WWrriittiinngg BBeehhaavviioorraall IInntteerrvveennttiioonn PPllaannss ffoorr AANNYY CChhiilldd WWhhoossee BBeehhaavviioorrss AArree IImmppeeddiinngg tthhee LLeeaarrnniinngg PPrroocceessss ffoorr TThheemmsseellvveess oorr OOtthheerrss.. Laura A. Riffel, Ph.D. AGENDA This Morning: Overview of PBS Overview of Functional Behavior Support Analyze Real Data Competing Pathways Form Writing a Behavioral Intervention Plan Tool for Making the Whole Process ABC easy Interventions and Applications Lunch- Most important agenda item ☺ insanity A new way of thinking What is Positive Behavioral about behavior Support? Broadens intervention from only one approach - reducing challenging behavior to….. Encompasses multiple approaches: changing systems, altering environments, teaching skills, and appreciating positive behavior