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ACCEPTEDFORTHEPUBLICATIONINTHEAstrophysicalJournal PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.25/04/01 X-RAYEMISSIONFROMMULTI-PHASESHOCKINTHELARGEMAGELLANICCLOUDSUPERNOVA REMNANTN49 SANGWOOKPARK1,DAVIDN.BURROWS,GORDONP.GARMIRE,ANDJOHNA.NOUSEK DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,525DaveyLaboratory,UniversityPark,PA.16802 JOHNP.HUGHES DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,RutgersUniversity,136FrelinghuysenRoad,Piscataway,NJ.08854-8109 AND 2 ROSAMURPHYWILLIAMS 0 DepartmentofAstronomy,B619E-LGRT,UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst,MA01003 0 AcceptedforthepublicationintheAstrophysicalJournal 2 ABSTRACT v o Thesupernovaremnant(SNR)N49intheLargeMagellanicCloudhasbeenobservedwiththeAdvancedCCD N ImagingSpectrometer(ACIS) on boardthe ChandraX-RayObservatory. The superbangularresolutionof the Chandra/ACIS images resolves a point source, the likely X-ray counterpart of soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 5 0526−66,andthediffusefilamentsandknotsacrosstheSNR.Thesefilamentaryfeaturesrepresenttheblastwave 2 sweeping through the ambient interstellar medium and nearby dense molecular clouds. We detect metal-rich ejecta beyondthe main blast wave shock boundaryin the southwestof the SNR, which appear to be explosion 1 v fragments or “bullets” ejected from the progenitor star. The detection of strong H-like Si line emission in the 2 easternside oftheSNRrequiresmulti-phaseshocksin ordertodescribethe observedX-rayspectrum,whereas 5 suchamulti-phaseplasmaisnotevidentinthewesternside. ThiscomplexspectralstructureofN49suggeststhat 5 the postshock regionstoward the east of the SNR mighthave been reheated by the reverse shock off the dense 1 molecular clouds while the blast wave shock front has decelerated as it propagatesinto the dense clouds. The 1 X-rayspectrumofthedetectedpoint-likesourceiscontinuumdominatedandcanbedescribedwithapowerlaw 2 ofG ∼3. Thisprovidesaconfirmationthatthispoint-likeX-raysourceisthecounterpartofSGR0526−66inthe 0 quiescentstate. / h Subjectheadings:ISM:individual(N49)—supernovaremnants—X-rays:ISM—X-rays:individual(SGR p 0526−66)—stars: neutron—X-rays:stars - o tr 1. INTRODUCTION clouddensityis∼0.9cm−3. ThisdenseISMismostlikelyas- s sociated with the CO clouds detected in the east of the SNR a N49isabrightsupernovaremnant(SNR)intheLargeMag- : ellanic Cloud (LMC) (Dopita1979; Longetal. 1981). The (Banasetal. 1997). The bright optical/UV emission arises v from “sheets” of emission generated by slow radiative shocks Xi low metal abundances of N49 (Danziger&Leibowitz1985; ofv≤140kms−1astheblastwaveinteractswiththedenseam- Russell&Dopita1990) indicated a substantial mixture of bientmaterial, whiletheX-rayemissionappearsfromthefast r the supernova (SN) ejecta material with the LMC interstel- a shock(v∼730kms−1)propagatingintheintercloudmedium. lar medium (ISM), which is consistent with the relatively TheX-rayspectrumofN49asobtainedwithASCAwasfit- old dynamical age as derived to be ∼5000 − 10000 yr tedwith a non-equilibriumionization(NEI)modelwith kT ∼ (Longetal. 1981; Vancuraetal. 1992). The most remarkable 0.6keV and n t ∼ 1011 cm−3 s (Hughesetal. 1998). Thefit- featureofN49isstrongenhancementsoftheoptical/X-raysur- e ted electron temperature and the ionization age are consistent face brightness in the south-east. This asymmetric intensity with the Sedov evolution without significant alteration of the distribution has been attributed to the interaction of the blast preshock ISM by the stellar winds from the progenitor (the wave with the nearby molecular clouds located in the east of model suggested by Shull et al. [1985]), which supports the the SNR (Vancuraetal. 1992; Banasetal. 1997). The radio overallpictureproposedbyVancuraetal. (1992). Theoverall images show similar intensity distribution to the X-ray mor- X-rayspectrumwasfittedwithlowmetalabundances,whichis phology, but with a complete shell in the west as well as in the east (Dickeletal. 1995). The radio spectral index of a = alsoconsistentwiththeoptical/UVspectralanalysis. The positionof the outburstof the softgamma-rayrepeater −0.58 (Dickel&Milne1998) is typical for a shell-type SNR. (SGR) SGR0526−66in1979March5 hasbeenknownto be Althoughthemeanfractionalpolarizationoverthewholerem- within the boundary of N49 (Clineetal. 1982) and is consis- nantis low (<5%), the western side of the SNR is highlypo- tent with the unresolved X-ray source RX J05260.3−660433 larized. Thehighlyorganizedmagneticfieldinthewestofthe (Rothschildetal. 1994), suggesting the identification of this SNR is supportive of the less-disturbed blast wave expanding sourceas theX-ray counterpartof SGR 0526−66. Thisunre- intothelowdensityISMinthewest(Dickel&Milne1998). solvedX-raysourceappearsspatiallyassociatedwithSNRN49 Vancuraet al. (1992)haveperformedextensiveoptical/UV basedonitspositionalcoincidencewithintheboundaryofthe spectroscopyandhavefoundthatN49isinteractingwithdense SNR although an incidental alignment along the line of sight clouds(n ∼150cm−3 onaverage)while thepreshockinter- H [email protected] 1 2 Park betweenthetwocannotberuledout(Gaensleretal. 2001).Al- ingwastowardthepositionofSGR0526−66(a =05h26m 2000 thoughan8spulsationfromSGR0526−66hasbeendetected 00s.7, d = −66◦ 04′ 35.′′0). In this observation, instead of 2000 during the g -ray burst in 1979 (Mazetsetal. 1979), the X-ray the whole CCD and the standard 3.2 s frame time, a 128-row timing/spectral analysis of this unresolved X-ray source has subarray with a 0.4 s frame time was used for the temporal beenlimitedwithpreviousdetectors(e.g.,Marsdenetal.1996). study of the target object SGR 0526−66. Due to the selec- No counterparts in the infrared and radio bands have been tionofthesubarrayoftheCCDchip,thecoverageoftheSNR foundforSGR0526−66(Dickeletal. 1995;Smithetal. 1998; was incomplete and only the northern parts of the SNR were Fenderetal. 1998). These results from SGR 0526−66 share observed. The total exposure was ∼40 ks. Although the an- typicalcharacteristicsoftheAnomalousX-rayPulsars(AXP), gularcoverageisincomplete,thison-axisobservationprovides provided that the detection of the X-ray pulsar is confirmed. better angular resolutions than our GTO data, thus we utilize High resolutionX-ray imagingwith the moderatespectral ca- thesearchivaldataassupplementsintheanalysis. Wehavere- pability of Chandra observationswould be critical to confirm processedtherawarchivaldatainexactlythesamewayasthe thedetectionoftheX-raycounterpartofSGR0526−66. GTOdatawereprocessed,includingtheCTIcorrection. Weherereporttheresultsfromtheimagingandspatiallyre- solvedspectralanalysisofSNRN49fromtheChandraobser- 3. ANALYSIS &RESULTS vations. While this work is primarily devoted to the analysis 3.1. X-rayColorImages of the diffuse X-ray emission from SNR N49, we also report somepreliminaryresultsfromthedetectedpointsource,theX- The“true-color”X-rayimagesofSNRN49fromtheChan- raycounterpartofSGR0526−66.Wedescribetheobservation dra/ACISobservationsarepresentedinFigure1. Figure1ais andthe datareductionin §2. Theimageandspectralanalyses theimagefromtheGTOobservationandFigure1bistheone arepresentedin§3,andadiscussionin§4. Asummarywillbe fromthearchivalGOdata. Thedifferencesinthepointspread presentedin§5. function (PSF) between two images due to the angular offset of∼6.′5fromtheaimpointintheGTOdataareapparent. The highresolutionon-axisarchivaldatarevealthedetaileddiffuse 2. OBSERVATIONS &DATA REDUCTION filamentary structure, particularly in the east of the SNR, far SNR N49 was observed with the Advanced CCD Imaging better than the off-axis GTO data. The detection of the point Spectrometer(ACIS)onboardtheChandraX-RayObservatory source as the counterpart of SGR 0526−66 is evident in the on2001September15aspartoftheChandraGuaranteedTime middle of the northern part of the SNR as shown by a bright Observation(GTO)program(ObsID1041).TheACIS-S3chip whitespot(Figure1b).Thispointsourceisalsodetectedinthe waschosentoutilizethebestsensitivityandenergyresolution off-axisimage(Figure1a)butappearsextendedbecauseofthe of the detectorin the softX-raybands. Thepointing(a = PSFdegradation.Despitethesuperiorangularresolutionofthe 2000 05h 25m 26s.04, d = −65◦ 59′ 06.′′9) was roughly toward on-axis data, the selection of the subarray of the CCD allows 2000 theX-raycentroidofthenearbyLMCSNRN49Bwiththeaim only a partial coverage of the SNR: i.e., about a third of the pointshiftedby245detectorpixels(∼2′)fromthenominalS3 SNRinthesouth-westwasnotcovered(Figure1b).Theimag- chipaimpointinordertosimultaneouslyobservebothofN49 ing and spectral analysis overthe whole remnantis important and N49Bon the same CCD chip. This pointingdirectionre- to understand the global nature of the SNR and we primarily sultsinanangularoffsetof∼6.′5fromtheaimpointatthepo- utilizeourGTOdataforthedataanalysis. Inordertotakead- sitionofN49. Theresultsfromthedataanalysisofthepointed vantageofthehighangularresolution,weusethearchivaldata targetSNRN49Barepresentedelsewhere(Parketal. 2002b). forsupplementarypurposes. We have utilized the data reduction techniques developed InFigure1,thesoftX-rayemission(red-yellow)revealsvar- at the Pennsylvania State University for correcting the spa- ious filamentary structures across the SNR. The circumferen- tial and spectral degradation of the ACIS data caused by ra- tialshell-likesoftX-rayfeaturesaroundtheSNRarespatially diation damage, known as charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) coincident with the radio shells (Figure 2a), representing the (Townsleyetal. 2000). The expected effects of the CTI blast wave shock front. By comparison, the hard X-ray emis- correction include an increase in the number of detected sion features show little correlation with the radio intensities events and improved event energies and energy resolution (Figure2b). Basedonastrophysicalconsiderations,webelieve (Townsleyetal. 2000; Townsleyetal. 2002a). We screened thatitisreasonabletosupposethatshocksarereflectingoffthe the data with the flight timeline filter and then applied the densermoleculargasintheeastandmaybepropagatingback CTI correction before further data screenings by status and intotheinteriorofN49. Thiscouldbeapartialexplanationfor grade. Weremoved“flaring”pixelsandselectedASCAgrades the highertemperatureswe find in the spectralanalysis of the (02346). The overall lightcurve was examined for possible easternregion(§3.3.2),althoughadefinitiveconclusionwould contamination from time-variable background. The overall require a detailed investigation of the hydrodynamicsof N49 lightcurvefromthewholeS3chipshowsrelativelyhighback- that is beyond the scope of this work. Other evidence, albeit ground(byafactorof>2)forthelast∼10%oftheobservation morespeculative, in supportof reflected shocksin the eastern ∼ time. Thiscontaminationfromthevariablebackgroundishow- region of N49 include (1) the morphologyof the hard X-rays evernegligiblefortheN49sourceregion(∼1.′4diameter)and whichpeakclosertotheinteriorontheeasternsidethanthesoft we ignore it in the data analysis. After these data reduction X-raysdo(Figure2),and(2)thecleararc-likefeatureintheSi process,theeffectiveexposurewas34ksthatcontains∼241k EWmap(§3.2andFigure5f)whichtraceshotgas,thatperhaps photonsinthe0.3−8keVbandforthewholeremnantwithin delineatestheedgeoftheinwardmovingreflectedshock. The a1.′4diametercircularregion. western half is, for the most parts, dominated by hard X-ray DuringChandracycle1(2000January4),N49wasobserved emission(green-blue),whichmayindicatethattheblastwave withtheACIS-S3asaGuestObserver(GO)program,whichis ispropagatingthroughalowdensityISM,assuggestedbyradio nowpubliclyavailableinthearchive(ObsID747). Thepoint- data(Dickel&Milne1998). N49 3 The brightestdiffuseemission is in the southeast, as recog- photonstatisticsneartheedgeoftheSNR,wehavesettheEW nizedbypreviousX-rayobservations,wheretheSNRisinter- valuesto zerowherethe estimatedcontinuumflux islow. We acting with dense molecular clouds. The overallbrightX-ray alsosettheEWtozerowheretheintegratedcontinuumfluxis emissionintheeasternhalfoftheSNRissignificantinallcol- greaterthanthelineflux.WepresenttheEWimagesforO,Ne, ors and likely has complex spectral structure. While filamen- Mg, Si, andFe (Figure5). TheSEWimageis unreliabledue tarysoft,red-yellowemissionprevailsintheeasternhalfofthe tothelowphotonstatistics. Thebroadlinecomplexesat∼0.8 SNR, there are apparentblue regions in the east (primarily to −1.1keVarefromvariousionizationstatesofNeKandFeL- the immediate north of the southeast brightest region; Figure shell line emission, and we present tentative identifications in 1).ThisdiffuseX-rayemissionwithspectralvariationsappears Figure5andTable1. AlthoughMgandSilinesshowHe-like localizedtoproducespatiallydistinctivelayersofX-raycolors andH-likesubstructuresintheoverallspectrum(Figure4),we in the eastern half of the SNR. The interactions of the blast presenttheEWimagesfromthecombinedbroadlinesinFig- wave shock with the clumpy dense molecular clouds in these ure 5 since the H-like lines of these elements are too weak to regionsappearresponsiblefortheobservedspatio-spectralsub- separatelyproduceusefulEWimagesoverthewholeSNR. structuresofthediffuseX-rayemission(see §3.3). Forexam- The O EW distribution is generally consistent with the op- ple,thebrightfilametaryemissionfeaturesfromtheopticalOIII tical OI,III intensity distributionsand shows higherEW in the imagesarelargelyanti-correlatedwiththeblue,hardX-rayin- east and south of the SNR (Figure 5a; Vancura et al. 1992). tensity and more correlated with the soft, red X-ray emission The Fe EW (Figure 5d) shows similar distribution to the O (Figure 3a and Figure 3b). The optical emission from N49 map. Ne/Fe and Mg EW (Figure 5b, Figure 5c, and Figure is believed to originate primarily from slow radiative shocks 5e) distributions appear to be opposite to O, showing higher entering dense molecular clouds, while the X-ray emission is intensities in the west of the SNR. The Si EW is relatively ingeneralfromfastshockspropagatingthroughtheintercloud strong in both east and west (Figure 5f). The O and Fe EW medium (Vancuraetal. 1992). The high resolution X-ray im- enhancementsare spatially correlated with the location of the agesfromtheACISdatarevealthatthehardX-raysareindeed dense molecularclouds where the X-ray and optical emission fromintercloudregionswherelittleopticalemissionoriginates, is generally bright (Figure 5a and Figure 5d). Since the X- and that the soft X-ray emission is spatially more coincident ray emission in these regionsis presumablydominatedby the withthebrightopticalemittingregions.Thesefeaturessupport shockeddenseISM,thesehighOandFeEWsareunlikelydue theinteractionsoftheblastwavewiththecloudsastheorigin to abundance enhancements, but appear to trace shock tem- oftheX-rayspectralvariationsobservedinthecolorimages. perature variations. Optical spectroscopic studies have indi- Wedetectaninteresting,previouslyunknownfeatureofN49 catedthatmetalabundancesofN49areclosetotheLMCval- withourChandraGTOdata: i.e.,theblue,hardX-rayknotin ues (Russell&Dopita1990; Vancuraetal. 1992) and support the southwest, beyondthe main boundaryof the SNR (Figure temperature variations, rather than abundances, as the origin 1a),fromwhichfaintradioemissionisalsoassociated(Figure of these EW distributions. Based on the plane-parallel shock 2b). Theextendedshapeofthisfeatureappearscausedbythe modelwithamoderateionizationtimescale(n t ∼1012 cm−3 e off-axisPSFandthetruemorphologicalnatureofthisemission s)andtheLMCabundances,theFeLEW(Figure5d)isinfact isuncertainwiththecurrentoff-axisdata.Wecannotutilizethe representativeofthebroadlinecomplexatE ∼0.8keV,which high resolution archivaldata, because this feature lies outside ischaracteristicofa“cool”plasma(kT <0.5keV)asopposed ∼ the field of view (Figure 1b). We find no proper counterparts to the “hot” component (kT ∼ 1 keV) that would produce a for this feature in other wavelengths, which suggests that it is prominentFeLlinecomplexatE ∼1keV. unlikelyaprojectionofabackground/foregroundpointsource Indirectcontrast,theH-likeNe(and/orhotFeL)EW(Fig- (§3.3.3). The X-ray spectrum of this feature indicates metal- ure5c),whichissensitivetohightemperaturesofkT ∼1keV, richthermalemissionwithstrongatomicemissionlinesrather isenhancedinthewestwheretheblastwaveisexpandingintoa thanapowerlawdominatedspectrum(§3.3.3). Thesespectral lowdensityISM.TheseEWdistributionsmaythusindicatethe features supportthe propositionthat this hard X-ray knot is a presenceofanundisturbed(bydenseISM)blastwaveshockin partoftheSNR,probablyfragment(s)ofSNejecta. thewest,whichmayhaveahighertemperaturethanthatinthe easternsideoftheSNR.Ifthedominantcontributortotheen- hancedEWatE∼1.1keVisNe,comparisonsbetweenHe-like 3.2. EquivalentWidthImages andH-likeNeEWimages(Figure5bandFigure5c)maysug- TheoverallspectrumofN49showssomebroadatomicemis- gestprogressiveionizationsof Ne by the reverseshockas de- sion lines (Figure 4) and we generate equivalent width (EW) tected in other SNRs (Gaetzetal. 2000; Flanaganetal. 2001; images of K-shell line emission from the atomic elements O, Parketal. 2002a). The Si EW enhancementsin both eastand Ne,Mg,Si,S,andtheL-shelllineemissionofFebyselecting westareintriguingandmaysuggestthepresenceofhotphases photonsaroundthe broadline complexes(Table 1), following in addition to cool phase shocks in the south-eastparts of the the methods described by Park et al. (2002a). Images in the SNR(seemorediscussionin§3.3). TheSiEWenhancements bandpasses of interest for both the lines and continuum were inthesoutheasternquadrantarelargelyshell-like,asindicated extractedwith2′′ pixelsandsmoothedbyaGaussianwiths = by a dotted line in Figure 5f. This may also be interpretedas 7′′. The underlying continuum was calculated by logarithmi- hot, highly ionized plasma in the southeastern regions of the cally interpolating between images made from the higher and SNR. lower energy “shoulders” of each broad line. The estimated The hard X-ray knot in the southwest beyond the SNR continuumfluxwasintegratedovertheselectedlinewidthand boundary,asrevealedwiththetrue-colorimage,showsstrong subtracted from the line emission. The continuum-subtracted enhancements in the Si, Mg, and hot Ne/Fe EW images. lineintensitywasthendividedbytheestimatedcontinuumon The actual spectralanalysis indicates thatthese high EWs are apixel-by-pixelbasistogeneratetheEWimagesforeachele- caused by metal abundances as well as advanced ionizations ment. InordertoavoidnoiseintheEWmapscausedbypoor 4 Park andhightemperature(see§3.3.3). The enhancedEWs forthe insignificantintheselectedenergyrange.Otherelementswere elementalspeciescausedbyhighmetalabundancessupportthat allowedtovary. Theresultsofthespectralfittingsforthewest this hard X-ray knot may not be a background extragalactic regionsoftheSNRaresummarizedinTable2andTable3. source,andthatitislikelyemissionfrommetal-richSNejecta These spectra in the western half of the SNR can be de- associatedwithN49.TheEWaroundthedetectedpointsource scribed by a thermal plasma with the best-fit kT of 0.52 − is,ontheotherhand,verylowforallelementalspecies. These 0.65keV.Theimpliedabsorptionsare∼0.6−2.7×1021cm−2. low EWs are strong indications of the continuum-dominated TheseresultsareconsistentwiththeresultsfromtheASCAdata X-ray spectrum for the point source. This is in good agree- (Hughesetal. 1998). Thefittedabundancesaregenerallycon- ments with the presumed identification of the point source as sistentwiththeEWdistributions.Theresultsfromtheregion2 theneutronstar, ortheX-raycounterpartofSGR0526−66in spectrumareperhapsthemostinteresting.ThisiswhereNe/Fe, thequiescentstate. Mg, and SiEWs are enhancedand the best-fitabundancesfor thoseelementalspecies(exceptforFe)arealsorelativelyhigh, 3.3. X-raySpectra although the magnitudes of the enhancements are moderate only at around the solar level. The fitted abundances for this The high resolution ACIS data, for the first time, allow us region suggest that the high EW responsible for the emission toperformspatially-resolvedspectralanalysisinX-raysforthe lineatE ∼1.1keV(Figure5c)isduetohighlyionizedH-like study of SNR N49. Despite the PSF degradations due to the Ne ratherthan hotFe. The best-fit shocktemperatureand the largeangularoffsetfromtheaim point,theGTOdata provide ionizationtimescaleforthisregionarehigherthanregion1in moderateangularresolutionofafewarcsec,whicharestillsuf- whichHe-likeNe EWis enhanced(Figure5b). Thissupports ficient to resolve major diffuse structure of N49. Moreover, theadvancedionizationinregion2assuggestedbytheEWim- thecompletespatialcoverageoftheSNRwiththeGTOdatais ages.Theregion3spectrumisontheotherhandfittedwithlow advantageousoverthearchivaldatafortheefficientandconsis- LMC-likeabundancesforallelements. ThebroadbandX-ray tentstudyoftheglobalstructuresoftheSNR.Combiningtwo surfacebrightnessisalsolow forthisregion,indicatingX-ray datasetsmaynotbedesirablebecauseofthesignificantdiffer- emissionfromtheshockedlowdensityLMCISM. ence in the PSF. We thus make a simple and secure approach forthespatially-resolvedspectralanalysisbyutilizingtheGTO 3.3.2. SNREast: Multi-PhaseShock data as the primary data and the archival data as the supple- mentary data: i.e., we perform all spectral analysis with the We selecttworegionsfromtheeasternhalfoftheSNR(re- GTO data and thenverifythe resultswith the archivaldata as gions4and5;Figure6). Region4iswithinthebrighteastern necessary. Weextractthespectrumfromseveralsmallregions rimwhichisevidentlydominatedbythehardX-rayemissionas overtheSNR.Theregionalselectionswerebasedonthechar- displayedinFigure1. Atotalof∼10000photonsareextracted acteristicsrevealedbythebroadbandcolorimagesandtheEW fromregion4. Region5isthebrightestknotinthe southeast, images, and are presented in Figure 6. In all spectral fittings, where we extract ∼17000 counts. We fit these spectra in the wemadealowenergycutatthephotonenergyofE =0.5keV same way as we did for the western regions: i.e., we use the becauseofunreliablecalibrationsoftheACISspectruminthe plane-parallelshockmodelwithO,Ne,Mg,Si,S,andFeabun- softbands.Inmostcases,webinthedatatocontainaminimum dancesvariableinthefittings. Bothofthespectraintheeastern of20countsforthespectralfitting. Forthespectralanalysisof half of the SNR show significant Si Lya line (E ∼ 2.0 keV) ourCTIcorrecteddata,wehaveutilizedtheresponsematrices as well asstrong softX-ray emission (E < 1 keV) (Figure7d appropriatefor the spectralredistributionof the CCD, asgen- and Figure 7e). In orderto adequatelydescribe these spectral erated by Townsley et al. (2002b). The low energy (E < 1 features, a hotcomponentshockwith kT > 1 keV is required ∼ keV)quantumefficiency(QE)oftheACIShasbeendegraded in addition to the soft component with kT ∼ 0.4 − 0.5 keV. becauseofthemolecularcontaminationontheopticalblocking The hot components have larger ionization timescales (n t > e ∼ filter. We have corrected this time-dependentQE degradation 1012 cm−3 s) than the cool components(n t ∼ 1011 cm−3 s). e by modifying the ancillary response function (ARF) for each The fitted ionizationtimescales forthe hotcomponentare not extracted spectrum by utilizing the IDL version of ACISABS constrained in the upper bounds and a thermal plasma in the softwaredevelopedbyChartasetal. (2002). complete collisionalionization equilibrium(CIE) may also fit thedatawiththeequivalentstatisticalsignificance.Theimplied 3.3.1. SNRWest: Single-PhaseShock absorbingcolumnsareN ∼3−4×1021 cm−2 forthesere- H WeselectthreeregionsfromthewesternhalfoftheSNR(re- gions. gions1,2,and3;Figure6). Theseregionsarewherethebroad The soft component model for the region 5 spectrum indi- bandsurfacebrightnessisrelativelylow,whiletheEWimages cateslowmetalabundancesof<0.5solarforfittedelemental ∼ revealsomenoticeablefeatures(Figure5andFigure6).Region species. ThissoftcomponentdominatestheX-rayemissionat 1 is where O and Ne EWs are enhanced and contains ∼3500 E < 1 keV, which consistently supports that the enhanced O ∼ photons. Region 2 is where Ne/Fe, Mg and Si are enhanced andFeEWs(Figure5aandFigure5d)arenotcausedbyhigh containing∼8100counts.Region3showslowEWformostof abundances. The best-fit model for the hard component im- the elements and contains∼3200 photons. We fit these spec- pliesoverabundances(typically∼1−2solar)comparedwith trawiththeplane-parallelshockmodel(Borkowskietal. 2001) the LMC abundancesfor some elemental species. The statis- as presented in Figure 7a, Figure 7b, and Figure 7c. The ele- tical uncertainties for the fitted abundancesare however large mental abundanceswere fixed for He (= 0.89), C (= 0.30), N enoughthattherealityofthesehighabundancesareinconclu- (= 0.12), Ca (= 0.34) and Ni (= 0.62) at values for the LMC sivewiththecurrentdata. Forexample,thisregion5spectrum (Russell&Dopita1992)(hereafter,allabundancesarewithre- may also be fitted with subsolar abundances, for both of the specttothesolar;Anders&Grevesse1989)sincethecontribu- softandhardcomponentsofthe shock,withequivalentstatis- tion fromthese speciesin thespectralfitting isexpectedto be tical significance based on the F-test. The EWs distributions N49 5 in theeastoftheSNRarethereforemorelikelydominatedby Thesourcepositionswithouroff-axisdatathereforeappearto the shock temperature and the ionizationstates rather than by have<4′′ accuracyas a conservativelimit. We have searched metalabundances. The fitted modelparametersforthe region for counterparts around the source position in SIMBAD and 4 spectrum are also generallyconsistent with the results from NED catalogs as well as ∼100 multi-wavelengh on-line cata- region 5, which also supports the temperature and ionization logs available through HEASARC. We find no candidate for states for the origins of the observed EW distributions. We an extragalacticcounterpartwithin 1′ radiusof the source po- note that region 4 EWs appear relatively weak for the atomic sition. The derived X-ray flux is f ∼ 6.0 × 10−14 X(0.5−2keV) lines at low photonenergies(O and Fe; Figure 5a and Figure ergss−1 cm−2 and f ∼ 1.5× 10−14 ergss−1 cm−2. X(2−10keV) 5d) and stronger in higher energies (Si; Figure 5f) compared BasedonthelogN−logSrelationsoftheChandraDeepField withregion5,eventhoughthereisnosignificantdifferencein (Brandtetal. 2001), these X-ray fluxes imply the probability the fitted shock parametersbetween these two regions. These ofonly<10−4 withina generousareaof5′′ radiusaroundthe ∼ features may imply a difference in the local interstellar envi- sourcepositionforacoincidentaldetectionofanextragalactic ronmentsdue to the clumpy structure of the interacting dense object. molecularclouds:i.e.,adensitygradientofthecloudsbetween We find an LMC star, MACS J0525−660#037 thesetworegionsmighthavecauseddeficientsoftX-rayemis- (Tucholkeetal. 1996) which has an angular offset from the sion in region4 as displayedby the lack of red, softemission positionofthehardX-rayknotof∼6.′′2. Consideringthe po- there(Figure1). Theanticorrelationsbetweenopticalandhard sitional accuracy of the MACS catalog (∼0.′′5; Tucholke et X-ray emission are supportiveof this case. The fitted volume al. 1996), the apparentangularoffsetbetween the hard X-ray emission measure (EM) of the soft componentplasma for the knotand opticalposition of the MACS star is significant. We region 5 spectrum is indeed significantly higher than that for find another nearby LMC star within the OB association LH region4,whichalsosupportsthisinterpretation.Theresultsof 53 as cataloged (ID # 1630) by Hill et al. (1995). The rela- thespectralfittingsfortheeastregionsoftheSNRaresumma- tively small angular offset (∼2′′) of this star from the X-ray rizedinTable4. hard knot position suggests that this star could be the optical counterpart of the X-ray knot. The derived X-ray luminosity 3.3.3. ExtendedFeatureBeyondtheShockBoundary of LX ∼ 3.4 × 1034 ergs s−1 (at the distance of 50 kpc) for theX-rayknotis howeverhigherthanthatoftypicallate-type The hard X-ray knot in the southwest beyond the main youngstellarobjects(L ∼1028−1030ergss−1;e.g.,Imanish boundary of the SNR (region 6 in Figure 6) contains ∼800 X et al. 2001) by a few orders of magnitude. A massive early- counts and we binned the spectrum to contain a minimum of typestarshouldbebrighter(L ∼1032 ergss−1; e.g.,Seward 12 counts per bin. The spectrum can be fitted with a single- X &Chlebowski1982),butmayalsonotmatchthederivedhigh temperature plane-parallel shock (Figure 7f). The spectrum L ofthe hardX-rayknot. Moreover,althoughthereare ∼80 featuresstrongatomic emission lines and is mostlikely emis- X LH 53 stars within 1′ radius of this hard X-ray knot position sion from metal-rich ejecta. The strong Si Lya line (E ∼ 2.0 (Hilletal. 1995), noneofthemis detectedwith ourACISob- keV) constrains the plasma temperature to kT > 1 keV. Al- ∼ servationatthefluxlevelofthishardX-rayknot. Itisunlikely thoughstatisticaluncertaintiesarelargeduetothepoorphoton foronlyonestartobedetectedwiththeACISatthisparticular statisticsofthisfaintfeature,thebest-fitmodelindicatesstrong positionatthisfluxlevel. enhancementsinmetalabundancesatseveraltimeslargerthan If this object is a foreground young late-type Galactic star solar abundances. Thebroadbandline featuresbetween∼0.8 with a typical X-ray luminosity of L ∼ 1028−1030 ergs s−1, keVand∼1.2keVrepresentFeLlinecomplexaswellasHe- X this object must be nearby with a distance of ∼30 − 300 pc, likeand/orH-likeNeKlines. Withthephotonstatisticsofthe andaVmagnitudeof∼11−14isexpectedfromthemeasured current data, it is difficult to identify these individual atomic X-ray flux. We have, however, found no such bright stars in lines. Wehavethusattemptedfittingthespectrumbyassuming Galactic star catalogs. We find a faint star in the Guide Star dominantcontributionsfromNeorFeaswellasfrombothele- Catalog with an ∼2′′ offset from the source position, but the ments. Theoverallfitsarestatisticallyindistinguishableamong cataloged B magnitude is only 19.44. The best-fit absorbing these cases. We howevernote that the modelfits Fe as domi- column from the X-ray spectral modeling may also be higher nantcontributor(Feabundance∼ 0.8,Ne∼0)whenbothNe (N = 1.1 × 1021 cm−2) than the Galactic absorption toward andFearesimultaneouslyallowedtovary.EvenwithFeabun- theHposition of this hard X-ray knot (N ∼ 6 × 1020 cm−2; dancefixedatLMCvalue,thefittedNeabundanceisstilllow H Dickey&Lockman1990). (∼0.4). We thereforeobtainthebest-fitmodelbyallowingFe This hard X-rayknotis thereforemost likely a feature spa- abundanceto varywith Ne fixed at the LMC abundance. The tiallyassociatedwithSNRN49.Thisfeaturethenappearstobe fittedparametersaresummarizedinTable2andTable3. fragments from the SN explosion ejected outside of the SNR Althoughthe metal-richspectrumindicatesthatthisfeature shock boundary or “shrapnel” as discovered in other Galac- is likely emission from shocked SN ejecta, the isolated mor- tic SNRs such as Vela and Tycho (Aschenbachetal. 1995; phologyofthishardX-rayknotoutsideofthemainboundary Vancuraetal. 1995;Warrenetal. 2002). Thetrueangularsize of the SNR may suggest the possibility of a projected back- and shape of this hard X-ray knot is however uncertain be- groundobject. Thesourcepositionfortheknotisa =05h 2000 causeofthepooroff-axisPSF. We notethatanon-axisChan- 25m 52s.53, d = −66◦ 05′ 13.′′5, andtheACISastrometric 2000 dra/ACISobservationwithafullangularcoverageofN49,tar- uncertaintiesat∼6′off-axisisgenerally<2′′(e.g.,Feigelsonet ∼ geted on SGR 0526−66has recently been performed(ObsID al. 2002).TheChandra/ACISpositionofSGR0526−66based 2515). ThedetailedresultsfromthediffuseX-rayemissionof on the on-axisdata has a conservativeastrometric uncertainty theSNRhaveyettobereported. of <2.′′3 (Kaplanetal. 2001andreferencestherein). Thepo- ∼ sitionoftheSGRofouroff-axisdataasdeterminedbywavde- 3.3.4. PointSource tect algorithm is ∼1.′′8 offset from the on-axis SGR position. 6 Park Thespectrumfromthepoint-likesourceisextractedfromre- south-eastandhardemissionlines(E >1keV)inthewestof gion7(Figure6).Duetotheangularoffsetfromtheaimpoint, theSNR.Thesefeaturesareconsistentwiththeoveralldensity the PSF at the position of the pointsource is significantly de- distributionsoftheambientISM;i.e.,theblastwaveispropa- graded(>2′′),andweselectarelativelylargearea(acircularre- gatingintoalowdensityISMinthewestandinteractingwith ∼ gionwitharadiusof6′′),whichcontains∼14000photons.Al- dense cloudsin the east. The comparisonsbetweenthe X-ray thoughthetotalcountrate(∼0.4countss−1)isrelativelyhigh, and optical images also suggest that the hard X-ray emission pileupisinsignificantduetothelargeoff-axisangle. Sincethe (E >1.6keV)appearstobeproducedinless-denseintercloud sourcelocationiswithinfairlybrightdiffuseemissionfromthe regionswhilethesoftX-rays(E<0.75keV)originatenearthe SNR,thedegradedPSFalsomakesthebackgroundestimation denseclouds. difficult. We thus include a thermal component for the back- Theresultsfromthespatially-resolvedspectralanalysiscon- ground spectrum in the spectral fitting instead of subtracting firm the speculations inferred from the image analysis by re- thebackgroundfromthesourcespectrum. vealingthatshocktemperaturesandionizationstatesintheeast Inadirectcontrasttothediffuseemissionspectra,thepoint oftheSNRaresignificantlydifferentfromthoseinthewestern source spectrum is dominated by continuum, as perhaps ex- half:i.e.,thewesternportionoftheSNRisdescribedbyasim- pected from a neutron star (Figure 8a). The source spectrum ple one-temperature plane-parallel shock with relatively large canbedescribedwithasinglepowerlawmodelofphotonindex ionization timescales while two-temperature model with mul- G =2.98+0.17. Theembeddedbackgroundthermalcomponent tiple ionizationtimescales is requiredin the eastern half. The is a kT ∼−00.2.303keV plasmawith LMC-likemetalabundances, global spectral structure of the SNR may then be represented which is primarily responsible for the soft emission at E < 1 byamulti-phaseshockmodelwiththreecharacteristictemper- keV.Ablackbodymodelmayalsofitthedata(kT ∼0.52keV) atures, i.e., the “cool” (kT ∼ 0.44+0.19 keV) and “hot”(kT ∼ −0.10 withacceptablestatistics,butappears,qualitatively,inappropri- 1.25+2.58 keV)componentsintheeast,andthe“intermediate” −0.22 atetodescribethehardtailofthespecrum. (kT ∼ 0.59+0.09 keV) component in the west. The presence Since the archival data are pointed in the direction of the −0.13 of multiple phases of the shock due to the interactions of the position of the point source or SGR 0526−66, the on-axis blastwavewiththedensemolecularcloudshasbeenputforth highangularresolutionallowsustomanipulatethebackground by Hester & Cox (1986). Recently, based on the high resolu- subtraction with less confusion. We extract the source spec- tion Chandra/ACIS observation of the Galactic SNR Cygnus trum from a circular region with a radius of 2′′, which con- Loop, Levenson et al. (2002) reported evidence for the three tains∼10000photons.Becauseoftheutilizedshorttime-frame distinct regions characterised as: (i) the forward shock decel- (0.4s),pileupisnegligiblewiththison-axisobservation. SGR erated by the clouds, (ii) the postshockSNR interior, and (iii) 0526−66isontopofcomplexfilamentarystructureofthedif- thereflectedshockthatre-heatedthepostshockregions.Inthis fuse emissionfromthe SNR andthebackgroundemissionfor context, we propose that the cool component of X-ray emis- theSGRisnon-uniform(Figure1b). Wethusextracttheback- sion from N49 correspondsto the forward shock entering the ground emission from the immediate annular region centered denseclouds,theintermediatecomponenttoemissionfromthe onthepointsourceposition(innerradiusof2.′′5 andouterra- postshockregion,andthehotcomponenttoemissionfromthe dius of 4′′), in orderto obtain an “average”spectrumoverthe re-heated postshock region, respectively. Comparisons of the variableemissionfeaturesaroundtheSGR.TheSGRspectrum X-ray emission features with optical images indicate that the from the on-axis data can be fitted with a single power law softX-raysarespatiallycoincidentwiththebrightopticalknots model(Figure8b). The best-fit photonindexis G = 2.72+−00..1110 whilethehardX-rayemissionisanti-correlatedwiththeopti- which is in good agreement with the result from the off-axis cal intensity distribution. Since the bright filamentary optical data. The results from the fit with a black bodymodel(kT ∼ emissionfeaturesarebelievedtooriginatefromtheslow,cool 0.50keV)arealsoidenticaltotheoff-axisdataandappearin- radiativeshockenteringdensemolecularclouds, the observed adequatebythereasonofthesamehard-taildiscrepancy. The correlation/anti-correlationbetween X-ray and optical images impliedX-rayluminosityisLX =2.1×1035 ergss−1 inthe2 provide good support for the suggested multi-phase shock in- −10keVbandwiththeoff-axisdata(LX =2.5×1035ergss−1 terpretation. basedontheon-axisdata),whichisconsistentwiththeASCA Hesteretal. (1994)havedevelopedasimple1-dimensional upper limit (Hughesetal. 1998) and that of the Galactic SGR modelin orderto describe such a multi-phase shock structure 1806−20(Mereghettietal. 2000). The results from the spec- of the nearby Galactic SNR Cygnus Loop, probably a “mag- tralmodelfitsofthepointsourcearesummarizedinTable5. nified” version of the distant SNR N49. Our best-fit electron temperatures indicate that the ratios of temperatures between 4. DISCUSSION the re-heated postshock and the postshock without re-heating 4.1. Multi-PhaseShockStructure are T /T = ∼1.8 − 2.3, which implies the preshock cloud rh ps TheX-raycolorimagesandtheEWimagesindicatecomplex density nc ∼ 30 − 2500 n0 based on the model by Hester et spectralstructureofthediffuseX-rayemissionacrosstheSNR al. (1994), where n0 is the preshock intercloud density. As- N49.Thefilamentaryandclumpyemissionfeaturesintheeast- sumingthepreshockinterclouddensityn0 ∼0.9cm−3 asesti- ernhalfoftheSNRshowspatiallydistinctivebrightstructures matedfromtheopticalspectroscopy(Vancuraetal. 1992),we indifferentcolors. ThespatialandspectralstructureoftheX- derivenc ∼ 27 −2300cm−3 forthe interactingdense molec- rayemissioninthewesternhalfisrelativelyuniform,primarily ularclouds. This is in plausibleagreementswith the previous representedbyintermediate-to-hardemission(green-blue)with estimationsbasedonoptical/UVspectroscopy(nc = 20−940 low surface brightness. The soft (red-yellow)X-ray shell-like cm−3; Vancura et al. 1992). The best-fit EMs in the east- emission features represent the blast wave shock front as ob- ern regions imply (nc/n0)2(Vc/Vrh) = 2 − 13, where Vc is the servedintheradioband.TheoverallfeaturesoftheEWimages X-ray emission volume of the cool forward shock component indicateenhancementsofsoftlineemission(E<1keV)inthe andVrhistheX-rayemissionvolumeofthehotre-heatedcom- N49 7 ponent(we assume an X-ray emitting volume filling factor of implies n of 2.3 cm−3 to > 68 cm−3 depending on the as- e ∼ ∼1, hereafter). Provided that n /n is in the orderof ∼101 − sumedemissionvolume. Basedonthebest-fitabundances,we c 0 103, thisimpliesV /V <0.01. ThesoftX-rayemissionfrom may derive the ejecta mass of ∼0.001 M − 0.03 M . Al- c rh ∼ ⊙ ⊙ the cool forward shock is then from the blast wave entering thoughthisrangeoftheejectamassisinreasonableagreements small-volume, clumpy clouds while the hot componentorigi- withotherGalacticSN ejectafragments(Tsunemietal. 1999; natesfromthelarge-volume,re-heatedintercloudpostshockre- Aschenbachetal. 1995; Strometal. 1995), we caution that gions. Foranadiabaticshock,therelationsbetweentheshock theseestimationsarecrudeduetothelargeuncertaintiesinthe temperatureandtheshockvelocityisT = 3m¯v2s andcanbewrit- fittedabundancesandassumedemissionvolumes. s 16k TheangularoffsetofthehardX-rayknotfromthegeomet- tenas ricalcenterofN49is∼48′′. Thespatialseparationofthisknot kTs=0.013(vs/100kms−1)2 keV, from the center of the SNR is then D = 11.6 d (sinq )−1 pc, 50 wmheearneaTtsomisitchemsahsoscmk¯ t≈em0p.7ermatur(em,vs=isptrhoetosnhomcakssv)e.loTchitey,caonodl wq hisertehed5a0ngislethbeetwdiesetanntcheetloinNe4o9f sinighthteanudnitthseomf 5o0vinkgpcd,iraencd- p p componentshockvelocityisthenv =582+114kms−1,thehot tion of the knot. Assuming that the SN explosion site, so the c −71 birthplaceoftheobservedejectafragments,isclosetothege- componentvelocityisv =981+735kms−1,andtheintermedi- h −91 ometricalcenterofthecurrentX-rayremnantofN49,themean atevelocityisvi=674+−4799kms−1.Forcomparisons,Vancuraet transverse velocity is vmean = 1717 D11.6 t6−6100 km s−1, where al. (1992)havederivedashockvelocityofv=730kms−1 for D isthespatialseparationoftheknotfromthegeometrical 11.6 the X-rayemissionofN49(Note: Forsimplicity, weassumed center of the SNR in the units of 11.6pc, andt is the age 6600 theelectronandiontemperaturesinequalibrationinthesecal- of the SNR in the units of 6600 yr. The analysis on this hard culations). X-ray knot is however substantially limited by the poor PSF. The ionization timescale (n t) ratios between the cool and Follow-upon-axisChandraobservationswouldbeessentialto e the hot components are (n t) /(n t) < 0.1, which implies t unveilthedetailednatureofthisfeature. e c e rh ∼ c < 0.01t , wheret is the ionizationage of the shockentering ∼ rh c thecloudsandtrhistheionizationageofthere-heatedregions. 4.3. SGR0526−66 AssuminganSNexplosionenergyofE =1051 ergs,theSNR 0 The Chandra/ACIS observations conclusively detect an X- radiusof r = 10pcbasedonthe X-rayimageofN49, andthe preshockdensityn =0.9cm−3,theimpliedSedovdynamical ray point source at the position of SGR 0526−66 within the 0 boundaryofSNRN49.TheX-rayspectrumofthispointsource age (Sedov1959),t is ∼ 6600yr. Assumingt is on the or- d rh deroft or∼104yr,themeasuredn t ratiosimplyt <100yr. is dominated by continuum, which can be described with a d e c ∼ powerlawmodel(see§3.3.4). Thispointsourceisthusconfi- ThisshortionizationagesuggeststhatthesoftX-rayemission dentlyidentifiedwiththeX-raycounterpartofquiescentphase (kT ∼ 0.44 keV) has been produced by a rapidly decelerated SGR0526−66. shock entering dense molecular clouds as was observed from The single power law model indicates a soft spectrum theCygnusLoopSNR(Hesteretal. 1994). with G ∼ 3 for SGR 0526−66, which resembles the typ- ical spectrum of the AXPs (Mereghetti et al. 2002 and 4.2. SupernovaEjectaFragments references therein), while the X-ray spectra from Galac- ThehardX-rayknotinthesouthwestbeyondtheSNRblast tic SGRs are described with harder single power laws wave shock front (region 6; Figure 6) is most likely associ- of G ∼ 2 (Sonobeetal. 1994; Kouveliotouetal. 1998; atedwiththeSNRratherthanabackground/foregroundobject. Woodsetal. 1999;Mereghettietal. 2000;Kouveliotouetal. 2001). The X-ray spectrum is dominated by emission lines and can As X-ray spectra from the AXPs and SGRs can be described bedescribedwithakT ∼1keVplasmawithmetal-richabun- with the power law + black body models, we have made an dances, which supports the shocked ejecta origin. The fitted attempt to fit the SGR 0526−66 spectrum with such a multi- plane-parallelshockmodelindicatesahighlyadvancedioniza- componentmodel.Withtheoff-axisGTOdata,thefittedblack tionstate(n t∼5×1013cm−3s−1)andthespectrummayalso body temperature (kT ∼ 0.55 keV) is consistent with typical e be equally described with a thermal plasma in the CIE. The AXP/SGR spectra, and the improvement in the overall fit is hightemperatureandthelargeionizationtimescaleofthisfea- also statistically significant based on the F-test. The power ture are also supportive of its origin as the high-speed ejecta law component, with the addition of the black body compo- fragmentscreatedatthetimeoftheSNexplosion. nent,howeverimpliessubstantiallyharderspectrum(G ∼1.7) BecauseofthePSFdegradation,theapparentangularexten- thanthoseoftheAXPs(G ∼3−4;Mereghettietal. 2002and sionofthisfeature(∼5′′ inradius)islikelyanartifactandthe references therein). Nonetheless, the two component model truemorphologyisuncertainwiththecurrentdata. Inorderto is still in good agreements with Galactic SGRs as they are estimate the electron density n , we thus assume two extreme fitted with G ∼ 1−2 and black body temperature kT ∼ 0.5 e cases of a circular shape with a radiusof 5′′ (for the apparent keV (Woodsetal. 1999; Kouveliotouetal. 2001). We how- angular size and so 1.2 pc radius in physical size at the dis- ever note that this two component model is not required to tance of d = 50 kpc) and 0.′′5 (for the case of an unresolved describetheon-axisdata. Sincetheembeddedconfusionlevel point-like source, and so the physical size of < 0.125 pc ra- causedbythebackgroundinthespectralmodelfittingismore ∼ diusatd =50kpc). Theassumedrangeofthephysicalsizeof severe for the off-axisdata than the on-axisdata, we consider the knot(∼0.1pc − 1.2pc inradius)is reasonablyconsistent thatthepresenceoftheblackbodycomponentisinconclusive, withtheSNejectafragmentsdetectedinotherGalactcSNRsof althoughtheimprovementinthefitfortheoff-axisdataissta- Vela and Tycho(Vancuraetal. 1995; Miyataetal. 2001). As- tisticallysignificantwiththeadditionalblackbodycomponent. sumingthedistanceof50kpctotheSNRandasimplespher- Recently,Kulkarnietal. (2002)havereportedtheresultsfrom ical geometry for the X-ray emitting volume, the best-fit EM the spectral analysis of SGR 0526−66 utilizing two Chan- 8 Park dra/ACIS GO observations: one (ObsID 747) of those two enormousenergyreleaseinthe1979Marchg -rayburst. data sets was identical to that we uitilze in the current work. If SGR 0526−66is indeed the compactremnantof the SN They found that the observed spectrum of the SGR was best explosionwhichhasalsocreatedSNRN49anditwasbornnear describedbyablackbody+ powerlawmodel, whichappears thecenterofN49,wemayestimateitstransversevelocity.The to be inconsistentwith ourresults. Althoughthe originof the angularoffsetofSGR0526−66fromthegeometricalcenterof inconsistency is unclear, we may attribute the descrepancy to N49 is ∼22′′, which implies that the spatial separation of the thebackgroundestimationsutilizedinthespectralanalysis. As SGRfromthecenteroftheSNRisD=5.3(sinq )−1 pcatthe Kulkarnietal. (2002)pointedout,theirSGRsourcespectrum distance of 50 kpc. Assuming that SGR 0526−66is the neu- apparently include residual emission from the diffuse SNR, tron star born at the time of the SN explosion that produced whereas such a contaminationin our on-axissource spectrum N49, and that the age of the SGR is t ∼ 6600 yr, the mean appearstobenegligible.ThesoftX-raysfromthediffuseemis- transversevelocityisv >787kms−1. Thiswouldsuggest mean ∼ sionoftheSNRmighthavecausedtheslightdifferencesinthe thatSGR0526−66isayoung,highvelocityneutronstarthatis results of the spectral analysis as presented by Kulkarniet al. inadifferentclassthantypicalAXPsinsteadofbeingthesame (2002). We havealso noticedthatKulkarnietal. (2002)have classobjectasotherAXPs,simplyinamoreevolvedphase. not incorperated the CTI and QE corrections in their data re- duction. AlthoughthesubstantialcontributionsbytheCTIand 5. SUMMARY theQEdegradationeffectsonapoint-likesourceintheobser- SNR N49 in the LMC has been observed with Chan- vationtakeninarelativelyearlyphaseoftheChandramission dra/ACIS. The high resolution “true-color” ACIS images re- are unlikely, we speculate that potential contaminations from vealcomplexX-rayfilamentarystructureswhichrepresentthe theseartifactsinthespectralanalysisofanyACISdatacannot blast wave shock sweeping through the ambient ISM and the becompletelyruledout.Inaddition,wewouldliketocomment shockinteractingwiththenearbydensemolecularclouds. The on the spectral analysis of some parts of the diffuse emission overallfeaturesfromtheEWimagesofthedetectedelemental fromN49byKulkarnietal.(2002).TheyhaveusedaMEKAL speciesindicatethatsoftlineemissionisenhancedinthesouth- modelforsuchaspectralanalysis,whichshouldbeinappropri- east while hard line emission is enhanced in the west of the ate forthecomplicateddiffuseSNRemissionaswepresented SNR.TheseoverallEWfeaturesaremostlikelydominatedby inthecurrentwork. Morecomplex,physicallyrealisticmodels thevariationsintheshocktemperatureandtheionizationstates shouldbeutilizedinorderforan appropriatespectralanalysis of the plasma across the SNR. The spatially-resolvedspectral ofsuchdata. analysisofN49suggeststhattheX-rayemissionfromtheSNR The results from our simple spectral analysis may sup- can be described with multiple-phase shocks representing the port the speculation that SGR 0526−66 is a transition ob- singly-postshockregion,there-heatedpostshockregionbythe ject bridging the AXP and the SGR phases of neutron stars reflectedshocks,andthecoolforwardshockenteringthedense (Kaplanetal. 2001). Extensive analyses with the on-axis ob- molecularclouds. servations, which are beyond the scope of the current work, WedetectahardX-rayknotinthesouthwestofN49beyond would however be necessary to understand the detailed astro- the SNR shock boundary. The X-ray spectrum of this knot is physical characteristics of this object. For example, the mea- emission line dominated and can be described with a metal- surementsoftheperiod(P)andtheperiodderivative(P˙)would richhotthermalplasma. Thisresultimpliesthatthishardknot be critical to determine the magnetic field strengh B and the appearstobeejectafragmentscreatedatthetimeoftheSNex- spin-downaget ofSGR0526−66. Thisinformationcanpro- plosion that producedSNR N49. The PSF degradationof the vide important clues on the nature of SGR 0526−66 such as off-axisobservationhoweverrestricts the data analysis of this theidentificationwithahigh-field(B>1015G)neutronstaror ∼ featureandprecluderesolvingtheangularstructureofthisknot. the “magnetar”(Paczyn´ski1992; Duncan&Thompson1992). Follow-up on-axis observationswith a decent exposure might Themeasurementofthespin-downagewouldalsobeusefulto benecessarytoaddressthedetailednatureofthisfeature. testthephysicalassociationofSGR0526−66withSNRN49, The ACIS observationsof N49 also firmly detectthe X-ray whichshouldprovideimportantimplicationsonthepossibleas- counterpartof the quiescentphase of SGR 0526−66. The X- trophysicalconnectionsbetweentheSGRsandtheAXPs(e.g., ray spectrum of SGR 0526−66 is continuum dominated and Gaensleretal. 2001). Kulkarnietal. (2002)haverecentlyre- canbefittedwitha powerlawmodel. Theimpliedphotonin- porteda detectionofthe8.04spulsationfromSGR0526−66 dexisG ∼3. Thispowerlawspectrumisgenerallyconsistent by utilizing∼85ks Chandra/ACISobservations. Thederived withthosefromtheAXPsalthoughtheobservedg -rayburstof magnetic dipole field strength is high (B ∼ 7 × 1014 G) and SGR0526−66isararecharacteristicoftypicalAXPs. supportsthemagnetarinterpretation. Theestimatedspin-down age (P/2P˙ ∼ 2000yr) is consistentwith the dynamicalage of TheauthorsthankJ.DickelforprovidinghisATCAdata.SP SNRN49,whichsupportthephysicalassociationbetweenN49 andSGR0526−66.ThelocationofSGR0526−66intheLMC alsothankA.BykovforavaluablediscussionontheSNejecta fragments.ThisworkhasbeeninpartssupportedbyNASAun- and the likely association with N49 is also supported by the dercontractNAS8-01128fortheChandraX-RayObservatory. fitted columns: i.e., the absorbing columns for N49 and SGR 0526−66 are consistent. This SGR location may confirm the JPHacknowledgessupportfromChandragrantsGO1-2052X, GO2-3068X,andGO2-3080BtoRutgers. 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Elements Line Lowa Higha (eV) (eV) (eV) O 590−740 300−550 1200−1280 FeL 750−870 300−550 1200−1280 Ne(Hea ) 880−950 300−550 1200−1280 Ne(Lya )/FeL 980−1100 300−550 1200−1280 Mg 1290−1550 1200−1280 1630−1710 Si 1750−2100 1630−1710 2140−2280 aThe high andlow energybandsaroundthe selected line ener- giesusedtoestimatetheunderlyingcontinuum.

of v ≤ 140 km s−1 as the blast wave interacts with the dense am- bient material .. keV) quantum efficiency (QE) of the ACIS has been degraded because of .. Provided that nc/n0 is in the order of ~101 −. 103, this .. Gaensler, B. M., Slane, P. O., Gotthelf, E. V., & Vasisht, G. 2001, ApJ, 559,
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