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MADRONO 134 [Vol. 56 W Jarbidge Mountains ofnorthern Nevada with disjuncts 5; T23N R91W S7 and 18; T23N R92 812 and 13; near Drewsey in Harney County, Oregon. (R. Barneby. T24N R95W S5 and 6; T25N R95W S33; 1981-2018 m. 1989. loccit.) Growing on alkaline meadows around playa lakes, with Significance. This collection near the Oregon-Idaho Pyrrocoma lanceolata, Triglochin niaritima, Spartina border represents a connection between the disjunct gracilis, Sporobolus airoides, Carexpraegracilis. 30 Jun populations near Drewsey, OR and those in the 2007, B. Heidel2935 (RM); 1 Jul 2007, B. Heidel2939 Independence Mountains in Nevada, separated by (RM); 4 Jul 2008, B. Heidel 3160, 3161 (RM, BYU), about 200 km from each. confirmed byS. Welsh; samesite, 24Jul2008, B. Heidel Elati—ne brachysperma a. Gray (ELATINA- aWenldsJh.;Lsaarmseonsi3te1,8216(ARuMg,2B00Y8U,,B.NYH)ei,declon3f2i3r7me(dRMb)y.S. C6.E5AkE)m.norMtahlehaseturtoCot.u,rnoifnfAtnoteAlnodpeersCorneeCkrosdsrianignaegne NutPtraelvlioouns tkhneow1l8e3d4geW.yeFtihrstExpcoeldlietcitoend fbryomT"hSoamnadsy route to Peacock Lake, about 32 km northeast of plains ofthe Colorado ofthe West, near the sources of McDermitt, NV, in muds of shore of small reservoir the Platte", generally referring to the Green River with Downingia laefa, Veronicaperegrina, Psilocarphus Basin, Wyoming, Nuttalls.n. (holotype at BM, isotypes brevissimns, Plagiobothrvs hispichdus, and Jimciis bufo- at GH, K, NY, PH). Also known from widely- nius, 42"19.63rN 117 36.099'W, 1650 m, 27June2006, separated areas in east-central Idaho, southwestern D. Mansfield06-113 (CIC). edge of the Salt Lake Desert in eastern Juab and Previous knowledge. This plant is irregularly distrib- western Tooele Cos., Utah, and Spring Valley in uted throughout much ofthe western U. S. southern White Pine Co., Nevada (R. Barneby. 1964. Significance. Thiscollectionisa rangeextensionfrom Atlas of North American Astragalus. Memoirs of the other known populations. New York Botanic Garden, Vol. 13, NYBG Press, Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacMill. (PONTE- Bronx, NY; S. Welsh. 2007. North American Speciesof DERIACEAE).—Malheur Co., at confluence of West Astragalus Linnaeus: a taxonomic revision. Brigham Little Owyhee River and Owyhee River, growing in Young University Press. Provo, UT; A. Tiehm. 1984. river about 0.5 km above Five Bar, Drummond Basin Madrofio 31:123-127; J. Morefield. 2001. Nevada Rare Quad, T36S R47E S15 SW V,. 42 26.4'N 117 11.0'W, Plant Atlas, http://heritage.nv.gov/atlas/atlas.html; Ida- 1340 m, 10 July 2002, D. Mansfield 02-828 with H. ho Conservation Data Center. 2009. Idaho Special KRuigvleerr,abHo.utNie1l.s5enk,mcmupdrJi.veLroefhrrokmeT(hCrICe)e;FaolroknsgaOnwdyhjueset CStDaCt/upslanPtlasn/t;s,Uthathtp:N/a/tfiivsehaPnldagnatme.Siodciaehtoy..go2v0/0c9m.s/tUetcahh/ below Warm Springs, in a pond created by high water Rare Plant Guide, http://www.utahrareplants.org/). rPla.itviefraollcpihai,naunsn4,e2l"P3w.1i.tf8ho4lP'ioNostuasn1,i1o7Sg°ce1it1ro.pn0u6ss'tWria,cctuitf1uo2sl0i,u0s,amn,P.dnJouTdlyoypshuus1s,9 4Co2.0S,igkInmidfaihfcoranoacmen.dthFoievrsentrear4re5ec0setnkthmirsetfcorororidmcsJsftuoaartbiWoSyniodiminingnBgii,nngJohuvaaembr 2006, D. Mansfield06-222 (CIC). Co., Utah. Previous knowledge. Widely distributed but with few Carex foenea Willd. (syn. Carex aenea Fernald) records from the Intermountain West. (CYPERACEAE).—Crook Co., headwaters ofMiddle Significance. These collections in the Owyhee River Fork ofHayCreek, BearLodgeMts.,T54NR62WSI7, drainage are range extensions from Lake County 1262 m. Growing in a spring-fed, marshy opening in Oregon (Oregon Plant Atlas, loc. cit.) and the Modoc deep, wooded valley, with Carexpellita, Salixbebbiana. Plateau in California (USDA Plants Database, loc cit.). 25Jun2008, B. HeidelandJ. Larson3141 (RM, MICH, — SDC), confirmed by A. A. Reznicek. Donald H. Mansfield and Melinda Markin, Previous knowledge. Widespread in northern North Harold M. Tucker Herbarium (CIC), Department of America (J. Mastroguiseppe et al. 2002. Carex section Biology, The College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID 83605. Ovales in Flora ofNorth American Editorial Commit- [email protected]. tee, eds. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol. 23. Oxford University Press, New York, NY), in northeastern South Dakota and more recently recog- Wyoming nized from the Black Hills in Custer Co., South CEAAmEp)h.i—caCrrpoaokeaCob.r,achetaedawtaater(sL.)ofFMerindadllde (FoFrAkBAo-f aDnankoottaat,ed23by JGu.n La1r9s9o8n,. JP.rRe.vioJuoshnrseopnort5s27of(CSaDrCe)x HsP1et2aae9ysr8oi-nCd1ari3lew2leny9k-,afmql.BuoeioGaldrirenoduLwmcoi,hdnaggnHeneeorMlantcsilcn.er,aueenTdkie5eb4spapNnwhkooRsno,6ddy2teleWidrurvamSac,7lelse,aCyon,ardnwydil1tu7has, fiPonlgeaS.nnietgCsanhiefofyifoceraWnnnycWeeo,.ymoiWFmniYgir)s,ntgw3rere(rdcReo.erdb.da.Ds.feModorDuoonWnrtynaCo..imnis2in0Wc0gec1,as.ttaaVPDauessbweclecuioylsna.hdr- cornuta., Betulapapyrifera. 25Jun2008,J. Larson 11253 record for the Black Hills region. (RM); same site, 30 Jul 2008, J. Larson 11336 (RM). Carex intumescens Rudge (CYPERACEAE).— Previous knowledge. Widespread in eastern North Crook Co., headwaters ofMiddle Fork ofHay Creek, AHimlelrs,icaP,ennpirenvgitoounslyCo.k,noSwonutfhroDmaktohteaso(uGtrheeartn PBllaaicnks aBteaarsLpordinggeaMntds.,spTri5n4g-NfeRd6w2etWlaSnId7,in12a56deme.p,Gwrooowdiendg FloraAssociation. 1977. Atlasofthe Flora ofthe Great valley, with Carex disperma, C. interior, C. vulpinoidea, Plains. Iowa State University Press. Ames, lA). 30 Jul 2008, B. Heidel3202 (RM). Significance. First record for Wyoming, a second Previous knowledge. Widespread in eastern North record for the Black Hills region. America,previouslyknownfromstreamsfeedingout of Astra—galus diversifolius A. Gray (FABA- the crystalline core and metamorphic portions of the CEAE). SweetwaterCo.,ChainLakes,CircleBarLake central Black Hills in Custer and Pennington Cos., andMud Lake,GreatDivideBasin,T23N R93WS4and South Dakota (G. E. Larson and J. R. Johnson. 1999. 2009] NOTEWORTHY COLLECTIONS 135 — Plants of the Black Hills and Bear Lodge Mountains. slopes on eastern side of volcano 'Riverolf the most SSDo)u.thPrDeavkiooutsauAngpruibcluilsthuerdalreSptoarttisono,fBC732i.ntiBirmoeosckeiunsgsi,n Wno-r1th1e6r.n016o8f4,th3e99clfuts.t2e8rMoafrvcohlc2a0n0o8e,sSunleaarVaNnd3e0r.p4l8a9n1k0., Wyoming were based on a misidentification. Jorge Oc/wa, Dylan HannonandDuncan Bell080328-14 Siguificance. First record for Wyoming, a minor (RSA); onsandyeast- to northeast-facinghillsideabove range extension in the Black Hills region. and west ofthe top ofa prominent, steep, small rocky Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. (CYPERA- vernal waterfall, on the east (inland) slope ofthe cone, CEAE).—Crook Co., headwaters of Middle Fork of adjacent to the area where large-scale mining is taking H12a8y0 mC.reGekr,owiBnegaralLoongdgaen oMtpse.n, sTan5d4yNcrRee6k2bWankSIo7,f hpelrabceeridinse,arMathreahsummamcirto.carGpra.owiEnpghedwriathcalHiafzoarnridciaa. wet meadow vegetation in a deep, wooded valley, with Artemisia californica, Lyciumandersonii, Aesulusparryi. Agrostis stokmifera, G/yceria graiu/is, Scirpus micro- Lasthenia californica, Oenothera wigginsii, Crassula carpus. 30 Jul 2008, /. Larson 11356 (RM, SDC), connata, Encelia californica, Helianthus niveus, Nema- confirmed by G. Larson. caulis denudata. Euphorbia misera, Dichlostemma pul- Previous knowledge. Widespread in North America, chellum, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Amblyopappus pusil- previouslyknown fromthe Black Hillsin LawrenceCo. lus, Dudleyaattenuatassp. orcuttii, Mesembryanthemum (Great Plains Flora Association. 1977. loc. cit.), Custer crystallinum, and Lastarriaea coriacea. This population and Pennington Cos. (SDC), South Dakota. has approximately 130 plants and has probably already Significance. First record for Wyoming, a minor been impacted directly by local mining activities. range extension in the Black Hills region. Previous knowledge. The core range ofS. brandegeei is in coastal northwestern Baja California. Records NOiRoFbl(rMBaBrriRtaItS.)TRYivLKeIrrSa,iPTU(3BCE1YRNUPLERAR6A(0CMWEicAhESx7).).a^VnNadiholSb1vr8a,ar.r1aI4N4T5CEoRm.I.,- t(ionbdeitPcwuaenteetnatPhCuaotnltoiatneBotacnc(udrHaserafbnradormiSuanmttheospTaeorcemiamaesnn)se:airnStEDhl;eRnReotrSitArh;o, Growing in a broad, sub-irrigated wet meadow in open UCR; BCMEX; HCIB; P.A. Munz 1974, A Flora of plains, with Panicum virgatunu Ecpdsetum laevigatunu Southern California, University of California Press, cMuulhalreisnbpeurlgchieal/rai,cha5rdAsoujigis,20E0l6,ynwB.s Htreaicd/eilyca2u8l7us5. (PRedMi,- fBerrokmeleSya)n.taARodissajunIcstlanndor(tAhveerrnettp,opDu.latEi.,onanisdkKn.owRn. SDPCr)e,vicoounsfikrnmoewdlebdygeG.. LKarnsoown.n from southwestern, NMeainsueassl,: iHnigJh.erC.PlHaintcskmoafnCa[leid.f]orn1i9a9,3,UnTihveersJietypsoonf cNeenbtrraalskaandandsouUtthaehr,n pGrreevaiotusPllyaiknsnoswtnatefsroimnclSuidoiunxg CalSiifgonrinfiicacmPcree.ss,ThBeerkceollelye;ctPi.oAn.fMruonmzth1e974b,ayloc.ofcitS.)a.n Co., Nebraska (R. B. Kaul et al. 2006. The Flora of Quintin represents a southern range extension of ca NraenbSgirgeansiekfxaitc.eannUscnieio.vnerFfsirriosttmy oSrfieocNuoexrbdrCaof.so,kraNeWPbryerosamss.iknaLg.in,colan,mNiEn)o.r mG1i0a0vyeknmrtehpferreossmmeanlttlheannuemasirbgeensritfiokcfnanoptlwannitnpscorapeunaldsaetpioiopnnulitanhteiCoonlgsolnotebhtai.ls ScirpusPENDULUSMuhl. (CYPERACEAE).—Con- numbersforthis species. Salviabrandegeeiisconsidered verse Co., Duck Creek, a tributary of the Cheyenne Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and River, T37N R73W S14, 1527 m. Growing in sub- elsewhere (list lb.2) and has a global rank of G2 irrigated wet meadow between scattered cottonwood (California Native Plant Society (CNPS). 2008. Inven- groves in open plains, with Agrostis stolonifera, toryofRare and Endangered Plants(onlineedition, v7- Schoenoplectuspungens, Equisetum laevigatuni, Elynnis 08b). California Native Plant Society. Sacramento, CA. 2t8ra8c2hy(cRauMl,us,SDJCu)n,cucsolnofnigirsmtev/disb,y1G5.ALuagrs2o0n0.6, B. Heidel Aincvceenstsoerdy).onMaJnuny. o7f, t2h0e08plafnrtosmarhett>p:2//mwwwa.ccrnopsss.oarngd/ Previous knowledge. Widespread in eastern North appear senescent, with often a high proportion ofdead America, eastern Great Plains, southern states, Color- branches; few young plants were observed. Native sand ado, California and Oregon, previously known from bees {Anthophora sp.) were seen visiting the fiowers Boulder Co., Colorado Weber 5011 (CU), where repeatedly. In addition to herbarium vouchers, live possibly a nursery escape (W. A. Weber and R. C. material was collected as cuttings, one cutting from Wittmann. 2001. Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope, 3rd each of approximately 50 individuals, to be grown at ed.. University Press ofColorado. Boulder, CO). Rancho Santa Ana BotanicGarden, and seedcollection Significance. First record for Wyoming. is pending. It is hoped that, should this population Dat—abBaosnen,iDeeptH.ei33d8e1l,,UniWWvyeoYrsmiitnygofWNaytoumrianlg,Di1v0e0r0siEt.y dseins—taaptpieoanroffriotmwilmlineixinsgt eoxr soitthueirntaocttihvietyf,utusroem.e repre- UniversityAve., Laramie, 82071;andJill Larson, SuLAVanderplank([email protected]), Black Hills National Forest-Northern Hills Ranger Duncan Bell, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, District, 2014 N. Main St. Spearfish, SD, 57783; 1500N. CollegeAvenue, Claremont, CA 9171 1; Dylan [email protected]. Hannon,TheHuntingtonLibrary,ArtCollections,and BotanicalGardens, 1151 OxfordRoad,San Marino,CA 91108; and Jorge Ochoa, Long Beach City College, Mexico PLaocnifgicBeCaocahs,tCCAam9p0u8s0,61&30C5itEy.oPfacLiofiscACnogaesltesHiDegphtw.ayo,f Salvia brandegeei Munz (LAMTACEAE).—Baja Recreation and Parks, Forestry Division. 3900 West California, the bay of San Quintin, saddle and gentle ChevyChaseDrive, LosAngeles, CA90039.

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