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X-Ray Astronomy: Proceedings of the XV ESLAB Symposium held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22–26 June 1981 PDF

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Preview X-Ray Astronomy: Proceedings of the XV ESLAB Symposium held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22–26 June 1981

R.D. Andresen E ditor X-Ray Astronomy X-RAY ASTRONOMY X-Ray Astronomy Proceedings of the XV ESLAB Symposium held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22-26 June 1981 Edited by R. D. ANDRESEN Space Science Department, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. ERRATUM X-Ray Astronomy. Proceedings of the XV ESLAB Sym posium. hcJd in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22-26 June 198 L Edited by R. D. Andresen. Please note that the correct Order Ref. No. is 90 277 -9056-3 ISBN 978-94-010-9951-6 ISBN 978-94-010-9949-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-010-9949-3 Order Ref. No. 90-277-9050-7 All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1981 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland in 1981 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD Xl OPENING ADDRESS xiii SESSION 1 EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRONOMY: Surveys/Population Studies R. GIACCONI / X-Ray Astronomy in the Einstein Era 3 P. BIERMANN / An X-Ray Survey of Flat Spectrum Radio Sources 33 M.J.C. HAYES, S.J. BELL BURNELL, J.L. CULHANE, M.J. WARD, P. BARR, J.C. IVES, and P.W. SANFORD / X-Ray Emission from Active Galaxies 39 R. HALL, M.J. RICKETTS, C.G. PAGE, and K:A. POUNDS / Ariel-6 Medium Energy Spectral Observations of Active Galaxies 47 D. MACCAGNI and M. TARENGHI / "Einstein" Observations of BL Lacertae Objects 55 B. MARGON, G. CHANAN, and R. DOHNES / An X-Ray Selected List of QSOs: Implications for the QSO Luminosity Function and the Origin of the Diffuse X-Ray Background (Abstract only) 59 T. MACCACARO, G.C. PEROLA, and M. ELVIS / X-Ray Observations of Emission Line Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory 61 R.E. GRIFFITHS, T. MACCACARO, S.S. MURRAY, and R. GIACCONI / Optical Identification of X-Ray Sources in the Einstein Observatory Medium and Deep Surveys 67 T. MACCACARO, E.D. FEIGELSON, R. GIACCONI, I.M. GIOIA, R.E. GRIFFITHS, L. LIEBERT, S.S. MURRAY, J. STOCKE, and G. ZAMORANI / The Einstein Observatory Medium Sensitivity Survey 75 P. BATTISTINI, F. BONOLI, R. BUONANNO, C. CACCIARI, C.E. CORSI, and F. FUSI PECCI/On the Properties of 21 X-Ray Globular Clusters in M31 81 SESSION 2 EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRONOMY: Characteristics of Individual Galaxies/Theory 85 M.J. REES / Physical Processes for X-Ray Emission in Galactic Nuclei 87 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS A. CAVALIERE, L. DANESE, G. DE ZOTTI, and A. FRfu~CESCHINI / The X-Ray Background 2-50 keY: A Superposition of Known Sources, or Evidence of a New Component? 101 L. BASSANI, R.C. BUTLER, A.J. DEAN, G. DI COCCO, N.A. DIPPER, F. PEROTTI, and G. VILLA / NGC 4151 and MCG 8-11-11: Two X-Ray Seyfert Galaxies with Strong Soft y-Ray Emission 107 A.C. FABIAN, A.K. KEMBHAVI, and M.J. WARD / The X-Ray Luminosity Function and Source Counts for Seyferts 113 G.C. PEROLA, A. BOKSENBERG, G.E. BROMAGE, J. CLAVEL, M. ELVIS, A. ELVIUS, P.M. GONDHALEKAR, J. LIND, C. LLOYD, M.V. PENSTON, M. PETTINI, M.A.J. SNIJDERS, E.G. TANZI, M. TARENGHI, M.H. ULRICH, and R.S. WARWICK / Ultraviolet, Optical and X-Ray Monitoring of the Continuum of NGC 4151 119 S. TSURUTA, F. TAKAHARA, and S. ICHIMARU / X-Rays from Active Galactic Nuclei - Hard Component 123 L. MARASCHI, E.G. TANZI, M. TARENGHI, and A. TREVES / Is PKS 2155 an Extragalactic Source? 129 A. FERRARI and E. TRUSSONI / X-Ray Emission from Galactic Jets 135 D.J. HELFAND and K.S. LONG / A Soft X-Ray Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud (Abstract only) 141 G.G.C. PALUMBO, T. MACCACARO, N. PANAGIA, G. VETTOLANI, and G. ZAMORANI / A Study of M100 in X-Rays 143 SESSION 3 GALACTIC ASTRONOMY: Low Luminosity Sources 149 G.S. VAIANA / Low Luminosity Galactic X-Ray Sources 151 G. BELVEDERE and D. HOLTENI / High X-Ray Luminosity from Dynamo Stars 181 E.H.B.M. GRONENSCHILD, R. ME WE , N.J. WESTERGAARD, J. HEISE, F.D. SEWARD, T. CHLEBOWSKI, N.P.M. KUIN, A.C. BRINKMAN, J.H. DIJKSTRA, and H.W. SCHNOPPER / X-Ray Spectroscopic Investigation of the Coronal Structure of Capella 185 R. ME WE , C.J. SCHRIJVER, and C. ZWAAN / Coronal Activity in F-, G-, and K-Type Stars 191 R.E. COLE, A.M. CRUISE, J.P. OSBORNE, D. BEDFORD, E. CARPENTER, C. GOODALL, and A.H.T. POLLOCK / Ariel 6 Observations of the Hot White Dwarf HZ43 201 P. PERSI, M. FERRARI-TONIOLO, and G.L. GRASDALEN / Infrared Photometry of the X-Ray Stars in Cygnus OB2 (VI Cygni): Preliminary Results 207 F. GIOVANNELLI / Rapid Oscillations in SS Cygni 213 T ABLE OF CONTENTS vii A. KRUSZElVSKI, R. MElVE, J. HEISE, T. CHLEBOWSKI, lV. VAN DIJK, and R. BAKKER / Variability of Soft X-Ray Emission of EX Hydrae Observed with Einstein Observatory 221 L. CHIAPPETTI, L. MARASCHI, E.G. TANZI, and A. TREVES / UV Observations of MV Lyrae 231 R. VIOTTI, A. GIANGRANDE, A. CASSATELLA, and F. MACCHETTO / Ultraviolet Observations of the X-Ray Sources in the Eta Carinae Nebula 235 SESSION 4 GALACTIC ASTRONOMY: SNR and Other Galactic Sources 241 R.D. ANDRESEN, G. MANZO, A. PEACOCK, B.G. TAYLOR, R.C. CATURA, J.L. CULHANE, and R. BERTHELSDORF / Cosmic X-Ray Observations Performed with a Gas Scintillation Spectrometer 243 E. PFEFFERMANN, B. ASCHENBACH, H. BRAUNINGER, and J. TRUMPER / X-Ray Images of the Supernova Remnant Puppis A 251 R. ROCCHIA, M. ARNAUD, C. BLONDEL, C. CHERON, J.C. CHRISTY, R. DUCROS, 1. KOCH, R. ROTHENFLUG, H.h1. SCHNOPPER, and J.P. DELVAILLE / Spectral Observation of the Soft X-Ray Background and of the North Polar Spur with Solid State Spectrometers 253 K. MAKISHlMA, Y. OGAWARA, M. MATSUOKA, M. ODA, S. MIYAMOTO, R.M. PELLING, L.E. PETERSON, and lV.S. PACIESAS / Hard X-Ray Structure of the Crab Nebula 259 D.J. HELFAND, R.H. BECKER, and R. NOVICK / On Synchrotron Nebulae and Pulsars (Abstract only) 263 K. NOMOTO and S. TSURUTA / Cooling of Neutron Stars and X-Ray Observations 265 L. BIANCHI/First UV Observations of the Optical Counterpart of the X-Ray Source 2S0114+650 273 G. BRANDUARDI-RAYMONT, R. CORBET, A.N. PARMAR, P.G. MURDIN, and K.O. MASON / Optical Observations of the X-Ray Source 2S0921-630 279 L. CHIAPPETTI, L. MARASCHI, E.G. TANZI, and A. TREVES / Ultraviolet Study of V1341 Cyg = Cyg X-2. Observation of an Accretion Disk 287 M.G. WATSON, R. WILLINGALE, J.E. GRINDLAY, and P. HERTZ / Einstein Observations of the Galactic Centre 293 P.A. CARAVEO, G.F. BIGNAMI, J.A. PAUL, B. MARANO, and G.P. VETTOLANI / Soft X-Ray Sources and Their Optical Counterparts in the Error Box of the Cos-B Source 2CG 135+01 301 viii T ABLE OF CONTENTS SESSION 5 GALACTIC ASTRONOMY: High Luminosity Sources, Low-Mass Binaries and Theory 307 E.P.J. VAN DEN HEUVEL / X-Ray Binaries and Stellar Evolution (Abstract only) 309 R. STAUBERT, E. KENDZIORRA, W. PIETSCH, R.J. PROCTOR, C. REPPIN, H. STEINLE, J. TRtiMPER, and W. VOGES / Hard X-Ray Balloon Observations of Compact Galactic and Extragalactic X-Ray Sources 31 I A. SCHEEPMAKER, F.A. JANSEN, A.J.~. DEERENBERG, G.R. RICKER, J.E. BALLINTINE, J.V. VALLERGA, and W.H.G. LEWIN / High Energy X-Ray Spectrum of Her X-I (Abstract only) 325 P. UBERTINI, A. BAZZANO, C. LA PADULA, V.F. POLCARO, G. VIALETTO, and R.K. MANCHANDA / Hard X-Rays Observation of Her X-I 327 P. UBERTINI, A. BAZZANO, C. LA PADULA, and V.F. POLCARO / New Hard X-Rays Sources at 380 Declination 331 S. CECCHINI, A.J. EVANS, R. LIEU, and J.J. QUENBY / Models for Accretion Flow on to Neutron Stars and X-Ray Photon-Electron Interactions in Ultra-High Magnetic Fields (Abstract only) 335 G. WUNNER, H. RUDER, H. HEROLD, and J. TRtiMPER / Observability of Magnetically Strongly Shifted Iron Line Emission from X-Ray Pulsars 337 Y.-M. WANG / Magnetic Alignment and Counter-Alignment in Binary X-Ray Pulsars 341 A.M.T. POLLOCK, C.V. GOODALL, G.F. CARPENTER, D.K. BEDFORD, A.M. CRUISE, R.E. COLE, J.P. OSBORNE, and J.L. CULHANE / Ariel VI Observations of Sco X-I 347 T.J. PONMAN / Periodic Behaviour in Three Galactic Bulge Sources 353 J. VAN PARADIJS and F. VERBUNT / Optical Properties of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries 361 C. CHEVALIER and S.A. ILOVAISKY / New Optical Observations of 2S 0921-630 and Its Relation to Other X-Ray Binaries 365 SESSION 6 GALACTIC ASTRONOMY: High Luminosity Sources/Transients 367 C.G. PAGE, A.J. BENNETTS, and M.J. RICKETTS / Ariel 6 Observations of Cyg X-I in the High State 369 D.K. BEDFORD, G.F. CARPENTER, C.V. GOODALL, A.ri.T. POLLOCK, R.E. COLE, A.M. CRUISE, and J.P. OSBORNE / Ariel VI Soft X-Ray Observations of Cygnus X-I 373 F. FRONTERA and F. FULIGNI / Power Spectral Density Analysis of Hard X-Ray Emission of Cyg X-I 379 T ABLE OF CONTENTS ix S. BONAZZOLA / Search for Fast Time Fluctuations In Cygnus-XI and Herculis-XI 385 L. CHIAPPETTI and S.J. BELL-BURNELL / X-Ray Absorption In Circinus X-I in the Low State 389 F. NAGASE / Time Variation of the Pulse Period of Vela X-I 395 M.J. RICKETTS, R. HALL, C.G. PAGE, and K.A. POUNDS / Observation of an Outburst from the X-Ray Pulsator 0115+63 399 C. CHEVALIER, S.A. ILOVAISKY, C. MOTCH, M. PAKULL, J. LUB, and J. VAN PARADIJS / The Optical Light Curve of LMC X-4 and the 30-Day X-Ray Period 405 F. GIOVANNELLI, M. FERRARI-TONIOLO, A. GIANGRANDE, P. PERSI, C. BARTOLINI, A. GUARNIERI, and A. PICCIONI / Ultraviolet and Optical Observations of HDE 245770/ A 0535+26 System During an X-Ray Flare 407 S.A. ILOVAISKY, C. CHEVALIER, and C. MOTCH / Recent Optical Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1626-67 415 M. VAN DER KLIS, and J.M. BONNET-BIDAUD / Cos-B X-Ray Observations of Cyg X-3; An Indication for Apsidal Motion 419 P.A. CHARLES, L. BOOTH, R.H. DENSHAM, J.R. THORSTENSEN, and A.J. WILLIS / An Optical Outburst from the Periodic Recurrent X-Ray Transient A0533-66 423 P. MURDIN, G. BRANDUARDI-RATI10NT, and A.N. PARMAR / The X-Ray Source A0538-66 in Optical Quiescence 433 G.K. SKINNER / The Periodic X-Ray Transient A0538-66 and Its Optical Counterpart 441 L. CHIAPPETTI / Ariel 5 Observations of GX 339-4 447 SESSION 7 GALACTIC ASTRONOMY: Bursts 451 S. HAYAKAWA / Highlights of Results from Hakucho 453 I.M. McHARDY and J.P. PYE / The Ariel V Sky Survey of Fast-Transient X-Ray Outbursts 457 R.S. WARWICK, M.G. WATSON, and M.R. SIMS / Periodic X-Ray Outbursts from A0535+26, 2S1145-619 and GX301-2 461 G. PIZZICHINI, J. DANZIGER, P. GROSB0L, M. TARENGHI, T.L. CLINE, D.D. DESAI, R. MUSHOTSKY, B.J. TEEGARDEN, W.D. EVANS, R.W. KLEBESADEL, J.G. LAROS, C. BARAT, K. HURLEY, M. NIEL, G. VEDRENNE, I.V. ESTULIN, G. MERSOV, V. ZENCHENKO, and V. KURT / X-Ray and Optical Observations of the November 19, 1978 Gamma-Ray Burst Source Region 467 S. BONAZZOLA, J.M. HAMEURY, J. HEYVAERTS, and J. VENTURA / Are y-Ray Bursters Neutron Stars Accreting Interstellar Matter? 471 x T ABLE OF CONTENTS C. MOTCH, S.A. ILOVAISKY, and C. CHEVALIER / Discovery of Rapid Optical Variability in GX 339-4 475 SESSION 8 EXOSAT 471 B.G. TAYLOR, R.D. ANDRESEN, A. PEACOCK, and R. ZOBL / The EXOSAT Mission 479 P.A.J. DE KORTE, J.A.M. BLEEKER, A.J.F. DEN BOGGENDE, G. BRANDUARDI-RAYMONT, A.C. BRINKMAN, J.L. CULHANE, E.H.B.M. GRONENSCHILD, I. MASON, and S.P. McKECHNIE / The X-Ray Imaging Telescopes on EXOSAT 495 M.J.L. TURNER, A. SMITH, and H.U. ZIMMERMANN / The Medium Energy Instrument on EXOSAT 513 A. PEACOCK, R.D. ANDRESEN, G. MANZO, B.G. TAYLOR, G. VILLA, S. RE, J.C. IVES, and S. KELLOCK / The Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter on EXOSAT 525 SESSION 9 FUTURE PROGRAMMES: Instrumental Techniques 535 J.L. CULHANE / X-Ray Astronomy in the Future 537 Y. TANAKA / Future Programme of X-Ray Astronomy ~n Japan 565 B. ASCHENBACH, H. BRAUNINGER, U. BRIEL, W. BRINKMANN, H. FINK, N. HEINECKE, H. HIPPMANN, G. KETTENRING, G. METZNER, A. ONDRUSCH, E. PFEFFERMANN, P. PREDEHL, G. REGER, K.-H. STEPHAN, J. TRliMPER, and H.U. ZIMMERMANN / The ROSAT Mission 569 M. GREHING, G. KRAMER, E. SCHULZ-LUPERTZ, C. WULF-MATHIES, S. BOWYER, and R. KIMBLE / Development of a lm-Normal- Incidence-EUV Telescope 575 J.L. CULHANE, R.C. CATURA, K.A. POUNDS, P. DE KORTE, A. FRANKS, G.P. GARMIRE, A. FABIAN, and B. MARGON / The Use of Diamond Turned & Replicated Wolter I Telescopes for High Sensitivity X-Ray Astronomy 581 J. DAVELAAR, A. PEACOCK, B.G. TAYLOR, and J.A.M. BLEEKER / The Capabilities of a Gas Scintillation Camera for Cosmic X-Ray Astronomy 591 A.P. WILLMORE, G.K. SKINNER, C.J. EYLES, and B. RAMSEY / A Pseudo Random Mask Telescope for Spacelab 601 H.W. SCHNOPPER, L. KOCH, M. CANTIN, B. MOUGIN, R. ROCCHIA, R.F. BERTHELSDORF, and J.L. CULHANE / Spherical Crystal Cosmic X-Ray Spectrometer 607 W.K.H. SCHMIDT / Wide Angle X-Ray Optics for Use in Astronomy 615 E.P.J. VAN DEN HEUVEL / X-Ray Binaries and Stellar Evolution 623

The 15th ESLAB symposium was held at the end of June 1981 in Amsterdam with the topic being X-ray astronomy. The aim of this symposium was to bring together the international astrophysical community in order to 1. review the present state of X-ray astronomy in the light of new observations gathered
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