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8 0 0 2 O Trade Profiles T 2008 W WTO MEMBERS (As of 23 July 2008) Albania Gabon New Zealand Angola The Gambia Nicaragua Antigua and Barbuda Georgia Niger Argentina Germany Nigeria Armenia Ghana Norway Australia Greece Oman Austria Grenada Pakistan Bahrain, Kingdom of Guatemala Panama Bangladesh Guinea Papua New Guinea Barbados Guinea Bissau Paraguay Belgium Guyana Peru Belize Haiti Philippines Benin Honduras Poland Bolivia Hong Kong, China Portugal Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hungary Qatar Botswana Iceland Romania Brazil India Rwanda Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bulgaria Ireland Saint Lucia Burkina Faso Israel Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Burundi Italy Saudi Arabia Cambodia Jamaica Senegal Cameroon Japan Sierra Leone Canada Jordan Singapore Cape Verde Kenya Slovak Republic Central African Republic Korea, Republic of Slovenia Chad Kuwait Solomon Islands Chile Kyrgyz Republic South Africa China Latvia Spain Colombia Lesotho Sri Lanka Congo Liechtenstein Suriname Costa Rica Lithuania Swaziland Côte d’Ivoire Luxembourg Sweden Croatia Macao, China Switzerland Cuba Madagascar Chinese Taipei Cyprus Malawi Tanzania Czech Republic Malaysia Thailand Democratic Republic of the Congo Maldives Togo Denmark Mali Tonga Djibouti Malta Trinidad and Tobago Dominica Mauritania Tunisia Dominican Republic Mauritius Turkey Ecuador Mexico Uganda Egypt Moldova Ukraine El Salvador Mongolia United Arab Emirates Estonia Morocco United Kingdom European Communities Mozambique United States of America Fiji Myanmar Uruguay Finland Namibia Viet Nam Former Yugoslav Republic Nepal Zambia of Macedonia (FYROM) Netherlands Zimbabwe France This report is also available in French and Spanish (Price: CHF 30.00) To order, please contact: WTO Publications World Trade Organization 154, rue de Lausanne CH-1211 Geneva 21 Tel: (41 22) 739 52 08 ISBN 978-92-870-3460-1 Fax: (41 22) 739 54 58 Printed by the WTO Secretariat - 8228.08 Email: [email protected] © World Trade Organization 2008 INTRODUCTION These Trade Profi les combine information on trade fl ows and trade policy measures of Members, Observers and other selected economies. The information is retrieved from various WTO Divisions and external sources and presented in standardized format for quick reference. The indicators are divided into fi ve categories: I. Basic economic indicators – population, GDP, current account balance, etc. II. Trade policy indicators – specifi c WTO relevant information, including tariff binding information, import duties collected in total tax revenue, the number of dispute rulings (complainant, defendant), notifi cations outstanding and contingency measures in force. III. Merchandise trade indicators (customs-based statistics) – information on total trade fl ows broken down by broad product categories and major origins and destinations. IV. Commercial services indicators (balance of payments based statistics) – trends in total trade fl ows and a breakdown by major components. V. Industrial property indicators – annual number of patents granted and marks registered in the name of residents and non-residents in the economy. Data are currently provided for as many Members and Observers for which adequate information is available in the WTO Secretariat and other national and international bodies. For updates, see the WTO Online Database at the WTO Statistics Gateway (www.wto.org, choose Resources, Trade statistics). Depending on data availability, missing trade profi les will be completed or added. For sources and methodology, please refer to the Technical Notes at the end of the publication. The defi nition of economies in this booklet does not imply an expression of opinion by the Secretariat concerning the status of any country or territory, the delimitation of its frontiers, nor regarding the rights and obligations of any WTO Member in respect of WTO Agreements. Throughout this report, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Republic of Korea and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu are referenced as Bolivarian Rep. of Venezuela, Korea, Republic of and Taipei, Chinese respectively. TRADE PROFILES 2008 i Acknowledgements are due to the International Monetary Fund, the International Trade Center, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Statistical Offi ce of the European Communities, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Statistics Division, the World Bank and the World Intellectual Property Organization. The assistance of all these organizations in supplying statistics as well as other information has greatly facilitated the work of the Secretariat. Symbols and abbreviations ... Not available or not reported GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services - Not applicable GDP Gross Domestic Product AOA WTO Agreement on Agriculture ITS WTO International Trade Statistics CRN Central Registry of Notifi cations MFN Most Favoured Nation DSU Dispute Settlement Understanding PPP Purchasing Power Parity EIA Economic Integration Agreement RTA Regional Trade Agreement EU European Union Annual average percentage changes are calculated using a geometric average. Minor discrepancies between constituent fi gures and totals are due to rounding. Tables include in general information for the period 2000 - latest available year. Unless otherwise indicated, (i) all value fi gures are expressed in United States dollars; (ii) merchandise trade fi gures are on a customs basis; (iii) trade in commercial services data are on a balance of payments basis; and (iv) merchandise exports are valued f.o.b. and merchandise imports c.i.f. Comments and enquiries on this booklet should be addressed to [email protected]. Closing date 15 October 2008. ii TRADE PROFILES 2008 CONTENTS Afghanistan – AF 3 Czech Republic – CZ 48 Albania – AL 4 Denmark – DK 49 Algeria – DZ 5 Djibouti – DJ 50 Angola – AO 6 Dominica – DM 51 Antigua and Barbuda – AG 7 Dominican Republic – DO 52 Argentina – AR 8 Ecuador – EC 53 Armenia – AM 9 Egypt – EG 54 Australia – AU 10 El Salvador – SV 55 Austria – AT 11 Equatorial Guinea – GQ 56 Azerbaijan – AZ 12 Eritrea – ER 57 Bahamas – BS 13 Estonia – EE 58 Bahrain – BH 14 Ethiopia – ET 59 Bangladesh – BD 15 European Union (27) – E27 60 Barbados – BB 16 Fiji – FJ 61 Belarus – BY 17 Finland – FI 62 Belgium – BE 18 France – FR 63 Belize – BZ 19 FYR Macedonia – MK 64 Benin – BJ 20 Gabon – GA 65 Bhutan – BT 21 Gambia – GM 66 Bolivarian Rep. of Venezuela – VE 22 Georgia – GE 67 Bolivia – BO 23 Germany – DE 68 Bosnia and Herzegovina – BA 24 Ghana – GH 69 Botswana – BW 25 Greece – GR 70 Brazil – BR 26 Grenada – GD 71 Brunei Darussalam – BN 27 Guatemala – GT 72 Bulgaria – BG 28 Guinea – GN 73 Burkina Faso – BF 29 Guinea-Bissau – GW 74 Burundi – BI 30 Guyana – GY 75 Cambodia – KH 31 Haiti – HT 76 Cameroon – CM 32 Honduras – HN 77 Canada – CA 33 Hong Kong, China – HK 78 Cape Verde – CV 34 Hungary – HU 79 Central African Republic – CF 35 Iceland – IS 80 Chad – TD 36 India – IN 81 Chile – CL 37 Indonesia – ID 82 China – CN 38 Iran, Islamic Rep. of – IR 83 Colombia – CO 39 Iraq – IQ 84 Comoros – KM 40 Ireland – IE 85 Congo – CG 41 Israel – IL 86 Congo, Dem. Rep. of – CD 42 Italy – IT 87 Costa Rica – CR 43 Jamaica – JM 88 Côte d’Ivoire – CI 44 Japan – JP 89 Croatia – HR 45 Jordan – JO 90 Cuba – CU 46 Kazakhstan – KZ 91 Cyprus – CY 47 Kenya – KE 92 TRADE PROFILES 2008 1 Korea, Republic of – KR 93 Rwanda – RW 139 Kuwait – KW 94 Saint Kitts and Nevis – KN 140 Kyrgyz Republic – KG 95 Saint Lucia – LC 141 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. – LA 96 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – VC 142 Latvia – LV 97 Samoa – WS 143 Lebanon – LB 98 Sao Tome and Principe – ST 144 Lesotho – LS 99 Saudi Arabia – SA 145 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – LY 100 Senegal – SN 146 Lithuania – LT 101 Serbia – RS 147 Luxembourg – LU 102 Seychelles – SC 148 Macao, China – MO 103 Sierra Leone – SL 149 Madagascar – MG 104 Singapore – SG 150 Malawi – MW 105 Slovak Republic – SK 151 Malaysia – MY 106 Slovenia – SI 152 Maldives – MV 107 Solomon Islands – SB 153 Mali – ML 108 South Africa – ZA 154 Malta – MT 109 Spain – ES 155 Mauritania – MR 110 Sri Lanka – LK 156 Mauritius – MU 111 Sudan – SD 157 Mexico – MX 112 Suriname – SR 158 Moldova – MD 113 Swaziland – SZ 159 Mongolia – MN 114 Sweden – SE 160 Montenegro – ME 115 Switzerland – CH 161 Morocco – MA 116 Syrian Arab Republic – SY 162 Mozambique – MZ 117 Taipei, Chinese – TW 163 Myanmar – MM 118 Tajikistan – TJ 164 Namibia – NA 119 Tanzania – TZ 165 Nepal – NP 120 Thailand – TH 166 Netherlands – NL 121 Togo – TG 167 New Zealand – NZ 122 Tonga – TO 168 Nicaragua – NI 123 Trinidad and Tobago – TT 169 Niger – NE 124 Tunisia – TN 170 Nigeria – NG 125 Turkey – TR 171 Norway – NO 126 Turkmenistan – TM 172 Oman – OM 127 Uganda – UG 173 Pakistan – PK 128 Ukraine – UA 174 Panama – PA 129 United Arab Emirates – AE 175 Papua New Guinea – PG 130 United Kingdom – GB 176 Paraguay – PY 131 United States – US 177 Peru – PE 132 Uruguay – UY 178 Philippines – PH 133 Uzbekistan – UZ 179 Poland – PL 134 Vanuatu – VU 180 Portugal – PT 135 Viet Nam – VN 181 Qatar – QA 136 Yemen – YE 182 Romania – RO 137 Zambia – ZM 183 Russian Federation – RU 138 Zimbabwe – ZW 184 2 TRADE PROFILES 2008 AFGHANISTAN BASIC INDICATORS Population (thousands, 2007) ... Rank in world trade, 2007 Exports Imports GDP (million current US$, 2007) 11 627 Merchandise 160 129 GDP (million current PPP US$, 2007) 26 217 excluding intra-EU trade 134 103 Current account balance (million US$, 2007) ... Commercial services 163 171 Trade per capita (US$, 2005-2007) ... excluding intra-EU trade 137 145 Trade to GDP ratio (2005-2007) ... Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Real GDP (2000=100) ... ... ... ... Exports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) ... ... ... ... Imports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) ... ... ... ... TRADE POLICY Contribution to WTO budget - WTO accession date Observer Import duties collected (%, 2004-2006) Trade Policy Review date - in total tax revenue 60.9 Tariffs and duty free imports to total imports ... Tariff binding coverage (%) - Number of notifications to WTO and measures in force MFN tariffs Final bound Applied 2007 Outstanding notifications in WTO Central Registry - Simple average of import duties Goods RTAs - services EIAs notified to WTO 1 - 0 All goods - 5.7 Anti-dumping - Agricultural goods (AOA) - 5.5 Countervailing duties - Non-agricultural goods - 5.7 Safeguards - Nonad-valorem duties (% total tariff lines) - 0.8 Number of disputes (complainant - defendant) MFN duty free imports Requests for consultation - in agricultural goods (AOA) ... Original panel / Appellate Body (AB) reports - in non-agricultural goods ... Compliance panel / AB reports (Article 21.5 DSU) - Services sectors with GATS commitments - Arbitration awards (Article 22.6 DSU) - MERCHANDISE TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Merchandise exports, f.o.b. (million US$) 480 15 6 18 Merchandise imports, c.i.f. (million US$) 2 950 14 5 14 2007 2007 Share in world total exports 0.00 Share in world total imports 0.02 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By main commodity group (ITS) By main commodity group (ITS) Agricultural products ... Agricultural products ... Fuels and mining products ... Fuels and mining products ... Manufactures ... Manufactures ... By main destination By main origin 1. ... ... 1. ... ... 2. ... ... 2. ... ... 3. ... ... 3. ... ... 4. ... ... 4. ... ... 5. ... ... 5. ... ... COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Commercial services exports (million US$) ... ... ... ... Commercial services imports (million US$) ... ... ... ... 2007 2007 Share in world total exports ... Share in world total imports ... Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By principal services item By principal services item Transportation ... Transportation ... Travel ... Travel ... Other commercial services ... Other commercial services ... INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Patent grants by patent office Trademark registrations by office Residents Non-residents Total Direct residents Direct non-residents Madrid Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... TRADE PROFILES 2008 3 ALBANIA BASIC INDICATORS Population (thousands, 2007) 3 181 Rank in world trade, 2007 Exports Imports GDP (million current US$, 2007) 10 569 Merchandise 143 112 GDP (million current PPP US$, 2007) 20 312 excluding intra-EU trade 117 86 Current account balance (million US$, 2006) - 671 Commercial services 86 91 Trade per capita (US$, 2005-2007) 2 256 excluding intra-EU trade 60 65 Trade to GDP ratio (2005-2007) 76.5 Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Real GDP (2000=100) 145 5 5 6 Exports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) 210 11 5 7 Imports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) 261 15 8 21 TRADE POLICY Contribution to WTO budget (%, 2008) 0.021 WTO accession date 8 September 2000 Import duties collected (%, 2005-2006) Trade Policy Review date ... in total tax revenue 9.0 Tariffs and duty free imports to total imports 3.4 Tariff binding coverage (%) 100 Number of notifications to WTO and measures in force MFN tariffs Final bound Applied 2007 Outstanding notifications in WTO Central Registry 20 Simple average of import duties Goods RTAs - services EIAs notified to WTO 3 - 0 All goods 7.0 5.4 Anti-dumping (30 June 2007) ... Agricultural goods (AOA) 9.4 7.8 Countervailing duties (30 June 2007) ... Non-agricultural goods 6.6 5.0 Safeguards (24 October 2007) 0 Nonad-valorem duties (% total tariff lines) 0.0 0.1 Number of disputes (complainant - defendant) MFN duty free imports (%, 2005) Requests for consultation 0 - 0 in agricultural goods (AOA) 12.7 Original panel / Appellate Body (AB) reports 0 - 0 in non-agricultural goods 23.2 Compliance panel / AB reports (Article 21.5 DSU) 0 - 0 Services sectors with GATS commitments 108 Arbitration awards (Article 22.6 DSU) 0 - 0 MERCHANDISE TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Merchandise exports, f.o.b. (million US$) 1 072 23 21 34 Merchandise imports, c.i.f. (million US$) 4 196 21 17 37 2007 a 2007 a Share in world total exports 0.01 Share in world total imports 0.03 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By main commodity group (ITS) By main commodity group (ITS) Agricultural products 7.3 Agricultural products 17.9 Fuels and mining products 19.5 Fuels and mining products 16.9 Manufactures 71.7 Manufactures 65.1 By main destination By main origin 1. European Union (27) 88.6 1. European Union (27) 65.5 2. Serbia 5.1 2. Turkey 7.6 3. FYR Macedonia 1.6 3. China 6.0 4. Turkey 1.3 4. Russian Federation 4.1 5. China 1.1 5. Ukraine 3.8 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Commercial services exports (million US$) 1 981 24 28 34 Commercial services imports (million US$) 2 029 26 18 31 2007 2007 Share in world total exports 0.06 Share in world total imports 0.07 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By principal services item By principal services item Transportation 11.3 Transportation 19.2 Travel 69.4 Travel 62.3 Other commercial services 19.3 Other commercial services 18.5 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Patent grants by patent office Trademark registrations by office, 2006 Residents Non-residents Total Direct residents Direct non-residents Madrid Total ... ... ... ... ... 2 890 2 890 a Breakdowns by destination/origin refer to 2006. 4 TRADE PROFILES 2008 ALGERIA BASIC INDICATORS Population (thousands, 2007) 33 853 Rank in world trade, 2007 Exports Imports GDP (million current US$, 2007) 135 285 Merchandise 43 60 GDP (million current PPP US$, 2007) 269 201 excluding intra-EU trade 29 40 Current account balance (million US$, 2003) 9 780 Commercial services 80 64 Trade per capita (US$, 2005-2007) 2 568 excluding intra-EU trade 54 44 Trade to GDP ratio (2005-2007) 72.6 Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Real GDP (2000=100) 133 4 2 3 Exports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) a 121 4 ... ... Imports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) a 153 9 ... ... TRADE POLICY Contribution to WTO budget - WTO accession date Observer Import duties collected (%, 2004-2006) Trade Policy Review date - in total tax revenue 5.9 Tariffs and duty free imports to total imports 7.3 Tariff binding coverage (%) - Number of notifications to WTO and measures in force MFN tariffs Final bound Applied 2007 Outstanding notifications in WTO Central Registry - Simple average of import duties Goods RTAs - services EIAs notified to WTO 2 - 0 All goods - 18.6 Anti-dumping - Agricultural goods (AOA) - 23.3 Countervailing duties - Non-agricultural goods - 17.8 Safeguards - Nonad-valorem duties (% total tariff lines) - 0.0 Number of disputes (complainant - defendant) MFN duty free imports (%, 2006) Requests for consultation - in agricultural goods (AOA) 0.0 Original panel / Appellate Body (AB) reports - in non-agricultural goods 0.6 Compliance panel / AB reports (Article 21.5 DSU) - Services sectors with GATS commitments - Arbitration awards (Article 22.6 DSU) - MERCHANDISE TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Merchandise exports, f.o.b. (million US$) 60 163 15 19 10 Merchandise imports, c.i.f. (million US$) 27 631 17 5 29 2007 b 2007 b Share in world total exports 0.43 Share in world total imports 0.19 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By main commodity group (ITS) By main commodity group (ITS) Agricultural products 0.2 Agricultural products 22.1 Fuels and mining products 98.9 Fuels and mining products 3.0 Manufactures 0.9 Manufactures 74.9 By main destination By main origin 1. European Union (27) 52.5 1. European Union (27) 54.8 2. United States 27.2 2. China 8.0 3. Canada 6.6 3. United States 6.6 4. Brazil 3.5 4. Turkey 3.3 5. Turkey 3.4 5. Japan 3.3 COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Commercial services exports (million US$) 2 474 15 23 10 Commercial services imports (million US$) 4 494 18 4 44 2007 2007 Share in world total exports 0.08 Share in world total imports 0.15 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By principal services item By principal services item Transportation ... Transportation ... Travel ... Travel ... Other commercial services ... Other commercial services ... INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Patent grants by patent office, 2006 Trademark registrations by office, 2006 Residents Non-residents Total Direct residents Direct non-residents Madrid Total 79 400 479 970 836 2 389 4 195 a Refers to 2005 values and to the average annual percentage change for 2000-2005. b Breakdowns by destination/origin refer to 2006. TRADE PROFILES 2008 5 ANGOLA BASIC INDICATORS Population (thousands, 2007) 17 019 Rank in world trade, 2007 Exports Imports GDP (million current US$, 2007) 58 547 Merchandise 56 82 GDP (million current PPP US$, 2007) 93 041 excluding intra-EU trade 39 58 Current account balance (million US$, 2006) 10 690 Commercial services 148 54 Trade per capita (US$, 2003-2005) 1 720 excluding intra-EU trade 122 36 Trade to GDP ratio (2003-2005) 125.4 Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Real GDP (2000=100) 239 13 19 23 Exports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) ... ... ... ... Imports of goods and services (volume, 2000=100) ... ... ... ... TRADE POLICY Contribution to WTO budget (%, 2008) 0.117 WTO accession date 23 November 1996 Import duties collected Trade Policy Review date 14, 16 February 2006 in total tax revenue ... Tariffs and duty free imports to total imports ... Tariff binding coverage (%) 100 Number of notifications to WTO and measures in force MFN tariffs Final bound Applied 2007 Outstanding notifications in WTO Central Registry 37 Simple average of import duties Goods RTAs - services EIAs notified to WTO 2 - 0 All goods 59.2 7.3 Anti-dumping (30 June 2007) ... Agricultural goods (AOA) 52.8 10.0 Countervailing duties (30 June 2007) ... Non-agricultural goods 60.1 6.9 Safeguards (24 October 2007) 0 Nonad-valorem duties (% total tariff lines) 0.0 0.2 Number of disputes (complainant - defendant) MFN duty free imports Requests for consultation 0 - 0 in agricultural goods (AOA) ... Original panel / Appellate Body (AB) reports 0 - 0 in non-agricultural goods ... Compliance panel / AB reports (Article 21.5 DSU) 0 - 0 Services sectors with GATS commitments 5 Arbitration awards (Article 22.6 DSU) 0 - 0 MERCHANDISE TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2007 2000-2007 2006 2007 Merchandise exports, f.o.b. (million US$) 39 900 26 32 25 Merchandise imports, f.o.b. (million US$) 11 400 21 5 30 2007 2007 Share in world total exports 0.29 Share in world total imports 0.08 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By main commodity group (ITS) By main commodity group (ITS) Agricultural products 0.1 Agricultural products ... Fuels and mining products 98.7 Fuels and mining products ... Manufactures 1.1 Manufactures ... By main destination By main origin 1. ... ... 1. ... ... 2. ... ... 2. ... ... 3. ... ... 3. ... ... 4. ... ... 4. ... ... 5. ... ... 5. ... ... COMMERCIAL SERVICES TRADE Value Annual percentage change 2005 2000-2005 2004 2005 Commercial services exports (million US$) 177 -8 61 -45 Commercial services imports (million US$) 6 191 22 54 45 2005 2005 Share in world total exports 0.01 Share in world total imports 0.26 Breakdown in economy's total exports Breakdown in economy's total imports By principal services item By principal services item Transportation 10.2 Transportation 21.3 Travel 49.9 Travel 1.2 Other commercial services 39.9 Other commercial services 77.5 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Patent grants by patent office Trademark registrations by office Residents Non-residents Total Direct residents Direct non-residents Madrid Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 TRADE PROFILES 2008

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