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Writing History: A Guide for Students PDF

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WritiHnigs tory A GuifdoeS rt udents THIRDE DITION WilliKaeml leShteorr ey MillsCaoplsl ege \JNlVELRISBIRATRYY UNIVEROSFI TNYO RTII CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL New York Oxford OxfoUrndi verPsrietsys 2009 OxfordU niversPirteysI sn,c p.u,b lshiesw orktsh aftur hterO xfordU niversity's objectoifev xcee llceeni nr eseasrcchho,l arasnhdei dpu,c ation. Oxford NewY ork AucklanCda peT own Dare sS alaamH ongKo ng Karachi KualLau mpurM adridM elbourneM exicCoi tyN airobi NewD elhiS hanghaTia ipeTio ronto Witho fficiens ArgentiAnuas triBar aziClh ileC zechep ubRlci FrancGer eece GuatemalHau ngarIyt alJya panP olandP ortuagl Singapore SoutKho reaS witzerlTahnadi lanTdu rkeyU krainVei etnam Copyri©gh t1 99b6yt heP residaenndtF elloowfHs a rvaUrndi versity Copyri©gh 2t0 09b yO xforUdn iversPirteys Isn,c . PublisbhyeO dx fordU niversPirteysI sn,c . 198M adisAovne nuNee,w Y orkN,e wY ork1 0016 http://www.oup.com Oxfordi sa r egistterraedde moafrO kx fordU nievrsitPyr ess Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotft hipsub lciationm ayb er eproduced, storienda r etriseyvsatle omrt, r ansmiitnta endyfo, r mo rb ya nym eans, electromneicch,a nipchaolt,o copyrieconrdgin,g or toheriwes , , withotuhtep ripoerr missosfOi xofonr dU niversPirteys s. Libraroyf C ongreCsasta loging-in-PuDbaltiac ation StoreWyi,l liKaeml leher. Writihnigs to:ry guai defo rs tude/n WtislliKaeml leShteorre y.- 3dr ed. p.c m. Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdei sn dex. ISBN9 78-0-19-5(3p3b7k:5a. 5l -kp6.a per1). isHort-yResearhc. 2.A cademic writin3g..H istoriogrIa.Tp ihtyl.e . D16.S826040 9 90.7--2 -dc22 2008005905 Printniunmgb e9r 8:7 6 52 1 4 3 Printientd h eU niteSdt atoefsA merica ona cid-frpeaep e� Contents � � Praecfei x Introd1u ction Chapte1 rG etting St3a rted l. A.F idn Hais otrciaClo niflct3 l. B.E xoprlYeo uIrtn ere4s ts lC.. FoucsY ouIrtn eerssEt arl4y l.DM.o vfreo ma H istorIitnceearsltt oa R esrecaTho ipc5 l. E.S atrwtih t Gae nerSaelra ch tohnIe tn erne6t l.FS.c urtiiznteh Seea rcRhe stusl6 l.GG.e t Qau iFcrkis Itmp ersison9 l.HC.r iatlcAlsy seSsorsuc eosnt hIetn erne1t0 1.1F.o llUopwo nt hIen iSteiaarlch 1 2 l. .J SeracPhr eselDeactataseboedns t hIetn erne1t3 l.KU.s Per iSnotu rtcoBe esg aiP nor ejct1 6 LL TheA H..A.G uide 17 lM.. Spekw aiht Labi riaarn1 8 l. N. Wheni nD obutS,p aekw ihtY ouPrr eosfso1r9 1.0A.p proYaocuhTr o ipcfr oma P artriA cnuglla1e 9 LP.G o toL bitrhaaeryn Ddo SoBmaec kgrRoeuanddi 2n0g l.QB.r owfosre MoSroeu rc2e1s l. R.F oramH yptohseis2 1 l. S.C rfta Par poosa2l2 l. T.W riea tnA nntoatBeidb glriaoph2y3 1U.. TaltkoP eoepA lbouYto uTro ipc2 4 l.VI.Yf o uH avet oA bandaoT nop iDco,I t Ea2r4l y v vi CONTENTS Chapt2e rI ntreprteinSgo urMcaete ria2l5s 2A.. WokrS ytsemiactya·l2 l5 2B.. DiisntigsuPhr iymS aourrcfreosmS econydW aorrks2 6 2C.. RefiYnoeuH ry postsihw eihtW hoW,h a,tW hy, Wher,ea nWdh en2 7 2D.. BeS eniistvteoP oitnos fV ieiwnY ouSrou rce2s9 2.ES.e lettc hMeo sItmp ortSaounrtcM ea ter3ia0l s 2.FT.a kNeot ebsyB einSgel ect3iv1e Chapte3r WritiHnigs toFrayi thfu3l3l y 3.AC.o llaencRdte p orYto uSro cuerCsa ruelyfl 33 3B.. IcnorpotrhaIeted eao sfO thsew ritCha raen d Respe3c4t 3C.. SummariaznedP arapFhariars3le y 5 3..D QuOoctceia osnal3l6y 3E.. UsEel plsieasn Bdr ac,kb euDttso J suctei Ytoou r Soucres3 8 3F.. LeaHrno wt oU sQeu ottiaoMnar ks4 0 3G.. Don'Ptl agia4r1i ze 3H.. BeH oensbtu,Dt o 'nGtiv eU nnecyeC sisttaoiarns4 4 31.. ChooasC eia ttiSoytnse Tmh aSt uiYtosuA rud ien4c4e Chapetr U4s eS ourcteosM akIen fere5n3c es 4.AB.e T ruteoR ecoigznFeadc t5s4 4.BT.r ansfoFartcmsi ntEvodi enc5e4 4.CC.h ecYko uFra ct5s5 4..D Chcekt hIen teCrnoanlis esntcoyfP rmiayrS ourc5e 5s 4.EC.h ecPkr imSaoruyr Acgeassit En ach Ot5h6e r 4.FC.o mpaPrreia mryS ourwciehtS se coynW doakrrs 56 4.GC.o nudcItn tvieerwSsy stiecmaalt5l7y 4.HJ.xu atpoSsoeuc retsoM akeI fneernce5s9 41.. MakeI fenrenfrcoemsM aterSioaculer s6 1 4J.. Movfreo mI fnerentcoAe rgsu ment6s2 4.KM.a keR easonlaeIb nferefrnocme sY Soour:urser 63 4.LM.a keI fneerncTehsa Atr eW arrant6e3d 4.MA.v oiUdnw arranCtoemdp ari6s6o ns 4..N AvoiAdn acohnrisItfenirce nc6e6s Contents vii Chaeprt5 GetW riting6!9 5.AC.o nisdNearra rtiavneAdsn alssyi 69 5.BC.r eaatD era Ofutt loifn eAa nna lyEtsiysc aa7l0 5.CC.re ataDe r aOfutt loifanN earr atiEvssea y7 0 5.DC.o mpleYtoeuA rn ayltiOcuatilln e7 1 5.EC.o mlpeYtoeu Nrar riavtOeu tilne7 2 5.FC.h oosaeF rmaewkof roYro uErs sa7y3 Chaeprt6 Builadn A rgument7 5 6.AS.t ratt oW riatF ei rDsrta ft7 5 6B.. GrabY ouRre adAetrt'esn btuito nID,Gto e n tl7y6 6.CS.a ttYeo uIrn tellIenectertssuEt aalr l7y7 6.DB.u iYlodu r wEsihstG aoyo Pda argrap7h8s 6.ED.e fiYnoeuK re Tye rmEsa rl8y0 6.FS.e atn A pporpriaTtoen e8 1 6.GT.r eOatth Werri stw eihrtC onseirdati8o3n 6H.. AccoufonrCt ou ntaegrrumesn 8t4 6.lL.ea dY ouRre daesrt oa nI netreisnCgto nlucison8 6 Chaeprt7 NarratTievceh niqufeosrH istoria8n9s 7A.. Wrie tNaar artitvoTe el alS otyr 89 7. B.W riatN ear artitvoSe u ppaonrA trg umen9t0 7. C.C omibnCeh rnoolowgiytC ha suaiton9 0 7..D GeatS enosfCe h anagneCd o ntin9u1i ty 7. E.S eltehcKete yP airictpaintnYs o uSrot ry9 2 7F.. FinYdo uOrw nV oiacseaN ararto9r2 7G..C hooYsoeuO rw nB eigninnagn Edn d9 3 Chaeprt8 WritiSnegn tenicneH si stor9y5 8.AC.h ooVseebr sT haAtr eP ericse9 5 8B.. MakeP aisvsen tSeenAccetsi v9e6 8.CW.r iei tnt hPea sTte ns9e6 8D.. AvoSipdl Iifnitn vietsiY oIuf C9a7n 8.EP.u Vte brsi nY ouSre nten9c7e s 8.FP.u Yto uIrd sei ana nI netlgliibOlrdee r9 8 8..G BegaiS ne enntcoenC ommoGnro unadn Gdr adullay BuialN dew Poin9t9 viii CONTENTS 8.HTh.e Emphiass Coamtte hse E1n00d 81.. ConstPrauarcltlF eolrfo mrsE mhpaiss1 00 8J.. Fortmh Peo essssCiovrer ec1t01l y 8K.. BretahkRe u leYso uMI ufs t1 20 Chapte9r ChoosPer eciWsoer ds 103 9.AB.e C onicse1 30 9.BW.r ieit nL anguTahgaYeto uAru idenCcaen Undernsdt 1a40 9. C.A v oiPdrt eentsLi aonugua1g60e 9. D.A v oiCdo lqluoiLaaln aggue1 60 9.EB.e S esnivteti o Ptohilect soi fD iicotn1 60 9.FB.e S enisitvteoG endre�pSeciicLf angua1g70e 9.GA.v oiEdu pehmism1s7 0 9.HC.h ooFsieg urLaatnigvueCa agree ful1l80 y 91.. UseM etaphaonrSdsmi ilJeduscii ous1l80y 9J.. UsCeo lobruA,tv oiCdlc ihes 190 9..K UsFeo irgeWno rdTsha tA rFea imilatroY our Auidenc1e90 9. L.C hecfokrTh esCeo mmoDni icotPnr olbems10 1 Chapetr1 0 RevisianngdE ditin1g1 5 1.0AG.e tSo mPee resciptvoen Y ouDrr aft1 51 1.0BW.o rwki ht Pae eErdit or1 61 1O .CR.ev iYsoeu Drr af1t71 10.EDv.a luYaotuOerw nA rguentanNd arrati1v71e s m s 1.0EE.v aluYaotuSere nteanncWdeo sr Cdh oic1e81s 10.FP.r oofrtehaFedi nDarla ft1 81 1.0GK.e etph Reu leMs inid,bn u Etn ojyY ouWrr iitng1 91 Note1s2 1 Index 152 Preface � � Thibso oikn trotdhucech easl loefn gwegrsh i itosir.tnyI tco ntains tecihclnaa dvci,eb uti smio tr teh ajnsu tas ytlmea unailst;h ows howh iosirtansse lteociptc,a s nalsyorzucese a,n db udia lrugmen.t s Ins hoirtt ,pi rcsa tiagc uailfod reb eginhnsiiotnrgi. a ns WritHiinsrgtyh o adi tosr igiinn sHt ahrev aWrrdii tnPgr eocjat , collabtoirevaffeo brett wHeaernv a'rEsdp oisotryW ritPirnogg ram x anodt hdepera mretnttosi mprouvnedr egdruaawtriet iBnetgw.e en 199a5n1 d 997w,hi lIwe a tse acwhriiningtcg o urastHe arsav r,md y chaNianrc,Sy o memr,ps ut imnce o ntwaihctp tr eossfofrrosm t he HitsoyrD epratmneta ndt hHei tsoyro fS cienDceep artwmheon t werree foirnmtgh wea ysw hiicnth h ier rdtempeatnatusgw hrti ting. Asw Io rkweihdtfa cluytm embe,re sspecwiihatM lalrykK silhansky anMda rkM adsioni,bt e cacmlere t ahabtot hs tudaenntdas c t­he erwso ublende iffrto m sah ogruti. d weIro ttew boo olkeftosHr a r­ va,ra dnda sI c riculdartaetftdosfr idesna ndc olglueeaasto ther unisvietrIib eesg,ta onr ealtihzatethe ew raasw died emnadf oar guidteow riinthgi osyrt. Whilweo riknogn t hferi setd itpiuoibnsl,h ien1d 9 99I,b en­e ftiefrdo mt haed ivc,ce ommnetasn,cd ir ticoifTs omnEy ng liJsmih , Goomda,nG odronH arv,eM yaurHae nryB,i Klilbr yM,a rkK ish­ lnasyk,S uns LaiveMlarykM, a dsio,nE vereMtetdn elso,hN nancy Somme,rM saryT erlra,an lJdn o Zmimerm.aS nnicet hatti mIe , havbee etnec ahiwnight the bMoioslkal pCasot l l,ew gheermey studaenncdto sl glueehasa vmea daen umboefsr u egsgitonfsoir m ­ prvoeme.Tn htes ecoenddoi ntp,iub lshiedi n2 00i4n,cp oorrated importraeinvisto ,ni sncluedpxianngds eedic otnosnp lgairsaimi,n ­ teirevwitnoigpcs, e lecatnitdoh unes, oe ft hIen etrneitnh iosrtical rescehaI.rnp rerpigant hsece onedd itIiw oanhs,e lpbeysd e veral ix x PREFACE anonyumsro eivew,ea rsws elalsJ na BetatChrisLtuzitE,n lel en _ y, Srtou,ad n,do ncaeag iMna,r kK sihnlsa.k y Inr eceynesta rbietc acmlee tahartt hsee coendidt idodinn ot gofa re nouigneh m brianctgeh I tnrneeta sat oolfo rh siticoarrl,e saer.c htIhnte hi dre diiotInh avaed dmeodr mea teornih aolwt o conudcrtse aercohnt hIetn rneetI.h avael sraoer rantghfeerid s t chpate"rGe,tt ignS taerdtt,ot akieno ta ccoutnhte wianwy hcsih " hitsorsyt udbeengttishn ie rre asrecphore jcsto niln.e mIa doet her chaensgt,o, oi nclurdeicnognm dmieaotnfosr h itsoyrs tudents on how bteoc obmeet pteeerer di toTrhseb. o ohka bse erne fortmtaed asw ellt,o m akieet a stioue srae sa r eefrenIcr eei.cv eeedx ceenltl adivcaeb omuatk itnhge csheag ensfr omfv iea nonymroveeuiwse rs and fraolmsm oye doirt, nBW rhieael. One thingc hhaanssgn eicndteo h tfe ri setd iiotIns .t wisilhlt o acknloewdtghese i pxe opleh awvdheoo n teh meo sttoe ncourage met ol aerhno wt ow rihtiteso rTyheayr mey t aechse,Pr hipl i . CutriRno,ib nK islo,na nSdc otRtoyy cmeyp; a ern,tB sialnlMd a ry Soterya;n mdy w fei,J aonnMail lSetreo yr. WritiHnigs tory

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