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Writing for Scholarly Publication PDF

204 Pages·1998·27.554 MB·English
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• • • • . ,• Anne Sigismund Huff . . Writing Scholarly far Publication Anne Sigismund Huff SAGE Publications J111e111111io11al Educa1jonal ,111d Professio11a/ Publisher ·rhousand Oaks London New Delhi Copyright © 1999 by Sage Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in \vriting from the publisher. For infon11atio11: SAGE Publications, Inc. s 2455 Teller Road ThousandOaks, California 91320 E-mail: order@sagepub.com SAGE Publications Ltd. 6 Bonhill Stree London EC2A 4PU United Kingdom SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. M-32 Market Greater Kailash I Ne\v Delhi 110 048 India Printed in the United States of America Library of Co11gress C11t11/oging-i11-P11blicatio11 Dal a Huff, Anne Sigismund. Writing for scholarly publication I by Anne Sigismund Huff. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ). ISBN 0-7619-1804-3 (cloth: acid-free paper) ISBN 0-7619-1805-1 (pbk.: acid-free paper) 1. Authorship. 2. Acaden1ic v,rriting. 3. Scholarly publishing. I. Title. PN146 .H84 1998 808'.02-ddc21 98-25425 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Acquiring Editor: Marquita Flemming Editorial Assistant: 1'1ary Ann Vail Prod11ctio11 Editor: Astrid Virding Production A»1Sta11t: Nevair Kabakian Typesetter/Des1g11er: l\1arion Warren Cover Designer: Candice Harman To Betsy & David Both excellent ivriters. Contents Preface lX PART I Background 1 Chapter 1. Writing as Conversation 3 Chapter 2. Managing Scholarship 17 PART II Before Writing Begins: Choices That Make Publication More Likely 27 Chapter 3. Choosing a Topic 29 Chapter 4. Identifying Conversants 45 Chapter 5. Using Exemplars 55 fl>ART III Basic Components of Scholarly Writing 65 Chapter 6. Title and Abstract 67 Chapter 7. Making an Outline (Really!) 77 Chapter 8. Introduction and Conclusion 85 Chapter 9. Presentation 95 Chapter 10. Body of the Paper /First Full Draft 105 Chapter 11. Revision, Submission, Revision, and Publication 117 Appendix A: A Contrarian Conversation With Mary Jo Hatch 129 Appendix B: A Conversation on Writing in English by Nonnative Speakers With Jone Pearce 143 Appendix C: Reviewing Checklist 155 Kurt Heppard Appendix D: Exercise Summary /Semester Course Outline 161 Appendix E: Advice Summary 173 Annotated Bibliography 177 Kurt Heppard About the Author 185

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