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Writing the World of Policing: The Difference Ethnography Makes PDF

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Writing the World of Policing Writing the World of Policing The Difference Ethnography Makes Edited by Didier Fassin The University of Chicago Press CHICAGO & LONDON The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London © 2017 by The University of Chicago All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews. For more information, contact the University of Chicago Press, 1427 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637. Published 2017 Printed in the United States of America 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1 2 3 4 5 ISBN-13: 978-0-226-49750-1 (cloth) ISBN-13: 978-0-226-49764-8 (paper) ISBN-13: 978-0-226-49778-5 (e-book) DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226497785.001.0001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Fassin, Didier, editor. Title: Writing the world of policing : the difference ethnography makes / edited by Didier Fassin. Description: Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2017. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2017005978 | ISBN 9780226497501 (cloth : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780226497648 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780226497785 (e-book) Subjects: LCSH: Police. | Law enforcement—Fieldwork. | Law enforcement—Research—Methodology. | Social sciences—Research— Methodology. | Law and the social sciences. Classification: LCC HV7897.W75 2017 | DDC 363.2—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017005978 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48–1992 (Permanence of Paper). Contents INTRODUCTION Ethnographying the Police Didier Fassin PART I : Position ONE Accountability: Ethnographic Engagement and the Ethics of the Police (United States) Steve Herbert TWO Complicity: Becoming the Police (South Africa) Julia Hornberger THREE Intimacy: Personal Policing, Ethnographic Kinship, and Critical Empathy (India) Beatrice Jauregui FOUR Affect: The Virtual Force of Policing (Taiwan) Jeffrey T. Martin PART II : Observation FIVE Predicament: Interpreting Police Violence (Mozambique) Helene Maria Kyed SIX Morality: Understanding Police Training on Human Rights (Turkey) Elif Babül SEVEN Experience: Being Policed as a Condition of Life (Chile) Clara Han EIGHT Aspiration: Hoping for a Public Policing (Bolivia) Daniel M. Goldstein PART III : Description NINE Sense and Sensibility: Crafting Tales about the Police (Thailand) Duncan McCargo TEN Detention: Police Discretion Revisited (Portugal) Susana Durão ELEVEN Alibi: The Extralegal Force Embedded in the Law (United States) Laurence Ralph TWELVE Boredom: Accounting for the Ordinary in the Work of Policing (France) Didier Fassin Index INTRODUCTION Ethnographying the Police Didier Fassin Law and order arise out of the very processes which they govern. —Bronislaw Malinowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society (1926) The police have for a long time been an object of interest—and passions— within society. For more than half a century, they have also been a subject of research—and debates—within the social sciences, significantly contributing to the renewal of criminology. In recent years, however, this dual trend has become more pronounced, and policing has come to occupy an increasing place in the public sphere as well as in the scientific field: new issues have called for new approaches. On the one hand, there has been a growing concern regarding law enforcement practices, particularly in poor neighborhoods and toward racial and ethnic minorities. The implication of the police in the death of young men of color in Aulnay-sous-Bois in 2005, Tottenham in 2011, and Ferguson in 2014, among many others, and the impunity from which they have benefitted, have caused major urban unrest in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, respectively, revealing the moral gap between the law enforcement institution and the population that it is supposed to protect.1 However, these incidents have not been limited to Western countries, and, although they have received less international attention, tragic encounters with the police resulting in killings have become an increasing source of preoccupation in the global South, from Brazil to South Africa, from Egypt to India. Yet, more than the novelty of these phenomena—or even their aggravation, for which little evidence can be provided in the absence of continuous statistics and homogenous data—it is their rising visibility through traditional and social media as well as political discourses on law and order and social mobilizations of citizens protesting abuses that explain contemporary anxiety. The shooting, beating, or harassing by the police of people belonging to underprivileged classes and groups has long been a common fact without turning into a public concern. It has become one when the experience of those affected has been exposed, thus rendering denial no longer possible.2 But simultaneously, beyond these tragic episodes, law enforcement has exercised an increasing fascination within society, as is manifest in the media with the multiplication of news reports, reality shows, television series, documentaries, and films dedicated to all aspects—actual or fictional—of policing, from patrol work to criminal investigation, from the war on drugs to the paramilitarization of special units.3 Whether criticized or praised, respected or feared, the police have become a major controversial figure in the contemporary world, while law and order policies have tended to disseminate globally. On the other hand, there has recently been a renewal in research on policing, both within the field of criminology, via the contestation of the dominant classical and positivist paradigms by critical, cultural, and feminist approaches, and within the humanities and the social sciences, through novel theoretical as well as empirical inquiry. An interesting trend of this renewal has been what could be called the reinvention of police ethnography. Indeed, there exists an important tradition of qualitative and observational approach in research on law enforcement.4 One could even argue that most classics in criminology have been nourished by the intimate knowledge of the field acquired by their authors, which allowed for their deeply informed interpretation of police work and organization.5 However, in their writings, accounts of fieldwork were often limited and illustrative, as is the case with the sociological literature of symbolic interactionism, which exercised a significant influence on this approach in criminology. Vignettes and excerpts served to exemplify general points.6 Rarely were they the matter of a specific reflection on the conditions of their collection, the modalities of their restitution, and their various epistemological, ethical, and political implications.7 Furthermore, in later studies, the expanding prominence of quantitative surveys and experimental studies contributed to the marginalization of qualitative and observational works while at the same time theoretical elaborations on policing tended to be more valued than empirical research on the ground. Ethnography was often ignored or even disqualified as deceptive since it relied on a limited number of cases reflecting a specific setting and subjectively assessed by the researcher.8 Over the past decade, however, things have begun to change as criminologists have rediscovered the merits of participant observation and ethnographers have showed interest in the study of policing. Anthropology in particular, which had remained almost absent from this field since Michael Banton’s seminal study of the British policeman fifty years ago, has significantly invested it anew.9 Today, in different parts of the world, anthropologists are conducting fieldwork on policing and bringing an ethnographic gaze to the study of law enforcement.10 But they do not have the monopoly of police ethnography: other scholars are also part of this scientific move, which increasingly finds a legitimate place within criminology.11 The most important implication of the ethnographic shift is that, far from being a mere empirical addition to existing methodological procedures, it obliges social scientists to reevaluate both the theoretical self-evidence of their object (policing) and their very relation to their subjects (the police). The present volume is a collective attempt to link these two major trends: the increasing significance of policing issues in contemporary society and the growing salience of police ethnography for their comprehension. So, what difference does police ethnography make? This interrogation can be understood from three complementary perspectives: What difference does it make for the study of the police? What difference does it make for the practice of ethnography? Finally, what difference does it make for the societies where it is conducted? In our chapters, we propose various answers to these questions, highlighting the relevance of ethnographic insight for the analysis of law enforcement and the contribution of the inquiry into policing to ethnographic practice as well as the pertinence of this approach for contemporary societies. But before going further, two prefatory comments may be necessary. First, what is ethnography is generally taken for granted, namely as an equivalent, more or less, to fieldwork, participant observation, or qualitative approach. It is, however, much richer and more complex a practice than these self-evident equivalences imply.12 I suggest it has three dimensions. It is a method of scientific research, requiring our long-term presence, an intimate knowledge of people and places, the acquisition of the local language and the identification of the local codes: more than being there, as is often said, it involves living with, at least for certain periods of time, talking to, learning from. It is also an experience of social worlds, resulting from an encounter with people generally different from us and with a culture foreign to us, but developing into a familiarization through a combination of reciprocal trust and mutual recognition: as time goes by, we do not only get to know our interlocutors better but we also realize that we have much more in common with them than what we had initially imagined. Finally, it is an operation of singular writing, that is, of transcription and translation, of putting into words and ideas what has been seen and heard, of giving a meaningful order to a succession of facts and events that may seem completely disparate at first sight: it all starts with a blank sheet or a black screen. These three aspects— method, experience, writing—radically contrast with approaches relying on statistics, questionnaires, or interviews: ethnographers do not look at figures, but are interested in what is going on; they do not delegate their production of data to assistants, but are themselves present in the field; they do not ask standardized questions, but observe scenes and converse with their protagonists; they do not know in advance what they look for, but try to make sense of what people do, and how, and why; their mode of thinking is not deductive but inductive. All these elements differentiate ethnography from other procedures commonly used in studies on policing, particularly in the field of criminology, and pose specific epistemological, political, and ethical problems. Second, policing also needs to be delimited, if not defined. It can refer to two quite different kinds of activities. In the usual sense, it corresponds to law enforcement and peacekeeping, in other words, what police officers and agencies do: it encompasses a remarkable diversity of practices, from arresting criminals to containing demonstrations, from ticketing drivers to assisting accident victims, with the sole common ground that they may at some point require the recourse to force, as pointed out by Egon Bittner.13 In its older meaning, it comprises a much wider range of human interventions in the regulation of society, from public health to child welfare, from the maintenance of order to the control of morals: this utopic project of normalization of life initially imagined in the eighteenth century embraces what Michel Foucault called biopolitics.14 In fact, the contrast between these two extremes has been reduced in recent years with the expansion of the spectrum of police activities and the development of new technologies of surveillance. In the following pages, we focus on the more restrictive meaning, in other words, on policing as it appears through the presence and activity of officers as well as other actors involved in issues related to crime and security, law and order, social control and legitimate violence. This delimitation is often contested on the ground, as the police can be absent or inactive, their intervention can be deemed illegal or disproportionate, and the distinction between official and informal agents can be blurred. This is even truer since we chose to concentrate our observations on the policing of poor neighborhoods, underprivileged populations, and marginalized minorities. Our choice can easily be justified on the grounds that it represents the most common and often the most problematic activity of law enforcement in peace times all over the world. It is also where the control of the public order and the reproduction of the social order get the most confused, where the distance from professional norms is the most obvious, and where the indulgence of the authorities with respect to the deviance of their personnel is the highest. In sum, our decision to focus on this type of policing was not only guided by theoretical issues of possible comparisons and generalizations of our findings in various settings, but also by practical considerations with regard to its social relevance and political implications. These preliminaries being made, we can now address the two questions of the contribution of ethnography to the understanding of policing and of the benefits of studying policing for the practice of ethnography. What can we learn from an ethnography of policing? Under which conditions? With which limits? If we consider the two essential characters of ethnography, namely its reliance on observation and induction, we can infer two heuristic properties: first, observation confronts discursive propositions with actual facts, thus allowing for the unveiling of discrepancies between what is said and what is done, what is presumed to be and what really is; second, induction restrains preconceived ideas or preformed judgments, since it does not suppose hypotheses to test or questions to answer, but proceeds by progressive elaboration of knowledge through the emergence of meanings. To account for these two properties, let us call the former uncovering and the latter discovery. The first heuristic property—uncovering—is of course not specific to the study of policing. But it is particularly crucial in this case, since policing is an activity in which legal and normative constraints are important, whereas discretionary power is the rule in the street. This tension results in potential irregularity or deviance that officers are not inclined to mention in questionnaires or interviews but which do not escape observation. Of course, one can retort that the presence of the ethnographer constitutes a bias as the agents are on their guard, that it consequently reduces the chances of witnessing unorthodox practices, and that it allows for the presentation a portrait of law enforcement more flattering than it would be if the officers had been on their own. Surprisingly, however, all ethnographic accounts of policing reveal illegal and abnormal practices such as violent gestures, racist words, and unlawful acts in much greater quantity than one could have expected. There are two reasons for this: on the one hand, with time, relations of trust develop between observer and observed, and the officers’ control

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