Camera) detector, i.e., the PN and MOS, which were the analysed data, we also extracted photons from a reduced both operated in ’Full Frame’ mode with the thin filter in- datasetthatexcludesperiodsofveryhighbackground(PNrate serted. No useful source signal is present in the RGS data and above10keV>3cts/s;duration28.8ks)oruseddifferentsource the OM operated in the imaging mode with the UVW1 fil- and background extraction regions and crosschecked our find- ter (λ =2910Å), but we did not detect 1RXS J115928.5- eff ings.Wefindoverallconsistentresultsthatonlymarginallyde- 524717.The XMM-Newton data analysis was carriedout with pendonthespecificcombinationofdatasets. the Science Analysis System (SAS) version 8.0 (Loiseauetal. 2007).Thebackgroundconditionsofthisdataareunfavourably high; however, only a few minor data gaps (especially around 3. Results theobservationtimeof12ks)arepresent. 3.1.Sourcedetectionandlightcurves A faint X-ray source is clearly detected close to the expected positionof1RXSJ115928.5-524717inallEPICdetectors.The 05.0 detectionatsoftX-rayenergiesisveryrobust,inthemostsensi- tiveinstrumentPN alonethedetectedexcesshasa significance 10.0 ofmorethan8σ.Wenotethatthesourceisnotsignificantlyde- tectedathigherenergies,e.g.inthe1.0–3.0keVband,evenwith 15.0 afactorofthreereducedminimumlikelihood.Thesourcedetec- tionparameterfortheindividualinstrumentsaresummarisedin -52:47:20.0 X Table1,denotederrorsarePoissonianerrors(1σ). ThederivedsourcepositionsfromtheEPICdetectorsagree with each other within errors and are within 2′′ of the ex- 25.0 pected position of 1RXS J115928.5-524717for epoch 2006.0; we derivedthe expectedpositionfromthe 2MASS coordinates 30.0 (11 59 27.43 -52 47 18.8 at epoch 1999.36) - which are more accurate than the ROSAT coordinates - and the proper mo- 29.0 28.0 11:59:27.0 26.0 25.0 tion (-1077mas/yr, -131mas/yr) as given by Hambaryanetal. Fig.1.ImageofthedetectedX-raysourceandexpectedposition (2004), leading to an expected position of RA: 11 59 26.64 of1RXSJ115928.5-524717asmarkedbyX(seetext). and DEC: -52 47 19.7. The detected source is the only X-ray J.RobradeandJ.H.M.M.Schmitt:X-rayemissionfromtheM9dwarf1RXSJ115928.5-524717 3 Table 1. X-raydetectionof 1RXSJ115928.5-524717with the WesearchedforspectralvariationsrelatedtochangesinX- SAS-tool ’edetect chain’, optical pos: RA: 11 59 26.64 DEC: ray brightness for the 1h time bins by studying the respective -524719.7. hardness ratio HR=(H-S)/(H+S) with S=0.2–0.6 keV and H=0.6–1.0 keV being the photon energy bands. The SNR is Par. PN MOS1 MOS2 rather poor and we find no clear correlation between HR and OnTime(ks) 36.0 38.1 38.1 countrate,linearregressionresultedinaslopeof0.035±0.044. RA 1159 26.84(±1.0′′) 26.83(±1.7′′) 26.73(±1.7′′) Thereforeweperformedthespectralanalysisforthetotalobser- DEC -5247 20.25(±1.0′′) 18.79(±1.7′′) 19.01(±1.7′′) vation. Counts 177±20 51±11 43±9 Det.likelihood 78 29 23 3.2.Spectralanalysis To determine the spectral properties of 1RXS J115928.5- sourcewithin5′ fromtheon-axisposition.NootherknownX- 524717, we fitted the PN spectrum with spectral models con- ray source of comparable strength is located in the vicinity of sisting of one and two temperature components. The elemen- 1RXS J115928.5-524717,therefore the identification is unam- talabundancescannotbeconstrainedwiththeexistingdataand biguous,andtheobservedsoftX-rayspectramakeanunknown weresettosolarvalues.We showtheX-rayspectrumandboth extragalacticsourceextremelyunlikely. respectivebestfit modelsin Fig.3, thederivedspectralproper- tiesaresummarisedinTable2.Themodelwithonetemperature componentistechnicallyacceptablegiventheerrors,butresults inansomewhatpoorerfit.AsvisibleinFig.3,greaterdiscrepan- ciesarepresentforthismodelespeciallyaroundthepeakofthe spectrum,indicatingthatitisaoversimplification.Giventhefact thatatwo-temperaturecomponentmodelisalsophysicallymore realistic,sinceX-rayspectrawithhigherSNRgenerallyrequire multiplecomponents,weadoptitsresultsforfurtherdiscussion. 0−3 1 V−1 6× e d counts s k−1 4×10−3 e aliz Fig.2.Lightcurveof1RXSJ115928.5-524717derivedfromthe norm ×10−3 2 combined EPIC data with a binning of 1h (top) and 1ks (bot- tom). 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Energy (keV) ToinvestigateX-rayvariabilityof1RXSJ115928.5-524717 we created light curves with 1ks and 1h binning respectively Fig.3.PNspectrumof1RXSJ115928.5-524717withabinning from the photons detected in a 10′′region around the source ofatleast15cts/binandtheappliedspectralmodels(black:2-T, position.InFig.2 we show thethusobtained,backgroundsub- red:1-T). tracted light curve derived from the merged EPIC data in the 0.2–1.0keVbandfortwodifferenttimeresolutions. ThelightcurvesshowninFig.2clearlyconfirmthatthede- Thebestfittwo-temperaturemodelcorrespondstoasource tection of 1RXS J115928.5-524717 with XMM-Newton is not flux of 6.9×10−15 ergcm−2s−1 in the 0.2–2.0 keV band; for caused by a single flare event, ratherpersistent X-rayemission theROSAT0.1–2.4keVbandwederivearoughly15%higher is detected during the total observation, however, variability is flux of 8.0× 10−15 ergcm−2s−1. Adopting a distance of 11pc alsopresentatasignificantlevel.Therefore,insteadofthecom- for1RXSJ115928.5-524717,weobtainanX-rayluminosityof monly used term quiescence, we attribute the X-ray emission L =1.0×1026erg/sinthe0.2–2.0keVband,correspondingto X to a quasi-quiescence flux level. Some enhanced activity or a amoderateactivitylevelofaroundlogL /L =−4.1.Ourspec- X bol smaller flare might be present at the beginningof the observa- tralmodellingresultsinacoolplasmacomponentwithatemper- tion,butthe overallvariationsinX-raybrightnessappearquite atureof2MKandamoderatelyhottercomponentwithtempera- smooth,atleastwhenthe1haveragedlightcurveshowninthe turesaround6MK.Thecoolerplasmaapparentlyslightlydomi- upper panel is considered. Otherwise, the light curve in lower natesthecoronalemissionmeasuredistributionduringtheseob- panelwith 1ks time bins indicatesstronger variability,i.e. fre- servation.Asignificant,hot(&10MK)componentisnotpresent quentsmaller flares of differentamplitude and duration. Given asexpectedforquasi-quiescentemissionofamoderatelyactive theerrors,bothscenariosarepossibleandthe maximumX-ray star. On the other hand, an inactive corona composed only of variabilitymaybearoundorevenlessthana factoroftwo,but verycool(2MK)plasmaasseenontheSunduringactivitymin- couldalsobeeasilyoftheorderofafewassuggestedfromlight imumcan also be ruledout. We note thatthe coronaltempera- curveswithshortertimebins. turesof1RXSJ115928.5-524717arecomparabletothetypical 4 J.RobradeandJ.H.M.M.Schmitt:X-rayemissionfromtheM9dwarf1RXSJ115928.5-524717 coronaltemperaturesderivedforhighermasswithasimilarac- (Schmitt&Liefke 2002). More recently, two M9 dwarfs tivitylevel. (LHS 2065, 1RXS J115928.5-524717) and three M8 dwarfs (VB 10, LP 412-31, TVLM 513-46546)have been clearly de- tected in X-rays in quasi-quiescence by Chandra and XMM- Table2. SpectralresultsderivedfromthePNdata. Newton as summarised in Table3. Besides emitting quiescent X-rayemission,allofthemarealsoknowntoshowX-rayflares Par. 2-T 1-T unit (andapossibleflarefromTVLM513-46546)withfluxincreases T1 0.18±0.05 0.30±0.03 keV uptoafactor100.WenotethatAudardetal.(2007)reportanX- EM1 3.1±1.3×1048 5.1±0.7×1048 cm−3 raydetectionoftheearlyL-dwarfbinaryKelu-1withChandra, T2 0.56±0.19 - keV EM2 2.3±1.4×1048 - cm−3 but a more quantitative analysis of these data was not possible χ2 (d.o.f.) 0.70(6) 0.83(8) since only four photons were detected in roughly six hours of Lred(0.2–2.0keV) 1.0×1026 0.9×1026 erg/s observationtime. X Giventhe factthatfewerthanten photonswere detectedin the total observation of TVLM 513-46546 and that the qual- ity of the LHS 2065 data is rather poor, only three stars re- The spectra of magnetically active stars are usually domi- main for a spectral comparison. The quasi-quiescent state of nated by emission lines, which remain unresolved in the PN VB 10 was modelled by Flemingetal. (2003) with a 2.8MK spectra. For moderately active stars like 1RXS J115928.5- plasmacomponent(basedon26photons).Theobservationper- 524717, we expect a cool plasma component emitting strong formed in 2007 was better described by a significantly hotter lines of Ovii with a peak formation temperature of 2MK and model; however, most of the photons in this observation were of Oviii, whichis predominantlyformedat3–5MK. TheHe- from a flare. The quasi-quiescent emission from LP 412-31 is liketripletlinesofOviiatenergiesaround570eVandtheOviii notdiscussedindetailinStelzeretal.(2006).Toobtainamore Lyαline at650eV thennaturallyexplainthe peakof the spec- complete picture from all available data, we derived its coro- trum around 0.6keV, whereas the emission above 0.7keV re- nal properties in analogy to 1RXS J115928.5-524717, using quiresthepresenceofhotterplasmathatemitse.g.severalstrong a two-temperature model with solar metallicity. We find best- Fexviilinesinthisenergyrange.Thus,thetheoreticalexpecta- fit values around T1=3.5MK and T2=15MK with EM1/2= tionscombinedwiththeobservedspectralshapealsofavourthe 4.8/3.3×1048cm−3,thoughwithsubstantialerror,especiallyon two-temperature model and indicate that residuals in the one- the hotter component. These values lead to X-ray luminosities temperaturemodelareduetoanunderpredictionofOviiandan of L = 1.3×1027 erg/sin the 0.2–2.0 keV band,confirming X overpredictionofOviii,insteadofnoiseorbackgroundcontam- thatLP412-31isanorderofmagnitudeX-raybrighterand,cor- ination. respondingly,roughlyafactortenmoreactive.Itscoronaltem- Asanadditionalcrosscheckweconvertedtheobservedcount peraturesarealsohigherthanthoseof1RXSJ115928.5-524717, ratesfromeachMOSandPNdatasettoanenergyfluxbyusing andlargeramountsofflaring(& 10MK)plasmaareapparently ECF’s (EnergyConversionFactors)in the ’edetect chain’task. also present in quasi-quiescence. In contrast, the corona of the Forthe0.2–1.0keVbandusedinsourcedetection,werespec- lessactivestarVB10seemstobecoolerthanthoseoftheother tivelyobtainasourcefluxof6.3±0.8×10−15ergcm−2s−1(PN) stars. ThisindicatesthatcoronaltemperaturesandX-rayactiv- andof4.6(5.1)±1,3×10−15ergcm−2s−1(MOS1/2).TheMOS ityalsocorrelateinfullyconvectiveobjects.Acounter-example predictsaslightlylowerflux;howevergiventheerrors,allmeth- isthecorrelationbetweenradioandX-rayluminosity,knownas odsagreeratherwell.Thevaluesarealsoconsistentwiththecor- the Gu¨del-Benz relation (Guedel&Benz 1993), which is valid respondingsourcefluxderivedfromthespectralmodelling,e.g. for a variety of magnetic activity phenomena in the F-type to 6.1× 10−15 ergcm−2s−1 for the two-temperature model in the mid-Mtypestars,butisstronglyviolatedintheregimeofultra- 0.2–1.0 keV band. We note that the given errors are pure sta- cooldwarfs(Bergeretal.2008a).Whilespectralinformationon tistical errorsand furthererrors,e.g. in the distance of the star, ultracooldwarfsis still sparse in the X-ray regime, at least the arepresentandmayaffectderivedvaluesbyalmostupto50%. studied objects show the same trend as observed for solar-like Thequiescentfluxfrom1RXSJ115928.5-524717isanorderof stars,i.e.hottercoronaeinmoreactivestars. magnitude below and therefore fully consistent with the upper TheX-rayactivitylevelsforhighermassstarswithspectral limitgivenbyHambaryanetal.(2004)fortheROSATdata. types F to mid-M span the range of log L /L ≈ −3... − 7, X bol with the saturation limit around log L /L = −3 (see e.g. X bol Pizzolatoetal. 2003). This trend is most likely to continue all 4. X-rayactivityinultracooldwarfs the way down the main-sequence as indicated by the activity In the following we put our results from 1RXS J115928.5- levelsseeninverylow-massstars.TheX-raydetectedverylow- 524717intothecontextof(quasi-)quiescentX-raypropertiesof massstarsalreadyspantwoordersofmagnitudeinactivitylevel, otherultracoolMdwarfsinthesolarvicinity.Asalreadynoted, whereasthehighestactivitylevelsintheseobjectsaresimilarto thedetectionstatisticsarerathersparseforstarsintheregimeof thoseofhighermassstars.Theabsenceofultracooldwarfswith spectral type beyond M7 and, additionally,we do not consider verylowactivitylevelsisnotsurprising,since itwouldrequire stars that are only detected during flares. As mentioned above, amuchhighersensitivitythanavailableintheperformedX-ray ageandmassarenotknownforallobjectsandthereforeaclear observation. distinction between stars and hot brown dwarfs is not possible InHα,highactivitylevelsarecommonlyobservedinmidM (see e.g. Gizisetal. 2000); however, most of the objects dis- dwarfs,evenforonlymoderaterotatingstars;however,Hαactiv- cussed here are likely to be old (&1.0 Gyr) and therefore real itydeclinesbeyondspectraltypeM7followedbyastrongdrop stars,asdeducede.g.fromtheabsenceoflithiumabsorption. beyond spectral type M9 (Gizisetal. 2000; Mohanty&Basri The latest stars detected by ROSAT in quasi-quiescence 2003).NoneoftheseverylateobjectsbeyondM7isseenathigh are the M7 dwarf VB 8 (Flemingetal. 1993) and - at Hαactivitylevels,i.e.,abovelog L /L = −3.9,whichisthe Hα bol least at selected time intervals - the M9 dwarf LHS 2065 meanlevelin earliertype M dwarfs,especiallywhenconsider- J.RobradeandJ.H.M.M.Schmitt:X-rayemissionfromtheM9dwarf1RXSJ115928.5-524717 5 Table3.UltracoolMdwarfswithdetectedquasi-quiescentX-rayemission. Star Sp.type Vsini Bf logL /L logL logL /L Ref.(X-ray) Hα bol X X bol VB10a M8 6 1.3 -4.4/-5.0 25.4 -4.9 Flemingetal.(2003)1 LP412-31a M8 9 >3.9 -3.9/-4.4 27.2 -3.1 Stelzeretal.(2006) TVLM513-46546b M8.5 60 - -4.8/-5.0 24.9 -5.1 Bergeretal.(2008b) LHS2065a M9 12 >3.9 -4.0/-4.3 26.3 -3.7 Robrade&Schmitt(2008)2 1RXSJ115928.5-524717c M9 25 - - 26.0 -4.1 thiswork aadditionalvaluesfromReiners&Basri(2007),bfromMohanty&Basri(2003),cfromHambaryanetal.(2005) 1Re-observedbyBergeretal.(2008a),2DetectedatspecifictimesalsobySchmitt&Liefke(2002) ingvariabilityandtakingthelowervaluespresentedintheliter- inmany,ifnotall,late-typestarsdowntothehydrogenburning ature. While 1RXS J115928.5-524717clearly shows Hα emis- mass limit. The detected stars are moderately to highly active, sion(seeFig.3inHambaryanetal.2004),noquantitativeanal- and their highest X-ray activity levels are comparable to those ysis of its Hα line is presented in their work. Sample studies observedfor more massive stars. Furthermore,the well known indeedindicatethattheHαactivitysaturationlimitinverylate trend of higher coronaltemperaturestowards more active stars M dwarfs is also significantly lower than those in earlier type is apparently also present in ultracool dwarfs and objects with M dwarfs. However, this decline does not seem to be present thestrongestmagneticfieldarealsothemostX-rayactiveones. for the observed X-ray activity, and the opposite trend is seen Altogether,thesefindingssupportthehypothesisthatfullycon- in the radio emission from these objects (Bergeretal. 2008a). vectivelow-massstars andsolar-like stars exhibitsimilar over- Even the ultracool dwarfs show the same high activity levels allcoronalproperties,regardlessoftheirdifferentinteriorstruc- up to the saturation level as observed for more massive stars tures, and that X-ray activity rather depends on the amount of (log L /L ≈ −3). This could indicate that coronaland chro- generated magnetic flux but not on the mechanism responsible X bol mosphericactivitylevelsdonotstrictlyco-evolveintheregime for its creation. Future X-ray observations of ultracool dwarfs of ultracool dwarfs. On the other hand, strong magnetic fields arehighlydesirabletoextendanddeepenourunderstandingof (Bf>1kG)arefoundinallinvestigatedobjectsofspectraltype magneticactivityandcoronaeintheregimeofthecooleststars M7andbeyond(Reiners&Basri2007),andthestrongestmag- attheendofthemainsequence. netic fields (Bf>2kG) are also associated with the most X-ray activestars.Thissuggestsacorrelation-asnaturallyexpected- betweenmagneticfieldstrengthandX-rayactivity. 5. Summaryandconclusions Concerning dynamo mechanisms and their efficiencies and considering that the stellar radii are in a narrow range around 1. We have clearly detected quasi-quiescent X-ray emission 0.1 R⊙ for our sample stars (Chabrieretal. 2000), the mea- fromtheultracooldwarf1RXSJ115928.5-524717(spectral sured Vsini values lead to maximum periods of a few hours typeM9)atsoftX-rayenergies.ThederivedX-rayluminos- for the faster rotators and to less than one day even for the ityofaboutL = 1.0×1026 erg/sinthe0.2–1.0keVband X slowest rotators. This is significantly shorter than the convec- leadsto an activitylevelof log L /L ≈ −4.1,pointingto X bol tiveturnovertimesexpectedtobeoftheorderofseveraltenup a moderatelyactive star. It is still relativelypoorly studied, to hundreddays.Consequently,the Rossby number(Ro=P/τc), however,itisapromisingtargettobeinvestigatedingreater whose inverse describes dynamo efficiency, is small in all ul- detailatotherwavelengths. tracool dwarfs and thus all stars should be in the saturated (or 2. The X-ray emitting coronal plasma is best described by evensuper-saturatedforthefastestrotators)regimeofmagnetic at least two temperature components, one relatively cool activity,anexpectationobviouslycontradictedbytheX-rayob- (2MK)andaslightlyhottercomponent(6MK).Thesetem- servations.Furthermore,rotationappearstobevirtuallyuncorre- peraturesarealsotypicalforstarsofhighermasswithasim- latedwithHαactivityinultracooldwarfs(Reidetal.2002),and ilar activity level. We find that the correlation between X- it does not seem to be the dominantfactor determining the X- rayactivitylevelandaveragecoronaltemperatureapparently rayactivitylevel,againincontrasttomoremassivestars.Since alsoholdsforultracooldwarfs. these correlations refer to an αΩ dynamo, the X-ray observa- 3. The repeated X-ray detection of very low mass stars sug- tionssupportthepresenceofanalternativedynamomechanism gests that magnetic activity and a stable coronae are quite (e.g.α2, turbulent),which operatesin a fully convectivestellar commonphenomenadownto the ultracoolendofthemain interior,butfavourascenariowhereactivitydoesnotsolelyde- sequence.Remarkably,theseobjectsexhibittrendssimilarto pend on rotation. On the other hand, the saturation level, i.e., moremassivestarsintheircoronalX-rayproperties,despite the maximum activity level in log LX/Lbol, appears to be simi- theirdifferentinteriorstructure.Thedetectedstarsarequite lar inverylow-massandin highermassstars. Thiswouldthen active (in L /L ) but overallX-ray faint (in L ) and were X bol X requiresaturationtobebasicallyindependentoftheunderlying mainly detected since they are nearby,thus they are proba- interiorstructureordynamomechanismandtodependonlyon blyonlythe’tipoftheiceberg’concerningX-rayactivityin the amount of magnetic flux generated and propagating to the ultracooldwarfs. stellar surface where it then leadsto the observedactivity phe- nomena. Acknowledgements. Thisworkisbasedonobservations obtainedwithXMM- Whilethesamplesizeistoosmalltoderivedefiniteconclu- Newton, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly sionsontheoverallcoronalpropertiesinverylow-massstars,the fundedbyESAMemberStatesandtheUSA(NASA).J.R.acknowledgessup- availabledataclearlyconfirmthatquasi-quiescentcoronaeexists portfromDLRunder50QR0803. 6 J.RobradeandJ.H.M.M.Schmitt:X-rayemissionfromtheM9dwarf1RXSJ115928.5-524717 References Arnaud, K. A. 1996, in ASP Conf. 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